#Kid inhaling keyboard cleaner
miraldesigners · 2 years
Kid inhaling keyboard cleaner
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Just think it is normal just like they think good Old Mother Nature is Normal. Way too Stupid because of the Dumbing Down Affect.Ī family member is in early stages of Parkinson’s. Even when you pointed it directly out in the sky. I told my own family and many friends about this and they just ignored what what I was saying. Gotta share that toxic Spray with everyone that is NATO. We are getting hit just as hard in Canada. Of course that can be predicted because of the ongoing onslaught of continual spraying. They tell you on the weather news that the Storms and weather are going to continue to worsen. The only people that listen are people that think outside the Box. I am not giving up though informing critical thinkers about this Geo Program. That was when I was Sheeple and didn’t have a clue about this Geo Stuff. I know because when I took the H1N1 shot I got so sick and couldn’t stop coughing. The Flu Shot is definitely a quick way to spread the virus and make you sick because of the Aluminum and other garbage they put in it. In Canada I think most are way too Dumb to believe in the fact. Good for Steven alerting the Public about this Sick Agenda by using Pizza Boxes and posting them on Highways. The video below was taken in Germany after a day of heavy aerosol spraying in the skies. Giving up is not an option, all that are conscious need to assist with dire effort of sounding the alarm. The population will not wake up on their own, it's up to those of us that are already awake to stir the masses from their slumber before it is too late. Every breath we take is laden with the contamination that is being constantly spewed from above, the planet is dying from the assault. Difficult to see in the daylight, a beam of light through the darkness reveals the nemesis we fight in this battle that we must win or all will be lost. How many nights in the forest I have done exactly this, to witness these chemical and metal particles covering everything that lives is beyond distressing. Though there is always some particulate matter in the air, if you shine a bright light into the night after a day of heavy atmospheric spraying, the fallout from the climate engineering looks like snow raining down from the sky.
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greenninjagal-blog · 4 years
Sentence starters: 14, with Roman & Deceit??
Haha, long time, no write! We’re having a pretty poor time right now so I figured a little bit of Roceit would be in Order! Warning: I did not edit this in the slightest. 
Summary: Roman has always been a little curious, but the pastry chef definitely takes the cake on this one. 
Words: 3007
Quick Taglist:  @chelsvans @dwbh888 @glitchybina @faithfulcat111 @felicianoromano @harrypotternerdprincess @holliberries @jemthebookworm @killerfangirl3  @musical-nerd18 @never-end1ng-suffering @nonasficcollection @silverflame-wc @stricken-with-clairvoyancy @the-sunshine-dims @themagicheartmailman @themultishipperchild @thenaiads @treasureofpriam @vianadraws  
Read on Ao3 || My General Writing List || Prompt Page (it should also be stated that you don’t need to pick from this prompt page if you don’t want to. Just send me an idea and I’ll do my best :D)
The Point of This is....
“Here, Bite Down on this.” 
Roman has had a lot of weird first meetings. As a kid he liked to wander around the town meeting knew people, which, of course, drove his mother up a wall the first ninety or so times that she had glanced away from him for a second and he had disappeared completely on her. Roman was just a curious type of kid. The first time he had been confused by a couple of workers who were fixing an outlet behind one of the counters at his mothers favorite little shop, and he had just wanted to know what they were doing.
They had told him! Which had been cool. Did you know there were wires all in the walls?! He hadn’t even realized that his mom had been frantically looking for him until she had grabbed his arm in a frantic panic and asked if he was alright, and then don’t you dare wander off again! What if something had happened?! Roman! 
It had happened again anyway, the store clerk had been redressing a mannequin and it had been neat! Then window cleaner, then flower arranger from the flower shop, then the busker outside the Irish themed pub he wasn’t allowed to be near, then the sign flipper at the street corner who taught him to spin one of the smaller signs--
The point was that by the time Roman hit middle school he knew most of the “little people” by name, and they of course knew his. Roman knew that a lot of them called him by his full name because his mother used to scream it when he went missing,-- Roman Alexander Prince, if you don’t get back here right this instant-- but he learned a lot of cool things! 
