#Tsvetko the pumpkaboo
pumpkachubby · 2 years
Crossroads: Knoll’s side
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How has been the shrunken Knoll hanging with Tsvetko for the last week? When did he grew back to his normal size? And is that Koichi, Koh’s father? Find all of that in this new chapter~
Crossroads: >Trevor’s side< - >Wolter’s side< -  > Knoll’s side
Make sure to check the Story Archive for past chapters!
For the last week I have spend most of the time hanging around in Tsvetko’s beard, I wouldn’t say it's the most comfortable place to be but it's better than being shoved and forgotten into a pocket, here I can relax and see everything he sees, and I’m at a good distance to talk and eat with him without much risk of someone noticing my presence. You might think that I must be having a great time, and I would agree but not everything is nice, I don’t think there are many people who like to wake up with a splash of water on their face, right? Well, that’s exactly what this week has been like, everytime Petrov’s father washes his face in the morning I suddenly wake up drenched in cold water. I may have started to get used to being around him but this was something I just couldn't.
-”I have told you many times, why don’t you just wake me up? Or even better, just take me out of it while you take care of your morning routine” - I complained to the large man coming out of the shower, this time was particularly worse because he didn’t just wash his face in the sink, he went straight to the shower.
-”Hahaha, sorry sorry, you know I’m still getting used, having little guys around is not as normal as you may think ” - He laughed as he put on some underwear, I tried to look away but I couldn’t help but to glance at his behind, he really is Petrov’s father after all if you know what I mean..
-”So? What are the plans for today?” - I asked, trying to think about anything else besides the mountain of a man that I had in front of me. -”It’s the opening ceremony, right?”
-”Exactly, we are going to see our boys” - He quickly replied as he struggled to put on his pants -“Do you want to come?” 
-”Why do you ask that?”
-”Well, you were quite nervous when I met Sven yesterday, you even crawled inside of my shirt to avoid being found out. I don’t understand, didn’t you want to see how he was doing? At least that is what I thought by your initial excited reaction upon seeing him at the distance, that’s why I walked closer to them. What made you hide?”
-”I was happy to see him, but… ”
-”You were desperate to find trainers to give your support, and if Sven noticed I was there he may have misunderstood the situation, I didn’t want him to think I was trying to give directions to what he should do, I was the one who pushed him to this situation after all…”
-”I see, you want him to be more independent, as a father I know that, so about the anxiety and need to make sure they are fine…” - He said as he tried to decide which shirt to wear - “If you allow me to ask, there is something that has been bothering me about you two.”
-”Go ahead” - I replied
-”What kind of relationship do you have? I mean, he was your pokemon that you left in your world, then he showed up in a humanoid form upon following you across the mirror. Then you proceeded to have a normal life, right? Did something change besides his looks?”
-”That’s the problem… nothing really changed between us. He kept treating me like his master, doing what I said, there for what I needed, but even back in our world he is still his own being, his life can’t spin around one single person, humans don’t live forever after all… This is something I have never talked to anybody but one of the reasons I freed Sven and destroyed his pokeball, forcing him to go live by his own was because I had started to think about my own mortality, I was getting older and after a life of solitude and sedentarism I could feel my body breaking apart… when I crossed that mirror, I was ready for failure too…” 
-”You can’t be serious…”
-”All I knew was that I could put my hand into the mirror, it felt weird, so…  with Sven gone I had nothing waiting for me. But lucky me I got ready for nothing, not only did I made it here alive but I regained my youth too, sure the world felt off at first but I got used to it over time, well, sure I may have end up needing to be shrunken down so my body can properly adapt to this world but I’m grateful I got this chance… and yet, I didn’t see that I would end up having to deal with the consequence of having someone too stubborn to let me go…”
-”Tell me, Knol.What exactly are your feelings for Sven?” -He asked as he carefully lifted me between his hands.
-”He is the most important person in my life, but… I don’t think I deserve his love.”- I replied, hugging my knees tight.
-”Do you think he would be better with someone else? Do you think that would make you feel better?”
-”I don’t know!” - I shouted, scratching my head -”I feel like such garbage, I want him to find his own future, and yet a life without him scares me, he has been by my side for so long, but things are different now, we got a new chance, and it’s only fair for him to have the same opportunity to choose. Back then I chose to leave him, and now I pushed him away so he can find out if he really wants to be by my side or not…” 
-”That’s one hell of a gamble my little buddy, but don’t forget: whatever the result may be, you are not alone.”
-”Now let's get going, we gotta have a good breakfast and then go check that ceremony, don’t worry, you can hide as deep as you want if you don’t want him to find you~”
-”Just put me in your pocket if you want to talk with them…”
Everytime we have a meal in public I wonder if anyone looks weird at Tsvetko, after all he do it very slowly so I can snatch a piece of food for myself as he brings the food to his mouth, I told him that he could just give me something later but he insisted that he wanted to have some thrill on his vacations, so I gave up and joined him in this unnecessary endeavor.
The Motostoke gym was packed with new trainers wearing their new white uniform, even if I looked around I don’t think I would see Sven and his friend between the people, so I stayed hidden in the beard as my friend talked to all kind of important people he knew and were there for a similar reason, as he explained again and again that he was taking a break form the job as his son take care of the guild in his place. 
Everything should have gone as planned but then I suddenly felt it: Sven was here, as he should be, but there was something else… some sense of danger in the air, it brought me back to a memory from when I had just met Sven years ago, I was walking on the woods near my house when I was attacked by a Duskull, I didn’t have much battle experience but Sven threw himself into battle to protect me, and he was ruthless, he scared me so fearing he could cause more damage to the other pokemon I put him back in his pokeball and ran away. I could feel it: he was in a similar position, and without thinking I jumped out of Tsvetko’s beard and ran to him, not even stopping to think about the fact that I grew back to my normal size in the process.
When I made it to the changing room everyone was looking terrified as Sven strangled a guy up in the air with only one hand, pure rage in his face as his friend was against the wall as scared as everyone else. For a moment I doubted of what should I do: this time I couldn’t lock him into a pokeball, I couldn’t just give him an order, it would go against everything I have been struggling about our relationship, so I just shouted his name as hard as I could, thankfully this was enough to make him drop his victim to the floor.
-”Master? What are you doing here?” -He said, completely forgetting about anyone else in the room, I looked around and everyone was breathing out relaxed, most looked at the guy on the floor with pity and some even started to laugh as he coughed desperately. As an announcement asking all trainers to go to the main arena a staff member behind Sven seemed to kinda figure out how the situation was solved and quickly gave me a sign to not worry about it. Maybe it was because he wanted to avoid problems right when the ceremony was about to begin? Anyway, I took a deep breath and tried to avoid the topic for the time being.
-”Go, we can talk later, ok?” -I stepped closer and hold his hand - “I will be cheering for you.”
-”Y-yes!” - He replied with a warm smile, quickly grabbing his friend by the arm and rushing towards the main arena, just like everyone else started to do.
-”Wha *cough* What the hell? *cough* *cough*” - Complained the guy laying on the floor as he tried to stand up - “Call the Chairman, he can’t allow such a violent person to join such a prestigious activity! I will make sure he pays for this offense!” - He shouted at the staff member, who didn’t even look back at him.
-”You don’t seem like the kind of person that has many friends, don’t you?”- I asked him as I stood in his way as he was trying to leave the room.
-”Shut up! Move away, I need to go talk with the Chairman now!”
-”I’m sure he must be busy getting ready for his speech, you wouldn’t like to be the one to disturb such an important moment, right?”
