rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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National Christmas Lights Day
Creating a luminous wonderland that brightens the darkest season, celebrating with glimmering decorations that adorn the night.
The month of December is finally here and it’s time to get started on those holiday decorations. Of course, one of the most important parts of the festivities are the strings of lights, whether colorful or white, that can be strung about the trees, bushes, windows, light poles, rooflines and more. 
It’s time to light up the night during this festive season, and the first order of business is to celebrate National Christmas Lights Day!
History of National Christmas Lights Day
The background of electric lights used for Christmas decorations can be followed back to the late 1800s when lights were first strung together by a man named Edward H. Johnson. A partner and friend of Thomas Edison, Mr. Johnson handwired some lights together to combat the safety issues that were often encountered when people would use open-flamed candles to light their Christmas trees. 
By 1895, US President Grover Cleveland requested that the family tree in the White House be decorated with strings that included hundreds of Christmas lights. This set a trend and the idea of decorating with lights during the winter holiday season has become an important tradition. Some neighborhoods even hold contests or competitions to see who has the best decorated houses.
Join in on the fun and get into the spirit of the season by observing and enjoying National Christmas Lights Day!
How to Celebrate National Christmas Lights Day
Get involved with the festivities of the season and kick things off with the celebration of National Christmas Lights Day! Consider some of these fun activities to participate in the day:
Put Up Some Christmas Lights
This is the time to get truly festive by hanging those Christmas lights all throughout the house, in the front yard, back garden and various other places. National Christmas Lights Day is the unofficial time that everyone will be ready to welcome in the festive season with lights of red, green, blue and so many other delightful colors. It might even be fun to put up a small, battery powered string of lights around the desk at work or some people might even want to decorate their cars with Christmas lights (though check with local law enforcement first to see if it’s allowed) in celebration of the occasion!
Host a Christmas Lights Gathering
Get ahead of the game for the holiday parties and host a gathering of a few friends or family members in honor of National Christmas Lights Day. Have some folks over and make a party out of hanging up the lights, decorating the tree, and even baking and decorating some cookies that are representative of the season. Put on some Christmas music or play a favorite Christmas movie in the background. This could be a delightful way to celebrate the day with loved ones – and also get those lights hung at the same time.
Get Environmentally Friendly Christmas Lights
With the awareness that the use of energy can be a drain on the earth’s resources, celebrate this holiday season with a more earth-friendly take by purchasing lights that are better for the environment. Solar powered string lights can be a great option, especially for those who live in a sunnier portion of the world.
Another option is to be sure that any new lights purchased are LED rather than incandescent, because the LED lights use up about 80% less energy. In addition, be sure to get a timer box, which is just a simple contraption which lights can be plugged into to make sure they turn off at a reasonable hour, to avoid wasting energy by keeping them on all night long.
View Some Christmas Light Displays
It might be fun to take a little drive on this day to check out the previously mentioned neighborhoods where Christmas light displays are a big thing. Or, for folks who live in larger cities, it could be fun to take a walk and view the Christmas displays in the shop windows or light displays that are put on at local parks, museums or other outdoor spaces. Many cities with zoos will have a special light up festival for winter visitors to the zoo. Bundle up in warm clothes, pack some travel cups filled with hot chocolate and get ready to enjoy some amazing light-up displays on National Christmas Lights Day!
Watch the National Christmas Tree Lighting
One interesting event that is celebrated in the United States is the annual lighting of the national Christmas Tree at the White House in Washington, DC. The large evergreen tree, located on the northeast portion of the property, has a 100-year old tradition of being decorated as a Christmas tree. Typically, on either November 30 or December 1, the President and First Lady make a ceremony of the lighting of the tree. In honor of National Christmas Lights Day, it might be fun to watch the ceremony and get all the excitement from the event.
