#Killer instinct hell yea baby
buckyscrystalqueen · 7 years
Other Winter Love: Part 2
Pairings: Bucky x Reader (SPN Crossover)
Warnings: Swearing I think
Word Count: 6,564
Part 1
You met the Winter Soldier the third night you had Bucky in the bunker. You had been up researching when you heard him shouting frantically from his room. Your instincts took over and you ran to help him the way you always did for your brothers. As you stepped into his room, you were suddenly slammed against the wall without warning.
Your panicked eyes desperately tried to adjust to the dark room as the soldier’s arm held you to the concrete wall. You swallowed back your fear as you stared into the nearly blacked out eyes before you. He had asked you something angrily in what you assumed was Russian and you shook your head as the memory of Dean as a demon and Sam when he was soulless came to mind.
“Bucky, I need you to look at me. See me. I am not the enemy here.” You said softly as the controlled soldier’s dead eyes bore into yours. You didn’t dare to move a muscle. The soldier suddenly threw his metal fist through the concrete wall right next to your head and demanded the same question again. So you did the only thing you could think of- treat him as if he was possessed. Very gently, you placed your fingertips to his bare chest just above his heart and forced yourself to look as calm and non-threatening as possible.
“Your name is James Buchanan Barnes. I call you Bucky. You were brainwashed by a bunch of Russians to be a killer but that is not who you are. You are not a killing machine. You are my friend. You are someone I care about and you are safe in the bunker. You are safe with me.” You watched a small glimmer of recognition flash in his slightly more blue eyes and a small smile found the corners of your lips. You laid your palm flat on his chest and repeated yourself a couple times. It took about 15 minutes but you watched patiently as the Winter Soldier disappeared slowly and you smiled completely when you saw Bucky’s beautiful blue eyes completely register what was going on.
“Shit… (Y/N) I…” He stammered and you could see him immediately panic as he finally unpinned you from the wall. You shook your head as the air you didn’t realize you were missing flooded back to your lungs.
“Well fuck…” You said as you scratched at the spot Bucky had his arm moments before. “Was that Russian?” You asked as you glanced up at him with a cocked eyebrow. You could see the vast mix of emotions on his face as he nodded his head. With a heavy sigh, you shook your head and rested your palm on his cheek. “See, now I have seen firsthand the difference between Bucky and the Winter Soldier. No, you did not hurt me. Do not go blaming yourself for that. I…”
“I could have killed you!” He said angrily and you grabbed his wrist before he could walk away. With your free hand, you flipped on his bedroom light and gently placed your hand on his chest and pushed him back towards the bed.
“YOU did not almost kill me, honey; the Winter Soldier did. You have to keep reminding yourself that they are not the same person.” You sat down on his bed and pat the spot next to you with a calming smile. “So… now we get to the root. What happened? I heard yelling…” He sighed and flopped down on the bed next to you.
“It’s kinda fuzzy. I think it was a target I had that I missed. I remember someone yelling at me to get him and the next thing I know I had you up against the wall.” You nodded slowly and shrugged.
“Well there isn’t much I can do to stop dreams other than continuing to wake you up but I can see if Sam or Dean can look into it.”
“But what if waking me up doesn’t work? What if…” He asked and your smile got a little bigger as you interrupted him.
“And what if it does? Buck, you can’t live on ‘what if’. You can only make do with what you have in front of you and that is a friend who is going to help you get over this in a safe environment.” He went to stand up and you quickly jumped in front of him and shook your head with a slight chuckle. “Nope, sorry darlin’ I won’t let you leave. I went through this with Dean and his hell, purgatory and Mark of Cain nightmares, I did it with Sam and his seemingly never ending Lucifer and the cage nightmares and both of them sleep like rocks now. So, now it’s your turn.” You grabbed his hand and the blanket off his bed and pulled him along after you. You flicked off the light in his room and headed down the hall to your room.
“(Y/N), what are you doing?” He asked as you opened the door to your room and flipped on the light.
“I like my bed and it’s easier for me to stop a nightmare early if I can hear it when it’s starting.” You said as you pulled your blankets toward your side of the bed. You turned around and handed him his blankets and pointed toward the far side of the bed. “That’s your side now and no funny business.” You teased as you grabbed a book off your bedside table. Bucky stood and stared at you as you sat on your bed and you arched your eyebrows at him as you pulled your blankets around your body like a barrier. “You plan on sleeping standing up, there?” He blinked a few times before making his way around the side of the bed.
“I don’t typically… you know… umm…” You glanced over at him as he sat down on the edge of the bed and you rested your hand on his shoulder; letting your fingers trail over the cuff where his metal arm connected to his shoulder.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I don’t see this as a way to get in your pants. I have a lot respect for myself and for you. This is simply a way to help you not go Winter Soldier on me until we can fix it.” He nodded and slowly laid down on the bed next to you. You smiled into the book you had picked up as he fiddled around to get comfortable.
