#Katie Swinford diaries
When we get a new kiddo in my class and his last name happens to be the same as one of my favorite fictional characters who goes by their last name. So all day I’ve been randomly grinning and giggling over this baby and thinking of the character and calling him baby _____ . A little hint is that I’ve been resisting the urge to hold my ear and scream “it’s me! It’s me!” Lol it’s even funnier to me the fact that this kid is a red head cause… yeah. If you know you know.
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kswinwritings · 7 years
Ridiculous: An AU King Arthur One Shot Of My Story As I Am
Summery: In an AU of As I Am Arthur and Katie have a daughter and shenanigans ensue when they watch her favorite movie as a family.
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Author’s Note: This post pretty well explains how the fuck this came about. http://katieswinforddiaries.tumblr.com/post/167072427543/roflmfao-aka-this-is-why-im-not-allowed-to-do Just. Yeah. This is why I’m not allowed to do nice things.
Rating: T
           It was just a normal Saturday evening in the Pendragon household. Katie was cleaning up when Lilliann ran up to her excitedly.
             “Mommy can we watch my movie?” She asked.
             “Ask daddy.” Katie told her with a smile.
             “Ok!” She said happily before running back into the living room.
             “Do we have any ear plugs? I think if I have to listen to that movie one more time I just might go insane.” Mordred said just as Liliann ran back into the room.
             “Bubby will you make me popcorn?” She asked.
             “I don’t know. You think you deserve popcorn?” Mordred teased.
             “Please bubby! “She begged giving him a pout that made him laugh.
             “You are rotten. It’s a good thing you are so stinking cute. “ He replied as he tickled her. “But I still love you.”
             “I love you too bubby.” She told him as she gave him a big hug. Before long she had managed to get everyone into the living room watching her favorite movie yet again. When it got to a specific song Katie couldn’t help laughing as she heard Mordred groan. It was Liliann’s favorite so they had to listen to it almost constantly. Usually whenever they took her too or from school. “Daddy daddy sing along!” She yelled excitedly making Arthur laugh.
             “Alright alright. I hear you princess.” Arthur told her before he started singing along as he bounced her on his lap.
             “Oh I love you.” Katie laughed as she watched him. Arthur just gave her a mischievous look and got up to start dancing as he sang it straight to her. Liliann of course erupted into a fit of giggles as Mordred face palmed and took a sip of his drink.
             “Daddy you’re being silly!” Liliann laughed.
             “And this is exactly why I never bring friends home.” He said. “Dates either. We really can’t do anything with him.”
             “Oh hush. Don’t’ ruin your sisters fun. It’s cute.” Katie told him. When Arthur finished the song he just pulled Katie into his arms and kissed her. “You’re insane. I love you, but you are.” She laughed as she settled back on the couch.
             “Hey, I’m all about the fairytale, baby.” Arthur laughed.
             “Again daddy again!” Liliann squealed.
           “Please don’t,” Mordred said.
             “Not tonight baby girl. Another day I promise.” Arthur told her as he placed a kiss to her forehead. After a while Liliann crashed and  Arthur carried her upstairs to her room to put her to bed.
             “You are such an amazing father.” Katie told him when he came back downstairs and she handed him a beer.
             “I think Mordred might disagree.” Arthur laughed.
             “Oh don’t listen to him it was sweet. Plus you made Lily’s night.” She replied.
             “Well to be fair the song was right about one thing.” Arthur teased.
             “And what would that be?” Katie asked as he pulled her into his lap.
             “My love for you is ridiculous.” He sang making her burst out laughing yet again.
             “Oh I love you so damn much.” She told him when she finally stopped laughing and rested her forehead against his.
             “I love you too. Now, how about I get you some wine and run us a romantic bubble bath?” She asked.
             “Best husband ever.” She told him.
             “Coming right up love.” He told her.
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Imagine being generally viewed as a good girl and everyone being shocked when you not only fall for Tommy, but show absolutely no remorse over it or how you change being with him because you feel free to be yourself with him.
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(Inspired by https://youtu.be/xYLxUJ9v6KU)
"What happened to the sweet girl we all used to know?" Someone demanded.
