#Kyungsoo dating scandal
eomayas · 1 year
is it too late for a req? if not can i request a drabble exo’s reactions when the public are shipping them with reader. Thanks!
exo and how i think they would react to being shipped with another idol [req]
due to lack of specification, let’s pretend reader is an idol! no jongdae in this one.
xiumin: after appearing on a variety show together, it was hard for the viewers to ignore the chemistry between the two of you. i mean, xiumin was laughing at all of your jokes, and turning red when you'd look at him and smile. he feels embarrassed for letting his feelings show so openly, but he's on the side of the viewers. perhaps the shipping pushes him to finally ask you out on a date.
junmyeon: after a video of the two of you smiling at each other goes viral, of course the speculations start. it doesn’t help that a few weeks before, you had done an interview saying that exo is one of your favorite groups (other than your own, of course), so it really just adds fuel to the fire. junmyeon, on the other hand, doesn’t necessarily care since he's grown, but he doesn't acknowledge the rumors. he doesn't hate them either ;)
baekhyun: he probably created them himself, tbh.
chanyeol: is shocked at first, because he was just being himself when those videos of you two surfaced. finds it even funnier now that he's dating you :)
kyungsoo: he avoids you at all costs when you two are in the same room LMAOOO. he is very polite, but doesn't stand next to you anymore, and tries not to look in your direction as much. he doesn't hate being shipped with you, but he doesn't want the possible scandal.
jongin: thinks its funny because he was definitely flirting with you on that variety show
sehun: doesn't care and doesn't get why you two are being shipped after standing next to each other
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sooinbloom · 8 months
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The Kingdom of Us
Chapter 4
pairing: kyungsoo x OFC genre: Royal!AU, nonidol!soo, crownprince!kyungsoo, romance, drama theme: arranged marriage, modern royalty, enemies to lovers, war, betrayal, eventual smut word count: 5,607 description: Kyungsoo comes to terms with his true feelings while Alina finally accepts what her life has become. warnings: mature themes, mentions of sex, mentions of possible assault, mild violence, minors DNI
author’s note: Hello dear friend! I’m feeling so much better now. I’ve worked really hard on editing this chapter and I hope that you enjoy it. Getting into Kyungsoo’s mind will definitely be interesting. Photos are not mine. Happy reading!
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I watched Alina shiver as I called her mine. The way her pupils dilated as I said those words to her told me everything that I needed to know. She was all I could think about for the rest of the night. Even through drills this morning, I wanted to see her react that way to me again. I loved pushing her buttons to see what would get her the most flustered, it seems calling her mine does wonders. Alina challenged me, no woman has done that to me before. She also irritated the hell out of me with her walls being so high that I can’t break through them. No one is going to buy this act if she’s so tense around me all the damn time.
Before the betrothal, I couldn’t be bothered with the thought of love or the notion of it. I didn’t want it. I had dated before and had one serious relationship but that was it. I never had to worry about my needs being met or not. I saw what “love” can do to people. Mother came to mind with her selfish actions that almost caused a scandal if it wasn’t kept under wraps. An affair with a royal guard can do that, and it changed Father’s outlook on the betrothal completely. Lady Daeun used to by my caregiver, but Father instead assigned her as Mother’s “assistant”, a fancy word for chaperone. Every single day, Mother is miserable that she’s figuratively chained to Father forever. It didn’t help that their marriage was also arranged. I didn’t want Alina to be that miserable with me. I didn’t want to end up like my parents.
Once drills ended, I left the Training Grounds and made my way to the gardens. The entire walk there I gaslight myself into believing I’m not doing this for any other reason except to see what will make her break. And what kind of dress she was wearing. Alina’s body was like a sculpted work of art, and the dresses she wore enticed my attention. I had dreams of taking those pretty dresses off of her and drown myself in between her hips. The thoughts get darker when she wears the dresses that lace up on her chest… Kyungsoo, focus!
Grandfather always said that there would be one woman that would change my point of view on love, and he hoped it would be Alina. His hope was fulfilled. My heart started beating the moment I saw Alina. I hated how she made me feel, this whole light feeling in my head and the heart palpitations… If love is so great, why do I always feel like I’m going to die when I think about her? The worst part about it is that it’s not like Alina had to do anything in particular, she just was… I can’t even explain it.
I stop when I hear her soft voice whimpering at the same corner she always sits in. I peer over the hedges to see her on the phone, her face wet with tears.
“Ana… I… I thought he would be different. When I first saw him, I swear I fell in love. He has made it so clear that he’s rejected me. This family rejected me. How… No, Ana. I can’t keep being patient. He’s not gonna come around. He won’t. Is there something wrong with me for being in love with him? Mmm… This is different than Seth and your marriage. You’re happy and having a baby!”
Hearing Alina sobbing about me on the phone with her sister made me nervous. Now I’m going to look like a complete asshole to her family. I don’t need that. I also didn’t need to hear what I heard next.
“And that’s the other thing. Duke Chanyeol won’t take a hint. He visited me again today and was so flirty. I don’t understand, we haven’t spent more than a few hours together. Ana, you know his reputation. I don’t want him. I want… this is so stupid… Please… Tell me if I’m being stupid about this… About Crown Prince Kyungsoo…” Chanyeol did what?
That’s it. No more games.
I turn away and head straight for Chanyeol’s cottage, my sights were set on him and only him. Fury burns in me that I can’t control anymore and he needs to know I’m serious about this. I barge through the door and see him getting cozy with a girl he’d been talking to, which enrages me even more.
“You. Get up. Now.” I growl.
“Oh my GAWD. Crown Prince Kyungsoo!” The girl’s eyes widen. I pay her no mind and focus on Chanyeol.
“Baby, just go to my bedroom and wait for me there.” Chanyeol coos and guides the girl up and away from the couch. Once she’s out of sight, I pull him by his shirt and slam him onto the wall. “What was that for?”
“I want you to listen, I’m only going to tell you once.” I pick him up off the ground and hold him by his arm. “I don’t care what it is you think you’re doing, but don’t mess with Princess Alina. You don’t go near her. You don’t persuade her to leave me and make a fool of me for your selfish desires. You can do whatever the hell it is you do with other women but not her. I don’t give a damn if we’re blood or not. If you as much as look in Princess Alina’s direction, you’ll regret it. Understood?”
“What are you talking about?” Chanyeol asks with a devious grin. I grip his shirt tighter and shove him against the wall.
“You know damn well what I’m talking about. Princess Alina isn’t at your disposal. She’s not yours to toy with. I don’t know where you got the idea that you could be so bold with my princess.” I grit through my teeth.
“Your princess? Could’ve had my fooled. You barely even speak to her, let alone show any ounce of affection toward her. She may not be a sure thing but she can keep a secret. You said so yourself, I could have her, did you not? So, I’m trying to get her.” At that moment, all I can see is red. By the time I can blink, Chanyeol’s on the ground with a bloody mouth.
