#Kinjou shingo x reader
axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Can’t It Be You? - Chapter 11
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Summary: Kinjou and Reader both struggle to make it through dinner. Kinjou x Fem!Reader Warnings: Showering together, heavy make-out session Word Count: ~ 2,700
A/N: YAYYYY!!! I finally did it! This if my FIFTH chaptered story that I’ve started and finished this year. I very much mean to brag a bit because honestly, who is going to be prouder of me than myself?? There was a bit of time where I really didn’t think I would finish this, but the fifth season coming out next year and @millenialfanfictionaddiction​​ always telling me how much she loved this story really REALLY helped. I’m just so darn proud of myself guys!
“Can I join you?” Y/N heard a voice ask from the opened bathroom door. She peeked around the shower curtain and saw Kinjou standing not so differently than when he asked the same question barely a week ago.
“I don’t know.” She teased. “We don’t have a lot of time and you and I don’t exactly have the best track record for showering quickly.”
“Well, contrary to what these past few days have shown—” he pulled off his shirt and stepped out of his pants. Y/N didn’t even have the self-restraint to hide her smile, she just bit her lip, showing her teeth as her eyes ran over his body. “—I am quite capable of not having sex when I shouldn’t.”
“Unfortunately, it’s not you that I worry about.” She backed up in the shower. “But I guess we’ll see.”
Kinjou climbed in, completely prepared to stay on his side of the shower until his eyes fell on the naked curves of her hips that he was holding not even an hour before, the water rolling over her shoulders, over her breasts and falling to the shower floor. No matter how much self-control he knew he had, he wasn’t about to hold off when he was finally allowedto touch her and his hands moved to her waist immediately.
“What was it you were just saying?” She asked jokingly and Kinjou laughed quietly against her neck. “You were fully capable of what?”
“I just want one kiss.” He promised, his body pressed against hers as his nose rubbed against her nose.
“I don’t think the guy down there got that memo.” She moved her hand to his cheek, pulling him closer.
“I don’t always listen to him.” He smirked and brought his lips to hers. Kinjou was sure that no matter how many times he kissed Y/N, no matter how many times he held her in his arms, he was never going to get enough.
Y/N was having trouble believing that it was Kinjou she was kissing, that it was Kinjou’s hands moving over her body, that it was his back she was running her nails over, and the part that she was having the most trouble believing was that it was Kinjou who she completely fell for. Even when she was with Shinkai, she never felt that can’t-get-enough-of-you feeling like she had been feeling with Kinjou for the last week.
She smiled against his lips as she felt his fingers moving in between her legs. She knew this would happen and she was tempted not to stop it. There was no way they were both going to get in the shower together, completely naked, and not do anything. They really didn’t have a lot of time though.
“Kinjou.” She warned him as his fingers searched for that special spot and he smiled.
“I know.” He sighed, his hands returning to her hips. He did know, but that didn’t stop him from wanting her. They had a little bit of time, not a lot, but enough and before she could lean back under the water to finish washing up, he pulled her a little closer. “But what if we just—”
“Kinjou.” She repeated.
“Okay.” He sighed, taking a reluctant step back from her.
After finishing the quick shower, they were both cleaned and dried and they finished getting dressed. Y/N checked her phone and noticed a message from Shinkai.
[Can you pick me up on your way? I had to run home to shower so I lost my ride.]
She quickly replied back to him and turned to Kinjou who was watching her with a smile on his face.
“What are you looking at?” She teased and his smile widened as he stood up and moved to her.
“Just the most beautiful—”
“No time.” Y/N put her hand against Kinjou’s chest and held him away, knowing just what he was going to do if she let him continue. “We have to pick up Shinkai before we go.”
“I thought he was already with them.”
“I guess they separated and in order for us to avoid being later than we already are, we have to leave—” she looked at her watch, “—now.”
“Alright, but I do have one request.” He pressed his hips against hers and leaned back, brushing a hair that seemed out of place.
“What’s that?”
“Would it be okay if I spent the night?”
Y/N was ready to laugh at his request, thinking he was joking, but Kinjou wasn’t looking at her. His eyes were focused on the hair he pushed in line with the others that kept sticking out. He was serious. He was honestly seriously asking her to spend the night at her place. She didn’t want to laugh at him, but she couldn’t help the chuckle that came out.
“Kinjou, you’ve been sleeping here for the past week. Why would I make you leave now?”
“I know.” He shrugged, still not looking at her. “But I’ve been on the couch. I was hoping I could stay in your bed… with you.”
“Oh, you will most definitely be staying in my bed.” She nodded and he finally looked up at her and smiled. “I expect us to be spending all night in that bed together as well as all day tomorrow. And if you’re up for it, probably the entire day after that.”
“I am definitely up for that.” His eyes lit up with excitement. “I will stay in that bed the rest of this break if you let me. Afterall, my knee does need to heal.”
“Don’t tempt me.” She narrowed her eyes. “The hard part is going to be getting Shinkai to leave us alone.”
“Speaking of Shinkai.”
“Yeah, we should probably go.”
They both made their way down to Y/N’s car and got in. Not surprisingly, they were already late and picking up Shinkai wasn’t going to help get them there any faster, but when they got to his dorm, he was waiting for them on the sidewalk.
“Need a lift?” Y/N teased through the opened window.
“Very funny.” Shinkai said unamused and he opened the door, climbing in the back seat. “What took you so long?”
“We stopped at Kinjou’s dorm after biking.” Y/N explained.
Shinkai had known Y/N long enough to know when she was hiding something and even just from that simple explanation, he knew she was hiding something. He just couldn’t figure it out yet. His eyes moved from Y/N’s profile to Kinjou’s as he buckled himself in.
“Kinjou can you help set up the GPS to the restaurant?” Y/N handed Kinjou her phone and he took it while Shinkai continued eyeing them from the back seat.
“Sure.” Kinjou started tapping on her phone, searching for the restaurant. Again, Shinkai’s eyes moved from Kinjou to Y/N and back to Kinjou. That’s when he realized what it was that was different.
“Fucking finally!” Shinkai yelled, dropping his head back against the headrest as he leaned back in his seat.
“What?” Y/N turned to Shinkai, the look on her face was less shocked as much as it was confused.
“You guys fucked.” He smiled, leaning forward and looking from Y/N to Kinjou. “Like, on purpose.”
“How could you possibly—” Kinjou started.
“Don’t ask.” Y/N tried to stop him.
“I’m glad you asked, my man.” Shinkai smiled widely and Y/N groaned, rolling her eyes.
She pulled out of the parking lot, following the GPS’s instructions while Shinkai gave his very unscientific explanation for somehow knowing when two people have had sex.
“And that’s pretty much how I know.” Shinkai smiled, patting a perplexed Kinjou on the shoulder.
“I’m even more confused now.” Kinjou shook his head and Y/N just laughed.
“I told you not to ask.” She turned into the restaurant parking lot and found a spot near the entrance. “I’m starving.”
“Me too.” Shinkai jumped out of the car and ran towards the group that was already waiting near the front, giving Kinjou and Y/N time alone which Kinjou took advantage of, taking her hand quickly.
“I know they’re my friends and I honestly want to be here with them—” Kinjou faced Y/N, turning his back to the group waiting by the front entrance, “—But I’m going to have so much trouble keeping my eyes off of you.”
Y/N stared at him as he held onto both of her hands, watching as he rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles and smiling. It was a sweet gesture, but she wanted nothing more than to push him back in the car and forget about dinner entirely. She didn’t though. Kinjou deserved this. He deserved time with his friends and so they went inside.
While it was important to her for Kinjou to have time with his friends and to relax, it wasn’t enough to stop her from keeping her hands all over him for the majority of dinner. It wasn’t entirely obvious. Most people didn’t even notice, except of course, for Shinkai who told them to ‘get a room’ multiple times.
Everyone was going to use the bathroom before leaving and Y/N thought it was the perfect chance to step out to the car for a little before anyone noticed. She tapped Kinjou’s thigh, moving her hand higher and higher until he looked over to her.
“Let’s go to the car for a little.” She whispered in his ear and he gave her a nervous look.
“Right now?”
“Yeah.” She nodded, biting her lip and Kinjou couldn’t resist.
“We’ll be back.” He told the few not needing the bathroom and stood, both walking at a normal pace until they reached the parking lot where they sprinted to the car. Y/N started the car and backed out of the place. “What are you doing? I thought we were just doing it in here?”
“Well yeah, but I’m not about to do it right in front of the restaurant.” She laughed. “I’m finding a spot farther away.”
Kinjou nodded and when she parked the car, turning off the ignition, he climbed over the center console and into her lap where he wasted no time in his hands unbuttoning her shirt while he kissed her.
“I can taste your burger.” She laughed. “Switch with me. I want to be on top.”
She had no idea how they were able to maneuver themselves around in the small car, but they did it and once she was on top, there was a little bit more room for them both. Kinjou’s lips were at her neck and making their way down to her collarbone, more than likely to make some more marks she would have to find a way to hide.
Kinjou’s hands were moving along Y/N’s hips, wanting to hold as much of her as he could. He settled for gripping the meat of her butt while his lips pulled on a patch of skin along her collarbone. They hadn’t even really started doing anything and he was already groaning, embarrassingly needy for her.
Y/N chuckled at Kinjou’s desperation and when she felt his lips separate from her skin, she leaned back to look at him.
“You look so good.” She sighed, closing her eyes which seemed counterintuitive since she loved seeing him like that, but it was like she needed a short break from the view. Seeing Kinjou with his pink cheeks and swollen lips did something to her more than anything else. She opened her eyes and leaned in to kiss him, unable to wait any longer.
It was hard to remember that this was Kinjou. This was her best friend for so many years and it was so weird how she could see him as that, but also in this new way. She had always thought Kinjou would make an amazing boyfriend, even while dating Shinkai she always thought that whoever he was with was going to be incredibly lucky. Not only was Kinjou sweet and considerate, he was attentive and handsome and so honest with his feelings that it was strange she never considered feelings she may have had for him herself.
But why couldn’t it be him? Why could she never see it until he practically threw it in her lap?
“Thank you, Kinjou.” She spoke against his lips.
“For what?” He smiled, but kept her face close to him.
“Thinking of me.” She shrugged, honestly not sure why she was thanking him, just knowing she wanted to.
There was actually a lot she could thank him for and Y/N was beginning to wonder if the build-up of it all was what forced out the ‘thank you’. She could thank him for always being such a great friend. She could thank him for always taking care of her and supporting her. She could definitely thank him for giving her one of the strangest, but most amazing weeks she’s ever had, but all of those reasons seemed like a ‘thank you’ somehow wouldn’t be enough.
“You don’t have to thank me for that.” He looked up at her, knowing there was something she was thinking about.
“I’m going to find a way to show you.” She nodded decidedly. “I will show you how thankful I am.”
Kinjou opened his mouth to speak when they both jumped as Y/N’s phone vibrated and she reached down to pick it up. She didn’t look at who it was, her eyes stuck on Kinjou’s as the darkening and lustful look in them deepened.
“What the fuck?!” Shinkai’s voice shouted from the receiver and Y/N pulled it from her ear as Kinjou’s lips moved down her neck.
“What is it Shinkai?” She sucked in a breath of air. “I’m… I’m a little busy.”
“No shit. I can see you guys fucking from over here.” He rolled his eyes and waved as they both looked back to the restaurant. “You know you’re my ride home, right?”
“Damn it.” She groaned, having temporarily forgotten. “Give me a minute.”
She hung up her phone and sank down a little, trying to get her body from where it was which was incredibly riled up, down to a level that would last until she got home.
“He’s going to be bothering us all night, isn’t he?” Kinjou laughed.
“Unfortunately… yes.” Y/N buttoned her shirt up, trying really hard not to look at Kinjou’s wet and very red lips.
“Whether he is there or not, I still want you tonight.” Kinjou smiled, scooting himself into the passenger seat so she could sit in the driver’s seat. “We can lock the door.”
“That probably won’t stop him.” She laughed, starting the car.
“Well it’s certainly not going to stop me.” He replied, half-biting his lip as Y/N looked at him, his eyes still heavy with lust.
“Whatever you do, do not let him hear that.” She pulled up to the front and Shinkai was standing with his arms crossed and a disapproving look on his face as he opened the door.
“Late to pick me up and almost leaving without me.” He sat in the back and buckled himself up, trying not to smile at his own fake annoyance. “I can’t wait until this honeymoon period is over.”
“You won’t even let us have one.” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“I’m only kidding.” Shinkai leaned forward, reaching to wrap his arms around both of them which ended up being difficult and uncomfortable for all of them. “I really like you two together. It’s cute.”
“Does that mean I can drop you off at your dorm instead of my place?” Y/N smiled, hopeful.
“Not a chance!” Shinkai laughed. “I move into your place in like two weeks anyway. Might as well get used to the banging.”
“Banging?” Kinjou turned quickly.
