#Kayomie writes
kayomielatoro · 7 years
It's been several years since the Gyumaoh Revival was put down and the Minus Wave reversed. Now the Sanzo party tends to travel more out of habit than actual pressing need. As a result, they stop at a bar and separate for their own goals. Hakkai is watching from the sidelines when someone catches his eye.
Hakkai had been watching her all night. She was refreshingly different from the women who had tried to approach him during the outing he had been roped into. For one, those lovely muscles robed in scarred flesh added lovely valleys and hills for the lights in the bar to travel down. Golden hair fell in a waterfall from a ponytail near the top of her head and swayed with her movements as she danced. He reluctantly tore his eyes away from her to check on the rest of the party. Gojyo's lap was occupied by a lovely dark-haired beauty seemingly worshiping him and whispering lewd things into his ear if his ever reddening face was to be believed. He spotted Goku gleefully dancing with an excited brunette out near the stage the band was on. Sanzo was chatting quietly with a silver-haired woman at the bar, for once not getting into a drunken argument. Hakkai tore his eyes away from his blonde friend to meet with acid green as the woman he had been watching slowly made her way through the crowd to join him at the small table he had commandeered near the beginning of the night. Three thick scars slashed down from the crown of her head over her eye socket down to her upper lip, distorting her wicked smile. Her body boldly moved with the music as she made her way to him, emphasizing those lovely curves in a way to make his mouth go dry. Something warm coiled low in his belly as she slid in next to him as though she belonged there. Hakkai vainly tried to keep his eyes above her neck, even if the low plunge of her neckline tempted him with a wonderful view of her cleavage. “So, are you here on your own or with a group like I was?” she boldly asked with a husky purr in her voice. “I... Excuse me?” Hakkai asked, his brows coming together in surprise. “Well, the way you were looking around made me think you were part of that quartet that came in earlier or you were just scoping the place out. Am I wrong?” “Oh,” Hakkai breathed with a sheepish chuckle. “I'm sorry. I was expecting you to ask me something else entirely.” The blonde's grin rivaled the Cheshire's. “I see. Were you hoping I'd ask you to dance with me or...maybe something more...primal?” she asked, resting a burning hand atop his. Hakkai swallowed thickly as his heart sang through his ears. “I'd love to hear your name first. I could....give you mine in exchange,” he offered as he leaned in a little closer. The blonde practically purred in delight. Hakkai noticed a familiar sheen on the rings of silver and gold adorning her middle fingers and fought down his initial instinct to be on his guard and pull away. The Minus Wave had been a few years ago and there was no reason to believe she'd been on the opposite side. This particular town hadn't been touched by the demons who had gone rabid. Plus....times and people changed. Perhaps it was time he did too. “Kiyomizu Chiaki. I can't wait to hear yours.” “Cho Hakkai.” Chiaki looked surprised for a moment before sliding right back into her grin. “One of the heroes who ended the Minus Wave? I'll have to show you my thanks.” “You've heard of us.” “Any demons who weren't driven mad knew the people who ended that madness,” Chiaki replied. “Well, anyone paying attention to the papers at least.” “I see. How is it you weren't affected?” He asked, studying her. “I'm...not entirely sure? My group is three-fourths demonic and the other two weren't affected either. Well, so long as the limiters stayed on. Which we still don't take off by choice. One guess our human friend, Mao, thought was that maybe it's because we're all of mixed breeds. I'm a mix of water and cat demon, my friend Star is dragon and fire, and the youngest member Akemi is wind and fox,” she explained, resting her head against her opposite hand. “That does make a lot of sense,” Hakkai stated thoughtfully. “It's one theory. Otherwise, we kinda don't have anything else?” she responded. Hakkai smiled at her. “I doubt that,” he responded. “But... What did you have in mind by approaching me in particular? Most women normally go for my redheaded friend, Gojyo, first.” “Just women?” Chiaki asked, cocking a golden brow at him. “Because if that's the case, your friend is in for something startling if he's that drunk.” “How so?” “The guy in his lap is Star. And he's VERY male,” she answered, gesturing with a thumb at the young man hoisting Gojyo to his feet and drawing him down for a heady kiss. “Unless that was just your guess from behind? He is kind androgynous from that angle.” Hakkai buried his red face in his hands. “I'm so sorry. I didn't... I shouldn't have-” “Relax,” Chiaki responded, resting a hand on his shoulder and grinning. “Like I said, he's very androgynous from behind. I made that mistake when I first met him too.” Hakkai smiled a bit nervously. “So....” she said with a smug grin. “What brought me to your attention?” “I'm...sorry?” he responded as he felt his cheeks heat up. “I'm pretty perceptive. I'd have to be pretty dense to not notice you staring at me most of the night,” she replied, looking like the cat who'd eaten the canary. “I was wondering...” Hakkai's eyes dropped to her hand, which was starting to slide along his arm and go back up to rest on his chest. He swallowed nervously, feeling every slight shift of weight along his clothed skin intensely. He wondered if she could manipulate energy like he could because her touch gave off a sort of tingle, probably similar to what the others claimed to feel when he healed their wounds. “If....you would like to do something about what you saw,” she drawled, boldly meeting his gaze. “If you're interested, anyway.” “I...” Hakkai swallowed hard, gathering his composure. “...You know, I would love to.” Chiaki beamed. “I don't live too far away. Follow me.” The blonde kept Hakkai's hand tight in hers as she led him to the inn a block from the bar. Hakkai was torn between pursuing the blonde or drawing it out over a much longer time. While he had less to worry about than he did while on the journey, he still wasn't much used to nor cared for one-night stands, which this was looking like it was heading to become. Chiaki headed to a room on the first floor of the inn and pulled him down into a ravenous kiss. The slow sensual feeling of her tongue stroking his sent bolts of fire down his veins as he pressed her against the door. A soft moan slipped from her throat as she buried a hand into his soft locks, pulling him into