“This is the only warning you’re getting. Stay the hell away from her!” I yell and storm off. Something is definitely wrong with me if I was willing to punch my own cousin for this woman. I hope I’m not making an idiot of myself. I stop walking and shake out my hand, then the thought dawns on me. There’s only one way to know what Alina really wants, and it’s in the pages of her diary. I’ve seen her writing in it, it only makes sense the truth will be in there. I take my phone from my pocket and call the only person I know that can get the diary without an issue.
“Baekhyun? I need a favor.”
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That night, I tossed and turned in bed. My head is a disaster of the consequences of Chanyeol not listening to me. Thoughts of him trying to seduce Alina heightened my anger and made her words keep repeating over and over as if on a loop in my memory. Is there something wrong with me for being in love with him? Tell me I’m being stupid about this… About Crown Prince Kyungsoo…
She’s in love with me. I don’t understand how but she is. Was it the waltz in the garden? How I told her she was mine? Or how she took all of this way too seriously? I pushed it down and did my best to ignore it, but it kept coming back up and settling in my chest. It could all be bullshit, but I’ll find out once I get my hands on her diary. The sun started to rise through the window and I needed air.
I got out of bed and got myself ready to go on a walk around the Palace property before drills. The crisp autumn air greeted me with a welcomed chill. As I neared the opening of the trail, I saw Alina casually pacing with her head down focused on her phone. I’ve never seen her in sweatpants before, this is new. Who is she talking to? I stop myself and take a breath. This is my chance to once and for all prove to myself that I don’t really have feelings for her and we can move on.
“Good morning, Princess.” I greet Alina.
“Crown Prince… Good morning.” Alina mumbles with hesitation. She shoves her phone in her sweatpants pocket and places her hands in her hoodie. She looks exhausted as if she hadn’t slept well. Concern riddled me and I cross my arms in front of my chest, trying my best to not reach for her. “I was texting Ana, my sister. You look like you want to to ask so let’s get that out of the way.”
“Are you alright?” I ask, ignoring her statement.
“Yeah, just couldn’t sleep is all.” She replies quickly. Guilt starts to pick at me. I probably wasn’t helping the situation.
“Why couldn’t you sleep?” I watch Alina fidget with the engagement ring on her finger. Warmth floods my veins at the sight of my ring resting so nicely on her hand.
“Oh… No reason.” She mutters.
“Would you care to go on a walk with me?”
“I would rather…”
“There are things we need to discuss, Princess. I sped up the engagement and we have decisions to make.” I know it’s not the best practice to lie, but how else would Alina spend time with me? Reluctantly, she walks toward me with defeated eyes.
“Lead the way.”
I try my best to hide my smirk and start walking the trail that leads into the forest, knowing how much she loves it. “I know I was supposed to formally give you the engagement ring at the Ball, I jumped the gun. I’m uncertain if a long engagement is a good idea.”
“We were given 90 days. We’re practically 30 days in, so we’re on track. I am surprised you gave me the ring so soon.” Alina comments, looking down at the glimmering diamond.
“You seem to like it. The ring.” I was hoping she would. I spent hours on the phone with her sister, Ana, to get everything right. She’ll never know that, of course. It also scored me some points with Ana, to her I’m the most ideal man for her baby sister… or I was, depending on how the conversations have been going between the two.
“I do.” Alina agrees. “Every detail was thought out. Something I wouldn’t expect from you.”
“Oh, you hurt me!” I clutch my chest. We walk further into the forest and Alina takes a deep breath. I watch her chest rise and fall, the circles under her eyes more apparent as she struggles to open them. She yawns softly with her hand covering her mouth and turns to me.
“I appreciate the thought, Your Grace. Though… I think our fathers waited too long for an alliance. They could have forged one years ago without marrying us off.” Alina muses. “Politically speaking, our kingdoms becoming true allies will help during this time of uncertainty. Really, there couldn’t have been a better time for this alliance to be officially formed. We’ve been shadow allies for as long as I could remember. However, now that we’re getting married, we have more of an advantage when it come to helping the subjects of both of our kingdoms. We can give aid to the hospitals and facilities for the people that need mental health care from previous wars, both veterans and civilians. We can do a lot for the poor and volunteer our time to helping where we can. It’s my mission once I am Crown Princess.”
Her reasoning brought me to a halt. She knew a lot more than she led on… Or that I paid attention to. I’m curious what else lies underneath the surface, I’m intrigued… I want to know more. “You really do care about your people, don’t you?”
“Of course. My life is meant to be in service to them. Even if I’m not Valencia’s Princess anymore, our alliance still gives me a chance to help my people.” She nods.
The last couple of minutes were the most we’ve gotten along since we met. Perhaps our conversations should be led by politics and not our personal relationship… Or lack thereof. I listen to her ideas of donating money to various operations and volunteering our time to them. Seoul Royals hardly go to the front lines to help, but Alina wanted to change that. Valencia is known for their charity, I didn’t know how to implement changes like that, but it looks like I’ll have to try. I nod in agreement and look over at her.
“I believe we can have a decent plan of action once you’re Crown Princess. We must discuss the formalities.” I muse, holding back my real sentiments.
“We can come to a formal agreement after the wedding… Which will be when?” The warmth started to appear in her eyes again. Ana told me how Alina wants a beautiful, simple wedding. I wonder if it matters that she’s marrying me, or does she just want a beautiful moment for herself?
“That’s up to you. Whenever you’d like.”
“I was asked for my preferences of colors and flowers this week. It should be soon I guess. I don’t have any date in mind to be honest… Other obstacles appeared in my path, Crown Prince.”
With a sigh, I decide to start this next part of the conversation by apologizing to get her to open up a little bit. “Princess. I want to apologize.”
“Please, stop Your Grace. I’m getting tired of the mind games. And how you never cared about the betrothal law. I could keep going.” Oh, she’s stubborn. She pouts when she’s irritated, it’s cute, it makes up for her stubbornness.
“There won’t be any more mind games. My relationship with that Princess from the Emirates was a one-off thing, and I know I was being selfish. I…”
“That bitch.” Alina mutters under her breath. Her cheeks turn red at the realization she said it out loud. “Forgive me, Crown Prince.”
“Who are you talking about?”
“No one, I… well… Your ex-girlfriend is my good friend, Samira. Former friend I presume now. She told me all about your secret relationship… Everything about it. Knowing you were betrothed to me. I knew every detail except your name. She has some nerve RSVPing to the Ball.” Alina rants.
Princess Samira and I met by chance. Our relationship quickly turned physical, I wouldn’t really call her a girlfriend. I did all the boyfriend things she wanted just to shut her up. She’s a beautiful girl but was too clingy for my liking. The moment she started talking about running away together to get married and nagging me about it, I broke things off. It was a year of fun, but obviously not worth it. Regret quickly forged its way through me, but seeing Alina jealous was quite entertaining. It’s amusing how the tables have turned. I stop walking and laugh. Alina slowly turns and crosses her arms.
“Isn’t it ironic how you were upset at me for being irritated about you and Chanyeol being alone, and here you are being jealous?”
