#Katie does new media 2k24
tundrakatiebean · 4 months
Alright I’m starting Columbo. You can look back at this to see where the descent into full blorbo-hood began.
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tundrakatiebean · 3 months
I would really enjoy playing Journey if I didn’t keep having random people show up and flash lights at me. I just want to run around in the sand and figure out the puzzles on my own dude.
I get that teamwork is kind of the point of the game but I . . . don’t want to do that.
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tundrakatiebean · 5 months
I’m 44 minutes in. I can’t keep watching this. It’s too awful. It’s like the most sanitized cliff notes shit I’ve ever seen in my life.
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tundrakatiebean · 1 month
OH MY GOD one of my favorite actors is in Fallout and I don’t even know. Something horrible is going to happen to him isn’t it? Oh no why haven’t I seen him in the gifs
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tundrakatiebean · 4 months
Columbo has done some really interesting cinematography already and I’m only like two and a half episodes in. There is no blood which is really interesting but they shoot the scenes in a really cool artsy kind of way so you get the vibe without the kind of violence that’s normal for these types of shows. Also Columbo is just American Poirot - love me a strange little man with particularities.
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tundrakatiebean · 2 months
Man I was really liking that book until like the last three paragraphs lol annoying ass ending
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tundrakatiebean · 3 months
Ok I placed why this book is bugging me so much and I have tracked down enough info that I feel confident about my suspicious lol
Mostly just writing this here so I don’t forget. This is about Fourth Wing just in case anyone cares
This book has a female main character who almost always has strong male backup/protection to the point that’s it weird. The only time MC doesn’t have male protection she’s forced into conscription by her mother. She goes from her father’s protection (blip here where her mom is fine sending her to her death), then her male childhood best friend, then the dark and brooding love interest, then her Uber Stronk male dragon, then the love interest and the dragon. I sat and thought about it a bit and it really reminds me of how a certain kind of woman views the world. This isn’t a dig or anything just something I’ve noticed that especially prevalent in very Christian people and the military. There’s a kind of woman who goes directly from her father’s house and care into her husband’s house and care (often rather young) and so they very much view the world and their personhood as being attached to some sort of male figure. I looked up the author a bit and she is a military wife, with a lot of kids, who got married around 21. So like aside from the writing issues I have with this book we just have such fundamentally different worldviews that the basis irks the hell out of me. Again I don’t have a problem with this kind of person inherently but I have been bullied and pushed into feeling like a failure for not having that kind of status quo ideal life that getting the same shit in a fantasy book annoys me. Def not an author for me nor one I will return to.
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tundrakatiebean · 3 months
Me, reading a sexy fantasy novel with a disabled MC: hm well this isn’t as good as Joy’s book so I’m going to be CRANKY about it
(It would’ve been sooo easy to slip in an accessibility mention there without breaking the momentum of the scene like Joy did with Vlad moving the pillow away from his mouth and it didn’t happen. Everyone go read Hunger Pangs by Joy Demorra)
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tundrakatiebean · 3 months
I am absolutely not doing all the achievements for Journey lol I tried it. I’ll finish my first playthrough but this level is so frustrating and they’ve added flashing lighting.
It came in a pack with a couple other games I wanted so it’s not a loss or anything but uh yea not gonna beat my head against this to 100% it
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tundrakatiebean · 4 months
Me: this book was mentioned in another book I found helpful, even if I end up not finding it as helpful it’s still worth a read to understand some of these concepts better
The Book: immediately rewires my brain with a single sentence
(I’m reading What Happened to You? By Oprah and Bruce D. Perry which is about how trauma messes with your brain. One of the things mentioned in the first chapter is changing an internal focus on “what is wrong with me?” to “what happened to me?” as the title suggests. And uh yeah, that does change the way I look at it a bit)
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tundrakatiebean · 4 months
Love the “available now” section of the Libby app. I was scrolling it for something not too taxing while I’m waiting for holds and A Wrinkle in Time audiobook was available. It was one of my mom’s favorites and I never got around to reading it, I think the cover of the version my mom had when I was little scared me so I avoided it. I can see why she liked it and exactly why she related to it which makes me a little sad.
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tundrakatiebean · 5 months
I’m going to warn you all right now: I’m about to watch The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie. You know that book I’ve been mentally obsessing over for a year? Whose casting I’m already hella suspicious of?
So like be prepared for me to be in a frothing rage on here in a bit. Really concerned that they made the big bad evil scientist who sets most of this in motion the darkest person in the main cast. Like the actress is incredible and will do well, but kinda concerning.
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tundrakatiebean · 5 months
Pleased with myself. I recognized what Native American language a word was from. One that I haven’t particularly studied or anything.
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tundrakatiebean · 5 months
They already completely missed the point of the book lol they’re trying to make Coryo look cooler than he actually is, which is directly against the message of the book. They’re making him more rebellious and snarky. He’s not. He’s a hungry, calculating little shit who plays the midline and only succeeds because he over couches everything he ever says lol
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tundrakatiebean · 29 days
Fallout was good. They need to be nicer to Dogmeat :(
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tundrakatiebean · 1 month
Alright y’all convinced me to watch Fallout. I’m sure this won’t have any emotional repercussions at all and I’ll be totally normal about it.
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