-”The safety of everyone is in danger! That beast can’t-”
-”Shut your mouth.” - I said, grabbing him by his collar, making him flinch at the sudden reminder of what he just experienced. - “Look at the empty room around you, nobody gave a single fuck about what you feel, and I have a feeling you deserve it, Sven is not the kind of person who acts like this for nothing, you must have been doing something pretty nasty to make him go to such extreme… You should be grateful I showed up, otherwise he may have gone even further…” - I said, twisting his collar, making him fall to his knees. - “I don’t know what kind of relationship you have with them, but I would recommend staying as far away as possible, because I won’t be there to save you again.”
I left him laying on the floor and got out of the room as I started to hear him sobbing and punching the ground, probably from frustration. 
I had to go back with Tsvetko to watch the ceremony so I rushed back into the main arena as soon as possible, thankfully he had a reserved spot in the vip area and was cautious enough to send my personal data in advance so they could let me in in case I had grow back to normal. When he saw me again he quickly tried to get up but couldn’t by the surprise, quickly scratching his beard looking for me.
-”You- You are big!” - He shouted.
-”Yeah… you could say that” - I replied, scratching my head.
-”But how? Didn’t they say it could take months? Wait a moment, when did you leave my side? You look like you just came running…”
-”I’m surprised you didn’t notice, I’m sorry I suddenly noticed I had to do something…”
-”Does it have to do with Sven?”
-”Yes… you may get some complaints later.”
I told him about the whole situation I saw at the changing room and he listened in silence with his arms crossed. The Chairman was giving his speech to the new challengers but he was giving more attention to what I was saying anyway. When the speech was over and everyone was cheering on the trainers, he replied back.
-”That guy must be Scott, he is infamous for being a snobbish son of his wealthy parents who can’t take a no for answer, I knew I have seen Wolter somewhere before, I read about it in the newspaper, I don’t usually check the gossip section but it was hard to avoid the scandal when they break up, they never disclosed Wolter’s face to the media but I had seen them together when I went to check on their farm after an incident. You were right, he deserved to be put in his place, and I’m sure you scared him enough too.”- He said, messing with my hair - “Don’t worry, nobody takes him seriously, that’s probably why the staff didn’t even check on him, he is the pain in the ass of Galar, I’d say that hopefully this will teach him some manners, but I doubt it.”
-”I see, then I can relax about that.” - I replied as we walked out of the VIP area.
-”You shouldn't, I mean, about Sven, didn’t you tell him you would see him later?”
-”Dammit, you are right… What should I say?”
-”Just congratulate him, he found something he wants to try on his own, right? That’s enough motivation for celebration, don’t you think?”
-”Yeah you are correct, now if only we could find- ouch”- I complained as I bumped into someone. At first I didn’t recognize him, but when I heard his voice it was very clear who this person was. Another unexpected meeting just happened.
-”I’m really sorry, are you alright? Oh, but if it isn’t my son from across the mirror” -Replied Mr. Koichi, laughing as he hid his face behind a fancy fan. Koichi is Koh’s father, I had only seen him via video chats and until now we never had a proper in-person meeting. He is the kind, supportive father I wish I had in my own world, if it wasn’t for his gentle personality I would probably envy Koh for being so lucky, but he won me over when I was told that when he found out about my existence he jumped of joy for “having twins now”. He is very busy traveling around the world, but he often calls to check on his son, although most of the time we ended up talking only between us since Koh is busy with his work too.
-”And who is this handsome man hiding behind you?” - He asked, pointing at Tsvetko, who suddenly got red as a tomato.
-”You don’t know him? He is Tsvetko, master of the Obsidian Guild, and the father of Petrov, you know, one of Koh’s boyfriends.”
-”Oh my! I knew about him but we never had the pleasure to be introduced. I have only met his wife time ago, she and their guild members were a big help during that storm years ago, please make sure to send my gratitude towards her, I will forever be in debt.”
-”Ex-wife…” - Whispered Tsvetko, looking gloomy.
-”Oh my, my most sincere apologies, I had no idea…”
-”Do- don’t worry about it! You had no reason to know! Please don’t feel bad, it was a while ago anyway!”
-”If you say so, Mr. Tsvetko… in that case, and I hope I’m not being inopportune, would you like to join me for tea later today? I’m sure we must have a lot to talk about, don’t you think?”
-”O-of course! With our son’s relationship and all that”
-”Yeah, but I would be lying if I said I don’t have a personal interest in yourself too” - Replied Koichi, hiding his blushing face under his fan, looking away, making Tsvetko even more red than before - “Now, if you excuse me, I need to take care of some business, Knoll has my number, we can coordinate our next meeting then. See you later~”
Koichi walked away leaving us alone as Tsvetko tried to control himself. - He said as he walked down the hallway.
-”Oh no, oh no, what should I do? What should I wear? What should we talk about??”- He asked as he shook me grabbing me by the shoulders, still blushing.
-”What’s up with you? It’s not like this is your first date, right?”
-”That’s exactly the point, technically this IS my first date!”
-”Wait, didn’t you get married? How could this be your first?”
-”Yeah, but with her we never had this kind of situation, she preferred going on an adventure, fighting some out of control pokemon, we never made plans or had food at fancy restaurants!”
-”I see… I think I get why your marriage failed…”
-”Hey no need to be mean! Besides, you don’t seem like the kind of guy who has a lot of experience in these things!”
-”You are correct, I don’t, but I am a professional author, and I have written a good handful of bestsellers romance novels, mostly ending in tragedy where the protagonist had to find or face the murdered of their lover, but I think I can give you a couple of tips anyway.”
-”I don’t think that’s very reassuring, but I’m counting on you.”
-”Don’t worry, you will be fine, but for now, let's focus on finding Sven and his friend, ok?”
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pumpkachubby · 4 years
Sven’s route - Part 4
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Pokemon battles, new encounters and another Sven!? All that in this last part of Sven’s route (for now)
Make sure to check the Story Archive for past chapters!
We could see the gate of Motoske from where Wolter suggested we should have a practice battle. I still couldn’t believe Volke and Khyto leave that early without even waking me up to say bye, sure they should be back by tonight but I was still a bit angry at them.
“Sven, focus!” – Kynglsey shouted at me as he barely avoided one of Wung’s attacks – “I know you are salty but get yourself together! We are in a battle at the moment!”
“S- Sorry…” – I replied, trying to focus
“Don’t worry about them!” – Said Wolter, almost like if he understood what Kynglsey said- “I’m sure they will be back sooner than” – his phone started to ring so we paused our battle for the moment and I got closer to him – “Oh, really? What a pain… well the ceremony is tomorrow… we can meet at the gym then, bye!” – He put his phone away and immediately told me what happened – “It was Volke, apparently something unexpected happened so they have to visit his parent’s house, seems like they won’t be coming until tomorrow.”
“Really? I hope they are ok…”
“Don’t worry don’t worry~ they will be fine, let’s go back to our battle!”
I went back to my position and tried to focus. This is probably my first Pokémon battle and it’s quite the odd one: A wooloo, normal type pokemon, against a Phantump, ghost and grass type. You may see this battle as meaningless since their types are immune to each other but they do know a couple of moves that can damage the other: While a wooloo’s moveset is quite limited Wolter has trained Wung very well and it learned Electro ball, and in my side Kyngsley knows Horn leech but he doesn’t seem to fully know how to use it since he hasn’t been a Pokémon until a few days ago.