“I’m not jealous! I’m angry that my own friend would betray me with the Prince I was set to marry! All of the bouquets of roses. The gifts. The… Explicit rendezvouses…” Alina trails off. What exactly did Samira tell her? Alina eyes me and walks ahead of me. I call to her and jog to catch up with her steps, reaching for her hand. She snatches it away but I take it again while turning her to face me. “You’re… Adventurous, Crown Prince.”
“Princess, don’t sit here and pretend you’re a saint. You had to have at least kissed someone else before. None of us are perfect.” I say cautiously, and the moment a small smirk appears on her face, I knew she wasn’t as innocent as she claimed to be. “Who did you kiss, Princess?”
“I… Well… Prince Gustavo of Bogota. It was just a summer thing when I was a teenager. His family came to visit Mariposa in their summer home and it just happened. He was my first kiss… But we just kissed. A lot.” Alina blushes. The thought of Alina kissing that bastard infuriated me. I had to be fair, I had a sexual relationship with her friend. I didn’t know Samira was her friend but even if Alina had some sort of relationship with Gustavo, would it be right for me to be jealous? It’s an even playing field now. I didn’t like it, but we just proved to ourselves that we aren’t puritans who follow each rule to the letter.
“Fair, I guess.” I muttered.
Alina giggles and continues walking. “Is this what it’s like to be in a relationship? Learning these things about each other? I’m uncertain I like the idea of knowing my friend’s sex trips were with… You. And knowing all of the things you did to her.”
“Like what?” I ask coyly, curious of what exactly Samira told her. “What bothers you the most?”
“Like I would divulge that to you!” She snaps with bright red cheeks. “I’ll do my best to forget it and move on, Crown Prince.”
“Just as I’ll forget that stupid, pompous jackass Gustavo made out with you whenever he could.” I say under my breath. Alina rolls her eyes and laces her fingers behind her back. We walk in silence and all I could think about was Gustavo kissing Alina. Is that why Alina doesn’t want me to kiss her? Because it meant something with Gustavo and means nothing with me? The thought comes to mind and I immediately regret it leaving my mouth. “Is that why you won’t kiss me? Because it doesn’t mean anything to you if I kiss you?”
Alina’s eyes widen and she shakes her head. “No. That’s not why, Your Grace.”
“Then what is it?”
“It’s because I know it means nothing to you.” She reasons. I bring our hands together, patting myself on the back for giving myself this opportunity.
“It does mean something to me.” I slowly reply, bringing Alina in front of me. I look into her tired eyes and brush my fingers on her cheek. “I want your permission to prove it, Princess.”
“Prove it, then.” Alina nervously grants my request. She doesn’t look too certain that I really do mean what I say.
I bring my hands to the sides of her face, my thumbs resting on her cheeks. Her breath hitches and for a moment, our lips barely brush. It’s not enough, I bring her closer and press my mouth on hers. I kiss her gently, slowly. Cradling her head in my hands, I can feel our hearts beating fast against each other as I part her lips with mine. Alina slowly takes me over second by second. I’m captured in her embrace, latched on to her like she gives me the air that I need to breathe.
God, I need her. I need her so desperately.
Her tongue slides across my bottom lip, and I fall deeper. I take the control back and explore her mouth, her soft whimpers fueling my awakened desires for her. My arms enclose her, our bodies melting together in a warm, gentle connection. I retract, pecking her lips to punctuate my words.
“I don’t want…” kiss, “to stop…” kiss, “this…”
“We have to.” Alina relents in between breaths. I’m frozen in the moment, dazed from our connection. She takes a few steps back with her arms stiff at her side. She’s fighting her intuition, her wants. Why? “This can be dangerous.”
“Princess.” I pathetically call to Alina, she gracefully comes back to me. Her lips are quivering and all I want is to soothe them with mine.
“I don’t know what I’m doing, Crown Prince.” Alina says nervously.
“Come here.” I bring our lips back together like a fiend getting his fix. I hold her in my arms and allow her in again. She presses me onto a tree trunk and grips my jacket, allowing herself to dissolve in me. Feeling her soft flesh pressed against mine is a new thrill I want to possess as much as I possibly can. As soon as I grip her hips, our connection stops short. Alina sighs, her face unreadable.
“Now I understand what mutually beneficial means.”
“What?” I allow her to pull away from me, as much as I don’t want it.
“Isn’t this what you wanted, Crown Prince? Now, I don’t think I mind it. It’s nice that there’s no strings attached.” Her words sink into me like knives as she walks away. I’m creating a monster. That kiss was other worldly, but she passed it off as being part of our agreement.
I did it. I proved to myself I don’t just have feelings for her.
I’m in love with Princess Alina of Mariposa and I have to stop this from spiraling out of control.
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I watched the clock and yawned at the sight of the hands striking midnight. This meeting had been dragging on and on and the last thing I wanted to worry about was Azteco and their temper tantrums. The latest were propaganda filled newscasts about Seoul that spread like wildfire on the internet about me and how I’m power hungry. I could care less about that.
“…What will we do about the threat to the Princess, Your Highness?”
“What threat?” I sit up, my attention shoots to Commander Jongin, Head of Security and Strategy advisor. We became good friends when I first enlisted in the military, his intelligence and knack for finding weak spots in our plans made me recruit him for my military personnel. Father couldn’t be bothered with these things, so he put me in charge of the Military. If we’re being honest, I do everything the King is supposed to do, just without the title. The only thing standing in my way of the Crown is tradition. If there’s a threat to Alina, it needs to be addressed. I can’t have a wedding if my fiancée is dead.
“Crown Prince, we have been made aware of a direct threat from His Royal Highness King Daniel toward Her Royal Highness Princess Alina. Attached is the transcript from our spies, Your Highness.” Commander Minseok, the Head of Intelligence, adds. Commander Jongin holds his hand up to me, signaling for me to stay calm and wait. Minseok hands me the transcript, as soon as I read what’s on the page I want to be sick.
Report to the Crown of Seoul in reference to King Daniel is as follows: King Daniel has sent spies to watch Princess Alina of Mariposa as she prepares to wed Crown Prince Kyungsoo in Seoul. These said spies have been captured and are being questioned by Seoul Military Police. His Royal Highness is requesting photos and updates of Princess Alina. He is desiring to remove Her Royal Highness Queen Maria from the Throne and have Princess Alina replace her, give him his “true heir” and be his wife. We have no evidence of a previous relationship between the two, only an agenda to cause the Doh Dynasty to fall. King Daniel uses vulgar terms to describe Her Royal Highness, please review the following conversation with caution.
- Lieutenant Jongdae
Conversation Transcript:
King Daniel: Have we heard anything about the Princess?
General 1: Which one?
King Daniel: The one that cries when I finish with her. Alina.
General 2: She’s pretty, Your Highness
King Daniel: Would I want an ugly bride? How are the plans for bringing her here to Azteco? Those hips of hers cannot only hypnotize men but give me the heir I so desire.
General 1: Plans are in motion, Your Highness. We must get her before she is set to marry the Crown Prince, correct?
King Daniel: I can have her whenever I so please! I miss her and how she feels. Her sister simply cannot compare. Kill anyone who gets in your way. Make sure her guard is down, understood?
