#Kul'Tiras Customization
orgrimmar-archive · 1 year
azeroth races and their wheelchairs
probably gonna put this one under a cut, it'll be long.
Im going to start with the Alliance since they're on the left side of the screen in the character creator and most people tend to fall towards the left first. Also, I care a lot more about the Horde, so I'm just going to get it over with.
Humans have the really shitty wagon-wheel wheelchairs (I.E, what we see Eraleshk in), because it shares a model with chairs found in Kul'tiras. Also, they're boring. Sorry.
Dwarves have iron-wrought chairs, I'd assume with 3-wheels ala D&D's combat wheelchair, probably with less spikes. I'd assume there'd be a gryphon/hammer motif depending on where it's from.
Kal'dorei chairs are likely similar to their buildings, warped trees grown in a specific pattern to make a sort of low bucket-seat with a raised angle for the legs. Stone/marble reinforcements for the axles and likely some sort of living aspect (maybe a treant willingly allowing itself to grow into the shape so it has little legs?)
Gnomes probably just have mechanical legs, I doubt they would 'limit' themselves to a chair shape. Lame in general.
Draenei likely have another 3-wheel situation, likely powered wheelchairs through the use of their mana/lightforged crystals.
Worgen/Gilneans.. Pompous bastards definitely have some kind of highly detailed embroidery that wears off after any actual activity.
Ren'dorei ... See Sin'dorei, but make it purple.
Lightforged Draenei have 4-wheeled, tanky combat wheelchairs with crystals powering them. I'd assume they'd want to keep as many Lightforged on the field as possible.
Dark Iron Dwarves use.. well, dark iron, obviously. I'd assume there's a drill on the front and those who use them typically end up as tunnelers and miners.
..I don't even want to look at a Mechagnome.
Orcs likely have very combat-centric wheelchairs as well, but for daily use I'd assume it would be simple wood/iron mix, likely with a pelt draped over the seat for extra comfort. I think many Orcs value customizing their chairs as well, with clan emblems and the like.
Forsaken likely just have shitty human chairs with some extra improvements. I'd assume most are salvaged from ruins in Lordaeron and future chairs are expanding on that simple sort of wagon-wheel design, likely incorporating metal wheels for more durability. Perhaps an on-the-go apothecary station as well?
Tauren who use wheelchairs likely are the last to know how to Plainsrun, in my opinion. I'd like to think they're taught how to move on all fours, with their chair supporting their hind legs. For those who would rather not do that, I'd think they'd have 8-wheeled chairs, automated by Kodo if they choose, like a little cart to themselves.
Troll wheelchairs are different depending on the tribe to me, so I'll focus on Darkspear, as they're the main playable ones when just default trolls are chosen. Darkspear chairs likely have a lot of orcish innovation, iron wheel treads and the like, with a totemic motif on the main seat, painted/carved. I'd assume they also have places to hang decorations off of, as a lot of trolls seem to really love just hanging shit up. (Me too though.)
Sin'dorei is the one I've been waiting to talk about. I would assume getting a wheelchair in Sin'dorei culture would be something quite respected, as in my perfect world nobody is ableist to chair users and I can pretend that's true in WoW. I'd think a lot of flowing, phoenix motifs, very obviously alluding to the royal family and to the concept of rebirth in general. Those who have lived through injury or simply have endured to the point that brought them to getting the chair are given a symbolic 'rebirth'. Many flowing, feather-like patterns, especially on the armrests and the wheel-wells. The back of the seat would likely be influenced by the Sin'dorei phoenix crest in some way, and I wouldn't doubt that gem inlays or metal detailing is common. I'd assume the wheels would have a wooden axle with filligree metal on the actual treads. The younger the elf is, the more grand the party is, a celebration of your new beginning and a way to allow yourself to let go of the past.
Goblin wheelchairs are likely a more minature version of their trikes, and probably will explode if exposed to even the smallest of errors. I would not really trust one in the same way I wouldn't really trust a gnome to make a wheelchair for me. They probably have a built in glider in case of a surprise ejection, though.
Shal'dorei wheelchairs are likely similar to Kal'dorei wheelchairs, with a more heavy focus on the stonework aspect. I would assume the chair itself would be wood, reinforced with stone and powered by arcane magic, with elegant cloth detailing and perhaps even drapery. I wouldn't doubt that they lack wheels entirely, and would likely be more like palanquin with magical hoisters.
Highmountain wheelchairs follow their eagle and moose motifs, I'd think. There would be two styles, eagle being more akin to an active/sports wheelchair and moose being more like a regular manual wheelchair. I'd think the eagle wheelchairs would have four wheels while moose have three, and would have a much slimmer profile. That being said, it is likely traditional to paint the seat and wheels yourself when you receive it.
Mag'har orcs likely follow similar traditions to vague-orgrimmar orcs, with more iron. I'd assume their wheels also are just treads, so they're more 'all-terrain'. Depending on the clan, there are different decorations. (For instance, if you were Lightning's Blade, they probably put a lightning rod on you for fun.)
Zandalar does not believe you should push your own chair, so you get a beautiful carriage with raptor attendants, unless you are in favor with Jani, and then you get a legion of saurolisks and a little wagon.
Vulpera probably just use alpacas, but in the event they can't, they likely have small, very portable chairs with metal frames and soft, comfy seats, with ample room for their tail.
Pandaren wheelchairs are likely a mix of wood and metal. I'd assume the frame would be wood, with the axles being metal, and the seats having wood frames with cushions bolted into it. The cushions would likely feature embroidery, and I would even go out to say that you could have it blessed by a certain celestial and it would affect the appearance.