“Ok, let’s do this! Wung, use tackle!”- the wooloo quickly charged towards and my brain must have forgotten everything I knew because I panicked and shouted at Kyngsley to avoid it, he looked at me confused and before he knew Wung was mere centimeters from him – “Now, use Electro Ball!”- Shouted Wolter, giving us no moment to react and my phantump receiving the attack right on the face, it shouldn’t be very effective but the shock was more damaging at a morale level.
“What the hell Sven!” –Kyngsley shouted angry at me- “What was that nonsense? You threw me off my focus!”
“I’m sorry I … just panicked, this IS my first time after all!” – I tried to excuse myself
“Don’t worry Sven” – said Wolter- “Everyone makes that type of mistake, it’s not easy to get how different types works with each other, that’s why starters are of one type only, I think, and its natural to not like seeing your partner begin hurt. Let’s do this again.”
“Ok, thanks!”- I looked at Kyngsley and got ready for our next move – “Wung’s tackles will not damage us, but we can do it! Kyng, use tackle!” – I shouted as my Pokémon followed my command immediately, but our rival easily avoided out attack.
“Great thinking!” – Said a voice coming from my back, when I turned around I saw a large man with long curvy brown hair, for his lock of hair sticking out I deduced he was a pumpkaboo like some of my friends, but there was something on him that looked oddly familiar – “A ghost-type using normal-type attacks is something some people don’t even consider at first, you surely are a beginner but you may have something in you, young litwick!” –He said as he clapped his hands.
“Thank you, but may I ask… who are you?” –I said to the stranger
“WHO IS HE!? YOU DON’T KNOW!!??” – Yelled Wolter who ran to my side, he looked very excited – “His name is Tsvetko, he is the head of the Obsidian Guild! It’s a pleasure to meet you sir! My name is Wolter and this is my friend Sven”- He said as he shook his hand.
“The pleasure is mine, Wolter…  hm…you seem familiar, have we meet before?”
“Yes! My family owns a farm close to Wedgehurst, you helped my family when our wooloos ran away during a storm a couple of years ago, all the town was impressed the head of the guild himself took our request and quickly ran to our help! We really appreciate it!”
“Our role is to help those in trouble, and no mission is too small even for the head of the guild, ahahaha!” – He laughed as he kneeled down to greet our Pokémon – “Shiny Pokémon are very rare, so seeing a two in battle is an even rarer sight. For what I saw you aren’t very experienced trainers, specially you, young Sven.” – He said as he petted both Wung and Kyngsley
“Oh, yes. My phantump is my first Pokémon and I meet him yesterday, I wasn’t particularly interested in becoming a trainer but… he wanted us to become a team, and I came to Galar to test myself, so… it happened.”
“He wanted, you say…” – He said as he stood up caressing his long beard with his left hand, after a few seconds he turned around with a large smile – “Wolter, Sven, do you happen to be interested in joining this year’s gym challenge?”
“YES!” –Said my friend, grabbing my arm with a lot of strength, I think everyone could see how excited he was for what Mr Tsvetko was going to say.
“Then if you don’t have already, I can give you my recommendation so you can properly participate”
“T-That would be a dream come true!” – replied my friend.
Mr. Tsvetko laughed and after a few minutes he handed a letter for each of us.
“With this you shouldn’t have a problem to join”- He said – “Can’t wait to see your progress”
“We won’t disappoint you Sir!” – Wolter said, very happy after finally getting the recommendation he wanted.
“But, aren’t you busy with all the work at the Guild?” – I asked
“Sven! Don’t be rude!” – my friend said as he shake me by the shoulders.
“Oh don’t worry, I’m currently taking a vacation, my son is taking care of the guild for me at the moment, he practically forced me to take a break ahahaha” – He laughed – “I will need to take care of some business at Motoske now, do you want to come with me?”
“I’d love to Sir, but I’m afraid we must decline the offer, Sven need more experience in battle so he doesn’t embarrass himself.”- Said my friend, I would complain by the way he said it but it was the truth.
“I understand, make sure you get stronger! See you in the opening ceremony tomorrow!”
After saying our goodbyes and lossing sight of him, Wolter finally collapsed.
“We did it… Oh my god and we meet HIM!!! And not only that! He gave us a recommendation!! He said he can’t wait to see our progress!!” – He rolled in the grass in utter joy, I looked at Wung and he explained me that after the incident with the storm Wolter became a huge fan of Mr. Tsvetko, and suggested he has a crush on him since.
After a few minutes of my friend jumping of happiness he noticed he was hungry so we decided to search for some shade under some trees and get everything ready for lunch, as we ate Wolter kept his high energy, I know him for only a couple of days but I never saw him with this level of joy in his eyes.
“You really like him” – I said
“Of course! He is the best!” – He quickly replied
“No, I mean… do you like like him?”
“Yeah, any problem with that?  I can’t deny how handsome and strong he is, I heard the rumors that he had let himself go recently but I can’t believe how good he looks now, it was a dream come true~ ”
I looked at Wung and he gave me an “I told you” look.
“We will not disappoint him, you hear me!?” – Said my friend as he stood up – “And, I- If I made it to the Champion cup I- no no, I couldn’t do it”
“What? Say it~”
“I… would like to ask him out.” – He said blushing, he was serious – “I know it’s a crazy idea, he is way older than me, he even has a son that is around my age but, I mean, It’s not like I want to- I just want to get to know him better”
“Don’t worry you don’t have to excuse yourself Wolter, You are both adults after all. Hm… but you say he has a son… that has the potential to be troublesome…”
“Yeah… but I wonder what made him come back, for what I know he never shown interest in the Obsidian Guild’s business… what was his name? Petrov or something…?”
“Wait a moment, can you repeat that again?” –I asked
“What? The name of his son? Yeah I’m pretty sure it was Petrov, he is really big and hot, and apparently he has-”
“I know him”- After I replied, there was like it felt like a long pause
“Excuse me?”- my friend said, frozen with dead eyes
“I came to Galar with him, look” – I took my phone and showed him a photo of us together that I Harold took last Christmas’ party – “He is the Petrov you are talking about?” – Wolter stood there in silence for a couple of minutes until he finally snapped out of it.
“How dare you hide this from me? I thought we were friends!” – He said struggling me.
“I- I didn’t even knew you liked him! And for the record, today was the first time I saw his father! If you didn’t mention Petrov’s name I wouldn’t have made the connection in the first place!!”
“No, you are guilty, and I will make you pay! Let’s resume our battle, and this time I won’t let you go until you defeat me!”
“Eh!? That doesn’t make any sense! And we are in the middle of lunch, at least let’s finish ou-”- suddenly an unknown figure came from behind me.
“I found you! Don’t leave me alone like that, darling~!” – They said, as I felt a bite in my left ear.
“WHA- WHO ARE YOU”- I jumped immediately, trying to distance myself from the stranger as much as possible, and for some reason Wolter’s immediate reaction was to stand in front of me, I know this is an odd situation but he looked ready to fight the person in front of us.
“Eh?! Who- WHO ARE YOU!? AN IMPOSTER? A DOPPLENGANGER??” – They shouted, at first they looked embarrassed but it quickly turned into anger – “Answer me! Faker!”- They demanded as pointed at me with their finger.
“You were the one who jumped out of nowhere and assaulted my friend; if anyone is suspicious here it’s you!” – Said Wolter, his voice was furious, it almost scared me too.
“Calm down, I’m sure my darling didn’t mean to cause any harm, it’s just…” – A new voice appeared as I felt a hand on my shoulder, as I turned around the first thing I noticed was a floating flame on top of a head with white curvy hair, just like mine’s – “…We look pretty similar, right?” – He said with a big smile.
