#Karneval 2024
caressthosecheekbones · 5 months
karneval save me
save me karneval
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politikwatch · 5 months
#Rosenmontag #Köln #karneval2024 Die ersten #Motive der #Persiflagewagen wurden jetzt bekanntgegeben:
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cryingstars13 · 3 months
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Hi stars, names Iris!! I’m a ff writer, creator, and just someone who’s around. Pronouns: any is fine, just don’t perceive me!
Don’t be shy to send any asks or dms!! ANTIS DNI, BE RESPECTFUL!!
I do/answer; asks (either for fandom or me, admin), HC’s, scenarios, aesthetic boards, theories, introspectives, etc.
ask me (under tag): ask iris/admin
ao3: cryingstars13
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Fandoms I interact with/write for:
** Those in bold are HYPER FIXATIONS!! (As of current)
Diabolik Lovers, Ever After High (eah), Transformers, Ouran High School Host Club, Teen Titans (2003), Titans (Show), WINX, Dynasty (Show), Bungou Stray Dogs (BSD), Karneval (Anime/Manga), Shadow Hunters (Show), Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated, Black Butler, and more!!
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Diabolik Lovers Content: @fangsforiris
Diabolik Lore Centered: @bloodboundchronicles
Ao3: cryingstars13
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Updated as of:
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itnews · 4 months
Carnival Rio de Janeiro Brazil 2024
Six schools opened the Special Group parades at Rio de Janeiro's carnival on Sunday night (11/2). All of the schools, Porto da Pedra, Beija-Flor, Salgueiro, Grande Rio, Unidos da Tijuca and Imperatriz Leopoldinense, managed to keep to the set time. Around 100,000 people watched the traditional parade at the Marquês de Sapucaí, a sambadrome that celebrates its fourth anniversary this year. Unidos do Viradouro is the 2024 Rio de Janeiro Carnival champion. The school took to the avenue with the storyline Arroboboi, Dangbé, which pays homage to the sacred snake of the Africans of Benin. The parade showed the strength of black women by representing an army of women to demystify the battle that turned a snake into a goddess in Africa. The counting took place on Wednesday afternoon (14/2) at Cidade do Samba.
It's Viradouro's third title, as last year they finished a tenth behind Imperatriz Leopoldinense and were runners-up.
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sketchyghost27 · 4 months
I genuinely don't know if this is a tradition everywhere but Germany, but its here so HAPPY ROSESMONDAY have fun everyone, get drunk and eat candy!!!
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meetlobby · 3 months
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coachtfd · 4 months
FRIMPONG! Start the Karneval!! 🎉 🎉🎉
First time getting to watch them live in this incredible season they’re having and I couldn’t be more impressed. It’s not just Xabi Alonso, though, and I think it’d be a mistake to think that. They’ve been developing young talent for years, they recruited tremendously well, and the players have been performing to the levels asked of them every week. This is a well-built TEAM and, of course, they’re performing like it. It’s been coming, may it continue to the end of the season. 👏🏾👏🏾
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dannysoil · 4 months
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Feiertage 2024 - wie ihr euren Urlaub am Besten (TM) legt. AKA: Das ansteigende Durchschnittsalter dieser Website geht auch an German Tumblr nicht vorüber.
Januar - Scheiße. Der 6.1. ist ein Samstag. Der 1.1. war immerhin ein Montag, wohoo!
Februar - keine offiziellen Feiertage. RIP to you Karneval Freaks.
März und April - Berlin und MeckPomm haben an 8.3. den Internationalen Frauentag, das ist ein Freitag! Ostern ist vom 29.3. bis 1.4. Vier Urlaubstage davor und/oder danach sparen euch zumindest zwei Tage Urlaub für insgesamt 16/10 Tage frei.
Mai - Der 1. Mai ist dieses Jahr ein Mittwoch. Wenn du Montag und Dienstag davor nimmst, gibst du 2 Urlaubstage für 5 freie Tage aus. Das gleiche gilt für Donnerstag und Freitag. Christi Himmelfahrt ist dieses Jahr am 9.5. Das heißt, wenn du den 2., 3., 6., 7., 8., und 10.5. frei nimmst, kannst du dir insgesamt 12 Tage am Stück gönnen, mit 6 Urlaubstagen. Pfingsten folgt am Wochenende vom 19./20.5. und Fronleichnam (BaWü, Bayern, Hessen, NRW, RPF, Saarland) ist am Donnerstag, den 30.5. Hier empfiehlt es sich auf jeden Fall den Brückentag am 31. zu nehmen. Nochmal ein 4-Tage-Wochenende. Ob man das mit Pfingsten die Woche vorher verbinden will, ist fraglich. das wären 8 Urlaubstage für 16 Tage frei am Stück.
Juni und Juli - Nada. Bc fuck your nice weather, that's why.
August - Bayern und Saarland feiern am 15. Mariä Himmelfahrt. Das ist ein Donnerstag. Gönnt euch den Brückentag, meine Freunde!
September - Thüringen bekommt durch den Weltkindertag am Freitag, den 20.9., ein langes Wochenende. You go, Thüringen. Good for you, Thüringen.