“Thank you” he said sleepily after about 20 minutes of silence but before you could even respond back you were met with soft baby snores.
“So if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?” Bucky asked as the two of you lounged on the couch in the screen room. You had been trapped in the Marvel universe for 2 months and the boys were off on a werewolf case so you deemed research to be put on hold until they returned later that night. You shrugged as you tossed a few pieces of popcorn in your mouth.
“I don’t know. I have never been out of the country before so anywhere.” He smiled as he stretched across the couch and put his head on your thigh. “What about you?”
“Mexico.” You laughed as you gently dragged your fingers through his long brown hair and he continued. “Steve and I talked about going there once before the war. I always wanted to go.”
“Well then go. You’re an Avenger now, can’t y’all just up and do those kinda things?” He smiled and glanced up at you.
“Yea but it would be a lot more fun to go WITH someone.” You nodded slowly, knowing what he meant. The two of you had been together every day since you arrived in Bucky’s world and you had to admit that you were falling hard for him. He was an absolute sweetheart. You hadn’t meant to get so close to him but after he had had his nightmare, he stayed in your room nightly. Since it was just the two of you in the bunker you couldn’t help but get close to one of the kindest souls you had ever met.
“Maybe…” You started to say when your words were interrupted by an all too familiar to you low, menacing growl. You put your hand on Bucky’s chest and held him down as your eyes searched the room for evidence of the invisible beast. “Crowley… call off the hound.” You said calmly over the dog’s snarls as you watched the carpet in front of you dip under its footsteps.
“What the hell is that?” Bucky asked as he turned his head toward the noise. You watched his eyes frantically search the room looking for the source.
“It’s a hellhound. They collect souls of people who make deals with a crossroads demon.” You were just about to call out to Crowley again when the growling stopped. The carpet shifted slightly as the weight of the beast left it and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“Is it gone?” He inquired as you moved your hand and you nodded as you gestured for him to get up.
“Yes, it’s gone.” You said as you stood up from the couch and headed toward the library. “But now I have to figure out how…” Your words were suddenly lost in a scream as you slammed head first into someone.
“Hello darling.” You didn’t have time to react to the King of Hell before you were sliding backward across the floor and your vision was blocked by a shoulder and a metal arm.
“How did you get in here?” Bucky demanded, protectively as he glared at Crowley. Crowley pointed at the shirtless man in front of him, leaned to the side and looked at you.
“Is he always this polite, kitten?” He asked as you put your hand on Bucky’s shoulder and gently pulled him back toward you.
“Knock it off, Crowley. Buck, this is the King of Hell from my world. Crowley, meet Sgt. James Barnes also known as the Winter Soldier or simply Bucky.” The two men stood and glared at each other for a moment before you rolled your eyes, grabbed Bucky’s hand and headed for the library. “So I’m assuming that since you are here, you have found a way to get me home?”
“I believe I have. I simply came to test my theory first hand.” You sat down on the corner of one of the tables and Bucky pulled out the chair right next to you and sat down as well. The pair of you stayed quiet for a moment and waited.
“So are you testing that theory or…?” you asked and Crowley scowled. With a few muttered swear words he raised his hand and snapped… and didn’t move. Your stomach dropped as his eyes flared red and he snapped again. “No…”
“Why is this not working?!” He demanded and you groaned at what it meant.
“The magic that exists in our world doesn’t exist here, Crowley.” You got up and went over to the bookshelf to grab the letter book.
“So I’m bloody stuck here?!” Crowley roared and Bucky burst out laughing.
“Yes you idiot, you’re stuck here now, too. Welcome to the last 2 months of my life. Now, go pick a room that isn’t number 11, 17, or 21 because those are mine and the boy’s rooms and get comfortable. You’re gunna be here a while. Dinner is at 6 as always and remember your cocky attitude is what got you in this mess.” Crowley swiped at you as if attempting to send you into a wall and his eyes narrowed when you simply raised your eyebrows at him. His eyes flared red once more as he stormed down the hall swearing at the top of his lungs as Bucky gripped his stomach in laughter.
“Doll, he really is an ass.” He said and you smiled as you wrote your brothers a letter on a blue sheet of paper to pass along the new information.
“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet. Keep in mind, he is a demon therefore he doesn’t need to sleep. I can’t tell you how many times he has shown up in one of our bedrooms in the middle of the night for the most ridiculous reasons.” You laughed as you shoved your note in the book and returned the book to the shelf. “This one time, his mother shows up in hell during one of his important meetings and starts belittling him. He got so pissed he left hell, popped up in Dean’s room at 3 in the morning and literally flipped him out of bed for no reason. I thought we were about to start the first bunker war that night.” Bucky laughed as the two of you headed back to the screen room to finish your movie.
