#Kohinoor food
updatetoday1994 · 1 year
kohinoor food share price today 27 july 2023
                                                     kohinoor food share price Image From :- http://www.powertochange.org.uk/   https://groww.in/#   OPEN PRICE TODAY                =         37.70                                                    Today’s performance                    =   -0.20 CLOSED PRICE TODAY             =        36.90                                                     Last…
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gguk-n · 2 months
Hate you (Lando Norris x Reader)
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{Lando's POV}
As I lay in my bed, the sheets felt cold, devoid of any warmth; as if their previous owner had taken it all with them. I found myself staring at ceiling after spending the better part of the night twisting and turning in my bed.
"Lan, babe" she whispered, "can't sleep?" she asked. My eyes locked with her, a gap in between us while we lay in bed. As if on queue, she opened her arms, "come here" she mumbled. "I'm too sleepy to be still awake" she continued. I scooted closer, into her arms. I found myself laying on her open arm while the other wrapped it self around my shoulder; our legs tangling themselves in each other. "Go to sleep, love" she whispered while her hand raked through my hair and kissed my forehead. I heard the rhythmic beating of her heart, lulling me to sleep.
A tear slipped out of my eyes, pooling on the pillow case under me. I spent the entire night tossing and turning as I tried to chase the sleep that never came to me. Morning couldn't come any sooner, I decided to head out to the gym and get done with my work out and exercise for the day. It helped my thoughts from running rampant as I focused my energy on the task at hand. As I opened the door, "Babe, I'm back" I called out, only to be met with the cold gust of wind that blew at me. I slowly walked into the kitchen to open the fridge and grab myself something to eat. It was empty.
"Lan, here, I heated up your breakfast for you." she said, handing me a bowl of the diet food I was supposed to eat, as recommended by my trainer. But her cooking made the food so much more delicious and I never felt like I was ever on a diet. I pecked her lips while grabbing the bowl from her hands. "What would I do without you?" I asked with a laugh. "Crash and burn" she replied proudly turning to get back to meal prepping for me.
The last time I had asked my trainer to send me my pre-cooked meals was years ago. Since we had started dating, she had taken the role of making my food. The fridge now lay barren, a remnant of her absence. I poured myself a glass of water and went back to my room.
The bedroom felt like a hotel room, devoid of any character. My stuff lay sprawled out on the floor. The small trinkets or the photo frames that adorned my side table were missing. The dressing table looked cold and my closet empty.
"Babe, you're gonna have to buy new hangers, a couple more towels and some cleaning supply." she called out as she unpacked her bag for the first time as she moved into my our flat. "You know what my card pin is, order whatever you need" I replied. "I'm gonna stock up on my skin care too" she teased. "You can buy the Kohinoor diamond if you want" I teased back. I could hear her laugh echo through out, making my heart warm and fuzzy. She spent the next couple of months turning my stock image of a flat into a home. There were clothes, books, magazines, utensils and candles decorating our home. She took her time making this place ours.
Right now, our my home was back to it's stock image self. All the picture frames and the candles were empty and missing their owner. I stepped into the shower to find the shelf empty which was usually filled with all her shampoos and conditioners.
"It's a good thing" she said as she massaged the shampoo into my scalp. "What is?" I asked, enjoying the sensation. "The fact that the both of us have curly hair. Your hair's taking my products pretty well" she replied. "Yeah, you've made me hotter than I already am" I joked. "Hair can do a lot for a man" she said solemnly. "I'll wash this out and we'll try the new conditioner and curling cream I got yesterday" she giggled while grabbing the bottles.
My hair was a mess since she left. I never paid attention to what she used, she's always make me look even more handsome than I was. I got done with the shower and decided to grab something to eat from outside and left the house with the keys to my McLaren. I hadn't taken the Lambo out since she left because it was her favourite car and it smelled like her.
The next couple of day were spent without much sleep and the most outer body experience. I found myself at the club asking the bartend to get me drink after drink to drown out my sorrow. I kept telling my self that she was selfish and she never thought about me before breaking up. I drowned drink after drink lamenting the lost of the best person I knew. She was selfish, she broke my heart and took it with her. It wasn't fair on me since she decided to prioritise herself and forget all the good times we had; I told myself. "I hate her" I mumbled as I downed another glass of whiskey. Before I know it, Max was wrapping his arm around my waist and walking me back to his car. I didn't feel as inebriated as I wished I did, to not be able to remember anything.
She had been anxious the whole weekend, fidgeting with her fingers as she sat in my drivers room. Every time I asked her about it, she would brush me off. I decided not to press her wait for her to spill it out. After the race on Sunday, we headed back on the private jet, just the two of us. The flight wasn't very long and I couldn't wait to get home. Her posture had gotten even more tense then before. "Lando, we need to talk" she said barely above a whisper. This couldn't be good, she never called me by my name. Her hands clasped and unclasped themselves while she rocked a bit on her heels. "I got an offer, from that video game company that I love" she began. "That's great news baby" I lunged forward holding her hands. She pulled her hands away from me, "They are based in Australia" she spoke. "That doesn't matter. You'll be working remotely anyways." I suggested. "Actually" she spoke, "They want me to come in to the office, since the new game they are working on is top secret and it's a big deal for them too" she finished. "Well I can travel with you whenever you need and you can come and go" I suggested. "I might not be able to come to any races or stay in Monaco for the next couple of years" she said tentatively. "What" I almost screamed. "How can you make such a decision without talking with me?" I shouted. "I never made the decision. It's just that, this is like a dream come true for me, you know" she replied meekly with tears in her eyes. "You don't care about me. How can you be so selfish?" I cried out. "baby, I'm not, I...this is a once in a life time opportunity" she croaked out. "You don't love me" I mumbled. "What no, baby" she reached out to hold my face in between her hands, but I was angry and I pushed her away. How could she be so selfish and decide to move away after so many years together? "I love you, I really do but we talked about how long distance was a deal breaker for you, so I wanted to discuss this with you" she cried out. "yeah, it is. I can't imagine being away from the one I love" I spat out. "I love you Lando, I really do but this my dream like Formula one is yours" she whimpered. "You can't be serious right" I muttered. It was the anger talking; before thinking it through; "We're done" I said in a sharp voice. I got up from my seat and walked away to the door since we had just landed.
She ran after me, begging me to reconsider but I was too angry and I wasn't thinking straight. I broke up with her and didn't even look back. I stayed back at Max's place as she emptied out the apartment. All I could do was hate her for not wanting to stay, to numb the pain away.
The next morning I woke up to a note from Max and a glass of water with some pain meds. I drank the water and took my medicines. As I placed the glass back, my finger got caught in the lowest drawer of my side table which came open as I moved away. In front me lay polaroids from our dates. The one's I had taken. The top one was of her sending a flying kiss and the one next to it was of us kissing. It hurt seeing these, now. I couldn’t help but cry. I knew, deep down that the only way I would be able to make the pain go away was by making her the villain even though she wasn't one; because I was selfish and didn't want to feel the hurt.
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viexports · 2 months
Which Companies Are Leading Basmati Rice Exports from India?
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When it comes to aromatic and long-grain basmati rice, India stands tall as the undisputed leader in global exports. Renowned for its distinctive fragrance and delicate texture, basmati rice is a staple in cuisines worldwide. But behind every grain of this premium rice is a network of companies working tirelessly to ensure that it reaches international markets. In this blog, we’ll explore the top companies leading basmati rice exports from India, delve into the factors behind their success, and discuss what the future holds for this thriving industry.
Know The Basmati Rice Export Industry
Basmati rice, celebrated for its unique flavor and texture, has carved out a significant niche in the global market. This aromatic variety, predominantly grown in the foothills of the Himalayas, is cherished for its long grains and fluffy texture when cooked. The export of basmati rice from India has seen remarkable growth over the years, thanks to the increasing global demand for premium quality rice. According to the Export-Import Data Bank, India exported over 4.5 million tonnes of basmati rice in the past fiscal year, reinforcing its status as a leading basmati rice exporter in India.