Generals: Yes, your Highness!
“Your Highness, we are adding extra security…”
“That won’t be enough, General Junmyeon.” I growl, my blood boiling. I throw the transcript and jump to my feet. A line has been crossed that should’ve never been crossed. “I know what I have to do, General. Gentleman, we’re adjourning this meeting for the night. I will reconvene our gathering once I have a solid plan. Thank you.”
“Crown Prince!” Commander Jongin calls. “What is it that you’re going to do?”
“Following protocol for once, Commander. Seoul Law declares more protection for a Crown Princess of its Kingdom, not a foreign Princess. I must marry Princess Alina as soon as possible.” I explain. “Right after the ball, I must marry her.”
“Crown Prince! Don’t act in haste!” General Junmyeon calls. I turn and narrow my gaze on my trusted general.
“I have no choice, General. What use is this entire alliance if the woman I’m supposed to marry is kidnapped or dead? If you’ll excuse me, I have calls to make.” I exit the War Room and send a mass email to the Wedding Planning committee, demanding we speed things up. Once I get the approvals, a question still remains: what date will this wedding take place? Groaning, I just pick a date.
Next week. The 12th.
I finish the emails, receive more confirmations and set up wedding planning for the Princess, she must want to have some role in all of this. My thoughts get interrupted by a text from Baekhyun.
Meet me in my house. I have something for you.
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“I got what you asked for.” Baekhyun grumbles, throwing himself on the couch. “Why you wanted Absolut Vodka and Alina’s diary? I don’t know. I mean… I’d be a mess if I found out my enemy was obsessed with my betrothed, too. But the diary?”
“Enough. I don’t wanna hear it.” I grip the bottle of vodka, then change my mind. I need to have a clear head because anything can happen at the drop of a hat. Also, I need to be sure I understand exactly what’s going on in Alina’s head. “It’s just for confirmation.”
“Confirmation of what? Isn’t it so cute how you deny your feelings for Princess Alina when it’s so obvious?” Baekhyun grins.
“Baekhyun…” I grumble.
“Well, go on. I didn’t pay a maid to swipe this for you to sulk and not read it.” Baekhyun takes a sip of vodka and nods. “Go ahead, get your confirmation.”
I feel sick reading Alina’s diary like this. I tap the wood of the table, contemplating opening it. I pick it up and it feels heavy, I open the hardcover and see Alina’s neat handwriting on the pages. I brush the words with my fingers, a new entry from today staring me in the face. With guilt-filled eyes, I begin to read.
I feel so lost, dear friend.
I feel worried for my health. I’m not sure when I got a good night’s sleep last. Sleep just isn’t something my body wants to do, especially being away from home for a month. It’s already been a month, can you believe that, dear friend?
I never leave the palace, I don’t want to. Queen Hyunae makes sure to leave me out of schedules now that we’ve gone on one together. Forgive me for speaking out of turn toward the Queen, but she can be so terrible to me. I don’t understand it! Duchess Boram isn’t any better. There’s two types of people in my life: those who love me, and those who want something from me. Majority of the people in the palace fall into the second category. Including the Crown Prince.
Dear friend, why must he be so handsome? I know it sounds vain, but it’s not fair someone so handsome can be so… Terrible.
Yet I want him.
There must be something wrong with me for being in love with a man who doesn’t even give a damn about me. Am I living on hope he’ll change?
I spent years daydreaming about escaping my life and building a new one with him, but he treats me just as all of the men around me do, save for Papa and my brothers Santi and Iggy.
My foolish heart felt safe in Kyungsoo’s arms. We kissed today. And it was perfect. I had to keep my guard up. So I played it off as it wasn’t a big deal… but it was, dear friend. That singular moment when it was just us, how his lips felt on mine. I wanted that moment to be stretched out for the rest of my life. All I want is to feel like I am loved, cared for, cherished.
I hope he doesn’t believe the rumors about the Monster and I. I thought I’d escaped him, but the maids were chattering about how he has been watching me. How he wants me on his throne, to be the mother of his children. I’ve never wanted anything less. I want to hide. I feel the Monster everywhere and I can’t escape it. I must tell Crown Prince Kyungsoo the truth. As much as I fear it, I have to. He won’t even want to look at me when he finds out the truth.
Dear friend, I’m leaving this entry here. I leave this entry as a fool. I want to go home… I wish this betrothal wasn’t mine to endure.
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I put the diary down and feel more guilty for hurting Alina. I am everything she wished she'd never get in a husband. I never learned how to let my guard down. I don’t want to hurt Alina anymore. She’s been hurt enough by my own family and King Daniel, but in what way? I look out of the window and imagine Alina sitting in the garden alone with a cup of tea and her favorite poetry book. My heart flutters at the thought of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She deserves a husband who will love her, I don’t know how to be that but I’m willing to try. I close her diary and put it on the table.
“Find anything juicy? Was I right?” Baekhyun asks.
“Yeah. I saw enough.” I mumble. “Baekhyun, my expectations of her weren’t that bad, were they?”
Baekhyun rests his elbows on the arm of the couch. “I want you to think about it this way. The Princess is loyal. She’s intelligent. She doesn’t just sit back and agree with every word you say, she has her own mind. All you’ve been is an asshole to her. You have a good thing and you need to hold onto it. A loyal spouse in an arranged marriage isn’t common. Now, do you feel that pushing her away is a good way for her to stay loyal to you? It’s counterproductive and stupid.”
“Tell me how you really feel.” I nudge Baekhyun’s arm. “I don’t get it. I don’t know what happened.”
“You fell in love, you idiot.” Baekhyun laughs. “Let go of your pride and let it happen. What’s the worst that can happen? You’ll be happy? If you give a woman the world, she’ll give you the universe in return. Since you’re being a very rude host and not drinking the alcohol I bought for you, I’m just gonna go to bed. We have guests coming tomorrow, and I’m interested in seeing Princess Alina’s seamstress. All the way from Valencia, I heard she’s hot for a commoner.”
“You’re disgusting. Thanks for the… Whatever this was.” I roll my eyes.
“A romance strategy meeting!” Baekhyun cheers.
“Right. That. I’ll see you at the ball.” I take my leave and begin walking to my chambers. On the way there, the events of the day replay in my head. The words that Baekhyun said to me interrupted my train of thought. They had points, I can give this whole being nice to Alina thing a shot. I figured if I kept this up, I could find out the secret that she’s hiding. Unless what she was hiding was that summer fling with Prince Gustavo. Son of a bitch.
The kiss. Alina.
My pining for her grew so much that I had to make sure she was sleeping, that she was okay.
I had to find her, I had to prove to her that I was serious. While climbing the stairs, my body starts getting hot. I bite my lip to control the fury in my chest and the conflicting feelings that war back and forth. My concern and care turned to jealousy faster than I could keep up with. Could Chanyeol be in her bed? Could Alina be in Chanyeol’s bed? Is she thinking about Gustavo? I stop and scold myself for not trusting her, for getting so jealous. It was stupid, nonsensical. I turn around and plan to forget I even thought of checking on her.