“So this should be fun to watch.”
‘What about Loki and Thor?’ Sam asked a couple days later. Your brow furrowed as you tried to remember anything about the Asgardian Gods.
‘What about them?’ You looked across the table at Bucky as you waited for an answer. “Hey hun, what do you know about Thor and Loki?” He looked up from the lore book he was reading and frowned slightly.
“I don’t. They hadn’t been around the towers in the two weeks I was there and I never met them before.” You nodded as two books disappeared off the shelf across the room. You took that to mean Sam was looking into something and you sat down to wait for an answer. When you didn’t say anything back to him, he returned to his book and you sat and tried to remember anything you could but you were quickly interrupted once more.
“I’m going for a little stroll.” Crowley claimed as he headed through the library. You could hear the smart clack of nails behind him and you scowled.
“Get the dog out of my bunker and your ass is staying here. You cause enough trouble in our world and I don’t need you causing trouble in the Marvel world, too.”
“I don’t have a hell hound here.” Crowley exclaimed with mock-innocence. You raised your eyebrows and grabbed an angel blade that was lying on the shelf behind you. You hadn’t brought it forward two inches before the dog began to growl.
“You were saying?” the demon grumbled and waived the hound off before he walked over and flopped down in a chair next to Bucky. You returned the angel blade to the shelf and glanced up at the empty book spot as Crowley began to pester once again.
“So what about you two love birds then? Can we talk about that?” You glared over at him as Bucky slowly dragged his eyes off his book to look at you and you could see his annoyance in the new line of questioning. “I mean, you are one lucky man to be seeing all that. I tried to bed (Y/N) years ago...” You didn’t even have time to react before Bucky’s arm flew out and slammed into Crowley’s chest, knocking the wind from his lungs and silencing him instantly.
“Bucky!” You shouted as he leapt from his chair and grabbed Crowley by the throat with his metal hand. Crowley was out of the chair and back against a stone pillar 6 inches off the floor before you could really even blink.
“Do not speak about her that way again.” He growled as you ran around the table to the men. You stood directly in front of Bucky and gently placed your hands on his cheeks.
“James, look at me.” You soothed softly as you applied the tiniest amount of pressure on his left cheek to turn his head. It took him a second for his eyes to leave the laughing King’s to find yours and you smiled and shook your head. 
“He’s not worth it, Buck. Put him down.” You watched the slight internal battle behind his stunning blue eyes and after he let out a deep sigh, he released his grip and let Crowley fall to the ground. You nodded your head and stepped past him to glare down at the demon. “Pull a fucking stunt like that again and I won’t ask him to stop, are we clear?” He glared up at you and you could see the pure rage in his red eyes.
“You will pay for that.” He croaked as he rubbed his throat and you shrugged.
“Yea, well when we get back home where you could actually do something about it, I’ll have the Colt. Keep that in mind next time you go picking fights for no reason. You got yourself locked in the bunker.” You turned back to the bookshelf at nearly the exact same second that Sam put the book back. Bucky stomped back over to his chair and plopped down, his foot shaking a mile a minute as you headed over and grabbed the letter from your brother. You heard Crowley storm back out of the room angrily as you pulled out the white paper covered in your brothers writing.
“OK. So according to the lore, Thor’s home, Asgard has something called the Bifrost. From what Sam can see it is a rainbow bridge that connects Earth to the realm of the Gods. Now, he also found something called the Gjoll bridge which is the same concept only… oh awesome... this one spans the rivers of the underworlds.” You glanced up at Bucky who looked confused.
“But how does that get you back to your world?” You sighed and read through the last couple lines of the letter.
“Honestly, it’s not going to be pretty. I’m going to have to convince a God to take me to the land of Gods on a rainbow bridge so he can send me down a different bridge to purgatory. From there, hopefully I can get Cas to pull me out and save me so I am not trapped there if I can’t get Crowley to get me out.” Bucky stayed silent for a few minutes once you finished and you could see the wheels turning in his head.
“Alright, when do we leave?” He asked as he leaned back in his chair casually. Your eyebrows flew to your hair line and your jaw dropped. A half mouth smirk graced his features and he ran his metal hand through his hair.
“We… You… what…” You stammered and he shrugged.
“Look doll, way I see it- when you leave I am back to being the brainwashed assassin that has to look over his shoulder every five seconds to make sure I’m not being followed by someone that is trying to turn me into a damn, brainless killing machine. I’ll be pretty much locked in Stark Tower again and alone. In your world, I won’t have to worry about that because HYDRA can’t get to me there and I’ll be with the dame that I am fallin’ for that I know is fallin’ for me too.” A smile spread across your face and you couldn’t help but blush.
“Stop that.” You teased as you snagged the pen and your notepad off the table. 