“Oh yeah.” Shinkai leaned closer to Kinjou. “Wait until she starts getting rough.”
“Stop, there’s no rough.” Y/N complained, driving out of the parking lot.
“The three of us are going to have a lot of fun.” Shinkai smiled. “I can feel it.”
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dulcetscen · 6 years
Could I request sfw and nsfw for what Makishima, Teshima, and Kinjou would do for their first year anniversary?
It wasn’t specified, so I wrote this for a fem!reader, so I hope that’s okay!
Thank you for requesting. Hope you enjoy. ♡
Makishima Yuusuke
You and Yuusuke were in your element whenever you lazed about at home in your shared apartment. The two of you woke up around noon on your one year anniversary, and after lazily kissing each other awake, you finally pushed yourselves out of bed to join the waking world. 
He didn’t having anything specific planned for today but for one thing: Spend time with you. 
And so you did. You quickly found yourselves napping again on the couch, the TV playing some movie that was long forgotten by the two of you. 
While you were sleeping, Yuusuke slipped from out of your (deathlike) grip and pulled the gift that he hid in the hallway closet, setting it on the coffee table before quickly climbing back on the couch, reclaiming his role of big spoon
It wasn’t until a little over an hour later when you woke up that you finally noticed the gift waiting for you: a simple green teddy bear, holding your favorite flower, with a simple rose gold band hanging from its stem. 
You startled slightly when Yuusuke snaked his arms around your waist, his head resting on your shoulder. “What is this, Yuu?” He groaned, his hand coming to rub at his eye in an effort to hide his blush. “It’s your anniversary present? I know we’re too young to get married, but I saw the ring and it reminded me of you.” He watched as you slipped the band onto your finger, it’s metal gleaning slightly in the light. “I love it.”
He hummed happily, tilting his head and pressing a kiss onto the sensitive skin of your neck
(nsfw part starts here)
Going along with the theme of the day, Yuusuke lazily worked along your skin, slowly pulling off your sleep shorts and panties before allowing his fingers to run along your folds and slowly rubbing against your clit, his lips never leaving yours
He settled a bit behind you, his arm Corning around your waist before his fingers pushed inside you, watching your face closely as you becoming like jelly at his touch
“That feel good?” He’d smile at the moan you gave him in response, kissing your neck as his other arm came around to massage your clit
He made it his goal to get you off before doing anything else, and at this rate you both knew you would last much longer.
He pulled a hand away and expose your shoulder, pressing a kiss there as he continued to work your pussy. “Happy anniversary, babe.” He chuckled when you weren’t able to respond with words, his hands working more frantically on you. “Hm? You’re not gonna say it back?” You knew that he was teasing you, but still worked to put words together to reply to him “Ha-happy anniversary, Yuu.”
It was his deep chuckle and the sudden thrusts if his hands that finally lead you to your orgasm
Yuusuke waited a bit before suggesting to continue in the bedroom
“It is our anniversary, after all. Might as well go all out~”
Teshima Junta
Junta had planned your anniversary date out - to the T. Everything was meant to be perfect. He had planned for the two of you to go to the spring festival, finally ride the Ferris Wheel that you’ve been talking about all winter, and hopefully end the night at his family’s home since he had it to himself this weekend.
But luck wasn’t on his side, which seemed to be a growing trend for Junta.
“It’s raining.” You didn’t have to see his face to know that he was utterly disappointed. You tried to reassure him that you didn’t mind spending the day inside, but the idea of his plans being ruined didn’t sit will with him. “It’s our anniversary. I wanted it to be special.” You’d shrug, forcing a playful pout as you tugged on his sleeve. “Isn’t spending time together special enough?”
He’d feel guilty, scrambling for a way to explain that “he didn’t mean it like that.” Eventually he’d take on your view point - you’ve been together for an entire year, it doesn’t matter what you spend the day doing as long as you were together.
So your day together was filled with silly little tasks, beating Junta at Mario Kart, attempting to bake cupcakes which ended having to be tossed, running to the corner store in the rain to pick up a quick dinner, and coming back to eat and cuddle on the couch with you laying on top of him, your cheek pressed against his chest
(nsfw part starts here)
You and Junta had only been intimate a few times before, so when his hand began to travel down your body, you instantly warmed at his touch and became hyper aware of his ever present erection that pressed against your thigh
What started out as a simple kiss and touch quickly whirlpooled to a hurried frenzy of trying to rid the other of the obstacle of their clothes. You two were a little awkward, Junta bumping his head against yours as you both leaned forward to kiss the other. “Ack, are you okay??” You let out a giggle, your hands coming to cup his cheeks. “Just kiss me, Junta.”
The naughtiness of having sex on the couch fueled your arousal. As a result, you both hurried, Junta pushing himself into you as he cupped your breast.
After a few moments you both found your release, laying exhausted as the adrenaline that pumped through your veins slowly thinned out.
Cuddling underneath a forgotten blanket, you snuggled closer into your boyfriend, suggesting that it might be a good time to get dressed.
He shrugged, his lips pressing against your temple. “Happy one year anniversary.”
It wasn’t perfect, but Junta was a firm believer in the fact that you were.
Kinjou Shingo
Shingo has been planning your anniversary date for weeks, and somehow managed to keep it a secret from you. It would be simple and yet so thoughtful.
With him being away at Yonan, and you completing your final year at Sohoku, any chance the two of you got to spend time together, he did all he could to make it memorable and special for you.
An entire semester away from each other, with nothing by texts and a few FaceTime calls did little to satiate Shingo’s need for you. He missed you and wanted to make sure that you knew how much he did tonight.
Your anniversary fell on one of the first days for the summer festival, so an early dinner and s quick walk together was all planned before watching the fireworks together.
As beautiful as he thought the fireworks were, Shingo couldn’t help but keep his attention on you.
“You’re missing the fireworks, Shingo.” He’d give you the low chuckle that makes you a little weak in the knees. “I am aren’t I?” He’d paused glancing back over to you, “But the view that I’m getting is definitely a hundred times better.” You’d elbow him lightly, earning more of a laugh from your boyfriend.
As the firework show was coming to a close, Shingo was turn to face you completely, his hand coming to angle your face towards him. “Happy Anniversary, [f/n].”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d probably think that Shingo planned for the last firework to go off just as he pressed his warm lips onto yours, the moment seeming to be just a little to perfect. But knowing Shingo, he honestly probably did.
Shingo, indifferent on PDA, would hold your hand or have his arm around your waist as the two of you walked back to his place. He’d steal innocent kisses on your cheek and the corner of your mouth any chance he got.  
(nsfw part starts here)
Once at his apartment, Shingo immediately seemed attached to you by the hip. You barely had time to shut the front door behind you before his lips found the skin of your neck, his hands running up and down the sides of your body. He’d press a long, deep kiss onto your lips before pulling away.
He’d silently asked for your permission to continue before quickly sweeping you away to his bedroom.
He’d take his time with you, his kisses alone getting you worked up even before a piece of clothing came off. He knew how much his touches drove you crazy, and used it to his advantage.
He’d slowly undress you, kissing every piece of exposed skin before continuing to the next. His body was buzzy with how warm your skin was, and how instant your reaction to his touch was.
Shingo is a bit of a tease, working you through the fabric of your panties until he wasn’t able to handle it himself. Your gratification was almost instant when he finally pulled your underwear away, his find pressing into you as his mouth found your needy clit.
He slowly made love to you, taking what seemed to be forever before moving onto the next stage of your intimacy.
You’d end up falling asleep with each other, a tangled mess with the blankets bunched around the two of you, and Shingo’s arms draped around you as he cuddled into the crook of your neck.
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axoxtxhxh · 4 years
Can’t It be You? Chapter 3
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Summary: Kinjou and his best friend (Reader) have sex... I suck at summarizing.
Kinjou x Fem!Reader nsfw
Warnings: Sex, oral (f receiving), marking/lovebites, virginity loss, unestablished relationship
Word Count: ~5,000
A/N: I have gone over this chapter so much trying to make it perfect that I think I just need to post it. I really can’t edit it anymore without my eyes glossing over.
Friday came a lot faster than Y/N thought it would. She tried to keep herself busy with studying so she wouldn’t think about what was going to happen that night. Unfortunately, Friday was one of her easier days and she didn’t have much work. She cleaned her apartment and showered, trying to decide if she should shave her legs and actually go all out or not worry about it. She ultimately decided to shave. She had so much time, she exfoliated, shaved, and moisturized, even painted her toenails with the extra time she had.
By the time she finished everything, it was nearly dinner. She checked her phone and saw a text from Kinjou.
[What time should I come over? Do you want me to bring food?]
She smiled at his message. There was no romance whatsoever in this planned appointment, but he was definitely bringing in an innocence that was actually quite endearing. She texted him back.
[You can come over whenever you want. Don’t worry about food. I will order pizza.]
She put her phone away and sat at the table to grade some papers. There was a knock at the door and the knob starting turning. Was Kinjou already here? She just messaged him like five minutes ago. She swallowed the lump in her throat, not realizing how nervous she was until just then.
“I got everything we could ever want right here.” Shinkai walked in carrying a grocery bag and calling out each item inside.
“What are you doing here?” She asked him as he set up in the kitchen.
“What do you mean?” He looked at her confused. “It’s Friday.”
“…We were going to watch our show.” She sank in her seat, covering her face. “I totally forgot.”
“Well it doesn’t matter, I brought everything anyway.” He opened one of the bags and started snacking.
“No, I mean, I can’t.” She thought of how to explain. “I’m busy tonight.”
“How are you busy? This is a standing engagement. We always meet Fridays.”
“This came up sort of last minute.”
“Aww, what?” He put the chip back in the bag looking disappointed. “What is it? Maybe I can help you finish it and we can still have time to watch.”
“You probably don’t want to help with this.” She laughed to herself. “Please, I really need to get started.”
“You’re acting weird. Tell me what it is.” He ran and sat on the couch.
“Shinkai!” She followed him. “I don’t have time. Really.”
“What is it you have to do?” He asked eating his chips again.
“If I tell you, you’ll leave?”
“I promise.” He crossed his heart using the chip in his hand. Y/N sighed.
“Kinjou is coming over.” She said. Shinkai looked unphased.
“So? We can all—” He gasped. “You said yes!”
“And he’s coming over now?”
“To have sex?”
“Yes. Will you stop!” She took the bag of chips from him and started moving to the kitchen where he followed. “So now you have to leave.”
“I can’t believe you said yes.”
“You told me to!” She packed up everything he brought and handed it to him. He took it, putting on his shoes.
“Do you think I can watch?” He laughed.
“Please don’t do this to me now.” She rolled her eyes.
“I want to know everything.” She opened the door and he went outside. “Everything.”
“Take the stairs.” She closed the door, then quickly opened it. “I’ll call you later.”
She rested her head against the closed door and took a deep breath before going back to the kitchen table and grading papers. It was only about ten minutes before there was a knock at the door again. She waited for the door knob to turn. When it didn’t, she got up and opened the door.
Kinjou was standing there with wet hair and a backpack. He smiled at her as she opened the door. She could smell his soap before he even moved past her to walk inside. He was one of those people that always smelled good, even after riding his bike all day. He didn’t always smell clean, but he always smelled good. Right now, he smelled like his soap which had a scent of soap. No frills or anything fancy. It suited him well.
“Your hair’s wet.” She said. “I showered just before coming here.” He walked inside and they both went to the living room.
“What’s in the bag?” She pointed at his backpack.
“Just some of my stuff.” He opened it. “I wasn’t sure if I was staying the night or what I would need so I brought my toothbrush and pajamas.” She felt a little flutter in her stomach at his wholesomeness. “I also didn’t know which condoms you liked so I just got a bunch of them.”
Ever since she met him, he always had the look of a serious, responsible adult, which he was most of the time. Occasionally he would let these innocent, thoughtful little pieces of him slide out and it always had her wanting to squeeze him. He could honestly be adorable without even trying.
“You really didn’t have to buy the big packs of these.” She laughed holding up the three eighteen-pack boxes of condoms. “You can keep your bag in my bedroom if you want. Should we get started?”
“I mean,” she started, “we have like over 50 condoms to use, we don’t have a lot of time.”
“Very funny.” He laughed.
“Is there something you want to do first?” She asked.
“Should I get drunk first?”
“So you won’t even remember it?” She questioned.
“Well not as drunk as last weekend, but you were right, isn’t this a little awkward?” He readjusted his shirt. “I mean… I’m kind of nervous.”
“It will be fine. Let’s stay sober for now. We can always add alcohol later.”
“Okay.” He reached for his bag. “I read that setting the mood is important so I brought some candles.” He pulled out a couple candles from his bag. Y/N stared at him trying so hard to hold back her smile. She couldn’t handle him. Everything was so sweet.
“Stop being so cute! I literally can’t even take how adorable you are.” She grabbed his shoulders and shook him.
“The woman at the store said these have a relaxing effect.” He tried to read the label.
