#Keit Pins
voltopia · 2 years
I know no one cares about voltron anymore (or at least not like they used to) and tbh I don’t either but Keith is still my emotional support character I can project onto when I need to work through some emotions and I just went through an entire season worth of story arc in my head on this new au idea so hear me out.
This is a sheith au with some toxic NSFW mention so antis DNIA. Keith is a trans man as well in this au.
What if sometime before Keith goes to the quantum abyss and they find out about Lotor (but Lotor still turns out evil) Honerva hits Keith with the mind control but instead of a mindless drone she targets his insecurities and he goes full villain era where he just doesn’t give a fuck anymore. Because arguably there is a lot Keith has been through where at any point he could have said ‘fine, you want me to be the villain? I’ll be your villain’ and with the recent trend online embracing going ape shit cuz we’re tired of being nice I thought it was a valid theme to explore. There’s still so much in between I wanna say but it’s already a long post so have this for now because I had to share.
Like I can actually see Keith aligning with Lotor and Honerva’s plans to jump realities so he can join them in a world where the Galra have a home planet. Him forming an actual plan to destroy voltron because he’s resentful of their mistrust of him being Galra. Or just how they hate on the Galra for being the enemy and he takes it kind of personally. He also uses his relationship with Shiro against them. Using Shiro’s bids for him to come back against them by pointing out that he knows Shiro has feelings for him but won’t admit to them because Shiro wants to keep Keith ‘in his shadow’. Shiro would say something like ‘I want my best friend back’ and Keith would force him to say that he actually loves him in front of the paladins. Because it’s true and they were pinning so hard but Shiro thought taking the next step would complicate things for them and voltron so he really tried to maintain the status quo with their relationship and Keith is tired of it. Forget shame Keiths out to destroy the paladins for personal reasons and because they pose the biggest threat to his new mission. I imagine the paladins would still find Keith’s mom and during their next battle she’d come in to try and stop Keith but instead of sobering him it only fuels his anger toward them due to his unresolved resentment for her leaving him on earth and abandoning him.
Time goes by and developments happen in Honerva’s plan and Allura takes the RED lion (tbh it just seems more fitting I mean really it was her father’s lion why would she take Blue?). On another mission the paladins get captured (because of course they do). Shiro is still very desperate to get Keith back (the same desperation that Keith uses in the Black Paladins episode so you know I’m talking fucking desperate) and Keith at this point has very complicated feelings for Shiro like the mind control only goes so far as to convince him he’s justified but all of his actions reflect actual emotions he would have if he truly felt vengeful or righteous. So when the paladins get captured, he’d get the idea to have sex with Shiro because if he plans to kill voltron he’d morbidly want to know what being with Shiro is like before he kills him. But it’s not entirely one sided. Again Shiro is still holding out hope that he can save Keith. Of course he would much rather their first time be out of love instead of spite but again, desperate. It’s still very manipulative on Keith’s part with how he taunts and coerces. Shiro does consent though because his own feelings are a little more than fucked up about it too.
The paladins escape (because of course they do) and a few weeks pass before their next battle this time it’s the boss fight. Honerva still makes the device she uses to wormhole between realities but instead of the Alteans that she uses to fight voltron it’s Lotor and Keith. Voltron fatally wounds Keith and goes on to kill Lotor and destroy parts of Honerva’s wormhole device but Honerva herself gets away. They bring Keith’s damaged mech back to the castle (yes they still have the castle). He’s not directly wounded but the lost quintessence and oxygen deprivation means he’s barely hanging on but they get him in a pod in time and find out oh shit there’s a second heartbeat!
Cliche I know but shush. Anyway Shiro is wrecked because jesus what an emotional roller coaster having to fight your lover to near death only to find out he’s having your baby like fuck amiright? But Keith lives and is no longer under mind control so he’s understandably devastated to look back on what he did. The paladins (and for sure Allura) are a bit suspicious that Keith’s back to normal (except Shiro… poor bastard). Keith remembers everything and he can’t trust himself either because it’s not like he did all that as Honerva’s drone those were real feelings he may or may not have privately had at one time or another but they were more akin to intrusive thoughts because he has the emotional depth to understand that emotions are more nuanced than that and when he digs deeper he knows he doesn’t really feel that way. Oh and wtf now he’s pregnant, definitely some mixed feelings about that.
