#yowamushi pedal imagines
ywpd-translations · 8 months
Ride 746: Cheering and conclusion!!
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Pag 1
1: I'll win!!
2: I will!! I'll become the sixth member!! This year for sure!!
3: I'll go!!
4: I will!! On the same stage as you, Issa!!
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Pag 2
1: They're neck and neck!!
For sure!!
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Pag 3
1: For sure!!
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Pag 4
1: There are 50m left until the sensor line!!
2: Kuaaaa
3: Garuaaaa
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Pag 5
3: Nii-chan, on!!
4: Damn, I get it
This resolution, is making me shake
5: Sugimoto!! I'm cheering for you!!
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Pag 6
1: Danchiku!!
2: 30m left!!
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Pag 7
2: I think I can hear, mixed together with Sadatoki's voice
3: Kawada's cheering
4: It's surprising, but I'm grateful
It's turning into strength for me, Kawada
6: Imaizumi....
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Pag 8
1: is watching quietly
Can't be helped
2: They're the three core third years who put together the club
They can't afford to support one of us
4: But, maybe, if you supported me
5: I would have been
6: several times more strong than usual
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Pag 9
1: I'm glad
For this training camp
2: It's been hard, but, Imaizumi, I could become your “buddy”, and run with you during these intense for days
3: Imaizumi......
4: I haven't told you yet
5: Once this race is over.... will you listen to me?
5: It's silly
A daydream
6: The reason why I want to run in the Inter High
7: I've been thinking about it since around a year ago
Before the finish line, running as teammates, wearing the same jerseys....
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Pag 10
1: Go, Imaizumi!!
Got it, Teru!!
2: I thought that I want to push your back and for you to take the finish line
3: With these hands!!
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Pag 11
2: Sugimoto
3: At first, you boasted that you were an experienced cyclist, but it was just words
During the first training camp, you retired halfway through
4: But you worked so hard
5: And without resting, for three years
6: Show me the moment your three years of progress bear fruits
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Pag 12
1: Pedal!! Sugimoto!!
2: Yeah!!
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Pag 13
3: Now
4: 30m!!
I'll pedal at full power!!
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Pag 14
1: Garuaaaa
2: Sugimoto-san
3: You're really an amazing guy
4: I respect you from the bottom of my heart
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Pag 15
1: Your heart is probably bigger than mine
2: The courage to boldly challenge, the earnestness of working so hard
The heart of never giving up until the end
3: You, who hid all that, are strong
4: Stronger than me, much more!! I finally noticed during the last lap
5: So
6: It's the end, so please
My heart is so small it can fit in the palm of my hand
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Pag 16
1: Allow me to practice with you one more time, senpai!!
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Pag 20
1: Garuaaaa
2: It's Danchiku
Danchiku crossed the sensor line first!!
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hoshiina · 4 months
pairing: kuroda yukinari x gn!reader (no prns)
summary: he was always just watching from afar
warnings: none :)
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He was always watching from afar. He would watch the way you would always say you were tired, but you'd be paying full attention every class. He noticed how you would genuinely be interested in class when you enjoyed the subject, but when you didn’t you’d subconsciously frown at the work given. 
When he was practicing afterschool, sometimes he’d see you walk out of school a little too late and he’d realize you were studying in the library again. He would usually just watch, but today he just really wanted to talk to you. Maybe he was feeling particularly lonely that day after you had a seating change and you sat even further away from him than before. Whatever it was, he was feeling rather impulsive today.
“Sorry, I’m going to go ride outside for a bit,” he told his teammates and rolled his road racer outside. Little did he know, most members of the team knew about his little crush, especially the third years. It was a little too obvious to not notice, because every time you were in his line of vision, he was looking at you. They had hardly ever seen the two of you talk, but all they could hope for was all the best for their vice-captain— he was always looking at you with the sweetest gaze ever.
And for the first time ever, he was stepping forward
“Okay, take your time,” Izumida said.
“Hm? Oh, thanks,” Kuroda said, unaware of what Izumida had meant.
Oh, would he just end up just walking past you again? He wanted to talk to you, but what would he say? Immediately, he knew he would probably end up just watching you from afar, unable to say anything. He sighed at the thought of that.
But to his surprise, you turned to look at him. Okay, now what does he do? What does he say?
“Oh, Kuroda!” you said, taking your earbuds out. Gosh, he loved that about you. You were probably only going to talk for a bit, there was no reason for you to put them away. Yet, at the same time, he was somewhat surprised you knew his name— you were in the same class, of course you did. Maybe he was surprised to hear you say it, rather. “Are you off to practice now?”
“Oh, yes. I’m in the road racing club... which is probably obvious now,” he said, frantically. Gosh, he was making a fool of himself, you didn’t even ask! He was just so flustered, the words weren’t coming out right.
“Of course, I know!” you said. “How would I not know Mr. Vice-Captain of our school’s pride and joy road race team! Do you have a race soon?”
“I do. Quite soon actually... on Saturday,” he said, mind blank. He was just going to answer your questions now he wasn’t capable of much more, he realized.
“Saturday! I really shouldn’t hold you up then,” you said and he scolded himself for saying that. He would’ve rather talked to you for a little longer and practiced all through the night if he had to. “Where and when is it?”
“Just up the Hakone mountain,” he said, surprised. It’s one thing to ask where, but to ask when? He was going to start having some false hope. “In the morning, at around 9.”
“Would it be weird if I show up?” you asked, a little less energetic than before, almost as though you were afraid he’d tell you not to come.
“No, not at all,” he said, a little too quickly. “...Please do.”
Immediately, your face glowed up the way he loved to see it. He could not believe you were talking to him right now.
“Then, I will definitely be there,” you said. “I’ll let you go for real now, I want to see you win that race.”
“Oh, crap, I forgot my water I’ll need to go back to get it. I’ll see you,” he said. “Thank you.”
“See you!” you said and walked off, putting your earbuds back in.
He didn’t lie, he only had one bottle when he usually carried two, but usually he’d just go on and buy something at a vending machine. However, he knew his ears were red and the last thing he wanted was for you to see. He walked back in and no one questioned how quickly he was back, (because they were all watching) which he found weird, but that was the least of his worries.
“How did it go?” Izumida asked. 
“Oh, I haven’t gone yet,” Kuroda said. “I realized I forgot a water bottle.”
“No, not that,” Izumida said, finally tired of playing dumb.
“What?” he asked, then looked around and saw that quite a few more people were looking at him, eagerly waiting for him to go on. “Were you all watching??” He felt even more embarrassed than before if that was possible. 
“(L/n)’s coming... on Saturday,” he said quietly, covering his face with his hand, hoping they wouldn’t see how red it was. 
“Oh, you really have to win now~” Manami said, and that made Kuroda smile.
“Yeah, I really do.”
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cicadaemon · 6 months
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I redesigned my old yowapeda oc Himeko!!! It hit me as I was drawing that while she isn't my oldest one, she is still a ten-year-old oc.
She specifically had rhabdomyolysis which led to her getting her leg cut off. Her weight on the info sheet is ignoring her prosthetic leg. She has definitely tried throwing her leg at some of the guys when they misbehave but stops when she remembers how expensive the damn thing is.
(She'd be a second-year during the first Interhigh. I couldn't write a ton of the info page, but while she does get along with Arakita it doesn't mean in a very traditional looking way. She also has a temper and they both just end up yelling at one another. She has tried whipping her timer at him a few times. They're so besties coded)
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doyoulikeketchup · 1 year
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meiso driving home after a long day 🚗
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Midousuji would hear a rumor that a woman likes him and think it's just a mind game to throw him off his practicing for a race, so he'd overhear it and loudly go "GROSS, GROSS, GROOOOSSSS! I'd never wanna be with someone who can't even tell me themselves and has to get their friends to do it! Cowardice is the least attractive thing of all, and only the best could have a chance with me!"
Only for her to call his bluff the next day and actually show up to confess lmao. He's like 😃 "Is this still a trick or are they serious"
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rosze-v · 1 year
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whole milk and strawberry milk
pairing: Kageyama Tobio x Reader
synopsis: Your confession to the setter opens unexpected doors
tags: fluff, a little angst, confession, angry karasuno birds, clueless Kageyama, absolute cuteness
w.c : 3k
a/n: Halu! gosh I smiled so much writing this! Just imagine being with someone so clueless in love and you actually teach them how to love!! so cute! I have been watching Yowamushi Pedals and I'm so angry that its not popular! Its such a good anime. All in all, please stay safe everyone, thank you for reading my fics!
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Kageyama Tobio truly believes that he lives and breathes volleyball. It was never really a hard choice for him growing up when asked whether he would choose volleyball or eating; his instant and definite answer is, volleyball.
Though a tiny whisper could be heard from him, “is it meat though?”.
When you came into the equation though, his choice had faltered a bit more. A love great enough to possibly triumph against his love for volleyball. Truly, you became a force that he didn’t expect to reckon with in his younger days.
Class had finished exactly 30 minutes ago. The school now is only bustling with those who either have club activities or sports activities. Yet you have neither, and here you are, standing in front of the gym where the Karasuno volleyball player, trains. It has been 15 minutes since you give yourself some pep talk to just “you only live once, what’s the harm to it”, and the gnawing nervousness is getting to you.
Kageyama and the others have finished changing into their sports attire, and from a far you could see a group of man walking towards the gym, towards you. You could feel your chest tightening up a bit but you regulate your breathing. Your eyes search for a certain dark-haired man, with a prominent scowl on his face. Kageyama was munching on some bread while he actively listens to Hinata talking about some tv show he watched last night.
