#Koichi the Rotom
pumpkachubby · 2 years
Crossroads: Knoll’s side
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How has been the shrunken Knoll hanging with Tsvetko for the last week? When did he grew back to his normal size? And is that Koichi, Koh’s father? Find all of that in this new chapter~
Crossroads: >Trevor’s side< - >Wolter’s side< -  > Knoll’s side
Make sure to check the Story Archive for past chapters!
For the last week I have spend most of the time hanging around in Tsvetko’s beard, I wouldn’t say it's the most comfortable place to be but it's better than being shoved and forgotten into a pocket, here I can relax and see everything he sees, and I’m at a good distance to talk and eat with him without much risk of someone noticing my presence. You might think that I must be having a great time, and I would agree but not everything is nice, I don’t think there are many people who like to wake up with a splash of water on their face, right? Well, that’s exactly what this week has been like, everytime Petrov’s father washes his face in the morning I suddenly wake up drenched in cold water. I may have started to get used to being around him but this was something I just couldn't.
-”I have told you many times, why don’t you just wake me up? Or even better, just take me out of it while you take care of your morning routine” - I complained to the large man coming out of the shower, this time was particularly worse because he didn’t just wash his face in the sink, he went straight to the shower.
-”Hahaha, sorry sorry, you know I’m still getting used, having little guys around is not as normal as you may think ” - He laughed as he put on some underwear, I tried to look away but I couldn’t help but to glance at his behind, he really is Petrov’s father after all if you know what I mean..
-”So? What are the plans for today?” - I asked, trying to think about anything else besides the mountain of a man that I had in front of me. -”It’s the opening ceremony, right?”
-”Exactly, we are going to see our boys” - He quickly replied as he struggled to put on his pants -“Do you want to come?” 
-”Why do you ask that?”
-”Well, you were quite nervous when I met Sven yesterday, you even crawled inside of my shirt to avoid being found out. I don’t understand, didn’t you want to see how he was doing? At least that is what I thought by your initial excited reaction upon seeing him at the distance, that’s why I walked closer to them. What made you hide?”
-”I was happy to see him, but… ”
-”You were desperate to find trainers to give your support, and if Sven noticed I was there he may have misunderstood the situation, I didn’t want him to think I was trying to give directions to what he should do, I was the one who pushed him to this situation after all…”
-”I see, you want him to be more independent, as a father I know that, so about the anxiety and need to make sure they are fine…” - He said as he tried to decide which shirt to wear - “If you allow me to ask, there is something that has been bothering me about you two.”
-”Go ahead” - I replied
-”What kind of relationship do you have? I mean, he was your pokemon that you left in your world, then he showed up in a humanoid form upon following you across the mirror. Then you proceeded to have a normal life, right? Did something change besides his looks?”
-”That’s the problem… nothing really changed between us. He kept treating me like his master, doing what I said, there for what I needed, but even back in our world he is still his own being, his life can’t spin around one single person, humans don’t live forever after all… This is something I have never talked to anybody but one of the reasons I freed Sven and destroyed his pokeball, forcing him to go live by his own was because I had started to think about my own mortality, I was getting older and after a life of solitude and sedentarism I could feel my body breaking apart… when I crossed that mirror, I was ready for failure too…” 
-”You can’t be serious…”
-”All I knew was that I could put my hand into the mirror, it felt weird, so…  with Sven gone I had nothing waiting for me. But lucky me I got ready for nothing, not only did I made it here alive but I regained my youth too, sure the world felt off at first but I got used to it over time, well, sure I may have end up needing to be shrunken down so my body can properly adapt to this world but I’m grateful I got this chance… and yet, I didn’t see that I would end up having to deal with the consequence of having someone too stubborn to let me go…”
-”Tell me, Knol.What exactly are your feelings for Sven?” -He asked as he carefully lifted me between his hands.
-”He is the most important person in my life, but… I don’t think I deserve his love.”- I replied, hugging my knees tight.
-”Do you think he would be better with someone else? Do you think that would make you feel better?”
-”I don’t know!” - I shouted, scratching my head -”I feel like such garbage, I want him to find his own future, and yet a life without him scares me, he has been by my side for so long, but things are different now, we got a new chance, and it’s only fair for him to have the same opportunity to choose. Back then I chose to leave him, and now I pushed him away so he can find out if he really wants to be by my side or not…” 
-”That’s one hell of a gamble my little buddy, but don’t forget: whatever the result may be, you are not alone.”