That is, until I heard her screaming.
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aphrodite1288 · 11 months
i know you said you didnt want to talk about it, but re: one of the other anons about the soukor drug cases.
The second video they linked they said a "top global group from sm", but when i actually went to the video's comments, it seems that it was only about BTS members? theres also one comment that the youtube creator hearted that translated to "BTS did it, but why is our EXO tagged ㅠㅠ". and there are several comments defending bts members, regarding things the video implied, but no comments on exo members.
also about the alleged br*thel list thing, i highly doubt that any information will come out about those celebs if they havent taken drugs at the buildings. most of the men on list are single/unmarried, so theres also no means for "hes having an affair" if there are no drugs involved.
As I said when you see this fuss happening know that the government fucked up and they need a distraction to sway the General Public's Attention from the real matter to a stupid Idol scandal. And all companies sign this with The government to help distract the people to not create a Frenzy in the community and create internal wars and fights which may lead to Separation, Vandalism and Rebellion! It's a Political tactic to control the People of the Land.
And in back, the companies get immense Sponsorships and Raise in their Shares and stocks and bigger exposure. It's a WIN-WIN situation for both parties, only the idols are the victims but some get real cash for accepting to be the bait aka Media Plays.
Government asks big companies to release relevant idols' OLD scandals from the archive to create a gray smoke to hide the real Chaos! Some idols go as sacrifice as their companies sold their info and scandals with evidence for the governmental institutions and sell them and their secrets to the media and Sasaengs! Yes companies sell their Idols! You saw how YG simply sold everything about GD and later on when they were asked they said he's no longer under them so they don't know. Lol you see the betrayal. And they do that when they don't care or want an idol anymore and they just don't care about his career and they did ruin B.I from iKon and BOM from 2ne1, and Lucas from NCT, and Chanyeol, and Bobby and GDragon and TOP from BigBang, and Goo Hara from TARA, and many many more.
Remember they hid the big issue with the old president's impurities and scams and Crimes by bringing up "the Burning Sun" scandal that happened way long ago, and they hid the burning Sun with Jenkai, it was all happening at the same period of time.
Camouflage over Camouflage over Camouflage.
They hid that government personality named "Kyungsoo" during the same day by Dropping the " D.O or Kyungsoo from Exo have officially left SM entertainment" the same day the other Kyungsoo fucked up, while Our D.O's leaving SM fight with SM happened in January but they didn't expose it because SM would lose stocks! They did all their best to hide no company would risk the Loss they will face when the exposure of their potential idol leaving UNLESS they're getting Way more money and Shares and Stocks than what they'll lose 😉 you got what I mean 😉?
They used Kwangsoo and exposed his relationship to hide a lot of shit happening back then. Even though many said him and that woman were just in a business relationship. But I don't wanna believe that.
They used NCT's Taeyang's past and ruined him to hide some political issues and SM thought it was the best time to drop it because it's even more convenient that Kris's departure is happening and affected the company so bad. And they used Baekhyun and Taeyeon and exposed their relationship to hide all this.
Again Camouflage over Camouflage over Camouflage.
Some on the other hand get casted in less harmful scandals aka " SET UP DATING SCANDALS MEDIA PLAY" like Jongin and Jennie did, and Kaistal and Jisoo and Ahn Bohyun and HEECHUL and Momo and So on, Jennie and GDragon. Though Jenkai came to Cover up a lot, to Cover up The burning Sun and Jennie's Lazy Scandal and her affair with her Own Boss YG.
The only couple whom I think were genuine are Jihyo and Daniel, at this point.
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trauma-over-seas · 6 years
Just Clearing Something Up
Maybe perhaps Kai was Jennie’s “bf” but Jongin is and will always be Kyungsoo’s boyfriend
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nowherecarlos · 3 years
Kyungsoo had a ''dating scandal'' in the military... with a man. bruh that baby boy be collecting handsome man that are whipped for him
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oshbluepacific · 3 years
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Type: Angst
Character: DO Kyungsoo x Reader
Words Counted: 3k2+
questions and request are available / masterlist
To you, being an idol isn’t the easiest job in the world. Or the most ‘joyful’ one either. It’s almost like a one-way ticket with no way to return to where you came from. You’re in it, to make a living out of it. There are ups and downs on being an idol. Yes, being an idol means you get the opportunity to see the world, meet new people, being invited to the A listers party, and to inspire people all around the globe. But, being an idol has it’s down too. People would literally comment on everything you say, do—even wherever you go. One false movement then you could end up in the gossip column or even be thrown at a scandalous news to the world. Small conversation with the opposite sex might attract new romance rumors, when really—they’re just having a friendly conversation. If you’re going on a hiatus, people might think that you’re hiding something, of you’re waiting until some scandalous news about you die down before you go back. It’s hard.
But it’s harder when you’re dating another idol.
You met him right after an award show. At that time, it was raining and you were wearing a revealing dress. It was cold, so you were hugging yourself basically.
           “You cold?” A voice asked you. You turn to see none other than the man standing with a matching blue suit.
           “Ah, yeah… My manager is… somewhere, I guess… She left my coat in the car, so here I am, freezing to death.” You joked, and he let out a chuckle before he could take his suit off.
           “Here, wear mine first.” He said giving it to you.
           “Oh, no it’s okay! I’ll be okay—”            “Just wear it, it’s fine…” He said putting it on to you. He then leans in closer to your ear.
           “There are photographers above us, I just don’t want them getting pictures that they shouldn’t take.” He whispered. You turn to him, who was pressing his lips together firmly as he took a step away.
           “Keep it, maybe we’ll meet again someday.” He said before walking away from you as you pull his suit tighter to cover you.
           “Congrast on the win by the way!” He shouted happily and you just smiled.
And you’re glad that the both of you crosses paths for the second time. He was out with his friends, while you were dining by yourself. Wearing a black hoodie and sweats, while he was wearing a black cap, a white t-shirt and a sweatpants with a pair of sandals.
           “The girl with the dress is now the girl with sweats.” He said as he approached your table, and you just giggled.
           “Since, my dress was too revealing for the paparazzies, I need an outfit that covers most parts of my body too.” You winked and he chuckled.
           He looked at his friends for a brief second before turning back to you.
           “So listen, I’m with my friends right now, but I would really love to have a meal with you and get to know you a little bit more in the future, so… can I call you or text you later?” He asked. And you just smiled before both of you could exchange phone numbers.
You talked to him almost everyday until he finally asked you out on dinner. He didn’t want any public media knows about it, so he invited you down to his place where he cooks all of the meal.
           “You cook this much?” You asked as you approached the dinning table in his house.
           “Yeah, I didn’t know how much we’d both be eating, so… I made this much.” He said.
           You turn your head to him and he was smiling from ear to ear. “The more the better.” He said.
He asked you to be his girlfriend on the third date, which was at his place, and the both of you were just watching Netflix until you both got into an intimate conversation.
           “Umm… I don’t know, I think it’s too risky.” You whispered before his forehead could touch yours.