The couple of strangers introduced themselves as Charlie, a galarian Marowark, and his husband Hektor, a shiny litwick who looked at lot like me, but a bit shorter and fatter. Apparently they got separated a few minutes ago and Charlie mistook me for their fiancé. After a few minutes of talking between the two of them (Or more precisely, Charlie being scolded) we sat down back to where we left our lunch, Wolter really close to me.
“You must be Sven, right?” –Said Hektor as he took a bottle out of his bag and started to pour juice for everyone.
“How do you know his name?” – Asked my friend, rejecting the juice.
“Well that’s quite the funny story; you see… we are the same person.” –He replied, drinking the rejected juice and pointing at our floating flames – “Right? Mister from another dimension?”
“WHAT!?” –Charlie and Wolter shouted at the same time, both confused by how casually he dropped that statement.
“Calm down, sit down. This is the first time I get to see you in person but I have been aware of your existence for a while, let me tell you a story: I was born in Alola and I can say that I was a pretty normal litwick, surrounded by beach it was natural that I started to show interest in surfing but it was quite hard to get the catch of it since you know, fire-types don’t get along too well with large sources of water, but everything changed when in one Halloween night this flame appeared in top of my head. All my life I was told that I needed to become really strong to handle the waves of the large sea, and that night that wasn’t the only change that I felt in my body, I felt strong, stronger than I ever was. I picked my surfboard and ran towards the sea, and spend all night riding those waves. Months later a couple came to Alola, I was used to talk to strangers that felt curious by my look, but this couple of a pumpkaboo and gourgeist were different, they said that they had a friend that looked a lot like me back on Kalos, after listening to my story they told me that the same night my flame appeared you, Sven, came to our world through a magical mirror. Most people won’t believe that kind of tale but I’m from Alola, we have a long history of visitors from other dimensions, but I need to admit that I wasn’t sold on it until a few moments ago when I saw you…”
I stood up and got closer to him, Wolter and Charlie looked ready to jump but I ignored them. I really was like looking at my own reflection, only chubbier. There was a warm feeling too, a feeling that couldn’t properly put it into words, and I knew he felt it too.
“Ok, this is all cute but I have a question” – Said Wolter, interrupting the moment – “I get that you two are the same person, but what does that have to do with the floating flame? Why does it suddenly showed up in Hektor?”
“Well, this is all my theory but back in my world I was a normal litwick, I don’t remember exactly how long I lived there but Pokémon are stronger than normal people, right? Maybe when I crossed the mirror my natural potential got distributed in both of us to keep balance…?”
“You just came up with that explanation, right?” – Said Charlie, hugging their husband and taking him farther away from me, I got it as a sign that it was time to go back to my seat.
“N- no! I mean, Yes, but it’s based in a good example. I came to this world following my master, Knoll, who is the same person as Koh, born in this world. The big difference between them is their age, but when he crossed the mirror he got quite younger, resembling his counterpart a lot more than he used to. Miss Agatha and Crescente always said that everything has to do with balance when it’s about magic”
“And who are they supposed to be?” – Asked Charlie.
“They are the owner of the magical mirror, she is quite the experienced witch and his son is following her footsteps in magic.”
“Thanks Sven, I try to hide it but if I’m completely honest I have been trying to make some sense of all this for a long time… you don’t know how much I appreciate having some answers ahaha”– Said Hektor -“and I’m sorry for the behavior of my fiancé, they are a better person than what you have experienced today.”
“HAA?! What is that supposed to mean? I don’t know what you think but he is still an impostor to me!”
“Charlie… he is literally me, just from another world. We are the same person, just different versions, there aren’t any impostors or fakes here, and…” – Hektor said, grabbing his partner by their hand – “…If Sven wouldn’t had crossed the mirror, we wouldn’t have met in the first place, right? The light of my flame got us together in that dark winter night when you were lost in the woods.”
“NNNGGGHHH!! Shut up! Fine! I will accept him, but only if he can win a Pokémon battle against me!” –They replied, pointing towards me – “Do you take the challenge?”
I hesitated for a moment but Kyngsley looked ready for another fight, so I accepted the challenge and after finishing lunch we got ready to start.
“I don’t care how experienced you are in battle, if you are a trainer here I will make sure to defeat you, after all…” – They said as they energetically threw a poke ball, revealing a huge Kommo-o, I had seen some in the past days in the wild area, but this one was oddly huge – “…You are facing a former Trial captain!”
“Wait a moment, a Trial captain!?” – Said Wolter.
“Any problem with that?”- Replied Charlie with a confident pose.
“No, I mean, aren’t you a Marowark? Shouldn’t you specialize in ghost-type Pokémon? Why a Kommo-o?”
“Sigh… just because you are a wooloo who trains a wooloo doesn’t mean we all have to do it… But you are right, I DID specialized in ghost type, but I like to challenge myself! That’s why when I stopped working as a captain I went to caught this lovely Totem Kommo-o and now I traveled to Galar to face the famous Gym challenge!”
“Wait a minute! What is all this about!? I really don’t understand!”  -I screamed in panic at both of them, Kyngsley also looked scared at the situation.
“I will explain you later, for now just know that that Kommo-o is really bad news for you…”
“And not only that!” – said Charlie in quite the cocky tone – “Your partner is a ghost-type Pokémon, which I’m quite the expert and just by looking at it, I can tell that he is not precisely very experienced… does he even knows how to tackle at the very least?”
All that talk seem to have made Kyngsley angry since he threw himself to the huge Pokémon in front of him, tackling it with all his strength but the Kommo-o looked unbothered. Charlie didn’t hesitate and commanded it to use dragon tail, but instead of following their orders the Pokémon picked up the tiny phantump and gently handed it back to me, as it went back to his trainer he said “That was a good tackle, keep training. I’m sorry for the behavior of my trainer”. Charlie had no idea what happened since they can’t understand what Pokémon say, but it was very clear that they must have offended their Pokémon in some way, apologized and put Kommo-o back to his poke ball.
Hektor got closer to his partner and gave them a knock in the head, followed by an intense scold. I had no idea why all that happened so I turned to Wolter for some answers.
“Kommo-o is a proud fighter, they train all their life to get stronger and don’t pick up fights against weaker rivals, and not only that but also Charlie knew that Kyngsley is not strong.”
“Again, I’m really sorry for my stupid fiancé.” – Said Hektor when he was done scolding – “Thankfully Kommo-o has more common sense than them it seems, otherwise I don’t know in which condition your phantump would have ended up…”
“Don’t worry, we shouldn’t had accepted that battle in the first place I guess…”- I replied – “but I’m glad anyway, it can’t hardly be considered as a battle but I will not forget Kommo-o’s words and keep training to become stronger.”
“Oh you can understand Pokémon too!?” – He said very surprised, I guess it’s a natural reaction, maybe I should consider not saying to every person that I meet from now on…
“Yeah, I was born a Pokémon after all.”
“I see, interesting. Well, we should get going to Motoske, we need to properly register ourselves so we can assist to the opening ceremony tomorrow, you should come along!” – Said Hektor, looking back to his partner – “And you better come here and apologize!”
Charlie got closer still looking angry at me, stepping pass their darling and looking me straight in the face.
“You better train a lot and get stronger so we can have a proper battle next time!”
“I will do my best!” –I replied.
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pumpkachubby · 4 years
Alone with Tsvetko
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Tiny Knoll has a little talk with Tsvetko, Petrov’s dad, before going to bed. A couple of hints of a new mistery and a new destination for these two in this new chapter!