It was Tanaka, obviously, Tanaka would be the first one to notice you standing at the side of the court’s door, back leaning on the wall. Then after Tanaka nudges Nishinoya, he jokingly said that maybe you’re going to confess to him.
Right yet very wrong. You on the other hand, who’s watching Kageyama, well really all of them yet your eyes had blurred the others out; is getting the cold feet. You could feel your hand sweating as you proceed to rub your palms on your skirt. You could hear your brain screaming at you to just turn around and leave, to stop embarrassing yourself but you stood your ground.
You’re doing it. So, with another deep breath and a ‘you can do this!’ cheer to yourself, you pushed your body of the wall and walk straight to Kageyama. The loudness from the group of boys slowly dissipates when Tanaka whisper yelled “hey a girl is coming”, and they thought you were going to confess to Suga, since so many girls had confessed to Suga, but you stood directly in front of Kageyama, the most oblivious out of them all.
Kageyama had stopped his bickering with Hinata when Suga pinched him, getting the setter’s attention on you. You could feel your ears getting warm, something that always happen when you’re getting embarrassed. Your head tilted up while Kageyama looked down at you. Honestly, he looks pretty scary with his sharp eyes and that deep scowl, but you strengthen your resolve.
“I really like you”. The words blurted itself out before you could even think to actually pull him aside, and well, not confess in front of his team mates. Yet what’s done is done, and the words have been said and reciprocated by sharp gasps. All of them are watching the scene unfolding, it quickly reminded Hinata of the tv show he watched last night, while Kageyama, who’s not really fluent in the language of relationships could only stare at you dumbfounded.
Tsukishima snickered, a smirk gracing his features as he nudges Kageyama. “Oi, a girl is confessing to you, why the hell are you stiff as a rock?”.  Kageyama who’s still confused could only coughed as he shifted his weight on another feet. You were searching his face for, anything, yet you kinda, already know the answer.
“You like me?”. You nodded, a blush covering your face but you continue your eye contact with him. Now, the genius setter is only a genius when it comes to volleyball, but love? Bro is absolutely dry in that area. Kageyama is unsure on what to say to you, because first of all, does he know you? Probably. But where? He’s bad at memorizing people’s faces and names so getting a confession from someone he doesn’t know feels weird.
So, the only thing his dumbass could say is, “But I don’t know you, and I don’t like you”.
It was instant, the collision of Daichi’s palm to the back of Kageyama’s head, causing the setter to grunt in pain. Suga’s smile was getting dangerous because holy shit, Kageyama is a dumbass and who would have thought he had raised such stupidity. They’re both painfully aware of how socially awkward he is and how blunt he could get, but this takes the cake. Sugawara pinches Kageyama’s forearm as he whispers yells, “what the hell is wrong with you?!” while Daichi bowed at you repeatedly, apologizing for Kageyama’s reply.
Now, Kageyama is confused all over again, poor man for his lack of knowledge, but to not have any delicacy? That’s truly on him. The confusion though was cut short when he sees you rubbing your chest, tears forming in your eyes and a thought came into his head. “Maybe I should have thought about it more”. He definitely should have thought about it more because he’s incurring the wrath of a certain captain, a certain setter, a certain wing spiker and a certain libero.
“Fair enough”. You whispered. “I expected that but damn, it still hurts”. It’s true that you already knew that Kageyama would reject you, and it’s true that he doesn’t know you. Its only you who had eyes on him, who noticed that he’s an airhead, and that he’s not that social, that he really loves volleyball. You have like him ever since you saw his incredible combo with Hinata. You remembered your friends going crazy over how high Hinata’s jump is, but your eyes were completely on the one who utilized Hinata so well. You were in a trance and in that moment, your heart beats another rhythm.
Your tears were blurring surroundings, and you know now what you’re going to do next. You’re going to say thank you, and apologize for being a nuisance, quickly walk out of school, run to your home and cry. Cry because you’re kinda dumb, and you shouldn’t have confessed, and you’re probably gonna dread the few days of school because you’re going to see him in class.
But your plan didn’t really work out like you wanted.
“DID YOU JUST MADE A GIRL CRY???”. Tanaka screamed as you and Kageyama flinched. Kageyama was going to try defending himself but before he could, Tanaka yelled again. “What kind of man makes a girl cry?!!”. Nishinoya and the others nodded vigorously, agreeing to Tanaka’s words but really, they’re just jealous. Like why the hell would Kageyama, the most awkward member of theirs get a confession. Of course, they won’t admit that, so they resorted to taunt and poke at Kageyama.
Daichi stepped up to you as he squeezes your shoulder, catching your attention.
“Hey, I am so sorry for his behaviour. Kageyama is quite… challenged in that part so…” You shake your head as you give him a small smile. 
“No, it’s okay! I already expected this. The emotions just came suddenly that’s why”.
Sugawara was going to console you when you step back and speaks.
“I’m sorry for the inconvenience Kageyama-san. I wish you the best”. You bowed and give him a small smile, as you nod to the others. Quickly, you turn around and walked away as fast as you could, sniffling with a sad slump on your shoulders.
Kageyama watches you walk away as an annoying feeling fester in his heart. He feels bad for rejecting you but he truly doesn’t know what he should do. He was going to ask for the team’s opinion when Sugawara speaks up.
“I think you should get to know her, Kageyama. She seems nice and she’s willing to like you”.  Hinata nodded as Tanaka and Nishinoya stares at Kageyama with rage.
Kageyama was lost on what to do or think so he searches for Daichi’s eyes, waiting for something. Daichi had his hand on his chin, as he gives Kageyama a small smile.
“Your punishment for today is decided”.
“You are to chase after her, apologise, walk her back home and then come back. Then you will begin your laps once you’re back, is that understood?”. Daichi announce, and though he’s not one to let love life interfere with trainings, this is Kageyama they’re talking about. For him to actually get to know a girl by his own would be a dream that settles in dreamland.
“Well, scram!”. Nishinoya yelled as Kageyama frantically nods and went on to catch up to you.
You were sniffling lightly, trying to hide the fact that you’re crying since there’s still people around you. Ever since the confession, you’ve been in a state of self-loathing, thoughts going over on, is your attractiveness the cause of the rejection? or is there something you did wrong? It seems like there is comfort in trying to understand why through self-loathing, but you knew it’s not really you. It just Kageyama barely knows you, but you can’t really fathom that at the moment.
The convenience store was ahead of you, and you put a little smile on your face. As you change your path to the side, you could hear footsteps running from behind you and a voice calling out for someone.
“Hey you! wait for me!”. You knew that voice, its none other than your crush and when you turn around to confirm, indeed the tall man is running towards you. You stopped on your tracks as he halted in front of you, two hands on his knee as he tries to catch his breath.
“Kageyama? Why are you here?”. You inquire as you place a hand on his shoulder.
“Puh… hah”.
“Punishment…”. Your face twist in confusion as Kageyama finally regain his breath and towers over you.
“My captain told me to go after you, and apologise and get to know you. After that, I was instructed to go walk you home, go back and start my laps”. Kageyama said with a face filled with determination while your confusion turns into embarrassment and pity. You held your hand up and shake it as you say.
“It’s okay Kageyama! It’s not that big of a deal! You should go back and start your training for the day”.
“I can’t because Daichi will ask me on the details and I can’t really lie”. You were going to refuse him again when he looks up and saw the convenience store, his eyes lighting up as he held your forearm, pulling you to the convenience store.
“Let me treat you to something as an apology”. Okay maybe that’s not what Daichi meant with an apology, because that’s borderline bribery but you’re too startled by the fact that Kageyama is pulling you to the convenience store rather than the ‘apology’.
Now you’re inside, Kageyama asked you what you want and you were going to refuse again but he insisted, and so you told him that you’re getting some drinks. The both of you walked to the milk fridge and you took out strawberry milk along with Kageyama’s usual, plain milk and hand it to him. Kageyama had a confused look on his face yet takes it.
“ You like plain milk right?”. You claim as you close the fridge’s door.
“How do you know that?”. You chuckled and reply. “Kageyama, I have a crush on you, knowing what you like is not that hard to know, when I spend most of my time thinking and observing you”. Yup too honest, you thought. Your face reddens as you look up to him.
“I mean- I don’t-, I mean I just have been seeing you a lot!”. You tried to cover it up cause your confession sounds very stalker-ish, and you don’t really want to be branded as a stalker by your crush. Kageyama instead choose to stay silent as he went over to the counter to pay for the both of your drinks.
Once the both of you stepped outside, Kageyama finally breaks the awkward silence.
“Why do you like me?”. You had your head down all the time because you were worried that you have offended him, then when you finally lift your head up, you realized that Kageyama is watching you so intensely.
You stare into his eyes as you gulped, looking at your feet again.
“It was really just… awe in the beginning. I saw your fast combination with Hinata and then eventually, my eyes kept on going towards you in class”. You confessed, kicking of the pebbles on the ground.
“I can’t say grand things like you gave me purpose or anything like that, I just like you, simple and straightforward”. You sucked in a breath of air, willing yourself to look at him, and again Kageyama was staring at you.
“What’s your name?”. Kageyama asked as you answer. Then you waited again, searching his face for anything, but you can’t read his facial expression.
“I’ll be honest, (y/n)”. You nodded as Kageyama now become the one staring holes into the pavement.
“I’m not good with relationships, if isn’t clear as of now…”. You nodded again, understanding where he’s coming from, because frankly, you don’t know yourself. Both still very young and naïve.