her as she arched into him. Hakkai pulled back from the kiss to nip and nibble along her jawline. Chiaki's head lolled back to grant him further room to work, fumbling to get the key into the lock behind her to open the door. He reached a hand down to take the key and insert it for her, opening the door and following her inside. A rush of hands pulling clothes free from their person. Chiaki purring and nibbling along every revealed inch as she stripped him. Hakkai fought to return the favor only for her to draw him in for a kiss every chance she got. Once he managed to slip her bra off and drag his mouth lower, she fought him less. He peppered kisses from her breasts down her sternum to nip and nibble the valleys of muscle her abs left, sinking his teeth into her hip as he slid her underwear off. She bent and kissed him, drawing him up as she fished something out of her khakis pocket and rolled it onto his semi-hard dick. She urged him backwards, Hakkai struggling not to fall until the back of his knees hit the mattress and he collapsed onto the bed and she mounted him. Chiaki pressed urgent kisses into Hakkai's throat, hips rolling in waves against his shore as she pinned him to the bed. The promise of fangs against his Adam's apple tore a strangled groan free. His hands roamed her firm sides restlessly, desperate for more contact. “How do you want to do this?” Hakkai seized onto the question like a drowning man clings to driftwood in a storm. “I-ah! Please! I...I can't focus with you doing that,” he cried through moans as she nipped and nibbled along his pulse and kept her hips moving. Chiaki's movements slowed. “Sorry, too intense?” Hakkai gulped for air and nodded, sweat beading along his forehead. “It's been....a very long time is all.” He buried his face in her neck and trailed kisses along the line of her throat. “Hakkai~” Chiaki sang softly into his ear. “I need you to answer me. How do you want to do this?” “The way we are is fine,” he responded finally, meeting her molten gaze. She pressed gentle kisses on his forehead, soothing the worry lines out as he allowed himself to relax into the touch. One of Chiaki's hands blindly groped into her nightstand drawer. Hakkai was more concerned with suckling dark marks into her collarbone and along her throat to notice anything until a slick tight fist enveloped his condom-clad dick. His breath hissed through his bared teeth as he fought the urge to buck up into it. “Sorry,” Chiaki murmured as she spread the lube along his length. “I....thought you might appreciate a smoother ride.” “Gods yes,” he panted. She smiled and rose above him. Hakkai managed to keep his cool at her removal while she whimpered at the loss of contact. He smiled up at her, admiring the faint moonlight tracing along her muscled form as he rested steadying hands on her hips. Hakkai arched up, his head lolling back as Chiaki lowered herself onto him. It took every ounce of self control to not blindly thrust up into that molten heat. Once fully seated, she rolled her hips in small circles, drawing small cries and whimpers out of his throat. Gods, it had been so long. Almost too long. Shit, if she didn't stop, he was going to drown in sensation and go mad. She seemed to notice and her hips stopped their sanity draining circles. Her hands drew soothing patterns along his panting form. Small kisses littered his face, attempting to draw him back into himself. “Are you alright?” she asked when he finally opened his eyes. Her eyes had their pupils blown wide, her acid green eyes a sliver of color surrounding the black. A hand on his cheek drew his attention from her eyes. “Hakkai, I need you to talk to me.” “I'm here,” he slurred. “Sorry it's....been ages since.... I forgot how overwhelming it can be sometimes,” he confessed with a sheepish smile. A small smile quirked her mouth, her scar tugging it crooked. “I was afraid you were losing it or something. Can't say I've met someone with that reaction to me.” Hakkai stared up at her in blank shock. “How... You are amazing. How can other people be so blind?” Her scar tugged her sweet smile awry. “You're incredibly sweet,” she stated. She leaned down and kissed him slow and deep, leaving Hakkai feeling drugged off of her taste. A hand rested on his cheek and offered an anchor to focus on. Chiaki leaned back. “Are you ready?” At the nod from the man beneath her, she took his hands and placed them on her hips. “I'll let you set the pace.” Hakkai nodded in acknowledgment, tightening his grip. She slowly began to move, easing into the pace Hakkai set. He watched her muscles ripple as he moved, leaning up to drag his tongue up them. As the speed increased and the tension built, he leaned up to take a nipple into his mouth and earned a soft moan as a reward. Chiaki buried a hand into his hair, the other teasingly grazing nails over his skin. Hakkai leaned his head further up and raked his teeth over the skin of her sternum. Chiaki's head lolled back as he nipped and sucked along her collarbones, offering her throat to him. He grinned and accepted, pulling her down to rake his teeth against her skin and add more marks to her collection. Hakkai had been meeting Chiaki eagerly thrust for thrust. The blonde had started making soft mewling noises as the pace further built. She pulled him to her for a hot hungry kiss. “F-faster,” she begged. “Gods please. I'm so close,” she whimpered, clinging tightly to him and nails bit into his skin. Hakkai growled deep into his chest as he pulled her quickly up and down his length and buck into her harder and faster. He slipped one hand down between them to press against her clit. She yelped in surprise. “N-not that directly,” she moaned. She reached down and guided him to press the base of his palm against her. “There,” she whimpered. Hakkai bit down onto the crook of her shoulder, careful not to break the skin. Moans broke free of her as her orgasm took her, clenching tightly around him and trying to milk him dry. He fought to hold out but moaned into her skin as he spilled into the condom. The pair fell back onto the bed, panting hard. Hakkai carefully withdrew from her, knotted the used condom, and got up to throw it away before rejoining Chiaki and settling in close. She drew his head down to rest on her chest, absently stroking and playing with his hair. “This....may sound awkward,” Hakkai began. “Only if you let it be,” she teased. Hakkai looped an arm around her and dragged a hand up and down her side aimlessly. “Could....Could we meet again?” “In general or for....like more of this?” “A bit of both. If you're interested.” “Only an idiot wouldn't be,” Chiaki proclaimed with a yawn. “Sure. I'd love to meet up again.” Hakkai's sleepy smiled widened. “Excellent.”