Pumpkaboo Hunting:  >Part 1< - >Part 2< - >Interlude< - >Part 3< - >Part 4< Before the trip : Sven’s reflections - Little Argument - Taking care of Knoll - Aerial Preparations - Trip to Galar - : First encounter - The Guild’s Master - Alone with Tsvetko
I really couldn’t believe Petrov actually left me at his father’s care, at first I thought it was a joke and I played along, but he really did. It was night already and everybody had go back to Harold’s house except for me, that was waiting on a pillow in the large bed on Tsvetko’s room, who was in the restroom brushing his teeth and getting ready to sleep. I could hear his footsteps as he was coming back, there was something about their sound that gave me chills, sure I have been around many giants between my friends but there was something on Tsvetko that was quite… frightening and imposing, maybe it was due to his experience in battle? I didn’t know for sure, but his whole presence exuded strength, even if he had got softer in the past months.
“Man, it’s been so long since someone waited for me in the bed!” –He tried to joke, only making the room more uncomfortable that it already was. After a few awkard seconds he apologized quietly and sat down on the couch, I was pretty far away but the impact sent me flying closer to him.
“I’m sorry lil buddy! It wasn’t my intention…” – He said, rushing to grab me and check if I was ok.
“It’s alright” –I replied, taking away one huge finger from my head – “The potion Horacio shrunk me with also gave me a lot of resistance, I could fall from a 10th floor and still be ok apparently.”
“Oh yeah, Petrov said something like that too, but still… it is such a unique experience being around someone so tiny!”
“Only for a couple of months, but I doubt I would ever be bigger than you.” – I jumped off his hand to get back to the pillow I was on before, Petrov’s dad noticed it and dragged the pillow closer to me. There were a couple of things I wanted to talk to him and the sooner the better.
“There is something I want to ask you, and I want you to be very honest with me otherwise I’ll not follow Petrov’s plead to make you company, and let me warn you: I am damn good at finding liars.”
“Oh… ok, I guess? Please go ahead.”
“This is not a trap to make Petrov inherit the guild, right?”
“Of course not!” – He said, throwing himself down and having his face at my height – “Of course it makes me happy seeing him being responsible and taking care of the guild on my place, but this is not the future he wants, no matter how much potential he has for fighting he already decided that his future is not here… I’m proud of my son, he already won his freedom.”
“Wait a moment, what do you mean by that!?” – I asked in a rush, that last sentence got me by surprise and my curiosity won.
“We had a huge argument years ago, I told him that if he wanted to leave the house he should be able to defeat me and his mother in combat… and he did, in one single strike he defeated both of us.”
“You must be kidding! Petrov is not that type of person!” – I replied, but immediately remembering how scared he made me feel when he threatened to eat me a few days ago… did he has some kind of internal switch he can turn on and quickly change personality? I was caught on my thoughts by Tsvetko who picked me up as he was getting under the covers, softly dropping me on his large beard when he sat down properly.
“Seems like you have seen that side of him, don’t you? We used to call it “Petrov’s Authority” with his mother, you know how he was really small as a child despite being an extra large pumpkaboo?”
“Oh yes, I know that story, he got medical help to grow like he was supposed to.”
“That’s right, my son was really troubled by this, and he used to be bullied a lot when he was little, thankfully he had good friends to protect him and I’m glad he did, because… ” – He stopped mid sentence and covered his mouth with his hand in doubt.
“It’s ok, you don’t have to tell me, and you barely know me after all” – I said, but I made sure to save that “Petrov’s Authority” thing for someday later. – “I’m glad to know this not a big trap for him, that’s all I wanted to know. Now leaving that topic aside, did you know about me before tonight?”
“Oh yeah, you are the guy from another world who was very attracted to my son’s body.” – He said, no signs of doubt or judgment on his eyes.
“That’s a harsh but honest way to put it… but please know that all of that is in the past.”
“I know! Don’t worry about it~ And just to be very clear, I know of the job of my son.”
“WAIT WHAT!?”  - We all know that Petrov sells erotic pictures and videos to people online, but that’s not a job a father should be aware of, right? I mean it’s not something he should be ashamed but it’s a little… intimate I guess?
“Yeah, and I’m very proud of him to be honest. One of the things I have always struggled was feeling attractive and having any confidence on myself in that aspect… and seeing that my son mastered it to a level he can make a living out of it, it makes me really proud”
I was not expecting this type of answer, sure I was ready to ask him if he knew but I was not ready for him to be this supportive… damn it even made me a little jealous…
“You know, I’m a 52 years old pumpkaboo who only had one girlfriend who ended up being my wife, before and… after her… I have never been approached by anyone. Back on my adolescence I had no confidence over my appearance, everyone said I had an scary face and ran away from me, I didn’t even had friends so I left high school and started to travel as an adventurer, sure I was alone but I could help people in need, it was in one of these situations I met her: Petrov’s mother saved me from a Haxorus that was on a rampage, it was the first time someone protected me and after that we got along and in one day she proposed to me, when our son was born was the moment we decided to open our own guild: a place where people could come seeking for help and for those whiling to use their strength to help… This guild is the work of my life and seeing it grow so much makes me feel infinitely happy, but… when she left… at first I focused on my job, keep myself busy but with time… coming back from a mission to an empty room made me remember those days of my youth… and I got scared, I didn’t wanted to be alone but after all these years I was still too weak, I still lacked the confidence to make new friends, sure I had a lot of people coming and working here but at what point were they more than coworkers? Tsuki tried his best to help me but I was too stubborn to let him get close, one day he set up a date for me but I got angry at him and locked myself up in my room… that day I received a call from Petrov, just a normal phone call talking about trivial things of his life and friends, but I realized how happy he was and I decided to do my best to avoid ruining it with my own personal problems. Every time we talked I did my best to hide the truth and smile, only to start crying until falling asleep after he said goodbye… but I couldn’t hide it from him forever, right? I must be thankful to Tsuki and Gregory, after all it was their plan to bring Petrov… when I saw him today I knew I couldn’t run away anymore… I don’t know what the future has waiting for me but I now I feel like I can count on Petrov to have my back.” – He said with a big hopefull smile.
After listening to his story I realized why Petrov wanted me to stay with him, after all I went through something similar on my world, I locked myself up in a manor in the woods because I had no hope in finding a future there…
I decided to be completely honest and tell Tsvetko my own story, my own truth. How I found the magical mirror in my home and how watching everyone’s lives made me want to be part of them.
“I was able to give the step to a new world and experiences, you are a strong dad and I’m sure you will be able to do it too!” – I said as I finished my story, walking up to his face and hugging his left check, I may be little but I can still give a hug. He replied with his left hand over me and we stayed there for a couple of minutes in silence, until he realized something.
“Wait a moment!” – He said, quickly grabbing me with his hand – “Aren’t you 49 years old? Why did you said I was younger than you a few hours ago!? And why do you look like in your twenties!??”
“Well, I’m used to be the oldest in the group and considering Petrov’s age I just asummed… and I don’t know why I became younger when I crossed the mirror, according to Horacio’s theory my appearance changed because Koh is younger and I came fully aware that I was “a version of him from the other world”, and since he is younger I had to look like him according to this world’s configuration or something like that”
“Oh I… understand? You are quite the interesting little friend… W-well… if you want to be my friend I guess…” – He said, lowering his hands with me to his belly, avoiding visual contact. I had to admit that seeing such an strong looking old man being this shy was very cute - “Would you like to be friends with an old fat pumpkaboo with close to none knowledge about actual friendship?”
