#Kenneth J. Sullivan
ultimateanna · 1 year
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Resident Evil 1996 - S.T.A.R.S.
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couldtheycatchkira · 4 months
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dalekofchaos · 4 months
Resident Evil 0 Remake concept
There are rumors that RE1 is getting remade again and I'm all for it. Here is why I think that's a good thing, that and I believe we should get the following released in the specific order. 1, 0, then Code Veronica and finally RE5. Cause if you tease RE5 and have Wesker, you should have the three games that featured Wesker before his death in Re5. But with that out of the way, here is my pitch for a RE0 Remake.
I feel like if they do a RE0 remake, it needs to be completely overhauled. Story needs to be changed, while keeping the Rebecca-Billy dynamic and most importantly should focus on the fall of Bravo Team and actually make sense.
First in the RE1 remake V2, Rebecca CANNOT be in the corner cowering from a Hunter when she is more than capable. A simple scream of surprise, but when we reach Rebecca, we see that she's perfectly fine
Bravo Team is investigating the bizarre murders in the Arklay Mountain
Billy Coen, same story as before. He objected to a massacre. Billy Coen is framed as the murderer after being the only one from his unit to come back alive and was painted as crazy/suffering from PTSD. Obviously Billy is innocent as we'd later find out
The whole Opera leeches is stupid, so just have it be revealed that Marcus is acting on Spencer’s instructions by releasing the T-Virus, and maybe reveal that Marcus was behind the Arklay murders and that is why S.T.A.R.S. is sent to investigate.
We would see Bravo team fall one by one
After killing a Tyrant Prototype-Marcus, Rebecca and Billy would separate.
The ending would be Rebecca and Richard barely making it alive to the Spencer Mansion
DLC:Billy's story. Basically answering what the fuck happens to Billy since Capcom obviously has no interest returning to Billy. The massacre his unit ordered? Billy would find out it was on Umbrella's orders. Billy then has to escape Arklay alive.
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know-fear · 13 days
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Resident Evil: Deadly Silence (2006)
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onbehalfovenus · 1 year
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I made a comprehensive infographic about the different skills of the STARS members that vary from expectable to utterly wild. Some of the characteristics of these people make me all the more feral for a game about them being alive and well and working together and Raccoon City.
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daylight-13 · 2 months
everyday I go scrolling tumblr for something i haven’t seen before on the s.t.a.r.s members 😭 I NEED MORE OF THEM PLEASE CAPCOM🙏
Especially bravo team, Rebecca and Richard had such a good dynamic that I need to see more of
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savage-rhi · 3 months
Wesker: Redfield, our instruments measured that you were driving 100 mph in one of STARS jeeps.
Chris: sorry captain, but the speed limit does not apply when the free bird solo comes on.
@rebelwithoutaclock Coming up! To read the other STARS shenanigans drabbles, here they are 1, 2, 3,
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"Alright everyone, gather around. Let's make this mid-week huddle a quick one," Wesker hollered, gesturing with his right hand for everyone in the STARs unit to come into the meeting room.
He took off his shades, rubbing his eyes while mentally bracing himself. Between his nefarious obligations to Umbrella and trying to run a police department, he could feel the exhaustion creeping in. A wave of regret pooled in the back of his subconscious, wishing he had the foresight years ago to not work two jobs. Alas, he made his bed and had to lie in it. That didn't mean he didn't have an intrusive thought or two about cleaning up shop as far as the RPD was concerned, especially with the shenanigans the STARs team in particular pulled.
For being the best, they sure aren't the brightest...he thought as he made himself comfortable in front of the podium, watching the team members take their usual seats. He put his glasses back on and cleared his throat.
"First thing on the agenda is the lightsaber incident," Wesker couldn't believe he was saying this aloud and shook his head. "Mr. Vickers, when you're on patrol and see a group of teens reenacting a movie scene, that doesn't mean you stop your vehicle and join them. Especially when you're in the middle of an investigation. Might I add the delay in your scheduled flight with Mr. Sullivan made it so Ms. Chambers took one for the team and covered your ass."