“I’ll let the boys know and then we’ll go into town and call Tony to get this plan going.” Bucky chuckled and he nodded as he went to grab his jacket and glove from your room.
‘Plan sounds like SOOO much fun -_- I’ll go call Tony Stark now. Oh yea, Bucky is back coming with me.’
With a satisfied smile, you slipped the blue paper back into the book and put it on the shelf. It took a second before the book disappeared and you quickly turned around and walked away so you wouldn’t have to lie when you told them you didn’t see their response to your statement.
“Crowley, we are going into town. Are you coming or are you going…” His bedroom door slamming open against the wall was enough answer for you. The two men walked into the library glaring at each other and you rolled your eyes. 
“Alright you too, enough of the pissing match. I get it, you don’t like each other but you are just going to have to get over it.” Bucky nodded curtly but Crowley simply huffed as the three of you headed to the garage.
“He held me against a bloody wall. I’m a defenseless creature.” Crowley complained and you glanced back over your shoulder.
“Yea, well you have been doing shit like that to me and the boys for years. I told you karma would get ya one day.” He huffed again as the three of you piled into the beautiful classic black Ford sedan that lived in the bunker. As Bucky started the car you turned in the seat to look at the sulking King with a smile on your face. “And the best news yet; you get to see him every day because he’s coming home with us!” you exclaimed with extremely over-exaggerated enthusiasm.
“No! I won’t allow it!” Crowley said as Bucky pulled out of the garage and onto the road to town with a laugh and you simply shrugged and turned around in your seat.
“Well I guess it is a good thing for me that you don’t make the rules in this world and I do.”
“You’re brothers will never allow it.” Crowley threw back and you shrugged again as Bucky held your hand with a smile.
“Guess it’s a good thing they can’t really say ‘no’ either then.” You heard the demon flop forcefully against the back seat and you rolled your eyes. “Oh lighten up, Crowley. You hated Dean for like 4 years and you two ended up having that entire summer of…”
“Shut it, kitten!” Crowley shouted and you laughed and looked back one last time.
“Touchy…” You saw Bucky glance over at you looking for an explanation and you smiled and shook your head. “I’ll have Sam show you the pictures he found on the internet and we’ll tell you the whole story when we get home.”
“Oh, honestly…” The ride into town was peaceful but getting ahold of any of the Avengers was nearly impossible. After 45 minutes and nearly $10 dollars in quarters, you were finally able to get ahold of someone who was able to match Bucky’s voice to one that was saved in the SHIELD database. That is how you found yourself squished into a phone booth with Bucky arguing with Iron Man and Captain America.
“Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?” Tony asked. You rolled your eyes for the hundredth time in ten minutes, leaned against the phone booth wall and flipped an angel blade absentmindedly in your hand. “We have been searching for you…”
“Well obviously I have done a fantastic at hiding and keeping your poor ex-prisoner safe so you should be thanking me, right?” You countered. Bucky snorted beside you and you glanced up at him with a smile.
“Bucky, this isn’t funny. What if someone from HYDRA had found you, huh? What if you had gone back into your programing or worse?” Steve asked. The memory from the third night in the bunker flooded your memory and you shuttered. Bucky interrupted his friend’s line of questioning and pulled you from your thoughts.
“We’ve already dealt with an issue like that, Steve. Few nights after I left, I had a bad nightmare and lost it a bit and (Y/N) was able to talk me back. She has been able to stop a couple nightmares in their tracks because of the experiences she has with her own and her brothers.”
“And he only left one hole in my wall.” Bucky chuckled as the men on the other end of the line began shouting over each other.
“I fixed it though, didn’t I?” Bucky teased softly and you nodded as he put his arm around your waist. You let the men on the other end of the phone shout incoherently for a minute before you finally cut it.
“Alright, look. You two are pissed. We get it so you can stop scolding us like teenagers. Now, my brother and I believe that we have figured out a way to get to my world but we need… shit what’s his name again?” You asked as you glanced up.
“Thor and… the other guy.” Bucky responded and the two of you shrugged with small smiles on your faces.
“We are not bringing Loki back to Earth.” Tony said and a disembodied voice told you that you were running out of time on your call.
“Alright, out of time and out of quarters so if you want to continue this come to Lebanon Kansas. There is an old abandoned power plant on the outskirts of town by the bridge. We will be waiting.” The two men agreed and told you they would arrive in the next two hours just as the call cut out. Bucky returned the receiver as you shoved out of the cramped space.
“So how do we tell them I’m planning on going with you?” He asked as the two of you went back to the car and you shrugged.
“Just wait until right before I have to leave, blurt it out and run like hell so they can’t stop you?” The two of you got back into the car and Bucky paused for a moment to turn and look at you.
“I’ll tell you now… I won’t stay without a fight.”
“This is nothing like I pictured it!” Natasha exclaimed as you lead part the Avengers team into the bunker. You laughed as you flipped the warding back on and Bucky locked the front door behind the group.
