phierie · 2 years
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in every fandom there comes a time when you have to ask yourself, ok but what classes would these characters be if they were in D&D
overlong headcanons/design notes under the cut:
I based this AU off my rudimentary knowledge of D&D and it’s classes, but I’m taking creative liberties and it can be thought of as just a general fantasy rpg-style thing. Ended up being a mix match of comics and MCU but it’s an AU so hey it’s fine right lol
KAMALA - Sorcerer/Monk
Arguably one of the hardest to actually decide a class for?? I’m imagining her powers here as more akin to those she has in the MCU show; they’re something innate to her, passed down through her bloodline (and possibly unlocked by some event or heirloom as in the case of the TV show). I think the way she fights would be something closer to a monk, though? After awakening her powers, she journeys around helping people in the same way as she becomes Ms Marvel, both on her own and with the party. 
Kamala’s design is based pretty much entirely off the Mystic Marvel design (originally I believe from Champions, also in the Avengers game)! I saw this design and my brain instantly went brrrr because it basically combines my two fave marvel heroes (Dr Strange and Kamala)!! I changed a few parts of the design, and simplified the shirt a bit. I think it suits Kamala well for a fantasy AU - even in the main comics she wears an outfit that’s comfy and easy to move in!
NAKIA- Sorcerer/Cleric
Since Nakia is the only sensible one here, it made sense for her to be the (begrudging, probably) healer. I think it suits her personality well too though! I’m imagining here that her powers are innate (like a sorcerer), but she just uses healing magic the most (like a cleric). More similar perhaps to something like the cleric class in Fire Emblem Awakening, where clerics are often religious but their powers aren’t something directly conferred by the gods. 
Nakia’s design is based entirely off of her Storm Sage look in Ms Marvel (2015) #38 (aka the one where the gang gets isekai’d) Once again simplified it a little and softened some of the shapes (since it’s more of a villain look in the comic, but she’s obvs a good guy here) 
BRUNO - Wizard/Artificer
Bruno’s outfit is also partly inspired by #38 (esp for colour scheme), but I mainly just did my own thing for what I thought he should look like in a fantasy AU ahahah. Gave him a long coat because if there’s one thing I love more than wizards, it’s wizards with long coats lmao
To me the D&D wizard class is much more the ‘study and research’ side of magic so it think it works well for the scientifically inclined Bruno. The thirst for knowledge and hubris (all the benchmarks of a good wizard character, really) are also very fitting for him, I think..!!
He’s a natural prodigy of magic and manages to get accepted to a prestigious and exclusive magic school but is kicked out after The Accident. Leaves to find somewhere else that’s willing to teach him since he can’t accept the idea of not learning magic. Meets Kwezi and the rest plays out much as it does in the comics
His prosthetics are powered with some kind of Magical Rock (call it a magic substitute for vibranium), and made by Kwezi. I’m undecided whether they’re grafted onto his arm/leg or it’s a whole Full Metal Alchemist situation but maybe a bit of both? The arm also acts as a conduit of sorts for casting his own magic (hence where the artificer class comes in). As he makes all sorts of stuff for Kamala in the comics/show I think him having the ability to craft magical items also fits well. Probably learns that magic from Kwezi. Which brings us to...
KWEZI - Artificer
Another magical prodigy, but I see Kwezi as more of a support type to Bruno’s spellcaster. The embodiment of chaotic good. I think he’d be mainly a crafter of magical items (sort of like Olruggio in Witch Hat Atelier?) 
His background in this AU is the same as in the comics, and him and Bruno go adventuring a bit themselves before joining up with Kamala and co eventually. I think he’d be pretty sheltered when it comes to travelling outside fantasy-Wakanda, especially compared to Bruno, so hijinks ensue. (Side note, but I absolutely adore that contrast when it comes to Kwezi & Bruno’s dynamic, I’m so in love with them both)
The green cloak-wrap is inspired by his formal outfit in Ms Marvel (2015) #30, and the harem pants are from #29. I think comfy, practical clothes suit Kwezi, and I like that the colour scheme for him is a nice contrast with Bruno! 