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eternal-echoes · 9 months
“As we listen to this Gospel passage, it is worth going a little deeper, not only to understand Jesus and Mary better, but also to learn from Mary the right way to pray. Mary does not really ask something of Jesus: she simply says to him: “They have no wine” (Jn 2:3). Weddings in the Holy Land were celebrated for a whole week; the entire town took part, and consequently much wine was consumed. Now the bride and groom find themselves in trouble, and Mary simply says this to Jesus. She doesn't ask for anything specific, much less that Jesus exercise his power, perform a miracle, produce wine. She simply hands the matter over to Jesus and leaves it to him to decide about what to do. In the simple words of the Mother of Jesus, then, we can see two things: on the one hand her affectionate concern for people, that maternal affection which makes her aware of the problems of others. We see her heartfelt goodness and her willingness to help. This is the Mother that generations of people have come here to Altötting to visit. To her we entrust our cares, our needs and our troubles. Her maternal readiness to help, in which we trust, appears here for the first time in the Holy Scriptures. But in addition to this first aspect, with which we are all familiar, there is another, which we could easily overlook: Mary leaves everything to the Lord's judgement. At Nazareth she gave over her will, immersing it in the will of God: “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word” (Lk 1:38). And this continues to be her fundamental attitude. This is how she teaches us to pray: not by seeking to assert before God our own will and our own desires, however important they may be, however reasonable they might appear to us, but rather to bring them before him and to let him decide what he intends to do. From Mary we learn graciousness and readiness to help, but we also learn humility and generosity in accepting God's will, in the confident conviction that, whatever it may be, it will be our, and my own, true good.”
- Pope Benedict XVI, Kapellplatz, Altötting, 11 September 2006
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ahmetbosluk · 3 years
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İSVİÇRE GEZİSİ; ÇOCUKLUĞUMUZDA HEİDİ NİN ŞEHRİ ALPLERİN ETEKLERİNDE DAĞLAR ARASINDA AYNA GİBİ DÖRT KANTON GÖLÜYLE KUSURSUZ ORTACAĞ RESİMLERİ GİBİ KASABA LUZERN DÖRT KANTON GÖLÜ VE REUSS NEHRİ ÜZERİNDEKİ 63.000 NUFUSLUK ORTAÇAĞDAN KALMA KÜÇÜK BİR ŞEHİR ŞEHRİN SEMBOLÜ KAPELLBRÜCKE KÖPRÜSÜ HARİKA ÜSTÜ KAPALI TARİHİ RESİM TABLOLARINA BAKMAYA DOYUMSUZ TARİHİ KÖPRÜ MÜTHİŞTİ LUZERN ALPLER MANZARALI TABLO GİBİ ZAMAN YETSE BİN YIL YAŞANACAK RÜYA ŞEHİR ÇİKOLATA VE AŞK KOKAN KENT ÖMRÜNDE BİRDEN FAZLA GÖRÜLMEYE DEĞER ŞEHİR...#luzern #lucerne #lucerne_switzerland ##lucerna #alpdağları #luzern🇨🇭 #isviçre #swiss #mutluinsanlar #wahlkreis #kapell #kapellbrücke #reuss #kapellplatz #isvicre #gezginposnoglu61 #gezgintrabzonsporlu #dogavearkeoloji #doğavearkeoloji61 #doğa #gezgintrabzonsporlu61 #gezginpoşnoğlu #gezgin #avrupa #ahmetbosluk (Lucerne Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI7lqhOL0qD/?igshid=83vf2m0ma6iw
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charlesreeza · 5 years
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Fritschibrunnen - This fountain in Luzern’s Kapellplatz is topped by a figure of the legendary Brother Fritschi who bequeathed money to the Safran guild to serve wine to the poor on Fasnacht, a pre-Lenten festival.
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teresaamucha · 3 years
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Scenes from Lucerne near Kapellplatz and the Courthouse. There must have recently been a wedding at the courthouse. You will see when you #swipeleft . . . . . . #lucerne #luzerne #door #fountain #sign #itmustbeasign #courthouse #travelart #traveltheworld #travelphotography #switzerland #swiss #townhall (at Lucerne Town Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNi_3tfBoUy/?igshid=1mo9xlhjvauay
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Kirchen und Kapellen - Kapellplatz Altötting / Churches and Chapels - Altötting
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experience-europe · 7 years
Der Altöttinger Weihnachtsmarkt
Romantisch ist der Christkindlmarkt in Altötting in Oberbayern. Er findet auf dem Kapellplatz im Stadtzentrum statt. Bummelt mit uns vorbei an den Marktständen, aus denen es herrlich duftet nach Weihrauch und kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten wie der Bosnawurst oder den süßen Sternthalern, einem Hefegebäck, das einen dahinschmelzen lässt. Und erfreut Euch an leuchtenden Kinderaugen, wenn sie der Nikolaus von der Bühne begrüßt, oder sie sich im glitzernden Karussell im Kreise drehen. Der Altöttinger Weihnachtsmarkt ist Weihnachtsvergnügen für die ganze Familie. 