           “I know… but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.” He said.
           You could feel his hand on your back, pulling you closer into his arms.
           “If you don’t want to do it, it’s fine—but I really want to take this chance, even it’s risky.” He said.
           “Nobody can know about us—especially the media!” You pointed out to him, staring deep into his eyes.
           “Especially that.” He said.
           “We have to tell both of our manager so they can help us with our meeting plan, so no media can ever see us.” You told him, and he nodded his head.
           “Of course, we’re just going to keep this out from the media, and our friends.” He said.
           “Okay… So you want to do this?” He asked as his eyes traveled down to your lips before he could look back into your eyes.
           “Yes, yes, I want to do this with you.” You nodded your head with a smile, your arms reflexively moved, wrapping it around his neck.    
           “Okay…” He said in a low voice before he could press his plump lips on yours.
You’ve been dating THE Do Kyungsoo—the singer and actor—for 6 months now since that night he asked you to be his girlfriend. You kept this information really close. Your head agency and also Kyungsoo’s head agency already knew about this, and they agree to keep it as a secret as long as it can. Both yours and Kyungsoo’s manager knows about it too, and both of them have been working together to keep all sorts of public attention, medias, tabloids, fans away from you and Kyungsoo. They also helped to arrange on how you get to Kyungsoo’s place without being spotted, or the other way around it and it has been working so well—
So far.
You were currently eating lunch with you co-star near where you were shooting your drama. You could see some fans whispering as they pass by and some of them let out a squeal of excitement. Not long after that, public media starts to trickled in one by one.
           “Ah, the media’s here.” Minjae said, prepping himself to get off from his seat.
           You looked over yoru shoulders and you could see people hurling the front door with their camera ready in hand.
           You nodded your head before getting up from your seat.
           “Shall we go?” You asked, and Minjae nodded his head.
           Before you could leave the place, you thanked the owner by bowing your head slightly as Minjae followed you. He pulled your hand so that he exit the building first, pushing the both of you through the paparazzi and exciting fans.
           Questions were started being thrown at the both of you. Starting from the questions about yoru drama, then to yours and Minjae’s dating life.
           “Can you tell us what the drama is about?”
           “Can we confirm that you guys are having an off-screen romance?”
           “KIM MINJAE WE LOVE YOU!”
           “Is it true that you’re dating (Y/N)?”
           “(Y/N), are you dating DO Kyungsoo at the moment?”
           You heard the question, but you didn’t react to it, otherwise people would already get a confirmation. You and Minjae didn’t answer to any of the questions and proceed to Minjae’s car.
           “Aish… can people move aside, we’re trying to get out from this place.” He said turning his car engine on.
           You let out a light laugh, but really your head was too distracted by the question that was asked by the media.
“(Y/N), are you dating DO Kyungsoo at the moment?”
As Minjae drove his car slowly out from the parking space, you fished yoru phone out from your purse to send a quick text to Kyungsoo.
Hey, are you busy today?
You send the text and as you reached the set, you got a reply from Kyungsoo.
From: K
Just finished rehearsing, why?
But, as you were about to reply, your director was already calling out for you and Minjea to get on the next scene. So you placed your phone back into your purse before you get back into your job. But as the day goes by, you didn’t feel safe, everything was distracting, you lose focus, to the point Minjae asked you if you’re okay. Right after the shoot, you thanked everyone before proceeding to go straight home.  You plopped yourself on the couch of your living room as you opened yoru phone.
4 Missed Calls from K
3 Unread Messegaes from K
From: K
Are you home?
For: K
As you placed your phone on your stomach, you let out a sigh before you could feel your phone vibrating on you.
“Hello?” You answered.
           “Hey, I’m on my way to you right now, there’s something I need to talk to you about.” Kyungsoo said, and you could feel your body went rigid as you sat up. He must’ve known something.
           “Soo, I don’t think that’s a good idea, I’m scared if the media has secretly followed me home.” You said, getting up from the couch, stepping out to your balcony.
           You saw a couple of people hiding behind the bushes, seemingly ready for Kyungsoo to be caught red-handed to come by to your place.
           “Where are you right now?” He asked you, his voice was stern.
           “I’m at my apartment.” You answered him, your eyes still looking down on the people below.
           “Let’s just meet at my house—but make sure no one is following you.” He added.
           “Okay.” You said, walking back inside before locking your balcony glass.
           “And (Y/N)…” Kyungsoo called.
           “Yeah?” You stopped your tracks as you were putting your coat on.
           “Becareful okay? I love you.” He said.
           “I love you too.” You replied before you could hung up the phone and went straight down to your car.
By the time you hit the road, you knew you were being followed. But you made turns that just didn’t make any sense, you stopped by McDonalds to kill time as well.
           When you got back into the road, Kyungsoo called you.
           “Where are you? I’m already here, waiting for you.” He said in a worried tone.
           “I’m on my way, I was driving around and stopped at McDonalds first, so that nobody is really suspecting a thing.” You told him.
           “Okay, I’ll be waiting for you okay? Becareful.” He said again.
           You hung up the call and continue to drive towards Kyungsoo’s house… while trying to enjoy the fries you just bought.
You parked your car and you can already see Kyungsoo waiting for you outside. He was wearing a khaki pants and black sweater.
           “Hey, come in.” He said, taking your hand before closing the door and locking it.
           He then greeted you before pulling you into a hug.
           “How was your day?” He asked you.
           “It was fine… Until I finished up lunch with Minjae, and then suddenly someone asked if we’re dating—I got distracted.” You told him, pulling away from his hug.
           “You mean, you and Minjae dating?” Kyungsoo asked.
           “No Soo, I mean us…” You said, your voice getting small.
           You can see his expression changed, and his jaw clenched after you said it.
           “I know, because I was asked the same question as well when I walked out of the studio and…” He then walked to the living room where his laptop was sitting on top of his coffee table. He took it with his hand and he showed you the screen.
You turn to Kyungsoo, who has his arms crossed on his chest. You took the laptop from him before taking a seat on his couch and proceed to read the article.
It is no mystery that DO Kyungsoo is one of the most favourite idol in the world. And (Y/N) is one of the rising star in the acting world, and is currently working on a drama with Kim Min-Jae. Fans are speculating that there will be an on-goingm on and off screen romance between the two actors. But to what we know is, the actress is having an off screen romance with the Idol, DO Kyungsoo. Both DO Kyungsoo and (Y/N) has been spotted together last month but, none of them shares any statement about their relationship.
You read the article further and it just makes you nervous and furious even more. You placed it back on the coffee table before bringing your legs up against yoru chest.
           “My manager sent me the article, and I told him that I want to talk to you about it first.” He said and you reply by nodding you head.
           “Did he say anything else?” You asked him, but your eyes avoiding Kyungsoo’s.
           “He gave me options.” He said, his tone sounded heavy.
           You turn your head to finally look at him with a raised eyebrow.
           “It’s either, we verified the news, and announce that we are indeed dating, or, we have to part ways for a brief moment.” He said.
