#Krean War
Diners with a Military or Veteran's Connection
There is something special about dining in a spot that has a military connection. My father Bill Disque served in the Navy during the Korean War, and my nephew Michael Salisbury, and Austin Rhodes also served, and Austin is still serving. When I think about those veterans that served and the freedom that they bought, I am inspired. I think dining at restaurants that honor the military is just…
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mama-m1na · 6 years
Lost Kingdom: Ibadora
As the people around me jeered at us all I heard was the rattle of the chains around our wrists and ankles. They stood out against my tan skin.
As the people sent hateful glares all I could see were the looks of reassurance from my sisters and the reflection of the gold flecks within my brown irises staring back at me in a puddle.
As the people threw stones at us all I felt were the presence of those I cared about and my long black hair swaying in the gentle breeze.
At this point in time nothing mattered except the fact that we were all together and we could accept what would happen to us.
Once we entered the courthouse we were met with the disapproving looks of our parents as well as the High Council; however, we battled them with our own sense of calm and confidence in what we had done.
“Tijarah Charlize age 16, Samantha Fatimah age 16, Hannah Kreans age 18, Sophie Maki age 17, Rhamina Miyu age 17, Chloe Rayer age 14, Kerstin Vera age 16,” the judge read as we seven girls stood before the podium with emotionless gazes, “You have all been witnessed in the woods conducting in an unauthorized ritual while not being licensed magicians.”
The old man looked down at them from his papers before continuing, “What have you to say for yourselves?”
The others began to look at each other for how to explain without getting themselves in deeper trouble; however, I knew they wouldn’t listen to reason, especially with those from a more traditional background like the high council. There’s no point in trying to get them to think like us because they aren’t.
“What we did wasn’t wrong,” I said earning the attention of everyone in the room, “Magic is a natural talent that shouldn’t be restricted to only those classified as magicians when everyone is capable of using it.”
“It is a skill everyone possesses it just depends on if someone is willing to learn,” I continued, “We do this because we want to learn more than what all of you just tell us. I want to see the truth with my own eyes and not be spoon fed some stories.”
“Shut up, Witch, how the hell did you get those powers anyway?” an adult from the crowd exclaimed, “You showed no powers at your birth! You must have made a deal with the devil!”
I could feel the worried glances from my friends as those in the room began to vocally agree.
“So? What if I did? If that’s how you see magic, then all magicians have committed that sin,” I hissed looking straight ahead at nothing.
“What did you say, Rat?” scoffed one of the licensed magicians angrily.
“Magic is working with our own soul and the assistance of other spirits,” Tijarah explained from her spot on my right, “If you nothing of magic then you will see every spirit as the devil.”
“Tijarah, please don’t call them stupid right now,” Sophie whispered on Tijarah’s right.
“Silence!” the judge called as the village people got louder before he turned back down to the seven teenagers, “So you do not deny that you have conducted in such treason?”
“If it is treason to act upon a natural activity then yes, we have broken your measly human law that most definitely trumps the laws of nature,” I scoffed in irritation at how blind the people were though I couldn’t blame them it was a new concept and humans always feared the unknown.
The screams of hate got louder as soon as I finished my statement and the judge smirked down at us.
“Then it is decided. The Seven Witches of Utemelac are found guilty of their crimes and will be burned at dusk!” the judge declared.
Just as he was about to bring his gavel down the doors to the courthouse burst open and a female with short black hair and tan skin rushed forward.
“Wait!” she cried as the people stared at her golden armor and white cape.
“You can’t kill them!” she pleaded looking up at the judge with the golden flecks in her eyes complimenting her red irises, “If you do I’ll resign my position immediately!”
“Ms. Miyu, you can’t do that right now, we’re in the midst of a war!” cried one of the villagers.
“Then I suggest His Honor changes what happens to my sister and her friends,” the ravenette hissed not looking away.
My eyes narrowed at her as the judge sighed and said, “Life in prison then… For all of them.”
“I’m glad I was able to make it on time,” sighed the scarlet-eyed female as she turned to me.
“You shouldn’t have come,” I hissed as one by one my sisters were let out of the building.
“What? And let my own twin die?” she asked in confusion, “Hell no.”
“My sister wouldn’t sell out our secrets to the rulers of this fucked up kingdom,” I said bluntly as a pair of guard roughly grabbed me by the upper arms.
“Rhamina-” “So long, Marina,” I said not turning back to her as my bare feet met the cobblestone streets.
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onaubade · 5 years
Divine Tarot: 𝄿 Divines
[Image of 𝄿]
Ace - Karre,  former Light Custodian Symbolised as a costumed dancer, performing to no audience, with a ghost orchestra backing their pirouettes.
II - Meddej,  former Mortal Magic Custodian Symbolised as a force of nature striking down upon mortal lands, wiping away civilizations and smiting influential inventors.
III - Coliuqui,  Winter Custodian Symbolised as a vision of Serenade, usually through stereotypes or myths, such as creatures said to live there.
IV - Chatta,  Ring Custodian Symbolised as a a figure in a chariot, sprinkling ringdust in great circuits across the sky.
V - Marahatra,  War Custodian Symbolised as a Mogh, Warhammer in hand, destroying a Garalan Walking City in a single blow. She is dressed in ancient armour, and the air ignites at the fury of her swing.
VI - Randulf,  Wind Custodian Symbolised as a boat adrift in the wind, buffeting against ‘waves’ as if in the ocean. Sometimes the boat is replaced with modern airships, as a point of pride and advancement.
VII - Krean,  former Night Custodian Symbolised as a looming monster, whispering in the ears of the vulnerable, placing a weapon in their hands.
VIII - Plineas,  former Ozone Custodian Symbolised as a regal figure, dressed perfectly to the customs of the day of drawing, ready for affairs of state.
IX - Thuut,  Mountain Custodian Symbolised as a comet, burning through the sky towards the nearest mountain range, so regular that one could use it for navigation.
X - Iphito,  Abyssal Guardian Symbolised as a vigilant eagle, hurtling between distant stars, destroying representations of alien life with her talons.
Scribe - The Missing One Symbolised often as just a blank card, though occasionally this space is used as an excuse to rep some important issue or proud location the artist was thinking about during work, such as their hometown, or a charitable cause, or what have you.
Sword - Lomatia, former Continents Custodian Symbolised usually as a figure simultaneously fornicating openly while also firing an arrow, alternatively simply kissing while firing an arrow.
Court - Dis, Time Custodian Symbolised as a all encompassing figure, surrounded by paraphernalia of clocks and such, their cloak made of star stuff.
Crown - Saenn, former Health Custodian Usually an actual copy of the official Logrian portrait, the Goddess of Witches smiles knowingly, a pointed hat upon her head, and a brace of papers in her hands. She wears something fashionable, but noticeably practical.
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