#Krowka mleczna
naschkater-com · 1 year
Polnische Süßigkeiten: Mäusespeck, Kuhflecken und Co
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cryb4by2k23 · 9 months
cialo nie wybacza
dzisiaj binge. nie bede oszukiwac i sobie poblazac. cialo dziala zero jedynkowo i nie magicznych cudow.
nie jesz=chudniesz
jogurt z truskawkami 200- kanapka mleczna 120- jablko 70- 7days 300- tost z nutella 400- sernik 600- tost z serem 300- jogurt 180- krowka 200
razem 2290
ok, jeden dzien nie zniszczy procesu, kolejne dni napedza mnie ze cialo nie zdazy zorientowac sie ze nawalilam
codziennie wierze w proces w ktorym chudne
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winceats · 4 years
I love trying out new snacks healthy or not (more often not) so I thought I’d treat myself and join a monthly subscription box where I’d be trying exciting new treats. I came across Snack Surprise online; they offer 6-8 full size snacks for £11.99 a month – every month they deliver snacks from a different country. The boxes can include a range of snacks including, sweets, biscuits, chocolates, crisps and more! You can even add a drink for an extra fee. The boxes are shipped on the 17th of each month  – shipping is free for addresses in the United Kingdom, and you can automatically renew or cancel at any time. Shipping fees apply for addresses outside of the United Kingdom.
In February they sent us a box full of tasty Polish snacks, here are the items I discovered and enjoyed 😊
Krowka Mleczna – a fudge sweet, oh my gosh it tastes incredible! A soft toffee casing with a very soft chewy jelly like middle. This sweet is definitely for the sugar lovers- you can definitely have a sugar rush from just one of these!
Supreme Jaffa cakes – personally I’m not a fan of the original but I do prefer the cherry flavour. Subtle cherry flavour balanced well with dark chocolate, the flavour is a little artificial but nevertheless I enjoyed it.
Hit Biscuits – crispy chocolate biscuit that crumbles instantly in your mouth with a creamy hazelnut middle, delicious.
Olza Prince Polo XXL Classic Wafer – a thin layer of dark chocolate surrounding a 4 layer wafer, this is a great snack if you don’t want something too sweet. I’m not usually a fan of dark chocolate but the wafer made it even tastier!
Lajkonik paluszki salted sticks – straws of crunchy biscuits that remind of me of pretzel, rock salt seeps through.
Nestle Princessa Intense – it’s really tasty, I thought the coconut would overpower the bar but it’s rather subtle and goes well with the light wafers. The dark chocolate works well with it too, a perfect balance of sweet and bitterness.
Zozole hello żelo – when you open the packet a sweet strawberry bursts out, the sugar coated rainbow was tasty a hint of sour but all rounder tasteful. Although after having a couple more the sour starts sleeping through.
3Bit chocolate bar – its so tasty, a creamy white chocolate and biscuit crunch, covered in milk chocolate. It made my mouth water whilst I was consuming it. I will definitely be on the look out for it in shops.
Frito lay Cheetos cheese – a classic crisp snack and what better flavour than cheese, definitely one of my favourite items in February’s box.
Hellena Oranzada – Oryginalny Smak – to be honest I’m not a big fan of fizzy drinks unless its alcoholic but this tastes similar to my childhood favourite fizzy drink cream soda but with a sweet fruity taste – highly recommend!
They also sell gift boxes for £12.49 if you like to try it or gift a loved one!
I hope you enjoyed discovering February Snack Surprises‘ snacks with me, I’m really excited what March will bring!
A Polish Snack Surprise I love trying out new snacks healthy or not (more often not) so I thought I’d treat myself and join a monthly subscription box where I’d be trying exciting new treats.
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polskabox-blog · 6 years
Krowka Mleczna 215g – Mieszko - Polska Box
See on Scoop.it - Polska Box
Meilleur produit de l'année 2016 dans sa catégorie, le Krowka Mleczna de chez Mieszko est un caramel polonais au cœur fondant. Un incontournable !
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