keepscrollinghun · 11 months
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The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) has warned of a growing humanitarian catastrophe in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where fighting between government forces and armed groups has caused hundreds of thousands of people to flee.
The mining in the Province of North Kivu Province is mainly for gold, cassiterite, coltan, diamonds, tourmaline, pyrochlore.
Humanitarians estimate that there are now more than 300,000 displaced people in Goma. Anne-Sylvie Linder says, “Some of them are at Bulengo or Lac Vert – where a site was prepared – as well as Rusayo, an outlying district in Goma where authorities have made several acres available. The Lac Vert site nevertheless poses a significant risk to the people there because of the potential for the release of dangerous methane gas. (ICRC.org)
update source to read more: VOA Reliefweb
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alcrego · 3 months
· Melt · (1 of 4)
Sound On
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the-lady-maddy · 9 months
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sonics-atelier · 4 months
To draw a parallel between Feyre's actions in the Spring Court and concepts such as colonization and mass genocide, it's important to analyze the nuances and consequences of her actions. Here’s a detailed breakdown :
( because you idiots can't comprehend it can you ? )
Reasons for the Parallel:
1. Disruption of Established Communities :
- Colonization : Historically, colonizers disrupt existing societies, imposing new rules and systems, often disregarding the welfare of the local population.
- Feyre’s Actions : By undermining Tamlin's rule and sowing chaos in the Spring Court, Feyre disrupts the lives of its inhabitants, forcing them to live in fear and uncertainty.
2. Exploitation of Power Dynamics :
- Colonization : Colonizers typically exploit their superior power to dominate and control indigenous populations for their own benefit.
- Feyre’s Actions : Feyre, leveraging her position and abilities, manipulates the internal politics of the Spring Court primarily to serve her personal vendetta against Tamlin, rather than considering the impact on the common citizens.
3. Cultural and Social Displacement :
- Colonization : Indigenous cultures and social structures are often eroded or obliterated under colonial rule.
- Feyre’s Actions : By destabilizing the Spring Court, Feyre causes significant social upheaval. The citizens’ trust in their leadership and societal norms are shattered, akin to the cultural displacement seen in colonized societies.
4. Infliction of Psychological and Physical Harm :
- Genocide : Beyond physical violence, genocide includes the infliction of psychological terror and destruction of ways of life.
- Feyre’s Actions : Although not a literal genocide, Feyre’s actions inflict psychological harm on the Spring Court’s residents, instilling fear, paranoia, and instability, which mirrors the psychological impacts of genocidal actions.
5. Manipulation and Betrayal :
- Colonization : Colonial powers often employ manipulation and betrayal to achieve their goals, breaking treaties and exploiting trust.
- Feyre’s Actions : Feyre deceives and manipulates Tamlin and his court, betraying any semblance of alliance or trust for her personal goals.
6 . Brought to my attention by @wingsdippedingold , Justification Given :
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Political Leadership and Setting a Better Example:
1. Responsibility to Protect Civilians :
- As a political leader and High Lady, Feyre holds the responsibility to protect all civilians, including those in rival courts. Her actions should prioritize the welfare of innocents over personal grievances.
2. Ethical Use of Power :
- Leaders must use their power ethically, avoiding actions that harm innocent people. Feyre’s actions reflect a misuse of power for revenge, rather than for justice or the greater good.
3. Diplomacy over Sabotage :
- Effective leadership often requires diplomacy and conflict resolution rather than sabotage and subterfuge. Feyre could have sought diplomatic means to address her issues with Tamlin without causing widespread harm.
4. Setting Precedents :
- As a leader, Feyre’s actions set a precedent for future interactions between courts. By resorting to manipulation and causing civilian suffering, she undermines principles of justice and fair governance, encouraging a cycle of retaliation and conflict.
5. Moral Integrity :
- Leaders are expected to uphold high moral standards. Feyre’s actions, driven by personal vendetta, showcase a lack of moral integrity, damaging her credibility as a just leader.