Sam Holt still went back to earth and builds the Atlas in time for Voltron and the Atlas to have the final boss fight with Honerva (we’re talking build and finished other than the crystal they need to jumpstart it so it doesn’t take them long to meet up on earth and plan the fight). (And for some added drama Keith is only in say the first trimester so he’s still mostly in fighting shape and he tries to help from the sidelines which freaks out Shiro but Krolia steps in to help so it’s a good bonding moment between her and Keith).
They win against Honerva, Allura lives goddamnit and Shiro and Keith go on to have the baby lol. I also imagine Keith would have a really fast birth for some reason idk something about higher Galra pain tolerance and him being oblivious so by the time he gets to labor and delivery he’s already like fully dilated lmao.
Damn I really wanted to write the full fic when I was thinking about it but now that I’ve finished the thought I’m gonna have to get back in the mood to actually write it…
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 121
“Lance is pregnant?”
“And he’s carrying twins?”
“And you’re going to be a father?”
“And you’ve known for weeks now?”
“Nope. We only found out a few days it was twins”
“And you didn’t tell me sooner?”
“Keith... This a big thing? I know you don’t trust or rely on me, but I want to be here for both you and Lance”
Dragged off by Krolia, Keith had a firm gaze on his hands. He’d been hopelessly nervous over today’s scan, anxious to see if the changes in Lance’s daily routine coupled with the fresh blood hadn’t hurt their babies in any way, and kind of feeling displaced over their friends wanting to be there for the scan. He didn’t think he could feel more anxious until Krolia suddenly appeared as Coran was preparing to start the ultrasound. He’d expected more yelling from his mother. More “How could you be so irresponsible?”, and more “There’s no way you can be with him or have the twins”. His mother sounded disappointed. He hadn’t meant for her to find out like this, but Lance had snapped and now they were here.
“Gracious. You must be so scared right now. Your father was awash with fear when he found out. He worried so much for you from the moment he knew you existed... This is why you hugged me wasn’t it? You were still working through how to tell me as you feared the worst”
His mother was leaning on the table with her left elbow, her right arm sitting against the table as if she wanted to reach out and take his hand
“How could I not? Lance is a vampire. If the Vatican found out, he’d be dead or dragged off to be experimented on”
Sure they were going to tell their friends, but having Krolia know... she was in a position where she really should be reporting this back to Blade Headquarters. He couldn’t quite place her tone, she sounded worried, but her being their for the scan had really thrown him for a loop. Mami held Lance’s hand for their six week scan, whereas Krolia stood further back... kind of like she was trying to give them a bit of privacy despite how impossible that’d been
“Oh, Keith. No. There’s no way I’d let that happened to him. Not when your happiness and his would be destroyed by people who know nothing”
Raising his head to meet his mother’s eyes, Krolia gave him perhaps the softest smile he’d ever seen her give. It felt... too easy. To accepting
“Why aren’t you mad? He’s a vampire”
Krolia finally drew back in her chair, crossing her arms lightly while making gestures with her left hand as if to wave off his worry
“He’s also a good man. He is kind and conscious of his condition. He poses no threat as he is. If anything he’s a little too human. I feel no threat from him. How are you both doing? I was so shocked when I found out I was carrying you. We don’t have the easiest life, but I wanted you so very badly”
And Keith so very badly wanted to know Lance was okay... but he couldn’t run from the things he’d been slowly working out, nor the things he wanted to tell his mother
“I... spent a long time hating you. I hated you for leaving me behind and I didn’t understand why you would if you loved me. Finding out Lance was pregnant, it’s like... like I finally get it. I’m scared for him... and I’m scared for our kids... We thought we were only having the one. We were adjusting to that thought, and now there’s two, and Lance hasn’t been very well... Coran has all these guesses but their just that, guesses. He can’t say anything for sure...”
Krolia nodded
“I had the most horrendous morning sickness all through my pregnancy with you. I remember you dad tried to be romantic and make dinner but the moment he opened the can of sardines I threw up on the sofa...”
That didn’t sound fun or pleasant
“Did... did you regret it? Keeping me?”
