#Kuchinashi Tsubaki
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anime-to-the-t · 5 years
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Stupid four-eyes!
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gear-project · 7 years
Baiken: Movelist Evolution
This being Baiken's Birthday (March 5th), I figured I'd cover a bit of her movelist history and how it's grown.
Originally, her moves weren't centered around gatling combos like the rest of the cast, instead she had multi-hit attacks that did most of the work, along with special moves that cancelled in to one another.
Her charge attack was Tatami Gaeshi (Mat Flipping) which could charge up to a maximum of 3 Mat flips (Sanmai Tatami Gaeshi).
Kamaitachi (Whirlwind Blade) was the prototype for her current move sequence Kabari (Fishing Fly) in which she hooked her opponents and slashed them.
Youzansen (Spirit Cutting Fan) was both an iron fan and her sword spinning both at once, and could be done from the ground at any time.  She can tiger-knee input the move now for relatively the same effect, and it still has ridiculous damage when cancelled in to itself.
Later on, her moves became much more convoluted with the Guard Cancel system she developed.
The fundamental moves she gained (GGX onwards) were Mawarikomi (Reversal Dash), Sakura (Cherry Blossom), and Zakuro (Pomegranate).
Zakuro was originally something like a counter-grab multi-hit slash attack, as it served as both an Anti-Air and a Command Grab... this was later replaced by Youshijin (Spirit Thorn Formation) and Anti-Air Counter and Ouren (Yellow Lotus) her Overhead Guard Cancel counter.
She also gained the move Suzuran, and the Baku (Seal Restraint) Overdrive Counter.
In the Arcade versions of Guilty Gear, her Baku counters corresponded to the Cardinal Inputs of North ("Ki" Turtle/Punch), South ("Hou" Phoenix/Heavy Slash), East ("Ryuu" Dragon/Slash), and West ("Rin" Tiger/Kick), and these later developed Hanafuda followups of Blossom (Sakura), Moon (Tsuki), and Crane (Tsuru).
Each seal had a different effect and could seal not only an opponent's individual buttons, but place an add-on effect on them.  Sakura stopped movements, Tsuki created a forced Counterhit state, and Tsuru made any future attacks unblockable for a limited time.
Baiken’s EX Mode allowed her to use any of her Guard Cancel Attacks as a Special Cancel regardless of the situation.
Later, when Baiken made her return to GGXrd Rev2, a lot of her style got revised.
In place of Guard Cancel, she was given the move "Azami" [Azami "Woman's Sitting Stance"].  And while this move is technically a Guard Cancel in and of itself, it behaves closer to a Parry rather than simply allowing her to block.  It's limited in a few ways, but very strong in other ways, making Baiken more versatile than before.
In place of Youshijin, her new anti-air counter is Kuchinashi [Kuchinashi "Gap Opener"].  It behaves somewhat "like" a reversal move, but doesn't have very strong invulnerable frames, so players have to think before using it by default.
Replacing Ouren is [Rokkonsogi "Sixth Sense Shave"].  This move isn't just a counter, it also works as a followup to Kabari and Suzuran as well.  It's great for closing the gap and finishing quick combos.
New to her arsenal is Yashagatana [Yashagatana "Demon Sword"]... a one-handed side-rifle she can use as a quick answer to whatever projectiles are thrown at her.
She doesn't just simply have ground counters anymore, though, she can use Azami in mid-air with two new aerial counters, Tsubaki [Tsubaki "Energy Guard"] and Kikyou [Kikyou "Ogre Splitter"].  Note that the Kanji for Tsubaki is read differently (鍔氣) than you'd normally expect!
[Himawari "Quiet Mixer"] is another new move she can use during Kabari fishing fly grabs that lets her throw her opponent as a command grab!  Even the motion to Tetsuzansen (Iron Cutting Fan) has changed as well!  Instead of whipping her sword in an arc above her head, she uses a blast of Ki to knock the opponent in the air!
Last but not least, replacing her Baku Guard Cancel Overdrive counters is [Metsudo Kushoudou "Killer Counter: Nine Just Paths"].  While it doesn't have the same effects as Baku, it CAN be done as an aerial Overdrive Counter!  It's something to watch out for against skilled players!
Moves Lost: Youshijin, Ouren, Sanmai Tatami Gaeshi, Baku:Sakura/Tsuki/Suru/Ki/Rin/Ryuu/Hou/Zakuro, Tate Shunmaku
Moves Retained: Tatami Gaeshi, Youzansen, Mawarikomi, Sakura, Suzuran, Kabari/Tetsuzansen, Tsurane Sanzu Watashi, Garyou Tensei
Hope you enjoyed the read!
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mangaredditdotcom · 4 years
Arakure Ojousama Wa Monmon Shiteiru.
Alternative: A Rough Lady is Being Deceived ; あらくれお嬢様はもんもんしている
Description : Meet Tsubaki Kuchinashi, the Manhater Prince. Beautiful and popular, Tsubaki's core strength in high school comes from her position as the principal's granddaughter - suffice it to say, but any student or teacher who even looks at her the wrong way could be expelled at a moment's notice. Meet Tadashi Kiritsu, the head of the Public Morals Committee. As sharp and rigid as his glasses, Tadashi despises Kuchinashi's iron grip on the school. Naturally, a challenge to her rule bothers Kuchinashi, and she decides to get rid of him as soon as possible. Her plan? Get him in a honey trap. However, that's easier said than done. #MangaReddit.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline Read Free Manga Online at MangaReddit.com: https://mangareddit.com/p/arakure-ojousama-wa-monmon-shiteiru_1584418345.html
Read more.
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sttvpc · 6 years
Цветы на японском
азалия - Tsutsuji амариллис - amaririsu астра - asuta василек - yagurumagiku гардения - kuchinashi гвоздика - kaneshon георгина - daria герань - zeraniumu гербера - gabera гиацинт - hiyashinsu гибискус - haibisukasu гладиолус - gurajiorasu гортензия - ajisai драцена - dorasena ирис - airisu калла - orandakaiu камелия - tsubaki крокус - kurokkasu ландыш - suzuran лилия - riri мак - keshi мимоза - mimoza нарцисс - suisen орхидея - ran петуния - pechunia пион - botan подснежник - sunodoroppu роза - bara ромашка - kamomiru тюльпан - churippu фиалка - baioretto фикус - pipal флокс - shukkonso фрезия - furijia фуксия - fukushia хризантема - kiku
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ahoto · 6 years
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arakure ojousama wa monmon shiteiru - kinoshita yuichi
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Wow that manga is lewd
Oooooooh trust me friend, Ive tried to cut the really really lewd parts out!
Tsubaki has some incredibly detailed fantasies
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But she is also a cutie who's smile needs protecting!
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Short black hair+sporty tomboyish personality=best girl
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Poor Boy is not prepared for Tsubaki
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