While Feyre's actions may not be a direct parallel to colonization and mass genocide in their most extreme forms, the underlying principles of causing widespread harm to innocent civilians for personal gain and disrupting societal structures draw notable similarities. As a political leader, Feyre’s actions should reflect a commitment to protecting all people under her influence, employing ethical and diplomatic solutions, and maintaining moral integrity to set a positive example for governance and conflict resolution.
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zatdummesmadchen · 3 months
Hello, I am Amal, a mother of seven children ranging from 15 years to 7 months old. Due to escalated war conditions, I relocated to the south, leaving my husband in the north to care for his ailing father. I am eager to reunite with my husband and children as soon as possible. I have initiated a fundraising campaign to support our journey, and I look forward to your support and participation to collectively become a beacon of hope in achieving this dream🙏🙏.
Vetted by @90-ghost
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
Good News From Israel
Israel's Good News Newsletter to 10th Mar 24
In the 10th Mar 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
A massive project to rehabilitate southern Israel’s farms.
He trained the IDF medic who later saved his life.
Israeli hospitals are recognized as First Class.
Israeli women are a beacon of light to the nations.
An Israeli bedtime story-telling app is now a global educational tool.
Huge confidence in Israel’s economy.
The 13th Jerusalem marathon was an especially moving event.
The Israeli wedding(s) of the year.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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Five months after Oct 7, Israel is certainly Up and Running - even stronger than before.  Residents have returned to battered communities in the south and rehabilitation hospitals and charities have successfully been getting the wounded back on their feet. Meanwhile, an Israeli NGO has even been helping get the devastated Ukrainian healthcare system back up and running.   On International Women’s Day, the Israeli news includes the first woman to run an Israeli Air Force base, the women in charge of several Israeli NGOs, and the woman who runs one of Samsung’s Israeli subsidiaries.   Israelis have developed material for putting up buildings and remove greenhouse gases. Meanwhile, up in the air, synchronized Israeli drones extinguish wildfires.   Things are also looking up for Israel’s economy. Employment is up, as is confidence in the Shekel and in the Israeli bond market. Israel’s gas revenues are on the up, and even the avocado harvest is at a record high.  The Israeli foldable electric car now can be seen running around town, and Israeli startups ran some 2,000 business meetings at the Mobile World Congress.   Finally, Israeli women and men have again been climbing up on sporting podiums, many more Jews have been going “up” on Aliyah, and even the Kinneret has been filling up, thanks to benevolence from above.   The photo (TY Sharon) shows competitors gathering for Friday’s Jerusalem Marathon, where a record 40,000 were up and running.
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sugas6thtooth · 10 months
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maxhpart · 1 month
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Kiki & Bouba
For everyone who feels like they are mismatched or don't belong.
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remellu · 8 months
DISCLAIMER: You can skip to the gofundme before scrolling to read everything, as I do update on there, but since I don't use tumblr much and this is very urgent, I have additional stuff to say in this post after providing the link. Link: https://gofund.me/952d122a
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As you can tell, I'm currently homeless and cannot access resources for shelter, as the homeless epidemic has caused it to get much harder to find shelter and transitional housing. I'm also someone who needs special accommodations as a disabled person, such as my medication and my cat being an emotional support animal, so that alone will make me less likely to be accepted.
I've been seeking a way to get housing way before I became homeless, as I knew the lease wasn't going to be renewed, but I couldn't do it on time. Currently I paid for my 1st and 2nd stay at the hotel I'm currently at. That's been 10 days, and currently I need to renew again by the 13th of February. This is the information for my first booking, which was cheaper than the second check in. 403 was the total including tax, but the second check in is 403 WITHOUT the tax.
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Here's the proof of the second stay in for 5 days being higher than the last.
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This hotel is literally the cheapest I could find with basic accomidations such as having a microwave and being able to refrigerate food, so I have to deal with the prices fluctuating a bit. It's not going to be the same each time I renew my stay at the hotel. But I don't expect it to reach the 500 USD range, it's going to be bellow that. The better approximate I guess is to get 480 USD for every 5 days of staying if feasible.
This is the current amount I got for the 3rd stay 66.11 is what I have left and the other two are donations that are still processing This isnt enough for the third hotel stay. (Due on the 13th) I would need around 500 USD (in case I need other needs like food/ set up the p.o. box) I'll appreciate any help!