“So, when you confessed to me earlier, I was confused and words just come out of my mouth. I didn’t mean to hurt you, so I apologize”.
“It’s okay Kageyama. I was not expecting you to accept it anyway because like you said, you don’t know me. Truly, you don’t need to do all this”. You replied, while gesturing the air.
“But I’m just curious really. You’re the first girl that ever approached me like so”. You smiled in amusement because you would have thought a man as handsome as he is would probably have been pursued several girls.
“But again, I can’t give you a relationship because I don’t know how. So…”. You quirked your eyebrows at him as he rubs the back of his neck, his ears getting red.
“Maybe we can try and be friends first you know… that’s really the only thing I know…”. Kageyama waited for your response yet you laughed out loud, a hand on his shoulder.
“Kageyama, I think I know another reason why I like you”.
“Because you’re incredibly adorable”. You whisper, your voice low and for sure, only Kageyama could hear you. You had a soft smile on your face, a smile that reaches your eyes as you pinches his cheek. Kageyama could feel the blush creeping on his face because at this time, this stranger he just gotten to know looks absolutely beautiful.
He coughs, trying to hide his embarrassment as he speaks.
“Don’t tease me…”. You laugh again as you ask him for his phone. Kageyama gives it to you without question as you save your number in his phone.
“That’s my number, call me when you’re free”. Kageyama was confused again because why should he call you, the both of you can just meet in class now that he knows you’re his classmate, yeah, he just known.
“Now go back to your training! You’re already late!”. Kageyama notices the time on his phone and panicked a bit because he took longer than he should. He was going to offer to walk you back home, but you insisted that he would be late, thus after some thought, he agreed. The both of you then say your goodbyes as Kageyama started to run. You smiled in fondness as you watch him run away towards the school but suddenly, he stopped and turn around.
“I’ll give you a call!”. Kageyama screamed out as he waves you goodbye while you give him a thumbs up, despite how surprised you were.
You released a sigh as a smile came upon your face again. You walked back into the convenience store, now with a new mission for the evening. You’re not going to be sad tonight as you expected, instead, a call might ring.
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Kageyama and the team had a meeting early in the morning since a tournament is coming. After the meeting ended, the boys huddled around him, wanting to know the details of last night.
Once he came back from your meeting with him yesterday, he was bombarded with question and Kageyama had to spend some time telling them the details of what happened because even his usually level-headed captain was interested. So when they knew that the both of you might be calling last night, they were so excited for him.
“So did you guys call last night?”. Kageyama nodded slowly as the boys howled in excitement.
“Did you like the call though?”. Sugawara asked as he grins, proud of his boy.
“It was… surprisingly fun. We talked a lot, well she, talked a lot and I answered but I think I liked it more than I expected”. The boys laugh as Tanaka smacks Kageyama back repeatedly.
“Now you only need to ask her out on a date!”.
Tanaka’s suggestion became a question and answer session as Kageyama asked them how exactly dating begins and so the Karasuno team had a short meeting on what dating is, thankfully Shimizu told them that school is starting soon.
That short q and a session brought you to Kageyama standing over you in class.
“Let’s go on a date”. You gasped as you look around, making sure that no one heard you and thankfully no one did.
“My senpai’s told me that we should go on a date as soon as possible”. Your face was so hot and red that you have to take a deep breath. A part of you thanks his seniors for their word and another part of you is understanding that Kageyama is actually interested at you to that point. And both parts are a win.
And so, you nodded, as you told him that the both of you should discuss it later.
Now your confession failed, yet it succeeds in ways you didn’t expect, at all.
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Season 2 Ramble# 8 - Sports!
As I hope you got from the title, this ramble focuses on sports in manga, but before I get into it, let me breakdown some things about how this is gonna go.
Firstly a little heads up for you and a little copout for me, the average sports manga tends to be a bit longer than other genres so I figured my usual sprint approach of picking up a bunch of titles and blitzing them wouldn't work. Instead I went for a kind of marathon type approach where I still read a bunch but didn't have completion on my mind as much as usual.
Pros and cons for this approach
pro - I was able to get in that much more diversity than I would otherwise. There's hella sports out there which makes for hella subject matter, each carrying its own unique perspectives that I'm really glad I got the chance to experience, and equally glad to try and share those experiences.
cons - I made the pro sound pretty grandiose but as I said, completion wasn't at the forefront of my mind as much this month, meaning there's quite a few titles I didn't get to finish, so with a lot of these reccs I'd have to say there's more than a grain of salt to keep in mind.
Second thing I want to get out the way are the elements I consider the most important in a sports manga, which I hope will give a little more context to the lists. In my mind the four most important elements for a sports manga are realism, teamwork, ego/drive to win & mindset/mentality. I speak on what those mean to me a bit more in the episode.
Moving on, the actual format of the episode is gonna have things I read this month in a triathlon type setup, meaning 3 categories/legs, closed out with a small award type ceremony thing, then after things read this month I'll speak a bit on my favourite sports manga read before this month.
And now without further ado, LET THE RACES BEGIN!
Things read this month
(first leg)
Uncompleted Incompletes {stuff I didn't finish reading and are still ongoing}
#3 Hajime no Ippo {by George Morikawa, read 49 out of the total 1434 chapters}
Seen this around for the longest time, usually see it called the top 1 boxing manga in more than a few circles, and again for more than a few I've seen it called the top 1 sports manga overall. All that being said the reason a self proclaimed aspiring holistic otaku like myself hasn't read it before now is due to its extreme length.. roughly 1.4k chapters and counting…. just couldn't see myself devoting all that time to what I figured could be summed up in one word, boxing.
That being said, I figured that even if I wasn't going to finish or even put a dent in it, now was the time to bite the bullet and as you can tell from its placing I'm glad I did.
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The story follows ippo, a bullied highschooler who is one day saved by a passerby boxer. In awe of his strength, ippo decides to join his gym and try to get stronger. Simple and common enough baseline story, mainly driven by ippo's growth which is tied to his mentality, as ippo is naturally a timid guy but his earnesty towards bettering himself makes those around him, including me the reader, want to support him.
Cool cast so far from his gym mates to opponents, all contributing to a pretty good balance of serious and funny moments. So far the art has generally been pretty good, the only slight gripe I have at this point is I find the mc pretty meh.. like he's endearing but like in that way any kid trying out a sport seems where you just wanna tell em good job no matter what.
In any case I only read 49 chapters so huge grain of salt, though I imagine that both ippo and the cast must develop in a bunch of ways over 1000+ chapters
side note Kentarou Miura, creator of berserk was an assistant on this manga for some time, rip the legend one time every time
#2 Yowamushi Pedal {by Wataru Watanabe, I read 114 out of total 486 chapter count, btw in Brazilian it's up to 700+ }
Literally like maybe 1 or 3 people I know have ever mentioned this to me, 1 of whose taste I couldn't really trust, the second literally cycled everywhere n wore that bodysuit type thing to school which kinda put me off the whole thing and I'm pretty sure the third is a figment of my imagination.. so this series never really had any pull innate or otherwise + I figured it could be summed up into "dude rides a bicycle" which again unlike boxing doesn't really have any appeal with just that.
In any case I'm so so glad I picked this up, grabbed me from chapter 1 and honestly had a hard time putting it down.
the story here centers around sakamichi, a freshman highschool student who wants to make an anime club so he can make friends. This is a cycling manga so unfortunately for my guy that didn't pan out well for him but due to some plot I don't want to spoil he ends up in the cycling club and yes he does make friends.
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Great mc but that's probably weeb bias, great main cast nonetheless, the teamwork stands out fr like I didn't know how cycling could be a team sport but it is, and I love that even though they're all on the same team most of them have a drive to be the best which works out in an iron sharpens iron kind of way. The mentality of a cyclist was also really cool like with boxing or more physical sports it's easy to grasp that you have to ready yourself to take a hit but in cycling they got into the flexibility and perseverance you need to keep pedaling no matter where you are and the sights you'll be able to see because of that. Great art, very scenic as they're riding all over the place and though I've only read about a quarter it's definitely something I'd highly and heartily recommend.
#1 Giant Killing {with Masaya Tsunamoto doing the story and Tsujitomo on art, read 84 out of the 514 chapters}
This is a soccer manga. Now you may have noticed a trend here where I haven't thought much of some manga and then ended up liking it, well that's because in general I don't like sports,, well I enjoy playing but not so much watching.. except table tennis and maybe basketball but anyways that trend pretty much continues here. straight out the bat I'll say I don't care for football or soccer or whatever you wanna call it but man this manga.
The story is that an already failing football club now finds themselves in need of a new coach after theirs left them, and so some managerial staff track down a former star player for the club who they heard now coaches small town football sides in England.
Kind of a slow start with them finding the coach and him settling in and everything but it sets solid groundwork which builds into great main and wider cast dynamics. This is one of my favourite things about this manga, it offers solid perspective and narratives from the coaching staff, managerial staff, the players on and off the pitch and even fans and journalist. Never seen a sports manga so thoroughly build out its world. The art was an interesting style but it does a great job of illustrating the dynamicism of play mixed with solitary key moments which makes me feel like I'm watching a slowmo highlight.
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Very real feel in a lot of respects and I really appreciated that despite the name they don't just go around making upset wins. They win and lose their fair share but always kept me engaged. #1 on this leg but not something I think is for everybody, especially if you're not a sports fan but if you are a sports fan, especially a soccer fan, I think this will be one of your favourites.
hm: MF GHOST(initial d sequel), Ao Ashi(soccer)
(leg #2)
Completed Incompletes {finished reading but still ongoing or just not fully translated as is the case for everything here}
#3 SK8R'S {by Hajime Tojitsuki, read 9 out of the total 18 chapters}
This is all about street skating, not much to say with only 9 chapters but it just looked really cool
Anyways the story is that a kid happened to see a dude skating one day and he did one of those jump tricks and he was hooked.