Y/N looked at the label then pulled away and looked out the window, it was getting dark now and as ridiculous of a thought as it was, they were bound to be hungry soon. They might as well get started now. She glanced up at him. There was no way he was going to do anything without guidance so starting this was going to be up to her.
She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her bedroom. She had a lighter in her nightstand and handed it to him. He fumbled with it until he was able to light the candles and she set one on each night stand then sat on the bed next to him.
She leaned forward and kissed him, sitting herself closer to him and moving her lips. He was barely moving at all. She put her hand on his thigh and he gasped quietly. She used that chance to try sliding her tongue along his lips, but he froze.
“Kinjou,” she said, pulling away. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“I’m sorry. Yes. I do.” He sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m just nervous. This is really new for me.”
“What are you talking about?” She smirked. “You kissed me like two days ago.”
“That was different.” He smiled as he remembered.
“How was it different?”
“I don’t know, it just was.”
“Why don’t you take a couple deep breaths.” She instructed.
“How many?” She rolled her eyes at him.
“Three.” She got up and closed the curtains and the door, eliminating all the light in the room except for the candles and sat back down in front of him, watching him as he continued taking deep breaths. He was right though, this was a little awkward and she was pretty nervous herself. This was one of her best friends. Once they got started, it wouldn’t be as bad, but right now she was uncomfortable.
“I’m not going to kiss you,” she said and he opened his eyes to the dark room. “We can sit here until you kiss me.”
She sat there staring at him. He could only make out certain parts of her face, the candlelight obscuring his view. He could feel the heat rising in his face just sitting there, but she didn’t move. He watched the light dance in her eyes and the warm glow it gave her cheeks. His heart started beating quickly.
His jaw was clenching as he lifted his hand up and touched her cheek, holding his breath as he guided her face to his. This time he was ready for the kiss. As soon as his lips met hers, he could feel an excitement in his stomach, the same excitement from the other night. He moved his lips and they melted into hers. Her lips were soft and cushiony and felt so good against his lips. He scooted his body closer to her and she opened her mouth allowing his tongue to brush against hers. His tongue delicately moved in, barely even entering her mouth.
“You don’t have to be so gentle.” She whispered, pushing him back to lay on the bed and hovering over him. She didn’t want to force him to move faster, but the point of this was for him to lose his virginity.
She moved her mouth down his jaw and to his neck. He really did smell so good. She opened her mouth, sucking on his jaw. He inhaled sharply as her tongue made contact with his skin and he brought his hands to her waist.
She sat up, glancing down at him before taking off her shirt and tossing it to the side. He stared without blinking, licking his lips as his eyes travelled up her body until they reached her face. He whispered her name and she barely heard it, but she did hear it and it sent heat pooling in her stomach. She sat her hips on his, feeling a growing hardness under her butt, heat rolling through her body at the thought of him being turned on by her.
She needed to keep reminding herself to breathe. She knew she was the more dominant one and she didn’t want to push Kinjou too hard. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin this experience for him. She was going to really struggle not enjoying it herself though.
He sat up and pulled her face to his, kissing her deeply now. He reached for his own shirt, pulling it up. Y/N helped him, pulling it over his head. As they both were tugging, his glasses got caught in the middle.
“Ow—damn,” he muttered and Y/N laughed. She carefully pulled them off and set them on the nightstand. She took a second to look at him. He has been letting his hair grow out recently and having it all tussled up was a nice combination with his swollen lips. She ran her fingers through his hair and leaned back in to kiss him.
His hands were more active now, moving along her back and ribs, the warmth of his touch making her feel dizzy. She groaned quietly as he moved his lips to her neck, his lips brushing lightly across her skin. She could feel her skin tingling and closed her eyes, melting in his arms. His lips made their way down to her stomach as his hands moved to her back, reaching for her bra clasp. She waited, bringing her hands to his hair, massaging his scalp as he figured out how to remove it.
She was starting to lose herself in her arousal and wanted to touch him. She wanted to move her hands over every part of his body and listen to him moan as he writhed in front of her, orgasm surging through him. Her body was losing control just thinking about it. She bit her lip and whined feeling his erection growing. She finally moved her hands to her back and unclasped her bra for him, taking it off and dropping it to the side. His hands went to her breasts, each hand cupping one and moving it around. His thumb brushed over her nipple and she gasped. Her body was flooded with excitement and they had barely even gotten started.
She leaned back on her arms, giving him more access and slowly let her head fall back. He jumped on her, straddling her legs, his hips resting on hers while his erection, even bigger than before, pushed against her stomach through his jeans. His mouth was at her neck sucking and lightly nipping at the soft skin. One hand was massaging her breast while the other slowly lowered her to the bed under him. She whined as she tried to hold herself back and let him take control.
He moved his lips down her body, wrapping them around her nipple. The combination of his hot breath and wet tongue gave her chills, making her nipple even harder as his tongue rolled over the stiff bud. Y/N’s hand flew to the back of his head, holding him as close as she could to her body as she moaned. He had no idea how much he was turning her on and she had no idea he would be able to heat her up this quickly.
He continued his way down, unbuckling her pants and sliding them over her hips. He stopped halfway, admiring the way her body curved, the plush skin around her hips and thighs begging to be squeezed. As he pulled her pants further down, he noticed how see-through her underwear was and his cock twitched in his pants. He licked his lips, his mouth beginning to water just at the sight, and continued removing her pants. Crawling back over her, he paused above her core, wanting so badly to taste her but being unsure if that was part of their deal. He moved back up to her face and connected their lips. There was a lot more passion in their kisses now, a lot more tongue and a lot rougher caressing the more worked up they got.
Y/N flipped them over and moved her lips to his neck and collarbone. Kinjou was panting heavily now, his body already begging for her. She undid his pants and pulled them off and admired his body. She always had a thing for thighs and being a cyclist, she had seen her fair share of thighs, amazing and mediocre. Kinjou had supreme, top of the line, absolutely perfect thighs. Thick, powerfully built legs with an amazing amount of definition. She sat herself in between them, rubbing her hands over the muscle before lowering herself down, pulling a section of his inner thigh into her mouth and sucking, her tongue running over the skin when she decided to let go.
Kinjou was finally moaning and breathing heavily, his hands grabbing fistfuls of blanket as he squirmed above her. She couldn’t stop herself. Hearing his beautiful moans and watching him lose himself in pleasure was sending titillating waves of energy through her body, ending at her core. It only encouraged her to continue, taking another part closer to his groin, sucking even harder. He groaned, wincing slightly and she let go.
“Sorry, was it too hard?” She asked, massaging his leg.
“No, no,” he breathed, “it’s so—so good.” She closed her eyes and bit her lip at his words, feeling a hot pulse run through her body, right to her stomach, a tight coil needing release. She leaned back down, moving to the other thigh and bringing the soft skin into her mouth. When she was satisfied, she looked up, the front of his underwear was wet and she had to resist the urge to pull that into her mouth as well. Instead she backed up off the bed and he sat up on his elbows watching her, eyes lidded. She slid off her panties and kicked them to the side.
A small noise escaped from Kinjou as his mouth slowly dropped open, eyes fixed on her completely naked body in front of him. He couldn’t move as he watched her lean over him and pull his underwear down his legs. He sat up, watching her body move over his until she set his underwear to the side.
Y/N was watching his reactions, everything so new to him. As she slid his underwear down, his erection sprang free, slapping his stomach and bobbing lightly, precum leaking from the tip. He was thick. Thick enough to have her core aching for that tantalizing stretch once he was inside of her. It took everything she had not to reach down and start pleasuring herself while watching him. She was drunk with lust, losing herself more and more, her body needing him.
She crawled on top of him, pushing him down and kissing him then lying next to him. His hand quickly moved in between her legs, his first two fingers sliding in between her folds. The sensation made him exhale deeply as he moved his fingers around, the wetness making him even harder.
She opened her legs a bit, giving him more room to explore, moaning when he grazed over her clit. He slid a finger in her entrance and she whined, arching her back slightly. He slid another one in, feeling around inside of her, fingertips lightly moving along her walls. She moaned, pushing his hand in a bit deeper then pulling him down for a rough kiss.
He moved his fingers, building a rhythm as she writhed under him. He slowly pulled his fingers out, but not completely. Her warm wetness covering his fingers rested just inside her folds and she pathetically rubbed herself against his hand and whined, pulling away from the kiss.
“Y/N.” He panted. “Can I please use my mouth on you... In—instead of my fingers.”
Her jaw dropped and she let out a noise at his question. He was asking for this. This night was supposed to be about him, but he was asking to pleasure her and that thought had arousal overwhelming her. Maybe they never discussed it, but she was certainly in no position to be trying to think anything through right now. But God, she so badly wanted to feel his face in between her legs, to look down and see him dipping into her folds, his back muscles flexing as he spread her legs. The thought had her dripping. She looked at him and he licked his lips waiting for a response. “If—if you want to.”
“God, I really do.” He breathed and kissed her hard before he slithered down. Her heart was racing out of anticipation. She opened her legs a little wider, watching him crawl down between her legs. He held onto her knees as he lowered himself down and she gasped at the feeling of his hot tongue slipping in between her wet folds.
It was a strange feeling, like having sex in public, doing something she wasn’t supposed to be doing. It made her entire body hot and flooded her with a need for more of him, the twisted coil in her stomach getting tighter. She looked back down at him. Her best friend was pleasuring her, running his tongue all over her most private parts, moaning into her. The sound rumbled out of him and straight into her.
She couldn’t control her back arching or the loud moan that came from her, both giving him more confidence to delve deeper. His mouth slid all over, tasting her on his lips and tongue. She was bitter and tart, but a little bit sweet and he couldn’t get enough.
“Is this okay?” He asked, reluctantly pulling away to speak.
“Mmm...” It was her turn to be grabbing fistfuls of the blanket.
He went back to her folds, his mouth lightly pulling on her inner lips. He moved upwards to her clit and she let out a breathy moan. He let his tongue linger in that spot and she could feel herself getting even wetter, soaking the bed beneath her. Her body was working hard as he pushed her closer to the edge. Kinjou moaned deeply at the warm taste, squeezing her hips and sliding his tongue through her entrance.
She was shaking, her body trembling in his arms. She put her hands in his hair and he tried to push himself deeper into her. He could barely handle the aching in his groin anymore, but he needed more of this, he needed more of her.
She spread her legs a little, giving herself enough space so she could look down at him. She had to bite back a groan as she watched his face dipping in and out of her. His nose was shiny with slick. He moved his hand to caress her thigh and she sighed, his eyes moving up to look at her.
She froze for a moment as they made eye contact, her cheeks flushing. It was incredibly intimate, perhaps too intimate for their relationship, but what was their relationship going to be after this anyway? She couldn’t bring herself to look away. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he continued working at her core, sliding over her clit again as he stared directly at her.
In their three years of friendship, she had never felt this close to him. He sank his tongue back into her entrance and moaned as a fresh wave of her slick hit his tongue. He closed his eyes, breaking the eye contact briefly, enjoying the warmth. Maybe the awkwardness wasn’t what she should have been worrying about.
“God,” she groaned, “you look so good.”
She couldn’t hold back much more. She was fighting the urge to grind against his face, her hand already in the position to push him further. He moved his tongue forward until he reached her clit again.
“Right there.” She moaned. “Kinjou, don’t stop… don’t… stop.” Kinjou grabbed her thighs tightly and flattened his tongue over that spot, working it over and over as she shook in his arms.
She couldn’t control her body anymore. Her hands tightly gripping the blankets under them while her hips thrusted forward, legs shaking. Kinjou was squeezing her thighs and she knew she was there. Her orgasm hit her and her body tensed up, her mind disappearing and giving way to elation.
She was only able to concentrate on the pleasure stemming from in between her legs as her body shook in his arms, tensing and heating up before she cried out, falling back to the bed, panting heavily. Kinjou was still lapping at her core, moving to suck on her inner lips then making his way back to her clit and back around.
“Wait—wait.” Her tired body tried to push his head away. “Stop—Kinjou stop.” He looked up at her. “I… I’m too sensitive right now.” She huffed.
She sat up and he came to sit next to her, concern in his eyes. She could see his body was flushed red and hot. He was also breathing heavily and his eyes were lidded. He was lost in his own arousal. She stared at him, hoping to burn the image in her mind. She never wanted to forget how he looked in this moment. She brought her hand to his cheek.
“Do you need to stop?” he asked, licking his lips, the area all around his mouth shiny and slick.
“No, we are definitely going to keep going.” She smiled. “I just needed a small break.”
She reached to the nightstand and grabbed the boxes before pushing him down on his back and crawling over his body.
“Which one is the winner?” She held the condom boxes up for him.
He smiled, pointing to one of them and she opened it up, getting the condom and rolling it on him quickly.
“You ready?” He nodded.