Top Companies Leading Basmati Rice Exports
Vi Exports India: The Industry Giant
When discussing leading basmati rice exporters, Vi Exports India emerges as a prominent player. Vi Exports has set the benchmark for quality and efficiency. Their commitment to maintaining high standards of production and their extensive network of international clients underscore their dominance in the market. They offer a diverse range of basmati varieties, catering to various global preferences.
Other Major Players in the Export Scene
Besides Vi Exports India, several other companies are significant contributors to the basmati rice export industry. Companies like Kohinoor Foods, Empire Basmati, IndiaGate Foods, and Daawat are noteworthy. Each of these companies has established a strong presence in international markets through their dedication to quality and innovation. Kohinoor Foods, for instance, is known for its premium quality rice and extensive global distribution network. Meanwhile, Amira Nature Foods has carved a niche in the Middle Eastern markets with its high-quality basmati offerings.
Key Factors Behind Their Success
Quality Control and Production Standards
The success of these leading exporters is largely attributed to their rigorous quality control measures and adherence to high production standards. From selecting the finest paddy to employing state-of-the-art milling processes, these companies ensure that their basmati rice meets international quality standards. The use of advanced technology in processing and packaging also plays a crucial role in preserving the rice's aroma and texture.
Innovations and Technology in Exporting
Innovation is another key factor driving the success of top basmati rice exporters. Companies are continuously investing in technology to enhance their production capabilities and streamline their supply chains. This includes implementing advanced sorting and packaging technologies to ensure that every grain of rice meets the highest standards of quality.
Strategic Market Penetration and Branding
Effective market penetration strategies and strong branding have also contributed to the success of these companies. By understanding and adapting to the preferences of different markets, these exporters have been able to build strong brand identities. For example, Daawat rice is recognized for its premium quality in various international markets, thanks to its strategic branding and marketing efforts.
Future Trends and Predictions
Emerging Markets for Basmati Rice
Looking ahead, emerging markets in regions like Africa and South America present new opportunities for basmati rice exporters. As these markets grow and develop, there is increasing demand for premium quality rice, which Indian exporters are well-positioned to supply.
How Companies Are Adapting to Market Changes
To stay ahead, companies are focusing on sustainability and ethical practices. This includes efforts to reduce environmental impact and improve labor conditions. By embracing these practices, exporters not only meet regulatory requirements but also appeal to increasingly conscious consumers.
Sustainability and Ethical Practices in Basmati Rice Exporting
Sustainability is becoming a crucial factor in the basmati rice export industry. Companies are investing in eco-friendly practices and sustainable farming methods to ensure that their operations have a minimal environmental impact. This shift towards more ethical practices is expected to become a key differentiator in the global market.
In conclusion, the success of India's leading basmati rice exporters can be attributed to their unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and strategic market engagement. As the global demand for premium basmati rice continues to rise, these companies are well-positioned to maintain their leadership in the industry and adapt to evolving market trends.
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writtenonreceipts · 1 year
In honor of finishing a very, very rough draft for the next update for An Intimate Display, have a snippet (did i mention it’s still in rough draft stage?):
She was forty weeks and two days pregnant and Feyre ordered food from four different restaurants.  When she told Lucien to ready his piece of junk car for a round of pick-up from the restaurants, he’d stared at her as though she were insane.
Well, maybe she was. Pregnancy did that to a woman.  But, she would go into labor that day whether her daughter liked it or not.
“Feyre,” Lucien said hesitantly as she opened a green curry from Kohinoor and the ghost pepper enchiladas from Los Hermanitos. “Feyre, you know I love you but, this…this could potentially be a bad idea.”
She ignored him.
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rohitvistaarr · 2 years
Kohinoor Punawale
Kohinoor Punawale includes 5 Buildings there are some facilities that are given by Kohinoor Puneville – 2 big playgrounds one made for Adults and another made for Kids same as 2 swimming pools one made for Adults and another for Kids. Under the Building a big Park is also made for everyone but especially for senior citizens. And the Gym and Yoga are also available inside the Building which is free of cost for everyone.
Kohinoor Punawale Pune | 2/3 BHK Flats | Payments | Price List | Floor Plan | Location Map | Site Plan | Broucher
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Now let’s talk about the locality of Kohinoor Punawale, the Building is nearby High Universities and Top Schools and it’s just 1 km away from the main Highway which is directly connected to Bangalore, and 2 km away from Multiplicity Hospital and just 100 meters away from Big Temple and just 5 minutes away from the main market of the area. And in the market you can eat Testy Foods in the Restaurants and there are many Chinese Foods stall, and for the Shopping, you can visit in Multiplex Shopping Mall, and the Cinema Hall is also just nearby the Mall.  
Kohinoor Puneville Pune
Visit us:- https://kohinoor.ind.in/kohinoor-punawale/
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shrilalmahal1 · 2 months
From Fields to Feasts: Top 1121 Basmati Rice Producers in India
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India, the land of diverse cultures and cuisines, is renowned for its aromatic and flavorful basmati rice. Among the various varieties, 1121 Basmati Rice stands out due to its extraordinary length, exquisite taste, and enchanting aroma. This blog explores the top producers of 1121 Basmati Rice in India, highlighting their journey from the fields to your feasts.
The Essence of 1121 Basmati Rice
What Sets 1121 Basmati Rice Apart?
1121 Basmati Rice is celebrated for its unique characteristics. The grains are remarkably long, slender, and become even longer upon cooking. Its delightful aroma and fluffy texture make it a favorite choice for a variety of dishes, from biryanis to pilafs and beyond.
The Cultivation Heartland
The fertile plains of Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh are the primary regions where 1121 Basmati Rice is cultivated. The combination of rich soil, favorable climate, and traditional farming techniques contributes to the superior quality of this rice variety.
Top 1121 Basmati Rice Producers in India
1. Shri Lal Mahal
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Shri Lal Mahal is a star trading house and one of the largest exporters of 1121 Basmati Rice in India. Known for their commitment to quality, Shri Lal Mahal ensures that each grain of rice meets the highest standards. They employ advanced milling techniques and sustainable farming practices to deliver premium quality rice to consumers worldwide.
2. KRBL Limited
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KRBL Limited, one of the oldest and most trusted names in the rice industry, has a rich legacy of over a century. Their flagship brand, India Gate, is synonymous with high-quality basmati rice. KRBL's dedication to innovation, quality control, and sustainability has positioned them as a leading exporter of 1121 Basmati Rice.
3. LT Foods (Daawat)
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LT Foods, with its popular brand Daawat, is a significant player in the 1121 Basmati Rice market. Daawat is known for its exceptional taste, aroma, and quality. LT Foods focuses on sustainable farming practices and employs state-of-the-art processing techniques to ensure their rice retains its natural goodness.
4. Kohinoor Foods
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Kohinoor Foods, another renowned name in the basmati rice industry, is celebrated for its premium quality 1121 Basmati Rice. The company emphasizes traditional farming methods combined with modern technology to produce rice that is rich in flavor and aroma. Kohinoor's dedication to quality has made it a preferred choice in many households globally.
5. Amira Nature Foods
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Amira Nature Foods is a global leader in the basmati rice industry, known for its high-quality 1121 Basmati Rice. The company focuses on sustainable agriculture, ensuring that their products are not only delicious but also environmentally friendly. Amira's rice is widely appreciated for its length, aroma, and taste.
The Journey from Fields to Feasts
Sustainable Farming Practices
Leading 1121 Basmati Rice producers in India prioritize sustainability. They adopt eco-friendly farming methods such as organic farming, integrated pest management, and efficient water usage. These practices not only enhance the quality of the rice but also contribute to environmental conservation.