“Sure! We already talked about our tragic past, I don’t know a faster way to become friends with someone.” – I joked as I jumped to his long beard once again. – “I must say, Tsvetko, your long beard is quite comfortable, would you mind if I sleep on it?”
“Oh, oh well I guess you can.” – He said as he turned red as a tomato, I was only giving him a small compliment and he was this embarrassed already? I knew at that moment that being around Petrov’s dad was going to be quite interesting – “But what if I turn around at night? I don’t want to squish you!”
“Oh don’t worry about that, believe me I have been in worse places for longer than a night, I can endure it~” – I said as I got comfortable between the long and soft hairs of his brown beard, getting ready for a night of sleep.
“Ok buddy, but don’t complain if you wake up under my chest!”
“Believe me, I wouldn’t mind that!” – I joked (but not really) making he laugh as he felt little less embarrassed.
“But before I turn the lights off, is there something you want to do here in Galar?” – He asked, making me turn around to see his face once again – “Petrov said that I needed a vacation so I was thinking on traveling around the region, but is there something you are interesting in doing?”
“Well… I know that some kind of tournament happens here? Would you like to see that?”
“Oh, you mean the Champion Cup of the Galar League? I think that’s still a few months away, but the opening ceremony of this year’s Gym Challenge is in a week, and as an important figure I can give my endorsement to young pokemon trainers which… I haven’t done! Oh no, if I don’t give any before the opening ceremony I’ll not be qualified to give those endorsements this year! Ok this is the plan: We are going to Motostoke city throught the wild area, and we will find some new talent to support!”
“Wai-” – I was just about to complain but I stopped myself. I know that Sven is in the Wild Area and the possibility of seeing him again after he just left made me a little uncomfortable… don’t get me wrong I would love to see how he is doing but at the same time I’m scared of his reaction if he see me, after all he said he would come back when he is ready… but he doesn’t have to see me right? Even if Tsvetko sees him I can hide in his large beard. He looked so excited for this new plan I had no choice but to go along with it – “Oh Tsvetko, let’s go to Motostoke city, but I have a little request…”
-“I’ll need you to braid your beard a little so I can stay here when you walk, that way I will be able to have a good at the landscape around us. Pockets are good but I get tired from hanging on them, and you may have big shoulders but that can be a zone with a high risk of falling.”
“Man, you are one intelligent little friend, aren’t you? Ok, I’ll make sure my bread looks nice and it ends up as a nice and comfy seat for you!” – He said as he pushed me deeper between the long soft hairs of his beard that I must say, it smells quite good…
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pumpkachubby · 4 years
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Here is Tsvetko’s new outfit and current size! He got quite larger in comparison to the first image we had of him, his clothes were made by Koh in one single night, and his beard is braided so tiny Knoll can safety travel on it~
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pumpkachubby · 5 years
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I think it’s a good time to introduce Petrov’s father: Tsvetko! Head of the Obsidian Guild, he works hard to help those in trouble.
Some facts about him as always:
He is 52 years old and pansexual
Tsvetko is exactly 2 meters tall, before his son he had the title of “the biggest pumpkaboo in the world”
He worked in a guild from a very young age, in one of his missions he was saved by Ekaterina, who eventually became his wife and the mother of Petrov. 
He founded the Obsidian Guild with Ekaterina hoping to help as many as possible, they are both known and loved by everyone who works there for their kindness.
He likes people with a free spirit and encouraging them to pursue their dreams.
Tsvetko is currently single, since Ekaterina found a new love they decided that divorce would be the best for their relationship
He has a good relationship with the girlfriend of his ex-wife.
He doesn’t like his own name so he prefer being called by nicknames or other titles.
He loves sweets and all kinds of bakery goods, but he is a very bad cook.
He is aware of Petrov’s work and is actually quite proud of him.
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pumpkachubby · 4 years
The Guild’s Master
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Petrov, Crescente and Koh are on their way to meet Tsvetko, Petrov’s father, at the Obsidian Guild but how are they gonna react to the reality of the situation? Check it in this new chapter~
Check past chapters! Pumpkaboo Hunting:  >Part 1< - >Part 2< - >Interlude< - >Part 3< - >Part 4< Before the trip : Sven’s reflections - Little Argument - Taking care of Knoll - Aerial Preparations - Trip to Galar - : First encounter  - The Guild’s Master 
The Obsidian Guild is in one of the northern towers of the old city, we only arrived the day before and Petrov, Koh and I were already in our way to meet his father. I was still slim and shorter than usual but I kinda enjoyed seeing Petrov bigger than me so that vision of my boyfriend kept me happy. He was wearing the guild’s uniform and asked us to wear a couple of matching hats, apparently this way everyone would recognize our status or something. Knoll was sleeping inside of a pocket of my shirt, but apparently he was quite interested in meeting Tsvetko.
When we arrived to the guild everyone in there went silent, I have never seen Petrov this serious, he really was playing the role of the son of the guild’s master. Around the hall the walls had all kinds of petition papers, as Koh explained to me in our way here, each one had different level of urgency and difficulty, and adventures who belonged to the guild could take them based on their own rank which was noticeable  by their outfit: The lowest tier did not had anything more than a credential, since most of them just joined, but when they are promoted they are given the guild’s jacket, it can be personalized but they all have the guild’s symbol in the back, Tsuki belongs to this rank. From the next rank onward they receive a badge that they must use all the time, they can go take difficult missions but can only go alongside others of the same rank to them. The next one are given a golden cord to go along with the badge, those in this rank can take higher difficulty missions and take members of lower ranks with them. The fourth tier are given a personalized cape, it is embodied with protective magic and are a very valuable object, only given to those of high trust, they can do administrative work too like Gregory, who belongs to this one. The fifth tier is given a second cord with healing proprieties, given only to those who can potentially inherit the ownership of the guild or being the head of their own branch, they have a voice in any important guild decision and must attend to aid in any life-treating situation. Petrov belongs to this tier because he is the son of the founders of the guild but apparently he is quite strong. Rompt told me once that he would never have a physical fight against Petrov because he couldn’t point how strong he really was… I tried to ask about this last night at dinner but he avoided the question. Apparently the final Tier has a third cord, showing their status as the master of the guild, only Petrov’s dad, mom and her new wife has this rank.
We kept walking on the hall as everyone looked at us, it was quite embarrassing specially for Koh who just held my arm and Petrov’s cape. The matching hats we were wearing indicated we were Petrov’s romantic partners, so in theory we had the same rank and authority as him but still… it was a little overwhelming. Down the hall there was a large counter where Tsuki and Gregory were waiting for us, I never saw any of them before but I could tell by how Koh described them. You could expect them to be a little less tense than the others but it was clearly not the case: Tsuki was sweating and doing his best to avoid Petrov’s eyes and Gregory was rhythmically moving one of his legs, making him shake a little but noticeable anyway. I know we come for something important but it looked more that these two were hiding something and were about to be found out instead of expecting us to come.
“Seems like you had a good flight, what do you think of Galar?” – Said Gregory, trying to break the ice.
“We arrived yesterday so I haven’t seen much, but I am not here doing tourism anyway.” – Petrov laid his hands in the counter as he got closer to Gregory – “You know I came here to see my father.”
“Hi yes sir please follow me!” – Shouted Tsuki at his left, I couldn’t help but to feel sorry at the poor guy, Koh looked at him worried, then at me trying to ask me my opinion on this odd scenario but I was just as lost as him.
