#Keith and James have something going on 🤨
alohaasaloevera · 6 months
It’s funny, really, how miserable he is in this situation.
He can’t see blood staining his hands—instead he sees it pouring and pouring and pouring, the viscous liquid piling up into his hands before it overflows, dropping onto the ground like a never ending stream.
He realizes, realizes that Lance has to watch Keith die like this, over and over again for the rest of eternity. The only person that could save him is dead now, and Lance has to look at him bleed out in his arms forever.
It hurts just as bad every single time.
Lance wakes up from that horrid, terrifying dream, his heart racing as he takes sharp, staccato breaths. Darkness shrouds the vicinity of his room—It’s warm, to the point that it feels like his skin is on fire. He feels like something is trickling down his nose, so he goes ahead and wipes it with his sleeve and inspects it carefully to see if it’s anything like blood. He can’t see very well, though, so he ends up attempting to get a glass of water in the middle of the night without waking anyone up. All while something is still pouring out from his nostrils.
He turns a light on and walks out, the metal door shutting with a dull, automatic thump. When he enters the living room, he’s shocked to see Keith, and…Griffin? What is James Griffin of all people doing with Keith Kogane in the middle of the night?
The two are on the couch, seemingly doing nothing until he hears a muffled noise come from their direction. He squints harder, and—
Oh. Oh no.
Keith has been dropped into Griffin’s lap and—ok, Lance is officially out!
He is not about to witness one of his closest friends/teammate be intimate with said friend’s TEENAGE BULLY. Lance turns on his heel faster than Voltron himself and attempts to make a break for it when he suddenly feels light headed and soon enough he’s falling to the ground as fast as the drops of his maybe-nosebleed.
Lance wakes up in a hospital. Who knows what he’s gotten into now.
The strong, bitter smell of antiseptic and chloroform only further convinces him that he should go back to sleep, but the universe is apparently against him now as a familiar, unsteady voice calls his name. “Lance? Are you awake? Oh thank goodness!” Hunk sighs in relief, a hand on his chest, “We all thought you were dead! Well, not me, because I know you get chronic nosebleeds.”
Oh. That’s what happened. He starts to remember the events of the night—no, nights? Whatever—before; waking up from that dream of Keith dying and Lance being forced to watch him forever—He gets chills from just thinking about it—the trip to get a glass of water while his nose was conjuring up a flood; the sight of Keith and Griffin—NOPE. NOT THINKING ABOUT THAT.
“Ok, not to call you stupid, but I just wanna know what you were thinking when you put your room’s temperature to eighty-degrees?”
“I… don’t know. The only thing I know is that I definitely shouldn’t’ve walked in on James and Keith—”
“I do not need to know about that, bro.” Hunk politely interrupts, because he’s a literal ray of sunshine, “but what I do know,” he says, dropping what looks like his keys onto a nearby desk before whispering in Lance’s ear, “is that James and Keith are being called rivals now, and both of them aren’t denying it.”
Oh, that fucker—
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