#Kau'ra (OC)
literallydontlook · 1 year
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So I know it's been a minute (like a full year, lbr), but I'm getting back to my OC portrait "rewards". Trying something new in my process/style.
I've been avoiding drawing for a long time because of ⭐️insecurities⭐️
Thank you to @queen--kenobi for donating to the Carolina Abortion Fund last year (and for your immense patience)! It was really empowering to see so many people participating and responding to the seismic shift in abortion rights.
This is Kau'ra, Persephone's OC from her fic Candy Girl. It's Coruscant Guard x f!reader but this is how the reader is imagined by the author. I think I'm really behind on it but it's an excellent read! Can't recommend enough.
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queen--kenobi · 5 months
forthe au thing for fox and Kau'ra ( i think? my brains melted today everyones ocs are jumbled together in my head cause of it so correct me if im wrong lol) fantasy au kinda like lord of the rings basically just elves and orcs and fairies and dwarves etc
Send me a potential AU, and I'll tell you five fun facts
Fox is a knight, maybe a former member of a King's Guard but escaped when the kingdom fell into disarray. Obviously it's because an evil sorcerer took over. Fox was actually under an enchantment, but the spell on him was weakened enough he was able to escape. He's been looking for former members of the King's Guard
Kau'ra is a fairy for sure! She used to spend time among humans when she was young because she loved messing with them
Mmmhhhmmm okay but Fox as a reincarnation of an old human lover of Kau'ra's????? But Fox is resistant to it. Kau'ra is okay with that though because she realizes she likes to take the time to know him and fall in love with him all over again
So I don't think Kau'ra would necessarily be a sex worker in this AU but she absolutely gets accused of being one because she's very comfortable in her sexuality and does love to use it to try and trick people. For a while, people assumed she was just fucking the men when she led them into the forest. Until they started realizing oh. No one but her is coming back
Fox absolutely knows in his heart that he and Kau'ra were lovers in a past life, but he actively chooses to ignore it because a) he's on a mission and b) he feels because he didn't stop Palpatine he's unworthy of love. Oops
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theocs-strikeback · 2 years
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Created By: @thebitchformerlyknownaskenobi
OC Name: Iriya Nahi but goes by Kau'ra
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Pantoran
Status: She's an escort. She used to be an intern to a senator but was denied a position for a full-time job. She decided to become an escort. She currently works with the Corrie Guard and is in romantic relationship with Fox and a undefined one with Thorn. Kau'ra still plans on practicing law, although her plans have shifted more towards bringing down corrupt politicians or being a divorce lawyer. She hasn't decided yet. Her enemies to friends relationship with the woman who got the job, Leena, has motivated her to do more to protect others.
Fox and Kau'ra by @ryr-art
Fox and Kau'ra by @maygalodon
Noir Fox and Kau'ra by @kimageddon
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purgetrooperfox · 2 years
(@thebitchformerlyknownaskenobi) God I wanna know what you think the discourse surrounding Kau'ra would be
send me an OC and I'll assign them some discourse
I'm sure people would clutch their pearls over the whole sex work thing 😮‍💨 or the "clones are only ten and should be treated like kids" crowd would accuse her of grooming them
but it's much funnier and equally probable that they would have a theory that she's secretly manipulating the Guard for personal gain. she got in a fight with an aide once and probably hates the Senate after losing her old job, maybe she's trying to turn the Guard against them 👀👀👀
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book-of-baba-fett · 2 years
OC Appreciation June 2022
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A huge thank you to everyone who submitted OCs! This post wouldn't be possible without you. Feel free to share, and check out all the great OC content below the cut!
* indicates 18+/NSFW Content. If you notice a NSFW fic is not tagged as such, please let me know and I will edit.
✨ Nat's Recs - some of my own personal favorites
✨Across the Stars* by @djarrex (OCs -Priya, Gelissa, and Garran Gayiyla)
The Bad Batch: Trespass by @shadestepping (Multiple OCs)
Bonsoir* by @kaminocasey (OC - Cassia Nu aka Cash)
✨ By Any Other Name* & What Blooms in Thunder* by @rowansparrow (Clone OC - Rose/Gol'Chek, Nautolan OC - Quill, Human OCs Athena and Kiran, Garbak (Original Species) OC - Ju'Lah.)
