The Lies He Told: Dave Buchansky’s Multitude of Deception and the REAL Reason Mayte Garcia Was Barred from the 2017 Anniversary Celebration
It was something discussed among Prince fans leading up to the 2017 Celebration that marked the one year anniversary of his passing: would Prince's first ex-wife, Mayte Garcia, show up? Would she answer questions about “that book”? And, would she be welcomed by Prince’s family and his other proteges and collaborators?
Two weeks prior to Celebration 2017, Garcia released a tell-all about her marriage to Prince that many saw as a money-making endeavor since she announced the release less than 4 months after his death. Prior to the release of the book, Mayte consented to a series of cover stories for People magazine, most with inflammatory headlines crafted to exploit all the salacious content and scandals possible. Garcia, who actively and proudly promoted these People posts on her Twitter account, would later send her friend to different social media sites to say the magazine, that is part of Time-Warner Books and owned/operated by Hachette Books---Mayte's publisher, blindsided her.  This was only after potential buyers expressed discontent that Prince was being labeled a “pedophile,” and “abuser.” A call placed to the magazine's PR department confirmed for us that Garcia was wholly aware of the different articles and the bylines disseminated publicly, and that she never expressed dissatisfaction at any time. Social media was mostly aghast and the Prince fan community was divided into two camps: pro-Mayte and anti-Book. These events are what fed speculation as to whether she would be in Minneapolis on April 21, 2017.
The truth is known in Minneapolis, according to a source close to the music scene “here, we've always known the truth about Mayte.” However, the public does not. According to that friend of Mayte's---Dave Buchansky, who rock journalist Lonn Friend described as Mayte's professional “tagalong”*, she wasn't going to the Celebration because of threats issued that compromised her safety.  Dave issued a statement shared across social media that said death threats to Mayte and her daughter would not allow her to travel there and that the local law enforcement was being kept abreast of the situation. He issued a similar statement in October 2016 after someone in an audience at an after party following the tribute show threw a bottle of water at her. The claim in April was not only untrue, but many who were instrumental in working the Celebration were unaware of any threats.  
This isn’t the first time Dave has fabricated contact with law enforcement in a pathetic attempt to overstate his importance in the world.  He has, in the past, said that he’s reported people to the FBI, to the police, etc., and fictional tales of swat teams with guns seizing upon the homes of people who do not speak with blind adoration for Mayte.  Dave watches way too many episodes of “Law & Order.” Law enforcement does not work that way, it is very procedural. Dave does not have that kind of power. People in the industry do not know who he is unless you say “Prince’s ex-wife’s best friend,” and even then, you get the Mariah Carey, “I don’t know her” response. Essentially, he is duping Mayte’s supporters and stirring them up into a frenzy based on nothing more than his say so.  But such is the case with truly emasculated men.
All it takes is a phone call to these agencies to learn that recently, Dave nor Mayte has filed any such complaint.  Reports are always filed in the state where the victim resides (in Mayte’s case, CA), not where the suspect resides (like Arizona where he claims to have reported someone in October 2016). What one may find is there is are reports on file bearing his name as the offender throughout the country because of his history of harassing people, particularly women, on Mayte’s behalf.  There is proof they exist, along with case numbers and the names of officers and detectives assigned to each case.  
If the charges Dave has leveled against people weren't so serious, it would be laughable because “threats on Mayte’s life” is the excuse he continues to use to justify the fact that people who were close to Prince don't like Mayte, not out of jealousy, but because she's not a good person; it's all show. Many on the inside did like her at one time and tried to include her, but her true self revealed a woman with a nasty attitude who allowed Dave to control her and her surroundings using the force of his body weight and not much else.  Some have observed that Dave has little respect for Mayte’s intelligence because if he did think she was a smart woman, he would have followed through in making sure the business affairs she left in his domain were complete and followed the letter of the law starting with the charity’s business in Florida.
Dave did not even file the annual report and $400 fee to the state of Florida to keep her charity in good standing there.  He acquired charitable status in FL for Mayte’s Rescue on December 23, 2014. Florida’s Attorney General dissolved the charity on September 25, 2015 due to this administrative oversight the Vice President of the charity (Dave) should have stayed on top of.  Surely, he will blame this on Anamaria Mendez, who is listed as an “agent”.  It is uncertain as to whether Mendez would defend any blame placed upon her or what her relationship is to Mayte and is she is in good standing with her.  Regardless of who he blames, the IRS invalidates the 501(c)3 status of any nonprofit not in good standing in any state.  So, even though Mayte posted two postcards of filings (and, yes, Mayte, you DO have to file a postcard under $50,000, they just don’t ask for the exact income amount), not being in good standing in Florida could invalidate her federal IRS tax-exempt status upon report, which would make it nearly impossible to register in CA until she cleared all of it up.  If she self-reports this discrepancy, she may just have to pay fines and the matter will go away upon registration in CA with DOJ (see CA DOJ FAQs).  If it is reported by others, she may not get it back without a long and expensive battle. If past behavior is a predictor of future behavior, Mayte, Dave and the rest of her “Get-A-Long Gang” will blame others and point fingers just as they have attempted to do with regards to the Celebration.