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kayomielatoro · 7 years
Saiyuki Livewatch: Episode 1: To the Distant West
First time posting on this tumblr but welcome to my blog! I figured, since Saiyuki Reload Blast, part of a series that I’ve loved since my teenage years, is coming out WITH a dub this year I’d go ahead and just watch what came before to prepare for that. And I mean EVERYTHING. I might not cover Requiem until at least after Reload and Reload Gunlock but we’ll see. And I’ll be going by the dubs because 1 it’s what I grew up listening to and 2 I just perfer dubs. That means I will be commenting on the change in cast when we get to Reload and how I feel about them. My overall plan is to talk about at least one episode per day until I’m all caught up. But with all that out of the way, let’s get started!
First things first: I LOVE the first op. I used to have the thing memorized and it is now my current ringtone. It’s catchy, it’s upbeat, and just gets you ready for the show that’s coming up.
I love the line that explains how the relationship between demons and humans changed. "Humans became Abel to demons' Cain" Aaaand cut from doom and gloom to Goku munching on holy peaches in the temple courtyard. XD And gives 0 shits about the monks's whining. Hello, Greg Ayres! 
For those not in the know, I actually was not aware of this particular actor until this role. And frankly I adore Greg and I LOVE this role.  David Matragna takes a few episodes to fully settle into the role of Sanzo but once he does, he's a great pick for the prickly priest.  And I just really like Illich Guardiola as Sha Gojyo. He balances the pervy side of Gojyo and his more heroic aspects. What there is of him. ( ....I have no idea why Gojyo's hair is fucking pink though. We SEE red in this series. I don't know why they thought to make his hair pink) And a hello to a rarely seen VA Braden Hunt as Cho Hakkai. He's easily my favorite, balancing the darkness in his soul with the facade of a polite, cheery young man. 
*squee* And there's the ever adorable Jeep/Hakuryu. Depending on which you saw first, the manga or the anime, he's the transportation that the guys are gonna use to head west. The names differ because, well, licensing.   
XD Took almost ten minutes but we get our first whining from Goku about how hungry he is. This is a constant gag that still gets a giggle out of me. 
Hello floating heads. I was wondering when you'd show up. I'm...not a hundred percent sure if they're gods or something in between god and human or what. However they give Sanzo his quest to save Shangri-La, which I'm still not 100% sure is just the name of the world or the country.  
Regardless, long story short: Sanzo is off to prevent the revival of an ancient demon named Gyumaoh that took the War Prince of the gods to finally put down. What's causing the demons to go mad is the combination of science and dark magics that is being used to revive Gyumaoh.
The reason why Sanzo brought the others? It was an order, otherwise he more than likely would have done it alone and also more than likely gotten his holy ass killed. Because Sanzo is a loner and really doesn't like being around the others save maybe Hakkai. Mostly because Goku and Gojyo argue a lot and they generally just aren't quiet. Hakkai is and knows to give him his space. Goku and Gojyo? Not so much.
And the introduction of Sanzo's gun. It's easily one of the most powerful weapons in the show because of how it works. It's a banishing gun and, at least for the first season, completely atomizes demons. It’s actually a plot point for a future episode if my memory serves correctly.
Aaaaaand that line from Hakkai about being the only demons to still have their sense of self turns out to not be entirely true. Other demons are out there who have some semblance of sanity. They just generally either choose to work for the enemy, who will be revealed in due time, or they lose it shortly after meeting the Sanzo party. 
And why these four are sane? They all have a tragic past that connects them not only to each other but to their humanity. Plus, well, Gojyo is only half-demon which could be the main reason why he’s sane. Although you can make an argument for if that’s gonna stay that way.
....No I totally haven't overthought this shit at all since I saw it as a teenager. What are you saying? ....Yeah I've seen it. Repeatedly. At least the first two season. I can’t say the same about Reload and Gunlock.
It's easily one of my favorite anime. It's not the best written or necessarily the best acted or best animated. But I adore the characters yes, even Gojyo who is my least favorite, but we'll explore that as we learn more about our heroes throughout the series. 
So until next episode, remember to be attached to nothing and to hold no side but your own! ....Yes these are main themes of the series.
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kayomielatoro · 7 years
Saiyuki Livewatch: Episode 8: The Death Seer
Welcome back for today’s Saiyuki! Sorry I’ve been gone a while! I had a rough stretch of time there but I’m back and ready for more liveblogging! For those who have noticed, I’m gonna start using the English Dub titles. Mostly because they kinda translate better and that’s mostly how I remember the episodes anyway. With that out of the way, let’s get started!
Today marks the start of the Chin Yisou arc. It’s easily one of my favorites in the whole show. Mostly because of who it focuses around but I don’t wanna spoil it just yet. We find out in....if not this episode then the next one.
We start off with the Sanzo party fighting a large group of demons. Business as usual, right? Wrong. We quickly find out that they're zombies after Kougaiji spells it out in his report to Koushu. He’s been hoping to wear them down. Kou also learns that Sanzo....really is a Sanzo priest, despite his appearance and general attitude. Shortly,  after a hint from Hakkai, Sanzo takes out the zombies with one blow from the Maten Scripture as Koushu spells out what the Seiten Scripture in their possession is for. It was used as a guide to evolution of every living thing. It’s more than a little likely that Koushu was either the person behind the robbery or bought it off of the person who was.