She slowly lowered herself onto his hips and lined herself up before she sank down onto him. The stretch was everything she knew it would be and she whined as Kinjou let out a loud exhale, breathing picking up.
She started off slowly, just grinding lightly, to watch his reaction. His eyes were closed and he rubbed his fingers along her hips and waist. She was loving watching his peaceful enjoyment, each time she would grind backwards, his bottom lip would pull in between his teeth. It wasn’t long before he started gripping her hips a little tighter and guiding her movements over him.
He couldn’t believe what he was feeling, the way her body was sliding over his, her walls squeezing him so tightly, her soft skin under his hands. He wanted more of it. He steered her hips a little and she followed, moving herself where he wanted her to go. He clenched his jaw at the feeling. He needed more.
They both couldn’t wait very long and soon enough, she was bouncing as hard and as fast as she could on him. His body twitching under her as he grunted. She could feel her second release nearly there and was ready for it, knowing his was close too. He held her hips and helped thrust up into her as she slammed down onto him. They were surprisingly in sync for where their minds were.
His hips began to falter, his thrusting becoming erratic as his grunts got deeper and louder. He shifted positions so he could balance slightly on one arm while the other held Y/N. One final grunt and he dropped his head back. She watched his face contort as he orgasmed. His eyes squeezed shut and mouth open. His body tensed up as he dug his nails into her hips. The veins in his neck were bulging as his orgasm took his breath and he unloaded into her. A strangled groan escaping him before he finally gasped for air. Just as his breathing returned, she heard him quietly groan her name and she lost control of her body as her orgasm rolled over her quickly. She closed her eyes and lost herself, a final moan being caught in her throat until she could breathe again. She slowed her grinding and lowered her head, her body shaking and tingling with pleasure.
They both continued breathing heavily for a couple minutes, trying to catch their breath. She sat back and then pulled herself off of him, sitting next to him.
“Holy shit,” he said, looking up at the ceiling, still lost in his head. She reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a hair tie, tying her hair up. He looked at her. “God, you look amazing… I—I mean, I feel amazing…” He blushed and quickly looked away.
“Yeah?” She looked over and smiled at him. “Me too.”
“I’m hungry. Do you feel hungry?” He patted his stomach, sitting up.
“I’ll order the pizza.” She laughed grabbing the phone.
Less than an hour later, they were both sitting in her living room eating. Kinjou had put on his underwear and Y/N put on her robe.
“Maybe I should have ordered two pizzas,” she said as they both picked up the last slice.
“I didn’t think I would be this hungry.” He finished the slice in three bites and wiped his mouth.
“It is already eight I figured eating after would be a better plan.” She smiled and took a bite.
“How was it for you?” He asked hesitantly.
“The pizza?” She took a bite. “It’s a bit small, but it tastes good.”
“No.” He chuckled at her response. “I meant me, how was I? Was it really awful or was it okay?”
“Oh.” She swallowed her bite. “Um, yeah—yes. It was good—You were good.” Her eyes travelled down to his legs. He had several dark red marks all over his thighs. The idea of him seeing her marks on him over the next couple days had her heating up again.
“You okay?” He noticed her skin reddening.
“Yeah, fine. Just hot.” She reached forward and took a gulp of her water and started fanning the collar of her robe. “This robe is just hot.”
Kinjou watched her fan herself. The robe wasn’t one of those thick bathrobes, it was one of those flimsy, thin fabric ones. As she fanned the collar of the robe, he could catch glimpses of her breasts, soft and supple skin, so warm when he touched them. Her nipples were hard against the thin fabric and he felt a heat wash over him, his mind getting fogged over. When he looked up at her face, her eyes were fixated on his legs and he looked down. Dark red spots littered his inner thighs.
He licked his lips remembering her lips on him, already feeling himself getting hard again. He looked back up and her eyes were still stuck on his thighs as she desperately fanned herself. He moved his plate and crawled closer to her.
“Do you want to give me more of these?” He put one of her hands on his thighs.
She looked at him, her mouth hanging open and pulse racing. The way he just flat out asked her had her body already begging for him. Wetness trickled out from between her legs, soaking her robe as she struggled with how she should answer. On one hand, she wanted to remind herself and him that they were friends, she was doing a him a favor and that favor was already complete.
On the other hand, she wanted so badly to say yes. She wanted his thighs in her hands and in her mouth. She wanted to run her tongue over every inch of him and see him shaking with pleasure again. Her mind was even closer to being made as he waited so close to her, strong legs straddling her body, his breath hitting her face as he cupped her cheeks. She looked down at his lips as he moved closer to her.
“Yes,” she whispered and his lips were all over hers.
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axoxtxhxh · 4 years
Can’t it be You? - Chapter 6
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Summary: Kinjou and Reader get another chance to talk while a couple surprise friends show up.
Kinjou x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~ 4,000
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asked Kinjou. Shinkai stood up and moved to her.
“Just take a deep breath and hear him out, “Shinkai spoke quietly to her then spoke to Kinjou, “I’m going to head home to change, I’ll see you guys later tonight.”
Y/N watched as Shinkai left, then brought her attention back to Kinjou sitting on her couch. She was about to speak, but he started before she could.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed. “I should haven’t said those things to you.”
She moved closer and sat on the opposite side of the couch. Y/N noticed they were in the same spots they were last night, but this was a very different conversation.
“I should have been more sensitive towards you.” He scooted a little closer to her and her breath caught. “You did something for me that I can honestly never repay you for. No matter how many shirts I give you.”
He laughed lightly at his own joke, but she didn’t smile. Instead she watched him struggle to find the right words.
“I guess I didn’t think that you would have feelings involved at all. It’s kind of stupid now that I think of it.”
Her eyes widened. Her heart felt like it was in her throat. Feelings? Does he know about her feelings?
“Did Shinkai say something to you?” she asked quickly.
“No, no.” He readjusted himself in his seat and put his hands in his lap. “I just meant from what you told me earlier… about having a relationship. I didn’t consider the difference in feelings a romantic relationship has over a platonic friendship. I’m sorry.”
He kept looking to her, hoping she would say something else, say anything at all to him. He hated that she felt bad, especially if she felt bad because of something he said or did.
“I… I don’t have much experience in romantic relationships and I should have been better prepared. That was my fault.”
He rubbed his hands over his thighs and it caught Y/N’s attention. He was wearing his jeans, but she knew what was under them and she started feeling hot as he continued rubbing. She quickly looked up at his face. He was looking at the coffee table, lost in his head.
“Y/N please talk to me,” he spoke softly, but she could still hear the pleading in his voice. “I’ll do anything. We can forget it happened if you want. I will never mention it again. But please, I can’t lose you.”
The last part came out in a whisper, barely loud enough for her to hear. She realized that he also wasn’t sure about how he was feeling and it made her heart sink. The idea that he had been feeling the same way she has these last two days hurt her. Regardless if they had romantic feelings for each other or not, they were friends, friends that barely let a day go by without speaking. She looked over at him and smiled. He was still looking at the coffee table, his hands folded in his lap. He looked worried.
Her need to make sure the people she cared about were okay took over and she slid over to where he was sitting and wrapped her arm around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder.
“It’s not your fault,” she said, “and I’m not mad at you.” She could feel the weight on his shoulder lifted as she spoke, his arm moving to her waist. He pulled her closer, holding her waist tightly and resting his head on hers.
“You don’t even know how happy that makes me.” He pulled away to look at her. “My head was all over the place these last two days. I thought I messed up somewhere or maybe took it too far, but you didn’t want to hurt me by saying it… I was really freaking out.”
He sighed and smiled at her. The relief on his face was so plain she felt guilty for prioritizing herself over him. He had just had sex, for the first time. Of course he would act weird afterwards, but she should have known better. He had been blaming himself this whole time and apologizing to her when she was the one who should have apologized.
“Do you want to talk about it later? Us having sex, I mean… I know you understand how it worked.” She laughed, sitting up and facing him. She started playing with her fingers as she tried to find the words. “I just mean how you feel about it… I guess.”
She looked up at him, but he was only staring at her, not speaking. She thought maybe she wasn’t making sense and got uncomfortable.
“I just mean—I don’t mean that you need to… like, reflect on it or—I just mean I never had anyone to talk to when I first… maybe you’re feeling something emotionally that you want to talk about.” Great, now he is going to think you really do have feelings for him. “I mean, not like feelings-feelings, but if you—God, why is this so hard to say.”
“I know what you’re trying to say.” She looked up and he was smiling at her. “I would actually really like to talk about it with you.”
The relief she felt from hearing him say that made her smile. There was a small flutter in her stomach as Kinjou smiled at her, but she ignored it. Shinkai was definitely right. They really did just need to talk about it and she would feel better. She was already feeling better.
“What was Shinkai talking about?” she asked, “he said he was going to change first?”
“I invited you guys out tonight. Sorry, you were in the shower,” he said checking his phone, “We should probably get going soon. Some of the guys we knew from high school are in town and we’re all going out.”
“That sounds fun!” She stood up. “So I get to meet some of your old friends. I wish I knew and could have put on make-up or something.”
“You look beautiful,” he said matter-of-factly and she felt her face flush.
“I—I mean, I should still probably change,” she stuttered, sliding her hair behind her ears and walking to her bedroom.
She had no idea what to wear. If it was just her with a bunch of cyclists, it really didn’t matter what she wore, not to mention that this night was for them to catch up, she was just going to be a third wheel… or was it fifth wheel.
“How many people are going tonight?” she called to Kinjou.
“You, me, Shinkai, Arakita, and our two high school friends. Not much, I guess six. You really don’t have to put a lot of effort into how you look,” he reassured her, “I think we’re just going bowling and maybe karaoke or drinking. Just be comfortable.”
She put on her jeans and found one of her nicer blouses. It would work well enough. She really never had the chance to dress up and go out. It was kind of nice having a reason to do it now.
“Let’s go.” She stepped out of her room, moving the necessities from her main purse to her smaller one. Kinjou looked up from his phone.
“You look gr—oh wait.” He stood up and quickly moved to her, fixing her collar to hide the hickeys he gave her a couple nights ago. His fingers lingered over the marks until he moved them to her waist and she watched his eyes trace over her collar bones and neck.
“Maybe I should change.”
“No, no, you look great.” He put his hands in his pockets and looked up at her. “Should we go?”
They went to get food first. By the time Kinjou and Y/N made it there, Shinkai and Arakita were already sitting with the two friends from high school. Shinkai stood up and waved them over. He introduced them as Izumida and Imaizumi.
Shinkai was in the inside seat and sat next to Arakita and on the end was Imaizumi. Across from Imaizumi was Kinjou, Y/N, and Izumida sat on the inside across from Shinkai. Y/N spent most of her time going back and forth between both conversations. Arakita took some breaks to talk to her and then would join back in, yelling at something Shinkai or Izumida was saying.
She leaned into Kinjou’s conversation with Imaizumi and they joked about another person she didn’t know. Giving up joining, she reached in front of her for the plate of fries and started snacking as she listened in. When the conversation reached a point where she actually couldn’t follow anymore, she pulled out her phone. Before she could even unlock it, she felt Kinjou’s hand rest on her knee and rub circles. Her eyes went wide, her heart immediately racing. She looked over to him, but he was still talking and she wasn’t sure if he even realized what he did.
She tried to focus on the conversation to see if he was actively participating or if he was focused more on her leg, but she couldn’t think straight. Kinjou’s hand slid slowly up her leg, his fingers wedged in between the plushness of her thighs as his thumb rested on the outside.
She swallowed hard, trying not to think about how close he was to her core and how badly she had been wanting him there. He moved his hand to the other side of her further leg, pulling her closer to him. She didn’t know how any of them hadn’t noticed yet, her face was burning and she knew it had to be clearly visible.
She tried her best to ignore it, conversing with Arakita and Shinkai and trying to follow their conversation. Kinjou continued moving his hand, rubbing her legs in different ways that each time it felt like a whole new touch. Every time she looked over, expecting him to wink at her or do something to show he knew what he was doing, he didn’t. He just casually continued his conversation with Imaizumi as if he wasn’t turning her on under the table at the same time.
“Should we get going?” Shinkai started to stand up.
“Great plan.” Y/N jumped up and everyone jumped back. “Sorry, I really need a drink.”
“I don’t think the bowling alley will have alcohol.” Shinkai told her. “Do you want me to stop somewhere and get you something?”
“Oh really? I thought they might have a bar. Maybe I’ll just run to the convenience store downstairs.” She stepped out of the booth after Kinjou. “I’ll go with you.” Kinjou adjusted the collar of her shirt again and that definitely didn’t go unnoticed. She knew she should have just changed.
“Me too.” Arakita was standing up and pushing Imaizumi out of the booth. “Move faster!”
“We might as well all go.” Shinkai pointed out.
They paid for dinner and went to the elevator. It wasn’t very big and by the time nearly everyone tried to get on, Shinkai pulled Kinjou back next to him.
“We’ll wait for the next one.” Kinjou looked over to him with a questioning look.
