tikitania · 3 months
Am I the only one struggling to see what people see in Karamysheva to the point that they think she'll surely be a first soloist in the future...? I think she's very cute and I know people have liked her and Anna Sharova since they were first-years at Vaganova, but after seeing her solo role performances at the Mariinsky (the ones that she posted herself, so we can presume that's her pretty close to her best), I'm seeing a lot of uncomfortable bobbles on relatively simple steps. I know she's very young but many of her mistakes are surprisingly basic. I don't think she's bad or undeserving by any means, but even if she improves vastly in the next 10 years, I don't see how she could get to principal roles (that would come with being a first soloist) while she's still here struggling on the bridesmaid (paquita) variation in DQ.
I haven’t watched a lot of Karamysheva’s performances…maybe saw a snippet in Prince’s friends & an odslisque — and she looked charming. I could see the stage presence. It’s too early to say with her.
Also, it’s criminal that Savalieva is not yet an even a coryphee. She’s been dancing so beautifully lately. Give this girl some more featured roles!!!
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ballet-symphonie · 2 years
(I'm back? Maybe?)
omg do you agree with the freaking result of Moscow IBC 2022? Sminorva 2nd??? seriously cmon... also the juniors, im pretty weirded out, but Maria Koshkareva definitely deserved Prize I!
Smirnova in 2nd is absolute garbage, I'm sorry. I have nothing else to say.
Koshkareva in first is entirely logical but I'm not sure if I agree with the rest of the results below her, especially because the final round was supposed to be weighted more. And basically, everyone was a hot mess in round 3 because no one could get through the Girgorovich repertoire. Valiullina danced a variation that did her absolutely no favors and she was falling out of turns left and right, the same can be said for Yeonjoo Jung and Karamysheva. And for crying out loud, Kuprina fell on her face!
I'd give the 2nd prize to Kamila Sultangareeva who really upped her game in the 3rd round by showing 2 diverse variations executed incredibly well. And I think I would have put Alicia Pak above everyone else for 3rd, yes she's young but she has a dynamic quality of movement, a natural jump and danced two Grigorovich pieces beautifully in the 3rd round.
But then decisions like I made lead to questions about how you judge the competition to begin with, are you judging by who dances the best on that night? By who has the most potential? Best body type? Most powerful school/teacher/connections? That's a whole separate topic and the results change drastically based on how you judge.
I also think the boys results below first place are a bit iffy as well and a pretty decent indication of competitors' schools influencing the results. I think I would have had Siheon Jeong higher than all of the VBA boys.
Masha Koshakaryova won Gold in the juniors, Anastasia Smirnova won silver medal bc judges decided to not award gold? Which like...I really really dislike when competitions do that. She did do a great Carmen and Odile variation though. I would be very happy to see her debut either one (idk if Mikailovsky even does Carmen though)
I also disagree with them not awarding medals. Competitions should be judged based on who competes, not based on some imaginary standard. If you're the best out of who shows up, then you should win first place, no questions asks. I can understand reserving the Grand Prix for truly outstanding talent, but the rest of the prizes should be given out in full. Dancers need the money!!!!
I don't think MK has a Carmen production? (Happy to be corrected here) and I want to see her in O/O eventually....but not before she matures a bit more in her adagio dancing.
Hey Ale! Is there any chance of some of the competitors in IBC to join in the BT? Such as Smirnova for example...
I mean anything is possible, who knows. Vaziev and Grigorovich will decide. Stylistically, I think she could do very well under the BT of 10-15 years ago, but with what style of dancers are currently being favored...I'm not sure we'd see a ton of her there. She could mold herself into what I think of as the 'classic BT' style, but there's not a lot of that left in the theatre currently.
But honestly, for Smirnova, I'm not sure how many people are on her side at this point. She's caused a lot of tensions jumping back and forth between MK and MT, it makes her look like a 'risky' dancer to have in a company and there is plenty of speculation going around that her switching companies damaged her relationships with influential people on the jury and cost her the gold.
I really don't understand, Anastasia Smirnova has the technique, stage presence, star quality, and performed her solos outstandingly yet isn't awarded first place and ties for second? What do they have against her?
As I said above, her company switches have likely given them something to hold against her. Some might not love her style but I think it's very hard to objectively disregard the stability and elevation of her technical feats and her overwhelming charisma.
omg russian audience are talking.... valiullina taking bad rep about her ibc performance. idk she's a bit well known since she was a child, too much expectations on her shoulders. people are quick to judge.