“When was this place built?” Tony asked as he walked over to look at the dated War Room computer.
“It was completed in 1935. Now, before y’all go wondering around, I ask that you do not move anything. Somehow this bunker and the one from my world are connected so like if you take a book off a shelf here, it makes the book disappear in the other version of the bunker. That’s how I have been talking to Sam and Dean.” You heard the steady foot prints of the King of Hell walking toward you and you sighed. “And this is Crowley. He’s the King of Hell from my world that managed to get himself stuck here as well.”
“I did nothing of the sort. I came to rescue and… well what HAVE we here.” Crowley cooed as his eyes raked over Natasha.
“I would highly suggest against that, sir.” Vision warned as Crowley tilted his head slightly.
“Are those real swords?” Clint asked as he headed toward the library.
“(Y/N) I’m going to run a few diagnostics on your computer for you.” Tony said and before you could answer, Natasha stepped up and sent Crowley flying backwards into a wall with a yelp.
“Whoa! Come on, man! The more you pick on him the harder he makes my life when I get home.” You complained as you helped Crowley off the floor. He ripped his arm away from you and stormed off once again toward his room as FRIDAY’s voice echoed off the stone walls.
‘Diagnostic scan, complete. Initializing Stark technology dimensions program.’
“WHOA! Hold on! You can’t just up and do that! That computer is our…”
“(Y/N)?” You heard Sam say behind you and you whipped around to find him. Your voice lodged in your throat when you saw a grey, slightly pixilated version of your brother getting up from the now paper cluttered table. “How are you… who are all those people… what is going on?” You shook your head and ignored everyone else in the room as you walked over to your twin with teary eyes.
“I read your book series, familiarized myself with all the basic software you could possibly have and created a computer program that partially merges our two worlds together temporarily. It will only work within this bunker when I’m here.” Tony said as he stepped into the library with a very pleased look on his face. “Oh, right. Tony Stark. I’d shake your hand but I can’t.”
“Where’s Dean?” You asked as Sam looked around the room at his childhood heroes.
“Uhhh… I think taking a nap in his room?” He glanced down at you and it only took a second for him to catch up to your train of thought. “He’s gunna kill you.” Sam said as he started to laugh and you shrugged and headed for your brother’s room.
“I’m a hologram not a ghost so good luck with that. You wanna catch them up to speed?” You asked and Sam nodded as you dipped around the corner. As sneakily as you could, you ran down the hall to your brother’s room and prayed he had his headphones on. Sure enough, as you opened the door you saw Dean lounging in bed with his eyes closed and headphones on. With a mischievous smile, you ran as fast as you could and pounced onto the bed next to your oldest brother. His hologram flew into the air and onto the floor. It took half of a second before he shot up to glare at Sam only for his face to completely drop.
“Hi-ya De. Miss me?”
“What the fuck is this?!” Dean roared as he scrambled back from the bed looking for a weapon. “Are you dead?!” You rolled onto your stomach and raised your eyebrows.
“Really Dean, you think I’m dead? No you jackass. Tony created some kind of computer program to merge our world with Marvel here in the bunker. By the way, that red-headed super hero girl you used to like is out in the library.” With that, you rolled off the bed and headed back to the library where you could already hear shouting.
“… it’s not safe, Bucky!” Steve shouted and you rolled your eyes and sped up.
“I’m well aware of the fact that it is not safe but I am not losing her. My life would be better this way anyways. I won’t have to…”
“Bucky, we don’t know what that brainwashing...” Natasha chimed in and you rounded the corner and stepped in.
“It’s a risk both of us would be willing to take so he didn’t have to live in fear here.” The Avengers all looked at you and Sam nodded.
“No disrespect meant to any of you but we have an angel here, Cas that has already agreed that if we can get (Y/N) and Bucky to our world, he will do his best in undoing all the damage he can the same way he did when he helped pull my soul out of Lucifer’s cage after a year and put me back together.” Your brother said and you jumped in before someone else could; purposely not mentioning what a fiasco that situation had been.
“And I know one of the concerns would be something happening and him losing control. We have enough supernatural power in our world on our side that getting him contained wouldn’t be an issue.”
“I can attest to their statements.” Cas said suddenly as he appeared next to you and you smiled at the hologram of one of your best friends as the Avengers jumped slightly at his sudden appearance. Cas furrowed his eyebrows and looked directly at Tony. “I can see that once (Y/N) has returned home, your intention is to keep him in cryogenic sleep until you found a cure.” Cas stated and you watched Tony’s eyebrows fly to his hair line. He opened his mouth to say something and Cas cut him off as he walked toward the table to stand beside Sam. “I’m an Angel of the Lord, Mr. Stark. You have developed a connection with my world and therefore I can hear your thoughts and prayers if I need to.”