KAREEM - Rogue
Probably the easiest class to decide on because really what else could it be?? I’m undecided on whether Kareem should have his origin from the MCU show or the comics for this AU - personally I prefer comics but I do think a secret society sort of thing would work well for a fantasy AU so I’m leaning a bit more towards that perhaps.
His design is a mix of MCU, comics and my own take on it to make it a little more fantasy/rogue-like.  
KAMRAN - Sorcerer
Probably the only one here (except maybe Kareem) who’s primarily based off his MCU appearance rather than the comics. I see him as being initially a bit more of a bad guy than in the show though, a sort of misguided villain who eventually ends up joining the party (see: Zuko in ATLA)
He’s grown up with the Clandestines (probably some kind of cult here) and he generally believes in their mission, so it takes a little more for him to turn on them. As a sorcerer his powers manifest suddenly and he doesn’t understand how to control them at first. The Clandestines probably want him to use his powers to their ends, and that, along with run-ins with Kamala gets him questioning whether he should continue to follow them or turn away from the only family he’s ever known...
Kamran’s design was probably the hardest to figure out, since he only really has appearances in regular clothes, and no canon alternate designs to work off of (like Nakia/Bruno/Zoe). In the end I was thinking of the Clandestines and what they might wear in such a setting? The blue colour scheme is based off the jacket he wears in ep 6 (probably his most iconic MCU look) and also his coat/scarf look in Ms Marvel (2014) #13. I don’t think I captured Kamran’s likeness very well here but his outfit actually turned out to be one of my faves, so swings and roundabouts hahah
ZOE - Fighter
I’m imagining Zoe in this AU is the daughter of some lowly noble family (a big shot in the town that her and the gang are from, not so much elsewhere). After a run in with some bandits where she’s saved by Kamala, she resolves that she needs to get stronger. Not the strongest nor the most skillful fighter, but she’s trying her best!!
Zoe’s design is inspired by her fantasy look in #38 (the pink tunic in particular), but I changed and added some details to it. Her cloak I swapped out for the pink scarf, as inspired by her stint as Ms Marvel!
BECKY - Paladin-->Warlock & JOSH - ???
The actual bad guys of this AU ahahah. I’m imagining here that the events of Civil War II play out pretty much the same in this AU as in the comics. Becky starts out as a paladin with generally good intentions, but when she crosses a line she gets disowned (is that the right word?? probably not) by her god. Unable to deal with it, she turns instead to darker powers, making a pact and becoming a warlock. 
I haven’t really thought about what class Josh would be... maybe a fighter as well (to match Zoe?), but I’m imagining him as a sort of mysterious Black Knight type figure, hence the you haven’t unlocked this character yet question marks lmao
Their designs are based entirely off their lockdown/discord appearances, just adapted into fantasy-armour style. I think the designs carried over really well, actually (definitely helped by the excellent colour schemes!)
And there you have it LOL I have no idea if I’m gonna do anything more with this AU but just wanted to share the brainrot, so if you got this far THANKS..... any thoughts/suggestions for other characters I should add are always welcome!!
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khanrelli · 8 days
a cross-country winter | kamala x bruno
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a fanfic with Kamala Khan and Bruno Carrelli from Ms. Marvel
Bruno is practically drunk on anesthesia after having his wisdom teeth removed and has some things to say to Kamala. word count: 479 warnings: none read it on archive of our own! dedicated to icee
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Caltech has been a rough adjustment. Everybody is so different, it's wildly expensive, he barely knows where anything is and most importantly? The weather is horrid. By Jersey standards that is. At least the school aspect has been easy.
He's finished all his work for the week and now he just needs to finish his Humanities paper. Ready to do some hardcore Googling, he sees news on his sidebar: " Heavy Snow Blankets New Jersey, More May Be On The Way" .
That can't be good.
BRUNO: I heard there was a snowstorm in Jersey??