The doors closed and they both watched as the elevator went from the fifth level to the fourth level before they spoke.
“You’re getting rather handsy,” Shinkai started, “Does that mean you spoke to her after I left her apartment?”
“Not yet.”
“Maybe you should calm down with how much you’re touching her.” Shinkai called the elevator back up.
“Why?” Kinjou turned to him, his eyebrows drawn together with worry. “Was she uncomfortable? She didn’t say anything.”
Kinjou looked down, his eyes searching as he thought back over the last thirty minutes. She didn’t seem uncomfortable, but then again, he didn’t really look over at her. She did jump up the second leaving was mentioned. Damn it, I made her uncomfortable.
“Should I apologize?” Kinjou stepped in the elevator after Shinkai.
“Honestly, I think you’re fine. If anything, you just confused her.”
“I didn’t want to confuse her,” Kinjou worried, “I was trying to flirt with her.”
“That’s your flirting?” Shinkai laughed as the elevator doors closed.
“What should I do?” He was rubbing his forehead.
“Look, I’m not going to tell you exactly what to do. She obviously sees something in you so you’re doing something right.
“I just want her to feel good. Should I compliment her? I already told her she looked beautiful.”
“You—” Shinkai stopped himself and laughed lightly. “You told her she looked beautiful? Not going for subtle, I see. I think you need to wait on any of that until you talk to her tonight.”
“Okay,” Kinjou nodded, “no complimenting yet.”
“If you want to turn her on though, just keep doing what you were doing.” Shinkai spoke quickly as they reached the first floor. “The fact that you’re not acknowledging her when you do it is good too, but don’t push it too far—Hey guys! What are we drinking?”
Shinkai walked out of the elevator and Kinjou followed. The others waited for them and they all walked into the convenience store.
Y/N had started a conversation with Imaizumi about how his first year of university was going. He wasn’t much of a talker, but he answered her questions and seemed interested in her talking about cycling.
The convenience store had a pretty large selection of alcohol and they each bought a drink and sat at the table outside. Kinjou couldn’t bring himself to sit next to Y/N at the table so instead he sat next to Arakita who sat next to her.
“Where’s the bowling alley anyway?” Arakita asked. “I don’t want to walk too much.”
“It’s not too far,” Kinjou responded, “just a couple blocks.”
“We should probably get going, it’s going to get busy.” Shinkai quickly finished his drink and stood up along with the others.
Y/N chugged her drink quickly, dribbling some of the liquid out of her lips and down her chin. Kinjou smiled at her, pulling a napkin from his pocket and wiping her chin.
“You’re so cute—” Kinjou immediately remembered not to compliment her and did his best to catch himself, “—clumsy. You’re clumsy… and messy.”
“Kinjou.” She looked at him, perplexed and slightly insulted.
“I’m sorry.” He looked down, confused, before he turned around and they followed the rest of the group walking to the bowling alley.
Shinkai was right, it was starting to get really packed. They took their names down and waited in the lobby for a free lane.
“Arakita!” A high-pitched voice called from around the counter. They all turned to look and Roxxy was making her way to the group.
Arakita groaned once her saw her, but once she approached the group, she turned directly to Kinjou and smiled, putting a hair behind her ear.
“Hi, Kinjou.” Her cheeks flushed a light pink.
Y/N could feel herself getting angry, her stomach starting to bubble. She felt someone grab her hand and assumed it was Shinkai since he must’ve known how she was feeling in that moment. She looked down and it wasn’t Shinkai’s hand, it was Kinjou. He quickly let go.
“Who are your two friends?” She turned to Imaizumi and Izumida.
“Some friends from high school.” Shinkai put his arms around Kinjou and Y/N as he answered her. “They’re visiting and we wanted to show them around.”
“Fun! It’s really busy tonight.” She looked around as if somehow, they hadn’t noticed the people. “I was supposed to meet some friends, but they canceled on me. If you guys want, you can join me with my reservation.”
Both Shinkai and Kinjou looked at Y/N. Arakita waved his hands ‘no’ behind Roxxy.
“I—I guess that’s—yeah, we can join.” This night just got bad.
“Great!” Roxxy bounced, clapping her hands. “I’ll go tell them. I’m on lane 16.”
They weaved their way through the crowd of people waiting in the lobby and got their shoes and ball, meeting at lane 16.
They were a couple frames in and Roxxy was up to bowl. She grabbed a ball that was too heavy for her and dropped it. Y/N rolled her eyes. She pretended to try and pick it up, but struggled.
“Kinjou, can you help me? I grabbed the wrong ball.” She smiled, looking back at Kinjou. He stood up and picked up the ball, putting it back in the ball corral. He looked directly at Y/N, trying to see what she was thinking and all he could see was her anger.
“This is going to be a long fucking game.” Y/N stood up. “I’m going to the bar. Imaizumi, come with me.” She grabbed his arm and pulled him behind her.
They got to the bar and she rested her head in her hands.
“You look upset.” He noticed.
“So you do know how to speak,” she joked. “Sorry, that was mean.”
“It’s fine.” He laughed. “I don’t really like talking.”
“Spectacular trait for a man.” She smiled and took a shot. “You must be great with the ladies.”
She handed him a shot and he shook his head.
“Come on, I think we both need to loosen up.” She handed it to him again and he took it and they both gulped the drinks down.
“So what’s with you and Kinjou?” He asked, taking a second shot from her.
“You mean Shinkai?” They clinked their glasses and drank.
“I mean Kinjou.” He raised his eyebrow and smiled.
“There’s nothing with us.” She thought about it. “I mean, I don’t think there is.”
“Well he spends a lot of time looking at you.”
“That’s just because we had s—I should let him tell you that story. Do you need another shot?” He shook his head. “Let’s go, it’s probably my time to bowl.”
Y/N sat down next to Shinkai and he leaned into her.
“We’re going to bounce after this, we’ve all had enough of her.” He whispered in her ear and she has never been happier.
They all couldn’t wait to get outside and be done with bowling. Even Izumida was annoyed with the amount of times Roxxy ‘picked up the wrong ball’. The night was still young and they decided to hit a bar quickly on the way home. Most of them slowed down their drinking, knowing they had a race tomorrow and Y/N had already had a couple drinks and three shots so she got one drink to sip slowly on while they were there.
Seeing the guys with their high school friends really was fun. It was harder earlier on since she didn’t know what to say and they hadn’t had anything to drink at all, but having the experience of hating bowling to connect them, Y/N was able to join in more conversations with them. She even got Imaizumi to open up a bit more and dance with her.
At the end of the night, they were all saying bye. Y/N felt pretty sad because after a couple drinks, she really started enjoying talking with Imaizumi. They exchanged numbers and Imaizumi and Izumida both headed to the train station. Arakita was half asleep on the stool at the bar and Shinkai said he would get him home since they lived close to each other.
“Just us.” Kinjou smiled at Y/N. They were about a fifteen-minute walk to her apartment and having time to clear their head before getting to her place worked out nicely.
Y/N tossed her keys on the entry table and went to the kitchen for water.
“Do you want something to drink?” She asked Kinjou.
“I’m okay, thanks.” He walked to the couch. “Actually, can I have some wine or something.”
“Wine sounds so good right now.” She poured them both a glass and went to sit next to him on the couch. “Did you enjoy getting to see your old teammate?”
“I did. It seemed like you two got along too.”
“After he started talking, he wasn’t so bad.” She smiled. “Can I just say, I think it was a bad choice on my part to agree to play with Roxxy.”
“Such a bad choice. I kind of hate that I sort of brought her into our lives.”
“It wasn’t just you,” she said, “she has this thing for Arakita too. And she might even have one for Izumida now.”
“Well you handled the situation well. I only heard you say ‘fucking bitch’ twice.”
“You did not!” She swung the throw pillow at him.
They were both laughing and quickly realized they finished their glass of wine. Kinjou got up to get them some more.
He walked to the kitchen, opening up her refrigerator and pulling out the bottle. As he was pouring each of their glasses, he noticed all the photos on the refrigerator door. She had photos from when they all first became friends, different selfies from parties, some photos of Shinkai and Kinjou that she took for a photography class she had, even photos of Kinjou’s birthday party last year.
They had so many memories together. Telling her how he really felt was a risk, but she deserved to know. He needed to tell her. He left the wine glasses in the kitchen and moved to the couch to talk to her.
“Y/N…” He looked down at her and saw that she had curled up on the couch and fallen asleep. He smiled at how calm she looked, so peaceful and unbothered.
He took the throw blanket from behind him and unfolded it, laying it over her. He knew she hated sleeping with socks on so he pulled hers off and set them on the floor next to her.
“Y/N.” His voice was low. “Can you hear me?”
He watched and waited for her to move, but she didn’t. She stayed in the same position, her chest rising and falling evenly as she breathed.
“I have something I want to… something I need to tell you… Something I probably should have told you a long time ago.” He took a deep breath. “Y/N… I’ve had feelings for you since the moment I first met you.”
He waited again, watching to see if she moved or showed any sign of being awake. Nothing.
“When I first saw you at training practice three years ago, I was hooked. I didn’t think you would be interested in me then. I was eighteen and so nerdy and you were this enchanting goddess, so smart and pretty and talented. So, I waited, just taking my time getting to know you.”
He leaned back on the couch, remembering.
“When I thought that maybe you might say yes to getting coffee, it was already second semester and you were my TA. I didn’t want to put you in a weird place so I waited again. I had already waited three months so another three didn’t seem so bad. But then you and Shinkai started dating. I was a little hurt at first, but every time I saw you, you were smiling and it made me so happy to see you like that.”
He sighed.
“Then when you guys broke up, I wanted to give you time to yourself before I asked you out. It was really confusing because even though you broke up, you were always around each other and that’s when I figured out your arrangement and I felt weird asking you. Things like this kept happening until I just sort of stopped waiting and we became close friends. We hung out every day and I was really happy with that. Then at that party, when we danced and later when I kissed you… everything came back to me. All of it, all at once. I told myself for so long that it wasn’t going to happen, but it’s like I was able to believe again that maybe it would.”
He sat up on the couch and looked back at her.
“I’m in love with you, Y/N.” He smiled, being able to say it to her, even if she was sleeping. “So in love with you.”
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Can’t it be You? - Chapter 10
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Summary: Reader surprises Kinjou with some special people to try and cheer him up. While Kinjou finally agrees to pick up come clothes from his dorm, something unexpected happens that makes them confront their feelings for each other.
Kinjou x Fem!Reader NSFW
Warnings: Sex, Oral (for like 5 seconds, but it’s there)
Word Count: ~ 2,900
A/N: I apologize. I have no idea where this story is going. I am just living out my Kinjou fantasies here.
Y/N was pulling into the parking lot of the park. Kinjou had been silent most of the ride, but then again, she could have chosen to speak up, but after the kiss they had yesterday and then brushing off any advances he made after that, she figured he was either confused or frustrated, possibly both.
“You probably should have changed,” she mentioned.
“What’s the point?”
He still wore the same sweatpants he first changed into on Monday, but he added one of her t-shirts. It was definitely a bit tight and quite short on him. She kind of liked the look, but she was sure he wasn’t going to be happy with the choice in a couple minutes.
“I can only do light riding anyway.” He sighed.
She pulled into the parking spot and recognized a familiar face, hoping that Kinjou hadn’t seen him yet. They got out of the car and Kinjou started pulling the bikes down from the bike rack and setting them next to Y/N. She quickly peeked over at the group and Imaizumi waved to her and she tried to wave back discreetly so Kinjou couldn’t see.
“I’ll let you choose which path you want to take.” She smiled and he looked up from the bikes, checking the three different directions one-by-one. When his eyes reached the third path, his eyebrows came together, slowly recognizing someone familiar with long, green hair.
“Is that Maki…” His voice trailed off as he recognized more people in the group.
His eyes were wide when he looked back at Y/N and he saw her smiling.
“My team…” He whispered. “Did you know? Did you do this?”
“I had Imaizumi’s help.” She nodded and grabbed his hand. “Come on, leave the bikes. Let’s go say hi first.”
She pulled him forward, turning to walk to them, then suddenly felt his arms move around her waist, pulling her into a back hug and wrapping his arms tightly around her. His lips went to her cheek and neck and he peppered her with quick kisses, making her giggle and squirm in his arms. She definitely shouldn’t have been enjoying it, but she was. She was loving it.
“Thank you,” he whispered to her, placing one more kiss on her cheek.
“Go say hi.” She smiled.
“Come with me.” The softness in his eyes at that moment was killing her. She could genuinely see how happy he was.
“You go first, let me take care of the bikes.” She nudged him forward and he gave her a smile then backed up, turning around to meet up with them. She sighed, so happy that he was happy.
They rode around for a good couple of hours, taking breaks when Kinjou needed them and decided they would all go out to eat that night. The plan was to meet later at night at the restaurant they decided. So Y/N and Kinjou quickly put the bikes back on the rack on her car and headed back to shower and change.