“Is this Cas?” Bucky asked and you nodded and walked over to stand beside him on Sam’s other side.
“Yep, that’s our angel.”
“This is so not happening right now.” Dean said as he finally stumbled into the library; his eyes wide with shock and you, Sam and Cas rolled your eyes.
“Dean, sit down.” Sam said as Clint finally found his voice.
“So then what happens after angel man fixes him? He just comes back?” You and Bucky shook your head as he wrapped his metal arm around your waist.
“I’m making the choice to stay with her. I have lived through my version of hell for 70 years. I just want to be happy and (Y/N) makes me happy.”
“Alright well I can’t say no to that.” Clint said as he leaned back in his chair casually.
“Yes you can! What if something happens?” Steve shouted.
“Then it would become our problem and I can speak for myself, Dean and even Cas when I say we are more than willing to take on that risk for the sake of our sister’s happiness.”
“Look. You guys don’t really understand what we have gone up against. We have been toe-to-toe with the actual devil himself more times than we care to count, we have battled God’s sister and all three of us have spent our fair share in THE literal hell and that’s just the very start of the list. We get it, he is a super soldier assassin but you have to remember. Our job is to fight monsters and creatures every day. We have the means to reign him in if shit gets messy and we already have a cure right here.” Dean said as he gestured to Cas.
“But at the end of the day, the only two people who really have any say in the situation are Bucky and (Y/N) because if you think about it…” He chuckled and glanced at the man next to you before looking back at the rest of the group 
“What you are essentially trying to say is you are willing to go against a super soldier and his very well trained hunter girlfriend to keep them apart. And I know my sister well enough to know that if you stand between her and what she wants, you got another thing coming.” The group of Avengers stayed silent as they all stared at the group before them before Tony finally sighed and got up from the table.
“Let the record show that I am NOT a fan of this situation. I’ll go call the Gods to send you guys to this purgatory…” With some grumbling and a lot of eye rolling from Steve, the rest of the Avengers agreed to the plan and followed Tony outside.
“Alright, I need every knife and blade we can spare.” You said as you turned toward your brothers.
“Cas, go get the word out.” Dean said as he gestured for you to follow him. 
“You too, Bucky.” He called over his shoulder as you followed him toward his room. You smiled as Sam began pulling books off the shelves to prepare as much as they could for getting you out on the other side. “Now listen to me.” Dean said as he turned into his room and closed the door behind you. “When you get down there, watch each other’s backs. Once word gets out that baby Winchester is in purgatory and they smell real meat, those monsters will get antsy. (Y/N), do you remember Benny?” He asked as he began pulling knives off the wall and tossing them onto his bed and you nodded as you grabbed his duffle from the closet.
“Cajun vamp, right?” You affirmed and Dean nodded.
“Cas is going to try to get word down to him but he doesn’t have a lot of time. I know Crowley can’t pull you out of purgatory and I expect he will leave you the moment he gets there. So try to find Benny. He will get you to the portal I took top side if Cas can’t get you out.” You nodded as you began to toss knives into the bag. Dean grabbed his purgatory blade off the wall and held it toward Bucky. “Now, I know I don’t know you but that is my baby sister and she means the world to me. Do NOT let anything happen to her.” You paused and watched Bucky take the handmade blade.
“I promise you, nothing will happen to her as long as I’m around.” Dean gave a short nod before turning back to you and sighing.
“Fuck kid… be safe, alright. No hero shit. Save it for the next hunt.” You smiled at him and nodded.
“You know I’m gunna make it. Shit, have you already forgotten the vamp nest in SoHo when you were sick?” You asked as you grabbed the duffle off the bed and heaved it over your shoulder. It hadn’t settled two seconds before Bucky effortlessly pulled it away from you and put it on his shoulder like it was as light as a feather. Dean looked a little stunned and you shook your head and headed for the door. “He’s a super soldier with super human strength, Dean. Crowley, let’s go home!” You called out as you stepped into the hallway. Sam looked up at you as you walked into the room and headed for your angel blade on the book shelf.
“Cas just called and says he has a reaper friend that has two sort of trust worthy shape shifters that are willing to go and find Benny for you so hopefully he will be waiting.” He stood up from the table and walked over in front of you and you could feel his need to give you a hug.
“Hey… I’m going on a glorified camping trip. I’ll see you soon and you can hug me then.” Sam smiled weakly and held up his hand in front of him. You raised you own and rested your palm awkwardly against his hologram for a moment before you both sighed and nodded at the same time.
“Stay safe and no heroics.” You rolled your eyes as you both dropped your hands.
“Yea, yea. Hey, no fucking rabbit food when I get back either! I get back and I want pizza and ice cream for a week!” Sam laughed as you turned and took one more look at your older brother.
“Are we getting out of here or am I to be trapped in this infernal hell hole forever?” Crowley asked and you growled.