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Average art but it's pretty dope when they do full spreads and tricks. Again not much chapters so not much to say but I really hope the rest gets translated.
#2 Tsubame Tipoff {by Hiroya Watanuki, read 40 out of total 50 chapter count}
This pulled me in because women's basketball and I'm always a slut for new perspectives.
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The story here is a tall but uncoordinated freshman finds her short but extremely athletic upperclassman cute so she joins the basketball team to get closer to her... Now I'm not gonna call her gay but she be blushing like crazy... In any case the art is pretty solid, really cool cast, not sure if I thought that just cause of the relative novelty of a girl's basketball team in manga but they were just pretty cool.
what I read was pretty good and again I would really love if the rest of the chapters got translated.. maybe I'll just learn Chinese idk..
#1 Break Shot {by Takeshi Maekawa, read 84 out of the total 152 chapter count}
This is a manga about billiards which I think is different from pool but I didn't look it up so I'm gonna play it safe and stick to billiards
The story here is that the student council wants to shut down the billiards club because they only have one member who is our mc, chinmi. He tries to negotiate and they tell him if he wants to keep the club he has to show some record of notable achievement or skill, so he enters a tournament with his club on the line.
The billiards pulled me in and as expected there was some unreal stuff to keep it interesting like a dude who has a special shot that breaks the cue ball on purpose and uses the force of the shratnel to pocket multiple balls… like come on… he's a highschool student for one like come on… but outside stuff like that I really like how they framed a billiards game as a puzzle where your skill is actually more a reflection of intellect, in being able to make a pocket or stop your opponent from doing so. also loved the art like it's old but it's the kind of old school charm that gives a Sunday morning cartoon vibe and I'm not sure if it's because of the subject being billiards but it felt really smooth and classy.
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Billiards is a singles competition but they were able to create an element of teamwork through rivalry which was cool and I kind of already spoke on the mentality through their framing of the game as a puzzle. To solve the puzzle they really had to think on their feet. Ego and stuff was definitely there and again I really really want this to be translated. In any case I highly recommend this one.
hm: Dogsred(about hockey by the creator of golden kamuy), Mongrel (mma)
(and the last leg of things read this month)
Completed Completes {finished reading, finished publishing}
#3 moon land {by Sai Yamagishi, 98 chapters}
This is about gymnastics and I didn't think I'd be interested + I'd never even heard of it before but this was recommended to me by Jen who I had on last episode and from its placing you can tell I enjoyed it. This is why I trust Jen and even had her on the show, shout out Jen every time
The story is basically that the mc mitsuki is really good at gymnastics because of strong fundamentals but he had no flair. the main thing is that it presents gymnastics as an expression of self and mitsuki aims to be able to move his body the way he wants to, in other words freedom.
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The art is kind of meh in general but ofc they step up in spreads and stuff, great teamwork, ego and mentality stuff, more of that iron sharpens iron effect I like, kind of felt like the ending was rushed but it was an unexpectedly nice journey. they really took the time to educate about gymnastics which i appreciated and I feel like I'm underselling but it really was cool.
#2 Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji {Nobuyuki Fukumoto, 158 chapter}
Had actually tried another manga by this guy called Akagi hoping to learn the rules for mahjong but they didn't care to explain the rules and it wasn't super well translated so I couldn't really keep up despite how cool the mc seemed.
In any case the quirkiness of his art style is what really drew me in so I picked up kaiji instead and it turned out to be really good.
The story here is kaiji, the mc is pretty much living a garbage life which gets worse when a debt collector comes and tells him a friend of his ran off on a debt kaiji was the guarantor on. the debt is in the tens of millions which he clearly doesn't have but the collector tells him there's a once in a lifetime opportunity happening soon, and offers kaiji a ticket onto a ship to play games and win enough money to clear his debt in one night.
I guess this is where the question of whether or not gambling is a sport would arise but 1) it's my list and 2) they are competing according to set rules for a prize so that's that.
Anyways this was closer to my preferred tastes with the darker, more critical view of #society and stuff, which is seen in how teamwork was kinda nonexistent or fleeting at best but the mentality needed to win or even just survive was strong.
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Really liked the mc, lots of growth in a short amount of time but in any case I'd recommend this one for sure, especially with the recent wave of squid games and stuff like that… it's not squid games but just if you liked that you'll probably like this..
#1 One Outs {Shinobu Kaitani, 175 chapters}
I think the full title is actually One Outs, nobody wins but I which is just super cool especially as you see how the story unfolds but yh.
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The story here is that tokuchi toua is a professional gambler that dedicates most of his time to a tweaked baseball game called one outs. In this game the pitcher must get 3 strikes to win but all the batter has to do is hit the ball past the infield for a win, yet in 499 matches toua has never lost. Due to some plot stuff I don't want to spoil he ends up getting involved with the main japanese baseball league and basically the owner of his team doesn't like him, so tokuchi baits him into a contract unfavourable to himself where he gets paid 50 mill for each strike out but has to pay 500 mill for every run scored on him. The owner didn't believe his 499 streak record held much weight so he accepts.
The people he's playing with or against don't know anything about this and they're all pros so his skills are definitely tested fr. It's hard to explain how mind games comes into play but just trust this guy basically turns a sports manga into a psychological thriller which was just amazing.
Highly recommend, I didn't really know anything about baseball, still don't really but man. nothing but praise tbh.
hm: aoiro ping pong, and **mighty girl(baseball)
{in the episode I mention some other stuff I was reading and would also recommend but felt they out would be too contrived or too much grains of salt due to how the small percentage of their total chapter counts I got to read despite how much I enjoyed them but you can check my anilist to see
{in the actual episode I name black box as the second honorable mention. but that was a mistake probably due to it and mighty girl having the same author idkidk but mighty girl was better}
if you're interested you can listen in to the episode for the small awards ceremony thing that would be here but in this writeup I'm just going to move along
Things read before this month
not as much detail as before cause spoken on most of these before plus nowadays in think more attention sound be given to newer reads but anyways
#3 Eyeshield 21{Riichirou Inagaki story and Yusuke Murata, read/333 chapters}
American football focused. really really good. has been in my top 3 sports manga for like a decade now.
#2 Ping Pong{created by Taiyou Matsumoto, 55 chapters}
Table Tennis focused. spoken on before in detail in Season 1 Ramble#10 and was #4 in its section + became my #3 read overall last year. So good I actually took the time to watch the anime this month.
#1 Rookies {Morita Masanori, 233 chapters}
Delinquents playing baseball. Top 1 in Sesson 2 Ramble#6, #2 in Season 1 Ramble#12 delinquency and #3 in the very first real ramble Season 1 Ramble#1 which is where I spoke on it with the most detail.
hm: Usugoi(peak gambling), HAPPY!(lawn tennis by naoki urasawa)
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anyway I guess I should use tumblr to put the lengthy talking to myself bits that nobody cares about instead of just making ten-tweet threads, huh (this may become a ten-tumblr-post thread though)
a thing I like to think about: my queer readings of yowamushi pedal characters. by which I mean something somewhere between headcanon and claims about intent; things that are the obvious to me way to fill in the rest of the story beyond what's on the page but which are still just the product of my own experience and perspective. I make no claims about authorial intent, and I doubt anything more concrete would ever come of it even if he did intend it. (maybe. I mean. if pedal ends with toumaki not at least cohabitating I will be kinda surprised tbqh)
so not just a list of who I think it would be cute if they were dating; more like "I can firmly imagine how this character would grapple with their sexuality(/gender in Yuuto's case) based tangentially on X from canon" which is a much smaller subset than "characters I think it would be cute if they kissed". ("grapple" bc I think everybody has to grapple with it somewhat, at least if it's not what they defaulted to expecting. it doesn't have to be tragic but it is A Process). none of this disclaimer is necessary but it's my tumblr and I feel better if I've stated my framework ahead of time.
anyway. after that stageplay (ETA: I started this post after watching The Day 1. I wish I was watching The Day 1 right now) I gotta start with The OGs, Toudou and Makishima.
toudou is always straightforward and honest with his feelings but also is very proud of his ability to Do Heterosexuality (or at least be desirable to women; there's never any indication of desire going the other way and I'm honestly not sure he's thought about it)
though he's toudou and if he set out to be desirable to men instead he'd probably also be great at that (but also he's very much the type who believes in true love and monogamy imo; he's too serious not to assume that he would fall in love once and forever)
anyway for that reason while I am generally sort of drawn to the classic BL "I'm not necessarily gay, I just love *him*" thing (definitely not going to argue that's an objectively *good* thing, but it feels like my own life experience) I really want toudou to be gay. like I don't think he can imagine being with anyone but makichan once that clicks for him, because that's the kind of person he is, but I want him to grapple with the realization that "I want women to be attracted to me" is not the same as "I am attracted to women" and that maybe his ability to see the whole thing as a job, essentially, should have been a sign to him.
