creepercraftsprites · 8 months
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Kanata Inori - Bunny Girl Edition
{Sprites created for @a-student-out-of-time}
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Call that doctor gossip~
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So it went well?
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"Well" is...putting it mildly.
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Kanata? Are you okay?
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Nagito, there's something I have to show you.
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Oh, alright! What is it?
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...I'm going to take off my clothes for you.
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No, no, I mean...it'll just make more sense if I show you. And I want to, because this is very important
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And I had to work up the nerve to even discuss it...
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Aww, Kanata...
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Okay. If you want me to see, please go ahead.
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Alright...h-here goes...
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I just took off enough to show him. It was the first time he'd ever seen me in my underwear, and...well...
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...You see? All this is from the accident.
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Does it hurt...?
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No. I'm healthy, but...it's hard to show people. I know that...they're really ugly.
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Please don't say that about yourself.
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...Nagito, you're so sweet, but...there's a giant gash in my belly. These are the marks from where I needed skin grafts. That doesn't...bother you...?
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*Nagito pulls her close and hugs her*
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I can feel your heartbeat. That's what matters.
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Kanata...you've been through so much in your life. To be honest, I was worried you'd go through even more when we started hanging out. My luck seems to do that to people...
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But you've persevered through all of it. No matter what happened, you tried your hardest and you came out on the other side, alive. You became a surgeon and helped thousands of people, including me.
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No matter what you may worry about, I'm glad that you're here. And I'm sure your family would tell you the same thing.
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So, please don't ever feel like you should be ashamed of what happened, for being here, or for being yourself.
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I'm glad that you finally felt comfortable enough for this. Thank you for trusting me.
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And also, for the record...I still think you're beautiful.
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And just like that, all my anxieties melted away.
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spyrkle4 · 9 months
ok so, quastion, ever since the idea of kanata/nagito was brought up in lmit ive been lowkey curious abt how it happened (and to a lesser extent how the other couples got together as well).
oooh boy glad you asked n.n
(I'm not sure which couples you're referencing there, my brain is fried today so I'm just gonna talk about kanata and nagito sorry n.n;)
So I took inspiration from A Student Out Of Time for this one (which is where I got into this rarepair) but here's their origin story in LMIT:
Nagito met Kanata when he was getting treatment for his ailments at the hospital she worked at (during I'd say his first year at Hope's Peak,) and Nagito being Nagito definitely praised her for being a talented prodigy in medicine at a young age and figured she'd get an Ultimate title one day which Kanata was a little Concerned about...
but they became friends since Nagito had to visit the hospital often and they shared interesting life stories and talked about books, and also became emotional support friends
There were feelings caught by the time Kanata got accepted into Hope's Peak and they dated for a little bit, but sadly it wasn't meant to last as nothing could stop the despair-pocalypse, and when Class 77 was going down into the despair rabbithole Nagito broke up with Kanata so she wouldn't be targeted by Junko or his now despairified classmates
Despite how things turned out both of them still have feelings for each other...
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//Through it all, I’ve also updated the ship chart ^^
The Cuddle Puddle- Hajime Hinata x Chiaki Nanami x Mikan Tsumiki x Hibiki Otonokoji x Sonia Nevermind x Gundham Tanaka x Hiyoko Saionji
Ruruka Ando x Sonosuke Izayoi
Nagito Komaeda x Kanata Inori
Hope Brigade- Makoto Naegi x Iroha Nijiue x Sayaka Maizono
Mahiru Koizumi x Honami Sato
Umeko Hayase x Setsuka Chiebukuro
Yuki Maeda x Kizuna Tomori
Tomoe Kimura x Eito Kobayashi
Yoruko Kabuya x Sora
Hotel Akane- Akane Taira x Ayame Hatano x Nikei Yomiuri
Akemi Nijiue x Rumi Shinabe
Kazuichi Souda x Chihiro Fujisaki x Ayumi Arima
Mikako Kurokawa x Rei Mekaru
Aiko Umesawa x Damian Miraz
Tsurugi Kinjo x Kouhei Sasaki
Kyoji Nakamura x Miaya Gekkougahara
Estu Deguchi x Mayumi Tamon
Hope Brigade x Tamami
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
Well it had to happen. What comes around with Nagito’s luck goes around.