We followed him through a large door at the corner of the room, after a little corridor we went upstairs until we saw another old door, it said “Guild’s Master room” on a little sign, apparently he wasn’t the only one who lived there, a large room with beds for the members of the guild was available at all times, but the Master had his own room.
“Be- Before you enter, there is something we need to tell you, Petrov…” – Said Tsuki very nervous, making Gregory uncomfortable
“You have been lying to me, right?”- He responded very calm with his hand in the doorknob – “I knew something was odd from the very beginning: My dad can be quite assertive but he is not a predator, you probably don’t know this since it’s an old family story, but apparently my dad never had the confidence to date anyone before my mom, he is a total inept when it comes to flirt and give compliments so I knew you two were lying. I decided to come here to see with my own eyes the reason you two decided to go all the way to Kalos only to lie at my face”
The two stayed in silence looking at the floor, apparently they did not expected Petrov to find out so quickly and be so calmed about it, but even so their plan worked and here we were, in front of his dad’s room.
Upon opening the door we could see the mess it was inside: clothes, candy wrappers, soda and beer cans lying around a large sofa at the other side of the room, with a regular tv in front of it showing what it looked like a superhero show. Suddenly a large figure that was resting on the sofa sat up.
“I told you… you can take care of things!! If you want me to sign anything just leave it on the entrance…” – Said the person with a deep voice that clearly was quite sleepy. Both Koh and I looked at Petrov who just indicated us to not move, as he walked in.
“What is the meaning of this mess, father?” – He asked, making the figure quickly get up and turn around in shock. I have only seen Mr. Tsvetko in photos, he looked like a strong and muscular old man on his forties, proud of his physique and his work as an adventurer wearing his uniform with honor, but the man in front of Petrov’s looked nothing like I was expecting: his hair was a total mess and his belly was a good match to his son’s, wearing a tank top and a couple of boxers with a dark sleeping coat, that clearly had candies on it’s pockets. He was so shocked he tripped and fell on his back. Petrov didn’t seem to care and stayed there, looking down at his father.
After a few uncomfortable seconds Petrov spoke again:
“What’s the meaning of this!?” – He said looking at the other side of the doorframe at Tsuki and Gregory who ran away in panic. – “I can’t believe this mess… ” – He sighed as he took off his cape and hat and sat down on the sofa, inviting his dad to join him at his side. The old man stood up and sat down to his side, they seemed to have a little trouble fitting together.
“Mom’s new life really affected you, right?” – He asked to his father. – “Why did you not talked to me about it? You always said you were fine and sounded like always so I had no way of knowing…”
“But… parent’s shouldn’t involve their children in their own problems, right? –asked the father, his voice was low and you could notice he was holding back tears - That’s what you said when you left to go live by yourself…  I am fine with her new partner, she is an awesome woman that can make her happy, I’m truly happy for your mom but… when we finished the opening of the Hoenn branch and I came back to this empty room I got really scared, I… I realized that I was alone, it was the first time I had to face the reality that her happiness meant my solitude, sure I have everyone in the guild by my side but… it’s not the same… I… I don’t want to be alone Petrov…”
“I am here now dad.” – He said, making his dad break into tears.
 Koh and I decided to wait downstairs, it was a very intimate moment and we had no place there for now.
After around half an hour Petrov came back and asked us to come with him to properly introduce us to his father. When we entered the room once again Mr. Tsvetko was wearing more proper clothes, a, very thigh, pair of jeans and a big pink sweater.
“Dad, these are Crescente and Koh, they are…”
“You boyfriends! I know! Pleased to meet you two, I am Tsvetko but you can call me dad, please take care of my son!...  Sorry about this mess… I didn’t want to meet you in such a poor shape…” – He said as he grabbed his large belly.
“With a lot of respect sir, I think you look fantastic”- Said Knoll coming out of my pocket, surprising him.
“Wha- who…?” – He looked confused at his son at the sight of the tiny guy hanging around my chest.
“This little guy is Knoll” –He said as he grabbed Knoll with one hand and got him closer to his dad – “It’s a long story but he is an older version of Koh from another world.”
“Oh, I remember you mentioned him before, I just wasn’t expecting people from other world’s to be this small, pleased to meet you little buddy!”
“I’m older than you, you know? And normally I am around the same height as Koh but I got shrunk for… medical reasons.”
“What an interesting situation! Would you mind telling me all about it?”
“Sure!” – Shouted Knoll as he jumped off Petrov’s hand to Tsvetko’s beard, but was grabbed once again by Petrov before he could land.
“Not so fast you, there are a lot of things to do first” -Said the son as he threw the tiny guy at us.
“What… do you mean?” –Asked the father.
“What do you mean you don’t know, your room is a mess, there is a pile of request no one has approved lying at the entrance, and you have gotten so big I can bet you don’t have much clothes to wear, right? Don’t worry dad, we are here to help you come out of this. You are not alone”
“Petrov…” – Said his father, barely containing his tears.
“No time for that again now, maybe later. Ok? I’ll be taking temporal command of the guild, I’ll ask Gregory and Tsuki to help Crescente cleaning your room, it will be ok in no time. Koh will make you some nice fitting new clothes. Everyone is gonna help, right guys?” – He commanded with such a conviction it was hard to argue, it’s true that I like to clean and I’m fast at it, after all I have an extra pair of hands in my scarf, Koh only sighed in agreement and he took out a measuring tape of his pockets, apparently he was ready for something like this to happen. Knoll was enjoying the moment, laughting at how busy everyone was gonna be until Petrov grabbed him once again and stared at him cold in the eye.
“You are too tiny to be of help in any of this, so…” – He said as he dropped the tiny man on his father’s hand. – “Now you can have Knoll, dad. He can be a tiny little pervert but he is also very nice to have around. Have fun with him.”
“Petrov! You shouldn’t treat him like that, isn’t he a person too! There is no reason to be this cold.” – Replied his dad feeling sorry for the tiny guy sitting on his hand.
“I want to help you with everything I can dad, that means I’ll have to do your work in the guild because you need a proper vacation, but that also mean I’ll not be able to be around all of the time to take care of him too… so I want you to that for me instead, I’m trusting my friend to you dad, do you think you can do it?”
Mr Tsvetko looked down at Knoll and then replied to his son with a loud and happy “yes” lifting his fist on the hair, completely forgetting about Knoll on his fist. He got really worried he hurt him but we immediately explained how he was quite durable.
After sending his dad to the bathroom we started with the cleaning, Petrov was organizing the unread request when I approached him with a question.
“I get that you don’t want your dad to be alone, but do you really think it’s a good idea to leave Knoll at his care?”
“I think it’s the best for both of them” – Interrupted Koh who was collecting old clothes, seeing what he could repair or use – “Didn’t knoll just went through a similar experience? It would be best for both to see each other experience.”
“Exactly, we still need to check on them from time to time so they don’t get depressed together, but I have high hopes from them.”
“Wait a moment, please tell me you are not planning to make Knoll date your dad…” – I asked really worried, it really gave me a bad feeling about all of this.
“Of course not! That would be really weird, after all he HAS Koh’s face! I don’t want a new dad that looks like my own boyfriend!”
“You guys realize that I am here, right? –Interrupted Koh with a cold stare –“Besides I thought it was already clear enough that we may be different versions of each other but we are not the same person… Knoll have feelings for Sven but at the same time they are both lonely old men, if anything happens just let them be, ok? We don’t even know if they will be able to get along and you two are already considering them dating, calm down a little!”