Oktober - EinigkeitundRechtundFreiheit! der 3. ist ein Donnerstag, Brückentag ahoi! Die evangelischen Bundesländer haben Reformationstag (31.10.) am Donnerstag. Schlagt zu, ihr Lutheraner und lasst es an Halloween krachen!
November - Allerheiligen am 1.11. ist folglich ein Freitag, gut für die Katholiken. Sachsen hat außerdem noch am 20. Buß- und Bettag, das ist ein Mittwoch. Zwei Tage davor oder danach und ihr habt 5 Tage frei!
Dezember - Oh du Fröhliche! der 24. und der 31. sind jeweils Dienstags. Viele Arbeitgeber schenken ihren Angestellten diesen Tage komplett, oder zur Hälfte, oder bestehen auf Betriebsferien. Die Weihnachtsfeiertage liegen mitten in der Woche. Das heißt mit insgesamt maximal 5 Urlaubstagen (23., 24., 27., 30., 31.) kann man 12 Tage zwischen den Jahren blaumachen und die Feiertage so richtig genießen.
2025 fallen die Drei Heiligen Könige auf Montag, also sind die ersten beiden Januarwochen entspannt kurz.
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animehouse-moe · 7 months
Women In Anime
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I came across this tweet a few days back, and did give it a response on Twitter back then, but I keep thinking about it, so I wanted to bring a longer discussion here.
I think hating that anime ends up a male dominated industry is totally fair, I think that hating that men end up bringing a lot of negative stereotypes and tropes and whatnot is valid.
There's a mountain of problems with men in the industry, and just the industry in general. But there's also a problem with the awareness of the NA community. Scrolling about the quote tweets and replies, it's probably one in ten responses at best, that show an opening that's actually from a woman.
Hate like this ends up performative, and targeted at the most negative aspects, rather than being used as a tool to shine a light on the people that deserve it. Directionless and generalized points like this do nothing, and in the end can actually take away from uplifting the voices and talents that they should be.
So, I wanted to bring a list of ten women in anime that have worked on openings over the years.
Karneval OP - Satou Akira
Openings that really cut deep into the core of a series can be a little hard to come by sometimes. I think a lot of openings get suckered into "looking cool" and tend to neglect their creative ability to depict something deeper within. Satou Akira falls into no such trap with Karneval, providing an incredibly strong opening that consistently relays several themes to the viewers through its visuals of things like, well, carnivals, for one. Also included is clock faces, butterflies, gears, and a few other pieces. It's really great work, so it's a shame that they haven't returned to the role since then.
They have, however, been in some pretty impressive roles elsewhere. For example, their biggest role was boarding for the second Fate/Grand Order Camelot movie. Important to note that it's the second movie, and not the first, as the second movie is considerably better.
Akira is still only reaching the tip of the iceberg though, as they recently were the lead director on Ao Ashi, and are being tapped for the Kinnukuman anime in 2024. They certainly have a good relationship with Production I.G, so I'm really hopeful to continue to see them on future projects with the studio.
Skip and Loafer OP - Deai Kotomi
Yeah, it hurts my soul to have different embeds, but I've had to source some of these OPs as they don't exist on YouTube.
Anyways, Deai Kotomi definitely had her limelight moment this year with Skip and Loafer and it's very fun and energetic opening. It's a great reflection of the characters and story, which really highlights Kotomi's understanding and ability to work with the content of the series. She did an absolutely wonderful job leading the production of Skip and Loafer, but I think a lot of people don't know about her history and connection. I mean, the reason she's following up Akira and Karneval is because Kotomi actually did the ending for Karneval! Really cool little piece to learn.
Make no mistake though, this isn't Kotomi's first rodeo, it's just the one she's most known for. But man, does she have a good history. Starting off with assistant direction credits for Kids on the Slope and the first season of Silver Spoon, she then moves on to helm the follow up season of Silver Spoon, and take over for Natsume's Book of Friends.
Though with the new season of Natsume's Book of Friends I'm a little sad to see Kotomi relieved of the role as the Chief Director for the series, Hideki Itou, steps into the role. Still have high hopes, but was looking forward to more Kotomi. Just means I need to wait and see where she ends up next, and I highly doubt it'll take too long for her to appear once more.
Sk8 The Infinity OP - Hiroko Utsumi
Speaking of people that I can't wait to see more of Hiroko Utsumi. I'm sure everyone that's seen it is a fan of Sk8 The Infinity and its opening, and there's not really a better person to handle the opening that Utsumi herself. After all, she's the original creator for the series.
But let's rewind a little before I get ahead of myself. Utsumi has probably one of the most prestigious careers on this list. Utsumi originally started with KyoAni, working her way up from second key animation to first key animation, to episode direction and storyboarding, finally making their directorial debut with Free! back in 2013, quickly following it up with the sequel.
Interestingly enough though, Utsumi then goes silent for 2 years before re-appearing outside of KyoAni, doing some storyboarding work with Bones and Mappa, leading into the next crazy piece of her story: the lead director of Banana Fish. Then of course it's to Sk8 The Infinity, and now she has Bucchigiri?! on the horizon, as well as a continuation of Sk8 The Infinity.