BRUNO: You guys ok?
KAMALA: Have to stay inside all day 😕
BRUNO: Not a problem though for you
KAMALA: Can you shut up 🙄
KAMALA: How's the weather California boy 
BRUNO: I'm here for 3 months and I'm already "California boy"?
BRUNO: Anyway
BRUNO: Not used to it, it's 67 over here??*
*19 degrees Celsius.
BRUNO: I miss my 40s
BRUNO: You think Thor can make it rain over here for me?
KAMALA: Probably too busy playing Fortnite
BRUNO: You still stand by that theory?
BRUNO: Sure thing conspiracy theorist
KAMALA: I'm very much freezing
KAMALA: Ammi refuses to turn on the heating all the way because we can just "wear more layers"
BRUNO: Classic Mrs. Khan!
BRUNO: If I was there, I'd warm you up
"What's that supposed to mean?" Kamala mutters to herself.
Ironically, a similar thing is said 2,886 miles away.
"What did I mean by that?" Bruno mutters to himself. He quickly tries to remedy the situation.
BRUNO: Ik how to make an effective heater with an electric fan and lots of copper wire 
"OH! Oh, okay.." Kamala murmurs, slightly disappointed although she can't pinpoint why she is. 
KAMALA: Dang where's our token white boy when we need him 
Suddenly, Bruno hears his name get called by his roommate, Kwezi. "Yankee Doodle, we're going to go put 'snow' all over the Blacker house, wanna come?" The roommate says, accompanied by their other friend Michelle. 
"We borrowed the huge snow machine." She says excitedly.
The paper can probably wait. But he would never leave Kamala hanging.
BRUNO: Ok apparently we're going to go put fake snow over one of the dorms
BRUNO: Payback for replacing our vending machine food with carrots
BRUNO: I'll ttyl?
KAMALA: You are really living the life over there B
KAMALA: Don't have too much fun over there we miss you
She wants to say "I miss you" but that's too bold for the girl.
BRUNO: Sure thing :)
Hopefully, going out for a prank can help him get over how much he misses home. And by home, he's not talking about his chilly hometown but rather a certain Captain Marvel fangirl who loves gyros.
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kwezioutdoors · 5 months
Gorilla Trekking Safaris and the Beauty of the Wilderness
Gorilla trekking and safaris are not merely journeys; they are immersive experiences that connect us with the untamed beauty of the wilderness. One destination that stands out for these extraordinary encounters is Uganda. In this blog post, we explore the allure of Gorilla Trekking and Safaris in Uganda, with a special focus on the exceptional offerings of Kwezi Outdoors.
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The Magic of Gorilla Trekking:
1. Breathtaking Encounters: Gorilla trekking is an unparalleled adventure that brings you face-to-face with these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. The dense forests of Uganda, particularly in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, offer a surreal setting for these encounters. Kwezi Outdoors ensures that every trek is led by experienced guides, providing a safe and informative journey.
2. Unique Wildlife and Flora: Beyond gorillas, Uganda Safaris present an opportunity to witness an incredible array of wildlife and lush flora. From diverse bird species to other primates like chimpanzees, the biodiversity of Uganda's national parks adds to the richness of the safari experience. Kwezi Outdoors tailors its safaris to showcase the extraordinary variety of the Ugandan wilderness.
3. Cultural Immersion: Uganda is not only known for its remarkable wildlife but also for its vibrant cultures. Kwezi Outdoors integrates cultural experiences into their safaris, allowing travelers to interact with local communities, learn about traditional practices, and immerse themselves in the cultural tapestry of the region.
Gorilla Safaris with Kwezi Outdoors:
1. Expertly Crafted Itineraries: Kwezi Outdoors prides itself on crafting safari itineraries that encompass the best of Uganda's natural wonders. From gorilla trekking adventures to wildlife safaris, each itinerary is meticulously planned to offer an unforgettable experience. The company's expertise ensures that every moment is optimized for discovery and enjoyment.