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Well...why don't we take it easy first?
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We've got plenty of time, right?
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Y-Yes, you're right, hehe...
*The two of them cuddle together on Nagito's bed*
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*She rests her head on his chest* Mhmm~
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I love you.
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I love you too.
*Nagito turns on the first of many movies and enjoys the rest of the day with his fiance*
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
I think she looks cute!
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Thank you!
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Kanata, not that I don't like this, I'm just...why this exactly?
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*Kanata sits on his lap*
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Because...well...I feel safe with you. Do you remember what happened last year? When we were attacked on the street?
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How could I forget? They came this close to kidnapping you. If it weren't for Hinata and the others, I...I don't even want to think about what would've happened...
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It was awful, and I'm sorry it happened.
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Me too. I'm thankful you weren't seriously injured.
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But, you saved me, Nagito. You've been a good friend to me, a great conversationalist, a loving partner...
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Hey, you saved my life first. I just wanted to return the favor.
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I...lost a lot of people in my life. It feels like I pushed everyone left away. Sure, things are better now, but...the FTD is still there. My brain's still deteriorating, bit by bit. And I worry what that's going to mean for me down the line.
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There's nothing that could happen that I haven't already seen as a physician. I'm prepared for it.
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Yeah, hehe...you've seen me at my worst. You had to listen to all my speeches about hope and those old thoughts I had about talent.
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I guess...things feel a lot darker when you're on the verge of death. Not even that it's here, but that you know it's coming.
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And...you've promised you'll stay with me through all of that.
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And I mean it.
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It's something we have in common, after all. I was the lucky one in that car accident, but if it wasn't for my father, I wouldn't be here. It's not something I like thinking about.
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We're both here now. Together.
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Yeah. We are.
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
High heels aren't exactly easy to walk in...
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...Yeah, I can't really pull those off. I'm not used to walking with them and they're not good for your feet anyway.
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So why'd you wear them? Just to make you a bit taller?
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W-Wait, was that it? Hehehe, oops.
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You're lucky you're cute.
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
I’m almost terrified to ask where you got that bunny outfit from Kanata.
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Well, I had to use InCognito mode, for one. And I had to make sure to intercept it at the hospital, since there's no way I could have this mailed to my house.
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...Would you believe me if I said this was the most modest one I could find as well?
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Of the only other ones that would fit me, one had a plunging neckline and the other was, um...*ahem* lacking material in the rear.
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Too uncomfortable?
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No, I'm certain I could pull it off, I just didn't want you to pass out from the sight.
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...Well, someone's confident!
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
KANATA?! WITH A BUNNY SUIT?! My, my, my! Feeling bold today aren’t we, Miss Inori?
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I know it's pretty bold of me, but I wanted to surprise Nagito with this. Plus, don't I look cute?
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It really matches your eyes.
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
This is adorable, wonder what the outfit is...
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Yeah, I'm not really sure. She's never really talked much about dressing up before, but-
Kanata: Okay, I'm ready.
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Alright, let's see.
*The door opens*
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K-Kanata, you...
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So...do you like it?
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I am...respectfully appreciating.
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Hehe! I thought you'd like it. It's cute, isn't it?
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I'm such a lucky guy.
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You bet you are~
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And now we ca-AAAN-!
*She takes a step forward and immediately loses her footing, face-planting into the carpet*
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Whoa! A-Are you okay?
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...Not used to walking around in heels, huh?
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Ow... How do other people manage it?
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
omg i would die for you two
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Thank you so much!
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So, what did you wanna show me?
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Oh! Umm, well...let's see...