Advanced Processing Techniques
To retain the natural aroma and nutritional value of 1121 Basmati Rice, producers employ advanced milling and processing techniques. Modern machinery ensures that the rice is polished to perfection without losing its essential qualities. Hygienic packaging further preserves the freshness and extends the shelf life of the rice.
Global Reach
Top 1121 Basmati Rice producers in India have a significant presence in international markets. Their commitment to quality and adherence to global standards have earned them a loyal customer base worldwide. These producers export their premium rice to countries across the Middle East, Europe, North America, and Asia.
The journey of 1121 Basmati Rice from the fields of India to your feast is a testament to the dedication and expertise of its producers. Shri Lal Mahal, KRBL Limited, LT Foods, Kohinoor Foods, and Amira Nature Foods are at the forefront of this industry, ensuring that you receive the finest quality rice. Their commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation makes 1121 Basmati Rice a cherished ingredient in kitchens around the world. So, the next time you savor a dish made with this aromatic rice, remember the meticulous efforts that went into bringing it to your table.
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seairexim · 2 months
The Rise of Basmati Rice Export from India
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India has long been revered as the home of Basmati rice, a variety known for its distinctive aroma, long grains, and exquisite taste. For centuries, it has been cultivated in the fertile plains of the Indo-Gangetic regions of India, especially in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and parts of western Uttar Pradesh. The long history and cultural significance of Basmati make it an integral part of Indian cuisine and heritage. Today, leveraging its rich legacy and unmatched quality, India has managed to secure a prominent place as a leading exporter of Basmati rice in the global market.
This article delves into the journey and growth of basmati rice export from India, highlighting the top exporters, key importing countries, challenges faced, government initiatives, and the impact on local farmers and the economy. By examining these aspects, we gain a comprehensive understanding of how Basmati rice has evolved from a domestically consumed staple to a globally sought-after commodity, and what the future holds for this prestigious export.
The Journey and Growth of Export of Basmati Rice from India
The export of basmati rice from India has seen a commendable trajectory over the past few decades. Initially, Basmati rice was primarily consumed domestically, with minimal export activity. However, as global demand for exotic and high-quality foods increased, Indian exporters recognized the potential of Basmati rice in international markets. The government, along with agricultural institutions, played a pivotal role in promoting Basmati rice abroad by ensuring quality standards and providing financial incentives to farmers and exporters. 
The introduction of improved farming techniques, better irrigation facilities, and support from agrarian scientists also significantly contributed to enhancing both the quality and yield of Basmati rice. As a result, India's export of Basmati rice saw a remarkable increase in volume and value, making Basmati rice a key player in the global rice trade. 
Top 10 Basmati Rice Exporters in India
Several Indian companies have established themselves as leading exporters of Basmati rice, catering to various countries around the world. The top 10 Basmati rice exporters in India are known for their stringent quality control, reliability, and adherence to international standards. The growth of these companies has been instrumental in India's rise as a major Basmati rice exporter. Here is a look at some of the top basmati rice exporters in India:
LT Foods Ltd (Daawat)
Known globally for its premium quality basmati rice, LT Foods Ltd., under the brand name Daawat, has made a significant mark in the export market.
KRBL Limited (India Gate)
KRBL Limited is another top contender, renowned for its popular brand of India Gate Basmati rice, which is exported to numerous countries across the world.
Kohinoor Foods Ltd
With its wide range of rice products, Kohinoor Foods has been a prominent name in the Basmati rice export market.
Amira Nature Foods
Specializing in premium Basmati rice, Amira Nature Foods is a key player in the export industry.
Kohinoor Foods Ltd
Kohinoor has made a name for itself with its high-quality Basmati rice and has a significant presence in the international market.
Shri Lal Mahal Group
Known for delivering quality rice products, Shri Lal Mahal Group has a strong foothold in the export market.
Shriram Food Industry Pvt Ltd
This company is recognized for its premium Basmati rice and has been consistent in its export performance.
Sunstar Overseas Ltd
With a focus on quality and innovation, Sunstar Overseas Ltd. has made significant strides in the global basmati rice market.
Song Trading (India) Pvt Ltd
Known for its reliable export services, Song Trading has established itself as a notable exporter of Basmati rice.
PR Fresh Exports
Specializing in high-quality Basmati rice, PR Fresh Exports is a notable name in the export industry.
Basmati Rice Exporting Countries
India's Basmati rice finds its way to a myriad of countries, each valuing the unique qualities of this rice. While traditional markets like the Middle East have always been significant importers, the demand has now expanded to include countries across continents. Some of the major basmati rice exporting countries are:
Middle East
The Middle Eastern countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, and Iran, are among the largest importers of Indian basmati rice. The preference for Basmati rice in their cuisine drives a consistent demand. 
The United States
The United States has seen a growing demand for Basmati rice, driven by its diverse population and the increasing popularity of Indian cuisine. 
European Union
The European Union, including countries like the UK, Germany, and France, is another key destination for Indian Basmati rice. The trend towards healthy eating and the appreciation of premium food products bolster this demand.
Countries such as Nigeria and South Africa have been importing Indian Basmati rice, reflecting their inclination towards quality rice products.
Just like the United States, Canada imports Basmati rice to cater to its multicultural population and the increasing popularity of health-conscious diets.
With a growing preference for international cuisines, Australia has also emerged as a significant importer of Basmati rice from India.
Challenges in the Basmati Rice Export Market
While India has made significant strides in the export of basmati rice, the industry faces several challenges. One of the primary concerns is the competition from other countries. Pakistan, being another significant producer of Basmati rice, poses a direct challenge to India's dominance in the global market. Additionally, fluctuations in international trade policies, tariffs, and geopolitical tensions can impact trade dynamics.
Moreover, the quality control of Basmati rice remains a critical issue. Ensuring that the rice meets international standards and does not contain contaminants requires rigorous monitoring and investments in advanced technology. Climate change and environmental factors also pose risks to Basmati rice cultivation, affecting both yield and quality.
Government Initiatives and Policies
Recognizing the potential of basmati rice to contribute to India's economy, the government has implemented various initiatives and policies. The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) has been at the forefront, promoting the export of Basmati rice through a range of measures. These include ensuring adherence to quality standards, providing financial assistance to exporters, and organizing international trade fairs and buyer-seller meets.
The government has also taken steps to protect the Geographical Indication (GI) status of Basmati rice, ensuring that only rice grown in specific regions of India can be labelled as basmati. This helps maintain the authenticity and quality of the rice, benefiting both producers and consumers.
Impact on Local Farmers and the Economy
The rise in Basmati rice exports has had a positive impact on local farmers, providing them with better income opportunities and financial stability. Cultivating Basmati rice is generally more profitable than other rice varieties due to its premium pricing in both domestic and international markets. This has encouraged farmers to adopt better agricultural practices, invest in high-quality seeds, and make use of modern irrigation methods to improve their yield and quality.
Economically, the export of Basmati rice has contributed significantly to India's GDP. It has also created numerous job opportunities across the supply chain, from farming to processing to logistics. The foreign exchange earnings from Basmati rice exports play a crucial role in strengthening India's financial position globally.
The Future of Basmati Rice Export from India
Looking ahead, the future of Basmati rice export from India appears promising. With continuous innovations in farming techniques, improvements in processing and packaging, and favourable government policies, India is well-positioned to maintain and even enhance its status as a leading exporter of Basmati rice. The focus will be on expanding market reach, diversifying the range of products, and maintaining the high quality that Basmati rice is known for.
Efforts towards sustainable farming practices and addressing environmental challenges will also be crucial in ensuring the long-term success of the Basmati rice industry. As global awareness and appreciation for Basmati rice continue to grow, India will remain at the forefront, delivering the finest quality rice to consumers worldwide.