           “How long?” You asked him, but he just shrugged.
           “You know it’s a bad idea to come out as a couple for the both of us right?” You asked him. He pressed his lips before letting out a long heavy breath, agreeing to the hard truth.
           Kyungsoo is planning on coming back with a new album with his friends, while you’re still working on your drama. You thought about the damage if you both come out to the public as a couple. Kyungsoo’s music wouldn’t be supported, so will your drama. Fans would start to attack you—especially you, because you know how fans are in this industry. You thought about other scandals that might turn up. Having a relationship with Kyungsoo then, media might stir it up that you’re also having a relationship with Minjae, because most of the time you’re going to be seen with him.
           There was silence between you and Kyungsoo, both of you deep in your own thoughts. You then suddenly felt Kyungsoo’s touch on you knee and you turn to him. He gave you a small, assuring smile before you could smile back. You knew that he has made his decision.  
           “You want to take a pause?” You asked him.
           “I think it’s best we take a pause first, right?” He asked again, and you bit your bottom lip before nodding your head.
           You stared at his closed laptop, feeling your eyes started to sting.
            “I don’t want it to pause, but we have to right?” You asked him, tears started to stream down your face. Kyungsoo quickly moved closer to you as you scrambled yourself to get into his embrace. You could feel his arms pulling you tighter.
           “It’s not fair.” You whimpered burying your face on his chest.
           “I know… but I think this is what’s best for you too baby.” He said, and you just nodded your head. You hate that what he was saying was right.
           “Hey… look at me.” He said, pulling your face and he let out a chuckle as he saw your crying face. He always find it very cute.
           “I thought taking Chanyeol and Sehun to a club would be hard, but this is much harder than I thought. He said, sucsessfully made you laugh a little. “We’re taking a pause, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t be there for you, that doesn’t mean that I won’t take your calls or answer your text okay? I’ll try to be there for you as much I can.” He said, only to make you tear up again.
           “Maybe right now is not the right time for us to be together, but I’m certain that we’ll be together again soon enough when the time is right.” He smiled, despite how heartbroken it is to see you cry.
           You both stayed like that for hours until it was time for you to get back home. As you both walked towards the door, your steps and heart felt really heavy. You turn around before you quickly could put your arms around Kyungsoo’s neck. He was surprised at first, but only to hug you tighter seconds later.
           “I love you (Y/N)… so much, this is the hardest decision we both have to agree on.” He whispered, and you could tell he’s trying his best not to cry too by the sound of his voice cracking.
           “I don’t want to let go…” You whimpered, but you heard him chuckle.
           “Don’t be silly, you have a shoot to do tomorrow right?” He asked, pulling his face so that he could see you.
           He tucked strands of hair behind your ear as he gave you a warm smile.
           “I love you.” He said again.
           “I love you too Soo.” Your voice sounded so small, it was almost a whisper.
           He leaned in, pressing his lips against yours. You felt his grip on your side getting stronger, his lips getting warmer as his tongue explored your mouth. You got your hands all tangled up in his hair as the other one gripped his shoulder.
           You’re going to miss his kisses.
           You’re going to miss his touch.
           You’re going to miss his attention and love.
           You’re truly going to miss him.
           You didn’t want his kiss to end, you didn’t want him to let go of you, you didn’t want this relationship to take a pause. You don’t want to leave. You don’t want this to happen. You wished all of this was a dream.
           Once his lips parted from yours, both of you were gasping for air before you could meet his eyes.
           His hands moved to the sides of your face before he could look down on the ground, and you could heard him sniffed.
He cried.
“Be careful okay?” He said, a tear stream down his face.
           You nodded your head and he kissed your cheek and you lips for the last time before he could fully let go of you.
           You opened the door and walked towards your car. You got into your car and tried to control your mind and you breathing because you’re going to be behind the wheel. You start your car and you saw Kyungsoo standing in front of the door. You saw him with a smile before raising his hand, waving to you. You smiled before you pulled away from the driveway and drove back to you apartment.
As you reached your apartment, you closed the door behind you before you could lean your back to it and slid down to the floor as you started crying. For the past 4 months everything was in the clear. 4 months went by beautifully. But anything beautiful could come to an end as well. You thought about where did it went wrong? Where did you both slipped? Has somebody been spying on the both of you all month long? You continue to run through you memory before turning up empty handed and drag your steps to you bedroom. You changed into you sleepwear and as you were washing your face, you just noticed how puffy your eyes are and how messy your hair was.
           Slipping under the covers, you kepts sniffling, and tears just kept on streaming down your face.
“I love you Kyungsoo…” You whispered to yourself, hoping that maybe you both could be together again.
Because you felt your happiest when you’re with him.
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messyarchive · 4 years
엑소 𝗲𝘅𝗼 𝗯𝗶𝗼𝘀 #_#
rumor has it you can still hear suho singing we got the power in 2020
xiumin ooh you wanna kiss me you really wanna hang out with me andhold my hand and go on dates with me ooh you really wanna be the best thing possible in my life ever ooh
baekhyuns boner garage 🔞
chen: haha mami whats up
chanyeol i really like u but if u asked me i would deny it
hey kyungsoo does ur family need an english tutor? a maid? a driver?
ahaha what if kai got into another dating scandal (with me!)
doing lines with sehun’s pc
yixing i know ur actual home is china but pls come home
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO D.O.:A little Jealous Part 2! (D.O. POV)
Previously I mentioned I might or might not do Ksoo’s but I started writing out of fun and decided to complete it! I really liked this one, hope you guys will like it too! You might wanna do a fast read at part 1 again so it wouldn’t seem too abrupt~
And for those that are new here, there’s a Part 1 and Part 2 (Your POV) to this scenario! The part 2s can be read as a either or if you don’t really wanna read both.
Part 1 Part 2 Your POV
Here it goes!
Kyungsoo walked straight out of the door without thinking, letting his legs bring him to wherever was quiet. Heading for the elevator, he punched for the ground floor. Seeing an empty cafe as the elevator doors open, he sat down at an empty table trying to sort his thoughts.
The comments he saw kept running through his mind:
‘Cute!Ship ship!’
‘Last long! Was waiting for you guys to make it official!!
‘after so long, finally?!’
A part of Kyungsoo wants to believe in you, surely this was a misunderstanding.
Yet the comments he saw didn’t make sense to him. It made him afraid to give his trust, not wanting to feel like a fool if it turned out for the worst.
Kyungsoo can’t help but compare himself with that guy in the picture. The guy sure looks taller than him and better built . He even had those looks that guys would take a second look at..
Pulling out his phone, he thought to type a text to you, but not sure what to say. Typing then deleting it again and again. Just then, Suho’s call came in:
S: Kyungsoo-ya, the photographer’s wife got into an accident. He’s postponing the remaining shoot to rush to the hospital. We’re heading off , are you coming with us?
KS: uh okay. Hyung could you take my bag for me? I’ll meet you guys at the carpark.
In the van, everyone was tired after a long day and the van was quiet. But at the back, jongin and junmyeon sat beside Kyungsoo with some sort of tense silence.