“I can’t believe you did this for me,” he said once they were sitting in the car.
“Was it fun?” She smiled at him.
“So fun.” He grabbed her hand and held onto it. “You’re amazing.”
“Can we get you some of your clothes now?”
“Sure.” He laughed. “It was actually pretty uncomfortable riding without underwear.”
Y/N blushed, pulling out of the parking lot.
They pulled up to Kinjou’s dorm and she parked out front. Spring break was a quiet time on their campus since most students go home or go on vacation. Y/N had some work to do on campus so she was never able to take trips and the guys almost always had a race during the break which kept them on campus. The plus side was they didn’t have to do a lot of waiting for things since there weren’t many people around.
“Do you want to come up with me?” He asked, unbuckling his seatbelt.
“Okay.” She turned off her car and stepped out. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen your dorm.”
“Well, it hasn’t changed much.” They walked up the path to the front door. Kinjou’s dorm room was on the eighth floor.
The last time Y/N had probably been up there was last year for Kinjou’s birthday party. They didn’t celebrate it in the dorms, usually that sort of stuff was at her apartment since it was the biggest, but she was the one to go pick him up for the surprise.
He typed in his code and the door beeped to let them in. He quickly went to his side of the room and looked around for a backpack to pack some clothes.
Y/N walked in and looked around. He was right, it really did look the same as when she was last here. His bed and desk were in the same spot, though his roommate shifted his side around a little bit.
“Is your roommate the same?” She asked, moving to his desk to watch him. “It looks like he’s gotten cleaner.”
“Yeah, he hasn’t.” Kinjou laughed. “He is visiting home so a lot of his stuff is gone.”
He continued moving through his dresser to pack clothes, having a better idea of the things he might need to bring now that it’s been a couple days.
Y/N turned around and looked at the board he had hanging above his desk. Kinjou was always really organized so his calendar was neat and completely up-to-date with the next few weeks of activities. He also had a bunch of photos of him and his friends, mainly her and Shinkai.
Kinjou moved to the bathroom to get the things he needed from there next while she continued looking at the photos. One in particular stood out to her. It was taken the day her team won their regional race and Kinjou came out to support her. She remembers it clearly because everyone was asking her if he was her boyfriend since he had travelled so far just to support them, but at the time she was dating Shinkai. Either way, someone had taken their photo at dinner and he kept it, hanging it on his wall. She pulled it down and instinctively flipped it over. On the back was a small heart.
She heard him coming back in the room and quickly hung the photograph back on his board, smiling to herself.
“Looking at the photos?” He asked, stopping behind her and looking. She could feel his warmth pouring off of him and settling on her back. “Remember this one?’
He chuckled and pointed to a photo of her, himself and Shinkai from her birthday. She had the same one on her fridge. The three of them looked so happy and it made her smile.
“This one too.” He leaned forward to point to another photo. Y/N didn’t know which photo he was pointing to because she couldn’t pay attention to it at all. In order for Kinjou to point to it, he rested his hand on her hip and leaned so far forward that his body was against her back and she couldn’t get her mind to focus on anything but his body against hers.
Her hand moved behind her and rested on his hip and she could feel his body tense up, a wave of heat rolling over him. She was still looking at the cork board in front of them, but her mind wasn’t there. He turned to look at her, his face moving closer to her neck and the hand he was pointing with went to her waist.
“Y/N…” he whispered. His voice so close to her ear. She turned her head just enough to see how close his face was before fully turning herself to face him. She looked in his eyes, but quickly moved her focus down to his lips and that was enough of an invitation for him to kiss her.
There was nothing slow about the kiss. They started hard and went harder, their mouths already shiny with saliva as the kiss made its way to sloppy. She set her hand on his stomach, wanting to go further, but hesitating because if she went further, then they were definitely going the rest of the way. But it was too much to resist and she slipped her hand just below the waistband of his pants and gripped his already exceptionally hard erection and Kinjou groaned, hips jerking forward.
“Kinjou, can I—”
“Yes, y—es. Anything.” He quickly muttered, desperate for more of her. His hips jerked again as she slid her thumb over his tip. He rested his head on her shoulder and his hands on the desk behind her, groaning as his eyes rolled back with each stroke of her hand.
She brought her lips back to his and he stood up, hands moving to her cheeks to hold the kiss longer, moaning into her mouth.
“Can you take your pants off?” He breathed, backing up a little as she slid her pants and underwear off and put them to the side. Kinjou picked her up and set her on his desk, dropping down to his knees and, with her feet on his shoulders, pulling her close, burying himself in her warmth.
Y/N could do nothing but grab his hair as his tongue quickly and roughly, but oh so perfectly made its way through her folds, hitting her clit just right. Her heart was about to fly out of her chest, her face so hot and vison blurry with how badly she wanted him.
She really, really hoped that the walls here were thick enough because both of them were being extremely loud and the last thing they needed was someone coming to complain. She rubbed over his scalp as he got her closer and closer and she wanted to look down at him so badly, knowing that if she did, she would probably come right away.
It didn’t matter. Reaching orgasm was the goal, right? She lowered her eyes, half-expecting to meet his looking back up at her. Instead she was blessed with the mouthwatering sight of Kinjou losing himself in her. He was gone. Enjoying giving it almost as much as she was enjoying receiving it, he was completely lost in the pleasure of pleasuring her. His tongue, his lips, they were all over her. He moaned into her, slowly bringing her hips closer to get even deeper and she threw her head back with a groan.
“God, Kinjou just get inside of me, please.” He pulled back a little and looked at her. Her head was thrown back, her bottom lip in her mouth and her body was shaking. He stood up, sliding the front of his sweatpants down and leaning forward.
The desk was too short for him to comfortably reach her so he kept trying to work at different angles with none of them working. Y/N noticed, hopping off the desk and turning around, pushing her butt towards him.
Kinjou couldn’t move, his hands just held her hips from behind and he massaged her skin, feeling the soft warmth under his hands. He moved to her waist and slid under her shirt, caressing her ribs, his fingers barely grazing the bottom of her breasts.
She balanced her arms on the desk and waited as Kinjou stroked himself a couple times before sliding in. She was so wet, it took nothing at all and he groaned as his hips rested flush against her butt.
“Can I start moving?” He moaned through clenched teeth, squeezing her hips. It was already too much, she was so wet.
“Mmhm.” Y/N pushed her butt back into him and they both groaned.
Kinjou pulled out and slammed back in, groaning loudly as he repeated the motion. He was barely a handful of thrusts in before he felt like he could come. There was absolutely no way they could take their time with this, not when he was this close.
“I’m close,” she whined.
“Oh, thank God.” Kinjou picked up his speed, thrusting deeply and quickly. He pulled her upper body up against him, getting a different angle and held her shoulder, just near the base of her neck, bringing his lips to the other side. He was met with a bunch of her shirt fabric and quickly unzipped it, pulling it off her shoulder and moving his lips back and sucking her skin.
She knew what he was doing and she didn’t even care. He was thrusting so perfect into her, filling her up and sliding over every sensitive part in her body. He could suck her entire neck purple for all she cared. She reached around and held the back of his head.
His hips were starting to falter and he knew this wasn’t going to last much longer. He reached his hand down to massage over her clit and her hips jerked back, somehow pushing him deeper into her.
“God, I love being inside of you.” His voice was quiet and words choked out. He brought his face to the crook of her neck, licking and sucking in just the spot she liked until she strangled out a whine and Kinjou felt the full weight of her in his arms as she shook with pleasure. He did his best to hold her up comfortably, but his focus was entirely on how good she felt twitching around his cock until he was coming with her.
He held them both, balancing himself with his hand against the wall as his entire body shook, his vision going white and his hips automatically thrusting forward until his muscles gave out, relaxed and fatigued.
They were both still panting when the keypad of his door made a sound like someone was trying to come in.
“Shit!” Y/N quickly grabbed her pants and ran into the bathroom as Kinjou pulled his sweatpants back up, moving to his dresser to pretend to pack.
“Kinjou!” His roommate walked in. “I haven’t seen you for a couple days.”
“Yeah, sorry, Greg.” Kinjou half turned, trying to keep his groin covered, not really sure what it looked like down there. It could have been soaked for all he knew. “I’ve been staying with a friend.”
Kinjou’s hands were shaking as he pointlessly folded a t-shirt and threw it in his bag on the floor.
“Cool, cool.” Greg ran over to his dresser and grabbed something from the top drawer.
“I thought you were going to be gone for Spring Break.” Kinjou mentioned, barely able to hold himself up on his still very wobbly legs.
“Ah, yeah, I’m leaving today. Now actually. Just needed to grab my charger.” He closed his drawer.
Y/N could hear chatting outside the door. It must be Kinjou’s roommate, but she was sure he said that he went home for break. She had thrown on her pants so fast, not sure if someone was going to come in after her, that now she sat on the ledge of the tub waiting, her hands and legs shaking from anxiety… partly from anxiety.
She couldn’t believe what had just happened. All this time of her trying to hold herself back and not make a move, trying not to talk to Kinjou, trying not to touch Kinjou, trying not to even think about Kinjou and they’ve been in his dorm room for not even ten minutes and they already had sex. She rested her forehead on the heel of her hands.
Kinjou said bye and closed the door behind his roommate. His legs were still shaking and he turned around, resting his back against the door. He looked down at his crotch. Surprisingly, from the outside everything looked okay. It was under his pants that looked messy and he moved to the bathroom to clean up.
He stopped before knocking on the door, resting his head against it as he prepared himself for what he knew was about to come. Y/N was going to object and criticize what just happened and tell them they couldn’t do it anymore. Whatever her reasoning was, it didn’t matter whether he understood it or not, or whether she was consistent with it or not, she kept going back to it and it always seemed to come after they made any progress at all towards a relationship.
That morning kiss they almost had before Shinkai walked in, the kiss and almost something more they shared in the pool the day before, and now, having sex in his dorm before his roommate walked in. Why did he have to walk in? He clenched his jaw.
Y/N stayed sitting on the tub, rubbing her face. The more she thought, the more she realized it didn’t matter. The whole reason for her not wanting to try anything was because they haven’t had the chance to talk about it. The only reason they needed to talk about it was because she wanted to explain her feelings and to hear his explanation of his feelings, but if they both had sex, doesn’t that mean they are almost on the same page? Would that mean that they both at least wanted something to do with each other. Maybe they didn’t need to have an actual talk, but they just needed to tell each other how they feel.
Kinjou knocked, interrupting her thoughts, calling through the door while it was still closed.
“Y/N? You can come out. He left.”
She opened the door and stood back. Kinjou looked completely nervous, his face still pink and sweaty and his eyes on the floor.
“I’m sorry. I honestly had no idea he wasn’t leaving until today.” He started, his hands rubbing his thighs. “I would never have done anything if I had known, but I don’t think he—”
Y/N quickly crossed the length of the bathroom and grabbed him behind his neck, pulling him down and kissing him. There wasn’t really a reason for her to try and wait any longer. Standing in his bathroom, kissing him and him kissing her back made her realize that there probably wasn’t ever a reason for her to wait to begin with. She slowed the kiss and pulled back, watching as Kinjou tried to put words together.
“Wh…You ju—does… that was…” He gave up, pulling her back in to him and this time he controlled the kiss. His hands moved to her waist and cheek and he pulled her closer, his tongue wrestling around with hers.
Yeah, it really didn’t matter at all. All the waiting, all the being unsure of their feelings, all the times they were interrupted. None of it mattered because right now in his dorm room bathroom, he was kissing Y/N… and she was kissing him back.
“Kinjou, I like you.” She announced, pulling away from the kiss. “Now that I say it, it sounds stupid, like we’re in middle school, but—”
He moved his lips back over hers, smiling into the kiss then resting his forehead on hers.
“I like you too.” He kissed her again, lightly on the lips. Then again, and again, and again until they were both laughing and all they could do was hug.
Kinjou rubbed her back, kissing the top of her head and smiling against her as he sighed, perfectly content with where they were.
“Come on,” she said, looking up at him, “we don’t have a lot of time before dinner and I really need a shower.”
She grabbed his hand and they both walked back to the car.
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Can’t it be You? - Chapter 8
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Summary: Kinjou’s knee is worse than they thought, Reader continues trying to stay positive.
Kinjou x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~ 3,000
“It’s essentially a knee strain.” The doctor pinned the x-rays up for them to see. “You’ve worked yourself too hard.”
“Is it—” “When can—” Kinjou and Y/N both started their questions.
“Sorry, you first,” he said, smiling. He liked that she was asking questions and listening to the doctor for him. Something good coming from him being hurt.
“Is it something that will heal on its own or will he need physical therapy?” she asked.
“Eventually it will heal with proper rest, but physical therapy is definitely recommended. I can give you a list of exercises and stretches he should do daily.” The doctor unclipped the x-ray and turned off the machine. “However, the best thing right now is for him to take a break from cycling. At least for the next couple weeks.”