Krolia shook her head
“Not for a moment. The second I laid eyes on you, all I felt was so in love that I can’t even describe the feeling. Having you was my proudest moment of my life. Then reality set back in. The fear you wouldn’t be safe... I’d already made a bit of a name for myself by then, the days I spent with you and your father... They were truly the best. Leaving you never got any easier. I hurt you deeply and I’m never going to be able to undo that, but you are my precious son. Even if I have to make an enemy of the Vatican, I will do all I can to protect and help you and Lance”
Krolia lived and breathed her work. That she’d go that far shocked him. He seriously thought she’d be against this. Against him and Lance continuing with the pregnancy... Keith didn’t know what to say
“I don’t... how can you...”
“Because things aren’t as simple as they teach you as a Blade. Lance isn’t the first vampire I’ve met who wants to be as human as possible. I’ve lied in my reports to protect the very people we’re supposed to kill. I’ve been stung for it before, but at the end of the day, everyone is trying their hardest to make sense of things. Good and Evil aren’t cut down the middle in a straight line. As long as Lance lives the way he has been, I see no danger in continuing to let him live. Besides, you love him. A vampire wouldn’t have been my first choice for you, but your happiness is what matters. You said Lance hasn’t been well, is something wrong?”
Keith hoped their wasn’t. His boyfriend had been pretty cranky since they went back to Garrison. Keith hadn’t been all that happy either. He wanted to be the one to take care of Lance, but Lance always had someone else in the household fussing over him. It’d been hard to hold his temper as he was made to feel redundant
“He’s been really tired and emotional. And really angry today... Coran said anger could be a sign he’s not getting enough blood. He burns through everything so fast... and he throws up a lot”
“It sounds to me like this could be the best place for him right now”
The comment rubbed Keith the wrong way
“Are you trying to say because dad died I can’t take care of Lance?”
“No. I’m saying if something is wrong, Coran is the person Lance needs. He needs you too. This is a whirlwind time for both of you. You want to prioritise him, but he may need Coran’s guidance a little more given he’s dealt with so many supernatural beings. He seems to have a lot of experience and a rather level head”
Riiiiiiiight. He’ll remember that the next time Coran went off talking about his sexscapeds, or got too excited over him dating Lance
“Sometimes he’s a complete nutter”
“Faes are normally trickster demons. He must be very old and very wise to run this place the way he does. Lance trusts him. He’s probably a mess trying to work out his headspace. Have you talked?”
“A bit. He’s been so up and down that I’m worried about him”
“That’s natural”
“But to be this up and down... I don’t know how to help him... I hate it”
Lance seemed so down. So withdrawn. That morning he hadn’t even protested the others joining them for the scan. He’d barely said much of anything when Keith thought about it. He knew his boyfriend didn’t like fresh blood, but if that was the only thing then he kind of felt they’d maybe have talked about it. Krolia
“I’m envious of Lance. I see you with him. You’re not afraid to be open and honest with him. I can’t help but feel jealous of your closeness. You have a good partner, but you need to remember to keep talking. Your father copped more than one of my moods, we had a huge fight that lasted for a week once, because we both thought we were doing the right thing by not pressuring each into talking. What we needed was to talk. I’ve wanted to talk with you for so long... did you get my call? I didn’t know if you got the message I left for your birthday”
Keith shook his head. He hadn’t had a notification that he knew of. He only kept his phone close because Lance’s alarms were on it
“We had no service out there. I don’t know what I would have done, but I think I would have listened to your message if I’d seen it”
“Ah... I was worried I’d upset you. I know I should have knocked this morning, but with no word from you, I wanted to see you were okay. Especially as Pidge came back with a busted ankle”
Hold up. His mum was talking with Pidge? When did this happen? How did that happen?
“You saw her?”