India's longstanding reputation as the home of Basmati rice is well-deserved, with its distinctive aroma, long grains, and exquisite taste. Cultivated for centuries, basmati rice holds a significant place in Indian cuisine and culture. Leveraging its rich legacy and unmatched quality, India has become a leading exporter. Despite challenges like competition and quality control, government initiatives and modern farming techniques have bolstered exports, positively impacting the economy and providing local farmers with better income opportunities. However, if you want to know about basmati export from India, basmati export data, global trade data, or basmati HS codes you can take advantage of import and export data provider platforms like Seair Exim Solutions and Eximpedia.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What is Basmati rice and where is it primarily cultivated in India?
Basmati rice is a variety known for its distinctive aroma, long grains, and exquisite taste. It is primarily cultivated in the Indo-Gangetic plains of India, especially in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and parts of western Uttar Pradesh.
Q2. How has the export of Basmati rice from India evolved over the years?
Initially consumed domestically, Basmati rice exports have grown significantly due to increasing global demand, improved farming techniques, and government initiatives promoting its quality and international presence.
Q3. Who are some of the top Basmati rice exporters in India?
Leading exporters include LT Foods Ltd. (Daawat), KRBL Limited (India Gate), Kohinoor Foods Ltd., Amira Nature Foods, Shri Lal Mahal Group, Shriram Food Industry Pvt. Ltd., Sunstar Overseas Ltd., Song Trading (India) Pvt. Ltd., and PR Fresh Exports.
Q4. Which countries are the major importers of Indian Basmati rice?
Major importers include Middle Eastern countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Iran), the United States, European Union countries (UK, Germany, France), Nigeria, South Africa, Canada, and Australia.
Q5. What challenges does India face in the Basmati rice export market?
Challenges include competition from other countries like Pakistan, fluctuations in international trade policies, quality control issues, and environmental factors impacting cultivation.
Q6. What initiatives has the Indian government taken to support Basmati rice exports?
The government, through APEDA, ensures adherence to quality standards, provides financial assistance to exporters, organizes international trade fairs, and protects the Geographical Indication (GI) status of Basmati rice.
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jkdbfcb · 2 months
What are the health benefits of Indian spices, and where can I buy them in Hong Kong?
Indian spices are celebrated for their rich flavors and numerous health benefits. Here's an overview of some popular Indian spices and their health benefits:
Health Benefits of Indian Spices
Turmeric (Haldi):
Benefits: Contains curcumin, known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can help reduce inflammation, improve brain function, and lower the risk of heart disease.
Cumin (Jeera):
Benefits: Aids in digestion, boosts the immune system, and is a rich source of iron. It also has antimicrobial properties that can help fight infections.
Coriander (Dhaniya):
Benefits: Helps in lowering blood sugar levels, reducing bad cholesterol, and improving digestion. It is also rich in antioxidants.
Cardamom (Elaichi):
Benefits: Good for digestive health, helps combat bad breath, and may lower blood pressure. It has antibacterial properties as well.
Benefits: Known for its anti-nausea effects, ginger aids in digestion, reduces muscle pain and soreness, and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Fenugreek (Methi):
Benefits: Helps control blood sugar levels, improves cholesterol levels, and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
Cinnamon (Dalchini):
Benefits: Can lower blood sugar levels, reduce heart disease risk factors, and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Where to Buy Indian Spices in Hong Kong
Kohinoor Foods:
Location: Tsim Sha Tsui
Description: Offers a wide range of Indian spices and other grocery items, ensuring you can find all the essentials for your cooking needs.
Spice Store Hong Kong:
Type: Online Store
Description: Provides a variety of Indian spices and other groceries delivered right to your doorstep, making it convenient to get authentic ingredients.
Apna Bazaar:
Location: Chungking Mansions
Description: Known for its extensive selection of Indian and South Asian products, making it a go-to place for authentic spices.
Dhanlaxmi Store:
Location: Mid-Levels area
Description: Offers fresh vegetables and a wide variety of Indian spices, ensuring quality and freshness.
Type: Online Store
Description: While not exclusively Indian, iHerb offers a range of organic and health-focused products, including popular Indian spices.
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ed7media07 · 3 months
Rice Manufacturers in India: A Comprehensive Overview
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India is one of the largest producers and exporters of rice, a staple food for millions worldwide. The country's rice manufacturing industry is a critical component of its agricultural economy, contributing significantly to food security and export revenues. This article provides an in-depth look at rice manufacturers in India, exploring their operations, the different varieties of rice produced, quality standards, challenges, and future prospects.
The Importance of Rice in India Rice is more than just a staple food in India; it is an integral part of the country's culture, economy, and cuisine. India accounts for around 20% of the world's rice production, making it the second-largest producer after China. The country is also a leading exporter of rice, supplying high-quality rice varieties to markets across the globe.
Varieties of Rice Produced in India India's diverse agro-climatic conditions allow for the cultivation of a wide range of rice varieties. Some of the most popular types include:
Basmati Rice: Known for its long grains, aromatic fragrance, and delicate flavor, Basmati rice is primarily grown in the northern regions of India. Non-Basmati Rice: This category includes several varieties such as Sona Masuri, Ponni, and Swarna, which are widely consumed in southern and eastern India. Parboiled Rice: This variety undergoes a specific processing method that involves partially boiling the rice within its husk, making it more nutritious and easier to cook. Brown Rice: Retaining its bran layer, brown rice is considered healthier due to its higher fiber content and nutritional value. Key Regions for Rice Cultivation in India Rice cultivation in India is concentrated in several key regions, each known for producing specific varieties:
Punjab and Haryana These northern states are famous for their high-quality Basmati rice, which benefits from the fertile soil and favorable climatic conditions.
West Bengal and Odisha West Bengal and Odisha are major producers of non-Basmati rice varieties, contributing significantly to the country's overall rice production.
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana These southern states are known for their production of Sona Masuri rice, a popular variety for daily consumption due to its texture and flavor.
Tamil Nadu and Karnataka These states are key producers of Ponni rice, which is widely consumed in southern India and also exported to various countries.
Top Rice Manufacturers in India India's rice manufacturing industry is supported by numerous companies that ensure the availability of high-quality rice both domestically and internationally. Here are some of the top rice manufacturers in India:
KRBL Limited KRBL Limited is a leader in the rice manufacturing industry, known for its flagship brand India Gate. With a century of experience, KRBL is synonymous with premium quality Basmati rice and other rice varieties. The company has an extensive supply chain and adheres to rigorous quality control measures to ensure the finest rice reaches consumers worldwide.
LT Foods Limited LT Foods Limited, the parent company of the Daawat brand, is another prominent name in the rice manufacturing sector. Known for its commitment to quality and sustainability, LT Foods sources its rice from the best paddy fields in India and employs advanced processing techniques.
Kohinoor Foods Limited Kohinoor Foods Limited is renowned for producing high-quality rice under the Kohinoor brand. The company sources its rice from the fertile plains of Punjab and Haryana, ensuring that each grain meets the highest standards of quality and taste.
Amira Nature Foods Amira Nature Foods is a leading global provider of packaged Indian specialty rice, including Basmati and non-Basmati varieties. The company's dedication to quality and innovation has earned it a strong reputation in international markets.
Shree Krishna Rice Mills Shree Krishna Rice Mills is a well-known manufacturer of high-quality rice, offering a wide range of Basmati and non-Basmati rice varieties. The company's focus on sustainability and quality has made it a preferred choice among consumers.
The Manufacturing Process of Rice The journey from paddy to packaged rice involves several critical steps, each contributing to the final product's quality. The process is meticulously managed to ensure that the rice retains its unique characteristics and meets international standards.
Sourcing and Procurement The first step in rice manufacturing is sourcing high-quality paddy from farmers. Manufacturers typically establish strong relationships with farmers in key cultivation regions, ensuring a steady supply of premium-grade paddy.
Milling Milling is a crucial stage in the production of rice. It involves removing the husk, bran, and germ from the paddy. Modern milling techniques, such as rubber roller hullers and pneumatic paddy separators, are used to ensure minimal breakage and high yield.