The forums (and people online in general) love to talk trash. Some people aren't always the best dancers in a competition setting. You've really got to have ice in your veins to go out there and give your best performance on strong legs. This competition was by far the biggest stakes performance she's ever taken and she didn't quite rise to the occasion. She's also got a TON on her plate right now (so does everyone at VBA but everyone handles pressure differently. The 'sink or swim' method isn't for everyone, maybe it would have been better for her to compete in a duet or even as a not competing partner but who knows, what if's are useless.
very bold of valiullina to dance odile and raymonda in front of yuri grigorovich himself. 😳😭 i think she got nervous, her routines werent the prettiest, but ok, well done, it's over.
She got through it, that's about all there is to say. What's really unfortunate is that she never seemed to shake the nerves that were there from the first round. Instead the opposite happened and her stability completely disappeared by the final round, she stepped on stage and I felt like she had very little confidence in her own abilities.
I know gamzatti is hard, so is odile, and esp raymonda.... and sofia's performance... did not look so great.... it was all over the place. A for effort I guess, i think shes young and extremely nervous., and small preparation time bec of grad concert. I do hope she'll strive to improve, and better performances in the future. Koshkaryova's pretty impressive, i especially enjoyed her contemporary, Maestro. I think she'll win.
See above for Sofia
I think her contemporary is a bit tacky and cheesy but so is most of the choreography that was made for this competition. It shows her skills well and that's what's important.
Regardless of the results at Moscow IBC, Illuishkina has grown so much as a dancer in these past few years. She’s so confident now and her turns are so much better.
100% agree and her prize is totally deserved. She's improved tremendously this year, first the showstopping Nikiya and now this!!
Why do the jury members always look so grumpy and have such bad posture lol? If I was a dancer I would be terrified to see them like that in the audience.
Not me about to defend a bunch of old white men....but sitting there watching for like 3+ hours straight and about 6-7 hours a day and having to write so much so quickly isn't exactly pleasant. It gets old, really fast. They're all old dancers and have bad backs....give their posture a break ahaha. But luckily, the dancers most likely can't see them clearly. With the harsh stage lights contrasting with the dark house, it's very difficult to pick out anything more detailed than lumps of people. They certainly can't see all of Tsiskaridze's eye rolls or Fayteyev putting his head in his hands.
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balletomaneblog · 11 months
Update on Mariinsky Joiners!
Mariinsky has added new dancers to their website! So far, the Vaganova graduates who have joined the Mariinsky are:
Angelina Karamysheva
Daria Kulikova
Ksenia Potapova
Ekaterina Saplina
Usually, any foreign Vaganova graduates take longer for the Mariinsky to add to their website, likely because of Visa complications. So there may also be international dancers joining. I will update more when I know for sure.
They have added some boys to the website!
Nicholas Didenko
Dmitry Mukhametshin
Daler Ruzimatov
We also know that international students Jaden Grimm and Luca Dobos are joining as well.
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patricedumonde · 7 months
Happy World Ballet Day!
Here’s Angelina dancing the peasant pas de deux variation from Giselle. Perfect until the last turn but she still did a marvelous job!
Def reminds me of Evgenia Obraztsova 💕 Looks and temperament!
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essayly · 1 year
Mutations: Characteristics, Types, and Role in Natural Selection
Mutations: Characteristics, Types, and Role in Natural Selection
Introduction A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence caused by errors in DNA copying during replication contact with ionizing radiation, mutagens, or viral infection. Cancer is a good example of a germline mutation that may be handed down from parents to offspring (Karamysheva et al., 2020). Somatic mutations arise in body cells; therefore, they are not passed down to offspring, such as human…
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melmothblog · 7 years
Ask Responses - Vaganova
A compilation of responses to the Vaganova questions, which came through ask recently. Thank you for asking.
Hello! I saw the show Blue Bird where Anna Sharova and Angelina Karamysheva dance together. I find both of them are very promising dancers! After their performance they proceed to the couch where the lady who hosts the show seems to ask them something and their responses seem to make the judges laugh/amused throughout that conversation. I was wondering if you could kindly translate what they said in the conversation on the couch. Thank you so much in advance!