2. Comfortable and Sustainable Accommodations: Accommodations play a crucial role in the safari experience. Kwezi Outdoors selects lodges and camps that not only provide comfort but also prioritize sustainable practices. This commitment to responsible tourism ensures that travelers leave minimal ecological impact while enjoying the best in hospitality.
3. Personalized Service: Understanding that every traveler is unique, Kwezi Outdoors provides personalized services. Whether you are a solo adventurer, a couple seeking a romantic escape, or a family on a wildlife exploration, Kwezi Outdoors tailors its services to meet your specific needs and preferences.
Conclusion: Gorilla trekking and safaris in Uganda offer a glimpse into the untouched beauty of the wilderness, making it a bucket-list-worthy adventure for nature enthusiasts. With Kwezi Outdoors as your guide, the journey becomes not just an exploration but a harmonious connection with nature and culture.
Choose Kwezi Outdoors for an immersive experience that goes beyond traditional safaris. Whether you are drawn to the awe-inspiring encounters with gorillas or the diverse landscapes of Uganda, Kwezi Outdoors ensures that every moment is a testament to the beauty and significance of the wilderness. Embark on a journey with Kwezi Outdoors and discover the magic that awaits in the heart of Africa's untamed landscapes.
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blackisdivine · 2 years
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KWEZI comics
“Set on a contemporary South African backdrop, Kwezi a 19 year old boy that discovers he has superpowers, and so the journey towards his purpose begins...”
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negusiii · 2 years
Afrocentric Paradigms
A revolutionary shift
In thinking Proposals.
Constructional adjustment
To complete disorientation.
Deconstructing the lack of agency, decently
Dismantling supremacy and systematic bigotry.
Peek a boo!
The power of reading, my brother
Pick a book, my sister.
Gravity-defying with your hair
skin that absorbs sunlight
Heavenly splendor
Godlike beauty
of the initial and final.
Fix your crown, and sashay across the earth
Never slanting, always beaming
There is no one like us, I swear.
Moon and sun (my twins, Zuba na Kwezi).
With the certainty of tides
hopes springing high
Still, we rise!
Road to the riches
keep it going
Lets Stay on track
Never count your eggs before they hatch, that's on fact
Elon Bucks tell me where the musk at
Major change in modality
Mondays we dress nominal
business-casual, subliminal
outright revolution—and the reactions of those appalled by this way of thinking.
Been dope, this is reality, the year is 2022
speaking in voodoo
We don't see eye to eye, I am a different pupil
Common as whoever, dap me in the street
Method nauseant, Instilling concepts into the brains of the audience
Street poet, special art from a global reach
Giving a speech
Written rap, bound to make a great impact
To give life, now that is Power, and that’s on GOD
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Nqobile Kwezi
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epageone · 11 hours
Kwezi Kaganda Ruhinda: Crafting Stories from Stage to Screen
Renowned actor, writer, director, and educator Kwezi Kaganda Ruhinda recently shared his journey and insights on MultiChoice’s Home of Our Stars alongside Flavia Tumusiime. From his early days with the Ebonies to his current role crafting compelling narratives for TV and theatre, Kwezi’s career has been a testament to passion and dedication in Uganda’s evolving arts scene. In 1989, amidst the…
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kmgquote · 2 months
Dream for another day
How would you improve your community? What my eyes have seen can never be compared to what I have experienced I will be lying if I say I’m comfortable but I ain’t giving up yet I’m not content with what I have but I’m appreciative The inclusive plan nearby open land next to Kwezi Park, Khayelitsha 7784 – I would build a hall with 4 departments 1 computer lab (add landlines) Call Center 1…
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digitalcreationsllc · 6 months
Five great Benjamin Zephaniah collaborations you’ve probably never heard before | Juno Daily
Mala, Bomb The Bass and more worked with the departed bard of Birmingham When the death of Benjamin Zephaniah was announced yesterday, we lost the country’s premier poet and one of the sharpest political activist and communicators around. Like other leading poets to emerge during the era of punk rock – see also John Cooper Clarke and Linton Kwezi Johnson – Zephaniah had his rhymes set to music…