*She reaches into her bag*
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I got us some movies we could watch, some snacks, and plenty of chocolate!
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Sounds great!
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I also, umm...have an outfit I wanted to show you.
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Oh really?
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It's nothing too risque, I promise, just...not really something I could wear openly.
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But I think it's cute and I wanted to show you!
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Well, alright. You can change in my bathroom if you need to.
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Alright, I'll just be a moment.
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
Don't worry Kanata that growth spurt is coming, its just gonna be a few years away.
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Well, that's a relief. I just need to wait a bit longer.
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But, I guess it doesn't matter.
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You know what I can't wait for?
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The day I get to call you my wife.
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And I can't until I get to call you my husband~
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
Uh What happened Kanata?
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It's nothing bad, just...a little embarrassing.
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What's up?
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Yesterday, I was taking the morning bus to work, and the bus driver looked at me and you know what he said?
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"Sorry, little girl, this isn't the school bus." I'm sure he didn't mean it in a bad way, and he apologized when I showed him my medical ID, but still.
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Ah, yeah, I understand. It must be frustrating.
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More than you know. I've had to avoid being pulled away from accident scenes by police and paramedics because they assume I'm just a clueless little girl. And I...cannot stand it.
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I'm not a child. I'm almost an adult and I'm already a practicing junior surgeon. I just happen to be...below average in height.
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Yeah, exactly! You're already more accomplished than a lot of people our age.
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I do my very best.
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Maybe it's just...I dunno, perhaps I'm catastrophizing over nothing, but maybe it would help to hear it from you directly.
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You don't think of me as a child, do you? If I don't end up having a growth spurt at some point, it wouldn't bother you, would it?
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No, of course not.
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Kanata, you mean more to me than just your looks. A lot more. You're the reason I'm even still alive and I have a shot at living longer than I ever would've thought.
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I mean, you agreed to marry me, even though I've got a shorter lifespan, right?
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Of course, and I've never regretted that decision.
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So it's fine, okay?
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Short, tall, it doesn't matter to me. You're the girl I love more than anything.
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And also? I do think you're really beautiful.
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
Alright, alright. Enough about future unfunny memes for a sec. Anyways, what are you two lovebirds going to get into?
*The two of them head to Nagito's dorm*
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So, what'd you have for me?
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Are you okay? You seem a little nervous.
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Just a bit.
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What's up?
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Well...*sigh* Maybe it's not worrying about, but I wanted to ask you something.
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I mean, it's probably a silly thing to ask, considering we're engaged and everything, but...
*Nagito pats her on the side*
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Kanata, if something's on your mind, you can tell me.
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You...find me attractive, right?
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Of course I do.
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I don't just mean "cute," I mean...w-well...
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Something happened recently and it's been on my mind more than it probably should be.
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
Ah yes Lucky Surgeon times.
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Yep-yep! So, Nagito, do you have some time?
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I always have time for you.
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Hehe! Thank you. I also, umm...
*Kanata holds up a bag she's been carrying*
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I also have some things for you.
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Is it a present?
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You could say that, yes.
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a-student-out-of-time · 8 months
This is precious as fuck but I wanna see how these other ships are sailing
*Meanwhile, elsewhere in Hope's Peak*
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Hmmm...red or blue? Or would green be better?
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Wait...they have a pink valentine Dr. Hopper? What's that taste like?
*Nagito reaches into his pocket, only for the inside to rip and all his change to fall out and roll away*
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Ugh, what a bother. Alright, I'll-
*He follows one coin, which rolls down the sidewalk until it bumps against someone's shoe*
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Kanata, you're here!
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*He hugs her* It's so good to see you. Happy Valentine's Day!
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Hehe! Happy Valentine's Day!
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Sorry I've been so busy lately, with work and helping the Quantum Crew and all.
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Don't be, you're doing very important work out there.
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I know, but it's important to take some time off, and both the hospital and the rest of the team said it was alright.
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Which means we have all day today!
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