The real deal is that Mayte called up Kirk Johnson, whom she affectionately refers to as “Kirky J,” and asked him if she could set up a table to sell and sign her book to Prince fans at the Celebration. “Kirky J” basically told her, in more colorful language, “hell to the no, to the no, no, no!”  Whatever you may want to think about “Kirky J,” he was right in denying her that request.  Mayte wanted to turn the Celebration of Prince's life and music into her own purple paisley party to celebrate the release of her version of reality that doesn’t jive with the version she and Prince shared over the last 20 years.  Furthermore, it really wasn’t the place to peddle her goods. Yes, for the 89 millionth time, we know she was briefly married to Prince (although his marriage to Mani lasted longer; even his friendship with Denise lasted longer than his first marriage), and we know she gave birth to his only child that we are aware of. It does not bear repeating if she’s so confident about her place in the larger story of his life.
Sure some people don’t like Mayte or how she took the opportunity of Prince’s death to profit, but death threats? Perhaps there were, but like with the charity whose CA DOJ registration letter we still have yet to see (IRS 990 postcard is no substitution), we haven’t seen evidence of these threats, nor have we seen proof of the police reports Dave purports were filed. In fact, Dave has spent the last two days slandering various individuals, saying he has screenshots and proof. Again, laughable, but serious.   
If he has them, then show them!
Mayte fans should, especially, want him to post them if they are going to the wall to support her and even defame those they have been led to believe have victimized Mayte.  It is not that hard.  Someone who is lying feels they MUST continuously justify the lie, that’s clear sign that the truth is nowhere in sight.  The only person out there running their mouth is Dave. Forget all the double talk, back talk and over talking, Dave needs to stop talking! He’s been talking for years**. Show us the goods or go away! He needs to prove all of his accusations are true otherwise he is guilty of the same libel and defamation he says he is a victim of.  All the charges about Dave can be proven.  Dave has, on a popular Prince fan site, called him abusive, said he knew “for a fact” Prince broke the arm/hand of a former protege from the 80’s he claims to have spoken to (though she never met him or confided in him), said Prince was a drug addict, a drunk, and like Dave himself, a regular ecstacy abuser “for a fact” up through 1996. All of this has been on prince.org for more than a decade under the username “meltedman”.  Dave has even gone so far as to say he and “his boys” scared Prince out of a club because Prince showed up without a bodyguard and argued with Mayte. Really?! Have you ever seen Prince in photos travel without a bodyguard? Follow Dave’s insane logic for a minute: a 5’2” 120 lb. man who couldn’t even go to the mall without being chased was going to a club, at night, by himself and was going to go up against someone as big as Dave? In what realm of “alternative facts” is Dave living in?!
Dave uses lies and excuses to justify the childish and immature behaviors of a grown woman who refuses to take responsibility for her own life and own affairs apart from Dave.  If Dave wasn’t spending all his time obsessing over the goings on in Mayte’s life imagine what he could accomplish for himself in his own life: a career, a marriage, a family and children of his own.  But instead, he runs behind a middle-aged woman too engulfed in her fantasies to handle her own affairs and wastes endless hours, days and years putting out fires he starts (like not registering with CA DOJ, leaking her book) under the guise of being her representative and keeping Mayte helplessly dependent on him for everything---all of this is due to the lies he’s told. For Dave or even Mayte to say she wasn’t invited to the Celebration would be a total embarrassment for them both because it would call into question the validity of her book (see our previous posts that fact check the book’s content) and all she’s ever wanted us to believe (including the foolish notion that Prince was strung out over her until the day he died) is proven to be a figment of her distorted reality; a reality, that if abandoned, may also mean that she abandons her friendship with Dave.  And that is something that he just can’t have. 
Show the proof, Dave, or it didn’t happen!
* An excerpt from Lonn Friend’s book, Sweet Demotion
** Among Dave’s lies: he's a lawyer (attended several, but never graduated from college let alone law school), that he worked for Prince at Paisley (Prince didn't want him near his business and didn’t like him).
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@DrinkingEurope: @Baron3121 you have to find the outtakes for these songs done by Kirky J in the film, i know Rhonda and others in that 1997era band played on them.. who knows who else might have lend a hand... #mystery was it as #paisleypark where does KirkyJ record at? rare DVD https://t.co/wMeq8Dp9OJ https://t.co/gHX6LtiBj2
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