He could arrange flowers, knew when and where the most dense foot traffic was, knew how to flip signs and draw attention. He could Macgyver his way through most electrical circuits, had the sewers under his town fully mentally mapped out, and knew that if you hit the vending machine behind the laundromat just right, you could get a free snickers bar. 
He liked learning knew things. And for the most part? People liked to teach him.
As he got older, he noticed just how heartbreaking that sort of thing was. When he held the ladder steady for the owner of the Mom-and-Pop grocer while the old man replaced the “N” of the sign, the man had casually mentioned that the last person who asked him how he was doing had been a family man who had stopped coming months ago.
Then the more he looked, the more he had seen it: the when he waved to the woman who worked the bakery her whole face had lit up like he had gifted her the world, when he bought the street performer a water they had almost broken down to tears right there on the street, when he had offered the man sitting alone at the park with his head in his hands a chance to pet his dog, the man had called him a “generous kid” and tossed him five dollars before he left considerably happier than he was when he arrived.
The point-- and yes, Roman did have a point-- the point of all of this, was that Roman liked people. He liked learning things, and he liked hearing the stories that people had to share.
He liked telling those stories.
Which would probably explain how he got here: Mindscape, the ever prestigious school for the gifted. Although “gifted” tended to be a relative term. Roman had met a lot more people here, all his age, who eyed him warily like his smile was something to be scared of.
(”It is!” Remus, his twin had cackled from across the table in the dining hall, as if they didn’t have the same exact face.)
Roman and Remus had gotten in together, both on accident: Remus had crafted an application for Roman, sent it in without Roman’s knowledge, and then hacked the School’s Admissions database and marked the application for acceptance. 
Things should have gone really bad, because Remus hadn’t known that the School President, Thomas Sanders, checks each and every application and when he noticed an application had skipped most of acceptance process he started digging.
Things should have gone really bad then. Like really bad. Like Remus ends up in jail and Roman has to change his name and move countries, really bad.
Instead Thomas Sanders, had sent them both acceptance letters, and Remus was required to work in the IT department without pay and take all the computer application classes. Somewhere in the middle of that Remus had struck up some sort of deal with the cyber defense team where the Mindscape’s tech department spent all school year building their best unhackable code, and in the summer Remus got to take anything and everything he learned that year and try to break it. 
Remus had been winning for two years now. Roman had seen the grown men reduced to tears the moment that Remus’s hands had started flying over the keyboard. 
Again, the point to this-- Roman had been at this boarding school for two years now, barreling his way through the journalism and creative writing classes like they were tissue paper walls. He’s met a lot of people his age, and he’s witnessed a lot of weird quirks about them.
Like how that kid in the library who likes to sleep on top of the bookcases, and Roman had witnessed getting swatted with a broom so many times. He was a gymnast and an acrobat and really freaking flexible-- and he had told Roman to fuck off when he had tried to learn anything more than that. 
Or like that artist who ran the yearbook club took pictures of everything. It had been pretty cute the way the puffball had insisted on taking pictures of the cracks on the side walk, the clouds in the sky, the rainbow made from the refraction of the light through the glass windows. They had called it “catching little pieces of happiness in everyday!” Which was much sweeter than Roman had been anticipating. “Oops! Sorry gotta go, kiddo!” They had said and then they had been gone taking more pictures before Roman could ask anything about them.
Or like that guy from his Civics class who had gotten way too competitive about the trivia game they had played in class. It wasn’t just trivia though: Roman had learned later that he apparently Logan Ackroyd, the Logan Ackroyd, who had won the American chess tournament for three year in a row now. Any game that Logan touched, reportedly, he won. Chess, Checkers, Othello, Jenga, even Tic-Tac-Toe, and he treated them each like a life or death situation.