Talk about a career with no misses. Even better is that with her new works, we'll almost certainly be getting more of her expert openings, as with every series she's directed, she's also done the openings. So really, lots and lots to look forward to with Utsumi.
Arakawa Under The Bridge OP - Yamamoto Sayo
I know, not the opening that most would pick, but I wanted to be ✨Different✨. Everybody surely knows Yamamoto Sayo from Yuuri!! on Ice, but I just wanted to show off a bit more of a her range with an opening like this one. Clearly, she's a very talented woman, and the industry recognizes that with her work as she's done quite a few openings, especially with Mappa as of late.
These are all of her openings (and some endings), in order of appearance: Rozen Maiden Traumend, Michiko and Hacchin, Arakawa Under The Bridge S1 & S2, Hanamaru Kindergarten (ED), Attack on Titan S1 (ED), Space Dandy S1 (ED), Yuri On Ice, Kakegurui, and Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul.
Quite the list, to be sure. I just wish they did more direction work, as they've been stuck at Mappa for the Yuuri!! on Ice movie. Hopefully that'll come out some day and Sayo will be free of that hell, but all we can do is sit and wait.
Kaguya-Sama: Love is War - Ultra Romantic OP - Eiko Hirayama
I mean, it's Kaguya-Sama, do I really need to say more? Great effort, and great direction from Hirayama here to really cap off the best season of the series. But did you know that she also did the work for the first opening of Love is War?
Hirayama is probably the most curious staff member on this list though. They do have a good few credits for various openings, but by and large they're all special or visual effects credits. For example, they most recently did the visual effects in the opening for the Nier anime, and they also did the same for 2 of the Vivy openings.
I think it's really interesting to see someone like Hirayama step out of their comfort zone to do something like an opening, because you can absolutely feel their experience shape the opening.
Here, let me add a little breakdown of the opening for Kaguya S3. If you pay close attention to the opening, you'll realize that there's not a crazy amount of animation. Rather, there's a lot of camera and 3 dimensional movement, and a lot of interesting composition. I mean, just look at the sequence of Kaguya running, it's a compositor's dream as they shift through all sorts of different visuals and styles.
And I just think that's really cool. Sure, Hirayama isn't a thoroughbred director like the others on this list, but I think their storied experience with composition gives them an angle in this opening that a lot of others just wouldn't find.
Heike Monogatari OP - Naoko Yamada
Naoko, alongside her work with Heike Monogatari, will always have a special place in my heart. Much like Utsumi, Naoko started her career with KyoAni. However, she was a part of the studio for longer, and because of that, was present during the arson attack on the studio in 2019.
This opening, and really the entirety of this story, hits really close to home with its ideas of the loss of family and suffering through a cycle of violence, and she does a beautiful job of juxtaposing that idea against the pieces that Biwa fondly remembers of those around her. It's very, very strong work from Naoko that feels almost like a rebirth as her first major work following the arson attack.
Regardless of what she went through at the end, her time with KyoAni was incredibly impressive. I'm not sure how many will know her name from it, but she was the director behind the incredible success of K-On!. Similarly, she also worked on Tamako Market and the follow up movie. She's an incredibly talented woman, and has continually put her best foot forward with everything she's done, so I'm really hopeful to see her continue that hot streak with wherever she goes next.
Naruto Shippuden OP20 - Chiaki Kon
Had to bring a bit more of a classic pick out, no? Chiaki Kon is certainly not a staff member that tends to really be seen as someone popular, if that makes sense. They're rather light in terms of individual expression, so having a stronger opening like this that hones in on individual character arcs while relating them to larger interactions within the world is really great to see.
Though that's not to say that Chiaki tends to get lost as a staff member, but that I think her work is very subtle. For example, she directed the recent (and popular) Sacrificial Princess anime, which is one of J.C Staff's top 3 anime in the last 5 years. It undoubtedly has Chiaki to thank for a lot of that, where she's kept a reasonable distance on the project while still providing a lot of her overarching vision to it.
But man, has she been active lately. While she does do lead direction, she's insanely present as an episode director and storyboarder, getting anywere from 6 to even 12 or more episodes boarded and/or directed in a year. Odds are if you watch any amount of anime, you've seen an episode done by Chiaki Kon.
Given OP - Hikaru Yamaguchi
Maybe a bit of an odd choice, but I feel like that makes it all the better to give them some spotlight. Not everyone is going to be a "knock it out of the park anime rockstar", and that's perfectly fine. Though I might still argue that Yamaguchi fits that bill. It's just that they're not as productive as others on this list.
After all, they did the OP for Given and directed the series (as well as the movie), and it's a very good show. It's interesting though how long it took her to get another lead direction role. There was 3 years between the Given movie, and the Osomatusu-San movie that she directed in 2023. And you might be thinking, "well hey, what about smaller roles to fill the gap?". Nope, not really any of that.
There was a 2 year gap between the Given movie and her next staff position. Though I mean, it's a pretty damn cool one. She did the storyboard for episode 3 of Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War. For those that don't know, that's the episode of Ichigo vs Quilge Opie (which was very cool, by the way).