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immoparadies · 5 years
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mydustcollector · 4 years
[瑞士] 琉森
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琉森是瑞士中部最大的城鎮,位於琉森湖西岸。 琉森本來是一個小漁村,後來當南方的道路開通之後,琉森逐漸發展成一個大都市。在宗教改革期間, 琉森有很長一段時間陷入了天主教跟新教間的政治和宗教糾紛。 自19世紀開始,琉森開始吸大量遊客前來觀光,旅遊業成為 琉森最重要的經濟基礎。 琉森每年都會舉辦為期一個月的古典音樂節,一個月內會舉辦上百場演奏會,也吸引了很多人前來。琉森的城區範圍不大,從車站出來之後步行就可以到達幾乎所有的景點。火車站跟購物區在Reuss 河的南岸,大部分的景點則在北岸,在走過漂亮的花橋之後就可以抵達。
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在Reuss河西側的則是斯普洛耶橋 (Spreuerbrücke)。它建於1408年。橋的屋頂有繪畫。畫作叫做Dance of Death,順序是從北岸開始最後講到耶穌基督戰勝死亡 。這座橋還可以近距離觀看19世紀的木製河流調節裝置。
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琉森歷史悠久的舊城區(Altstadt)坐落在Reuss 河離開琉森湖的轉折點。中世紀時舊城區北部被城牆圍繞,卡貝爾橋則防禦著河面,舊城區的佈局大致上有保存下來,目前還可以看到許多古典的歷史建築。
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市政廳 (Rathaus Stadt )是16世紀文藝復興時期的建築。原本這裡也是14世紀時的市政廳,不過目前只剩一棟塔樓。
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教堂廣場 (Kapellplatz )噴泉上是Luzern的著名人物- Fritschi ,傳說他幫助瑞士聯邦擊敗了哈布斯堡王朝。戰勝紀念日的慶祝活動如今跟狂歡節是同一天。
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Tuba Day
Underappreciated and often mocked, the tuba provides an essential role as bass in a wind or marching band, so dust off your tuba or go see a professional.
Do you all recall the least loved member of any marching band? That one sound that seemed to add so little to the overall musical experience that’s provided on the field?
No, we’re not talking about the drummers, though we can’t blame you for making that assumption. This is also marching band, not a rock band, so the bassist is ALSO the wrong answer, thanks for playing. We’re talking about the powerful “oompah” instrument that is the Tuba, and International Tuba Day celebrates the depth and diversity of sound that this beautiful brass wind is capable of producing.
So whether you know a Tuba Player, or are one today, International Tuba Day celebrates your underappreciated contribution to the arts.
History of International Tuba Day
These amazing performers really are underappreciated, and International Tuba Day gives recognition to them and all the struggles they face in the pursuit of their art. What struggles you say? Well, let’s start with the image that the world puts forth, the big heavy man with the big heavy instrument puffing away on it with cheeks like bellows.
That’s typically the first vision, and it often underscores the sheer lung capacity necessary for playing such a bombastic instrument. They’re also seen as having little to no personality, which is just utterly untrue! Playing such a lumbering instrument requires a significant amount of personality to make the performance bright and interesting!
Thankfully, we have a champion to come forth and help turn this image around. Joel Day first established this holiday in 1979 while part of the Lower Merion High School Band.
He and his fellow tuba player realized that their instruments simply failed to receive the respect and recognition they deserved. Little did he know that his efforts would result in a worldwide explosion of Tuba enthusiasm, with music being collected and performed that exalted the Tuba’s range and interest.