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Hey.....me.  I’m back again, and so much has happened, in particular this semester.  I had so much fun this semester, with my friends more especially. The memories i’ve made with them, are definitely to be grateful for and cherished. I had made up my mind about boys, well....i was fooling myself, cause i’m sleeping with one now. Yeah i saw him through a friend, but i just couldn’t help my cravings, of one year 3 months without sex. I was celibate for that long, i too am flabbergasted that i stayed that long without sex. Well, it was for my own benefit, to focus on me for a while, my academics mostly. I took the decision to be celibate because i was also prioritizing my spiritual journey with God, to be pure. But this year, 2023? Amazing so far. I have never had so much confidence in being a player, literally all my life, i just wanted to settle, but my chances to were always slim. So much has happened, partying with the gents, drinking constantly like....EVERYDAY bro, its alcohol and weed. I am starting to not even get used to the life of being a sober minded person, its boring, but its not, i’m just addicted to it. I grew more open with the gents, man, because i had devoted my time and energy to them, my family there in Jozi currently. They’ve been nothing but so good to me, and i love, absolutely adore our time spending together, its epic! Mzwandile, Kat, and Ron are good friends, for real. I appreciate them so much, man, for all that they have done. Kwezi, Luzuko and Kabelo, my favs ke sana, my flag family. Yeah, there’s drama, but one thing about us, we got each other’s backs so much. I had never imagined, again, i’d be associated with a gay squad because of how dramatic it turns out to be, but these ones? So refreshing, man. .  As months continue to go by, i still get triggered by small things, things that are in the past but i had forced myself to forget, for what?  Met a nigga i liked, through a friend, but honestly, i wanted to just sleep with him, but he got it the other way around. Now, we’re friends, urgghhh...i never wanted it to start like that. Yeah we kissed, and i absolutely loved it, i wanted it to happen so bad, but it happened at the wrong time. It may look like i betrayed my friend, because they were vibing, well...used to vibe a year ago. Now, i’m still fucking a nigga the very same friend of mine knows, except that i have decided, we’re gonna be fuck buddies this year. It was my first time being cuddled, getting hikkies and doing such good sex positions. Oh my word he fucks so good, he literally does his job, and i give him an 8/10. I am still proud of myself for not forsaking God, my source, my Lord and Savior. With all the drinking and smoking on a daily bases, i still am stuck with God, through praying and reading the holy word. I guess this year is my year to explore, to do as i please, and never be apologetic, a year of not letting my emotions rule my judgement, to not be partial but be a person who is fair. I also met Mookodi, whos such a free spirit, we click and i like our vibe. He has been through a lot, man, but i believe we add on that cherry on top of his problems as his friends.  Now, i’ve got 6 months left to make it, to ace my academics, with Mzwandile and Kat, but its all gonna be worth it, i know. 
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phierie · 2 years
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wind down doodles of the ms marvel gang
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kwezioutdoors · 5 months
Exploring Bwindi Impenetrable Forest: A Gorilla Safari Experience
Nestled in the heart of Uganda, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest stands as a testament to the breathtaking biodiversity that Africa has to offer. For wildlife enthusiasts and adventure seekers, a journey through this UNESCO World Heritage Site with Kwezi Outdoors promises an unparalleled gorilla safari experience. Let's delve into the enchanting allure of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and the unique adventure that awaits those who choose to explore its depths.
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1. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest: The Jewel of Uganda Safaris Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is renowned for harboring nearly half of the world's mountain gorilla population, making it a bucket-list destination for wildlife enthusiasts. With Kwezi Outdoors as your guide, you have the opportunity to embark on a gorilla trekking adventure like no other. The dense foliage and challenging terrain only add to the mystique of the forest, creating an environment that feels untouched and truly wild.