Yamaguchi is certainly an interesting staff member in that regard, as she doesn't have many projects she's worked on, but they've almost all been very big name ones. Certainly has me curious to see what she'll manage to appear on next.
Dance Dance Danseur OP - Sarisa Kawamura
If you thought Kawaguchi was an odd pick, wait until you hear about Kawamura. This is the second ever credit for her that I've been able to track down. The other comes from VFX assistant role on the Undead Girl Murder farce ending. So you can imagine my surprise considering the insane quality and creativity displayed with this opening that she boarded for.
I mean, when I first watched it when the anime aired, I was stunned. Absolutely incredible work with the first person perspective and the ideas with all the reflections and the wild expressiveness of the characters. Seriously, this was a shoe-in for opening of the year back in 2022, and I'd still say one of the standouts in this decade for sure.
I just, really, really hope that we'll see Kawamura board something else soon, because I absolutely need more of her incredible vision.
And that's the end of the 10 women, that I chose to use for this list. Seriously, there's a mountain of them that have done all sorts of other openings, or endings, and an unimaginable amount that have done creative work outside of those things.
I wouldn't say I'm disappointed that nobody talks about anime staff (in general, really, but also more specifically women), but a lot of people just don't have the interest in looking this stuff up. I really, really wish that streaming services would start translating credits to make it easier for people to get a grasp of who it is that's working on their favorite series, but we can't always rely on companies to do things like that.
Thankfully, the community out there is really, really dedicated so you can find staff credits on websites like MAL, Anilist, Anidb, and even Anime News Network. Sure, it takes a little bit of time to go and find those credits, but I think it's really valuable time that's well spent. You're bringing more awareness and understanding into the hobby and community, and that can change the trajectory of it in really wonderful ways.
Highlighting the works of women in anime is just one way of doing that. It inspires people in the community, it makes people aware of the idea of who is making their favorite works, that women are a central and pivotal part of the industry.
I really hope that people found out something cool with this list, and I really do encourage everyone to do a bit of digging into their favorite series to find out the names behind them. I mean, we all know who directs a movie or TV series over here, and we certainly know all about the actors and whatnot, so I'd love to see people bring that same understanding to anime.
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handwerkstatt · 10 months
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Wie heute bekannt wurde, hat das Bundeskanzleramt 8,7 Millionen Augenklappen bei verschiedenen Herstellern bestellt und will sie in der Karneval- und Faschingssaison 2023/2024 kostenlos verteilen. Olaf Scholz: "Ich werde jeden Kritiker am Mast festbinden lassen".
As it became known today, the Federal Chancellery has ordered 8.7 million eye patches from various manufacturers and wants to distribute them free of charge during the 2023/2024 carnival season. Olaf Scholz: "I will have every critic tied to the mast."
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caressthosecheekbones · 5 months
isn't it always the same question: I'd rather be here. with you. than anywhere else.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Holidays 5.17
Bugloss Day (French Republic)
Children’s Day (Norway)
Constitution Day (Nauru)
Dia das Letras Galegas (Spain)
DIPG Awareness Day
Discovery Day (Cayman Islands)
Dogbert Day (Dilbert)
Dressed to the Nines Day
Falling Off a Log Night
Famine Memorial Day (Ireland)
Firefighters’ Day (Latvia)
Galacian Literature Day (Spain)
International Art of Giving Day
International Child Helpline Day
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
International Internet Day
International Twm Sion Cati Day (UK)
King Arthur Day
Liberation Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Merry-Go-Round Day [also 7.25]
Minecraft Day
National Book Day (Indonesia)
National Curves Day (Illinois)
National Cyber Safety Awareness Day
National Day Against Homophobia (Canada)
National Donkey Welfare Day (Kenya)
National Emo Day for Women
National Famine Memorial Day (Ireland)
National Graduation Day
National Graduation Tassel Day
National Idaho Day
National Linda Day
National Numeracy Day (UK)
National Pinkfix Day
National Real Estate Day
National VA2K Walk & Roll Day
National Work From Home Day (UK)
Navy Day (Argentina)
Pack Rat Day
Peasant Day (a.k.a. Agrarian Reform; Cuba)
Pink Shirt Day (New Zealand)
Railroad Day
Raja Day (Perlis, Malaysia)