-”Now let's get going, we gotta have a good breakfast and then go check that ceremony, don’t worry, you can hide as deep as you want if you don’t want him to find you~”
-”Just put me in your pocket if you want to talk with them…”
Everytime we have a meal in public I wonder if anyone looks weird at Tsvetko, after all he do it very slowly so I can snatch a piece of food for myself as he brings the food to his mouth, I told him that he could just give me something later but he insisted that he wanted to have some thrill on his vacations, so I gave up and joined him in this unnecessary endeavor.
The Motostoke gym was packed with new trainers wearing their new white uniform, even if I looked around I don’t think I would see Sven and his friend between the people, so I stayed hidden in the beard as my friend talked to all kind of important people he knew and were there for a similar reason, as he explained again and again that he was taking a break form the job as his son take care of the guild in his place. 
Everything should have gone as planned but then I suddenly felt it: Sven was here, as he should be, but there was something else… some sense of danger in the air, it brought me back to a memory from when I had just met Sven years ago, I was walking on the woods near my house when I was attacked by a Duskull, I didn’t have much battle experience but Sven threw himself into battle to protect me, and he was ruthless, he scared me so fearing he could cause more damage to the other pokemon I put him back in his pokeball and ran away. I could feel it: he was in a similar position, and without thinking I jumped out of Tsvetko’s beard and ran to him, not even stopping to think about the fact that I grew back to my normal size in the process.
When I made it to the changing room everyone was looking terrified as Sven strangled a guy up in the air with only one hand, pure rage in his face as his friend was against the wall as scared as everyone else. For a moment I doubted of what should I do: this time I couldn’t lock him into a pokeball, I couldn’t just give him an order, it would go against everything I have been struggling about our relationship, so I just shouted his name as hard as I could, thankfully this was enough to make him drop his victim to the floor.
-”Master? What are you doing here?” -He said, completely forgetting about anyone else in the room, I looked around and everyone was breathing out relaxed, most looked at the guy on the floor with pity and some even started to laugh as he coughed desperately. As an announcement asking all trainers to go to the main arena a staff member behind Sven seemed to kinda figure out how the situation was solved and quickly gave me a sign to not worry about it. Maybe it was because he wanted to avoid problems right when the ceremony was about to begin? Anyway, I took a deep breath and tried to avoid the topic for the time being.
-”Go, we can talk later, ok?” -I stepped closer and hold his hand - “I will be cheering for you.”
-”Y-yes!” - He replied with a warm smile, quickly grabbing his friend by the arm and rushing towards the main arena, just like everyone else started to do.
-”Wha *cough* What the hell? *cough* *cough*” - Complained the guy laying on the floor as he tried to stand up - “Call the Chairman, he can’t allow such a violent person to join such a prestigious activity! I will make sure he pays for this offense!” - He shouted at the staff member, who didn’t even look back at him.
-”You don’t seem like the kind of person that has many friends, don’t you?”- I asked him as I stood in his way as he was trying to leave the room.
-”Shut up! Move away, I need to go talk with the Chairman now!”
-”I’m sure he must be busy getting ready for his speech, you wouldn’t like to be the one to disturb such an important moment, right?”
-”The safety of everyone is in danger! That beast can’t-”
-”Shut your mouth.” - I said, grabbing him by his collar, making him flinch at the sudden reminder of what he just experienced. - “Look at the empty room around you, nobody gave a single fuck about what you feel, and I have a feeling you deserve it, Sven is not the kind of person who acts like this for nothing, you must have been doing something pretty nasty to make him go to such extreme… You should be grateful I showed up, otherwise he may have gone even further…” - I said, twisting his collar, making him fall to his knees. - “I don’t know what kind of relationship you have with them, but I would recommend staying as far away as possible, because I won’t be there to save you again.”
I left him laying on the floor and got out of the room as I started to hear him sobbing and punching the ground, probably from frustration. 
I had to go back with Tsvetko to watch the ceremony so I rushed back into the main arena as soon as possible, thankfully he had a reserved spot in the vip area and was cautious enough to send my personal data in advance so they could let me in in case I had grow back to normal. When he saw me again he quickly tried to get up but couldn’t by the surprise, quickly scratching his beard looking for me.
-”You- You are big!” - He shouted.
-”Yeah… you could say that” - I replied, scratching my head.
-”But how? Didn’t they say it could take months? Wait a moment, when did you leave my side? You look like you just came running…”
-”I’m surprised you didn’t notice, I’m sorry I suddenly noticed I had to do something…”
-”Does it have to do with Sven?”
-”Yes… you may get some complaints later.”
I told him about the whole situation I saw at the changing room and he listened in silence with his arms crossed. The Chairman was giving his speech to the new challengers but he was giving more attention to what I was saying anyway. When the speech was over and everyone was cheering on the trainers, he replied back.