Polishing After milling, the rice grains are polished to remove any remaining bran layers and to enhance their appearance. Polishing also improves the rice's cooking properties, making it more appealing to consumers.
Grading and Sorting Grading and sorting are essential to ensure uniformity in grain size and quality. Advanced optical sorters are used to remove impurities and defective grains, ensuring that only the best rice is packaged for sale.
Parboiling (for Parboiled Rice) For parboiled rice, the paddy is partially boiled within its husk before milling. This process makes the rice more nutritious and reduces its cooking time.
Packaging The final step in the manufacturing process is packaging. Rice is typically packaged in airtight containers to preserve its freshness and aroma. Manufacturers use advanced packaging techniques to ensure that the rice reaches consumers in the best possible condition.
Quality Standards and Certifications Quality assurance is paramount in the rice manufacturing industry. Several certifications and standards are in place to ensure that the rice meets international quality benchmarks.
ISO Certification ISO certification is a globally recognized standard that ensures the quality and safety of products. Rice manufacturers in India often obtain ISO certification to demonstrate their commitment to quality and adherence to international standards.
HACCP Certification HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) certification is crucial for food safety. It ensures that rice manufacturers follow stringent safety protocols during processing and packaging, minimizing the risk of contamination and ensuring the safety of the final product.
FSSAI Certification The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) certification is mandatory for all food products in India. Rice manufacturers must obtain FSSAI certification to ensure that their products comply with national food safety standards.
Organic Certification Organic certification is essential for rice that is grown using organic farming practices. This certification ensures that the rice is free from synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, making it a healthier choice for consumers.
Economic Impact of Rice Manufacturing Rice manufacturers play a significant role in India's economy. Their contributions extend beyond providing high-quality rice to generating employment, supporting farmers, and boosting export revenues.
Employment Generation The rice manufacturing industry generates employment for millions of people in India. From farmers and laborers to millers and packers, the industry provides livelihood opportunities to a large section of the population.
Support to Farmers Rice manufacturers often work directly with farmers, providing them with technical support and fair prices for their produce. This support helps farmers improve their yields and secure a stable income, contributing to rural development.
Export Revenue India is one of the largest exporters of rice, with a significant portion of the produce being exported to countries in the Middle East, Europe, and North America. The export of rice generates substantial foreign exchange earnings, boosting India's economy.
Challenges Faced by Rice Manufacturers Despite their significant contributions, rice manufacturers in India face several challenges that need to be addressed to ensure sustainable growth.
Quality Control Maintaining consistent quality standards is a major challenge for rice manufacturers. Variations in climatic conditions and farming practices can affect the quality of the rice, making quality control a critical aspect of the supply chain.
Market Competition The rice market is highly competitive, with numerous manufacturers vying for market share. This competition can lead to price fluctuations and impact the profitability of manufacturers.
Regulatory Compliance Compliance with international trade regulations and quality standards can be challenging for rice manufacturers. Adhering to these regulations is essential to maintain market access and consumer trust.
Sustainability Sustainability is a growing concern in the rice industry. Manufacturers need to adopt sustainable farming and processing practices to minimize their environmental impact and ensure the long-term viability of the industry.
Future Prospects of Rice Manufacturers The future of rice manufacturing in India looks promising, with several trends and developments expected to drive growth.
Technological Advancements Advancements in agricultural and processing technologies can enhance the efficiency and quality of rice production. The adoption of precision farming techniques and modern milling equipment can improve yields and product quality.
Sustainable Practices There is an increasing focus on sustainable farming practices. Manufacturers are investing in eco-friendly technologies and methods to reduce their carbon footprint and promote environmental sustainability.
Expansion of Export Markets Exploring new export markets and diversifying product offerings, such as value-added rice products, can open up new revenue streams for manufacturers. Strengthening trade relations with countries with high rice consumption can also boost export opportunities.
Government Support The Indian government continues to support the rice manufacturing industry through various initiatives and policies aimed at improving productivity and quality. Investment in research and development, infrastructure improvements, and subsidies for modern farming equipment are some of the measures being taken to enhance the industry's growth.
Conclusion India's rice manufacturing industry plays a pivotal role in the country's agricultural economy and global food supply. The dedication of rice manufacturers to quality, innovation, and sustainability ensures that Indian rice
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The woman you see in the picture is "Lady Meherbai Tata".
A diamond of 245 carats is hanging on his neck. It is twice the size of the Kohinoor diamond. This diamond was gifted to her by her husband Dorabji Tata in 1900.
Lady Meherbai Tata played mixed doubles in tennis at the Paris Olympics in 1924. She loved to wear sarees. So he always wore a saree. He died of leukemia in 1931.
Then her husband Dorabji Tata sold her diamonds and all other jewelry and formed a fund and from that fund "Tata Cancer Hospital" was created.
Every year, thousands of cancer patients go to this hospital after treatment and return home cured.
Nobel-winning British writer William Golding said
"Girls look foolish and demand equal rights with men. Because girls don't know, they are superior to men. Whatever you give to women, she will make it superior.
You give sperm to girls, she will give you children.
You give him a house, he will make it a home.
You give him market, he will cook and prepare food for you.
You give him a smile, he gives you heart.
Whatever you give, he will return it several times greater.
And if you hurt him, be ready, he will make your life hell"
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priyanshisingh · 4 months
India Ready-To-Eat (RTE) Food Market Report: Opportunities and Challenges (2023-2032)
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The India Ready-To-Eat (RTE) Food Market is projected to grow from USD 1008.83 million in 2023 to an estimated USD 3284.62 million by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.90% from 2024 to 2032.
The India Ready-To-Eat (RTE) Food Market is experiencing remarkable growth, driven by changing lifestyles, increasing urbanization, and the rising demand for convenience among consumers. The hectic pace of modern life, particularly in urban areas, has led to a surge in demand for quick and easy meal solutions, propelling the growth of the RTE food segment. This market includes a wide range of products such as ready meals, instant noodles, soups, curries, and frozen snacks, catering to diverse tastes and preferences. The availability of a variety of RTE foods, from traditional Indian dishes to international cuisines, has further broadened the consumer base.
Technological advancements in food processing and packaging have improved the shelf life and quality of RTE products, enhancing their appeal. Moreover, increasing disposable incomes and a growing middle class are contributing to the market's expansion, as more consumers are willing to spend on convenient and high-quality food options.
The market is also witnessing a trend towards healthier RTE foods, with an increasing number of products featuring natural ingredients, low preservatives, and nutritional benefits to cater to health-conscious consumers. E-commerce and online food delivery platforms have significantly boosted the accessibility and popularity of RTE foods, allowing consumers to purchase these products easily and have them delivered to their doorstep. Additionally, marketing strategies that highlight the convenience, taste, and health benefits of RTE foods are driving consumer awareness and acceptance. Despite challenges such as the perception of RTE foods being less healthy than fresh meals, the market continues to grow, supported by innovations in product offerings and packaging. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the demand for RTE foods, as consumers seek safe and convenient meal options amid lockdowns and social distancing measures. Overall, the India RTE Food Market is poised for sustained growth, driven by evolving consumer preferences, technological advancements, and strategic marketing efforts.
In India, several Ready-To-Eat (RTE) foods are particularly famous due to their convenience, taste, and cultural relevance. Here are some of the most popular RTE food items:
1. Instant Noodles:
Instant noodles, such as Maggi and Yippee, are among the most beloved RTE foods in India. They are quick to prepare and come in various flavors, making them a favorite snack or meal option.
2. Ready-to-Eat Curries and Gravies:
Brands like MTR, Haldiram's, and ITC offer a wide range of ready-to-eat Indian curries and gravies, including Paneer Butter Masala, Dal Makhani, Chana Masala, and Rajma. These products are popular for their authentic taste and convenience.