Dracthyr wheelchairs are likely combat focused. I would say that they feature metal primarily, with armor plating and little to no backrest in order to have full range of motion with the wings. If the wings do not work, the backrest would still be low, so as not to smush them. I'd think that there would be seatbelts so the dracthyr could still fly while they are inside of it, and I'm sure they have special chairs /for/ the event that you will be flying often.
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honeyleesblog · 2 years
wow zone tier list
Kul'Tiras This mainland is exceptionally dull, with witches rehearsing antiquated Druidic wizardry all over. In this manner, you will in all probability experience animals looking like energized trees a meandering the area and startling the occupants. Storm Tune Valley It is here that the port is found where every one of the boats pass to be honored by the Clerics of the Ocean. This custom reinforces the boats that makes the Collusion look for the kinship of the clerics. This especially strange region has areas of strength for a topic, with its structures implicit the state of boats and a post where the Clerics of the Ocean reside, implore and filter themselves. Players will experience a revile inside the local area and will confront it in a five-man prison situated in the fortification.
wow zone tier list
Drustvar Initially, quite some time ago, Drustvar was occupied by a gathering of hearty creatures called Drust. Nonetheless, most were crushed by people who banished these creatures in a city frozen in time, where a likeness is in the middle, safeguarded areas of strength for by. The people group perseveres as spirits who are attempting to get back to the universe of the living to get back at the individuals who took their territory. Furthermore, the region is swarmed with witches . They intertwine spirits into wooden figures who behave like their flunkies and slit their own jugulars to become super strong. Players should break into Woman Waycrest's house, a prison for five, to free the charmed zone. Tiragarde Sound A region loaded with privateers and outlaws with the capital Bolarus, a most extreme level prison that players should take. The segment of the human-ruled city is driven by Katherine Proudmoore, Jaina's mom, who will help players in their experiences around there. The people from Estreito Tiragarde are otherwise called great trackers of ocean beasts . Zandalate Zandalar is a land loaded with crude creatures and remains, where you can track down Savages and dinosaurs. The region is additionally under the security of the old divine beings adored by the Zandalari, the Loa's. Nazmir This region was made seeming to be a lost world canvassed in swamps . It incorporates where the Titans did tests and that you can investigate. Demise Loa, Bwonsamdi, assumes a significant part in Nazmir, offering missions to players in the Necropolis. Players will actually want to visit an underground five-man prison stacked with Ridiculous Savages. Zuldazar Here, you will track down the capital of the mainland Zandalar and the main safe spot in the district , managed by Lord Rastakhan and Princess Talanji. You will actually want to investigate two prisons: Atal'Dazar, an old burial ground of Zandalari divine beings, and Descanso dos Reis, an old burial chamber of Savage rulers. Vol'dun Vol'dun is a desert typically possessed by hoodlums banished from the Zandalari people group. Here, you can make unions with Vulpera, a race of humanoid foxes, or with Sethrak, a types of human snake. Players will actually want to investigate the Sanctuary of Sethraliss prison. Peruse extraordinary substance about HTML coding in our blog area. You will track down extraordinary tips on the most proficient method to carry out easy to understand highlights in your site.
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edensheart · 6 years
Eden Vanburen
NAME: Eden Aurelia Vanburen
AGE: 27
BIRTHDAY: April 5h
RACE: Human
GENDER: Female
HAIR: Dark brown/black
EYES: Dark brown
BUILD: Slender, nearing athletic
COMMON ACCESSORIES: A small grey notebook, a small pistol for personal protection at her hip, (ivory handle inlaid with gold).
PROFESSION: Owner of Halcyon Designs (custom weaponry)
HOBBIES: Falconry, competitive archery.
LANGUAGES: Common, conversational Darnassian
RESIDENCE: Kul'tiras
RELIGION: Agnostic
FEARS: Being ordinary, snakes
FC: Gemma Arterton
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estonvega · 6 years
The Curious Octopus was certainly not hurting for business when the tiny bounty hunter slipped within its confines to survey the room for signs of her latest quarry. The damn man had managed to slip her twice now and if that were not enough to irritate her, she had been forced to take a ship to Kul'Tiras to track him. She was not a fan of deep waters. Disgruntled and in dire need of a drink, the amber-eyed femme slipped to the counter and ordered a drink. "Whiskey. Neat." - @deadlypursuits
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Bars were known for becoming more crowded around the holidays, whether it was those celebrating with friends and family or those drinking away their misery.  Needless to say, it was an interesting mix of emotion although by the end of the night the clear winner would always be melancholy.  A lone guitar player plucked a jaunty tune on the makeshift stage, although most patrons were too deep in their drinks to take notice, offering the occasional few claps between songs.  The counter itself housed a few customers, mostly regulars that seemed content with their filled drinks and hushed conversations among one another.
Upon the petite woman’s arrival he slipped away from the others, resting his forearms atop the bar across from her and leaning in a tad closer to receive her order.  “My kind of drink.”  A faint smirk touched the edges of his lips as he grabbed a nearby bottle, not top shelf, but not of the well variety either.  One should never drink ‘common’ whiskey if drinking it by its lonesome!  He poured a few fingers full before sliding the glass towards her.  
A brief once over was given, not in a lewd manner but a way to gather information through clothing worn and general body language and demeanor.  It was good to know from the start which ones could possibly be the rowdy ones after a few too many drinks.
Despite her closed off demeanor, he attempted a conversation anyways.  “New to Boralus or just to the bar?”
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