Royal Ploughing Ceremony (Thailand)
Rubber Band Day
Slottsplassen (Norway)
Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day (UK)
Supermodel Day
Tell An Umpire "I Love Your Outfit" Day
Uff Da Day (North Dakota)
Walk Safely to School Day (Australia)
Watch A Baby Fall Asleep Day
Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day
World Horticulture Day
World Hypertension Day
World Information Society Day (UN)
World Necrotizing Enterocolitis Awareness Day
World Neurofibromatosis Awareness Day
World Orienteering Day
World Recycling Day
World Stationary Day
World Telecommunication Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cherry Cobbler Day
National Mushroom Hunting Day
National Walnut Day
Pinot Grigio Day
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Nauru)
Constitution Day (a.k.a. Seventeenth of May or Syttende Mai; Norway; 1814)
Kappan Empire (a.k.a. Holy Empire of the Kappa; Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Syttende Mai (Constitution Day; Norway; from Denmark, 1814)
3rd Friday in May
Arbour Day (Prince Edward Island, Canada) [3rd Friday]
Asakusa Sanja Matsuri begins (Geisha parade) [3rd Friday]
Ascension Friday (Belgium) [Friday closest to Ascension]
Bike-to-Work Day (US) [3rd Friday]
Endangered Species Day [3rd Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Fountain Pen Friday [3rd Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
International Virtual Assistants’ Day [3rd Friday]
NASCAR Day [3rd Friday]
National Bike to Work Day [3rd Friday]
National Defense Transportation Day [3rd Friday]
National Pizza Party Day [3rd Friday]
National Wear Blue Day [3rd Friday]
Native Nonprofit Day [3rd Friday]
O. Henry Pun Off Day [3rd Friday]
Teacher’s Day (Florida) [3rd Friday]
Wear Red for VEDS Day [3rd Friday]
World Meditation Day (UK) [3rd Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 17 (2nd Full Week)
Mike, the Headless Chicken Weekend [3rd Friday & Saturday]
Festivals Beginning May 17, 2024
Aalborg Carnival (Aalborg, Denmark) [thru 5.25]
Anderson Valley Pinot Festival (Anderson Valley, California) [thru 5.19]
Arizona Restaurant Week: Spring (Statewide, Arizona) [thru 5.26]
Bath Festival (Bath, England) [thru 5.20]
Bayou Bon Vivant Cajun Music, Food & Art Celebration (Norfolk, Virginia) [thru 5.19]
Beaufort Music Festival (Beaufort, South Carolina) [thru 5.18]
Chocolate Fest (Long Grove, Illinois) [thru 5.19]
Crawfish Festival (Fountain Valley, California) [thru 5.19]
Fort Worth Zoo Annual Beastro (Fort Worth, Texas)
Georgia Mountain Fire & Smoke Cooking Festival (Hiawassee, Georgia) [thru 5.18]
Hangout Music Festival (Gulf Shores, Alabama) [thru 5.19]
Hermann Maifest (Hermann, Missouri) [thru 5.19]
Karneval der Kulturen (Berlin, Germany( [thru 5.20]
Magnolia Blossom Festival & World Championship Steak Cook-Off (Magnolia, Arkansas) [thru 5.18]
Manchester Jazz Festival (Manchester, United Kingdom) [thru 5.26]
Moers Festival (Moers, Germany) [thru 5.20]
Morel Mushroom Festival (Muscoda, Wisconsin) [thru 5.18]
Motor City Comic Con (Novi, Michigan) [thru 5.19]
New Jersey Seafood Festival (Belmar, New Jersey) [thru 5.19]
North Carolina Potato Festival (Elizabeth City, North Carolina) [thru 5.19]
OC Greek Food Festival (Anaheim, California) [thru 5.19]
Oregon Homebrew Festival (Corvallis, Oregon) [thru 5.18]
Palm Beach Ribs, Wings & Rock Festival (Palm Beach, Florida) [thru 5.19]
Picklefest (Atkins, Arkansas) [thru 5.18]
Preston Trout Days (Preston, Minnesota) [thru 5.19]
Rhubarb Festival (Intercourse, Pennsylvania) [thru 5.18]
Stockton Flavor Fest (Stockton, California) [thru 5.19]
Taste of Maplewood Street Festival (Maplewood, Missouri) [thru 5.18]
Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival (Temecula, California) [thru 5.19]
Wave-Gotik-Treffen (Leipzig, Germany) [thru 5.20]
The WhiskyX (Brooklyn, New York)
World Expo of Beer (Frankenmuth, Michigan) [thru 5.18]
Feast Days
A.J. Casson (Artology)
Antonius (Positivist; Saint)
Bruno of Wurzburg (Christian; Saint)
Cathan (Christian; Saint)
Dave Sim (Artology)
Dea Dia (Goddess of the Cosmos; Ancient Rome)
Eugene (Muppetism)
Falling Off a Log Night (Shamanism)
Feast of ‘Azamat (Baha'i)
Gio Nicola Buhagiar (Artology)
Giulia Salzano (Christian; Saint)
Karl Burman (Artology)
Laval Homeboy Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Let Your Star Shine Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Maden of Brittany (Christian; Saint)
Madron (a.k.a. Madern (Christian; Saint)
Maxime Emile Louis Maufra (Artology)
Mifune Matsuri (Boat Festival; Japan)
Neo-Pagan Fertility Ritual (Philippines; Everyday Wicca)
Ogham (Celtic Book of Days)
Paschal Baylon (Christian; Saint)
Restituta (Christian; Saint)
Silave (Christian; Saint)
Single Malt Whisky Day (Pastafarian)
Sjofn’s Blot (Pagan)
William Hobart Hare (Episcopal Church (USA))
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 137 [33 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [23 of 37]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [25 of 57]