“She came by yesterday with Colleen. I caught her trying to take a look at the briefing room again”
Keith groaned, Shiro biting down a snort. That was so very Pidge that it wasn’t funny, also very stupid on her behalf
“She does that. Lance spent years always going ahead and checking out the places she was interested in so she wouldn’t be hurt”
“Seeing him with them... it’s nice to know you’re friends have spirit with someone there to shelter them. He could be a major asset in the war ahead, yet knowing he’s pregnant, I can’t quash the feeling he should be placed in protective custody”
And Keith was back on guard again. Lance wouldn’t appreciate being made to feel useless, nor did he want to be away from his house. If Lance was put into custody then it was hugely likely that he wouldn’t be able to see his boyfriend until all this was over
“You mean you want to lock him away”
“I’d lock all of you away if I could. Things will only get harder. Lotor has offer his assistance with the pushing of Allura. Though he is useless until he delivers Sendak to us, the one thing he refuses to do”
“I don’t want Lance around Lotor. Lotor isn’t good for him. Lance is sure Lotor knows he’s pregnant”
“I would be guarding that secret carefully. Sendak is no joke, nor is the intent in Honerva. Honerva is very smart. That’s why it is so hard to pin something on her and Zarkon. Even if we apprehended Sendak I don’t think we can proceed against Honerva without physical proof of her involvement”
This felt like the longest conversation they’d ever had. There were moments and pauses, yet Krolia wasn’t hiding behind her Blade position. She kind of felt... a bit how Mami made him feel. A little reassured and a lot hoping he was saying the right things. Shiro cleared his throat
“Yes, well, Lotor is another issue. We also have Curtis’s curse to think of too”
Keith felt bad for Curtis. His brother being dumb with his words about his boyfriend
“I wish we had some way to severe the demon from your soul. You were a valuable hunter, though I am relieved that you found a place here with Coran. Many think him too kind hearted given the amount of resources used to keep this place running. There are some in the Blade that think he should be stripped of this post. If anything we should be grateful to him”
Hold up. His mum was complimenting Coran now? Where was the Krolia who’d crush anyone deemed incompetent?!
“My curse is inconvenient. Compelled to the truth... for one mission going wrong. Having monitored Lance I feel his issues with his mental health are the main worry for the moment. If he cannot stabilise his emotions, I fear for him”
At least Curtis had waited this long to contribute to the conversation. Keith still felt Shiro could have said things better. If Curtis remained in Garrison and working remotely it would be safer as Lotor wouldn’t be able force him to confess anything... but Curtis wasn’t someone or something to keep locked away
“Lance trusts Curtis. He really likes you. You should be nicer to your boyfriend”
“I’m not trying to be awkward, yet we do need to consider what will come next. I imagine you’ll want to retire closer to the due date”
Keith hadn’t really thought about that far ahead. He and Lance both wanted the current situation to hurry up and draw to a close. He’d tried to research what he could on pregnancy, but all it did was make him worry more for Lance as he read about the things that could go wrong with his boyfriend and with their babies. Movies made being pregnant look easy... very few had things going wrong. He didn’t know why people had babies when it could kill them... Lance was already dead, but he had blood in his veins. He could haemorrhage. He could suffered a stroke or clot. The drama didn’t even end when the baby was popped out. Being a parent seemed crazy idea. He wanted things to go well. He and Lance deserved things going well. There were so many things to arrange before Lance gave birth on top of working. He didn’t know if he was ready to retire, but he did know he didn’t want to bring work back home with him.
“I think you’ve broken him. Sets save that talk for another day”
Curtis was kind of right. Did he want to retire and if he retired how many people would die because of it?
“Yes. Ooooh, have you Lance started picking names?”
Nope. Not even a name for when they thought they were only having one baby
“Careful, Krolia. Your grandma side is showing”
“Let me be happy for them. I assume Lance is going to find a place in Platt? If you’d like to buy a place, I would love to be able to contribute...”
Hang on...
“I think Lance would rather remain in Garrison. He owns his house”
Krolia agreed with Shiro
“He is at that age. Perhaps it’s time for me to see where my future grand-babies will call home?”
“Lance has a nice house. It has a warm feel to it, and he’s got a bit of land around it”
“I wonder if Miriam would like to make a day trip with me?”
Now his mother was pushing things. Sure, anyone with access to Lance’s file could get his address, but showing up unannounced or with very little notice left Lance jittery
“You can’t invite yourself over. That’s Lance’s safe space”
“Relax. I don’t mean right away, and not without asking him. When his pregnancy is more settled I thought it might nice. Are you two planning on having a baby shower?”