✨Call Me Home * by @twistedstitcher27 (Jedi OC - Orr'Sinda Perth)
Call the Twi'Lek Midwife* by @ficsnooneaskedfor (OCs - Citali, Melita, Izel)
The Clone Wars Gets a New Victim by @thechaoticfanartist (Jedi OC - Grim)
The Duty of a Captain by @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life (Clone OC - Doc)
✨From Where We Stand* by @djarrex (OC - Ahri)
✨ Halo* by @rowansparrow (Nautolan OC - Quill, Human OCs Athena and Kiran, Garbak (Original Species) OC - Ju'Lah, Clone OC Rose/Gol'Chek.)
✨ The Hunt* by @moonstrider9904 (OC - Rose)
Illicit Affairs by @book-of-baba-fett (Jedi OC - Talia Riva, Clone OC - Captain Storm)
Insatiable* (Game of Thrones series) by @starwarslove16
Moonwalker* by @moonstrider9904 (OC- Sarah Adhara)
Not Saying Much by @clydesducktape (OC - Sola Korraay-Gideon)
One Step at a Time by @wild-karrde (Clone OC - Chuckles, Twi'lek OC - Arni, Pantoran OC - Nita)
Paradigm Shift (The Bad Batch/Expanse crossover) by @eyecandyeoz (OC - Emilia Chatham)
Pieces by @teletraan-meets-jarvis (OC - Issa Straun)
A Prince of Dathomir* by @kimageddon (Nightsister OC Zaiya Valessa, Mandalorian OC - Adaji Treshan)
✨Starlit Murder by @thebitchformerlyknownaskenobi (Pantoran OC - Kau'ra)
Stars in Their Multitudes by @jedi-valjean (Multiple OCs, feat - Com Narcom, Koss, Aberon Halmath, Kaltha, Tarkay, Leela, Korma, Sister Risuno, Unal Munir, Broque.)
Sins of the Father by @kimageddon
✨82nd Darkwatch Platoon by @zoruui
Ailani Réillata by @queen-breha-organa: Ailani in the Beach Dress by @gimmeyoursnacks Ailani Sketches by @maybe-murphy Ailani at Sunset by @d3epfriedangels ✨
✨Amaya by @amikoroyaiart
✨Cala by @thefact0rygirl, art by @maygalodon
✨Cherise by @cyarbika, headshot by @calamity-aims, art by @maulpunk
Captain Storm by @book-of-baba-fett, art by @elledjarin
✨Chad by @milfreva (there is literally so much Chad art and I love it all)
Dara Idella by @spacerocksarethebestrocks
✨Eya by @galacticgraffiti, art by @pinkiemme, art by @sar-arts
✨Kau'ra by @thebitchformerlyknownaskenobi, Starlit Murder fanart by @kimageddon
Lena Orim by @ilikemymendarkandfictional, art by @rebekahs-art
✨Locks and Urudyk by @cyareclones
Mari Gildow by @penguinkiwi
Omura Vane by @certified-anakinfucker
✨Priya Gayiyla by @djarrex, with Papa Rex by @howie-ner-cyare
Quill Cawthon by @rowansparrow, art by @space-b33
Sola Koraay-Gideon by @clydesducktape, moodboard for Not Saying Much by @princessxkenobi
Talia Riva by @book-of-baba-fett, character concept art by @deliahscrush2003 art by @elledjarin, by @deliahscrush2003, art by @space-b33
Creator Spotlight:
This section is for some OC creators in general - folks who share OC appreciation/have too many cool OCs to list them all here.
@purgetrooperfox - Leo deactivated but I got so many shoutouts for their OCs and couldn't link anything but still needed to shout them out.
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
Hopping in that ask box to give KaseyKamino, nahoney, and “thebitchformalyknownaskenoni” a HUGE shoutout! Awesome fics, awesome writers ❤️
Hey there!! Thank you for this shout out and for kicking off this celebration!!
I have read these three writers and I can concur, they're all incredibly talented!
Pretty much anything from @nahoney22 is beautiful; her Wrecker fics are among some of my favorites and I also love the way she writes Tech.
@thebitchformerlyknownaskenobi writes some incredible Corrie Guard fics; her OC Kau'ra is beautiful, and Starlit Murder is such an interesting concept! I highly recommend reading her.
And finally, @kaminocasey (I'm guessing you were referring to her since I didn't find a KaseyKamino) is such a sweetheart and also so very talented, I highly recommend reading "Killshot" if you're into Crosshair <3
This is a love letter to all of you for all your amazing work!