Quiet snickers filled the room as Brad's face blushed. He wanted to shrink into a puddle and disappear, wondering who ratted him out. All he could do was meekly reply, "Y-yes sir…I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"Good," Wesker stated. He ignored the fact that Rebecca herself patted Brad's knee and whispered 'it was alright,' too focused on Chris, who was unable to keep a straight face compared to his colleagues. "Redfield, earlier this week our instruments measured that you were driving a hundred miles per hour in one of our STARS jeeps. Care to explain?"
Jill and Barry, sitting on either side of Chris, quietly chuckled at Chris's expense, earning a quick glare from him before he forced himself to look at Wesker.
"Sorry, captain," Chris coughed. "But the speed limit does not apply when the 'Free Bird' solo comes on."
Barry and Jill bowed their heads in front of the table, their shoulders quaking as they tried to hold back their laughs. Even members of the Bravo team were having difficulty keeping it together at the visual alone.
"You know what else doesn't apply, Redfield?" Wesker asked as a matter of fact.
"I don't know, sir," Chris gestured. "Enlighten me."
"The time-off request you submitted last week. Consider it tabled for insubordination."
"Son of a bitch…!" Chris whispered harshly under his breath.
"And while we are on the subject of cars, Ms. Valentine and Mr. Burton, I'm putting you both on vehicle suspension for the remainder of the week."
"What, why!?" Jill exclaimed.
"But sir--!"
Wesker held up a hand, interrupting their protests. "I doubt Redfield was able to come up with the 'Free Bird' bit on his lonesome. The man is full of colorful ideas, but you two are well known for encouraging him to see it through."
"Fuck, he got us there," Barry muttered to Jill.
"Mr. Frost," Wesker let out a deep sigh for this one as he once again took off his glasses to rub his eyes. "While you are out on patrol, you can't go around with chalk outlining cars and trucks that don't park within the lines in a parking lot or park to the curb exactly with an exclamation of 'asshole parking' and proceed to ticket."
"But it's a good warning system!" Joseph glared and shrugged. "If they can't parallel park for shit, then they had it coming! If you would've put me on another assignment instead of having me play meter boy, we wouldn't be having this conversation!"
"Mr. Frost, get over yourself," Wesker growled. "I know you're angered that I set you on this task, but need I remind you what the alternative would've been?"
"All because I started the whole 'Wesker shits standing up' bit? Man, you need to take a joke!"
"Enough!" Wesker raised his voice. Whatever was left of the chuckles and laughs ceased immediately. He felt a sense of pride rise in his body as well as his blood pressure, and let out a deep breath. "Alright people, let's take five, and we'll meet back here to cover the recent cannibal attacks."
As the STARs Alpha and Bravo teams single filed out of the room, Wesker thought he had a moment of peace until he heard Joseph holler:
"I still stand by what I said, Wesker shits standing up everyone!"
Wesker made a fist, his teeth clenched.
The thought of siccing a pack of Cerberus onto the man was beginning to sound more and more delicious with each passing minute. He smirked to himself, riding on the high from the visuals that came and went through his mind of Joseph being ripped apart.
Maybe Birkin and I can brainstorm later…
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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livfordoodles · 1 year
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Group bonding between Alpha and Bravo
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chrisitsraining · 6 months
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resident evil official comic book magazine 01 (1998)
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mineless-horsefield · 2 years
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jeannedarcprice · 2 years
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The merchant has been busy updating my Etsy store! 🤣😙
STARS Alpha and Bravo team, Lady D, Heisenberg, and Wesker & Birkin stickers are now available!
Link in bio and notes 😘
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Time for Bravo team!
Hug headcanons about Richard Aiken, Edward Dewey, Enrico Marini, Forest Speyer, Kenneth Sullivan, and Rebecca Chambers.
(Gender ambiguous).
Warnings: n/a
Masterlists here!
Richard Aiken
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Richard is most definitely a hugger. He relaxes completely when you're in his arms.
He often greets you with hugs and doesn't part ways without giving you one first.
Expect his face to end up buried in the crook of your neck.
He'll gently rock you side to side.
Edward Dewey
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When you're in Edward's hold, you feel like you're being cocooned.
His big strong arms lock securely around your waist.
His tall 6'4" ass will probably curl around you. As in, his upper chest/head ends up leaning over you like a roof.
He enjoys coming up behind you to hug you.
Enrico Marini
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Enrico doesn't hand out too many hugs, but if he gives you one, it's going to be a heartily tight embrace.