"She grew up and fell in love with a man who encouraged her to be her true self." You replied. "And as I've come to learn, good girls are just bad girls who don't get caught." You added making Tommy and the boys laugh.
"What can I say?" Tommy shrugged. "I won't apologize for loving her just as she is. She's perfect." He insisted before pulling you in for a kiss. "Fucking love you baby." He whispered as finally he pulled away with a huge fucking grin on his face.
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Imagine reassuring Cullen you will always be there for him when he has a low moment questioning himself during his struggle with lyrium addiction.
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(Inspired by https://youtu.be/_Gcrx2Ab0FM)
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Imagine hanging out with Billy and Frank and them being amused when you put men who won't leave you alone in their place.
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(Inspired by https://youtu.be/jkNnceNJXz0 Also why did this flow so well? I guess all I can say is my brothers trained me well.)
"I suggest you get your fucking hand off of me." You told the guy whos hand was groping your ass.
"Or what. You gonna sick your boys on me?" The man mocked. "I just want a little fun."
"Oh sweetie they doesn't need us to fight their battles. We're here to make sure they don't kill you." Billy laughed as he took a sip of his drink.
"Exactly and all your behavior is showing me is that you apparently aren't capable of holding an intelligent conversation or actually being able to woo someone so you have to resort to macho male bullshit and hope for the best. Sad for you I know that game. In fact my guys here are some of the most macho men there are and even they know better to try this. So I suggest you walk away and enjoy your night with your hand before you loose it." You replied before shoving the guy away. "You ain't shit and unless you grow the fuck up and show some respect you never will be."
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Oooo... uhmm maybe what it's like dating him.
Note: Do not come at me for any typos as none of this was proof read please.
let's do this though. When it come to how I imagine dating Raleigh Beckett would be like I really think that it would depend on at what point in the timeline of the movie it is.
For example if we are talking about the very beginning pre Yancy's death Raleigh was still very much Cocky and young. I think he'd the the guy to be showing off trying to impress his date or girlfriend and be very easily jealous. Think for example like being out at a bar or something and he would want to like show up for you playing things like darts or pool. The kind of guy that around the guys has to always macho and like he's the best. I also see him still being big on PDA though. Like I particularly have an image of him say winning some game out at the bar and proudly cheering and pulling you in to kiss you in front of everyone. Or maybe when talking with buddies pulling you into his lap or wrapping an arm around your waist. Of course he's still the same sweet Raleigh so when it was just you with him I think he would still be very romantic and sweet with a girlfriend. Like more so in public. Just Raleigh at this point I see for some reason as the kind of guy who wouldn't want to be super lovely or sweet in front of buddies being worried he might get teased he's whipped. Maybe like a usual military man since the PPDC is officially part of the military having to communicate with him with all kinds of regulations and rules when he's not home on leave as it has been established that they were pretty much on call and had to be leave at any minute. Which of course is a military thing but with the Kaiju even more so. But there would still be lots of time apart given military regulations.
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Then if we're talking Raleigh when he was working on the wall I think this would be a very different Raleigh. His job here is literally welding. (Which side note as a woman who took both wood and metal shop in high school I find very hot.) But that is beside the point. The point is this Raleigh is very much a blue collar man. He's also working on his grief and figuring out what he believes after loosing his brother to a cause he had worked and sacrificed so much for. So I think dating Raleigh here would have it's own set of struggles. For example I can see this Raleigh being quite clingy and worried about loosing another person he loved after loosing Yancy. Also this version of Raleigh I see lots of cuddling. I'm talking movie nights cuddled on the couch with junk food and popcorn joking around. Or maybe even cuddling with him and him starting to tickle you. (I hate being tickled, but I do just see this for Raleigh for some reason.) I am sure he would also be quite self conscious of the circuitry scars on his body. I especially could see in early days of dating him not wanting you to know or to see them and you having to reassure him that they don't bother you and helping him work though worrying about them. I think after that point he'd still be self conscious though and would only let someone he trusted such as a girlfriend to see them as much as possible. I also think Raleigh at this time would just need to hold you a lot. I also think he'd have lots of nightmares reliving what happened that you would have to calm him down from and hold him while he cried. Which I also think he'd be very self conscious of. So yeah I think this Raleigh is much more mature at this point, but dating him here you would need to be there for him to help him as he grows and works through his trauma. Especially in the early days after Yancy's death depending how soon after the incident you met.