Un Giorno Nero (A Black Day; Italy) [Friday the 17th] (1 of 1 for 2024)
About a Boy (Film; 2002)
All Men Are Mortal, by Simone de Beauvoir (Novel; 1946)
At Dawn We Spley, by Gordon W. Prange (Historical Novel; 1982)
Babel-17, by Samuel R. Delany (Novel; 1966)
Bad Blood, by Taylor Swift (Album; 2015)
Blurryface, by Twenty One Pilots (Album; 2015)
Bon Voyage! (Film; 1962)
Catch-22 (TV Mini-Series; 2019)
Cinderella Goes to a Party (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1942)
Comic Cuts, by Alfred Harmsworth (UK Comic; 1890) [1st regular comic published]
Don’t Look Back (Documentary Film; 1967)
Five Puppets (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Gentle On My Mind, recorded by Glen Campbell (Song; 1967)
Godspell (Off-Broadway Musical; 1971)
Grin and Share It, featuring Droopy (MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Groove Me, recorded by King Floyd (Song; 1970)
The Guns of Avalon, by Roger Zelazny (Novel; 1972) [chronicles of Amber #2]
History of Modern Art, by H. Harvard Arnason (Art History; 1968)
Hobo Bobo (WB MM Cartoon; 1947)
If (Animated Film; 2024)
The Importance of Being Earnest (Film; 2002)
In a Lonely Place (Film; 1950)
Information Please (Radio Quiz Show; 1938)
The Inimitable Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1923)
John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum (Film; 2019)
King Porter Stomp, recorded by Teddy Hill, featuring Dizzy Gillespie (Song; 1937)
La Planète des Singes (The Planet of the Apes), by Pierre Boulle (Novel; 1963)
Le Quiet Squad (The Inspector Cartoon; 1967)
The Love Boat (TV Series; 1976)
Mesmerize, by System of a Down (Album; 2005)
Mr. Big Stuff, recorded by Jean Knight (Song; 1970)
My Mortal Enemy, by Willa Cather (Novel; 1926)
The Omnivore’s Dilemma, by Michael Pollan (Book; 2006)
Pink of the Litter (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1967)
Puss in Boots (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1934)
Random Access Memories, by Daft Punk (Album; 2013)
A River Runs Through It, by Norman Maclean (Novella’ 1976)
The Rookie Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1941)
See You Yesterday (Film; 2019)
Shéhérazade, by Maurice Ravel (Song Cycle; 1904)
Shutter Bug (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
Stay (I Missed You), by Lisa Loeb (Song; 1994)
The Sultan’s Cat, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Swiss Ski Yodelers (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
Thank God It’s Friday (Film; 1978)
The Tree of Life (Film; 2011)
Tommy, by The Who (Album; 1969)
Uthal, by Étienne-Nicolas Méhul (Opera; 1806)
Wacky-Bye Baby (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1948)
What About Bob? (Film; 1991)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum (Novel; 1900)
Today’s Name Days
Dietmar, Pascal, Walter (Austria)
Gizela, Heraklije, Paškal, Paško (Croatia)
Aneta (Czech Republic)
Bruno (Denmark)
Taido, Taidur, Taimar, Taimo, Taivo (Estonia)
Maila, Maili, Mailis, Maisa, Rebekka (Finland)
Pascal (France)
Antonella, Dietmar, Pascal (Germany)
Andronikos, Iounia, Junia, Solon (Greece)
Paszkál (Hungary)
Pasquale, Restituta (Italy)
Dailis, Herberts (Latvia)
Bazilė, Gailė, Paskalis, Virkantas (Lithuania)
Harald, Ragnhild (Norway)
Bruno, Herakliusz, Paschalis, Sławomir, Torpet, Weronika, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz (Poland)
Andronic (România)
Gizela (Slovakia)
Pascual (Spain)
Rebecka, Ruben (Sweden)
Pascal, Pascha, Pascual, Turner (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 138 of 2024; 228 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 6 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 10 (Xin-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 9 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 9 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 18 Magenta; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 4 May 2024
Moon: 72%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 25 Caesar (5th Month) [Antonius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 60 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 28 of 31)
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lostlovelostsouls · 4 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Karneval 2024 ✨
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forstv · 4 months
Köln Karneval Rosenmontag 2024
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brookston · 1 month
Holidays 5.17
Bugloss Day (French Republic)
Children’s Day (Norway)
Constitution Day (Nauru)
Dia das Letras Galegas (Spain)
DIPG Awareness Day
Discovery Day (Cayman Islands)
Dogbert Day (Dilbert)
Dressed to the Nines Day
Falling Off a Log Night
Famine Memorial Day (Ireland)
Firefighters’ Day (Latvia)
Galacian Literature Day (Spain)
International Art of Giving Day
International Child Helpline Day
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
International Internet Day