Oh God. And we get introduced to her head researcher, Dr Ni Jianyi. I....cannot fucking stand this guy. Maybe I'll like him more as a character the futher into the show I go, but for now he's a minor, if important, character whose....everything hits my creeper alarm. Let's look at the basics. 1. Sounds like the guy you think of when you hear the term pedo. 2. Has a creepy-ass bunny...fetish type thing going on with not only the stuffed animal he carries but his house shoes.   3. Now....this is mostly spelled out in the manga but fuck it. He's also sleeping with his boss, Gyokumen Koushu. Yeah. Nothing about this guy appeals to me.
But let's hear him out. It might be important. Even if I kinda wanna claw his vocal chords out because he's creeping me out. He....basically just tells us that the Maten scripture is needed to awaken Gyumaoh. Which you can kinda figure out by the fact that they're focused on taking Sanzo out and taking the damn thing. Thanks for nothing, Ni.
However, as we leave the meeting, we spot Lirin spying on them and complaining that the head bitch is her actual mother. Which, well, reveals who part of her family is. Be patient. The full story will be revealed later. But in the meantime, she takes off to go after Sanzo on her own to help Kougaiji out.
While Sanzo's reminiscing, he establishes what exactly the Maten scripture does, which is shatter darkness, the opposite of its brother, the Seiten scripture, which creates light and guides evolution.
As we move from Sanzo back to Kou, we find out that Koushu and Gyumaoh were not married, which makes her a concubine. Her wish is to replace Kou's mom as the formal wife. After this meeting,  Kou wonders to himself why he hesitates to confront the Sanzo party again. He realizes it's fear but mostly because that he feels that beating them won't actually change his situation. Which frankly he’s probably absolutely right. But he's still willing to destroy the world if only to bring back his petrified mother.
Yaone races in, reporting that Lirin has vanished. Upon learning from Dokugakuji that there's a dragon missing, (I’ll cover dragons later at some point either in their own post or at a later date) he and the others take off after the little idiot.
While the Sanzo party is out shopping, and Goku is beggin for food, they're stopped by a fortune-telling booth in an alley. ...Being in an alley is sketchy enough but then he zones in on Hakkai of all people. You'd think someone who's talking about fortune telling and death would, and I hate saying this, focus on Gojyo, who's very existence supposedly brings misfortune, not the chi user. But apparently he's legit since, after specifically calling out Hakkai as a sinner and saying he had a scar on his belly, which Hakkai actually covers in shocked defense, and pulls out a blank tile which suddenly gains the Japanese word for disaster to spell out their fortune. 
Then, well, disaster strikes! A giant crab shikigami starts wrecking the town they're in. As the guys gear up to fight, someone steps up and just oneshots the beast.
Meanwhile, Kou, Yaone, and Doku have found the dragon Lirin took just chilling under a tree near a town. Doku shares his personal story which sounds eerily similar to Gojyo's (and also finally cements Lirin as Kou’s little half sister). I'll let you put the two together until they explain it later. In the meantime, little Lirin is trying to attack the Sanzo party before she's pacified with food provided by Sanzo to chill out Goku AND his counterpart.
So far as I'm aware there IS a shipping base for Lirin and Goku, but I think it's a relatively small one. Well, small for the show anyway. I think it's cute but they're probly TOO much alike and would butt heads a lot.
  After Kou finally locates his sister and outs her relationship to him to the Sanzo party, he and Goku square off for a rumble. In the fucking cutest moment of the episode, Yaone and Hakkai square off for a fight. Which leaves Doku and Gojyo.  
Mostly because Sanzo's stuck babysitting Lirin.
Remember how Doku talked about having a little brother and how he wasn't able to save his mother? it's revealed exactly who that brother is. Doku recognizes Gojyo on sight while it takes Gojyo a moment to recognize his older brother Jien. Doku, for some reason, has given up his name and given his allegiance to Kougaiji. I kinda want to know that story. The fuck happened there? But we get no time for that because it's a fight for two brothers who view promises over their own relationship.
While Kou and Goku battle on and swap insults with each other, with Kou recognizing Goku's growing strength, that fortune teller from earlier watches from afar with a smirk.
And that's where our episode ends. See ya next time, guys!
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kayomielatoro · 7 years
Saiyuki Livewatch Episode 5: A Beautiful Assassin
Time for today's #SaiyukiLivewatch! Today we're covering Episode 5 A Beautiful Assassin. Where we finally see the guys meet the face of the resurrection operation.
And our first look at Lirin! We learn who she's related to later in the show but I love her. She's basically their group's Goku. Sunny but a powerhouse once she gets motivated enough. She's played by Hilary Haag who does a great job bringing the ditzy demon to life. ...I mean ditzy in the nicest possible way. She’s sweet but not very bright.
We also meet the fourth and final member of the Kougaiji party, a demon whose name we don't learn this episode. We'll hear it further along but it's not a huge secret such as who he really is. This is Dokugakuji. Yes, it's a fucking mouthful. Each member of Kou's group kinda aligns with Sanzo's, We'll see Yaone's role in this episode, Kou's the leader, Lirin's a ditzy Goku, and, once Yaone’s role is revealed, we’ll see where that leaves Doku.
  Yaone, bless her heart, has set up in a tavern to try and take out the guys before they get any further in their journey. Not taking into account just how much food service fucking sucks. I guess it's easier to poison someone there if ya know which plates go where and who's getting them but seriously sweetheart. You couldn't come up with a better plan?
Ah.... Another reason why food service sucks. Sexual harassment is pretty common especially if the place serves booze. People get dumb and rude when they're drunk for some fucking reason. It's worse with men as we see here with poor Yaone before the asshole gets clocked with an ashtray.
We shortly learn WHO threw the ashtray when Yaone gets to the Sanzo party’s table. Every table in this particular restaurant seems to have an ashtray. Except, this time, for this table, leaving them to have thrown the ashtray to protect her. A touch of irony.