The hosts asks if it’s true that Tsiskaridze keeps tabs on what sorts of books the students are reading. The girls respond that it’s true, though Nikolai hasn’t actually checked up on either one of them yet. Tsiskaridze interjects to say that he only checks up on the students who are failing.
The hosts then asks what was it like to dance at the Mariinsky, and the girls respond that it’s a great responsibility and that they tried very hard to do their teachers and the academy justice. Both girls also say that they are never fully happy with their performances, though they always do their best.
They go on to talk about how well Anna and Angelina dance together, and the girls talk about their friendship and partnership on stage. Tsiskaridze adds that during the big performances, the girls compete with one another for “the centre”, the central spot in the foreground. And even though Nikolai tells them off for doing so, he thinks that it’s a mark of a future soloist.
Anna dreams of dancing the part of Giselle, while Angelina has her sights set on Kitri.
What did Tsiskaridze say to Kristina Spiridonova during last year's middle school graduation? The video can be found in Anna Shishanova's youtube channel, malipu.
He says she has to eat carrots. Lots and lots of carrots. He usually says this to the shorter students in the hopes that eating carrots will make them grow.
Is it just me or does Darya Ustyuzhanina (6th year student, incoming 7th) look like a younger Evgenia Obraztsova?
Not really.
If you were to cast this year's Nutcracker, which students will you pick for each lead role?
I hope Lana Khalimova returns to the academy and gets to dance Princess Masha. I would also like to see Maria Khoreva and Daria Ionova take on the role. I’d love to see more of Maria Bulanova and Maria Petukhova in the future (maybe the two leading snowflakes) and I’d like Sokolovsky and Zagidullin to dance the part of the Nutcracker Prince. 
How strict do you think Tsiskaridze is compared to older ballet teachers, like his, Petyr Pestov? Do you think Vaganova teachers are "softer" to students nowadays?
If the stories are true, Tsiskaridze is a softy compared to Pestov. Russian ballet teachers have always been very strict and downright harsh, I don’t think this will ever change. Russians have a borderline militaristic approach to ballet education, which is partly why Russian dancers are so damn good.
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golemka · 3 years
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Angelina Karamysheva and Anna Sharova in the Bluebird Competition.  I love watching this not only for their dancing, but for Tsiskaridze’s face during their performance and the judging after!  I have no idea what he, or anyone else, is saying, but he looks so proud of them!  I love it!
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vaganovalife · 7 years
What are your thoughts on Eleonora Sevenard, Ksenia Sevenard, Polina Konogray, Lada Sartakova, and Angelina Karamysheva?
Hi! Thank you for your question!
As you can probably tell, Eleonora is on my favorites list. She has gorgeous turns, a beautiful back, and nice crisp footwork. She also has this smoothness to her dancing which I find to be a good asset about her. Having seen her performing Atonement alongside Manuel Garrido, I was mesmerized by her beauty and soul. Immediately, I had fallen in love with her. I would love to see her dance Nikiya in La Bayadere someday. I think she would be able to capture the nuances of the character quite well.
I’ve already written about Ksenia but I can’t figure out how to link to it so I’ll write it again. I actually like watching Ksenia in her class exams because she has this regal and sophisticated quality that I find especially intriguing. Aside from that, she has a nice flow to her dancing and gorgeous head movements. She dances with aplomb and poise, characteristics that I value very much in a dancer. I would love to see how she develops these next two years.
Apparently, Polina is injured at the moment which is really unfortunate because she’s a dancer of such great caliber! She seemed to have lots of character and spark in her and it saddens me to think she had to stop. Aside from that, she is extremely charming and she has this playfulness to her dancing. I hope to see her return to VBA soon!
I don’t like the idea that Lada was a ballet prodigy ever since she was a small child. It shows that the Kuramshin school really focused on getting the fame and glory of having young students doing impressive tricks rather than going through the basic principles of the Vaganova method first. I really haven’t seen much of Lada ever since she transferred to VBA (or maybe it’s because I don’t try to) but in the videos I have seen, I would have to say that I don’t really find anything special about her. Keep in mind, she is still young so she still has a lot of time to blossom. 
Angelina seems very sweet and charming. That’s all I would have to say since she is still a second year…? I think? I prefer not to comment much on the younger students since they still have a lot of time to flourish and you never know what direction they will go.