Could babies shower? Didn’t people use a baby bath? He nearly asked before remembering what a baby shower was
“I don’t think so. Lance is pretty uncomfortable about conceiving given all the changes he’s been going through since he drank my blood...”
“I think a baby shower would be a splendid idea. We can plan for closer to his due date. When’s he due?”
Curtis loved being social. He loved helping others, and he’d given up trying to give them sex toys. If they did have a baby shower Keith feared he’d be a nervous wreck and only cause more trouble for those organising it, which would be Hunk, Rieva, and Curtis...
“He’s due in the second week of June... provided he doesn’t have another major bleed or lose the twins... and provided his pregnancy progresses like a human pregnancy and his body doesn’t give out with all the energy going to the twins”
Shiro softly reassured him, his words didn’t feel very comforting ashis brother could foresee the future. Apparently Allura couldn’t have foreseen this either
“Keith, whatever happens, we’ll be here for you”
Keith huffed. He was hearing too much about him and not enough about Lance
“It’s Lance you should be here for”
“We’re here for the four of you. We’re going to get Sendak and close this case up. You’ll see”
Krolia hummed to herself before nodding like she was answering her own question
“You two will be on the same team for Halloween. Though I think Shiro will be scoping from a seperate point. Would you like me to see if I can rearrange things?”
God, yes. Halloween was a horrible time of the year. People only cared about wearing the sluttiest costumes the could find, then ending up drunk in the gutter. Now he had friends to worry about. Hopefully Pidge would still be in her moon boot so she didn’t get herself into trouble
“It’ll be fine. It’s only scoping, if we have to move in, we’ll converge before making the apprehension”
Tranq ’em, bag ’em, then bring’ em in for Coran to process unless the target needed to be dealt with on scene. Yay. He was tired as it was. He couldn’t nap when Lance napped because he’d get worked up about the possibility of Lance waking up disorientated, having a nightmare, or he couldn’t quite take his eyes off him because he was too cute when he slept. Mostly because Lance was cute and liked to nuzzle into him like a big cat.
Krolia smiled at him. She really had seemed to soften since coming to Platt. He’d softened since coming to Platt, even when it came to work he felt like a metric ton of weight had come off his shoulders
“I really am proud of you, Keith. And I will be there to help in any way I can. You deserve this happiness you’ve found with Lance”
No normal hunter would say this, but Krolia was hardly normal. He finally kind of felt like maybe he was reassured by her words
“Thanks, mum. Um... I should head back and check on Lance”
“Ditched for the boyfriend, I see how it is, too cool to hang out with your old mum”
Krolia faked a sniffle. Yeah. She was definitely a weirdo.
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koigekoige · 7 years
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https://www.pinterest.com/materjal/pins/ Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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mercy-angel-09 · 7 years
I wish you would write a fic where Keith and Allura have an arm wrestling match. ^_~
HA! This is gonna be good…
*rolls sleeves up*
“What in the name of Groggery the Infirm are you doing?” Allura asked as she walked into the dining room of the castle. Keith and Lance were sitting adjacent to each other, elbows planted on the table, hands firmly clasped together. Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge were crowded around them, all looking a bit sheepish at being caught doing…well whatever it was they were doing.
“Uh, arm wrestling,” Lance answered.
Without warning Keith slammed Lance’s arm down to the table top and smirked at the Blue Paladin. “I win.”
“Hey, you cheated! I was clearly not ready because I was answering Allura’s question,” Lance argued.
“I’m with Lance on this,” Shiro said, but his lips were fighting a grin the whole time. “Re-do.”
“What is this arm wrestling?” Allura asked as she approached them, her brow wrinkled in confusion.
“It’s kinda like a test of strength,” Hunk answered.
“Oh! We had similar contests of strength on Altea!” Allura said, clapping her hands together in delight. “Though those involved crimped flankenhorfers and bollywoggles.”
“Uh, right,” Shiro said. “Anyway, I think Keith and Lance are eager to get this settled.”
“May I play the winner?” Allura asked.
Both Keith and Lance exchanged a look and then shrugged.
“Fine by me,” Lance said.
“Sure,” Keith said.
“Excellent! You may proceed!”
“All right, you both know the rules,” Shiro said as he wrapped his robotic hand around their clasped hands. “First person to pin the other wins. Three…two…one!”
