jailhouse41 · 1 month
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Yorozuya Kinnosuke (萬屋錦之介) as Ogami Itto and Kazutaka Nishikawa (西川和孝) as Daigoro in episode 2 of the 1973 Lone Wolf And Cub (子連れ狼) TV series.
Scanned from Movie Pictorial (映画情報), June 1973.
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heartgoldshiper · 10 days
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chernobog13 · 4 months
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Kinnosuke Nakamura as Ogami Ittō, and Katzutaka Nishikawa as his son, Daigoro, in the first Lone Wolf and Cub television series (1973-1976). Nishikawa-kun played Daigoro for the first two seasons of the show and presumably aged out of the role; he was replaced by Takumi Satô for the third and final season.
This series was produced by a Kazuo Koike's production company. Koike-san, the author of the original manga the series was based on, wanted to emphasize the relationship between father and son. Because of time and story constraints, the six feature films (1972-1974) starring Tomasiburo Wakayama had only been able to briefly touch upon this aspect of the story.
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heyclaudiadaro · 4 months
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¡Fanart de Pokémon Pocket Monsters por PinkWaffle87!
Subido con su permiso, visiten su perfil :3
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tsun-zaku · 6 months
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「赤穂城断絶」(1978年・東映) 監督=深作欣二、出演=萬屋錦之介 ほか。
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kubominero · 2 years
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I drew my favorite characters from each anime/game I really like as Tarot Cards!! And BOY I'm really happy how this turned out :DD
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lesbiankoby · 1 year
[loves obito enough to write him mid uchiha massacre] well everyone has flaws. maybe those babies had bad vibes.
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eaeulfl · 5 months
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haccah · 1 year
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ikuhara · 7 months
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kursed-arcana · 2 years
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plonys · 5 months
pt.2 of itazura na kiss seonghwa you say? @chngbnwf ask and you shall receive 👀👀
suggestive content below!!!
seonghwa leans back onto his chair as the class ends and the teacher walks out of the room. noises of students laughing and chit chatting fills the classroom and usually seonghwa would be preparing his books and materials for the next subject. but right now, all he had in his mind was you.
he thinks about the way your lips tasted last night.
the way you smelled, so homey and sweet.
the way you grinded on his lap and begged him to stop teasing you.
he knows he has to stop before he gets a hard-on in class. he cannot be caught running to the school toilets with a bulge in his trousers, the embarrassment would be too much to handle.
he feels his pants getting tighter and tighter while he bites down on his lips to try to get the thought of you under him last night out of his head.
but it seems that seonghwa is not that subtle at suppressing his dirty thoughts as his uncomfortable fidgeting and silent sighs had caught the attention of one of his classmates.
"seonghwa are you ok?"
"h-hmm? yeah I'm fine reiko."
he wonders what you are doing right now. are you paying attention in class? are you gossiping with your friends? or are you thinking about what happened last night too?
he hopes that hes not the only one feeling hot and bothered here because fuck he needs you so bad, nothing seems to be helping.
at this point he has given up on controlling his thoughts. his mind runs free about all the things he wants to do to you, all the positions he wants you in.
he wants you on your knees choking on his cock. he wants you crying and begging him to go slower when he's inside you. he wants your neck full of hickeys and marks so that kinnosuke guy in your class will finally get the hint and fuck off.
he wants all of you. and he wants it now.
but his train of thought is brought to an abrupt stop when the teacher comes in to start the class.
seonghwa looks down to see a huge bulge at his trousers and a breath seethes through his teeth.
guess he'll have to wait till class ends and after everyone leaves to get you to fix his problem.
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chernobog13 · 10 months
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Machibuse (1970), aka Incident at Blood Pass and The Ambush.
This film was produced by Toshiro Mifune's company, Mifune Productions, and released by Toho. It was the second teaming of Mifune-san and Shintaro Katsu. They had starred together earlier that year in Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo, produced by Katsu Productions.
This is often referred to as Mifune-san's last performance as his famous character from Yojimbo and Sanjuro. That's a bunch of PR hooey. While there are some similarities, Mifune-san is playing a different character altogether.
The plot involves many people - a ronin, a disgraced doctor, a police constable and his prisoner, a woman abused by her husband, and a band of robbers - trapped in a snowed-in mountain pass and staying at the same inn. There are intrigues galore amongst the various players, and Mifune-san's ronin plays all sides in order to stay on top of the situation.
Mifune-san was reunited with director Hiroshi Inagaki for this project. Fifteen years earlier Inagaki-san had directed The Samurai Trilogy starring Mifune-san as the legendary samurai/sword saint Miyamoto Musashi. Machibuse would be Inagaki-san's last film.