3. Frozen Parathas and Rotis:
Frozen parathas and rotis, such as those offered by brands like Aashirvaad and Gits, are highly popular. They provide a quick and easy alternative to homemade flatbreads and are often paired with ready-to-eat curries.
4. Instant Breakfast Options:
RTE breakfast options like poha, upma, idli, and dosa mixes from brands like MTR, Gits, and Eastern are widely consumed. These products cater to the need for quick and nutritious breakfast solutions.
5. Microwaveable Rice and Biryani:
Ready-to-eat rice dishes, including plain rice, pulao, and biryani, are popular for their convenience and taste. Brands like MTR, Kohinoor, and ITC offer a variety of microwaveable rice dishes.
6. Snacks and Namkeens:
Indian snacks and namkeens, such as bhujia, sev, chakli, and samosas, are available in ready-to-eat formats from brands like Haldiram's and Bikano. These snacks are popular for their traditional flavors and ease of consumption.
7. Soup Mixes:
Instant soup mixes from brands like Knorr and Maggi are also popular. These soups are easy to prepare and come in various flavors, catering to different taste preferences.
8. Ready-to-Eat Sweets:
RTE sweets like gulab jamun, rasgulla, and kheer are offered by brands like Haldiram's and Bikano. These products are popular for festive occasions and as convenient dessert options.
9. Packaged Meals:
Complete packaged meals that include a combination of rice, curry, and side dishes are becoming increasingly popular. These meals are convenient for busy professionals and students.
10. Health-Oriented RTE Foods:
With a growing health consciousness, there is a rising demand for healthier RTE options such as quinoa bowls, millet-based dishes, and organic snacks. Brands like Soulfull and Slurrp Farm cater to this segment.
Key Finding Study of this market-
The study on the India Ready-To-Eat (RTE) Food Market reveals several key findings that highlight the market's robust growth and evolving dynamics. The market is witnessing significant expansion driven by increasing urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and a shift in consumer lifestyles towards convenience and quick meal solutions. The diverse product range, including instant noodles, ready-to-eat curries, frozen snacks, and microwaveable meals, caters to various consumer tastes and preferences. Technological advancements in food processing and packaging have enhanced the quality, shelf life, and safety of RTE products, making them more appealing to consumers. Health-conscious consumers are driving demand for nutritious and low-preservative RTE options, prompting manufacturers to innovate with healthier ingredients and formulations. The rise of e-commerce and food delivery platforms has significantly boosted market accessibility and penetration, allowing consumers to easily purchase and receive RTE foods.
Marketing strategies emphasizing the convenience, taste, and health benefits of RTE products are increasing consumer awareness and acceptance. Despite facing challenges such as the perception of RTE foods being less healthy than fresh meals, the market is poised for sustained growth, supported by continuous product innovation, strategic marketing, and an increasing preference for convenient meal solutions amid busy lifestyles. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the adoption of RTE foods as consumers seek safe and easy-to-prepare meal options during lockdowns and social distancing measures. Overall, the study indicates a promising future for the India RTE Food Market, with substantial opportunities for growth and diversification.
Key players-
ITC Limited
MTR Foods Pvt. Ltd.
Haldiram Snacks Pvt. Ltd.
Godrej Tyson Foods Ltd.
Kohinoor Foods Ltd.
Nestlé India
Gits Food Products Pvt. Ltd.
McCain Foods India
Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Pvt. Ltd.
ADF Foods Ltd.
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/india-ready-to-eat-rte-food-market
The India Ready-To-Eat (RTE) Food Market faces several challenges that could impact its growth and sustainability:
1. Health Perception:
One of the significant challenges is the perception that RTE foods are less healthy compared to freshly prepared meals. Many consumers associate RTE foods with high preservatives, artificial additives, and lower nutritional value, which can deter health-conscious individuals from opting for these products.
2. Quality and Taste Consistency:
Maintaining consistent quality and taste across different batches and over time can be challenging for manufacturers. Any deviation in flavor or texture can lead to consumer dissatisfaction and impact brand loyalty.
3. High Cost of Production:
The production of RTE foods involves advanced processing techniques and high-quality packaging to ensure long shelf life and safety, leading to higher costs. These costs can be passed on to consumers, making RTE foods more expensive than traditional meal options.
4. Supply Chain and Distribution:
Ensuring an efficient supply chain and distribution network is crucial for the success of RTE foods. Challenges in maintaining a robust cold chain infrastructure, particularly in remote and rural areas, can affect product availability and quality.
5. Consumer Preferences and Habits:
Indian consumers have strong preferences for freshly cooked meals, and changing these deep-rooted habits can be difficult. Convincing consumers to switch from traditional cooking methods to RTE foods requires significant marketing efforts and education about the benefits.
6. Regulatory Compliance:
Adhering to stringent food safety and quality regulations is essential but can be challenging for manufacturers. Compliance with these regulations involves continuous monitoring, documentation, and investment in quality control processes, which can be resource-intensive.
7. Competition from Local and Fresh Food Options:
The RTE food market faces stiff competition from local eateries, street food vendors, and fresh food delivery services that offer freshly prepared meals at competitive prices. These alternatives often have the advantage of perceived freshness and authenticity.
8. Packaging Waste:
The use of non-biodegradable packaging materials for RTE foods contributes to environmental concerns. As consumers become more environmentally conscious, the pressure to adopt sustainable packaging solutions increases, which can add to production costs.
9. Economic Fluctuations:
Economic instability and fluctuations in raw material prices can impact the overall cost structure of RTE food products. This volatility can lead to price hikes, affecting consumer affordability and demand.
10. Technological Barriers:
Adopting advanced food processing and packaging technologies requires significant investment. Smaller players in the market may struggle to keep up with technological advancements, leading to disparities in product quality and market competitiveness.
Based on Category
Instant Breakfast/Cereals
Instant Soups and Snacks
Baked Goods
Based on Packaging
Frozen or Chilled
Based on Distribution Channel
Departmental Stores
Convenience Stores
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/india-ready-to-eat-rte-food-market
Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/india-ready-to-eat-rte-food-market-overview-growth-azhdf
Contact Us:
Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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viexports · 1 month
Top 3 Trustworthy Basmati Rice Exporters You Should Know About
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Basmati rice is not just a staple food, it is a symbol of culinary heritage and cultural pride. Known for its unique aroma, long grain and great taste, Basmati rice has won hearts across the globe. Whether it is used in traditional biryani, pilaf or served as a simple steamed side, the quality of Basmati rice can make or break any dish. As the demand for this prized grain continues to grow internationally, choosing the right exporter has become very important. In this blog, we will introduce you to the top five trustworthy Basmati rice exporters you should know about, so that you can make an informed decision for your culinary needs.
Why trust matters in Basmati rice exports
Trust is of utmost importance when it comes to Basmati rice. The global market is full of options, but not all exporters maintain the quality, authenticity and safety standards that consumers expect. Reliable exporters ensure that the rice you get is genuine Basmati rice, grown in specific regions of India and Pakistan and processed under strict quality control. By choosing a reliable exporter, you not only get the best quality Basmati rice but also support ethical practices and sustainable farming.
Top 3 Reliable Basmati Rice Exporters
1. Kohinoor Foods Limited
Kohinoor Foods Limited is synonymous with premium Basmati rice. With decades of experience, they have built a reputation for delivering high-quality rice that meets global standards. Kohinoor’s commitment to maintaining the authenticity of Basmati rice has earned them the trust of consumers and businesses alike, making them one of the leading exporters in the industry.
2. Shri Lal Mahal Group
Another giant in the Basmati rice export market, Shri Lal Mahal Group, is known for its meticulous quality control and customer-centric approach. Established in 1907, the company has a rich legacy of supplying top-grade Basmati rice to international markets. Their product range includes various grades of Basmati rice, which cater to diverse culinary requirements while maintaining a strong focus on quality.