International Twm Sion Cati Day (UK)
King Arthur Day
Liberation Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Merry-Go-Round Day [also 7.25]
Minecraft Day
National Book Day (Indonesia)
National Curves Day (Illinois)
National Cyber Safety Awareness Day
National Day Against Homophobia (Canada)
National Donkey Welfare Day (Kenya)
National Emo Day for Women
National Famine Memorial Day (Ireland)
National Graduation Day
National Graduation Tassel Day
National Idaho Day
National Linda Day
National Numeracy Day (UK)
National Pinkfix Day
National Real Estate Day
National VA2K Walk & Roll Day
National Work From Home Day (UK)
Navy Day (Argentina)
Pack Rat Day
Peasant Day (a.k.a. Agrarian Reform; Cuba)
Pink Shirt Day (New Zealand)
Railroad Day
Raja Day (Perlis, Malaysia)
Royal Ploughing Ceremony (Thailand)
Rubber Band Day
Slottsplassen (Norway)
Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day (UK)
Supermodel Day
Tell An Umpire "I Love Your Outfit" Day
Uff Da Day (North Dakota)
Walk Safely to School Day (Australia)
Watch A Baby Fall Asleep Day
Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day
World Horticulture Day
World Hypertension Day
World Information Society Day (UN)
World Necrotizing Enterocolitis Awareness Day
World Neurofibromatosis Awareness Day
World Orienteering Day
World Recycling Day
World Stationary Day
World Telecommunication Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cherry Cobbler Day
National Mushroom Hunting Day
National Walnut Day
Pinot Grigio Day
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Nauru)
Constitution Day (a.k.a. Seventeenth of May or Syttende Mai; Norway; 1814)
Kappan Empire (a.k.a. Holy Empire of the Kappa; Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Syttende Mai (Constitution Day; Norway; from Denmark, 1814)
3rd Friday in May
Arbour Day (Prince Edward Island, Canada) [3rd Friday]
Asakusa Sanja Matsuri begins (Geisha parade) [3rd Friday]
Ascension Friday (Belgium) [Friday closest to Ascension]
Bike-to-Work Day (US) [3rd Friday]
Endangered Species Day [3rd Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Fountain Pen Friday [3rd Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
International Virtual Assistants’ Day [3rd Friday]
NASCAR Day [3rd Friday]
National Bike to Work Day [3rd Friday]
National Defense Transportation Day [3rd Friday]
National Pizza Party Day [3rd Friday]
National Wear Blue Day [3rd Friday]
Native Nonprofit Day [3rd Friday]
O. Henry Pun Off Day [3rd Friday]
Teacher’s Day (Florida) [3rd Friday]
Wear Red for VEDS Day [3rd Friday]
World Meditation Day (UK) [3rd Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 17 (2nd Full Week)
Mike, the Headless Chicken Weekend [3rd Friday & Saturday]
Festivals Beginning May 17, 2024
Aalborg Carnival (Aalborg, Denmark) [thru 5.25]
Anderson Valley Pinot Festival (Anderson Valley, California) [thru 5.19]
Arizona Restaurant Week: Spring (Statewide, Arizona) [thru 5.26]
Bath Festival (Bath, England) [thru 5.20]
Bayou Bon Vivant Cajun Music, Food & Art Celebration (Norfolk, Virginia) [thru 5.19]
Beaufort Music Festival (Beaufort, South Carolina) [thru 5.18]
Chocolate Fest (Long Grove, Illinois) [thru 5.19]
Crawfish Festival (Fountain Valley, California) [thru 5.19]
Fort Worth Zoo Annual Beastro (Fort Worth, Texas)
Georgia Mountain Fire & Smoke Cooking Festival (Hiawassee, Georgia) [thru 5.18]
Hangout Music Festival (Gulf Shores, Alabama) [thru 5.19]
Hermann Maifest (Hermann, Missouri) [thru 5.19]
Karneval der Kulturen (Berlin, Germany( [thru 5.20]
Magnolia Blossom Festival & World Championship Steak Cook-Off (Magnolia, Arkansas) [thru 5.18]
Manchester Jazz Festival (Manchester, United Kingdom) [thru 5.26]
Moers Festival (Moers, Germany) [thru 5.20]
Morel Mushroom Festival (Muscoda, Wisconsin) [thru 5.18]
Motor City Comic Con (Novi, Michigan) [thru 5.19]
New Jersey Seafood Festival (Belmar, New Jersey) [thru 5.19]
North Carolina Potato Festival (Elizabeth City, North Carolina) [thru 5.19]
OC Greek Food Festival (Anaheim, California) [thru 5.19]
Oregon Homebrew Festival (Corvallis, Oregon) [thru 5.18]
Palm Beach Ribs, Wings & Rock Festival (Palm Beach, Florida) [thru 5.19]
Picklefest (Atkins, Arkansas) [thru 5.18]
Preston Trout Days (Preston, Minnesota) [thru 5.19]
Rhubarb Festival (Intercourse, Pennsylvania) [thru 5.18]
Stockton Flavor Fest (Stockton, California) [thru 5.19]
Taste of Maplewood Street Festival (Maplewood, Missouri) [thru 5.18]
Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival (Temecula, California) [thru 5.19]
Wave-Gotik-Treffen (Leipzig, Germany) [thru 5.20]
The WhiskyX (Brooklyn, New York)
World Expo of Beer (Frankenmuth, Michigan) [thru 5.18]
Feast Days
A.J. Casson (Artology)
Antonius (Positivist; Saint)
Bruno of Wurzburg (Christian; Saint)
Cathan (Christian; Saint)
Dave Sim (Artology)
Dea Dia (Goddess of the Cosmos; Ancient Rome)
Eugene (Muppetism)
Falling Off a Log Night (Shamanism)
Feast of ‘Azamat (Baha'i)
Gio Nicola Buhagiar (Artology)