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tikitania · 2 months
I also find Karamysheva underwhelming. She's beautiful but I think it's just an unfortunate side effect of the documentary/social media hype since she was a first-year, you sometimes end up expecting too much. Recently I liked her a lot at Moscow IBC, but ultimately agreed with her placement behind all her classmates plus the 1 junior, Sultangareeva. And when she started getting solo roles at the Mariinsky, I felt like I understood why she wasn't given any solo parts at the graduation performance. Maybe it was just nerves but I just couldn't see any soloist qualities in her, which I understand she isn't a soloist but you'd think she would need some level of that to receive a solo role. Some of her performances have seemed as premature as some of Koshkareva's, imo. She looks very sweet onstage but I cannot comprehend why she is receiving solo roles over dancers like Savelieva who are stuck in the corps. Even Ionova doesn't seem to be up to much nowadays.
I would love to be proven wrong by Karamysheva though, she does seem sweet with a very cheerful presence onstage, and I have nothing against her, I just always find it surprising the way people see her on this site.
I haven't closely watched her performances, but from what I've seen, they appeared technically clean, nor did the roles compare in difficulty to what Koshkaryeva danced. But if management thinks she's capable of dancing Prince's Friends of the Bridesmaid variation, I'm here for it. Also, what we see in tiny IG or YouTube videos is a weak facsimile to to what the audience experiences. Some dancers step on stage and their charisma is palpable, so I try to reserve judgement unless someone turns in a noticeably weak, underwhelming performance — and Koshkaryeva's straight out of the gate soloist roles were subpar by any measure — and I just haven't seen that with this young dancer. I'd give her time since she's still adjusting to theater life.
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ballet-symphonie · 10 months
looks like the mariinsky hired karamysheva as some sort of soloist (she's doing the pas de trois in swan lake on saturday)
Good news for her! Hope to see some videos soon!!
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balletomaneblog · 11 months
About your recent ask, I saw that Koshkareva was offered a soloist position at the Bolshoi, so I guess that was it? I honestly was more bummed with Kuprina going to the BT because she has such good technique/lines/lyricism suited for the MT. But I'm happy for the other girls as well, such as Khiteeva, who are now getting opportunities. If the Mariinsky really didn't offer a high position to Koshkareva and Kuprina, I kinda agree. The BT/MT are trying so hard to find their new Vishneva/Zakharova, that they are taking girls fresh out of school to big soloists positions and how time has proven, it didn't go well. They can't repeat what Diana and Svetlana were, and they shouldn't try. There's nothing wrong with growing at the theater, like Lopatkina, Tereshkina, Novikova, Krysanova, Obraztsova, and many others who are now big names and climbed the ranks. I'm also hopeful that the MT may take Kulikova, Karamysheva, and Rissanen now.
Yes, a soloist position would be very hard to turn down, especially since right now Vaziev is pushing dancers even faster than Fateyev is at the Mariinsky.
And I too wanted Kuprina to go to the Mariinsky, definitely bummed about that.
Personally, I also prefer when dancers start in the Corps de Ballet, even if it's just for a year. I think it's nice for everyone to start out on a level playing field, though of course the theatre will give bigger roles to the "star" graduates right away. Starting in the Corps gives dancers the ability to build strength and experience without the added pressure of a higher rank.
I do agree that Vaziev is trying to replicate what he did with Zakharova and Vishneva at the Mariinsky now at the Bolshoi, so far with Sergeenkova and Ar. Denisova. I like these dancers a lot but think they could have benefited from a slightly slower trajectory. Now we'll see how quickly Kuprina, Koshkareva, and Valiullina move up in the ranks. I also think BBA graduates Netsvetaeva-Dolgaleva and Konovalova show great promise and might get some big parts right off the bat as well.
To your last comment, we know now that Kulikova and Karamysheva were taken by the Mariinsky! They're both wonderful young dancers and I'm so happy for them! As for Rissanen, as I said in an earlier post, often the Mariinsky takes longer to add international graduates to their website, so I'm not sure where she's going yet.
Thanks for such a detailed ask and I appreciate your insights and opinions!