I think he's come to some kind of realization about the nature of his feelings between makishima under the fireworks and him starting at tsukushiba and that's part of his change in tone. bc he is very very serious about this but also suddenly consideing the possibility of failure (which kinda seems like something he's never considered before at anything) and choosing to do it anyway. and I love him going "this is probably objectively stupid but I need something to work towards and I choose him."
the way he talks about the importance of sending something you touched with your own hands when you want your feelings to reach someone... and yeah, that could be just about feeling that he wants to ride together again, but that doesn't feel like an obvious reading does it?
and the way he talks to shuusaku about makichan (and the unsubtle way that toudou's feelings about makichan are always being juxtaposed with shuusaku's feelings about his judo senpai crush)! I absolutely cannot wait for shuusaku to meet makichan and, I mean, if they were ever going to move forward in this relationship shuusaku is always the key to toudou moving forwards, right? sensei always says that.
("why me? why do you always invite me?" "because you're makichan!")
on the one hand, I think (with no evidence to be clear) makishima came to terms with his bisexuality very easily. sort of a "sure, that's the sort of thing that would happen to me." a little ruefully maybe, bc it's not like it makes his life any easier and he is a pessimistic guy, but he accepted it as true. (to be clear I am saying this as a bisexual albeit one that did not come to that conclusion anywhere near as directly lol) he also never planned to do anything about it because that sounds complicated and awkward and what if you hit on a guy who turned out to be straight. you'd have to crawl into a hole and die even if they were nice about it.
tbh I'm not sure how he planned to approach dating women either but he's a teen boy so there's probably some amount of at least subconscious like, girls aren't like real people and it's not like you're going to have to be emotionally vulnerable. maybe he didn't really expect that to work either; he does certainly seem to have internalized the idea of himself as a total creepazoid. I wouldn't be surprised if he expected to be single for life.
but then he's got this guy who just keeps showering him with affection and charging through his diversions and actively seeking to spend more time with him no matter how hard he makes it. (and, eventually, trying to meet makichan a little bit more where he is; though I don't know how clear that is from maki's perspective.)
and yeah, it's real easy to read this as stalker behavior. but I don't think that's ever been what's intended (by sensei, if not always by anime staff etc); toudou is not always great at reading cues to dial it back a little, but he's right that makishima feels the same way. and it would take something like toudou's level of stubbornness to break through makishima's reluctance to show emotion.
I can imagine makichan maybe being a little more open to his own queerness in London; not just bc he's more likely to see a rainbow flag in London than in Chiba but more bc he's had the chance to start almost from scratch (even if he does keep going back to Japan any time he is forced to care about people) and maybe it's a little less embarrassing. I mean I don't think he's any more likely to bring anyone home, certainly not while he's living with his brother (I think ren would be nice about it, but that doesn't make it less embarrassing), but maybe he'd like, at least not just stick it in the "not thinking about that" box with all his other feelings.
I don't think there's as much actually there to read his feelings as romantic as there is with toudou; you just kinda have to extrapolate from the fact that makichan does always feel the same way, even if he's reluctant to ever admit it. he won't make the first move, because he's given up on it as soon as he ever thought it, but as long as he responds to toudou's devotion eventually...
(and he did try so hard to give toudou the small talk he asked for. he goes out of his comfort zone for toudou, and that's no small thing for him)
sounds like next spare bike we'll have a few pages of makichan on the plane, but I expect he'll mostly be thinking about onoda. but even if he's going to the interhigh for onoda (EVEN IF HE NEVER PLANNED TO TALK TO HIM. FUCK OFF MAKICHAN), he's going on the exchange for toudou. :3 and I cannot wait to see how they end up in the same room please sensei you can't leave that loaded two person wide loft on the wall without firing it
I love them please I know they're gonna continue to talk past each other and
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hashirun · 1 year
Workout motivation/tips?
Hi anon! I'm pretty sure I'm not the best person to answer your question because there are a lot of days when I don't even feel like moving, and also because you might find my source of motivation weird but it works for me so...
Anyway, as someone who loves reading, I am a pretty vicarious person so whenever I try to push myself while running or riding my bike I draw strength from other people's struggles and triumphs.
Take, for example, the 2017 Australian Open final between my idol Roger Federer and his nemesis Rafael Nadal. I try to imagine the pain and suffering Roger had to go through for 5 sets at his age and after recovering from a torn meniscus at that, in order to win that Grand Slam - his first since 2012. I channel my inner Federer, and that pushes me to go faster and farther.
I also love watching sports anime so I think about those dramatic scenes where the protagonists pushed themselves past their breaking point.
One anime that never fails to pump me up is Yowamushi Pedal. That final showdown between Onoda and Manami in season 1 was freaking amazing, but what touched me more was what Onoda told his esteemed senpai Makishima after winning the Inter High title. He expressed how painful it was, riding that final climb to the finish line.
So there you have it haha that's my workout motivation. Apologies if you find it useless but thanks for the opportunity to share 😅
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pom12art · 1 year
I kinda wanna draw a Genshin AU of Yowamushi Pedal but idk what weapon or element should I assign to each character...
I can Imagine Manami getting an Anemo vision, idk what kind of weapon he would use though... (sword??? Ohhh what if he uses a catalyst but does close combat like Heizou!! XDD)
Idk what element Onoda would get but I can see him using a bow as a weapon for some reason. I also headcannon that he got his vision recently or something (kinda like how he got into road racing recently) XD
I can see Midousuji getting an Electro vision but like Manami, idk what kind of weapon he would use...
There's more characters that I could think of but I kinda want to focus on these three for now haha... 😅😅
Maaaan now I really want to design some outfits for them but it's already pretty late down here, and I'll have to do a bunch of research on traditional Japanese clothing and somehow translate that to Genshin's aesthetic.
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hoshiina · 4 months
pairing: kuroda yukinari x gn!reader (no prns)
summary: you are a manager of the Sohoku team and he's a member of the Hakogaku team— the two of you are not meant to be
warnings: spoilers of the second inter-high
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The two of you were not meant to be. The gods had not meant for you to get together, and the world did not lend a helping hand either. You were a year younger than him, a manager of the Souhoku road race team, and he was a member of the Hakone Academy road race team. It wasn't meant to work out.
However, there was no way for you to not fall in love. Not when he was the one you weren't allowed to fall for.
You could never forget, it was your second year at the inter-high as a manager, but it was particularly busy. Maybe it had to do with the fact that it was the first day with all the nerves, or maybe it was the fact that it was really, really hot that day and you failed to realize. However, you fainted while carrying drinks back to your team's tent after most members had crossed the goal for that day. It was a horrible time and place to faint as well— you were avoiding the main walkways and trying to walk under the trees behind the tents to get as much shade as possible, and it was a little after the main bulk of people had left. You were unaware of everything that happened after, but you later hear that Kuroda had been the one to carry you back to your team's tent. Apparently, he had gotten patched up and wanted to try walking to see how his condition was. He was covered in bandages and with an injured arm and leg, he still carried you all the way back, after finishing the first part of a race.
By the time you were up, he was already long gone, but the idea of him doing that for you was enough for you to run out to try to find him. You had no luck that time, as they had already moved to their hotel, but Onoda kindly asked Manami where they were staying for you, as you seemed so hung up on it.
You had roughly a minute, maybe a little more to talk to him, but that was about it. You didn't wish to either, he had a race tomorrow and he had wounds to heal. The fact that he came down to meet you was more than enough for you.
"Thank you so much for earlier today, I heard from everyone else," you said, bowing deep.
"Oh, stop that. It's all good, I'm glad you're up," he said. "Feeling better?"
"Yes, I feel great now, thank you," you said. His bandages looked horrible. "I can't believe you did this for me when your injuries are..."
Then he laughs. You didn't think he was one to laugh. "I was skeptical too... but you were super light and I was glad to know that my arm's still fine," he said, but you knew he was being nice and acting strong. There was no way it wasn't tough.
"Oh, I won't keep you for too long, I'll get in trouble if I bother an athlete before a race any more than I already have," you said with a smile. "Again, thank you so much for today. It really meant the world to me."
Slowly you walked away to leave so he felt comfortable to walk back in. At the time, you thought he was being kind as he watched you walk back, but in reality, he was subconsciously mesmerized by your smile.
You did not get another chance to talk to him that inter-high, but you were always watching him. When he finished the race, when he was on the podium. Everytime he was in your field of vision, you noticed your eyes would follow him. Later, you would greatly regret not talking to him more, but at the moment all you could do was stare.
Months went by and you felt silly after realizing just how much you still thought about him. You couldn't forget him and somehow your feelings only continued to grow, but there was nothing much you could do about it. You didn't know anyone in Hakone Academy directly, and you really didn't feel like asking one of your teammates to ask their friend for Kuroda's contact. Not to mention, he was a third year so you couldn't count on next year's inter-high either.
However, that was alright, because you hadn't expected anything from this to begin with. It was just your one-sided feelings that no one would ever find out about, and that was okay with you. It's not that you were going to give up, but rather that you didn't expect much to begin with. You were more than happy to continue to harbor these feelings, especially while they weren't in the way of anyone else. One day they were bound to disappear.
But like fate, a week later Kinjou had come to visit a practice and he had brought Arakita with him for fun. The entire team was thrilled to see Kinjou again as he helped them train some more, and Arakita watched around as he complained, explaining that he didn't want to be here at all. Apparently he wasn't going to go around helping a former rival team practice either, which was actually a very fair reason.
You knew it was rude and you were very intimidated by Arakita, but all you could think of since he arrived was Kuroda's contact. He must know— and you wanted to know so badly. Was that the right decision though? Shouldn't you just give up and let it go instead? No, you had regretted not talking to him more before and this was your first chance after months. You would be so dumb to let it go just like that.
So just before he was about to leave, you called to him, insanely nervous.
"Arakita-san," you said and he looked back.
"Hah? Oh, the manager?" he asked and you nodded. "Have we talked before?"