Now once they step up to once again defend Yaone, it’s revealed that Gojyo threw the ashtray and here’s where manga and anime diverge for a little bit. In the manga, they settle this spat with a drinking contest...that devolves into a brawl that we'll see in season  2. In the anime, it's a straight up brawl that fully kicks off once Asshat kicks over the table of food meant to poison the Sanzo party Which....well, upsets Goku who immediately retaliates along with Gojyo. The other two just get dragged in as collateral damage.
During the bar brawl, we learn exactly why Yaone follows Kou so faithfully and was willing to do whatever it took to get what he wanted. She was saved from being one of Hyakugen Maoh's playthings. (Remember Maoh's name. It's important for later.) But because he saved her from the fate of being one of Maoh's toys and then his dinner, she serves him with every fiber of her being. It doesn't surprise me if she's a little bit in love with our prince because of it. I ship it personally. I think they're an adorable couple. Just y'know. A tad dense about how the other feels. But that's kinda every ship I think. Anyway, back on topic.
Yaone puts the bar to sleep, save Hakkai who recognized the threat and held his breath. Yeah it's pretty clear that she's Hakkai's match. hey're both super sweet on the surface but can get downright deadly when it calls for it. They're also rather intelligent. I think it's a  semi-popular ship? Or it was when I was paying attention to the fandom and wasn't distracted by the MOUNTAINS of yaoi.
....I'm getting distracted again. Sorry, Yaone makes me long for more female characters as complex as she is. I dunno if the manga got all that many.
....Okay either Yaone just didn't hide that bomb very well or Hakkai was out LOOKING for trouble. I'm....honestly not sure which is funnier.
And we see just how tied into being Kou's weapon or tool Yaone's worth is. It's pretty screwed up and makes me wonder if SHE did that or if  Kou (unkowingly in his case for reasons we see further on) or someone else working with him encouraged it to make sure she wouldn't be defecting for any reason.
Now we get a bit of a look into Hakkai's past. It's not a lot but it does make it clear that someone dear to him, calling him by a name we don't recognize, killed themselves because of a child they bore. They're also a woman named Kanan. It'll get spelled out in his little arc in the show but it's a nice little look and explains why Hakkai was so frantic to stop Yaone from following in her footsteps.  
And finally the Sanzo party meets Kou. He outstrips in pure power right now but it's hard to dodge a bullet when the gun is against the back of your head. Now why didn't he teleport as soon as he felt it? No idea. I guess he wanted to hint that the power the group is up against is greater than they think. Supposedly. ....You'll see. Trust me.
Kou reiterates that he didn’t remember ordering Yaone to throw her life away after she basically begs him to do away with her. This surprises our little demoness since I guess she wasn’t expecting him to just let her live after only one confrontation with these guys. Then he has her basically promise to follow him until the ends of the earth, whether this will ultimately lead to her death is up for debate/future series events.
As for Hakkai, he's given the option to leave to go take care of some unfinished business he may have with someone. We aren't told who but it's for revenge purposes  so whatever it is, it can't be pretty. Then Goku and Gojyo come in and ruin the moment by arguing about being in the same room. Which prompts Hakkai to say that he reserves the right to walk at any time, which Sanzo agrees to so long as he goes too.
And with Hakkai trying to quell the argument, our story ends. So far, we've gotten an idea of the past our three demonic friends have but  not for Sanzo. His little arc starts tomorrow. Hope to see ya then!
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kayomielatoro · 7 years
Saiyuki Livewatch Episode 6: Unnatural Talismanic Monk
Time for today's Saiyuki Livewatch! Doing a two-parter today. Partially to make up for the fact that I won't be able to do an episode this coming Saturday but also because I'm sure you would much rather I not cliff-hanger you guys. It may happen in the future but not today! Let's get this show on the road! 
We open shortly before a rainstorm which has Gojyo and Sanzo laying bets on if it pours on them before they find an inn. Goku's distracted by  an unusual scent while Sanzo admits that something in the area feels off. They pull over to find a bunch of dead demons covered with talismans. I'm not sure if they're Shintoist or Buddhist but regardless apparently something bad happened here with heavenly help. My best guess is Buddhist because of the character using them but I don't wanna tip my hand too early for any newbies to the series.
Also Gojyo and Hakkai owe Sanzo 1,000 yen because it started raining cats and dogs on them. The innkeeper tells them that the person who killed those demons is a monk  they call Rikudo, who's become a savior to them since the demons lost their shit. He's also 7 ft tall and can kill 100 demons at a pop. This doesn't bode great for our little band.
...I forgot they dropped the f-word in this show. Um....warning about that. Sorry guys. I do like that Sanzo immediately counters as "one that can kick your ass." So y'know. Fuck you, Gojyo. Poor Hakai's left to try to reassure the innkeeper that it'll be quiet before long.
Now we get that look into Sanzo's past that I promised. It's....probly the most depressing one of the bunch. Gojyo's is sad and so is Hakkai's but Sanzo probly had it worse. He's an orphan who was abandoned to the river as a baby and raised with a bunch of bully monks who apparently have nothing better to do than pick on someone younger than them because he's better at meditation and martial arts. But  I can't say I'm surprised either. Monks so far have been kinda dickish in this show, even Sanzo.
Sanzo went by the name Kouryuu then, and one of his few allies was the clerk abbot, Shuuei, who also didn't shave his head either for some reason. I’m not sure if shaving your head is just an option for monks or what. 
They discuss how Kouryuu's getting a holy name and why he doesn't embrace the faith. It mostly boils down to that he believes in himself and his master, Koumyou, who grows his hair long enough to braid. Which....I guess makes him a form of atheistic? Sort of?
