#Children deserve the world!
the-genius-az · 5 months
Why do you like teenage pregnancies so much? Did you have a baby when you were a teenager or what?
Thank you for asking kindly, Amor!
It's something personal, and when I was six years old I had to take care of my little brother when he was born, because my parents worked, (my little brother was not planned) so I took charge.
Luckily my brother was a calm baby, but it was still stressful taking care of someone at a very young age, having someone depend on you is overwhelming because YOU ALSO depend on someone.
And I romanticized having a baby at a young age (still do), to relieve stress. We're good now! My brother does not depend on me now, although he still sees me as his other father/mother figure.
PS: That's why the character I most identify with in Atla is Katara.
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charliethinks · 9 months
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please don’t separate them.
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 132
So it turns out Danny and Billy share a realms guardian. Not like they knew that until they literally got scruffed and taken through a portal- apparently realms paperwork can take years or even centuries so they actually got really lucky with how much their guardian was pushing. 
Apparently the primordial being of Space and the primordial being of Storm is one and the same and has been… well not throwing a fit but also yes throwing a fit at the Observants and other paperwork beings of the Zone. 
So it’s not the worst kidnapping either of them have gone through, apparently they’re getting a checkup and a crash course in realms stuff?? Oh god what do you mean there’s the equivalent of galas in the Zone and they have to go to them??? Sam/Tim help them! 
On the bright sides, way less attacks on Amity now that a primordial being that literally shuffles around entire galaxies just because is hanging around to teach him how to do things. And when Billy gets found out to be ten he can cheerfully say he has permission from his guardian. The one literally letting them get through space so quickly just because they think the league is neat. In an idle wow yep kiddo that is a funky looking cat we aren’t taking home yep, way. 
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Midnight thoughts on Batmom and her children's clothes.
WARNING: My mother was like this, Not on the money side, though. And you ask:¿Ella, are you projecting?, and I will answer: No. ¿Were you got such nonsense idea?
This gif represents my mind right now. I should be sleeping.
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Batmom keeps its kids SPOTLESS when it comes to dressing. She doesn't control what they wear, but her kids have only the best brands on them. And if she couldn't get whatever they want in the best brand, it's gonna will be tailored for them.
And she does not repeat it, there is no such thing as the younger brother taking the clothes of the older one in this family. Each child has their own style, autonomy and clothes, and they rarely agree on those things so sharing is never an option for them when it comes to clothing. If her baby grows out of their clothes, Batmom donate it or keep it for future grandchildren.
I mean, I'm talking about #silentluxury for her children, from they feet to the tip of their heads.
The funniest thing about all this is that most of the time they do not even realize it. It's not until a Gotham news forum pulls out a detailed article about the Wayne's silent luxury fashion and how it dates from Dick's early days at the mansion to the present day with Damian that they notice the pattern.
Like, imagine newly-reunited-with-his-family-but-still-rebellious Jason wearing a sweatshirt of the brand The Row that clearly bought his mom and costs at least $ 800 that he can not pay because he is a rebel and does not need his dad's money but he acepts gifts from his mum, of course.
Or little Dick returning from a day of art classes (because Batmom decided to give him other extracurricular activities other than a vigilante dressed as a traffic light) excited with his Dior jeans of $ 1300 dollars stained in paint, but with a work of art in his hand that he did only for his mommy.
Or Tim, wearing a pair of $450 black Gucci sandals, walking half-asleep out of his college class after he didn't hear his alarm, so he left with the first thing he found from his apartment.
Or Damian, putting one of his cashmire sweaters on Titus at Christmas, wearing a maching of his own, equally expensive and soft.
Also, imagine Cassandra only wearing THE BEST in balett shoes and equipment, totally unconsciously of the amount of money that really costs, all that because neither Batmom nor Bruce ever told her because it's nothing really that expensive for this family.
And no matter how many clothes they ruin. Never. And I repeat: NEVER their mom will allow her children to have something less.
(They are more spoiled than they themselves even realize.)
Bruce got jealous at some point and started letting Batmom choose his wardrobe as well.
Allright, NOW I'm done.
Good night.
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doughguts-art · 24 days
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A myriad of ONE fanart because I realized I've done a bunch lately and could share it in a masterpost. I kiss Doux on the forehead and give him hot cocoa.
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Abso-fucking-lutely vibing with World's Finest: Teen Titans' addition of Karen as one of the founding members.
Because good fucking god, before this the team was two demigods, two billionaire teens and a Normal Kid™ in neon yellow BUT NOW?! Now it's two demigods, two billionaire teens and TWO Normal Kids™ in neon yellow!