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500 follower celebration - a love letter to creators
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ryr-art · 2 years
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Some fanart for @thesithformerlyknownaskenobi and their fic Candy Girl! Had tons of fun with this one <3
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samrubio · 2 years
"I've got you, Kau'ra."
HERE the juice
Thank you whore list
Wanna join DM me
@rexsjaigeyes @spaceydragons @kavecika @mando-cyare @deewithani @10-porgs-in-a-trenchcoat @starlightrows @escapedthesarlacc @beskarprincessjenny @saradika @a-few-fandoms-too-many @alucas528 @m0mmat0rtle @hoodedguitarist @zinzinina @mysticalgalaxysalad @bacarasbabe @dreamydrop @stargazingthenightaway @milf-plokoon @shiny-mando @book-hoardingdragon @thefact0rygirl @djarrex @kriffclone @grumpymuffinmama @ashotofspotchka @galaxyglittering @galacticgraffiti @rain-on-kamino @book-of-baba-fett @troubleonryloth @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri
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kimageddon · 2 years
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It is that time again my friends! Week 13 has now concluded and it is now time to show off the works along with the participating artists! Remember this is open to everyone! The newest prompt will be revealed at the bottom of this post. All artists are credited below their works! | All the info and rules are here.
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@justalittletomato made a wonderful post this week with her OC Danica in a film noir style. It's beautiful and sweet! Please check out her work!
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@eyecandyeoz did this really cool piece of three know noir detectives! From left to right: Cole Phelps(LA Noir), Nick Valentine (Fallout 4) and Friendly Shadow(Autodale-Youtube)
If you haven’t already, please check out her blog or her ko-fi!!!
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Well lookie look! The iPad I was waiting for since December arrived finally so I made a piece in response to @thesithformerlyknownaskenobi's fic Starlit Murder so go check that out! This is my interpretation of Fox and the OC Kau'ra.
If you like my art, please check out my KO-FI POST!
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And now for the reveal of this week's prompt:
Week 14 : Urban
I look forward to seeing what you come up with! Remember, if you want to submit your art use the #art attack weekly challenge tag as well as tagging myself to make sure we see it!
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spaceydragons · 2 years
Get to know me tag game
Tagged by @starlightrows thanks Krax!!!
Favorite Color; deep dark red
Currently Reading; the newest Candy Girl update by @thesithformerlyknownaskenobi I tried to stay up to finish it last night but literally fell asleep with my phone in my hand lmfao
Last Song; This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller, listened to it a couple times last night bc I was feeling Things™
Last Movie; Fresh Meat, the horror comedy Tem movie
Last Series; Our Flag Means Death
Sweet, Spicy, Savory; sweet 100%
Coffee or Tea; coffee, I can't go about my day without iy
Three Ships; BobaDin, my OC's Ara/Kal, Fox/a nap (jk, Fox/Kau'ra)
First Ever Ship; I don't remember???
Currently Working On; so many wips, but specifically my Boba/oc/Din fic
Favorite Piece of Clothing; my gray/black baggy Japanese spiderman shirt (I'm actually wearing it rn)
Comfort Food; Krax I find it funny yours is pho bc mine is ramen
Favorite Time of Year; late fall right before it goes into winter
Favorite Fanfiction; I can't choose just one, but my faves rn are Candy Girl by @thesithformerlyknownaskenobi No Strings Attached by @cyarbika and Wrought Iron by @chamomileteainabuttercup
I tag @bobafettuccini @cyareclones @zinzinina @bacarasbabe and @chiafett
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queen--kenobi · 5 months
Sometimes my brain thinks about what would happen if Kau'ra and Elayna knew each other. Specifically what would happen if they were roommates in a modern AU. I think they'd both better and worsen each other
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queen--kenobi · 7 months
For the prompt!
If you'd like:
❛ have a little trust in yourself, i know you can take it. ❜
Smut sentence starters
NSFT (mostly size kink and implied PiV). Uuuhhh I haven't really written Thire so. We're gonna see how he feels!
Kau'ra doesn't know what she expected with Thire.
Thire took much longer to warm up to her than the other members of the Guard. She could read Thorn like her favorite book, and Fox was like a poem she got more out of with each sitting. Thire was a riddle to her still.
She expected him to take the lead. She expected some of the dirty talk. She didn't expect him to make her melt with so little effort.