He released their hands and stepped back as both young men began to best the other. For the most part they were pretty evenly matched, Lance being surprisingly strong for as wiry as he was, but unfortunately he lacked Keith’s stamina and with a yelp his hand was slammed against the table top.
“I win,” Keith said as he released Lance’s hand.
“Ugh,” Lance groaned, flexing his hand as he relinquished his seat to Allura. “He’s all yours, Princess. Do me a favor and knock him down a few pegs, will ya?”
“I will certainly try,” Allura said with a grin as she sat down.
“I’m not gonna go easy on you because you’re a girl,” Keith warned her.
“I wouldn’t expect you to,” Allura said as she placed her elbow on the table as she had seen Lance do. “Frankly, I’d be insulted if you did.”
Shiro snickered, but said nothing, waiting for Keith to grasp Allura’s hand. Keith hesitated for a second before he clasped her hand, eyes widening a bit when she gave his grip a test squeeze. When they were situated, Shiro covered their hands with his robotic hand and grinned. “You know the rules. First person to pin the other wins. Three…two…one!”
He let go and for a moment neither Keith nor Allura moved. They sat there, hands clasped together, staring at the other. Then Allura jerked Keith’s hand towards the table top and he jerked back, putting them into a stalemate.
“You’re strong,” Keith noted as he struggled against her.
“You’re not exactly weak yourself,” she replied, a small gasp of effort punctuating her statement.
The two struggled for several dobosh, little gasps and grunts of effort escaping the two battlers. Shiro watched, amusement dancing in his eyes as Allura held her ground against Keith. Hunk, Pidge, and Lance whispered among themselves, trying to determine who would be the victor, but unable to determine it. Keith and Allura were too evenly matched.
“Arm wrestling,” Keith gasped, “isn’t a talent I knew princesses had.”
“My education,” Allura grunted as she fought back against Keith’s temporary push towards victory, “was well rounded.”
To punctuate this point, she let out a roar of effort as she slammed the back of Keith’s hand into the table top.
“Wow,” Pidge murmured.
“Is it wrong that I’m just a little turned on right now?” Lance whispered to Hunk.
“Hey man, whatever works for you,” Hunk whispered back.
“And the winner is Allura!” Shiro said, grabbing her hand and holding it up.
Keith sat in stunned silence as Allura jumped to her feet and bounced in place, smiling wildly and giggling. “Well done, Allura,” he said, standing up and offering her a handshake.
She took it and then leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for the challenge.”
“I…uh, yeah. Sure, anytime,” he said, cheeks rosy. Turning to Shiro, he said, “Did you know she was going to win?”
Shiro chuckled. “I watched her lift a Galra sentry by the neck without breaking a sweat. Let’s just say I wasn’t completely unaware of her abilities.”
Keith started and then looked back at Allura, who had released his hand and was now being fawned over by Pidge and Lance. “Whoa.”
“Whoa indeed,” Shiro said, patting Keith on the shoulder.
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koigekoige · 7 years
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HakahonuPhotography<::::::::::: Home spot<:::::::::::::::: https://www.pinterest.com/materjal/pins/ Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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koigekoige · 7 years
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Mürgine tavavahelik Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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koigekoige · 7 years
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Süüa ei kõlba aga uputab Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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koigekoige · 7 years
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New Water photos from Flickr water group Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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koigekoige · 7 years
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Lactarius deterrimus https://www.pinterest.com/materjal/pins/ Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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koigekoige · 7 years
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Seenepildid ja seenesildid Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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koigekoige · 7 years
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Mine water and dewatering of mining Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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koigekoige · 7 years
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Lovely to have a pair of these little birds at home they are busy feeding themselves up for their long journey south. https://www.pinterest.com/materjal/pins/ Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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koigekoige · 7 years
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https://www.pinterest.com/materjal/pins/ Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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koigekoige · 7 years
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HakahonuPhootgraphy<:::::::::: Home spot<::::::::::::::: https://www.pinterest.com/materjal/pins/ Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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koigekoige · 7 years
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https://www.pinterest.com/materjal/pins/ Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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koigekoige · 7 years
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The Delaware River at Philadelphia. Photo by DRBC. https://www.pinterest.com/materjal/pins/ Pin / Albumid / Keit Pins / Allikas / Kõige-kõige
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