There is a slight possibility that you're going to feel like the air is being squeezed out of you.
He tends to grasp your shoulders first. Then, he pulls you closer to him.
It'll probably be a while before he lets you go.
Forest Speyer
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Forest goes into hugs with just... a lot of energy. Almost like you're being tackled! But more enjoyable. An advanced bear hug, if you will.
He holds you nice and tight. It feels as though you're wrapped up in a blanket burrito style.
He likes to do this thing where he leans back far enough to lift you off the ground. Then, he'll swing you side to side a bit.
He might even go so far as to spin you around in a full circle.
Kenneth Sullivan
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If Kenny gives you a hug, you probably either asked him for one, or he asked if he could.
He won't pull away until you do.
His hold is gentle yet firm. It's very easy to relax into.
He might just rub some soothing circles on your back.
Rebecca Chambers
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Becca will hook her arms around the back of your neck or your shoulders when she hugs you.
She likes to rest her cheek on you. On the slope of your shoulder, your chest, etc. Depends on your height.
If you're taller than her, she will probably go and pull you down a little lol.
Her hugs tend to be on the shorter side.
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todaysdocument · 10 months
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Discharge Petition for H.R. 7152, the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of RepresentativesSeries: General Records
This item, H.R. 7152, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, faced strong opposition in the House Rules Committee. Howard Smith, Chairman of the committee, refused to schedule hearings for the bill. Emanuel Celler, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, attempted to use this discharge petition to move the bill out of committee without holding hearings. The petition failed to gain the required majority of Congress (218 signatures), but forced Chairman Smith to schedule hearings.
88th CONGRESS. House of Representatives No. 5 Motion to Discharge a Committee from the Consideration of a RESOLUTION (State whether bill, joint resolution, or resolution) December 9, 1963 To the Clerk of the House of Representatives: Pursuant to Clause 4 of Rule XXVII (see rule on page 7), I EMANUEL CELLER (Name of Member), move to discharge to the Commitee on RULES (Committee) from the consideration of the RESOLUTION; H. Res. 574 entitled, a RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF THE BILL (H. R. 7152) which was referred to said committee November 27, 1963 in support of which motion the undersigned Members of the House of Representatives affix their signatures, to wit: 1. Emanuel Celler 2. John J. Rooney 3. Seymour Halpern 4. James G Fulton 5. Thomas W Pelly 6. Robt N. C. Nix 7. Jeffery Cohelan 8. W A Barrett 9. William S. Mailiard 10. 11. Augustus F. Hawkins 12. Otis G. Pike 13. Benjamin S Rosenthal 14. Spark M Matsunaga 15. Frank M. Clark 16. William L Dawson 17. Melvin Price 18. John C. Kluczynski 19. Barratt O'Hara 20. George E. Shipley 21. Dan Rostenkowski 22. Ralph J. Rivers[page] 2 23. Everett G. Burkhalter 24. Robert L. Leggett 25. William L St Onge 26. Edward P. Boland 27. Winfield K. Denton 28. David J. Flood 29. 30. Lucian N. Nedzi 31. James Roosevelt 32. Henry C Reuss 33. Charles S. Joelson 34. Samuel N. Friedel 35. George M. Rhodes 36. William F. Ryan 37. Clarence D. Long 38. Charles C. Diggs Jr 39. Morris K. Udall 40. Wm J. Randall 41. 42. Donald M. Fraser 43. Joseph G. Minish 44. Edith Green 45. Neil Staebler 46. 47. Ralph R. Harding 48. Frank M. Karsten 49. 50. John H. Dent 51. John Brademas 52. John E. Moss 53. Jacob H. Gilbert 54. Leonor K. Sullivan 55. John F. Shelley 56. 57. Lionel Van Deerlin 58. Carlton R. Sickles 59. 60. Edward R. Finnegan 61. Julia Butler Hansen 62. Richard Bolling 63. Ken Heckler 64. Herman Toll 65. Ray J Madden 66. J Edward Roush 67. James A. Burke 68. Frank C. Osmers Jr 69. Adam Powell 70. 