2. Gorilla Trekking: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Encounter The highlight of any visit to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is undoubtedly the chance to encounter mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Kwezi Outdoors, with its experienced guides, ensures a safe and respectful trekking experience. As you navigate the rugged trails, the anticipation builds, and then, in a magical moment, you come face to face with these magnificent creatures. The connection between humans and gorillas in this primal setting is an emotional and transformative experience.
3. Diverse Flora and Fauna: A Botanical Wonderland Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is not just about gorillas; it's a haven for biodiversity. The forest boasts a remarkable variety of plant and animal species, many of which are endemic to the region. Kwezi Outdoors guides provide insights into the flora, pointing out rare orchids, towering trees, and vibrant birdlife. The forest is a living, breathing testament to the wonders of nature, and every step brings a new discovery.
4. Immerse in Local Culture: Community Encounters Kwezi Outdoors takes pride in offering more than just a wildlife experience. Engage with the local communities surrounding Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and gain a deeper understanding of their way of life. Kwezi Outdoors facilitates responsible tourism initiatives that contribute to the well-being of these communities, ensuring that your visit has a positive impact on both the environment and the people who call this region home.
Conclusion: A Journey Into the Wild with Kwezi Outdoors In conclusion, exploring Bwindi Impenetrable Forest with Kwezi Outdoors is not just a safari; it's a journey into the heart of untamed Africa. The gorilla safari experience goes beyond the thrill of encountering mountain gorillas; it is a chance to connect with nature on a profound level. The lush greenery, diverse wildlife, and the rich cultural tapestry of the surrounding communities create an immersive experience that leaves an indelible mark on your soul.
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With Kwezi Outdoors as your guide, every moment in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest becomes a story to be told, a memory to be cherished. The brand's commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism ensures that your adventure contributes to the conservation of this extraordinary ecosystem. So, pack your sense of wonder, embark on a gorilla safari with Kwezi Outdoors, and let the magic of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest unfold before your eyes.
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masezerano · 2 years
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(Esiteri 9:1) N’uko mu KWEZI KWA 12 kwitwa ADARI, kw’igenekerezo rya 13, niwo musi nyene icagezwe c’umwami n’itegeko ryiwe vyari bishitse ko bikorwa, niwo musi abansi b’abayuda baziga ko babahagarara ku gakanu, ARIKO BIRAHINDUKA, abayuda baba aribo babahagarara ku gakanu abari babafitiye urwanko. Ndavugishijwe ku buzima bwawe, ko nah’umwansi wawe yarazi ko vyaheze, ico Imana yateguye ku buzima bwawe kitakibaye, uku kwezi nyene kwa nyuma kwa 2022 kutarahera, Imana irabishikije mw’Izina rya YESU. Urinjirana intsinzi n’umunezero muri 2023. Turabakunda kandi turabubashe cane #MASEZERANO #IHIMBAZWE #WAMCNY https://www.instagram.com/p/Cln0kh9NXDT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kigalisight · 2 years
Biravugwa: Amavubi yabonye rutahizamu mushya ukomoka muri Espagne
Biravugwa: Amavubi yabonye rutahizamu mushya ukomoka muri Espagne
Biravugwa ko Umunya Espagne Jon Bakero ukina mu kiciro cya 3 muri Espagne azakinira Amavubi mu mikino ya gishuti ateganya muri uku kwezi arimo uwa Sudan. Jon Bakero Gonzalez yemeye gukinira ikipe y’igihugu y’u Rwanda Amavubi akayifasha kugera kure mu marushanwa yo ku mugabane w’Afurika. Jon Bakero afite imyaka 25 akaba akinira ikipe ya Pontevedra mu cyiciro cya gatatu muri Espagne. Ikipe…
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kmgquote · 10 months
Discheme future plans
🕯🕯🕯 For discheme distribution group to open another franchise in Thembikhwezi mall situated in Kwezi Park close to Mandalay. We need closer access to medication over the counter It will save us cost to travel just to buy meds Job creation being achieved Happy customers also Even more potential customers What Do You Think Guys??? – #KMGquote
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