#Kung Fu Panda Slice of life one-shot collection
gsmith1030 · 2 years
Oneshot collection snippit: Prompt 2
Hello everyone, remember when I said that I have a one-shot collection planned for KFP? Well, this is it. I'm currently working on two different prompts (on and off) for the one-shot collection and thought it might be cool if I start posting snippet of them here as I work on it, the full one-shot will be posted to my AO3 and Fanfiction.net accounts. Anyway the snippet shown here is based of the following prompt:
Shortly after boar is defeated, the other four “warriors” are welcomed into the Jade palace as new students who are to train alongside Tigress to become masters. The newly formed team, now dubbed “The Furious Five” will officially begin their training in the coming days. They were given time off, (including Tigress) for their victory over boar. And to give the four new students of the Jade Palace some time to start settling into their new lives, how exactly are they handling it? The new students soon begin to realize that there is more to becoming and being a Kung Fu master then they originally thought. This is surly a big change in their lives, one that they will have to get used to. They are determined to push through—as a team.
For a bit of context, the newly formed Furious Five are currently exploring the Valley of Peace after having eaten breakfast in the Jade Palace earlier. This takes place shortly after the events of SOTS (Secrets of the scroll) after they had just beaten the boar. Their training has not officially started yet, but the four new "warriors" that Tigress had brought into the Jade Palace where invited to stay and officially train alongside Tigress in Kung Fu, and were accepted as residents of the Jade Palace.
I hope you enjoy, I will post another one soon for another prompt I'm working on.
Afterwards, it was decided that they would go down into the valley to explore it, and perhaps buy some things here and there. After all, if they were going to be the ones that will be defending it in the future, they may as well get to know where things in the valley are, so that if they are ever called on for distress calls, they can get to the area faster to take care of the situation. Tigress had been down to the valley before quite a few times when she was younger, though, usually while accompanying either Master Shifu or Master Oogway, so she pretty much knew her way around, even though this was the first few times that she came down into the valley without either accompanying any of the masters. They usually would only come down to replenish supplies, get new clothing items made, or to commission something for the Jade Palace. They would never stay in the valley for long, and would instead return to the Jade Palace as soon as possible. They never went down to the Valley for simple leisure, as her training schedule would not allow her to, this was her first time going into the valley for simply relaxing.
For the rest, it was the first time (mostly) that they got to see the famed Valley of Peace in person, and what it has to offer.
For the most part, it was not much different than your other average villages or small towns, however, what started to set the valley apart from some of these villages or town started to become apparent; memorials were erected throughout the valley of either the master of Kung Fu himself or other masters that either passed by, were involved in a significant event that took place in the valley, or masters who were once former students of the Jade Palace at one point (except for those who were infamous, or who’d requested for a memorial not to be erected for them.) Even though, the Valley of Peace was not the first place in China to have memorials erected in the name of Kung Fu, there’s also some that are erected in Gongmen city, and in the imperial capital where the imperial palace resides, just to name a few.
The first part of the valley that they visited was the residential district; This was where the majority of the “living spaces” where located in within the valley. Besides just houses and other boarding houses, there was also a local school where the younger members in the valley would attend to on a daily basis, as well as a few small shops here and there, a clinic, as well as the magistrate or local government office where citizens could go if they needed to redress issues that were outside the realm of the Kung Fu masters to deal with.
Young cubs of various species, mainly pigs, geese, and other small mammals could be seen playing in the path various games with each other, such as kicking around a ball to each other, or using a stick for the same purpose, playing around with rocks and stones, or even sometimes pretending to be “heroes” of legendary battles, where they would re-enact the famous Kung Fu battles, with one (or few) playing the hero(s) and one (or few) playing the villains(s), with the hero always coming out victorious.
Tigress remembered how the cubs at the orphanage used to play these types of games as well to pass the time. However, she did not get a chance to play any of the games due to her isolation for much of her early life in the orphanage because of the other cubs being afraid of her for her fangs and claws, thinking that she was a monster. She tried to play and interact with the other cubs, only for them to run away at the sight of her, which frustrated the young tiger cub. It wasn’t until she was trained by her current master to control her strength and temper, and then demonstrating it in front of the other cubs and adults of the orphanage did she finally gain the trust and friendship of the other cubs, and became comfortable enough to include her in their games.
This, however, did not last long as by the next moon, she was adopted out by her current master, and taken to the Jade Palace to begin her Kung Fu training. Since then, she had not really gotten a chance to interact with other cubs her age as none lived in the Jade Palace among the servants, she was the only sole student of Master Shifu (at least at the time), and she couldn’t really go down into the valley once she’d enter the palace as training and other schooling had taken up the majority of her time.
(In her spare time though, whenever it could be spared, she would play with the domino set that Master Shifu had used to train her, and later let her keep. She would create pictures, symbols, or whatever else came to mind using the dominos. It helped her to calm down after training, especially for those days where she could not meet her master’s expectations. However, she’d still played with the set alone.)
Overall, except for briefly at the orphanage, she’d never really played the games that they cubs were currently playing, and now she’s passed the aged where she’s really too old to be playing these games.
But it seems that some of her friends did not think so.
Without her realizing it, she’d seen how Monkey and Mantis managed to convince the children to let them join in on the fun and games, to which they easily accepted it, and are currently entertaining the cubs. It seems that Monkey has a way with kids, with how he is able to interact with them, playing along with their antics, while Mantis possesses (for the most part), enough patience to deal with over-eager cubs. He really does not appreciate though when the other cubs somehow think that he’s a toy that can be played around with!
‘Please put me down!’
The rest had memories of playing these types of “fun and games.” Whether they were with the other local or village kids, or in Viper’s case, it was with her sisters that she’d play with when she was younger.
Viper stayed around, watching as the fun and games continued, seeing how cute it is, and is reminded of the memories of when she used to play with her sisters as a young cub herself.
There may be some mistakes as this is a rough draft of sorts, this section may be changed slightly for it to flow better. Any mistakes, big or not will be corrected before it's officially posted to my accounts.
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