71. Fred Schwengel 72. Philip J. Philiben 73. Byron G. Rogers 74. John F. Baldwin 75. Joseph Karth 76. 77. Roland V. Libonati 78. John V. Lindsay 79. Stanley R. Tupper 80. Joseph M. McDade 81. Wm Broomfield 82. 83. 84. Robert J Corbett 85. 86. Craig Hosmer87. Robert N. Giaimo 88. Claude Pepper 89. William T Murphy 90. George H. Fallon 91. Hugh L. Carey 92. Robert T. Secrest 93. Harley O. Staggers 94. Thor C. Tollefson 95. Edward J. Patten 96. 97. Al Ullman 98. Bernard F. Grabowski 99. John A. Blatnik 100. 101. Florence P. Dwyer 102. Thomas L. ? 103. 104. Peter W. Rodino 105. Milton W. Glenn 106. Harlan Hagen 107. James A. Byrne 108. John M. Murphy 109. Henry B. Gonzalez 110. Arnold Olson 111. Harold D Donahue 112. Kenneth J. Gray 113. James C. Healey 114. Michael A Feighan 115. Thomas R. O'Neill 116. Alphonzo Bell 117. George M. Wallhauser 118. Richard S. Schweiker 119. 120. Albert Thomas 121. 122. Graham Purcell 123. Homer Thornberry 124. 125. Leo W. O'Brien 126. Thomas E. Morgan 127. Joseph M. Montoya 128. Leonard Farbstein 129. John S. Monagan 130. Brad Morse 131. Neil Smith 132. Harry R. Sheppard 133. Don Edwards 134. James G. O'Hara 135. 136. Fred B. Rooney 137. George E. Brown Jr. 138. 139. Edward R. Roybal 140. Harris. B McDowell jr. 141. Torbert H. McDonall 142. Edward A. Garmatz 143. Richard E. Lankford 144. Richard Fulton 145. Elizabeth Kee 146. James J. Delaney 147. Frank Thompson Jr 148. 149. Lester R. Johnson 150. Charles A. Buckley4 151. Richard T. Hanna 152. James Corman 153. Paul A Fino 154. Harold M. Ryan 155. Martha W. Griffiths 156. Adam E. Konski 157. Chas W. Wilson 158. Michael J. Kewan 160. Alex Brooks 161. Clark W. Thompson 162. John D. Gringell [?] 163. Thomas P. Gill 164. Edna F. Kelly 165. Eugene J. Keogh 166 John. B. Duncan 167. Elmer J. Dolland 168. Joe Caul 169. Arnold Olsen 170. Monte B. Fascell [?] 171. [not deciphered] 172. J. Dulek 173. Joe W. [undeciphered] 174. J. J. Pickle [Numbers 175 through 214 are blank]
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dalekofchaos · 4 months
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RE1 is getting remade for the 30th Anniversary and here's why I support it and what I'd love to see in the RE1RR.
Updated with the next gen graphics in the RE Engine
The plan is obviously to remake RE5, but we need to do Wesker's OTHER big appearances first. I believe we should get the following released in the specific order. 1, 0, then Code Veronica and finally RE5. Cause if you tease RE5 and have Wesker, you should have the three games that featured Wesker before his death in RE5.
The atmosphere and tension of the Spencer Mansion in the new age and basically RE1 meets Village. The visual aesthetic of Village’s Castle Dimitrescu for Spencer Mansion.
Better characterization. Flesh out all the characters. Improve the plot/story.
Chris and Jill’s campaigns to be separate and different, so by the time they meet at the end they’ve both had their own adventure, and you need to play through both to see both sides. Perhaps give Chris the mines and Jill the guard house. Expand the mansion, and when they separate at the start they pick up different keys and access different areas. That way they story would be canon regardless of what happens, and there would be some variety. Also have Rebecca and Richard as playable paths, similar to Sherry and Ada in RE2R.
A playable Wesker mode with him having to move about the mansion and into the lab under a certain amount of time.
Also would like them to keep the REmake music (especially the save room theme), though they could always release a Deluxe Edition like 2R with the OG music too?
Additions. I would be happy with an entire new floor in the Spencer Mansion. Or making the Residence 3x as long. Adding a forest section, either during the opening and/or later in the game. Extended playable sequences for Rebecca and Barry – different locations for each, like how the Orphanage was entirely new for Sherry in 2R. An abandoned greenhouse near the guardhouse with Plant-42 and similar experimentation , an extended cemetery with more tombs, a third floor in Spencer Mansion, more floors in guardhouse, etc.