Then the temple is attacked by a very angry bear. Kouryuu is the one who stops it with one look and a statement for it to go back to its  home where they wouldn't bother it and that there is no food for it here. Which freaks the other monks right the fuck out.
   Yeah it gets further spelled out exactly how Koumyou died later but... Yeah. Sanzo's not had it easy.
Hoo boy. H-hello, Rikudo. Enjoying the rain before ya melted those demons with your talismans? Yeah this is a very dark episode, literally as well as figuratively. But it fits the mood of this arc perfectly. Even the angles we see make you feel very uncomfortable.
Sanzo immediately recognizes Rikudo as Shuuei as soon as he spots his beads around the other's neck.
And now it's revealed exactly what happened. Koumyou died defending Sanzo and the Maten scripture and managed to hang on long enough to grant Sanzo his new name before he passed and to grant him the crimson chakra. It's after he left that Shuuei takes over the story.
Basically the burglars attacked again and just decimated the temple. Shuuei used some forbidden spell that turned him into a murdering monster that kills demons in an attempt to ease his own suffering. He'd been doing it before the demons attacked people but now is being hailed a hero.
Sanzo, and probly Shuuei, realize what needs to be done to free him but Goku interferes, insisting that there has to be a better way to end this without killing him. That Sanzo shouldn't be able to come to that decision so easily.
Sanzo himself had vowed not to get close enough to people so that he couldn't bear to lose them....Only to learn how fruitless it was when he steps in front of a blow meant for Goku. This is where part 1 ends. See ya when I start part 2. See ya soon!
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kayomielatoro · 7 years
Saiyuki Livewatch Episode 3 Where the Gods Are
Time once again for the Saiyuki Livewatch! We're on to episode 3, Where the Gods Are. While not a personal favorite episode of mine, it’s still a lot of fun for me to watch parts of this and...basically be reminded that Born-Again Believers are apparently universal. 
....I love the Merciful Goddess. She's a fucking troll as well as understanding that...well, the guys need to grow as people. Seriously, she is one of my “give no fucks” life goals.And speaking of trolling, it's time for Goku trolling. Seriously, walking human sunshine but dumb as a bag of hammers. Even Hakkai's in on the fun this time. Poor thing. Goku, you need to throw down paper next time! REVENGE FOR THE MONKEY! ....Someone explain this to me. I get that everywhere needs a place of worship but....the middle of a canyon in fucking nowhere? Seriously? Who's coming to this temple?! How do they get offerings to offer prayers to the gods?! WHERE THE FUCK DO THEY GET THEIR FOOD FROM?! This place looks like it's built into the fucking canyon wall! There is NO space for a damn garden and there ain't one near the gates. HOW DO THEY EAT?! And it can't be cannibalism as we'll soon see! ...Although they ain't that damn holy as we find out. Considering they're willing to let travelers go without shelter because they're not monks themselves. Or, well, until Goku spilled the beans by calling Sanzo by his title. Oh, um, Genjo Sanzo is a title. I'm....not 100 percent sure what his actual name is? Toa maybe? We'll find out the name he grew up with but I don't know if that's quite the same thing.We also learn in this episode that Sanzo's master, the previous Sanzo, was Koumyou Sanzo so....I guess maybe Sanzo's name is Genjo?   Eh, regardless, Sanzo's name gets them into the temple and in front of the abbot to beg lodgings for the night based on Sanzo bein' Sanzo. Basically, as Hakkai says, the Sanzo is the bigshot of bigshots for Buddhist monks and guards the founding scriptures of heaven and earth. OUR Sanzo, in fact, inherited two of them. We'll find out why he only carries the one around when his past gets brought up later in the show. Seriously, Gojyo, don't badmouth the guys putting you up for the night WHILE THEY'RE IN EARSHOT. Save it for when they're gone stupid! ...Gojyo. Shut. The fuck. Up. I get it, you hate judgemental people. MAYBE don't egg them on though? Like....They haven't kicked you out yet. There might still be a chance of saving this. SHUT UP! Wow. Way to save this, Sanzo. And it pisses off the 'servants' too. But at least they're fed and given a place to stay. Just gotta make it til morning. Then you can bitch and complain and snarl all you want about them. WOW, kid. Or Yoh, whatever your name is. Way to lay it on THICK. I can't tell if this kid is legit or just doesn't know any better. Maybe both. Even Hakkai's like "Holy shit, dude. For real?" Yep, these guys are vegetarians, like your average Buddhist monk. I have no idea where these assholes are getting their food. Seriously, this is bugging the shit out of me. ....I seriously wish I knew how to play Mahjong, the poker-like version not the "match things" version. I have no fucking idea who won. So yep. All the cigs, what looks like porn, mahjong set, and booze gets confiscated by the monks. And Yoh ends up acting like the adult. Well. ish. ....I just realized that Yoh acts like one of those super into-it Born Again Christians. Follows every tenet, even the ones that aren't that important in comparison to doing the right thing or being a good person. Or in THIS case, even defending yourself since somehow this temple somehow has not been hit by demons, guess what's coming, but also has no way of defending itself should shit go sideways. Speaking of! Guess who barges into the temple while Goku and Gojyo are whining about things they really want that they can't have?! *ding ding ding* Bingo! A demon! Uh, yeah, you know that story about how this place is super holy? Apparently demons aren't affected by shit like that. Well, this one anyway. I'm....not sure what they're supposed to be chanting here since what little Buddhist chants I know came from Ghost Hunt but uh....Either these guys don't have the spiritual power to fill a teaspoon or these chants don't do shit. It's not entirely clear which it is since Sanzo's the only one shown to be able to use holy anything to fight demons. Maybe it's only certain things that work, like the gun and the founding scriptures of heaven and earth. It's not spelled out in the show but if it is in the manga, I haven't found it yet. XD There's Sanzo for ya. Cutting through the bullshit and just stating what he sees. He's a dickhead but he's at least honest. These monks are very spoiled and don’t realize just how fucking lucky they are until they get attacked and almost completely wiped the fuck out. Ah, the point deduction bit. Another thing I almost wish had been a running gag. This one I get. It's kinda hard to make more than one opponent go from 100 down to 0 to justify a kill. But this one's still gold during the fight. Ah, Hakkai. Not only up on your shonen tropes BUT figured out how to make his very first chi barrier almost on the fly. I love this man. ^_^ Yeah, my first time through this and I thought it was just shitty taste in clothes too Gojyo. Nope, dude can make a scythe out of his arm. Gross. Not sure why he needs the shoulder pad on THAT side of his body though.... And Sanzo on the scene to knock a demon around with one punch and adding a whole heap of points on for idiocy. Almost outta the game, ugly. And for insulting Sanzo, while also dropping a truth bomb, that brings ugly to negative points and a hit from the scripture and a bullet to the head. Well, this leads Yoh to a lot of questions. Mostly revolving around just why Sanzo, the holiest of monks, has killed so many people. And we don't get a reason. Instead, Yoh, and us, are told that it's easier to be closer to God while you're dead than it is while you're alive.  But the point isn't necessarily to just give up. The point is to figure out WHY you're alive, what makes you keep fighting. And we see a rare Sanzo smile as he promises to teach Yoh mahjong on his way back. Well unspoken promise. It counts. And that's the end as the boys march further to the West. Until next time guys! 