“I love you and I will see you soon.” Your brothers nodded as you grabbed Bucky’s hand and turned and headed for the door.
“We are gunna be just fine, baby-doll.” Bucky reassured as the two of you headed for the stairs and you sighed as you flipped off the lights.
“I know. It’s just never fun to willingly send yourself to hell.”
Part 3
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writingtopasstime · 7 years
Beyond The Lens (Chapter 1)
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Overview: Adelaide Rodgers moves to Charming with a sketchy past and quickly plants herself into the lives of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club but will that be a good thing? Like most her past comes back to haunt her but will Chibs or any of the others Sons be there to help her? (ChibsxOC)
Song Inspiration:
For this series I’m going to put the main song(s) inspiration here but if you want the full list go to my music inspiration page here. 
Bad Habit by The Kooks (Main Inspiration for this fic)
You Can By The Boss by Lana Del Rey
Trigger Warning: (Slightly Rough) SMUT, Daddy Kink (Mentioned Once), Cursing 
Word Count: 1,822 Words
Note: This is my first smut fanfiction so go easy on me, please...
Adelaide Rodgers had just moved to Charming. She had to get away from her hometown of Seattle. There were too many bad memories for her. Things that she didn’t want to think about. When she decided to move she wasn’t sure where to go. She had only ever known Seattle as her home but she did have memories of another place. Her mom had grown up outside of Charming, California. She had told Addie crazy stories about how some bikers had started a club and run the town. They were, in a twisted way, Addie and her sister’s bedtime stories. That thought made her stomach turn. There were a lot of things wrong with her upbringing but that was beside the point. She had left that behind her. She moved into a small apartment near the main street of Charming. And so far that’s what it was, charming. She had been there a week and things had so far been really quiet. She hadn’t met any bikers or had any unpleasant run-ins with anyone. She settled in but her mind wouldn’t.
Addie couldn’t sleep. It was a normal occurrence nowadays for her. Ever since she was found locked in his house she had nightmares. She knew she didn’t have to worry anymore. He was gone from her life. Locked away in a prison but she was haunted. So she decided to walk. Hopefully, it would allow her to clear her mind. Being in a new town she didn’t know what there was to do so she would explore. The problem was that it was nearing midnight and she doubted anything would be open. She threw on her jeans, boots and a thin sweater. She figured the California nighttime wouldn’t be chilly.
She started to regret the decision of not bringing a heavier coat when she finally ran into people. The streets of Charming were very quiet this late at night. She turned the corner and saw groups of people filing out of a building. She crossed the street. The first thing she saw was a patch. A motorcycle patch. Her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide. It was a real Son. The ones from her mother’s stories. A smile spread across her face. She had been dying to meet one of these guys since she first heard about them.
“Excuse me do you know what’s going on here?” She asked trying hard to contain her curiosity. The man turned around. He was a good five inches taller than Addie. Her eyes flickered over his scars in wonder. Her guess was that it was something to do with him being in the motorcycle “club” but she wasn’t curious enough to actually question it.
“Some friendly fighting,” she could hear a distinct Scottish accent.
“Friendly fighting? That’s a contradiction.” She laughed.
“Aye but only if they’re not willing.” Addie couldn’t help but let her eyes wander over his body. He was distinctly older than her by many years, at least ten years. But she couldn’t help be drawn to him. She had always had a thing for older men. “What is a lass like yerself doing out at this time a night?”
“I’m new to town, thought I’d see what there was to it.” He raised his eyebrows.
“At midnight?”
“I couldn’t sleep.” She shrugged crossing her arms against her chest. She could feel the roundness of her nipples through her small layer of clothing. “It’s sort of my thing to wander at night.” Addie shivered. She rubbed her arms trying to retain what little heat she had left.
“Ye shouldn’t be out here by yerself. Let me give you a ride home.” Addie stood debating but only for a second. Her first human instinct was to leave. She didn’t know this man. He could be a killer and/or a rapist. But there was a mystery surrounding him and a story that she needed to find out.
“Okay but first,” she held out her hand, “I’m Adelaide but call my Addie.” She could see him debating something in his head. Maybe he was changing his mind. Maybe he thought she wasn’t worth the trouble.
“Chibs,” he said finally. He led her over to his bike. “Here,” he said handing over his helmet. “Take this too.” He shrugged off his cut and out of his leather jacket. Once she took the heavy leather jacket she slipped it on while he put his vest back on. It was big on her. Really big. She had to shove the sleeves up just to have her hands free. It definitively belonged to a biker. It smelled of leather, cigarettes, and soap. It was heavenly. She pulled it closer around herself. She slipped on the helmet, also too big, and climbed behind Chibs. She shifted her weight forward until she was pressed up against his back. Everything just felt right.