Making S.T.A.R.S. matter. The game begins at the R.P.D. After picking between Chris and Jill, you make your way from the garage and up into the department proper, crossing paths with various characters referencing the recent cannibal killings and the fact that Alpha and Bravo have been assigned. The walk through the RPD could be intercut with news reports and police banter about what’s been happening. You can interact with the various characters as much or as little as you want en route to the briefing room. Chris and Forrest can talk some trash and reference their apparent contest for top shot. Enrico can be seen helping Rebecca organize her equipment and her nerve. Joseph can be given more personality than being puppy kibble. Marvin can be caught informing Rebecca that she won’t be the rookie in a couple more months. Chief Irons can greet the player with the mask of a competent professional because his mind was still intact. Hell, perhaps we can even catch a glimpse of whatever act Wesker put on for the two years that made these people trust him. Wesker and Enrico would then host the briefing that will send them into mountains, still treating this like they think the suspects are hill people or whatever, culminating in Bravo Team taking point while Alpha Team remains behind. There could be some more small talk or some kinda time lapse before Richard makes contact in a panic before communications break down. Alpha Team immediately preps and heads out, complete with changing clothes in the locker room and gearing up. The player will actually play the search through the woods, discover the crashed helicopter, and play through the mad chase to the mansion where the game as we know it begins.
Throw the players off by changing the keys and rooms
Zombies, Crimson Heads and every other BOW in the first game
Defense weapons and head stomping
Lisa Trevor(she could work like as a stalker enemy)
Same notes, but add in some new ones
All the puzzles, but mix it up
Just give us “One more second and you were ALMOST A JILL SANWICH” let Barry be the cheesy bastard that we know him to be
Stick with the REVIll face model for Chris, but younger and less steroids. Like how many faces can he wear?????
Stick with the RE3R face model for Jill, but don’t let it look like she just got out of being dipped in the sewer
Include Zero as DLC. My pitch of a RE0R. But the main requirement for RE1 is for Rebecca to NOT be cowering in the corner. Rebecca CANNOT be in the corner cowering from a Hunter when she is more than capable. A simple scream of surprise, but when we reach Rebecca, we see that she's perfectly fine
Bonus costumes For Chris:Made In Heaven outfit, BSAA outfit, CVX STARS outfit For Jill:RE3 original and Remake, BSAA, RE:Resistance, and RE5 Battle Suit.
And finally getting what we never got in the original or the 2002 remake. The ending that has Chris, Jill, Rebecca and Barry in the chopper. So my big idea to make this happen is this. If we play as Jill, Chris makes it to the mansion with us. Jill and Barry go and investigate, while Chris and Wesker are outside. They vanish. Richard will mention that Rebecca Chambers left the mansion after hearing Brad’s radio and went to get help. We will later see Rebecca in the cell with Chris in Jill’s story. For Chris’ story, Barry makes it to the Mansion. Chris investigates the gunshot while Wesker will say they will split up and investigate the Mansion and everyone vanishes. Later in the game before we get to the lab, there would be a dropped Barry’s photograph. Later when we get to the cell, Barry will be in the cell with Jill. Barry apologizes to Chris for what he’s done and Chris understands why he did what he did and he can help make things right. Ultimately in both playthroughs, all 4 S.T.A.R.S. members work together to fight the Tyrant until ultimately Chris or Jill destroys the Tyrant with the rocket launcher. It ends with all 4 members escaping in the chopper as the Mansion explodes.
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kingkenzieofmold · 1 year
My Resident Evil x The Henry Stickmin Collection Crossover Cast.
Feel free to disagree with me as I was trying to fill roles by who I would think would fit into whose role within the games! So feel free to disagree with me or say who you would rather cast! Enjoy my weird combinations of my biggest hyper fixations!<3
This is casting from Resident Evil: Zero to Resident Evil 4 as this was as far as I got in casting-
Resident Evil 0
Rebecca Chambers Cool Katie
Billy Coen Billy G.