Kinjou’s head shot up to look at the doctor and then moved to Y/N. His eyes were full of worry and he was about to speak, but she put her hand on his thigh to try and calm him.
“He cycles competitively and taking a break from cycling for even a week jeopardizes his fitness. I understand the health of his knee is important, but is there a way he can still exercise?”
“Most definitely.” The doctor moved to his computer and printed out a couple pages. “Low impact sports like swimming, rowing or even light cycling will actually help his knee.”
She turned to Kinjou with a smile, but he was looking down, hunched over his knees with his forehead in the palm of his hands.
“Here are some exercises for him to work on.” The doctor handed her the small stack of papers and left the room.
She looked over to Kinjou, his face still in his hands. She was about to put her hand on his back when he sat up.
“Can we go?” He looked up at her. “Please, I just need to go.”
“Y—yeah, yeah, let’s go. I’ll help you up.” She moved his arm over her shoulder and they walked out of the office and to her car.
He was able to sit in the front seat this time, but spoke even less than the trip there.
“Can we just go to your apartment?” He asked as she made the turn onto campus. “I don’t want to go to my dorm.”
“Sure.” She turned around, heading back to her place. She wanted to know what he was thinking, what he was feeling, but she didn’t want to upset him. She knew how hard this was for him and honestly, however he needed to cope she was going to try and support. If he needed to stay in her apartment, she was okay with that.
They walked through her front door and he went straight into the bathroom. She sat on the couch, not sure what to do until she heard the bathroom door open to her bedroom. She waited, thinking that maybe he wanted to change or wash up. After five minutes, she went to her room and knocked on the door, slowly opening it.
“Shingo?” she called, quietly, “are you okay?”
He was laying on his back on her bed, his arm over his eyes again.
“I just need some time to think,” he whispered, his voice low and brittle, “you don’t need to worry. I’ll come out in a little bit.”
She nodded and closed the door, moving back to her couch.
It was twenty minutes later when Shinkai came in. Y/N turned around to look at him. She could tell by the look on his face that he was worried, he could tell by the look on her face that she was worried too.
“Where’s Kinjou?” He asked.
“In the room.”
“My room?”
“First of all, you don’t live here yet.” She smiled when he rolled his eyes. “He’s in my room. He said he needed some time.”
“What did the doctor say?” They both turned to the bathroom when they heard the door close and the shower turn on.
“He has to rest for two weeks.”
“That’s not so bad.” Shinkai sat next to her on the couch.
“Yeah, I think he’s just upset about dropping out of the race and now not being able to practice.”
“So he can’t do anything?” Shinkai asked. “What about walking? Was he able to walk at least?”
“He is walking now,” she said taking a sip of her water, “the doctor said things like swimming, rowing and light cycling are fine. He also gave him exercises.”
She handed him the packet of papers and he set it to the side, not even bothering to read it.
“So I was thinking maybe I can do some light cycling with him.” She took the packet of papers back. “You could maybe do swimming or rowing.”
“I’ll see about rowing, but you should take him swimming.”
“I’m already cycling with him.”
“Trust me. If there is one thing that will cheer him up, it’s seeing you in a swimsuit.”
“I don’t even own a swimsuit.” She rolled her eyes at him, giving him a look.
“Well we definitely need to fix that.” He pulled out his phone, searching through to find one. “Here.”
He held up his phone and she looked at it.
“Excuse me!” She shook her head. “I don’t even think that qualifies as a swimsuit. I wouldn’t even know how to put it on. Too many stringy things.”
“You’re right.” He pulled back his phone. “Kinjou is a simple man. He probably likes black.”
“I still think it’s a better idea for you to take him swimming. I don’t even know how to swim.”
“How about this one?” He held up his phone. It was a simple black one piece that wasn’t entirely modest considering it was lowcut enough for cleavage, but it was much better than the other one.
“That’s not bad, but did you hear me?” she asked, “I can’t even swim.”
The bathroom door opened and Kinjou stepped out. He was soaking wet still. His hair, weighed down, left droplets of water dripping from the tips onto his face and chest which slowly rolled over the rest of him. He held her towel over his groin, just barely covering himself.
“Sorry Y/N, do you mind if I borrow something of yours to wear?” He asked.
“Uh—wha—you can… um, wh—whatever you need,” she stuttered out, quickly smiling to not let her face show what she was thinking.
He moved back to the bathroom and they could hear the bathroom door to her bedroom open as Kinjou went in to look for something to wear. Y/N quickly turned back to Shinkai.
“Order that swimsuit.”
“I already did.” He smiled. “It will be here tomorrow.”
She was rubbing her face trying to focus again, not able to stop thinking about how Kinjou just looked.
“So what are the odds of you guys having sex?” Shinkai asked, “Should I go?”
“Honestly, if you leave probably a lot higher.” She laughed. “I shouldn’t be thinking of that though. He was feeling really bad.”
“Do you not understand how this works?” He shook her shoulder. “This is the perfect time for mind-blowing sex. Make him forget he is hurt.”
“I’d feel like I’m taking advantage of him.”
“Let’s make a code word.” He suggested. “If you want me to leave so you guys can have sex, just say blueberries and I’ll go.”
Kinjou walked out of the bedroom drying his hair. He had on a pair of old sweatpants that may have been Shinkai’s that he left at some point and nothing else. No shirt. No underwear.
“Blueberries.” “I have to go.” Shinkai stood up and walked to the door, leaving as quickly as he could.
“Why did he leave so quick?” Kinjou sat on the couch with Y/N.
“No idea.” She shrugged and smiled nervously. “He just said he was busy.”
She wanted to look up at him, but still couldn’t bring herself to do it.
“How are you feeling?” She asked.
“Good… okay. “He shrugged. “Hungry, actually.”
“You must be starving.” She stood up to move to the kitchen. Kinjou grabbed her arm and she stopped, looking down to him.
“Sit.” He tugged her down a bit. “I want to make something for you.”
“For me?” She questioned, her hand flying up to her chest. “You should be resting.”
“I want to do this for you.” He played with her fingers in his hand.
“Yeah?” She smiled.
“Well let’s see what you can make then.” She pulled him up and they walked to the kitchen.
“Do you actually have food?” He opened the refrigerator.
“Hey, I have enough.” She complained and sat on the bar stool watching. “I just haven’t had a lot of time to go shopping the last few days.”
He moved to the freezer to see what was in there. Y/N tried her best not to stare at him, but seeing his bare back with the muscles tensing as he searched around the freezer had her squirming in her seat already.
“Can I use anything in here?” He turned around to ask. She nodded, propping her head up on her elbow as she watched him.
He pulled out a bunch of things from the freezer and refrigerator, but she wasn’t paying attention to any of it. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. The way he moved quickly from one side of the kitchen to the other, grabbing what he needed. The way the muscles of his body flexed as he shifted around. The way he kept having to pull the waistband of the pants up every so often as they started slipping down his hips, the drawstring having been lost a while ago.
“Do you want to take a nap?” He broke her out of her daydream. “You look tired.”
“I’m okay.”
“Maybe we can nap together after we eat.” He said as he plated the food, her face instantly blushing.
“Let me help you carry these.” She picked up the plates and moved them to the dining table.
They both ate and Y/N moved to do the dishes, having to convince Kinjou that she should at least do that since he cooked. As she finished up, he turned on the TV and put on a movie for them to watch and leaned back against the couch.
She slowly made her way over there, not really sure if he was serious about that nap or if they were supposed to cuddle while they watched the movie.
“Thanks for dinner.” She sat down where she thought was an appropriate distance away from him.
“It’s the least I can do for all the things you do for me.” He grabbed her waist and pulled her back to him.
Kinjou pulled Y/N close, rubbing her arm with his thumb, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was forcing her to be close to him. He had thought that their near kiss that morning meant she was interested in him, but now he was second guessing himself.
Y/N was extremely uncomfortable and she had no idea why. It’s not like she didn’t just ask Shinkai to leave so she could be closer with Kinjou, but she started feeling less okay with the idea knowing that she might be taking advantage of his vulnerable state. Maybe he did need a good fuck, but she didn’t really want to do it while they were so unsure of their feelings and relationship.
“Maybe we should head to your dorm,” she suggested, “we can get you some clothes.”
“I don’t really want to do that. I was really hoping for that nap.” He turned to look at her, but she was focused on the TV.
“So you are just going to stay wearing my clothes? Eating and sleeping in my apartment all Spring break?”
“If you’ll let me.” He leaned in to nuzzle his nose into her hair a bit. “Can you cuddle with me?”
Y/N’s heart was racing. Everything he was doing, everything he was saying was setting her body on fire. It was killing her. She wanted so badly to put her hands on him and have him crying out for her, but she couldn’t. Not now, not like this. But Kinjou wasn’t making it any easier for her.
“Um, sure.”
She turned to look at him and he laid down, lifting his legs behind her on the couch and opening his arms for her. She laid down, resting her head on his chest. She was so sure he was able to feel her heart beating.
He couldn’t figure out why she seemed so uncomfortable. Maybe he was pushing too hard. He moved his arm to rub her back and closed his eyes. He was pretty sure he wanted to try and kiss her, but now he thought it would be best if he didn’t.
Y/N woke up a little while later, pushing herself deeper into Kinjou’s arms. She had taken off her sweater while watching him cook, but now that she was only in her t-shirt, she was freezing. She sat up, grabbing the throw blanket and covered them both up.
Kinjou turned himself so he was facing her and pulled her into his chest, pressing her chest to his and tangling their legs and they both went back to sleep.
Much of the next day was spent with Y/N trying to convince Kinjou he needed to go back to his dorm to get some clothes.
“I’ll go with you,” she said, “I can even go inside for you, if you want.”
“Look, Y/N, I really appreciate you trying to help me, but I don’t want to go, okay?” She could tell he was starting to get irritated.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” She sat back down on the couch.
Kinjou looked at her face, feeling guilty for making her feel bad. She was doing more for him than anyone else and he made her feel bad. He knew she was only trying to help and maybe he should go get more clothes, but he couldn’t bring himself to see anyone. He just wanted to sit and pretend the outside world didn’t exist.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He leaned closer to her. “I know you’re just trying to help. I’m just not ready yet.”
“I know.” She smiled. The doorbell rang and she stood up to get it.
Kinjou went back to laying on the couch, watching TV until Y/N came back in the room.
“I totally forgot about this.” She was holding a small package that she set on the kitchen counter, grabbing scissors to open up.
“Forgot about what?” Kinjou asked from the couch, not looking up. Y/N stood by the couch holding a black piece of fabric.
“My swimsuit. I ordered it so we could go swimming.”
“I don’t really want to go swimming,” he said, still looking at the TV.
“I’m going to go try it on.” She went to the bathroom.
She needed a plan to get Kinjou to do something. Sitting on the couch all day for Spring break isn’t going to help his knee. She could sympathize with him, but he needed to take care of himself. That’s why what she was about to do made her cringe, but she had no choice. It wasn’t like her to use her body, but she honestly was willing to do anything at this point.
She undressed and put on the swimsuit. Shinkai was usually pretty good about knowing her size, but he definitely ordered a size too small and she was thinking that he did it on purpose. The swimsuit fit well enough, it became a problem around the cleavage and butt. Both parts being too tight and the fleshiness of her body hung slightly over, not in a bad way, but definitely not in an ‘I’m just here to swim’ way.
It was going to have to work though. She had already reserved the pool for tomorrow and she didn’t have time to get another swimsuit. Assuming Kinjou was even remotely attracted to her, this would work. She took a deep breath and looked in the mirror one more time, twisting her body to see the back. He will thank you later, she thought and opened the bathroom door.
She stepped out, waiting for him to look up, but he showed no interest in anything except the TV. She moved a little closer, trying to get his attention.
“What do you think?” She asked, tired of waiting.
“My swimsuit.”
His eyes grudgingly left the TV and moved to her. Seeing her standing there in her extremely tight swimsuit had Kinjou sitting up from the couch, his eyes wide.
“Wh—you—you—um… that’s… that—that’s your swimsuit?” His hand moved to the back of his head to rub his hair as his cheeks flushed a bright pink.
That’s the reaction she was hoping for. She had to admit, as shallow as it was, it did feel a little bit rejuvenating having him drooling over her in her suit.
“Does it look okay?” She started to spin around, showing him the low-cut back. “I think it might be a little tight.”
A high-pitched noise escaped him and he leaned over the side of the couch, licking his lips.
“You—you… it looks great. You look—you look great.” She moved a little closer, reaching for her phone on the coffee table and his eyes followed her the whole way, fixed on her figure. “So… good.”
“I may return it, I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Especially if we aren’t going to swim tomorrow.”
“We can swim!” He called. “Yeah, we can definitely swim.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to mess up your plans.”
“Yeah, we should! I don’t have any plans. Swimming is good. The doctor even said it’s good for me, remember? Yeah, swimming is good.”
