#Kudamm 56 - Das Musical
leuchtstabrebell · 1 year
Why you should watch "Ku'damm 56 - The Musical"
I promise it's good!!! My friends and me liked it so much that we saw it live several times. There are people that went there over 80 times. There is a pro-shot that you can watch for free (here)!
Why you might like it:
The music is really good. It's mostly rock with some other genres mixes in. They don't have an orchestra but a rock band instead
The main character is a well written young woman defying the society of West-Berlin in the 1950s
One of the characters is gay and the musical in general has very queer vibes. (That might be because two of the creators are gay men)
It's pretty funny with a very German sense of humour. Very dry. Also a lot of weird sayings.
It's dark but with a hopeful message at the end
The costumes, set and lighting are very creative and good, as well as the choreography.
The actors are fantastic and the characters all have a lot of depth. They're all incredibly complex.
If you like Tanz der Vampire or Elisabeth, you might also like this. It also kind of has Hamilton and SIX vibes.
Why this might not be something for you:
It's in German. (I'm working on a translation English subtitles can be found here)
It contains graphic depictions of: rape, domestic violence, sex, suicide attempts, conversion therapy, misogyny, homophobia
It contains discussions of: all of the above, abortion, the holocaust, war, trauma, infedelity, depression, suicide
One of the characters is a rapist who is portrayed kind of sympathetically. I think his whole plot-line is kind of problematic. Also, basically everyone is morally grey in this. I mean, almost all of the older characters were Nazis...
All of this said: this musical was advertised as something for the whole family and it manages to balance lighter and heavier subjects very well. Weirdly, it really captures the spirit of a lot of Germans, especially people from Berlin.
I'm probably going to make another post later where I'll talk more about the plot and the characters.
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youcancallmekathyp · 2 years
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Die Schöllack Schwestern - Ku’damm 56 - Das Musical
“Ich hab so vielе Fragen Und so viel zu erzähl'n, Doch ich kann das jetzt nicht Ich werd mich nur umdreh'n,”
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leuchtstabrebell · 5 months
heyyy i saw your post from several months ago where you said something about ku'damm 56 translation,,, i watched it today understanding about 30% of it and i just wanted to ask abt the traslation ksjdh
Hello:) Thank you for the ask anon! I had kind of forgotten about the translation to be honest, even though I had already done 80%, so your ask was a good reminder to finish the whole thing.
Here is a link to the subtitle file I created. As it is in SRT file, it should work with most video programs. If you need any help or a different format for the subtitles, please don't hesitate to ask :D
I'll probably link to this in the main Kudamm post as well, so anyone who is interested can find the file easily.
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