The point is of this is everyone had a weird quirk about them.
Roman knew that, knows that.
Heck, even Roman had a weird quirk, which apparently was wandering the school halls after classes. And now that includes being dragged into one of those classrooms by the hoodie of his sweatshirt and then immediately having a fork of something shoved in his mouth.
“VIRGIL!” Another voice squawks, followed by a telltale click of a camera taking a photo, but okay, Roman is a little too busy choking on a fork to take in everything.
There is a hand on his back, and one on his chest, holding him surprisingly steady, while he basically dies-- and man, he did not think that he’d be dying at seventeen years old. Who knew that his mother would be right all those times she insisted that his habit of walking around aimlessly was gonna be the death of him? 
There are tears in his eyes by the time he manages an inhale, and someone takes the fork back out of his mouth. The hand on his back is rubbing soothing circles and his lungs flutter weakly, like a butterflies wings.
“Dude,” A voice says boredly. Roman squints up at his attacker-- because yes this was an attack and Roman will forever be scarred by it-- and vaguely recognizes the purple patched up hoodie for the library acrobat. “I said “Bite down on this”, not choke and die on the floor.”
Roman coughs to dislodge the last bit of whatever food just got shoved down his throat.
“Please ignore him,” A smooth voice says, a new voice, and one that sounds exactly like silk on Roman’s ears. “Are you okay?”
The new person, the man who is holding Roman, is, in a word, pretty. Actually, no wait, not pretty; he’s gorgeous. He’s beautiful. He’s Michelangelo’s David come to life, an angel straight from heaven, the God Apollo himself taking a quick break from driving his sun chariot to walk among the mortals--
“Virgil, what did you do!” The breathtaking stranger yelps.
“I didn’t do anything!” The acrobat shoots back, although he looks worried, “I just put the fork in his mouth! Oh shit, dude come on, please don’t tell me you’re allergic to something-- Dee what was in that? I can’t go to jail for killing someone! I just got here!”
There’s another click and a giggle and Roman blinks himself to enough awareness to realize that beside the three of them, there’s also that photography artist and the Logan Ackroyd in the room, also what looks like a cake with three slices cut out of it.
“You aren’t going to jail,” Logan says, although he’s playing on a Nintendo Switch and isn’t paying all that much attention to what’s going on.
“It just a cake,” Dee adds, almost desperately and Roman’s knees really do go weak at that. A pretty man? Using that tone to address Roman? Roman’s surprised he’s still conscious at all. “Are you allergic to eggs? What about Wheat? Milk?”
“Deep breath, kiddos!” The person with the camera suggests, and Roman knows immediately that they are 100% aware that his flushed cheeks and lack of breath are not from an allergy. They take another picture and Roman dies a little more on the inside. 
“Please...don’t let... my brother see that,” Roman coughs one more time, “I’m begging.” 
The artist just laughs and takes another picture.
“No allergies?” The god beside him says and Roman finds him looking absolutely anywhere but at him. 
“No allergies,” Roman confirms, “None at all. It’s all good. And you know I should be--”
“What did you think of it?” The acrobat interrupts. And when Roman just blinks he snaps, “The cake, Princey! Tell Dee that the cake was fine and he can stop banging his head on the table now.”
Roman chances a glance at the man holding him up, and yeah, he could see the faint red marks were he had obviously been hitting his head on something. Unfortunately, said man was also looking at Roman, looking for his answer to the question that was just asked of him and Roman has already forgotten what it was again. 
His eyes were different colors, and that totally reminded Roman of that week in the summer when he hung around the ophthalmologist just outside of town. Roman had looked at a lot of eyes, learned a lot about eyes in that time, but really there was something different about those ones. One was a brilliant bright brown, like hickory and the other was glistening gold. He looked like something straight from a fantasy. 
Roman’s fantasy.
“Hey,” The stranger says softly, “Are you okay, darling?”
And that’s the last thing Roman remembers. 