Upon this statement we decided to stop theorizing and get back to work, there are more to do than we expected after all. I wonder what everyone else is doing… after all we are not the only ones who come to Galar with things to do.
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pumpkachubby · 4 years
So is Trevor what Petrov would have ended up becoming had he not sought help to get fat?
Nop, Trevor is just a version of Petrov from a parallel world, he had a completely different life, same as Koh/Knoll, they may have the same face but their lives have been very different, they don't even have the same age (Trevor is a couple of years younger)
Also Petrov seek help to grow in general, genetically he is an extra large pumpkaboo but at 15 he was even shorter than Koh. There is a reason for that situation that I will explain later, but for now I can say that you should take a closer look at Tsvetko/Knoll's chapters because it has been teased already
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pumpkachubby · 5 years
Before the trip: Little argument
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A little argument between Agatha and her son Crescente, they seem to be going through their own problems unaware of the plans of the rest of the guys, but could it be that their interests coincide?
Check past chapters!
Pumpkaboo Hunting:  >Part 1< - >Part 2< - >Interlude< - >Part 3< - >Part 4< Before the trip : Sven’s reflections - Little Argument
“I said I don’t wanna go!” – Said Crescente as he sat down in the large sofa of the living room – “I don’t understand why you suddenly want me to go traveling the world mom!”
“You need to gain experience out there” – Replied Agatha – “You have been doing good advances in your studies in magic but you won’t go any further if you stay here forever! Do you want to properly inherit this house right? Then you will need to be stronger!”
“Let me remind you that you two left me alone here for a good couple of years, and I had not a single problem!”
“That’s only because it was the magic of my ancestor’s and mines protecting the house, you are too weak to start the ritual needed to inherit that magic mark, YOU NEED TO GO OUT LITTLE BOY!!”
Outside of the house, Petrov could hear the discussion inside. He had come with Koh to tell Crescente about their trip to Galar and how they wanted him to join them, but they were hesitant to knock the door.
“I – I don’t think this is the right moment” – Said Petrov
“But we have to tell him, even if he doesn’t want to come along, right?” – Replied Koh – “We are going in a couple of days, we have to…”
“BUT WHAT!!??” – Said Crescente, suddenly opening the front door in front of them – “SEE MOM!? I COULD SENSE THEM OUTSIDE, I AM STRONG ENOUGH!”
“THEY HAVE BEEN THERE FOR HALF AN HOUR IN SILENCE!! YOU ONLY SENSE THEM BECAUSE THEY STARTED TO TALK!!” – Replied Agatha, angrily pushing his son to the side to see his boyfriends – “Oh Petrov and Koh, welcome! Sorry for all the screams, we are having a little situation… as you heard, my stubborn son doesn’t wants to admit he is not strong enough and needs to go on an adventure to gain more experience… I’ve been trying to tell him that if he just travels for a couple of months around Kalos, meeting new people and having new experiences it should be enough, but…”
“I AM NOT STUBBORN! I just…” – Crescente looked at his boyfriends, realizing that he should be honest now that they knew about it – “I don’t want to leave you guys here, and I can’t just ask you to come along with me on a trip like this…”
Petrov and Koh looked at each other and couldn’t help but to laugh a little.
“Miss Agatha, can I as you something?” – Said Koh trying his best to calm himself – “It is ok if he travels in another region, or it has to be Kalos?”
“Back on my days I went to Sinnoh for my training, so there is no problem, but why do you say that?”
“We are planning to go to Galar to see my father” – Said Petrov
“WHAT!!??” – Shouted Crescente – “When? Why!?”
“Petrov’s dad seems to be going through a very bad moment, and it seems that Horacio has some business there too. Harold wants to have another vacation so he said he will be willing to let us stay at his home in Hammerlocke city, in fact all of us are going…”
“I see, but what a wonderful opportunity!” – Said Agatha happily – “ Don’t you think Crescente? You will have the opportunity to travel with your boyfriends, meet Mr. Tsvetko AND it will help you with your training!”
“B- but…!” – Crescente tried to argue, but it was immediately silenced by his mom.
“Do you want to stay alone here?”
“OK, FINE! I’M GOING!!” –Finally agreed Crescente, much for the enjoyment of Agatha – “ I’ll need many reductive potions, you know I can’t go in a plane being so huge and I doubt I’ll have it easy with the doorframes in Galar. Koh, can you tell Sven to have them ready? But make sure he doesn’t shrink me too much this time”
“Sure, he seems to be in a very good mood recently. Too bad you are going back to be slim…”
“Oh but Galar has the Wild Area” – replied Agatha, taking out her phone and showing pictures of it to Crescente – “If you stay there you won’t have any problem being your regular self, and your two boyfriends can enjoy it too~”
“MOM!!” –said an embarrassed Crescente.
“Come with me, I’ll teach you how to expand the interior of a camp tent, it’s very similar to what we do with the house~”
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pumpkachubby · 5 years
Pumpkaboo Hunting: Part 4
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Tsuki and Gregory make a video call to someone... but who is this person? truths revealed in this short chapter!
- Check past chapters! Pumpkaboo Hunting:  >Part 1< - >Part 2< - >Interlude< - >Part 3< - >Part 4<
“Do we really need to call him right now?” – Asked Tsuki as his partner turned on his computer
“Of course” – Replied Gregory – “He wanted us to inform him as soon as the mission was completed”
They have just come back to the Inn they were staying from Petrov’s house after delivering the message. After a few minutes the video call was being made and at the other side of the screen a tall figure with pointy ears appeared, due to the bright light behind him they couldn’t see his face but they were sure who he was.
“I hope you bring good news” – Said the person without caring if his hidden face.
“Yes, the message was delivered as you requested” – Said Gregory.
“Yeah but we had to say those stupid lies!” –Replied Tsuki -“Petrov is gonna hate us when he realize! We made the Boss look like a total pervert! I can’t believe I let you convince me, Reg!”
“But you got the results you wanted, don’t you?” – Said the voice at the other side of the screen, making Tsuki turn around angry. –“If you told the truth about his father to Petrov, he would have probably rushed to call him, but we know how Tsvetko is… he would have denied it and in the worse case they could have start a fight with unknown results, in the worst case he would have stayed without a change.”
“I agree with you, making it look worse than it is is a better way to have the results we want.” –Said Gregory calmed –“Now we are sure he is going to see his father. Thank you for all of your help”
“A pleasure to help” – Responded the voice – “Tsvetko saved my life back then, I’ll do all I can do to help him, I want to see him smiling again.”
“Me too” – Agreed Tsuki –“Just make sure to keep your promise, or I’ll make you pay.”
“Haha, scary, you are too cute to be saying that little bunny” – Laughed the other person – “Now if you excuse me, I need to take care of some business, wish you have a good flight back to Galar.”
“Thank you, see you in a couple of days” – Said Gregory as he closed the video call. He looked at Tsuki who was still angry.
“I don’t like that guy, I just can’t trust in him.”
“I know Tsuki, he is known for being shady, but we can’t let this situation keep going, we tried all we could… he needs to see his son, Petrov needs to see the current state of his father. Tsvetko needs help…”
“I know! It’s just… I can’t believe you said that the Boss tried to hit on you! You could have come up with something else don’t you think?”
“It was one of the suggestions that person made! I think it was funny~”
“Your taste for jokes is as awful as always, Roryg”
“And you never stop calling me names! So none of us gets what we want in the end!”
Tsuki let out a deep sigh and let his entire body fell into the bed.
“We are gonna pay for this…”
“Yes… but I don’t regret it, it’s for his sake, and for the Obsidian Guild”
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