3. KRBL Limited
KRBL Limited is one of the oldest and largest exporters of Basmati rice in India. With over a century of experience, KRBL has mastered the art of rice production and export. Their flagship brand, India Gate, is a household name in several countries, known for its excellent quality and authentic taste. KRBL’s dedication to innovation and sustainability further cements their position as a reliable Basmati rice exporter.
Key Factors to Consider While Choosing a Basmati Rice Exporter
When choosing a Basmati rice exporter, consider factors such as the company’s reputation, quality certifications, customer reviews, and commitment to sustainability. Reliable exporters often have long-standing relationships with farmers and follow strict quality control measures, ensuring that the rice you receive is of the highest quality. Additionally, look for exporters who offer multiple varieties of basmati rice, allowing you to choose the best variety for your culinary needs.
Choosing the right basmati rice exporter is a must to get the best quality rice for your kitchen. The exporters mentioned in this blog are all trusted names in the industry, known for their commitment to quality, authenticity, and customer satisfaction. By choosing one of these top exporters, you can enjoy the rich taste and aroma of genuine basmati rice, knowing you have made a wise choice.
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amoliinternational · 4 months
Top 7 Rice Exporters in India
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KRBL Limited: It is Known for its flagship brand India Gate Basmati Rice, KRBL Limited is one of the largest rice exporters in India, with a strong global presence.
Amar Singh Chawal Wala: With a legacy of delivering quality rice products, Amar Singh Chawal Wala is recognized for its premium basmati rice offerings.
Kohinoor Foods Ltd: Marketed under the Kohinoor brand, Kohinoor Foods Ltd is famous for its high-quality basmati and non-basmati rice varieties.
Shri LAL MAHAL Group: Shri LAL MAHAL Group is known for its commitment to providing top-notch basmati rice, catering to the discerning tastes of consumers worldwide.
ASM Global INC: ASM Global INC is a trusted name in the rice industry, offering a range of premium-grade basmati rice products to meet diverse customer needs.
MAHAVIR RICE Mills: MAHAVIR RICE Mills is recognized for its dedication to quality and consistency, ensuring that its basmati rice products meet the highest standards of excellence.
Amoli International: Amoli International stands out for its commitment to quality, offering a diverse range of basmati rice varieties known for their exceptional taste, aroma, and texture.
Partnering with these 𝐓𝐨𝐩 𝟕 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐚 ensures access to top-notch basmati rice that consistently exceeds expectations. Experience the difference in quality and flavor with basmati rice sourced from these trusted names in the industry.
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houssed · 6 months
Best Residential Projects in Hinjewadi
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Explore the best residential projects in Hinjewadi with Houssed, your trusted real estate partner. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of paradise in Hinjewadi - start your search for your dream home today with Houssed!
Hinjewadi, Pune
Situated near the Dehu-Katraj Bypass, in the outskirts of Pune, is the posh suburb of Hinjewadi. On the Mumbai Highway (NH-48), it is well situated between Wakad, Baner, Tathawade, and Balewadi. It is home to the Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, a hub for several IT companies.
With a population of 38,858 and a total area of around 33.91 square kilometres, Hinjewadi is made up of residential, business, and industrial zones. It has connections to key Pune areas via Hinjewadi-Aundh Road, the Mumbai Highway (NH-48), and Dange Chowk Road. The neighbourhood has gated communities, fine dining restaurants, hip cafes, vibrant bars, excellent road networks, and excellent medical services. It also offers a wide range of food alternatives, including delectable street food and chic cafes.
Beyond being known as a centre for business, Hinjewadi has several fascinating tourist spots. Prominent features including the Mulshi Dam, Bhatghar Dam, Chaturshringi Mata Temple, Mhatoba Hill, and the Shri Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex add to its allure.
Why Should You Invest in Hinjewadi Residential Projects?
Hinjewadi is a desirable destination for investors because of its constantly rapid appreciation of property values. Pune's thriving IT hub, Hinjewadi, is still growing, which is contributing to the continuous demand for real estate. The ideal location near the city centre and the NH-4 Mumbai-Bangalore highway makes it a more desirable investment. Surprisingly, Hinjewadi offers apartments with a net rental return of around 46.5%, and an average monthly price range of Rs. 7,700 to Rs. 1,10,000 per square foot.
The noteworthy presence of well-known developers like Mittal Brothers, Godrej Properties, MJ Group, Pride Purple Group, VTP Realty, and Rajluckxmi Realcon further distinguishes Hinjewadi. Their active involvement demonstrates a strong foundation and reputation in the sector, which instills trust in potential investors.
Price Trends in Hinjewadi
Below is the statistical data to understand the price trends in Hinjewadi, Pune:
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Disclaimer: The costs shown above are just estimates based on information gathered from various sources and may not represent the real cost. The price mentioned above may change depending on the developer, the area, and the amenities.
Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Hinjewadi Residential Projects
1: Great Connectivity
Hinjewadi's main thoroughfares include Marunji Road, Hinjewadi-Aundh Road, Maan Road, and Dange Chowk Road. The location is around 9 km from Chinchwad Railway Station and only 19 km from Pune Junction Railway Station.
• About 25 miles separate the Pune International Airport from the surrounding area via the Hinjewadi-Aundh road.
• The Mumbai-Pune Motorway (NH-48) makes it simple to go into the city and between its environs.
• Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited (PMPML) operates buses in Hinjewadi, providing a useful mode of public transit.
2: Leading Hinjewadi Residential Projects
Godrej Woodsville
Park Titan
Park Connect
VTP Bellissimo
Mittal Sky High
Kohinoor Sportsville
3: Best Infrastructure
Hinjewadi boasts a well-planned, modern infrastructure with a network of conveniences, renowned medical facilities, excellent schools, and efficient recreation places.
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4: IT Hub and Employment Opportunities
Hinjewadi, the epicentre of Pune's IT sector, is home to several IT parks and tech companies, attracting skilled personnel and creating a vibrant economic climate in the process.
Hinjewadi, a major employment area, is home to notable employers like Infosys, Cognizant, Wipro Technologies, Capgemini, Tata Consultancy Services, and Synechron Technologies.
Other notable employment areas in the area include Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Embassy Techzone, Quadron Business Park, and Qubix SEZ Blue Ridge.
5: Nearest Commute
Pune's western suburb of Hinjewadi enjoys convenient access to the NH-4 Mumbai-Bangalore highway. Among the nearby settlements are Bavdhan, Pirangut, Baner, Balewadi, and Mahalunge. The table below provides a quick overview of the travel times and distances from Hinjewadi to nearby locations:
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apaarhoteldiu · 7 months
Unforgettable stays in Diu's finest hotels
If you are planning a trip to Diu, the stunning coastal town in India, you are in for a treat. Diu offers a perfect blend of tranquility, history, and natural beauty. One of the most crucial aspects of any trip is finding the right accommodation, and the best hotel in Diu has some of the finest hotels that will make your stay truly unforgettable.
Diu's top-rated stays
When it comes to hotels, Diu has a wide range of options catering to different budgets and preferences. Whether you are looking for a luxurious beachfront resort or a budget-friendly guesthouse, Diu has it all. Here are some of the top-rated stays in Diu:
1. Hotel Azzaro Resorts & Spa
This luxurious resort is known for its breathtaking views of the sea and its world-class amenities. With spacious rooms, a swimming pool, a spa, and a multi-cuisine restaurant, Hotel Azzaro Resorts & Spa offers a truly unforgettable experience.
2. Radisson Blu Resort
If you are looking for a beachfront hotel, Radisson Blu Resort is the perfect choice. Located on Nagoa Beach, this resort offers stunning views, comfortable rooms, a swimming pool, and a host of other amenities.
3. Krishna Park Resort
Ideal for budget travelers, Krishna Park Resort offers comfortable rooms at affordable prices. The resort also has a swimming pool, a restaurant, and a kid's play area, making it a great choice for families.