Giulia Salzano (Christian; Saint)
Karl Burman (Artology)
Laval Homeboy Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Let Your Star Shine Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Maden of Brittany (Christian; Saint)
Madron (a.k.a. Madern (Christian; Saint)
Maxime Emile Louis Maufra (Artology)
Mifune Matsuri (Boat Festival; Japan)
Neo-Pagan Fertility Ritual (Philippines; Everyday Wicca)
Ogham (Celtic Book of Days)
Paschal Baylon (Christian; Saint)
Restituta (Christian; Saint)
Silave (Christian; Saint)
Single Malt Whisky Day (Pastafarian)
Sjofn’s Blot (Pagan)
William Hobart Hare (Episcopal Church (USA))
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 137 [33 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [23 of 37]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [25 of 57]
Un Giorno Nero (A Black Day; Italy) [Friday the 17th] (1 of 1 for 2024)
About a Boy (Film; 2002)
All Men Are Mortal, by Simone de Beauvoir (Novel; 1946)
At Dawn We Spley, by Gordon W. Prange (Historical Novel; 1982)
Babel-17, by Samuel R. Delany (Novel; 1966)
Bad Blood, by Taylor Swift (Album; 2015)
Blurryface, by Twenty One Pilots (Album; 2015)
Bon Voyage! (Film; 1962)
Catch-22 (TV Mini-Series; 2019)
Cinderella Goes to a Party (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1942)
Comic Cuts, by Alfred Harmsworth (UK Comic; 1890) [1st regular comic published]
Don’t Look Back (Documentary Film; 1967)
Five Puppets (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Gentle On My Mind, recorded by Glen Campbell (Song; 1967)
Godspell (Off-Broadway Musical; 1971)
Grin and Share It, featuring Droopy (MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Groove Me, recorded by King Floyd (Song; 1970)
The Guns of Avalon, by Roger Zelazny (Novel; 1972) [chronicles of Amber #2]
History of Modern Art, by H. Harvard Arnason (Art History; 1968)
Hobo Bobo (WB MM Cartoon; 1947)
If (Animated Film; 2024)
The Importance of Being Earnest (Film; 2002)
In a Lonely Place (Film; 1950)
Information Please (Radio Quiz Show; 1938)
The Inimitable Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1923)
John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum (Film; 2019)
King Porter Stomp, recorded by Teddy Hill, featuring Dizzy Gillespie (Song; 1937)
La Planète des Singes (The Planet of the Apes), by Pierre Boulle (Novel; 1963)
Le Quiet Squad (The Inspector Cartoon; 1967)
The Love Boat (TV Series; 1976)
Mesmerize, by System of a Down (Album; 2005)
Mr. Big Stuff, recorded by Jean Knight (Song; 1970)
My Mortal Enemy, by Willa Cather (Novel; 1926)
The Omnivore’s Dilemma, by Michael Pollan (Book; 2006)
Pink of the Litter (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1967)
Puss in Boots (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1934)
Random Access Memories, by Daft Punk (Album; 2013)
A River Runs Through It, by Norman Maclean (Novella’ 1976)
The Rookie Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1941)
See You Yesterday (Film; 2019)
Shéhérazade, by Maurice Ravel (Song Cycle; 1904)
Shutter Bug (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
Stay (I Missed You), by Lisa Loeb (Song; 1994)
The Sultan’s Cat, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Swiss Ski Yodelers (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
Thank God It’s Friday (Film; 1978)
The Tree of Life (Film; 2011)
Tommy, by The Who (Album; 1969)
Uthal, by Étienne-Nicolas Méhul (Opera; 1806)
Wacky-Bye Baby (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1948)
What About Bob? (Film; 1991)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum (Novel; 1900)
Today’s Name Days
Dietmar, Pascal, Walter (Austria)
Gizela, Heraklije, Paškal, Paško (Croatia)
Aneta (Czech Republic)
Bruno (Denmark)
Taido, Taidur, Taimar, Taimo, Taivo (Estonia)
Maila, Maili, Mailis, Maisa, Rebekka (Finland)
Pascal (France)
Antonella, Dietmar, Pascal (Germany)
Andronikos, Iounia, Junia, Solon (Greece)
Paszkál (Hungary)
Pasquale, Restituta (Italy)
Dailis, Herberts (Latvia)
Bazilė, Gailė, Paskalis, Virkantas (Lithuania)
Harald, Ragnhild (Norway)
Bruno, Herakliusz, Paschalis, Sławomir, Torpet, Weronika, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz (Poland)
Andronic (România)
Gizela (Slovakia)
Pascual (Spain)
Rebecka, Ruben (Sweden)
Pascal, Pascha, Pascual, Turner (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 138 of 2024; 228 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 6 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 10 (Xin-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 9 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 9 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 18 Magenta; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 4 May 2024
Moon: 72%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 25 Caesar (5th Month) [Antonius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 60 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 28 of 31)
0 notes