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kayomielatoro · 7 years
Saiyuki Livewatch: Episode 2: A Guide To the Netherworld
....Okay yeah, the title this go round makes no sense whatsoever. Hello, guys, welcome to the blog and today’s Livewatch. Today we watch episode 2, easily one of my favorites. Let’s get started.
Startin' off with probly the only plot summary I think we get in the series. Aaaaand then into my absolute favorite goddamn scene in this whole fucking show.  It starts off sorta normal with Gojyo and Goku fighting, as per usual. Seriously these two might as well be fucking blood brothers with how often they argue and bitch at each other.  And then Sanzo's immediate response once he’s sick of it. "Your little unrequited love affair is starting to get on my nerves! Get a room!" BEST. LINE. EVER. Seriously if I EVER make an asshole character and DON'T use this line or something close at some point? You have my permission to kick my ass. It's that damn good.   And then Hakkai, little shithead that he is, follows up with the line "Awful quiet back there guys are you making out?" ROFL Look, Hakkai might be the nice one but he can burn your ass just as easily as Sanzo and probly quicker if he's paying attention to you. And then the lamest response from the accused. Look, if you guys ship Gojyo and Goku because of this moment, go for it. Not my ship but hey, ship as ya may. Not my job to police you people.
Wow. Thanks for insulting Hakkai's cooking Goku. Although now I kinda wanna eat Houmei's cooking. At least I ASSUME Hakkai's a good cook. It’s....not exactly made clear aside from the fact he is the only cook in the party which might not be saying much.  Aaand the first step for informing how the average human feels about demons who have killed loved ones. I think this really sorta sets it up although I don’t remember too much of a pay-off? But the sentiment is nice. 
Gojyo's pretty jaded when it comes to humans as is obvious by the line that humans are "stupid and judgemental. What's the mystery" We'll  get more into that once Gojyo's past gets brought up. Which I think is in a few episodes? Give or take?
Poor Goku. Stuck between a rock and a hard place with this girl. On the one hand, he wants to make her feel better. On the other....he probly feels like he should correct how she feels about demons but doesn’t know how without outing himself.
....Gojyo. SERIOUSLY. KEEP THE PERVY THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF. Also I REALLY wish Hakkai's TMI whistle was a running gag. I love that bit so. Sanzo you sarcastic asshole. It wouldn't kill you to be thankful that at least one of you assholes thought ahead with booking rooms.
...I'm....not entirely sure how I still feel about Vic Mignogna as Kougaiji. He does well in the role but.... I dunno. It doesn't age great. I dunno if it's because the role itself could use some more gravitas in the voice or at least an older sounding voice. I'm just not as in  love with that particular bit of casting anymore. I DO like Yaone's VA although she also takes a little bit to settle into her role. And we've got why we actually LIKE some of the guys on Gyumaoh's side. They're clearly only doing it for someone else....Goku interrupting aside.
Oooh, Sanzo prepared for once. I'm impressed. ....This doesn't happen often. Normally because they don't do traps very well. Or often. I believe this is our first look at Sanzo without his robes. ENJOY guys gals and nonbinary pals. ...Yes I have the hots for it too. Relax, I’m not kinkshaming.  Aaaaand now Sanzo's trap got flipped on him by a....spider woman. .....Have I mentioned spiders freak the fuck outta me? Yeah kinda hate this particular fucking group of assassins. Ah, Gojyo and his pickyness of partners. Supposedly. Not by much. ROFL And Goku taking out his opponent in his damn sleep is GOLD. Aaand the first of Sanzo being in weird bondagey shit. Yeah this is kind of a trope? Probly because he's the only human and a tad more vulnerable than the others. Unless he's got the Maten scripture ready or his gun's fully loaded. Yeah we'll see part of what the Maten scripture can do shortly. Hold yer horses. 
    First things first, Gojyo stages a breakout with his weapon, the shakujo. I believe it's also called the monk spade but I'm not 100% sure since I haven't taken any kung fu classes since freshman year of college YEARS ago. For those wondering what Goku's is called and don't know already, it's the nyoi-bo. Or just bo staff. Which can become a sensetsukon. ....Which I might have misspelled. Would not surprise me. I still wanna know how Hakkai's Qi Gong works.
And two back-to-back food puns. Seriously, SALTY is the term you're looking for Gojyo. Not sour.