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Gofundme does not finish sending transactions on weekends, in fact it postpones it, so that may cause complications for the 3rd and 4th stay if the money comes in too late. I do have a kofi and paypal in case anyone wants to ensure the money comes in faster, I'll put that link for Kofi here: https://ko-fi.com/remellu If you don't have gofundme, I'll provide my Paypal directly as well: paypal.me/yummeiko
Here's a diagram for the 3rd and 4th visit and how transactions work on Gofundme can affect me being able to renew the stay. Especially for the 4th one.
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I do not know how long I'm going to stay here, my homeless status is indefinite, I'll I can do is continue to work on finding resources for housing that will fit my financial situation while I try to stay in the hotel as much as possible. 10K USD is the amount asked because I know it may take a while to get things sorted, I may not need that amount, but if I don't and I reach it, I could always use it for deposits and so on as well as furnishing my apartment whenever I can get there. I apologize how lengthy this is. I do not use Tumblr often so if you want to get more frequent updates about what is being donated and my current status is, there's a few places you can follow me at. Twitter (Main): https://twitter.com/Remellu Instagram (main): https://www.instagram.com/remeiu/ Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/remellu.bsky.social I also posted a video in regards to the gofundme on both tiktok and youtube (i may also put these on both my instagrams if the length is allowed. Twitter also has it) Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@remeiu/video/7333364564697894186 Youtube: https://youtu.be/YWokYi2gl0g Again, I'll appreciate any help I will get, and I will also try to come back on this site to update this stuff as well, I'm just not good at remembering I have a tumblr. The best you can do if you can't donate is reblog or share on your other social media we are both on. Thank you in advance!
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agentfascinateur · 11 months
"Nobody's hands are clean" - Barak Obama
Yes, Obama said Hamas’s attack was “horrific.” But, he continued, the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and “what’s happening to Palestinians” is also “unbearable.” “If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree,” he said, arguing that the entire world bears responsibility for allowing the decades-long conflict to fester.
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islamahmed · 2 months
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305 Days 💔
That’s enough 💔
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runalongprincevaliant · 8 months
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the-lady-maddy · 9 months
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brainypixel · 1 month
Main antagonist species for the second issue of "Displaced" - Sito the Hunters💀
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Check out issue one here! https://brainypixel.com/shop/ols/products/displaced-isue-01-aboard-the-leto
#conceptart #characterdesign
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saddayfordemocracy · 11 months
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Nhu Xuan Hua, “Tropism, Consequences of a Displaced Memory.” 
Fueled by her own background as a second-generation immigrant, French-Vietnamese artist Nhu Xuan Hua delved into her family’s photographic archive and created an eery, lingering work on cultural displacement, generational memories and the malleability of reality.
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
Good News From Israel
In the 3rd Mar 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
An IDF veteran drove over 130 miles to take charge of Oct 7 rescue operations.
Israeli sunshine can help grow large families.
A mother of 3 secretly oversees the development of David’s Sling.
An Israeli pesticide makes weeds infertile.
A war cannot stop Israelis from starting new companies.
More sports gold medals for Israelis.
A brave rescued Israeli female hostage has returned to army service.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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Not even a war can stop Israel building on its 75-years of success in rebuilding a Jewish State. Israel continues to build up its basket of subsidized medical treatments, create new remedies for global diseases, discover the secret for building bigger families, and construct medical centers for rehabilitating the injured. The latest news includes the Israeli woman who oversees the building of Israel's missile defense system; an Israeli app that rebuilds broken speech into coherent conversation; and 30 Israeli NGOs rebuilding lives in Africa. Israeli startups are restoring the environment, while building efficient EV batteries, hydrogen-powered flying cars, and creating sustainable aviation fuel. Meanwhile, many Jewish citizens of Europe and the US are realizing that now it is the time to build a new life in Israel. The photo (TY Sharon) is of Jerusalem's Hurva and the Tiferet synagogues, rebuilt and being rebuilt, after being blown up by the Jordanian army in 1948.
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