How to celebrate International Tuba Day
Well first off, if you’re a Tuba player, dust off that instrument and give the world a taste of what it’s been missing. The grand and powerful voice of the Tuba is amazing, and in the hands of a skilled player can definitely add a broad range of personality to any performance.
It’s deep, throaty, and not to be denied. You may be able to drown out the flutes and saxophones and violins, but the Tuba will pound right through the sound and make you feel it in your bones. International Tuba Day is your opportunity to remind the world what a Tuba player can do.
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eternal-echoes · 9 months
“Jesus never acts completely alone, and never for the sake of pleasing others. The Father is always the starting-point of his actions, and this is what unites him to Mary, because she wished to make her request in this same unity of will with the Father. And so, surprisingly, after hearing Jesus' answer, which apparently refuses her request, she can simply say to the servants: “Do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2:5). Jesus is not a wonder-worker, he does not play games with his power in what is, after all, a private affair. No, he gives a sign, in which he proclaims his hour, the hour of the wedding-feast, the hour of union between God and man. He does not merely “make” wine, but transforms the human wedding-feast into an image of the divine wedding-feast, to which the Father invites us through the Son and in which he gives us every good thing, represented by the abundance of wine. The wedding-feast becomes an image of that moment when Jesus pushed love to the utmost, let his body be rent and thus gave himself to us for ever, having become completely one with us - a marriage between God and man. The hour of the Cross, the hour which is the source of the Sacrament, in which he gives himself really to us in flesh and blood, puts his Body into our hands and our hearts, this is the hour of the wedding feast. Thus a momentary need is resolved in a truly divine manner and the initial request is superabundantly granted. Jesus' hour has not yet arrived, but in the sign of the water changed into wine, in the sign of the festive gift, he even now anticipates that hour.”
- Pope Benedict XVI, Kapellplatz, Altötting, 11 September 2006
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ihz--us · 4 years
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traveltourstrips · 4 years
New Post has been published on Lutars Turizm
New Post has been published on https://www.lutarsturizm.com/lucerne-gece-bekcisi-ile-1-saatlik-tarihi-tur.html
Lucerne: Gece Bekçisi ile 1 Saatlik Tarihi Tur
Rehberiniz olarak bir gece bekçisi olan bu 1 saatlik turla Lucerne tarihine dalın. Şehir ve manzaraları hakkında ilginç gerçekleri öğrenin ve ortaçağ Lucerne’ye heyecan verici bir yolculuk yaşayın.
Lucerne: Gece Bekçisi ile 1 Saatlik Tarihi Tur
Öne çıkanlar
Lucerne ve yerler hakkında ilginç gerçekleri öğrenmek
Ortaçağ Lucerne keşfedin hayat
Savaşın İsviçreli sanat ve paralı hakkında ilginç hikayeler dinlemek
Ortaçağ’da hukuk ve düzenin hakkında bilinmesi gerekenler
Eski ve yeni medya yardımı ile heyecan verici ve bilgilendirici bir tur yaşayın
Akıllı telefonunuzda çevrimiçi görüntü belgelerine izleyin
Tam açıklama
Bir gece bekçisi olan bu tur Lucerne tarihsel kenti keşfedin. Şapel Köprüsü ile nehrin sağ kıyısında Tur başlamak. gece bekçisi çağrısı ardından yangın boynuz, dinleyin.
Lucerne geçmişten hayatının, Diebold Schilling Lucerne Chronicle, parlak gravür Martin Martini, Taşçı ustaları Hans von Trient ve rakibi Luzius Ritter, yanı sıra diğer kişilikleri hakkında gece bekçisi heyecan verici hikayeleri dinleyin.
tur başında size 1597. Discover Kapellplatz dan Martini tarafından şehir haritası üzerinde rota ve konumlar bakabilirsiniz ve Kornmarkt için Furrengasse boyunca yürüyün. Burada belediye binasının duvarında Luzerner Elle ve Luzerner Fuß hayran olabilir.
dressmakers lonca evi tarafından 1833 Stop yangın gecesini hatırlıyor ve Lucerne Cinayet gecesi efsanesi hakkında tüm ö��renmek Brandgässli boyunca devam etmeden önce Reiden devi hikayesini dinleyin.