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saw this on the wiki page for Natsume Sōseki:
From this point on, he began signing his poems with the epithet Sōseki, a Chinese idiom meaning "stubborn".
sōseki chinryū (as described in a somewhat SEO-ish article)—
Souseki-chinryu (漱石枕流)
Meaning: Sore loser who stubbornly refuses to admit being wrong, someone who makes excuses and acts condescendingly despite failing; to have sour grapes
Literal translation and kanji breakdown: By breaking it into two compounds, we get a set of seemingly nonsense: chinryu (枕流) means “to rinse a pillow” and souseki (漱石) to “gargle stones.” If you think it sounds like gibberish, then you’re right. Read the origin story below to find out why. (The same idiom can also be used in reverse, chinryu-souseki (枕流漱石) to mean the same thing.)
Fun Fact: Souseki Natsume is said to have taken his pen name (real name Kinnosuke Natsume) from this idiom.
Souseki-chinryu: The Origins
If you’ve ever feared that people will remember something stupid you’ve said, then rest assured it will never be as bad as Western Jin Dynasty commander Sun Chu’s gaffe back in the early- to mid-200s. His slip of the tongue has survived almost two millennia.
Sun Chu said to his friend Wang Ji that he wanted to become a hermit. He suggested they “go deep into the mountains and wash our mouths with stone and let the stream be our pillow.” When Wang Ji corrected him — surely he meant, “wash our mouths in the stream and let stones be our pillows” — Sun Chu doubled down. He insisted they would use a stream as a pillow to wash away sinful things they had heard. The stones would be ground into a powder and used as toothpaste, thus they would rinse their mouths with rocks.
Obviously, this was an unconvincing enough argument back then that the mixup is synonymous with being a sore loser who doesn’t back down almost 1,800 years later. Ouch.
Sun Chu (孫楚; died 282) was a native of Zhongdu commandery (中都縣; in present-day Pingyao) in Shanxi; who when quite young wished to become a recluse, and said to Wang Ji (王濟), "I will wash my mouth with rocks, and pillow my head on the running stream." "How will you manage that?" enquired Wang, smiling at his slip of the tongue. "Oh," replied Sun, not the least taken aback, "I will use the rocks for tooth powder, and the stream to cleanse my ears."
This story is the origin of a phrase in Chinese and other languages that were influenced by it, such as Japanese, "漱石枕流". Literally "gargle rock pillow stream", it refers to a sore-loser who refuses to back down ever after making a mistake and continues to defend it to the end regardless of how unlikely the argument is.
GOOD namesake
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lesbiankoby · 2 years
2, 14, 32, and 45 for Kinnosuke?
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
Essentially nonexistent. Kinnosuke’s parents died when he was about four, and they were essentially raised by their older brother Souseki, a Special Jounin at the time of the massacre.
They have a vague respect for her and their father but don’t really personally remember them enough to feel anything deeper.
Does your character remember names or faces easier?
They have sharingan-induced photographic memory post massacre (when they’re… awake… and not blind.), which burns most peoples faces into their brain, but they honestly aren’t great at names? It takes a few interactions before they’re going to reliably remember anything. Internally referred to Sasuke as “second son” in their head for like… three months into metaphorically living in his basement because they didn’t remember what his name was and couldn’t, like, ask at that point, even if they were capable of asking.
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
They can barely stand it when people they actually trust can like, perceive them. Being looked at or acknowledged by strangers puts them on edge. This intensifies if they feel like they’re being crowded / the more people are involved and eventually they’ll just shut down (even more if they can’t activate their Sharingan and have to deal with being perceived and being physically blind).
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
They’re not entirely unconvinced they won’t just functionally stop existing but, honestly, while they’re hellbent on surviving, I don’t think they have any definitive concepts on what death might be like to experience. I guess it’s kind of irrelevant to them other then dying means no longer living which is their preferred state of existence. The existence of edo tensei zombies probably throws everyone for a loop about that one though. I wonder how many massive spiritual crisis tobirama put his enemies through.
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Pokémon Pocket Monsters Ruby - Sapphire Volume 1 - Chapter 3
Clefairy attempts to rescue Pikachu from a con artist Trainer.
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I'm kind of disappointed in Ruby. We barely know anything about him and he barely interacts with anyone besides Clefairy and Pikachu. Even though he's not as interesting as Kinnosuke or Ginjiro, this is still his first appearance and we should expect better scenarios with him in the future.
In the original text, the hero character from Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire is called Sapphire.
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While translating this chapter, I decided to change his name to Ruby as it seemed more masculine and connected him to a similar character from Pokémon Adventures. (Which some readers might be more familiar with...)
I plan to do something like this for another character down the line to continue cleaning up all the confusion in this manga.
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You'll just have to stay tuned until then!
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