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londontheatre · 6 years
Yellow clown in snowstorm – Photo credit V Mishukov
I’m really not keen on clowns. Let’s be honest, I’m pretty terrified of them and have been for quite a few years now. I know it’s irrational, but there it is. So when I was asked to go and review a clown show at the Royal Festival Hall, I decided to face my fears and go for it. Apart from clowns, I had no real idea what I was in store for and Slava’s Snowshow was a complete surprise on every level.
I sort of got the idea something was different when I walked into the auditorium and saw just how messy it was. Normally the RFH is a beautiful wood panelled performance space overlooked by pods that could have come from the set of Star Wars. Today, however, the sides were covered with a black curtain and there were small pieces of paper on every surface. I took my seat among the hundreds of children that had been brought to the show by their doting parents and prepared myself for clowns and sprogs.
So, where to start? In Slava’s Snowshow there is no narrative to follow. There are various scenes which involve a yellow clown – who looks a lot like Captain Birdseye – and several green clowns. The performers – Aron De Casmaker, Bradford West, Christopher Lynam, Nikolai Terentiev, Oleg Lugovskoy, Robert Saralp, Tatiana Karamysheva and Yury Musatov, all led by show creator Slava Polunin – rotate around the shows so you don’t know in advance who is going to appear at each performance.
There is an awful lot to get in the roughly two hours running time and I really don’t want to give too much away. If you want a hint, then I would suggest a quick look at the official trailer but, to be honest, that 45-second piece of film really doesn’t prepare you for what you are about to see and experience. I did find, particularly in the first act that the intensity of the show dropped a couple of times, but, on the whole, it kept the children and adults enthralled throughout. You know that the children are really into a show when you hear them whisper – “ah look mummy, that clown is really sad.” The show is recommended for children eight years and above and I can understand why as there were some whispers asking for clarification and I’m not sure the wee ones caught every nuance of the scenes but they certainly knew what they liked.
The production itself is amazing and there were times when props seemed to appear on the stage almost by magic, as the lights went down and speedily came back up. There was some ‘traditional’ clowning went on, and it’s worth getting back quickly from the interval. I will say since it’s not a spoiler as everyone knows about it, the snowstorm – forget that – the blizzard is truly unbelievable. The snow flows to the accompaniment of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana, and only lasts for a few seconds but is one of the most fantastic things I have seen or will ever see in a theatre. Followed almost immediately by the giant balloons, where every adult was a kid again keeping them in the air, the show came to a spectacular and completely unforgettable end.
Ultimately, it is impossible to adequately describe Slava’s Snowshow. I am not often lost for words but at the end of this production, I was completely struck silent. Words then and now, cannot adequately express what I experienced. All I can say is Slava’s Snowshow is a unique theatrical experience that has to be seen to be believed.
Review by Terry Eastham
Experience a joyous dream-like world that touches both your heart and funny bone, culminating in a breathtaking blizzard that leaves you literally knee deep in snow, in Slava’s Snowshow.
The multi-award-winning international sensation is back due to popular demand for Christmas 2017, having delighted audiences in over 80 cities globally including New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong, Rio de Janeiro and Moscow.
Age recommendation: Suitable for ages 8+. Children under 3-years-old are strictly not permitted.
Royal Festival Hall Belvedere Road, London, SE1 8XX Age Restrictions: Recommended for ages 8+. Children under 3 will not be admitted. Booking Until: 4th Jan 2018
http://ift.tt/2D6qOaP London Theatre 1
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drubblernews-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://drubbler.com/2017/01/27/prosecutors-office-demands-to-issue-paychecks-to-employees-of-sverdlovsk-atp/
Prosecutor's Office demands to issue paychecks to employees of Sverdlovsk ATP
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Sysert, Sverdlovsk region, 16:55, January 27, 2017 — REGNUM the Prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region Sergey Okhlopkov informed the Governor Evgeniya Kujvasheva on the situation on the municipal transport company of the city of Sysert, which resulted in NTM-staff salary arrears was formed. This was reported in the press-service of the Prosecutor’s Office in the Sverdlovsk region reporter IA REGNUM .
also during oversight activities was made a presentation at the head of Syserti Alexandra Karamysheva . The Prosecutor’s Office demanded that the Mayor fix the violation of labour legislation.
