#Kendalynn Jackson
kendalynnjackson · 5 months
Children and America’s Literacy Crisis
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A Pew Research Center study found that nearly one out of four adult Americans goes at least 12 months without reading a book. The average American reads 12.6 books per year, down from 15.6 in 2016. Fewer adults than ever before are reading more than 10 books annually, with the decline most notable among college graduates.
The lack of reading among American adults can be connected to the national literacy crisis: More than 20 percent of the country is illiterate, while roughly 54 percent of adults have a literacy level on par with a sixth-grade student or lower. A Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies study found that Americans trailed Japan, Canada, Australia, Finland, and several additional countries in reading, as well as math and problem-solving.
The literacy crisis can be seen in the nation’s children as well. A study from the National Children’s Book and Literacy Alliance found that only 33 percent of American students read at a proficient level. The organization has monitored child literacy for over 40 years, and while math scores have notably risen, reading scores have stagnated or decreased.
The importance of supporting literacy and instilling a love of reading in children from an early age cannot be overstated. Children who cannot read proficiently, or who struggle to read at all, are more likely to fail classes and accrue more absences. Students with low literacy are also more likely to act out in class, along with other behaviors that make it difficult for students to graduate on time, if at all. Adults who do not complete their high school education face a myriad of challenges, including a lower annual salary and a greater likelihood of various health risks.
One of the most simple and effective ways to help children improve literacy and develop a positive relationship with reading is to read with them at bedtime. Changing reading from an arduous task associated with school into a fun bonding experience makes all the difference for some children. Similarly, older family members can model good reading behavior, and improve their own literacy and vocabulary, by reading regularly.
Additional tips include providing children with access to libraries and library cards, remembering to bring reading materials on family vacations, and encouraging all types of reading, including magazines and comic books. It can also be helpful to read what children are reading and make further recommendations. A few of the most popular children’s books of all time include Where the Wild Things Are, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Hobbit, and Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy.
On a national scale, lawmakers can look to states like Massachusetts, the national leader in child literacy, to help improve states with inferior child literacy levels, such as California, the state with the lowest literacy rate among adults. Individuals can contribute to many philanthropic organizations providing literacy services to children and adults throughout the nation, including Save the Children and programs managed by the Division of Adult Education and Literacy, part of the Department of Education.
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kendalynnjackson · 6 months
Rental Property Management Strategies
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One of the key decisions that real estate investors grapple with is how to effectively oversee a rental property. They must determine whether to delegate property management to professionals or take on the responsibilities themselves as a DIY landlord. For those who opt for the DIY approach, possessing exceptional interpersonal skills is crucial. They must navigate the delicate balance of addressing tenant concerns and problems while also establishing boundaries for demands that may be excessive or unreasonable. These requests can span from significant maintenance or upgrade requests to negotiations regarding late rent payments and associated fees.
After vetting and accepting a tenant, landlords should initially perform a detailed inspection of the rental unit, making sure that no items are missing and that no apartment functions were compromised in the process of the last tenant moving out. Landlords must complete a comprehensive move-in and move-out checklist that includes everything from the condition of the walls to the furnishings and kitchen equipment included. Documenting these elements accurately prior to the tenant taking possession of the unit and when the lease ends (through photos or videos, as necessary) enables normal wear-and-tear to be differentiated from outright damage. In most states, the landlord has the right to keep part of all of the tenant’s security deposit to pay for the damages.
For many landlords, tending to even a single property, let alone managing multiple properties, can feel like an endless and time-consuming endeavor. This makes creating a maintenance plan that lays out when and where repairs are needed essential. When it comes to tasks like cleaning gutters, repairing roofs, and lawn care, adopting a seasonal approach is most effective. This approach involves preventive measures to ensure that significant issues do not emerge in the future. Landlords should be flexible and prepared for unexpected repairs and maintain a network of trusted contractors and vendors who can show up on-site at any time and perform quality work.
Beyond physical management, DIY landlords are responsible for researching market trends and ensuring that the property is priced competitively and in line with tenant expectations. They record every dollar in and out, including rent payments, maintenance costs, taxes, and mortgages, and ensure that, in the end, each property is generating the expected profit. A key metric involves balancing the outlays for improvements and repairs against the building’s long-term occupancy investment requirements. Landlords typically use one of many accounting software platforms designed specifically for property managers. These programs automate income and expense tracking across various types of properties and enable the export of tax-ready financials.
When it comes to rent collection each month, the use of physical checks mailed or dropped off at an office is becoming increasingly outdated. Online rent payment systems like TenantCloud are designed to facilitate the effortless collection of payments on the due date, without any processing fees for the tenant. Rental experts recommend being strict with late payments, as tenants who get used to consistently paying late will tend to make it a habit. Furthermore, imposing a substantial late payment penalty helps prevent cash flow issues that could result in eviction.
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kendalynnjackson · 6 months
Running a Successful Real Estate Property Business
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The real estate property business is a multifaceted industry encompassing the procurement, administration, and subsequent sale or leasing of diverse property types. Individuals and corporations can invest and generate revenue by acquiring, developing, and managing real estate assets. However, paying attention to strategies for attaining success in this dynamic sector is essential.
Within the real estate property business, a diverse spectrum of property types exists, each characterized by its distinctive attributes and potential for financial gain. These property classifications can be broadly delineated into residential, commercial, and industrial real estate.
The daily routine of running a real estate property business can be demanding and dynamic. Property managers and investors must wear many hats to ensure the smooth operation of their real estate assets. This includes performing various tasks and activities in their daily routine of running a real estate property business.
One such task is regularly inspecting and maintaining a property to keep it in good condition. This includes addressing repairs, landscaping, and ensuring the safety and functionality of the property.
Another task is tenant relations. Property managers interact with tenants, addressing their concerns, collecting rent, and handling lease agreements. Maintaining positive tenant relations is crucial for tenant retention and a stable income stream.
Marketing and advertising are activities that are essential in attracting tenants. This includes creating appealing property listings, advertising vacancies, and using digital marketing strategies to help reach a broader audience.
Financial management is another essential business task involving budgeting, tracking expenses, and collecting rent promptly. It also involves analyzing the financial performance of the properties and making informed decisions about pricing and investments.
Another task is property acquisition and sales. The real estate business involves continually searching for new investment opportunities and assessing the potential for capital gains. This involves analyzing market trends, conducting due diligence, and negotiating deals.
Coupled with the tasks and activities is understanding strategies that will help run a successful property business. One of which is building a competent team. Success in real estate often depends on the quality of the team. Therefore, working with experienced professionals, including real estate agents, property managers, contractors, and financial advisors, helps ensure efficient property management and growth.
The real estate business can also offer competitive prices. Pricing plays a significant role in attracting tenants or buyers. Market research helps determine competitive rental or sale prices that reflect the property's value. Offering competitive rates can help maintain high occupancy rates and ensure a steady income.
Networking is another strategy that helps build a strong network within the real estate industry. It contributes to discovering new opportunities, finding potential partners or investors, and staying informed about market trends. Attending industry events, joining real estate associations, and connecting with fellow professionals help grow a useful network.
Another effective strategy involves meticulous tenant selection, which is crucial for risk mitigation and ensuring a stable income stream. Conducting in-depth background checks, including credit and rental history, is essential to screen potential tenants and select reliable ones.
Creating a vibrant online presence is another essential strategy in today's digital age. This calls for investing in professional property listings, using high-quality photos, and utilizing social media and real estate websites to showcase properties.
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