Dr. James Marcus Dr. Vinschpinsilstien
Dr. William Birkin Right Hand Man
Dr. Albert Wesker Reginald Copperbottom
Captain Enrico Marini Terrance Suave
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield Rupert Price
Jill Valentine Dave Panpa
Barry Burton Johnny Panzer
Rebecca Chambers Cool Katie
Albert Wesker Reginald Copperbottom
Richard Aiken Randy Radman
Brad Vickers Chad Hansen
Enrico Marini Terrance Suave
Kenneth J. Sullivan Jaques Kensington
Joseph Frost Sir Willford IV
Forest Speyer Reynaldo the brute
Female Newscaster Alice Hamilton
Resident Evil 2 
Leon Scott Kennedy Henry Stickmin
Claire Redfield Ellie Rose
Ada Wong Earrings
Sherry Birkin Sven Svensson
William Birkin Right Hand Man
Annette Birkin Carol Cross
Brian Irons/Robert Kendo Mr. Macbeth
Marvin Branagh/Ben Bertolucci General Galeforce
Resident Evil 3
Jill Valentine Dave Panpa
Carlos Oliveira Jacob Rose
Nikolai Zinoviev Dmitri Johannes Petrov
Mikhail Viktor Grigori Olyat
Tyrell Patrick Kurt Dietrich
Nemesis CCC Robot
Resident Evil 4
Leon Scott Kennedy Henry Stickmin
Ashley Graham Victoria Grit
Ada Wong Earrings
Luis Serra Navarro Ted Adam
Ingrid Hunnigan Hat Girl
Ramón Salazar Captain H. J. Canterbury
Bitores Méndez Major Hershell Panzer
Jack Krauser Charles Calvin
Osmund Saddler Mayor Fredrickson
Merchant Mysterious Voyager
Mike Quentin Alabaster
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pricescigar · 1 year
The Young Rookie
Summary: Elvira Wolff finally joined S.T.A.R.S after giving the opportunity she cannot refuse, after showing remarkable movements and fighting skills. It caught the interest of the Captain, wanting to know more about her past due to a deep familiarity about her.
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"Nein! Bitte no more-! I don't want to go in there! " Elvira's screams grew louder, the pain was unbearable. She was kicking trying to get out of the scientist's arms, the man grunted a few times holding onto the small girl.
"Shut up already!" The man yelled at the girl, he held her in his arms tighter before bringing her into a room. Tying her into a chair, tying both of her arms and legs. The Scientist got the syringe that was resting up on the tray, grabbing a small vile that had the T-virus inside of it.  
"We must further your mutation, girl." The Scientist mused, he didn't care if Elvira didn't listen or took into account how scared she was. He pressed the sharp needle against and pressed down watching the virus go inside of her body.
Patient is showing exceptional progress… SuperHuman strength, Super agility, and Super Healing /Immortality as of now… Patient ow shows full immunity to the T-Virus. Further Viruses will be used in the future.
Date: 2nd of May 1980 
Signed: Dietrich Wolff 
. . .
1st January 1997 , 9:00am.
Raccoon City, Arklay County.
RPD Police Station. 
S.T.A.R.S office.
Elvira's first day as a S.T.A.R.S officer, arrived quicker than she imagined. It'd been only a couple weeks since she was scouted by S.T.A.R.S, temporarily she'd been in the army to get out of the Orphanage in Berlin, Germany. Just at the shy age of nineteen… That was before S.T.A.R.S pulled her out of the Army, after seeing the great potential she had. Seeing that she had better potential elsewhere. She quickly got put into the Alpha Team, which was led by none other than Albert Wesker. Elvira arrived at the Police Station early in the morning, and found her way to the S.T.A.R.S office which wasn't too hard to find on her own. When she knocked on the door, the door suddenly opened and Wesker was standing there.
"You just be Elvira Wolff, welcome to S.T.A.R.S. Come in." Wesker opened the door for her, Elvira quietly thanked him and she walked into the office.
Already Elvira could feel her cheeks heating up a little, out of shyness, and also because of the man standing right in front of her. Wesker.
"How was the flight? I hope it wasn't too bad." Wesker asked, trying to make small talk in hopes it would make her less nervous and skittish. To make her feel a little more comfortable, Wesker couldn't help but stare at her. There was something familiar about her.
"Oh the flight was gut, danke… A little bit jet lagged but I'll be fine." Elvira reassured him a little, the red blush was still on her cheeks. She couldn't help but admire how attractive he was, minus the cold exterior.