Because he fainted.
Because the gorgeous, beautiful, ethereal stranger called him “darling” and Roman’s weak gay heart promptly shut off.
He comes to again, just a few minutes later-- long enough that his head is throbbing and his lungs hurt a bit and mere idea of moving sounds exhausting. He’s comfortable just fine where he is.
On the floor.
With his head in the perfect strangers lap.
“There you are,” The man gives him a nervous smile that makes Roman’s mouth dry out. “Do you remember where you are?”
Roman has many regrets in his life. Like that time he thought that crawling down the manhole would be fun. Or the weekend he spent hanging out in the courthouse, which had turned out to be incredibly boring. Or that time he brought dog treats to the dog park and ended up get ambushed by like seven dogs at once and broke his arm.
But this....answering that, and immediately hearing that all too familiar cackle that can only belong to Remus? Yeah Roman rates that at the top of Roman’s Regrets.
The stranger bites his lip but he’s grinning all the same. “Apologies. When you fainted we, called the emergency contact on your phone.”
“Remus is not my emergency contact,” Roman grumbles and weakly shuffles his limbs to sit up.
Remus wheezes, from where he’s situated with an arm over the artist and the acrobat respectively. “Like-- Hell! I changed that months ago!” Remus grins, “I wasn’t gonna miss a chance to laugh at you while you get carted away in an ambulance! You only die once Ro! I wanna be there for it!”
“I should have consumed you in the womb.”
“Butcha didn’t!”
“The intention was there.” Roman sways, and he really doesn’t like the way the floor shifts like waves of an ocean.
“Pussy,” Remus tosses out, just for the sake of having the last word. He pulls his arms back from around the other two and fusses with the little artist’s hair. “Alright, brats! That’s my cue to drag my dumbass gay twin away before he faints again. But this was fun! Lets do it again! This time Dee can even let Roman actually fall and crack his head on the floor instead of catching him!”
Roman’s ears burn, and he peeks at Dee with a morbid mortification, “You caught me?”
“Well I was already, holding you up so it wasn’t as much as caught you as you...ah,” there’s a twitch of his lips, “as you fell for me.”
The noise Roman makes is not in any way, shape, or form flattering. 
Remus cackles again.
There’s a click and a giggle, “Sorry kiddo! That was just too good to pass up!” The artist bounces slightly. “You both should definitely come back though! We’d love to have the company!”
“No, we wouldn’t,” the acrobat interjects, and lets out a heavy breath when he’s elbowed by his friend. 
“Yes, we would!” The artist says. “And next time you can even have some of Dee’s pastries!”
“That’s not necessary,” The stranger says quickly, “They aren’t that good--”
“Will you stop lying!” the acrobat says, “You literally got into this prestigious ass school for your pastries, dumbass. They’re good. Accept it already! Geez!”
The stranger rubs his neck and then his cheek, before turning back to Roman. “Perhaps you can be the judge of that then? Darling?” 
Yeah, Roman’s knees are weak again, but he’s stubborn enough that he keeps standing. “I think I’d like that. Although, I can’t say I’m any kind of pastry expert.” 
“We all have our faults, I presume.”
Roman’s heart beats a little faster. “And admittedly I will be a little bit bias.”
“A little bit?”
“Only a smidge,” Roman reports, “I’ve heard that good company can affect the taste of food.”
“You intend to be in good company?”
“If it’s yours I’m sure it will be.”
“Who knew there was a smooth talker under that blush of yours?”
“If you think this was smooth you should see--
Remus claps his hands loudly enough to make the acrobat flinch and Logan in the corner curse in Korean. “Okay yes we get it: You both are gayyyyyy!” Remus exclaims, drawing it out just enough that Roman feels a bit of the Cain Instinct(tm) in him rise up. ��But if neither of you are going to start undressing to give the rest of us a show, then we need to go!”
“I’m just saying!” Remus shrugs and then hooks an arm around Roman’s neck and pulls him towards the door, “Its not fair to the rest of us, if you keep being a tease!”