"N-no," you said. "So I realize this is terribly strange for me to ask, but could I um..."
"Oh, just spit it out."
"Would you be able to tell me Kuroda-san's contact?" you said very quickly and quietly. Your eyes were glued to the floor and you were too embarrassed to look up.
Immediately after you heard laughter and you were unsure how to react. You didn't think he would laugh at you.
"Is this what I think it is?" He said, far more amused now than he was the entire time he was here. You didn't say anything but it must've shown on your face because he continued to go on. "When did Kuroda find himself a cute little crush?"
"No, it's not him, it's me," you said. "Actually, he probably doesn't remember me..."
"Oh, he's rude and annoying but give him a little more credit than that. If he did something that would make you fall for him, I'm sure that he must remember. He's not one to do nice things, let alone charm people," he said. "And I think you should ask him yourself, rather."
"No, he was very nice! For him to carry someone he didn't know back while... hold on what?"
He had turned his phone on and called a contact named Kuroda.
"Oh, gosh, please don't give it to me. I don't know what to say," you said.
"What do you mean! You were the one who wanted his—" he started to say but he was cut off by a voice from the phone.
"Arakita-san? How rare for you to call," you could hear the voice say faintly. "Did something happen? I'm going to get back to practice soon so if you could be quick..."
It was him. It was Kuroda. The voice you wanted to hear for the past few months was so close and no longer just in your head.
"No, if he's busy then it's okay," you whispered frantically. At this rate his only impression of you is going to be bothersome.
"Why are you suddenly a wimp now considering you were able to come ask me before?" Arakita asked.
"Hmm? What are you talking about?" Kuroda asked from the phone. "A wimp?"
"Oh, my bad, my bad," Arakita replied to him. "Not you. I'm actually at Sohoku right now."
"What? Sohoku? Why?" Kuroda asked, confused. "Oh, then can you see if their managers are okay? One of them fainted during the inter-high a couple of months ago."
Your eyes widened, absolutely shocked. He remembered. He cared. Arakita looked over at you and your face said all he needed to know. Kuroda was talking about you.
"Kuroda-chan are you in love..." he teased and you genuinely thought it was over.
"Oh, shut up," Kuroda replied quietly, and unfortunately you couldn't hear. "What if someone hears you!"
Arakita immediately started to laugh and you heard a faint 'shut up, stop laughing!' from the phone. "Here," Arakita said, passing you the phone. "Your turn."
Shocked you quickly took the phone.
"What? Who's turn? Was someone listening??" Kuroda asked, terribly confused and panicking slightly.
"Um, hello. I'm the one who collapsed at the inter-high who you helped," you said carefully.
"Oh gosh, were you listening?" he asked.
"Sorry, I could hear... Not the last part though!" you said and he sighed, relieved.
"Thank goodness," he said. You were confused and curious, but you had something else to ask.
"I asked Arakita-san for your um... contact... and he kindly called you so I could ask you myself. So would it be alright for me to ask you..." you started to say.
"Of course!" Kuroda replied a little too quickly and enthusiastically, which he beated himself up for seconds later. "I mean, I would love to have your contact as well, if that's okay."
And that was the start. The two of you had many more obstacles to simply get to know each other, but he was the one for you, and you were the one for him.
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cicadaemon · 6 months
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Decided to have a bit more fun with Himeko
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Can’t It be You? Chapter 3
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Summary: Kinjou and his best friend (Reader) have sex... I suck at summarizing.
Kinjou x Fem!Reader nsfw
Warnings: Sex, oral (f receiving), marking/lovebites, virginity loss, unestablished relationship
Word Count: ~5,000
A/N: I have gone over this chapter so much trying to make it perfect that I think I just need to post it. I really can’t edit it anymore without my eyes glossing over.
Friday came a lot faster than Y/N thought it would. She tried to keep herself busy with studying so she wouldn’t think about what was going to happen that night. Unfortunately, Friday was one of her easier days and she didn’t have much work. She cleaned her apartment and showered, trying to decide if she should shave her legs and actually go all out or not worry about it. She ultimately decided to shave. She had so much time, she exfoliated, shaved, and moisturized, even painted her toenails with the extra time she had.
By the time she finished everything, it was nearly dinner. She checked her phone and saw a text from Kinjou.
[What time should I come over? Do you want me to bring food?]
She smiled at his message. There was no romance whatsoever in this planned appointment, but he was definitely bringing in an innocence that was actually quite endearing. She texted him back.
[You can come over whenever you want. Don’t worry about food. I will order pizza.]
She put her phone away and sat at the table to grade some papers. There was a knock at the door and the knob starting turning. Was Kinjou already here? She just messaged him like five minutes ago. She swallowed the lump in her throat, not realizing how nervous she was until just then.
“I got everything we could ever want right here.” Shinkai walked in carrying a grocery bag and calling out each item inside.
“What are you doing here?” She asked him as he set up in the kitchen.
“What do you mean?” He looked at her confused. “It’s Friday.”
“…We were going to watch our show.” She sank in her seat, covering her face. “I totally forgot.”
“Well it doesn’t matter, I brought everything anyway.” He opened one of the bags and started snacking.
“No, I mean, I can’t.” She thought of how to explain. “I’m busy tonight.”
“How are you busy? This is a standing engagement. We always meet Fridays.”
“This came up sort of last minute.”
“Aww, what?” He put the chip back in the bag looking disappointed. “What is it? Maybe I can help you finish it and we can still have time to watch.”
“You probably don’t want to help with this.” She laughed to herself. “Please, I really need to get started.”
“You’re acting weird. Tell me what it is.” He ran and sat on the couch.
“Shinkai!” She followed him. “I don’t have time. Really.”
“What is it you have to do?” He asked eating his chips again.
“If I tell you, you’ll leave?”
“I promise.” He crossed his heart using the chip in his hand. Y/N sighed.
“Kinjou is coming over.” She said. Shinkai looked unphased.
“So? We can all—” He gasped. “You said yes!”
“And he’s coming over now?”
“To have sex?”
“Yes. Will you stop!” She took the bag of chips from him and started moving to the kitchen where he followed. “So now you have to leave.”
“I can’t believe you said yes.”
“You told me to!” She packed up everything he brought and handed it to him. He took it, putting on his shoes.
“Do you think I can watch?” He laughed.
“Please don’t do this to me now.” She rolled her eyes.
“I want to know everything.” She opened the door and he went outside. “Everything.”
“Take the stairs.” She closed the door, then quickly opened it. “I’ll call you later.”
She rested her head against the closed door and took a deep breath before going back to the kitchen table and grading papers. It was only about ten minutes before there was a knock at the door again. She waited for the door knob to turn. When it didn’t, she got up and opened the door.
Kinjou was standing there with wet hair and a backpack. He smiled at her as she opened the door. She could smell his soap before he even moved past her to walk inside. He was one of those people that always smelled good, even after riding his bike all day. He didn’t always smell clean, but he always smelled good. Right now, he smelled like his soap which had a scent of soap. No frills or anything fancy. It suited him well.
“Your hair’s wet.” She said. “I showered just before coming here.” He walked inside and they both went to the living room.
“What’s in the bag?” She pointed at his backpack.
“Just some of my stuff.” He opened it. “I wasn’t sure if I was staying the night or what I would need so I brought my toothbrush and pajamas.” She felt a little flutter in her stomach at his wholesomeness. “I also didn’t know which condoms you liked so I just got a bunch of them.”
Ever since she met him, he always had the look of a serious, responsible adult, which he was most of the time. Occasionally he would let these innocent, thoughtful little pieces of him slide out and it always had her wanting to squeeze him. He could honestly be adorable without even trying.
“You really didn’t have to buy the big packs of these.” She laughed holding up the three eighteen-pack boxes of condoms. “You can keep your bag in my bedroom if you want. Should we get started?”
“I mean,” she started, “we have like over 50 condoms to use, we don’t have a lot of time.”
“Very funny.” He laughed.
“Is there something you want to do first?” She asked.
“Should I get drunk first?”
“So you won’t even remember it?” She questioned.
“Well not as drunk as last weekend, but you were right, isn’t this a little awkward?” He readjusted his shirt. “I mean… I’m kind of nervous.”
“It will be fine. Let’s stay sober for now. We can always add alcohol later.”
“Okay.” He reached for his bag. “I read that setting the mood is important so I brought some candles.” He pulled out a couple candles from his bag. Y/N stared at him trying so hard to hold back her smile. She couldn’t handle him. Everything was so sweet.
“Stop being so cute! I literally can’t even take how adorable you are.” She grabbed his shoulders and shook him.
“The woman at the store said these have a relaxing effect.” He tried to read the label.
Y/N looked at the label then pulled away and looked out the window, it was getting dark now and as ridiculous of a thought as it was, they were bound to be hungry soon. They might as well get started now. She glanced up at him. There was no way he was going to do anything without guidance so starting this was going to be up to her.
She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her bedroom. She had a lighter in her nightstand and handed it to him. He fumbled with it until he was able to light the candles and she set one on each night stand then sat on the bed next to him.
She leaned forward and kissed him, sitting herself closer to him and moving her lips. He was barely moving at all. She put her hand on his thigh and he gasped quietly. She used that chance to try sliding her tongue along his lips, but he froze.
“Kinjou,” she said, pulling away. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“I’m sorry. Yes. I do.” He sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m just nervous. This is really new for me.”
“What are you talking about?” She smirked. “You kissed me like two days ago.”
“That was different.” He smiled as he remembered.
“How was it different?”
“I don’t know, it just was.”