Kau'ra stares down at her stomach. Thire keeps her in place with a hand on either side of her. He has yet to sink down on his elbow. Instead, he keeps himself up and watches her, watches the pure hunger on her face. She can't hide it, not with the sight in front of her.
Thire's dick rests on her stomach. When she gives him her best doe eyes, she can see him throb against her skin. She feels the slight bounce of the movement as the pulse makes his cock slap lightly against her stomach. He's thick, thicker than she realized. Her mouth almost waters.
"Thire. I don't think you're gonna fit." She keeps her voice breathy and almost whimpers. It's a gamble, but one that pays off.
"Have a little trust in yourself," Thire doesn't quite grin at Kau'ra, but his lips twitch, "I know you can take it."
"I'll make sure of it." He promises.
He oozes a confidence and experience that makes Kau'ra want to clench her thighs together. She feels the dribble of wetness on her thighs. Kau'ra can't help the way her lips part in surprise. Thire finally leans down and noses the side of her neck.
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queen--kenobi · 5 months
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queen--kenobi · 6 months
Real and self indulgent challenge: 3 with Kau’r and *drumroll* Talia 👀
"Just like that" smut prompts
Ohohohoho babygirl. If you want self-indulgent, I'm gonna give you super self-indulgent
3. "You look better with my hands around your neck." with Kau'ra and Talia
Warnings: NSFT (choking, brat taming, fingering, praise kink)
Kau'ra doesn't know what exactly it is about Talia. Maybe it's the way Talia grins when she talks back or maybe it's the giggle when Kau'ra makes an indignant face. Maybe it's when Kau'ra tells Talia to be good, she can see Talia wants to be good and she wants to surrender control but doesn't know how to ask.
Kau'ra stares down at Talia. Talia lies spread out naked beneath her. Her blonde hair is loose, spread out on the pillow behind her. Kau'ra knows it's a cliche thought, but she thinks Talia's hair does look like a halo like this.
Kau'ra narrows her golden eyes. She brings her perfectly manicured hand up to Talia's throat. She carefully curves her hand and presses her thumb against the side of Talia's neck. She grins with wicked delight at the gasp Talia lets out. Kau'ra doesn't put any pressure, not yet. She merely lets her hand rest. She can feel the bob in Talia's throat when she swallows.
"You gonna do anything or just stare?" Talia tries to hide her smile but fails. Kau'ra huffs.
"What?" Talia giggles.
"You know." Kau'ra keeps her tone conversational as she begins rubbing slow circles around Talia's clit again. "You look better with my hand around your neck."
Talia let's out a downright pathetic whine. Kau'ra hums.
"Does my good girl like it when I talk to her like that?" Talia merely nods. Her chest heaves with each breath. Her eyes begin to flutter. Kau'ra laughs. "Good girls use their words. Or was I wrong about you being a good girl?"
Talia's eyes almost open comically wide.
"Don't be mean!" Her tone is half bratty whine, half plea. It's cute. Kau'ra can't help her fond grin.
"I wouldn't have to be mean if you answered me."
"Hmph." Talia actually rolls her eyes at Kau'ra. She starts giggling at Kau'ra's fake appalled expression. Her giggles cut off and turn into a soft moan when Kau'ra applies the slightest bit of pressure. Kau'ra moves the fingers from Talia's clit and begins teasing her entrance with one slender finger.
"Now. Does my good girl like it when I talk to her like that?"
Kau'ra wants to keep her tone conversational, but she knows she's failing. She knows her voice is huskier than usual, thick with the same dark desire in her eyes. She loosens her grip. Talia nods. A pink blush spreads across her cheek.
"Uhn. Your good girl likes it."
"There we go." Kau'ra croons. She slides one finger into Talia. She hisses at how tight Talia is around the single digit. "Fuck. You're so wet." Kau'ra watches Talia's face as she slowly curls her finger and hooks it towards Talia's front walls. She knows when she finds it; Talia kicks her leg out and a moan leaves her.
Kau'ra leans down. She eases the pressure from the hand on Talia throat. Their lips meet eagerly. The kiss is slow yet incredibly passionate. Kau'ra kissed Talia as if she has all the time in the world.
"You gonna be good?" Talia nods. "There we go. That's my good girl."
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queen--kenobi · 6 months
The difference between Elayna and Kau'ra as told in GIFs:
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queen--kenobi · 9 months
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Quick Kau'ra moodboard!
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