It was long before they were at her apartment. It was too soon for Addie though. She wanted to drive around some more. It was helping her forget about her nightmares. She stood from the bike. “Want to come in?” She asked hopefull. “A thank you drink for taking me home and keeping me warm.”
They didn’t make it past their first shot of whiskey before their hands were all over each other. Addie hadn’t fully unpacked everything so navigating a path to the bedroom had been a stumbling mess. Addie had thankfully set her bed first when she moved in so there was no problem when they sank onto the sheets together. “How do you want me, baby?” She whispered against his lips.
“Right here,” Chibs pinned her against the bed, not roughly but just firm enough so Addie didn’t move. Chibs peeled away her clothing until she was completely naked beneath him.  His lips connected back with hers. Addie danced her fingertips across his back. Down, down, down until they hit his waist. She moved to his belt. She yanked it off and held it in her hands.
“Buttercup,” she said when Chibs moved his mouth down to her breast. He stopped and looked up at her watching as she snapped the belt across her hand. “That’s my safe word.” Chibs eyes darkened. Addie smiled biting her lips. She slid out from under him. “I think I’ve been a naughty girl daddy I have to be punished.” She handed the belt over and turned over onto her hands and knees. She turned her head around watching as Chibs undressed. Addie’s eyes didn’t leave his as she ran one of her hands down her body. She was already so wet for him. Addie slid her fingers across her aching core. A stinging pain shot across her ass. Ohhh, she moaned.
“You like dat? Huh?” Chibs brought the belt down again. Addie pushed her fingers inside herself curling them to hit just the right spot. “Oh, yea.” Chibs stroked himself as he watched her pleasure herself. Addie was getting close when a hands gripped her wrist. “Dats enough fer now.” He lined his hips up to her. Addie looked back around when she heard a package rip. A condom. She had almost forgotten in her eagerness. When he rolled the protection over his cock he resumed his position. He gave no warning as he sheathed his member inside her. Addie moaned as he filled her. The pace was just right, steady deep thrusts.
“Oh fuck. Yes, Chibs. Oh my god.” She matched his pace. Addie moved back to meet his hips. The sounds of moaning filled the room. She didn’t realize how much she missed this feeling until now. She lifted off the bed until her back was flush against his front. Chibs reached around. His fingers latched onto her breasts. Addie added her hands to the mix. Chibs pinched her nipples causing Addie to throw her head back against his shoulder. She moved her hands lower down her body to the apex of her thighs. She went back to rubbing her sweet spot. “I’m close,” she gasped out. Her free hand went back and intertwined in Chibs hair. “Come with me.” Chibs tightened his grip on her. He brought her closer and speed up his pace. That’s all it took. Addie moaned as she tightened around his length. “Fuuucck.” She panted. He grunted as he finished too. Chibs let go as he dragged out the last of his strokes. Addie fell forward. She rolled herself over smiling. Chibs moved the hair out of his face as he looked down at Addie. “That was one hell of a town welcome.” Chibs chuckled.
“Glad to be of service.” He moved off the bed to dispose of the condom. He disappeared into the master bathroom.
“So was that just a one-time thing or could we make this a thing because, to be honest, that was the most fun I’ve had in a long while.” Chibs walked back into the room that’s when Addie noticed all of the tattoos he had. One, in particular, caught her eye. Kerrianne. A shot of worry went through her head. Was he married? Why did he have someone's name tattooed on him especially right near his heart? She shook the thought maybe it was his mother or sister or something.
“Depends, what are you doing Friday night?” Chibs fished out a cigarette out of his kutte. “Can I?” Addie nodded. He lit up as he waited for her answer.
“I’m completely free.” Addie moved off the bed to grab her robe. She wrapped herself up. Chibs gathered up his clothes. He carefully balanced his cigarette in his mouth as he dressed.
“We’re having a party at da clubhouse. If you are interested.” He fixed his kutte.
“I’d love to! The problem is I don’t know exactly where that is.”
“Don’t worry about it. I can pick you up here or you can call Teller Motor Auto and ask for me.” Addie nodded.
“I can’t wait. Especially if it ends like this.” Chibs smirked.
“This was just the beginning love.”
“Oh trust me you haven’t seen the half of my trick babe. Just you wait.”
“I look forward to it.” Addie walked him to the front door. Chibs was halfway out when he turned back and planted a kiss on her lips. “I’ll see you Friday.” Addie pecked his lips. He walked over to his bike. Addie watched him until he disappeared down the street. The sound of the bike fading in the distance. Addie shut the door sighing. The smile on her face wouldn’t go away. She felt the same confidence and invigoration she had before the incident. She made her way to the spare room she had locked. She reached up to the door seal. Her fingers found the key. The door easily opened to reveal another bed covered in boxes. “We’re back in business,” she muttered as she surveyed the room.  
Tag List: soafanficluvr1
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