No but seriously though Wally is the only one who has to like... mow the lawn and watch his neighbor's cat when they go away for the long weekend. He's the only one who knows how to mail a letter at the post office and how much pencils cost at a book fair. He's got superpowers and terrible parents and yet somehow he is the MOST NORMAL ONE THERE.
Which speaks volumes about the rest of them tbh.
But now!!! Karen and Wally get to be nerds ✨together✨ and they get free tickets to watch the trainwrecks that the other Teen Titans call life
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Seriously though I think these two are aggressively trying to be friends with each other while also roleplaying their 'cool guy' hero personas, which is extremely funny to me. These two are absolute nerds with no friends in school and they are DESPERATE for a friend and they've just met but they've both decided "Yeah that one. That one is friend shaped"
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Wally: you move too slow
Karen: learn how to fly dumbass
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Anyway I love them
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 11 months
وَلَا تَحۡسَبَنَّ ٱللَّهَ غَٰفِلًا عَمَّا يَعۡمَلُ ٱلظَّـٰلِمُونَۚ إِنَّمَا يُؤَخِّرُهُمۡ لِيَوۡمٖ تَشۡخَصُ فِيهِ ٱلۡأَبۡصَٰرُ
And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them for a Day when eyes will stare [in horror].
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 25 days
Aang: Sooooo, who are you again? Kuruk: I'm Avatar Kuruk, the Water Avatar that came after Yangchen and before Kyoshi. Aang: Mmmm hmmm. And what did you do? Kuruk, sweating: Uhhhhhh not a lot. Aang: Really? What was your biggest accomplishment then? Kuruk: Being the baby girl who was lucky to be born between big boss mommies? Kyoshi: Don't ever call me that again. Or I swear to Raava, you will wish Father Glowworm finished you off. Yangchen: Kuruk, that better not be sexually charged at us. Kuruk: Of course not big boss air mommy. I mean it only in the most respectful way. u_u Yangchen: Fiiiiiiiiiiine, carry on. Kyoshi: No I don't "carry on!" I don't fucking care if it is or isn't suppose to be taken like that, or how true it is, don't fucking call me that again!
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*Gives dadtrap a World's #1 Dad mug wrapped in an adoption form*
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jinnazah · 8 months
what kills me is how people here in the west are so …. willfully, blissfully, ignorant of what’s transpiring in palestine. like i have even seen poc, even seen HIJABIS still buying starbucks and i’m like …… i guess dumbfounded at this point. “oh but it’s just one drink” “oh but my one dollar won’t make a difference if i spent it or not” “well it’s not my problem, the middle east is always at war”
are people so arrogant they think they are the exception to what’s happening in palestine? in fact. the victim blaming against the palestinians is insane “well they should’ve just left” “well they should’ve agreed to a ceasefire” “well they shouldn’t have let hamas take over” you guys make me sick to my stomach!!!! my god this rhetoric is so narcissistic it hurts!!!!!
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juriandurian · 2 months
happy birthday to annabeth chase!!!!
THEE IT GIRL aka the most MISUNDERSTOOD character ever aka the most KIND character in the series aka the STRONGEST character in the series
she has gone through hell and back and she deserves the happiest ending life can give her <3333
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astriddestelle · 3 months
Characters across media (from shows I’ve watched) who I think would absolutely be best friends.
Miles Morales, Yuji Itadori, Deku, Reki Kyan, Danny Fenton, and Aang.
Literally the most wholesome and sweetest group of boys ever. Would absolutely be besties.
Gotta learn how to draw so I can draw them hanging out (unless someone wants to do it for me out of the kindness of their heart)
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wesleysniperking · 6 months
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A new one shot out for Usopp’s birthday week! It’s Yasopp’s POV, but pretty much all about Usopp.
Happy Birthday, Usopp! ❤️
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xx-yu2-xx · 8 months
This is the second time recently that I've gotten sick, and all I had to do was get online and I got to talk to a doctor within minutes.
And I can't stop thinking about Gaza.
How it should be just as easy and accessible to them. How it could be. How many people are dying just because of their lack of access to medication, to healthcare.
Ya Allah... I am not more deserving of healthcare than them, I am not more deserving of peace and my house, my family, my shelter, my security than they are.
Please reblog with whatever fundraisers y'all can find, I already am planning on donating to UNRWA, and the GoFundMe of several diabetic Palestinians trying to leave and/or get insulin.
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