“I hope you step on a lego and fall into a pit of sharks.”
Remus messes with his hair, which seems to be his thing right now.
The others in the room call out their goodbyes, and Remus drags Roman away before he can get more than a sloppy wave. Its still embarrassing.
Actually everything that happened was embarrassing, from top to bottom, and there was absolutely no moment were it wasn’t completely mortifying. Not only did he choke on a piece of cake he didn’t even get to taste, but he gay panicked, and then gay fainted, and every second of it was recorded via camera snapshots. And late at night, when Roman is turning it over in his head and screaming into a pillow, he barely notices his phone flashing.
He’s already miserable, because they probably just invited him back to be nice, and he didn’t even know their names. And Remus was still laughing at him for everything, and everything just really sucked. He opens up his phone to check the message, ignoring the way the his screen burns his eyes.
There’s a text message. 
An actual text message.
Stole your number hope you dont mind
Roman can’t breath. The phone in his hand vibrates again.
Oh and your heart. I stole that too. this is a ransom demand.
$40,000 in cash. Or a date to the coffee shop in town.
this is Dee Ekans btw
The baker?
oh fuck pls tell me this is the right number
And Roman rolls over and presses his face into a pillow and screams. 
But really the point of all this is that Roman got the number of the cute guy. And maybe a date.
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crownxmi · 5 years
❝ leaving hell behind me
❝ i was made to pray for the rest of the sheep
solo based on crown learning how to be a hacker reply solo to mixpoints submit
the fact that jaehyun did not only need to hack a bunch of shit, break a few security walls, he also had to walk into the fucking building and do it from there. if he ever doubted hydrus didn’t want to get rid of their members as if they were nothing more than a fucking tool, he was proved wrong. he was also given just mare days to prepare to waltz into keylock and get down to business.
hydrus was out to kill him, he was sure of this.
however, jaehyun was aware he had one main advantage. he didn’t attract attention. he was your average guy, black hair, black clothes, skinny, not that tall. he wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, for all he knew, some of the workers at his bar didn’t pay much attention to him. that’s why he always managed to get around his killing assignments so easily. he didn’t attract attention, he always blended in. and this was nothing new. a good suit as a few polite smiles would possibly get him in.
❝ ⚜ ❠
jaehyun is beyond impressed with himself as he finds himself a seat in the main room of keylock. for a company that prided itself with its security, as a security firm, it had been awfully easy. sure, he had to get a card off one of the workers there, but he was just a cleaner, but he was also part of hydrus, jaehyun accidentally bumped into him. the dude went by peanut, as weird as that was. they had met a few other times on other jobs like these, when crown needed someone to get on the inside. everyone had to have at least one person to help them, he just happened to be lucky enough to know someone. call it luck.
either way, he doesn’t really waste any time. it was precious, anyone could walk in on him and he would have to duck. he hoped he had timed everything properly. it was a bit before the time people were leaving work, it was busy, everyone moving back and forth, people saying goodbye. someone even fucking waved at him. it almost made crown jam his head into the fucking keyboard. civilians were questionable, but to some extend, he was jealous. they had normal lives, normal income, they were to some extend safe as well. not having to worry about someone coming behind them in an alley with the pure intent to kill them. it made him sigh quietly as he kept his eyes on the screen, fingers manically typing onto the keyboard.
around the seventeenth minute, jaehyun was ready. hydrus had all the access they could get their hands on, and it was already red light district. he knew security would come rushing in, however, he had thought one major thing through. they were on the first floor of the building, the elevators would be full with people leaving work, right? it almost made him grin. they would have to take the fucking stairs and that would be a pain, he was pretty high up. 
however, there was just one more thing that he was waiting to happen.
