#Kathrine Armitage
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Featuring:  Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor and Sophie Aldred and Philip Olivier as the companions  
Set Between: After The Harvest
Stand alone? : Yes
Marks out of 10: 8/10
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Summary of the plot
As the TARDIS materialized, The Doctor Ace and Hex find themselves in 2020, in a living room of a seemingly ordinary house. As they explore they begin to realize that things are not so ordinary. The house is abandoned and the doors are locked, but they aren’t alone.
Katherine Armitage has penned a much more disturbing and tension filled story, incorporating technology in what at first appears to have rather a ‘black mirror’ type feel. In some ways this plot line reminded me of “Protect and Survive”, where the main characters were trapped in a house and the only way out was to solve the mystery.
I definitely felt that this was the better of the two stories as the creepy mysteries are usually the ones I enjoy best. The story starts in a rather simple way and as Armitage slowly builds up the plot questions begin to build up too, and in a rather Stephen Moffat way it’s pretty hard to decipher what exactly is going on here. The recordings of singing on the A.I and other reminiscences of the family provided a particularly unnerving note.
I’m not whether this was deliberate but a story set in 2020 with the characters being stuck in a house where tensions are rising and desperation builds is rather fitting to current events.
All three actors performed brilliantly here, with a real grasp on the story. Sophie Aldred and Philip Olivier’s chemistry here was particularly good and there’s a real sense of it being set in Hex’s early days in the TARDIS.
 Buy it here
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