#Katara ๐Ÿค Me (Taking care of her siblings)
the-genius-az ยท 5 months
Why do you like teenage pregnancies so much? Did you have a baby when you were a teenager or what?
Thank you for asking kindly, Amor!
It's something personal, and when I was six years old I had to take care of my little brother when he was born, because my parents worked, (my little brother was not planned) so I took charge.
Luckily my brother was a calm baby, but it was still stressful taking care of someone at a very young age, having someone depend on you is overwhelming because YOU ALSO depend on someone.
And I romanticized having a baby at a young age (still do), to relieve stress. We're good now! My brother does not depend on me now, although he still sees me as his other father/mother figure.
PS: That's why the character I most identify with in Atla is Katara.
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