As previously reported IA REGNUM in the Sverdlovsk region January 20, several dozen employees of the municipal transport company of the city of Sysert went on strike. They demand the immediate repayment of debts on wages.
in a situation intervened. According to the supervising office, for the period September-December 2016 years before 85 employees mue Sysertskoe transport company “formed the salary debt in the amount of more than 6.8 million rubles. The situation is complicated by the fact that the company is in a State of bankruptcy. 25 January, however, managed to unfreeze the accounts of NTM-and now the technical barriers for salaries there.
Nevertheless, materials have been sent to the investigative authorities to give legal evaluation. But police are holding on the fact voina bankruptcy municipal enterprise.
Read earlier in this story: Months without salaries: in Sverdlovsk Syserti striking transport workers
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melmothblog · 5 years
Ask Responses: Vaganova
Has Vaganova started casting for Nutcracker? They usually begin quite early…
It’s very likely. In previous years, the rehearsals were already running in mid to late October.
Hi, do you know if Angelina Karamysheva is still at Vagaonova? Thanks!
Yes, she’s still there, and is apparently doing very well.
Why do you think Tsiskaridze chose Khiteeva and not Savelieva to be the star of the 2019 class?
I don’t think it’s solely his, or anyone’s, choice. One or two students who are particularly strong usually emerge towards the final year. Khiteeva was that student in the 2018 / 2019 academic year, and she was already making her mark the year before. She was a consistently strong performer throughout her final years at the Academy, and she handled pressure well - something Savelieva wasn’t very good at. Plus, Sveta unfortunately suffered an injury in her final year, which stunted her progress a bit (it was also the reason she didn’t graduate with perfect marks as initially expected).
Was Olga going into 4th year and Yana into 5th year? I’ve heard that 5th year is when Vaganova cuts down a lot of their students, is this true?
I believe you’re right; the 5th year at Vaganova is especially brutal in terms of students getting dropped, however, Olga and Yana were in their 3rd and 4th year respectively (I’m 90% sure that my calculations are correct) when they left VBA, so students can definitely be dropped (or drop out) at an earlier stage.
Did you get any more insight re what happened with Ivan Poddubnyak and why he graduated under another professor?
Neither party shared the reason for the change publicly, but it appears that Poddubnyak harbours no ill will towards Tsiskaridze. The rumour (as much as I hate using rumours as a source of information for this blog) is that Tsiskaridze kicked Ivan out of his class towards the middle of the final year. The reason is unknown. Personally, I think Tsiskaridze is prone to overreaction. I can find no other explanation for him doing what he did (if that’s indeed the case) so close to graduation to a student he spent the previous few years promoting as the next big thing.
Is there any article or interview video that Nikolai’s talking about Кhoreva or other girls??
Oddly, there are no records of him talking about Khoreva, as far as I’m aware. He’s gone on record plenty of times to praise other girls though: Shakirova, Tskhvitariia, Lukina, Solomianko, Khiteeva, Sevenard, etc.
Do you happen to know which year Sofya Khoreva is in?
She’s in Year 6 / Level I.
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balletomaneblog · 1 year
Thoughts on the VBA graduation exams? I know that Kuprina's and Koshkareva's future are set at the Mariinsky, but I'm rooting so much for Karamysheva and Valiulina! They are my favorites. Please, share with us who are the girls that will get accepted at each theater, when they announce it!
Sorry for the late reply, I wanted to wait for most of the state exams to be completed before I responded!
Yes, I was especially impressed with Karamysheva! After I saw clips from her exams I rewatched her variations from IBC Moscow and I wish she had placed higher. She reminds me of a young Obraztsova and yet she also has a unique energy about her.
Really, so many girls are so so strong this year, I think the graduation performances will be exceptional. I found it interesting also how evenly split the two classes are. Usually, there's one class with most of the strongest students, but not this year. Yulia Kasenkova has Kuprina, Karamysheva, Rissanen, and Kulikova and Lyudmila Kovaleva has Koshkareva and Valiullina.
I will definitely update as soon as I start hearing official news about who's going where! It always excites me to find out about where each graduating class ends up.
I agree that Kuprina and Koshkareva are most likely going to be going to the Mariinsky. I'm hoping Valiullina will go to the Bolshoi, I think she'd fit there really well. I was a little worried that Karamysheva might not be invited to the Mariinsky because of her size/proportions. However, on the other hand, the Mariinsky has recently taken quite a lot of shorter dancers including Ustyuzhanina, Shevela, and Lyskova so I think she definitely has a really good shot, especially considering how technically strong she is.
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