Beachfront hotels in Diu
Diu is famous for its beautiful beaches, and staying in a beachfront hotel allows you to make the most of your trip. Here are some of the best beachfront hotels in Diu:
1. Kostamar Beach Resort
Located on Ghoghla Beach, Kostamar Beach Resort offers direct access to the beach and stunning views of the Arabian Sea. The resort has spacious rooms, a swimming pool, and a restaurant serving delicious seafood.
2. Sea Village Resort
Situated on Chakratirth Beach, Sea Village Resort is known for its peaceful ambiance and beautiful surroundings. The resort offers comfortable rooms, a swimming pool, and a beachside restaurant serving a variety of cuisines.
3. Sugati Beach Resort
With its prime location on Nagoa Beach, Sugati Beach Resort is a popular choice among beach lovers. The resort offers well-appointed rooms, a swimming pool, and a restaurant serving both Indian and international dishes.
Best Kathiyawadi restaurant near me
Kathiyawadi cuisine is a traditional Gujarati cuisine known for its spicy and flavorful dishes. If you are in Diu and craving some authentic Kathiyawadi food, here is the best Kathiyawadi restaurant near me:
Hotel Foodland
Located in the heart of Diu, Hotel Foodland is a popular restaurant known for its delicious Kathiyawadi thali. The restaurant offers a wide range of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes, including the famous Gujarati thali.
Diu online hotel booking
In this digital age, booking hotels online has become extremely convenient. If you are planning a trip to Diu, here are some popular online platforms where you can book your hotels:
Kathiyawadi thali
Kathiyawadi thali is a traditional meal that offers a variety of dishes and flavors. If you are in Diu, here are some restaurants where you can enjoy a delicious Kathiyawadi thali:
1. Hotel Foodland
As mentioned earlier, Hotel Foodland is a popular restaurant in Diu known for its authentic Kathiyawadi thali. The thali includes a variety of dishes like roti, sabzi, dal, kadhi, rice, and desserts.
2. Melting Point Restaurant
Located near Nagoa Beach, Melting Point Restaurant is known for its diverse menu that includes Kathiyawadi thali. The thali is served with a range of traditional dishes, providing a wholesome and satisfying meal.
3. Hotel Kohinoor
Situated in the heart of Diu, Hotel Kohinoor is a popular choice for those craving a delicious Kathiyawadi thali. The restaurant offers a variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, ensuring there is something for everyone.
South Indian restaurant in Diu
If you are a fan of South Indian cuisine, Diu has some excellent restaurants that serve authentic South Indian dishes. Here is a South Indian restaurant in Diu that you can visit:
Kudrat Restaurant
Located near Jalandhar Beach, Kudrat Restaurant offers a varied menu of South Indian delicacies. From crispy dosas to flavorful sambar, you can enjoy the true taste of South India at this restaurant.
In conclusion, Diu offers a range of unforgettable stays for travelers looking to explore the beauty of this coastal town. Whether you prefer a beachfront hotel, want to savor authentic Kathiyawadi cuisine, or indulge in South Indian flavors, Diu has something to offer everyone. So plan your trip to Diu, book your stay, and get ready for an unforgettable experience!
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shrilalmahal1 · 3 months
10 Basmati Rice Suppliers That Ensure Quality and Consistency
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Basmati rice, known for its distinct aroma, long grains, and delicate flavor, is a staple in many households and restaurants worldwide. When it comes to selecting the best basmati rice suppliers, quality and consistency are paramount. Here, we present a list of ten basmati rice suppliers renowned for their commitment to providing top-quality products.
1. India Gate Basmati Rice
India Gate is one of the most well-known brands in the basmati rice industry. Their rice is characterized by its exceptional aroma, long grains, and non-sticky texture. India Gate sources its rice from the fertile plains of India, ensuring top-notch quality and consistency in every grain. Their rigorous quality control processes and adherence to international standards make them a trusted choice for consumers globally.
Why Choose India Gate?
Premium quality and long grains
High aroma retention
Stringent quality checks
2. Daawat Basmati Rice
Daawat, a brand from LT Foods, is synonymous with quality basmati rice. They offer a wide range of basmati rice varieties, including traditional, super, and quick-cooking options. Daawat's commitment to quality is evident through their state-of-the-art processing plants and strict quality control measures. They also emphasize sustainable farming practices, ensuring a healthy and consistent product.
Why Choose Daawat?
Variety of basmati rice options
Sustainable farming practices
Advanced processing technology
3. Kohinoor Basmati Rice
Kohinoor is a leading name in the basmati rice market, known for its rich heritage and premium quality rice. The brand sources its rice from the best fields and uses cutting-edge technology to maintain the grain's natural flavor and aroma. Kohinoor's rice is aged for a minimum of one year, enhancing its taste and texture.
Why Choose Kohinoor?
Aged for enhanced flavor
Consistent quality
Heritage and reputation
4. Lal Qilla Basmati Rice
Lal Qilla, a brand by Amar Singh Chawal Wala, offers a range of premium basmati rice varieties. Their rice is known for its extra-long grains and exquisite aroma. Lal Qilla's strict adherence to quality control and hygienic processing methods ensures that every bag of rice meets the highest standards of quality and consistency.
Why Choose Lal Qilla?
Extra-long grains
Strict quality control
Hygienic processing
5. Tilda Basmati Rice
Tilda is a global brand that has been delivering premium basmati rice for over 50 years. Known for its consistent quality and delightful flavor, Tilda sources its rice from the Himalayan foothills. The brand is committed to ethical sourcing and sustainability, making it a popular choice among health-conscious consumers.
Why Choose Tilda?
Ethical sourcing and sustainability
Consistent quality
Over 50 years of expertise
6. Royal Basmati Rice
Royal Basmati Rice, part of the Royal® brand, is widely recognized in North America for its premium quality and flavor. The brand offers a variety of basmati rice, including traditional, organic, and quick-cooking options. Royal ensures quality by maintaining strict standards throughout the sourcing and processing stages.
Why Choose Royal?
Wide variety of basmati rice
Strict quality standards
Popular in North America
7. Patanjali Basmati Rice
Patanjali, a brand known for its range of Ayurvedic and natural products, also offers high-quality basmati rice. Their rice is cultivated using organic farming practices, ensuring a chemical-free product. Patanjali's commitment to natural and healthy products makes their basmati rice a preferred choice for many consumers.
Why Choose Patanjali?
Organic farming practices
Chemical-free product
Commitment to health and wellness
8. Shrilalmahal Basmati Rice
Shrilalmahal is a premium basmati rice brand known for its long grains and aromatic flavor. The brand uses modern milling techniques and adheres to international quality standards. Shrilalmahal's rice is aged to perfection, ensuring a superior taste and texture.
Why Choose Shrilalmahal?
Modern milling techniques
Adherence to international standards
Aged for superior taste
9. Zafarani Basmati Rice
Zafarani Basmati Rice is a brand that has gained popularity for its top-quality basmati rice. Known for its fragrant aroma and long, slender grains, Zafarani's rice is a staple in many kitchens. The brand focuses on traditional farming methods combined with modern processing techniques to deliver consistent quality.
Why Choose Zafarani?
Traditional farming methods
Modern processing techniques
Fragrant and long grains
10. Maharani Basmati Rice
Maharani Basmati Rice offers a premium range of basmati rice that is known for its long grains and delightful aroma. The brand ensures quality by sourcing rice from the best fields and using state-of-the-art processing facilities. Maharani's rice is ideal for a variety of dishes, from biryanis to pilafs.
Why Choose Maharani?
Premium quality
Long grains and delightful aroma
State-of-the-art processing
Choosing the right basmati rice supplier is crucial for ensuring the quality and consistency of your meals. The brands listed above are renowned for their commitment to providing top-notch basmati rice. Whether you are a home cook or a professional chef, selecting any of these suppliers will guarantee a delicious and aromatic dining experience. When it comes to basmati rice, quality and consistency are key, and these suppliers deliver on both fronts.
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