Birkaç adım daha ileri gece bekçisi yakın savaş İsviçre sanatına getiriyor şarap pazarı vardır. boyunduruk ve banka kez durdu ıhlamur ağacı, bakınız, ve mahkeme kararına, yasal ihlalleri ve sorgulama teknikleri hakkında bilgi dinleyin.
Zaman izin veriyorsa, sen Zöpfli eski şehirdeki nehir üzerinde en güzel yerlerden biri durdurabilirsiniz. Rota sonra ortaçağ Alte Suidtersche Apotheke nefes kesen ekran penceresindeki ilk Darphane geçmiş, Reuss Köprüsü üzerinde devam eder.
Ritter Sarayı ve Hans von Trient ve rakibi Lux Ritter hikayesini devam edin. Jakob von Wal ölüm dansı izlemek ve başlangıç ​​noktasına geri Şapel Köprüsü nehir yukarı dolaşmak.
Neler dahil?
Bir gece bekçisi ile Kılavuzlu Tur
Hariç olanlar
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alltagsvlog · 5 years
Dies ist übrigens eine generierte Seite. Zum original Blog geht es hier. #Motovlog #Aprilia #Pegaso650 Ihr habt mich ja dazu ermutigt, öfter mal so einen reinen Motovlog zu machen. Hier, bitteschön. Im ersten reinen Motovlog geht es von Ampfing über MÜhldorf die alte B12 entlang nach Altötting. Dort besuchen wir dann auch die Gnadenkapelle auf dem Kapellplatz. Unterwegs mach ich mir ein paar unsinnige Gedanken zu Motorradhelmen, quasle über meinen Steingarten und hoffe innigst, dass mich der Regen nicht erwischt. _ Musik: Findet ihr auf Epidemic Sound _ Meine derzeitige Ausrüstung: Kameras: - Sony A7II - Canon 70D - DJI Osmo Pocket - GoPro Hero 5 - apeman 4K A77 ActionCam - iPhone X - LG V30 Objektive: - Sony 28-70mm 3.5 FE - Sigma 24mm 1.4 FE (Sony E-Mount) - Canon 50mm 1.8 - Canon 18-105mm 3.5 Zubehör - Zhiyun Smooth Q - Rode Video Micro - K&F Concept M8 Lavalier - Neewer Daylight Softbox - Neewer Quickrelase Plates Weitere Hardware: - DJI Mavic Pro - DJI Spark Fly More Combo - Macbook Pro 13' (2017) - Final Cut Pro X - Motion 5 Weitere Kanäle von mir: JDDD - JD's Dititaler Dachboden (Programmieren lernen) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO98bKmRsVFboOEJ9lQeMgg _ Musik: i.a.R.: Epidemic Sound Den Alltagsvlog als App für iOS & Android: Übrigens - Den Alltagsvlog gibt es auch als eigenständige App für iOS und Android Geräte in den jeweiligen Stores: Apple AppStore: https://apple.co/2SiRuwa Google PlayStore: http://bit.ly/2Ab1bFY Was die App an Mehrwert bringt? - Außer Push Notifications: Keinen! Aber hey, wenn ein AppEntwickler @ Home sitzt und sich grade langweilt, dann fällt halt sowas bei raus :) ************************************************* Falls Dir dieses Video gefallen hat, dann keine Scheue - drück doch einfach den Like-Button. Das ist für Dich kostenlos - und für mich "Gold wert" wenn es um Motivation geht, auch zukünftig solche Videos zu veröffentlichen. Du möchtest informiert werden wenn sich wieder eines meiner Videos den Weg auf den YouTube Server gebahnt hat? - Dann klick Dir ein Abo. Auch letzteres ist völlig kostenlos und würde mir sehr viel bedeuten!
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donald-punk · 7 years
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Den Arbeitstag mal entspannt beginnen ;-) (hier: Kapellplatz)
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catapti · 7 years
"Leistungsschau der Abteien und Klöster" am Kapellplatz
Blumen und Kräuter aus dem Kloster Gars am Inn gehören seit Anbeginn des Klostermarktes zum Angebot. Und der großflächige ... from Google Alert – Kloster http://ift.tt/2usPdWR via IFTTT
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