he had already taken care of the footage of him entering the building. camera work was easy now. he had taken the systems down and deleted the recordings from when he entered the building. he wasn’t planning on getting caught. the code should keep the camera’s off until he is able to get out of the building. so with a grin, crown pulls out the flash drive from the pc. jaehyun’s eyes drop to the right bottom corner of the screen, noting the time and nods his head to himself.
he was aware there were probably mare seconds before fire alarm started ringing, then the security guards would have to deal with everyone’s safety. sure, it was a bit over the top, but jaehyun wasn’t taking any actual risks. he’d make a fucking show if he had to in order to get hydrus the files they fucking needed.
as he was ranting in his head how dramatic this was, the alarm went of, and he could already hear the panic from the rooms around him. it was his queue. the corridors would be packed with people, usually in panic, in a hurry, wanting to exit the building. they wouldn’t be allowed to use the elevators, which only meant they would all be going down the staircase.
that would be where the security guards come from.
he fucking hated himself, but god, did he love the plan.
there is a light jog in his footsteps as he makes his way to the staicase, managing to squish in with some other employees. he had gotten down to the second floor before he saw the first security guy, still not being able to go up the stairs due to the flood of people. jaehyun had to hide his smile. 
once out, he does look at his wrist watch, reaching up to drag the sleeve of his black suit down as he walks down the street. it should be more than enough time for the rest of the hydrus hackers to have fucked about in keylock’s files. at least he hopes so. it wasn’t an easy fucking stunt, people better appreciate it.
as he shoved his hand back into the pocket of his pants, he felt his phone vibrate. it didn’t make him stop, on the contrary, he continued to walk, now reaching in the inside of his jacket, pulling the phone and sliding the green handle on the screen.
“oh, dota, fancy hearing from you.“ jaehyun says, trying not to be sarcastic, as he listens to the old man on the phone.
“not a pretty stunt you pulled there, kid.“ it almost makes him roll his eyes as the comment, but he knows there is more to this. he really can hear it in dota’s voice. “but we got what we needed, so good on you.“
this time, he does roll his eyes, unsure of how happy hydrus are with the whole fire alarm shit going on. “yeah yeah, well, tell peanut about that.” he mutters, inhaling slowly as he turns on his heel to look behind him, watching at the fire brigade was there. “did your guys get everything you needed?”
there is a laugh on the other side of the phone, it makes jaehyun’s brows raise in surprise. he had never heard dota laugh, he doesn’t remember anyone ever saying they heard the old man laugh.
“what do you mean my guys? they’re your guys as well, crown.“
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mrmarknewman · 8 years
When a nasty stomach virus strikes…
There has been a nasty stomach bug going around this winter.
Just before Christmas, our hospital sent out an email alerting staff to an “increase in gastrointestinal illness consistent with Norovirus in the staff and in the community,” followed by reminders of how to avoid getting (or spreading) it.
Norovirus is one of several viruses that can cause the “stomach flu.” When this alert came, I did not want to have a Norovirus outbreak in our home for the holidays. “Surely, we can do more to stay safe!” I thought.
How the virus spreads…and why it spreads so easily
Food and water are very common ways to pick up the virus. Imagine: A cook who doesn’t get paid sick leave gets a stomach bug. They come back to work as soon as they can stand up, because they have little choice. They’re in a hurry to prepare your salad, and don’t wash their hands properly, and you’re doomed. Infected people can be contagious from a day before symptoms even start, through up to two weeks after they feel better. The general recommendation is to refrain from preparing food and drink for others for at least two days after symptoms go away.
Contaminated items: The virus is very hardy and can survive on surfaces for a few days. Think doorknobs, computer keyboards, subway seats and handles, and shopping carts. You touch these surfaces, then put a piece of gum in your mouth, touch the straw in your drink, or nibble your nails, and you have effectively transmitted the virus right into your body. It only takes 18 to 100 microscopic virus particles to infect someone.
When people vomit, viral particles can travel through the air, so you can inhale it, too. I would imagine that toilets with a more violent flushing mechanism (think: airplane lavatory) would also send viral particles flying. So, when you’re caring for your heaving child, or wondering why that guy keeps going to the airplane bathroom, know that if you can smell it, you can likely inhale it.