“Why don’t you take a couple deep breaths.” She instructed.
“How many?” She rolled her eyes at him.
“Three.” She got up and closed the curtains and the door, eliminating all the light in the room except for the candles and sat back down in front of him, watching him as he continued taking deep breaths. He was right though, this was a little awkward and she was pretty nervous herself. This was one of her best friends. Once they got started, it wouldn’t be as bad, but right now she was uncomfortable.
“I’m not going to kiss you,” she said and he opened his eyes to the dark room. “We can sit here until you kiss me.”
She sat there staring at him. He could only make out certain parts of her face, the candlelight obscuring his view. He could feel the heat rising in his face just sitting there, but she didn’t move. He watched the light dance in her eyes and the warm glow it gave her cheeks. His heart started beating quickly.
His jaw was clenching as he lifted his hand up and touched her cheek, holding his breath as he guided her face to his. This time he was ready for the kiss. As soon as his lips met hers, he could feel an excitement in his stomach, the same excitement from the other night. He moved his lips and they melted into hers. Her lips were soft and cushiony and felt so good against his lips. He scooted his body closer to her and she opened her mouth allowing his tongue to brush against hers. His tongue delicately moved in, barely even entering her mouth.
“You don’t have to be so gentle.” She whispered, pushing him back to lay on the bed and hovering over him. She didn’t want to force him to move faster, but the point of this was for him to lose his virginity.
She moved her mouth down his jaw and to his neck. He really did smell so good. She opened her mouth, sucking on his jaw. He inhaled sharply as her tongue made contact with his skin and he brought his hands to her waist.
She sat up, glancing down at him before taking off her shirt and tossing it to the side. He stared without blinking, licking his lips as his eyes travelled up her body until they reached her face. He whispered her name and she barely heard it, but she did hear it and it sent heat pooling in her stomach. She sat her hips on his, feeling a growing hardness under her butt, heat rolling through her body at the thought of him being turned on by her.
She needed to keep reminding herself to breathe. She knew she was the more dominant one and she didn’t want to push Kinjou too hard. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin this experience for him. She was going to really struggle not enjoying it herself though.
He sat up and pulled her face to his, kissing her deeply now. He reached for his own shirt, pulling it up. Y/N helped him, pulling it over his head. As they both were tugging, his glasses got caught in the middle.
“Ow—damn,” he muttered and Y/N laughed. She carefully pulled them off and set them on the nightstand. She took a second to look at him. He has been letting his hair grow out recently and having it all tussled up was a nice combination with his swollen lips. She ran her fingers through his hair and leaned back in to kiss him.
His hands were more active now, moving along her back and ribs, the warmth of his touch making her feel dizzy. She groaned quietly as he moved his lips to her neck, his lips brushing lightly across her skin. She could feel her skin tingling and closed her eyes, melting in his arms. His lips made their way down to her stomach as his hands moved to her back, reaching for her bra clasp. She waited, bringing her hands to his hair, massaging his scalp as he figured out how to remove it.
She was starting to lose herself in her arousal and wanted to touch him. She wanted to move her hands over every part of his body and listen to him moan as he writhed in front of her, orgasm surging through him. Her body was losing control just thinking about it. She bit her lip and whined feeling his erection growing. She finally moved her hands to her back and unclasped her bra for him, taking it off and dropping it to the side. His hands went to her breasts, each hand cupping one and moving it around. His thumb brushed over her nipple and she gasped. Her body was flooded with excitement and they had barely even gotten started.
She leaned back on her arms, giving him more access and slowly let her head fall back. He jumped on her, straddling her legs, his hips resting on hers while his erection, even bigger than before, pushed against her stomach through his jeans. His mouth was at her neck sucking and lightly nipping at the soft skin. One hand was massaging her breast while the other slowly lowered her to the bed under him. She whined as she tried to hold herself back and let him take control.
He moved his lips down her body, wrapping them around her nipple. The combination of his hot breath and wet tongue gave her chills, making her nipple even harder as his tongue rolled over the stiff bud. Y/N’s hand flew to the back of his head, holding him as close as she could to her body as she moaned. He had no idea how much he was turning her on and she had no idea he would be able to heat her up this quickly.
He continued his way down, unbuckling her pants and sliding them over her hips. He stopped halfway, admiring the way her body curved, the plush skin around her hips and thighs begging to be squeezed. As he pulled her pants further down, he noticed how see-through her underwear was and his cock twitched in his pants. He licked his lips, his mouth beginning to water just at the sight, and continued removing her pants. Crawling back over her, he paused above her core, wanting so badly to taste her but being unsure if that was part of their deal. He moved back up to her face and connected their lips. There was a lot more passion in their kisses now, a lot more tongue and a lot rougher caressing the more worked up they got.
Y/N flipped them over and moved her lips to his neck and collarbone. Kinjou was panting heavily now, his body already begging for her. She undid his pants and pulled them off and admired his body. She always had a thing for thighs and being a cyclist, she had seen her fair share of thighs, amazing and mediocre. Kinjou had supreme, top of the line, absolutely perfect thighs. Thick, powerfully built legs with an amazing amount of definition. She sat herself in between them, rubbing her hands over the muscle before lowering herself down, pulling a section of his inner thigh into her mouth and sucking, her tongue running over the skin when she decided to let go.
Kinjou was finally moaning and breathing heavily, his hands grabbing fistfuls of blanket as he squirmed above her. She couldn’t stop herself. Hearing his beautiful moans and watching him lose himself in pleasure was sending titillating waves of energy through her body, ending at her core. It only encouraged her to continue, taking another part closer to his groin, sucking even harder. He groaned, wincing slightly and she let go.
“Sorry, was it too hard?” She asked, massaging his leg.
“No, no,” he breathed, “it’s so—so good.” She closed her eyes and bit her lip at his words, feeling a hot pulse run through her body, right to her stomach, a tight coil needing release. She leaned back down, moving to the other thigh and bringing the soft skin into her mouth. When she was satisfied, she looked up, the front of his underwear was wet and she had to resist the urge to pull that into her mouth as well. Instead she backed up off the bed and he sat up on his elbows watching her, eyes lidded. She slid off her panties and kicked them to the side.
A small noise escaped from Kinjou as his mouth slowly dropped open, eyes fixed on her completely naked body in front of him. He couldn’t move as he watched her lean over him and pull his underwear down his legs. He sat up, watching her body move over his until she set his underwear to the side.
Y/N was watching his reactions, everything so new to him. As she slid his underwear down, his erection sprang free, slapping his stomach and bobbing lightly, precum leaking from the tip. He was thick. Thick enough to have her core aching for that tantalizing stretch once he was inside of her. It took everything she had not to reach down and start pleasuring herself while watching him. She was drunk with lust, losing herself more and more, her body needing him.
She crawled on top of him, pushing him down and kissing him then lying next to him. His hand quickly moved in between her legs, his first two fingers sliding in between her folds. The sensation made him exhale deeply as he moved his fingers around, the wetness making him even harder.
She opened her legs a bit, giving him more room to explore, moaning when he grazed over her clit. He slid a finger in her entrance and she whined, arching her back slightly. He slid another one in, feeling around inside of her, fingertips lightly moving along her walls. She moaned, pushing his hand in a bit deeper then pulling him down for a rough kiss.
He moved his fingers, building a rhythm as she writhed under him. He slowly pulled his fingers out, but not completely. Her warm wetness covering his fingers rested just inside her folds and she pathetically rubbed herself against his hand and whined, pulling away from the kiss.
“Y/N.” He panted. “Can I please use my mouth on you... In—instead of my fingers.”
Her jaw dropped and she let out a noise at his question. He was asking for this. This night was supposed to be about him, but he was asking to pleasure her and that thought had arousal overwhelming her. Maybe they never discussed it, but she was certainly in no position to be trying to think anything through right now. But God, she so badly wanted to feel his face in between her legs, to look down and see him dipping into her folds, his back muscles flexing as he spread her legs. The thought had her dripping. She looked at him and he licked his lips waiting for a response. “If—if you want to.”
“God, I really do.” He breathed and kissed her hard before he slithered down. Her heart was racing out of anticipation. She opened her legs a little wider, watching him crawl down between her legs. He held onto her knees as he lowered himself down and she gasped at the feeling of his hot tongue slipping in between her wet folds.
It was a strange feeling, like having sex in public, doing something she wasn’t supposed to be doing. It made her entire body hot and flooded her with a need for more of him, the twisted coil in her stomach getting tighter. She looked back down at him. Her best friend was pleasuring her, running his tongue all over her most private parts, moaning into her. The sound rumbled out of him and straight into her.
She couldn’t control her back arching or the loud moan that came from her, both giving him more confidence to delve deeper. His mouth slid all over, tasting her on his lips and tongue. She was bitter and tart, but a little bit sweet and he couldn’t get enough.
“Is this okay?” He asked, reluctantly pulling away to speak.
“Mmm...” It was her turn to be grabbing fistfuls of the blanket.
He went back to her folds, his mouth lightly pulling on her inner lips. He moved upwards to her clit and she let out a breathy moan. He let his tongue linger in that spot and she could feel herself getting even wetter, soaking the bed beneath her. Her body was working hard as he pushed her closer to the edge. Kinjou moaned deeply at the warm taste, squeezing her hips and sliding his tongue through her entrance.
She was shaking, her body trembling in his arms. She put her hands in his hair and he tried to push himself deeper into her. He could barely handle the aching in his groin anymore, but he needed more of this, he needed more of her.