UGH I FUCKING HATE SPIDERS. SERIOUSLY. And this one in particular is FUCKED. Because after she takes a shot to the eye, she heals herself by eating her buddies. Aaaaand she outs Goku as a demon. Great. More of a reason to hate this bitch.
  Poor Goku. He didn't deserve to be called a monster. Seriously the kid is basically walking sunshine. I adore this kid. Oh, I love this line: "Stop looking at them like they're different or we're better. We're all the same, all of us." ....Ignoring his cooking comment immediately afterward. 
So....is the guy with Houmei really her dad? I've....never been a hundred percent sure.
"You're young. Be careful of blanket judgements" Still a teacher as always, huh, Hakkai? Although I'm not sure why he's so quiet here. Mixing problem maybe?  Seriously I adore this episode even if it doesn't really add anything save maybe a little bit of depth to Goku and how people may start viewing the demonic parts of the party later in the story should their identity be found out. Which I don't think is often.
Now we've got the Maten scripture binding the spider lady in place while Goku impales her ass with his bo staff. Nicely done guys.
You didn't think she'd hold a grudge after you saved her and said those things about treating people the same, did you, Goku? Seriously, kid. I dunno how someone could hold a grudge against you. You're too sweet. It's got a nice little lesson. A little schmaltzy but it's sweet and I like it.
XD And Hakkai and Sanzo continue to be driven bonkers by Goku and Gojyo arguing. Yeah it's gonna be a long journey guys.
And that wraps up episode 2 in a neat little bow. Hope you guys had fun and I’ll see you all next time!
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kayomielatoro · 7 years
Saiyuki Livewatch Episode 7: A Twilight Farewell
Time for Round 2 of today's Saiyuki Livewatch! This time it’s episode 7 and the finale of the Rikudo arc. Let's waste no time and get right back into the action, shall we?
First thing's first, Sanzo's really in bad shape and it's messing up Goku. It's got him so upset that his limiter actually breaks from the emotional stress and unleashes his true form: the Great Sage Equal To Heaven, Seitan Taisei. The dub doesn't quite lay it out like that but the basic idea is at least there. And he is as tough as his full title is a mouthful. He just rips right through Rikudo and would have killed him if he hadn't decided to just start wailing on him first.  Hakkai, for the first time we've seen, heals what he can of Sanzo's wound while talking about getting him in from out of the rain. It would seem that the spear missed Sanzo's vitals so he may actually heal fully provided the bloodloss isn't too bad. Shuuei still exists in Rikudo somewhere and kept him from outright killing Sanzo.
Rikudo makes his escape after the prayer beads around his neck (given to him by Kouryuu if you remember) light up and stun Goku for a moment, which leaves Gojyo the task of trying to rein in our favorite monkey. This proves to be more challenging than they thought since he strikes at anything that moves. After shoving his arm into Goku's mouth (I have no idea why he thought THAT would work but it's Gojyo he ain't the brains of the outfit) Gojyo tries punching him to make him let go when we hear a voice from above order to hold Goku still. Then a light descends from the heavens and wraps around Goku's head. This creates a new limiter which reverses Goku's transformation immediately. Gojyo catches him as he immediately passes out. Then we meet the owner of that voice, the Merciful Goddess, making her first appearance to the little group.
Cut to Rikudo making a decision to kill every last one of our group for a moment and basically establish that there's little to no redemption for him or if there is, it's not coming just yet.
Then it's back to shenanigans with the Merciful Goddess. ....Apparently the gods are part vampire or something because she sucks out a few pints of blood out of Gojyo to donate to Sanzo via a kiss to the lips. Which Sanzo doesn't appreciate since he goes to backhand her in his sleep. Once that's done, the Merciful Goddess takes her leave and we're left with the aftermath of what happened.
Of course, only worrying about Sanzo would put Goku off of his food. This also does a little bit of character development for the little guy in that he wants to become strong so he doesn't let his sun, or savior in plainer terms, down in any way.
After a warning to be careful from Hakkai, Sanzo goes to leave, only to have to hear another helpful tip about Rikudo from Gojyo, who's supposed to be keeping an eye on the monk to keep him from being stupid. The beads are the only thing keeping the last shred of Shuuei alive in Rikudo. Once the talisman keeping him alive gets powerful enough, there won't be anything left to save.
Sanzo makes his way to the woods and starts praying or meditating (I'm not sure which frankly) which draws Rikudo to him. After trading words to make it clear that Sanzo is there to put him down and the fight starts, Rikudo makes the realization that Sanzo's soul will be what satisfies the cursed talisman keeping him alive. Meanwhile, the movement from moving to fire at Rikudo reopens Sanzo's wound.
Sanzo reflects that it wasn't protecting Goku that made him move in the way of Rikudo’s blow. It was protecting his own wound from watching his father figure die in front of his own eyes that made him get between Goku and Rikudo's spear. Then we follow with Sanzo's own mantra. "Willing to die for no one, living for no one except myself, vowing to never again become so close to someone I can't bear to lose them." It's...a rather lonely mantra but sums up Sanzo perfectly. We'll see if that changes by the end of the show but I'd say very little will if he's aware of himself.
Rikudo freezes Sanzo with a spell and makes to choke the very life out of him. Sanzo claims that the talisman only controls him because he's weak. I'm not sure how true that is but since it strikes such a chord with Rikudo, it must have a ring of truth to it. The talisman starts to take over the last little bit of Shuuei left, destroying the prayer beads around his neck. Sanzo goes for his gun, and with the reassuring hand of his friend on his wrist to help him aim true, finally puts an end to Rikudo.
Just as Sanzo is reflecting on a moment from Koumyou about how true freedom may be having a home to come back to, who is waiting but a familiar green jeep, and his companions? And with that, our story comes to it's end. See ya next time!
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