The long and short of avoiding the misery of Norovirus? Handwashing
Handwashing is one of the only things you can do to protect yourself and others. But to be effective, you have to wash your hands the right way. So, what is the right way to wash your hands? The CDC has an instructional video, but I’ll just tell you:
1. Wet your hands.
2. Lather with soap and scrub for at least thirty seconds. Helpful hint here: sing a little song. The classic is “Happy birthday,” but I think a modified “Row, row, row your boat” could work as well (and I made this up):
“Wash, wash, wash the germs, Gently down the drain Thoroughly, thoroughly, thoroughly, thoroughly, This is such a pain.”
3. Now rinse. Shut the faucet off with the back of your hand, if it doesn’t shut off automatically.
4. Dry, but whatever you do, do not touch the door handle when you leave the bathroom. Use a paper towel, or at the very least, your sleeve. (Remember, contaminated surfaces…)
Are hand sanitizers helpful? Well, if you really want to use alcohol-based hand sanitizers, you can, but evidence suggests they’re ineffective when used alone. A recent research review looked at multiple studies and concluded that alcohol-based hand sanitizers cannot substitute for handwashing, but you can certainly use them in addition. (5,7,8)
Put on your haz-mat suit and grab the bleach
The Christmas outbreak raged on. The bug hit my husband’s workplace, then mine, and then our kids’ schools. Despite our best efforts, we all got it: My brother’s kids, then my brother and his wife, then Nana and Grandma, and then I got it Christmas Eve. There was a lot of cleaning and laundry going on.
So, how do you clean and wash, to avoid further spreading of this nasty virus?
For contaminated surfaces, first soak any pools and clear any chunks with thick paper towels and dispose in a sealed garbage bag. This will minimize the risk of you or others breathing in viral particles when cleaning.
Wash with a chlorine bleach solution of at least 5 tablespoons of household bleach per gallon of water for things that go into people’s mouths. (utensils, teething toys, etc.) For heavily contaminated surfaces, use 1½ cups of household bleach per gallon of water. Use a new or recently opened bottle of bleach; the longer it’s opened, the less effective it is.
Don’t want to bleach your new microfiber couch? There is a list of other disinfectants registered as effective against Norovirus by the Environmental Protection Agency. (6) Many of these are hospital-grade and/or staining, and may not be ideal for your couch, either. Steam-cleaning can be effective, provided that the cleaner gets to at least 212 degrees F (the less time the steam contacts the surface, the higher the temp needs to be).
For contaminated laundry, you’ll also need to throw in some bleach and run the washer on hot. Viral particles can spread on contaminated clothing, and can survive temperatures well above 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Definitely machine-dry. The generally recommended wash and dry temp is 170 degrees F.
Because people can continue to be contagious for a while, do everyone a favor, and stay home for a few days (and keep the kids home from school). Remember, try not to prepare food for at least two days after symptoms go away. And keep washing those hands.
Up-to-date: Epidemiology and pathogenesis of viral gastroenteritis in adults
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Norovirus
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Handwashing—Clean Hands Save Lives
Occupational Safety and Health Administration: SHA Fact Sheet—Noroviruses
United States Environmental Protection Agency: EPA Registered Hospital Disinfectants Effective Against Norovirus (Norwalk-like virus)
Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014 Aug; 20(8). Epub 2014 Jul 16. Infection control for norovirus.
J Hosp Infect. 2015 Jul; 90(3). Epub 2015 Apr 10. Reducing viral contamination from finger pads: handwashing is more effective than alcohol-based hand disinfectants.
The Washington Post, Jan. 5 2017 Dreaded ‘stomach flu’ wreaks havoc on families — and it’s only going to get worse
The post When a nasty stomach virus strikes… appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.
from Harvard Health Blog http://ift.tt/2k9wXex
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