Wesker simply nodded and began to show Elvira around the office; She got introduced to Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, Barry Burton, Rebecca Chambers, Kevin Dooley, Edward Dewey, Forest Speyer, Joseph Frost, Kenneth J. Sullivan, Richard Aiken, Enrico Marini and of course Wesker himself. A lot of names to remember but Elvira took note and tried to remember their faces.
After the small tour since their office wasn't too big Elvira got given her uniform, and she headed to the changing room to get changed into her S.T.A.R.S uniform. It felt a little surreal to her but she still couldn't believe that she made it. Elvira still felt the anxiety in her stomach, she didn't want to disappoint everyone around her. Which is why she'd prove herself to be the best person to rely on.
Elvira walked back into the office, people began to work on a couple of things already. All the while Elvira had gone through the basic procedures by Wesker, do's and don't ect. She also got given her pistol which she put into her Holster for now.
"Does everything make sense Miss Wolff? I'm usually not the type of man to repeat myself." Wesker asked in a serious tone, staring at her intently.
"Nein I got everything, danke…" Elvira replied softly, Wesker did intimate her a little. Not by a long shot but for now she wanted to remain cautious of him.
The day seemed to be going smoothly. Chris was training Elvira since Wesker had a lot on his plate for the moment, and sadly couldn't take part in the other forms of training. And other means… Had interested him instead. Wesker was in his office just going through the documents that Elvira had given him to help with her identity, and all of the necessary details. There was barely any information about her, which made Wesker curious but also suspicious at the same time.
Elvira showed remarkable skills in the shooting range, her reflexes were quite quick and good. A little too good, Chris and the others watched in admiration. Training their young rookie, to be the best that she can.
All the information he could find out about Elvira, as the fact she'd been in the Orphanage since she was five years old due to her father losing Custody and had been in the Orphanage ever since. Wesker did some digging and found that her father was an Umbrella scientist. He died due to being killed whilst in Prison.
Not to mention Elvira was extremely intelligent as well which was a plus, he looked through her medical records which most were Redacted. But that didn't stop him before, there was something about this girl that intrigued him. He needed to do some more digging about her… There was so much that he didn't know about her, he was determined… Determined to know more.
The many questions ran through his mind; 
How does she move so quickly? 
How much strength/willpower does she actually have? 
Was there something he didn't know for once? 
He needed to know more.
Wesker however had other means to attend to; he was cooped away in his office, making phone calls on a secure line. Risky, but this call was far too important.
"Come on, give me her file. I need this." Wesker spoke coldly to the other person on the line, he was beginning to run out of the little patience he barely had.
"Alright … Alright…" The person's voice was muffled and very much discreet, from the other line he could hear the person shuffling looking for the files hearing a few papers creasing. "You're lucky that these files are still here. I'll send them to you." 
"Appreciated." Wesker ended the call there, and disconnected the secure line. It was quite rare when he did these calls but the name, Wolff. Rung a bell. 
The Doctor Dietrich Wolff was part of Umbrella in the 60's, he made a name for himself in the European Division and American division. He regularly worked with Albert Wesker, William Birkin and James Marcus in the past. Maybe that's why the surname sounded so familiar to Wesker? His offspring. His wife, Mia Wolff, gave birth to a baby daughter in the early 70's. But the wife sadly passed due to birth complications, the baby being Elvira. Though it was revealed that Dietrich had injected himself with the T-Virus in order to make the perfect baby. The perfect product of Umbrella. It was presumed he had died due to the Golgotha virus not accepting his body, such a cruel fate. Especially in Prison. From the age of Five that's when all information about Elvira seemed to have disappeared.
After the training Elvira was sitting down watching the others train, she watched their movements; How they parried, attacked, how they defended themselves. She took mental note of all of their movements. Chris soon sat down beside her giving her a kind smile. 
"Good work out there Rookie, I've never seen someone fight like that before." Chris complimented her. "Looks like the Military experience puts you to good use in the end."
"Well I'm always willing to learn other things as well." Elvira added to Chris' reply, she smiled shyly.
"Well if there's any problems, don't hesitate to ask one of us. Or even if you need help, alright?" Chris placed a hand on her shoulder.
Elvira nodded to his words. "Danke, I deeply appreciate it." She replied, she was overwhelmed by all the kindness she was given. In a good way of course, she had never felt like this before. Maybe moving to Raccoon City would be a good thing after all.
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