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Then lastly if you were dating Raleigh when the PPDC called him back up I think he would want it one of two ways. 1. you there with him. or 2. somewhere same as far away from the shit show as possible. Especially with being pulled back into that world again I think it would bring up a lot of old issues and trauma. If you went with him I think that he would be doing a lot of venting and you would need to help keep him sane. Like telling him to calm down and not worry. That you are there for him and at the station is logically one of the safest places you could be at that moment. Other then that I think it would be a lot of the same things as the last settling but with added frustrations and worried since being there I think would bring up a lot of feelings and fears for him. I also picture with this also just becoming besties with Mako too. Plus maybe telling off Chuck for being an over macho dick to him. Then again that could just be me cause yeah I wouldn't stand for that shit especially knowing all of the feelings and stuff being there alone must be stirring up for Raleigh only to his this little shit talking shit to him.
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Well my love that is what I have for you. Given it has been a while since I watched the movie which I think might have to be fixed sometime very soon, but these are my initial thoughts right off the top of my head. I should have quite a few old things on here though if you need help finding my Raleigh imagines, one shots or multi chapter fics. Also if you have more of these please feel free to send them in because this was a lot of run. This goes for anyone with these for any of my other muses too by the way.
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Imagine being friends with the Shelby family and them cheering you on as you tell off your ex for cheating when they make a scene trying to win you back while you're out with the family.
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(inspired by the mental image in my head and this song https://youtu.be/p1kT4u_D5PA )
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Imagine Matt showing up drunk at your place to admit that he misses you after the two of you broke up and that is is harder then he thought it would be which leads to him crashing on your couch for the night to sober up before the two of you talk in the morning.
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(Inspired by https://youtu.be/xEs9woY7Lws idk why but this just struck me as a very Matt idea for some reason.)
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Imagine first meeting Matt as Daredevil when you're out walking around the city at night during a rough mental episode and he helps keep you company and get you home safe. Then the next day running into him as himself because he wanted to make sure you were okay and you not knowing its the same person and the two of you becoming close friends.
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(Inspired by https://youtu.be/W9luvmCkCJA So as someone who struggles with their mental health I know I really needed this so yeah. I hope you guys enjoy. And if you're going through a rough patch right now just imagine our sweet Matty taking care of you and keeping you company through it.)
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Imagine struggling with missing your secret lover Obi Wan when you're apart or have to pretend to be nothing more then friends in front of others.
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(Inspired by https://youtu.be/c43cHJ4z3kA and brought to you by me chugging about half of a double lemon drop martini before making this lol And no I am not sorry. I regret nothing.)
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Imagine Jax offering to help you get out your frustrations and get over your shitty ex when you are venting to him about them and how they treated you.
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(Inspired by https://youtu.be/3-xCfi-fOkQ)
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Imagine your besties Matt, Foggy and Karen cheering you on as you go off on your ex who cheated on you.
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(Inspired by https://youtu.be/X0HMc_WmEIw I just could not resist. I would love this merry band of chuckle fucks cheering me on as I went off on my ex.)
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Imagine calling out Logan when he tries to convince you to give him a chance after blowing you off before which only makes him all the more interested.
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(Inspired by https://youtu.be/xYLxUJ9v6KU cause for someone reason I just see this with Logan.)
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Imagine having been Billy's high school sweetheart and him coming to you after he looses his memory and is on the run which results in the two of you falling back in love and being on the run together.
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(Inspired by https://youtu.be/2B9fBFtBXhU )
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Imagine dating Matt and confronting him when he starts distancing himself from you thinking he is loosing feelings for you when in reality it is because he is worried about you getting hurt due to his activities as Daredevil if anyone found out and him being forced to admit his secret to not loose you.
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(Inspired by https://youtu.be/T-41vMWQTUA )
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Imagine being childhood sweethearts with Billy and the two of you managing to stay together through everything including his service and lots of arguments.
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(Inspired by https://youtu.be/8C4zTdGtbdc )
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