-”That guy must be Scott, he is infamous for being a snobbish son of his wealthy parents who can’t take a no for answer, I knew I have seen Wolter somewhere before, I read about it in the newspaper, I don’t usually check the gossip section but it was hard to avoid the scandal when they break up, they never disclosed Wolter’s face to the media but I had seen them together when I went to check on their farm after an incident. You were right, he deserved to be put in his place, and I’m sure you scared him enough too.”- He said, messing with my hair - “Don’t worry, nobody takes him seriously, that’s probably why the staff didn’t even check on him, he is the pain in the ass of Galar, I’d say that hopefully this will teach him some manners, but I doubt it.”
-”I see, then I can relax about that.” - I replied as we walked out of the VIP area.
-”You shouldn't, I mean, about Sven, didn’t you tell him you would see him later?”
-”Dammit, you are right… What should I say?”
-”Just congratulate him, he found something he wants to try on his own, right? That’s enough motivation for celebration, don’t you think?”
-”Yeah you are correct, now if only we could find- ouch”- I complained as I bumped into someone. At first I didn’t recognize him, but when I heard his voice it was very clear who this person was. Another unexpected meeting just happened.
-”I’m really sorry, are you alright? Oh, but if it isn’t my son from across the mirror” -Replied Mr. Koichi, laughing as he hid his face behind a fancy fan. Koichi is Koh’s father, I had only seen him via video chats and until now we never had a proper in-person meeting. He is the kind, supportive father I wish I had in my own world, if it wasn’t for his gentle personality I would probably envy Koh for being so lucky, but he won me over when I was told that when he found out about my existence he jumped of joy for “having twins now”. He is very busy traveling around the world, but he often calls to check on his son, although most of the time we ended up talking only between us since Koh is busy with his work too.
-”And who is this handsome man hiding behind you?” - He asked, pointing at Tsvetko, who suddenly got red as a tomato.
-”You don’t know him? He is Tsvetko, master of the Obsidian Guild, and the father of Petrov, you know, one of Koh’s boyfriends.”
-”Oh my! I knew about him but we never had the pleasure to be introduced. I have only met his wife time ago, she and their guild members were a big help during that storm years ago, please make sure to send my gratitude towards her, I will forever be in debt.”
-”Ex-wife…” - Whispered Tsvetko, looking gloomy.
-”Oh my, my most sincere apologies, I had no idea…”
-”Do- don’t worry about it! You had no reason to know! Please don’t feel bad, it was a while ago anyway!”
-”If you say so, Mr. Tsvetko… in that case, and I hope I’m not being inopportune, would you like to join me for tea later today? I’m sure we must have a lot to talk about, don’t you think?”
-”O-of course! With our son’s relationship and all that”
-”Yeah, but I would be lying if I said I don’t have a personal interest in yourself too” - Replied Koichi, hiding his blushing face under his fan, looking away, making Tsvetko even more red than before - “Now, if you excuse me, I need to take care of some business, Knoll has my number, we can coordinate our next meeting then. See you later~”
Koichi walked away leaving us alone as Tsvetko tried to control himself. - He said as he walked down the hallway.
-”Oh no, oh no, what should I do? What should I wear? What should we talk about??”- He asked as he shook me grabbing me by the shoulders, still blushing.
-”What’s up with you? It’s not like this is your first date, right?”
-”That’s exactly the point, technically this IS my first date!”
-”Wait, didn’t you get married? How could this be your first?”
-”Yeah, but with her we never had this kind of situation, she preferred going on an adventure, fighting some out of control pokemon, we never made plans or had food at fancy restaurants!”
-”I see… I think I get why your marriage failed…”
-”Hey no need to be mean! Besides, you don’t seem like the kind of guy who has a lot of experience in these things!”
-”You are correct, I don’t, but I am a professional author, and I have written a good handful of bestsellers romance novels, mostly ending in tragedy where the protagonist had to find or face the murdered of their lover, but I think I can give you a couple of tips anyway.”
-”I don’t think that’s very reassuring, but I’m counting on you.”
-”Don’t worry, you will be fine, but for now, let's focus on finding Sven and his friend, ok?”
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pillarwifey · 3 years
Main JoJos & JoBros - What Pokemon They'd Have
Thanks to @jojolovenotes for reminding me I have 18 years of Pokemon experience + A Pokemon AU in my head!
To start it off, Jonathan would definitely be a user of Fighting-type Pokemon. Pokemon like Machoke, Hitmonchan, Lucario and Gallade are what ones I believe would appeal to him most. I also believe he'd have a Herdier! Not for battles, more like a pet. He'd name him Danny.