She spread her legs a little, giving herself enough space so she could look down at him. She had to bite back a groan as she watched his face dipping in and out of her. His nose was shiny with slick. He moved his hand to caress her thigh and she sighed, his eyes moving up to look at her.
She froze for a moment as they made eye contact, her cheeks flushing. It was incredibly intimate, perhaps too intimate for their relationship, but what was their relationship going to be after this anyway? She couldn’t bring herself to look away. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he continued working at her core, sliding over her clit again as he stared directly at her.
In their three years of friendship, she had never felt this close to him. He sank his tongue back into her entrance and moaned as a fresh wave of her slick hit his tongue. He closed his eyes, breaking the eye contact briefly, enjoying the warmth. Maybe the awkwardness wasn’t what she should have been worrying about.
“God,” she groaned, “you look so good.”
She couldn’t hold back much more. She was fighting the urge to grind against his face, her hand already in the position to push him further. He moved his tongue forward until he reached her clit again.
“Right there.” She moaned. “Kinjou, don’t stop… don’t… stop.” Kinjou grabbed her thighs tightly and flattened his tongue over that spot, working it over and over as she shook in his arms.
She couldn’t control her body anymore. Her hands tightly gripping the blankets under them while her hips thrusted forward, legs shaking. Kinjou was squeezing her thighs and she knew she was there. Her orgasm hit her and her body tensed up, her mind disappearing and giving way to elation.
She was only able to concentrate on the pleasure stemming from in between her legs as her body shook in his arms, tensing and heating up before she cried out, falling back to the bed, panting heavily. Kinjou was still lapping at her core, moving to suck on her inner lips then making his way back to her clit and back around.
“Wait—wait.” Her tired body tried to push his head away. “Stop—Kinjou stop.” He looked up at her. “I… I’m too sensitive right now.” She huffed.
She sat up and he came to sit next to her, concern in his eyes. She could see his body was flushed red and hot. He was also breathing heavily and his eyes were lidded. He was lost in his own arousal. She stared at him, hoping to burn the image in her mind. She never wanted to forget how he looked in this moment. She brought her hand to his cheek.
“Do you need to stop?” he asked, licking his lips, the area all around his mouth shiny and slick.
“No, we are definitely going to keep going.” She smiled. “I just needed a small break.”
She reached to the nightstand and grabbed the boxes before pushing him down on his back and crawling over his body.
“Which one is the winner?” She held the condom boxes up for him.
He smiled, pointing to one of them and she opened it up, getting the condom and rolling it on him quickly.
“You ready?” He nodded.
She slowly lowered herself onto his hips and lined herself up before she sank down onto him. The stretch was everything she knew it would be and she whined as Kinjou let out a loud exhale, breathing picking up.
She started off slowly, just grinding lightly, to watch his reaction. His eyes were closed and he rubbed his fingers along her hips and waist. She was loving watching his peaceful enjoyment, each time she would grind backwards, his bottom lip would pull in between his teeth. It wasn’t long before he started gripping her hips a little tighter and guiding her movements over him.
He couldn’t believe what he was feeling, the way her body was sliding over his, her walls squeezing him so tightly, her soft skin under his hands. He wanted more of it. He steered her hips a little and she followed, moving herself where he wanted her to go. He clenched his jaw at the feeling. He needed more.
They both couldn’t wait very long and soon enough, she was bouncing as hard and as fast as she could on him. His body twitching under her as he grunted. She could feel her second release nearly there and was ready for it, knowing his was close too. He held her hips and helped thrust up into her as she slammed down onto him. They were surprisingly in sync for where their minds were.
His hips began to falter, his thrusting becoming erratic as his grunts got deeper and louder. He shifted positions so he could balance slightly on one arm while the other held Y/N. One final grunt and he dropped his head back. She watched his face contort as he orgasmed. His eyes squeezed shut and mouth open. His body tensed up as he dug his nails into her hips. The veins in his neck were bulging as his orgasm took his breath and he unloaded into her. A strangled groan escaping him before he finally gasped for air. Just as his breathing returned, she heard him quietly groan her name and she lost control of her body as her orgasm rolled over her quickly. She closed her eyes and lost herself, a final moan being caught in her throat until she could breathe again. She slowed her grinding and lowered her head, her body shaking and tingling with pleasure.
They both continued breathing heavily for a couple minutes, trying to catch their breath. She sat back and then pulled herself off of him, sitting next to him.
“Holy shit,” he said, looking up at the ceiling, still lost in his head. She reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a hair tie, tying her hair up. He looked at her. “God, you look amazing… I—I mean, I feel amazing…” He blushed and quickly looked away.
“Yeah?” She looked over and smiled at him. “Me too.”
“I’m hungry. Do you feel hungry?” He patted his stomach, sitting up.
“I’ll order the pizza.” She laughed grabbing the phone.
Less than an hour later, they were both sitting in her living room eating. Kinjou had put on his underwear and Y/N put on her robe.
“Maybe I should have ordered two pizzas,” she said as they both picked up the last slice.
“I didn’t think I would be this hungry.” He finished the slice in three bites and wiped his mouth.
“It is already eight I figured eating after would be a better plan.” She smiled and took a bite.
“How was it for you?” He asked hesitantly.
“The pizza?” She took a bite. “It’s a bit small, but it tastes good.”
“No.” He chuckled at her response. “I meant me, how was I? Was it really awful or was it okay?”
“Oh.” She swallowed her bite. “Um, yeah—yes. It was good—You were good.” Her eyes travelled down to his legs. He had several dark red marks all over his thighs. The idea of him seeing her marks on him over the next couple days had her heating up again.
“You okay?” He noticed her skin reddening.
“Yeah, fine. Just hot.” She reached forward and took a gulp of her water and started fanning the collar of her robe. “This robe is just hot.”
Kinjou watched her fan herself. The robe wasn’t one of those thick bathrobes, it was one of those flimsy, thin fabric ones. As she fanned the collar of the robe, he could catch glimpses of her breasts, soft and supple skin, so warm when he touched them. Her nipples were hard against the thin fabric and he felt a heat wash over him, his mind getting fogged over. When he looked up at her face, her eyes were fixated on his legs and he looked down. Dark red spots littered his inner thighs.
He licked his lips remembering her lips on him, already feeling himself getting hard again. He looked back up and her eyes were still stuck on his thighs as she desperately fanned herself. He moved his plate and crawled closer to her.
“Do you want to give me more of these?” He put one of her hands on his thighs.
She looked at him, her mouth hanging open and pulse racing. The way he just flat out asked her had her body already begging for him. Wetness trickled out from between her legs, soaking her robe as she struggled with how she should answer. On one hand, she wanted to remind herself and him that they were friends, she was doing a him a favor and that favor was already complete.
On the other hand, she wanted so badly to say yes. She wanted his thighs in her hands and in her mouth. She wanted to run her tongue over every inch of him and see him shaking with pleasure again. Her mind was even closer to being made as he waited so close to her, strong legs straddling her body, his breath hitting her face as he cupped her cheeks. She looked down at his lips as he moved closer to her.
“Yes,” she whispered and his lips were all over hers.
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serene-error707 · 4 years
Imaizumi Shunsuke x Reader
I quietly approached behind him and giggled inside. I streched out my hands and tried to cover his eyes. His back was behind me so I just assumed I covered it. But since he was so tall, I felt him smile and figured out it was his cheeks. It was so embarrassing so I tried to pull my hands away from the failed surprise attempt when he held it and turned around while closing his eyes. He bent his knees slightly until our eyes could align. He took my hands and used it to cover his eyes. I blushed beet red when I realized he was carrying out the act anyway. I smiled and asked, "Guess who?"
"Hm... Naruko?"
I laughed. Despite his usual cool demeanor, he really is funny and considerate.
"Wrong! You only have two chances left! Be careful, if you fail three times, you'll have to kiss me! What if I'm Aoyagi-senpai? Tsk tsk."
This was so fun. He's supposed to be warming up but he's still playing with me. I know I shouldn't hold him up so it'll only take a minute!
"Eto, kanzaki-san?" He was smiling slightly and is obviously making fun of me.
"Wrong! One last chance---"
He kissed me. I was taken aback and froze. When I realized what happened, I pouted.
"Mou! That's unfair, cheater!"
He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Yeah yeah. I played with you long enough, captain's asking for me. I can hear him through there. Be a good girl and cheer for me, okay? Love you."
"I love you too! Do your best! I'll be waiting at the summit to watch you cross the finish line faster than anyone else!"
He smiled widely and nodded.
This was just one of the trivial, unimportant things we do before his race, but for us, it's these little things that makes us fall in love with each other again and again.
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galuxeis · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
yuuto's got a case of the uwus
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im-aranami · 3 years
OKAY but. I have been delaying this for weeks so here it is, if there are any mistakes please inform me. enjoy this drabble!
Manami Sangaku x Reader
It was a Sunday afternoon, the cold breeze running through your hair as you cycle. While enjoying the breeze you suddenly feel a strong gush of wind beside you, Manami. Manami Sangaku he's the ace climber of Hakone Academy, and your best *friend*
You can't help but stare at him as he cycles through the wind, looking like an angel soaring through the sky. In a daze, you lost your balance and fell.
"That's what I get for staring" you pouted "So you were staring!" someone exclaimed. Their voice was smooth, filled with joy, and also familiar.. you look up and see Manami smiling cheekily
"Might as well take a picture Y/N" he laughs as he helps you up.
'I would have a photo album of you Manami, if I could' you thought to yourself smiling.
"What are you smiling about Y/N?"
'You.' I wish I could say that to you..
"It's nothing let's go now shall we?"
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