“Oh good, I guess you’re right. He did say that.” She walked back to the bathroom slowly, feeling his eyes on her. “Looks like I will keep the swimsuit then.”
“Yeah.” He smiled dreamily, propping his head on his elbow as he watched her walk back into the bathroom.
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Can’t it be You? - Chapter 7
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Summary: Kinjou stays the night at Reader’s house and nearly misses his race the next day. While riding, Kinjou sustains an injury and Reader worries.
Kinjou x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~ 2,300
A/N: I have admit, this chapter is a bit unsatisfying, but it’s quite complete so I think I might post chapter 8 sooner than I normally would. Just to give a little more since this one seems like filler. I hate filler.
Kinjou had been sitting on Y/N’s couch watching her sleep for a couple minutes now. He had just told her sleeping figure how he really felt about her and wanted to enjoy the feeling of her finally knowing.
But she didn’t know. Everything Kinjou said is completely unknown to her and he was going to have to go back to how things were. Him being entirely in love with her and her being entirely unaware of it.
He sighed before standing up, getting himself ready to leave. He moved past where she was sleeping and froze in place as he felt her hand reach up to hold his. His face began to sweat as he thought about how much she must have heard.
She lightly tugged on his hand and he slowly turned around to look at her. Her eyes were still closed.
“Y/N…” he said hesitantly.
“Stay with me,” she spoke quietly, “I want to lay with you.”
He was frozen. Not just by her possibly hearing what he said, but also at her words. He looked down at her hand holding his. Her hand barely gripping onto his first finger.
“Please stay.” Another tug on his finger.
He turned off the light in the kitchen and living room and Y/N moved herself back against the back of the couch giving Kinjou room. He slid under the blanket, his body forced to rest closely against hers on the small couch. He wasn’t sure where he should put his arms, when her arm moved to wrap around his waist and her hand settled on his back, he did the same.
“Were you listening to what I said earlier?”
“No, your voice was helping me sleep,” she mumbled and he let out a sigh of relief. “M’sorry I wasn’t listening.”
“It’s okay.” He held her tighter. “I’ll tell you another time.”
The next morning Kinjou woke up feeling soft, warm air steadily hitting his neck. He opened his eyes slowly allowing himself to adjust to the brightness of the room.
He could see the puff of Y/N’s hair in front of him, resting on his chest and he smiled. The couch was barely big enough for one person, but two made it nearly impossible to fit. He remembered moving around a lot in the night trying to get comfortable until he finally laid on his back, Y/N on top of him. Her leg rested in between his and he gently started adjusting it so it laid over his waist, the movement stirring her.
As if she realized in that moment that she wasn’t in her bed, but laying on top of someone, she quickly looked up and saw Kinjou’s face. He smiled and she smiled back sleepily.
“Sorry, I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” His voice was raspy with sleep and she followed his eyes down to his hand trying to cover his morning erection. She looked back up to him.
“That doesn’t make me uncomfortable.” She moved her leg to lay over his waist.
He was staring at her, a small smile on his face as she rested her chin on her hand over his chest.
“Good morning,” he said softly.
“Good morning.” She closed her eyes slowly, a small smile dancing on her lips. She looked so beautiful in the mornings. His hands were lightly caressing her lower back and he hesitantly moved one to her face to delicately rub the indentations of his sweater on her cheek.
The touch of his hand on her cheek had her heart fluttering. She was going to blame it on being half-asleep still, but she couldn’t deny the pull she was feeling. Her eyes lingered on his lips a little too long and she watched his tongue flit out as he licked them. Without thinking, she pulled the corner of her lip in between her teeth.
Kinjou stiffened as he felt her weight shift and she climbed up, her face getting closer to his. The rush of heat moved through his body like lightning, deepening the pink tint on his cheeks and overwhelming his groin. He held her cheek, guiding her face to his. He looked down at her lips and closed his eyes.
The noise from her door lock beeping drove them apart, sitting separately on the couch. Kinjou reached to the table and put on his glasses as the door opened.
Shinkai walked in wearing his cycling uniform and carrying his gym bag. He noticed both of them on the couch and stopped walking.
“Oh, you’re here,” he said to Kinjou, setting down his bag, “why aren’t you dressed?”
“Dressed?” Kinjou looked confused for a split second before he remembered and shot up from the couch. “Our race! Shit!”
He moved quickly past the couch, tripping over the blanket.
“Let me drive you.” Y/N stood up. “We can get to the clubhouse faster.”
“No need.” Shinkai uncrossed his arms, holding out Kinjou’s gym bag. “I noticed your stuff still in your locker when I was changing.”
Kinjou let out a sigh of relief, thanking Shinkai and grabbing the bag before moving quickly to the bathroom.
Y/N looked back to Shinkai after Kinjou was out of the room. He raised an eyebrow. She smiled shyly and bit her lip.
“Nothing happened. We just fell asleep,” she revealed. “We didn’t even get to talk. I was too exhausted by the time we got here.”
“Still.” Shinkai shrugged and gave her a look. “He stayed.”
She couldn’t stop herself from smiling at that because he did stay. On a race night no less.
Kinjou opened up the bathroom door zipping up his uniform and Y/N was biting her lip again, watching him walk to the dining room table where Shinkai was. Her eyes ran over his body in the fitted uniform. The way the muscles in his back showed through the fabric to the curve of his butt had her licking her lips.
He slowly turned around and she eyed the bulge in his shorts. Knowing what was underneath tinted her cheeks a light pink. Her eyes ran back up his body until she was at his face. He donned a small smile and she realized he had been watching her watch him.
She quickly looked away, standing up from the couch.
“Are you going to ride the bus with us?” Kinjou asked, picking up his bag from the floor.
“I think I’ll just drive,” she started, “I need to shower and change from last night.”
“I’ll send you the address,” Shinkai said, moving to the door.
“Drive safely,” Kinjou said before closing the door behind them.
Y/N moved to the shower, quickly washing herself and getting dressed. The race was just over an hour away, but she made it with plenty of time to spare. The teams were lined up at the start line by the time she made it there and she watched the race commence from the crowd.
Today’s race wasn’t exceptionally long or difficult. There were around ten other teams and it was only a four-hour race, but she could tell the guys were feeling the drinking from the night before. They would get in the lead and quickly fall behind again. Shinkai managed to reach the sprinting checkpoint second, but they were promptly passed by another team dropping them back to third place.
Y/N knew something was wrong when they dropped to fourth place and then fifth place shortly after. She made her way to the tents to see if someone knew what was happening. She saw one of the supply runners and called over to him to ask.
“Kinjou fell off his bike on one of the curves,” he informed, “they are bringing him down now.”
Shit! Kinjou is hurt. Y/N didn’t know what to do. She just stood there waiting for them to bring him to the tent. She had no idea how bad it would be. If he got tired and fell off to the side, maybe the grass cushioned his fall and he would only have a couple bruises, but if he fell riding at high speeds, it could be a lot worse.
She paced back and forth inside the tent. It was taking them a long time to get there. She checked her watch. It has been nearly thirty minutes since she first heard that he was hurt. How long was it taking the recovery van to get him? She was a second away from getting in her car to find him when the tent opened up and Kinjou had his arms around two other men as they helped him limp into the tent. He looked at her with a sadness in his eyes.
In the first second she saw him, she quickly looked him over. He didn’t look like he had fallen too hard. There didn’t seem to be any bruises or cuts, but he wasn’t putting his left leg on the ground. She moved out of the way as they helped him hop over to the cot.
“Kinjou…” she whispered. She didn’t know what to do to help him so she just fiddled with her fingers until he grabbed her hand.
“I couldn’t finish the race.” He looked up at her and then back down, putting his face in his hands.
She rubbed his arm lightly. He sat up to take off his shoes and she rushed over, stopping him and doing it herself. She then moved up to his hands and took off his gloves, setting both in his bag. She looked down at him and he covered his eyes with his arm. She knew how frustrated he must be.
The medical team came in and she stood off to the side while they examined his knee and had him do some standing and squatting tests. It wasn’t looking good. From what she understood, he would need to go to the hospital to see a doctor and get some scans to be sure there wasn’t a bigger problem.
“I can take him.” She volunteered. “I’ll bring my car closer.”
It was one of those situations where she wasn’t really sure what she was doing and didn’t feel like she was contributing at all, just volunteering to do anything she could to help. She was just so worried and nervous that she needed to keep moving and do whatever was needed to make sure he was okay.
She pulled her car up and ran back in. By the time she was back in the tent, everyone had left and Kinjou was sitting on the cot on his phone. He looked up when she walked in.
“I texted Shinkai and told him to bring my bike back.” He stood up, still not able to step down on his left leg. “I’m sorry to ask, can you carry my bag?”
“Yeah, yeah.” She picked it up and threw it over her shoulder. “Do you want to lean on me?”
“I don’t—” he hesitated, not wanting her to do too much. “Sorry. I’m sorry.”
He wrapped his arm over her shoulder and leaned on her as they slowly made it to her car. She threw his bag in the trunk and helped him into the backseat so he could lay down.
The majority of the ride was silent while he kept his arm over his eyes. Kinjou had a tendency to put an enormous amount of pressure on himself to take care of his team, to push himself for them, and to reach the finish line for them. Dropping out of the race early because of an injury was killing him.
She looked at him through her rearview mirror again. She wanted so badly to hug him and to just comfort him while he felt like this. They were still in this weird stage where they were friends but she knew she felt more for him than that, but wasn’t really sure how to not let that get in the way of their friendship.
“H—how are you feeling?” she asked, trying to break the silence.
“I’m sorry, Kinjou.”
“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful.” He moved his arm and looked at her through the rearview mirror. “You’re doing a lot for me. I really appreciate it. I’m just disappointed in myself.”
“I know, but you can’t get mad at yourself for an injury.”
He didn’t say anything, he just covered his eyes back up with his arm. She waited a couple minutes, giving him time to talk if he wanted.
“Is there anything I can do?” she finally asked. She looked at him through the mirror and caught a small smile on his lips before it disappeared.
She smiled to herself knowing there was something, he just didn’t want to say. Quickly she got nervous thinking about what that something could be. If he wanted something to take his mind off of it, she definitely wouldn’t need much convincing to do that. Don’t think of that now.
“I saw that smile.” And he started smiling again.
“It’s nothing.”
“Well it seems like it’s something.” She continued trying to take glances at him through the mirror while driving. “If it’s making you smile, it must make you feel better.” She waited for him to speak.
“I was thinking maybe you could start using my first name.”
Was that it? It wasn’t that bad of a request. A simple request gave him that big of a smile? She did have to admit how difficult it was though. She’s been really close with Shinkai and she still barely used his first name. Maybe it was out of habit, but she was comfortable with the way she addressed them.
“That will make you feel better?” she asked.
“I think it will.”
“Okay.” She smiled. “Shingo.”
She had never seen him smile as wide as he did at hearing her call him by his first name.
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Can’t it be You? - Series Masterlist
Pairing: Kinjou Shingo x Fem! Reader This reader probably comes off very white. I am sure I mention blushing and hair texture. I could change it, but I use my mistakes to learn so I’ve left them in.
Chapter: 11/11
Word Count: ~37,300
Content: Unestablished relationship, friends to lovers, virginity loss, friends with benefits
Content warnings: Smut, NSFW
Series Summary: Kinjou, Shinkai, Arakita, and reader all attend the same university. Kinjou is still a virgin and enlists the help of one of his best friends, you (reader) to help him.
Reader’s apartment and Kinjou’s Dorm Layout
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Chapter one (2k words)
      Reader and Kinjou are at a party with their friends. Kinjou is a bit on edge at his crush being at the same party.
Chapter two (3k words)
      A couple days after the party, Kinjou has a request for Y/N
Chapter three (5k words)
      After Reader decided to help Kinjou with his issue, the night approaches a lot faster than she thought it would.
Chapter four (4.3k words)
      The night continues on and the reader has to explain to Shinkai what happened.
Chapter five (2.5k words)
      Reader sees Kinjou again still unsure of her feelings and they try to talk it out.
Chapter six (4k words)
      Kinjou and Reader get another chance to talk while a couple surprise friends show up.
Chapter seven (2.3k words)
      Kinjou stays the night at Reader’s house and nearly misses his race the next day. While riding, Kinjou sustains an injury and Reader worries.
Chapter eight (3k words)
      Kinjou’s knee is worse than they thought, Reader continues trying to stay positive.
Chapter nine (4.6k words)
      Reader takes Kinjou to the swimming pool to exercise his knee. While they are there, something happens between the two of them and they are both left feeling confused.
Chapter 10 (2.9k words)
       Reader surprises Kinjou with some special people to try and cheer him up. While Kinjou finally agrees to pick up come clothes from his dorm, something unexpected happens that makes them confront their feelings for each other.
Chapter 11 (2.7k words)
       Kinjou and Reader both struggle to make it through dinner.
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