Speedwagon would have a Growlithe! In multiple Pokedex entries ranging from Crystal to Sun and Moon often mention Growlithe being an extremely loyal Pokemon, which tracks for Speedwagon. They also mention that Growlithe is brave and, in the wild, controls it's territory. Speedwagon is most certainly a brave man for going through what he did to stay by Jonathan's side, and he was head of Ogre Street prior to meeting Jonathan. I also believe he'd have a Sneasel and Purrloin, both Pokemon with sharp claws, just like Speedwagon's original choice in a bowler hat concealing blades. They're also Pokemon known to be cunning thieves, which fits for a bandit like Speedwagon.
Will often uses Electric-types, I believe. Pokemon like Jolteon, Pikachu, Zebstrika, and more. I also believe that as a mentor himself he'd own a Pangoro, a Pokemon stated to mentor Pancham in Pancham's Pokedex entries.
Joseph wouldn't really stick to a certain type if you ask me. Instead I think he'd love Dog Pokemon! Snubbull, Growlithe, Lillipup, Yamper, Electrike, You name it. His favorite animal canonically is dogs, so he'd love to surround himself with them. But if he chose a type I think he'd go with Ghost. Ghost Pokemon like Rotom are known for playing pranks and being mischievous, which adds up to Joseph's personality.
Caesar would have a Sunflora. His favorite flower is canonically sunflowers, and Sunflora is a sunflower, it speaks for itself! But he'd also utilize plenty of Water-types that can learn Bubble or BubbleBeam, such as Squirtle.
Jotaro would LOVE Water-types! Fish Pokemon like Carvanha, Remoraid, Barboach, Feebas, and more. He'd have a Swampert he can Mega Evolve too! I also think he'd love Milotic.
Kakyoin would be a Grass-type master, with a Cherrim or Cherubi as his main Pokemon. They are cherry Pokemon! But he'd also utilize Grass-types with moves like Vine Whip in a similar fashion to Hierophant's tendrils.
Polnareff would have a lot of Pokemon fitting his knightly aesthetic or brave personality, like Bisharp, Escavalier, or Braviary. Perhaps a fast Pokemon to measure up to his Chariot's speed like Accelgor.
Josuke would use Fairy-types! Not only are many Fairy-types often associated with the ability to heal such as Comfey, Ribombee, or Mega Audino, Fairy is a type that's known for being cute or stylish. I think that'd definitely fit Josuke a lot.
Okuyasu, bless his dumb little heart, would use Pokemon on the dopier or simple side as he can relate to them. Pokemon like Deino, Sliggoo, or Magikarp. He'd keep a strong, scary Pokemon like Rhyperior around to look after his dad when he isn't home too.
Koichi would have a Clefairy. I refuse to elaborate.
Rohan would use Psychic-type and Poison-type Pokemon. Pokemon like Espeon, Ariados, Gothita, Hatenna or Indeedee. He'd consider Espurr and Meowstic briefly, intrigued by their known psychic power, but he'd only settle for Espurr in the end if any, as he thinks the thousand yard stare of the little guy is less judgmental than a Meowstic's.
Giorno would be another Grass-type user. Something gorgeous but strong like a Roserade. But I think after he becomes don he'd look into Xerneas, as it is the life Pokemon.
Mista would like Rock-types! Crustle, Minior, or Drednaw for example. I think he'd keep a lot of projectile moves on them like Rock Blast.
Abbacchio would have a Mimikyu. Mimikyu is a Pokemon often known to be lonely and loyal to their trainer, and I think Abbacchio would really know what that loneliness is like.
Narancia would like Flying-types. Something not too big like a Staravia or Pidove, or with fighting ability like Corvisquire.
Bruno would use Normal and Fighting-types! But I think he'd definitely have an Ursaring and Kangaskhan. Both Pokemon known to be protective over things such as their territory or their young. And a kind and generous Pokemon like Blissey!
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pumpkachubby · 3 years
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It’s father’s day so what a better day to introduce Koh’s dad: Koichi the Rotom!
(Some facts about him under the cut!)
He is 56 years old, and 1.45m tall (same height as his son)
A kind and easy-going father who likes to enjoy the simple things of life.
Depiste being Rotom, but he doesn’t get along too well with technology, instead he has a fascination for antiques
A professional shamisen player, Koh knows how to play it since little thanks to him.
Koichi is a trans man, he went throught his transition when Koh was in high school, whom gave the push he needed and supported him all the way.
He has always been a single father and between taking care of his child and his musical career, but since his son moved to live by his own Koichi is currently open to the possibility of a relationship
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