‘Hyung, are you not going to ask Y/N about what happened?’ Jongin asked
‘Kyungsoo ya, jongin is right. You sitting here and overthinking isn’t going to solve the situation. Even though that guy is really handsome, you’re not goin to lose to him if y/n loves you. Text her or look for her’
Junmyeon’s words hit kyungsoo right where it hurts. Making a decision, he asked the manager to drop him off when the van passed by your living estate.
Kyungsoo walked nervously to your apartment, not really sure what he should exactly do when he sees you. Before he knew it, he was already right in front of your door. Taking a breath in, he pressed the door bell.
‘Minho ya!!’ Came your voice from behind the door.
Hearing his girlfriend call another guy’s name so frantically made him feel just a little strange.
Looking up at you as you opened the door, he saw your look of surprise, or was it shock(?)
‘Oppa, why are you here ? Did your photoshoot end early? You didn’t text me back tho...’
Though hearing your questions, he was not being able to hold back that feeling of discomfort bugging him to ask
‘Uh are you expecting someone? Minho?’
‘Oh right, speaking of which I dont need him now, let me drop him a text. Oppa come in and kill the bug for me please!!’ His eyes dropped to your hands that were pulling his arm, making him feel fuzzy in a moment, then downcast again. How long as it been since you guys last met? So long that he almost forgot this feeling of warmth only you could give him.
With thoughts clouding his mind, he killed the bug, dumping it away without even speaking to you. Not because he didn’t want to , but he doesn’t know how to. Just then, you gave him a hug suddenly ,
‘Thank you, for killing the bug’
Seeing that smile on your face reminded him just how lucky he was to have you and how much he hated these feelings of uncertainty and anxiousness right now.
Sitting down on the sofa together, you linked your arms with him, then suddenly breaking the silence.
‘Oppa, do you have something to tell me? You don’t look particularly excited or happy to be here today’
Kyungsoo felt his throat going dry, thinking, it’s scary how easily you knew him inside out even though he was so indecipherable to other people...
Setting his mind to stop avoiding the issue, he reached for the water on the table, almost hoping the water would clean up his thoughts for him.
‘I saw that picture. The one on instagram.’ Not exactly having the courage to look at you, he glanced over your eyes quickly and waited for your reply.
‘Ah that.. sorry oppa, it was a dare I had to do at the team dinner, I tried so hard to avoid it but I couldn’t say I was attached either.. ’
Choosing not to be convinced just yet, kyungsoo added quickly
‘But the string of comments sure made it sound like you guys are the most popular ship in your school?’
He saw a small frown on your face briefly and his heart was pumping so loudly in his ears. What if .....
‘Oppa that’s actually Minho in the picture. And you know we are just really close friends.’
At this Kyungsoo was a little taken aback. He did not expect that to be Minho. In your description, Minho was an over competitive loser and one that’s always up to dumb things. This absolutely gave Kyungsoo a false impression that he’s just another childish guy out there or some lanky guy in the track team.
He tried to convince himself to be understanding afterall he knew deep down you both were just friends. But who was he kidding, he suddenly really hated the idea of you and Minho hanging out together everyday, giving everyone the false impression that you both are a couple.
Not being able to contain that internal conflict, he blurted out without thinking ‘I don’t really like you hanging out with minho.’
Crap. Hearing his own voice saying it, he felt selfish and guilty, yet also raw and vulnerable because that’s how he truly felt.
‘Oppa, you were always okay with minho and i hanging out. Why does us taking a picture change that!?’ Seeing you suddenly getting up and raising your tone in exasperation, he knew he hit the trigger button.
But similarly, he was almost at his breaking point now. Not being able to keep his emotions under control anymore, he shot back
‘y/n do you know how i felt looking at those comments?! I am not okay with the whole school thinking you both are together when you’re supposed to be my girlfriend!’ and he too got up from the sofa in frustration.
‘Ya! Even if i am not friends with minho, I can’t always avoid such situations! Because i can’t tell anyone i’m attached, guys still hit on me and people think they can pair me up with random guys because they think i’m single!
To me, they can think whatever they want but minho is just a friend. Oppa, shouldn’t you of all people understand this the most?’
Understand ? Is this how idols who date non idols communicate with their partners when they face scandals and what not? Who would have thought the situation would be reversed this way for himself ?
‘You’re asking me to understand when minho actually looks your ideal type? And i never knew about it?’
The words left his lips, seeming to surprise both you and him. He tried so hard to bury this insecurity inside him. But feeling all hurt and angry with himself, with this situation, he couldn’t really hold it in to deal with it himself. When he first saw Minho’s picture, even he had to admit minho was good looking. And now knowing someone like him was your close friend, he struggled to handle this truth.
‘My ideal type? If we wanted to get together, we would have long ago ok! Why would I get together with you then him?!’
At this it rendered him speechless. That ‘assurance’ was not assurance at all as you both reach the peak of your argument and let silence rule the house. Scenarios of you and Minho hanging out together, having fun kept passing through his mind. How Minho was far better looking than him, far more fun than him, maybe even far more compatible with you than him were thoughts that rudely barge through his mind.
Feeling like this was more than what he could bear at the moment, he was about to walk away, but right there and then your hands wrapped around his waist, in between his arms, and leaning unto his chest. Though you did not say a thing, he understood your gesture of love. Overwhelmed with emotions, he muttered
‘When I saw that picture, it felt like my nightmare came true. Every night i get worried that you would one day get tired of dating an idol.. Or even dating someone like me..
we don’t spend alot of time together but you always get to be with minho.. so much that people think you’re both attached..’
He knew this sounded weak and clingy , someone he doesn’t ever want to be in front of you. But your hug gave him courage to be honest, knowing that sometimes he doesn’t have to pretend like he can hold everything together when he really couldn’t. Through your hug, he knew that some of these insecurities were unfounded because he felt loved right at that moment. Yet the battle with his inner demons has not ended.
You pulled kyungsoo back down on the sofa and started
‘oppa, i cannot promise you people will stop misunderstanding minho and i, but i will be more careful to draw a clearer line in our friendship for you.
and i never thought of minho as my ideal type or saw him in a way more than friends. i know it might not put you at ease hearing me say this, but can you trust me?
I have been friends with minho for many years and have met many guys too. But it’s you for me ok?’
Looking into your eyes, he quietly let the words you say sink in and thought inside ‘it’s you for me too, don’t leave’
Poking him at his stomach, you continued
‘though you may not be the most attractive looking man out there…’
He knew you were joking, but he can’t help feeling a little down at your words, until you gave him a peck on the cheek and continued
‘but you make me feel comfortable and special all at the same time. saranghae oppa, you’re the only one.’
At your words, he couldn’t hold back his urge to pull you closer, resting his chin on your head he said
‘ Though i still don’t feel the best about our situation and about minho, but i know we can’t help this.. Just promise to stay with me please’
You raised your pinky finger and turned up to face him, replying brightly
‘ i promise you oppa!’
Linking your pinkies together, the storm inside kyungsoo finally cleared up today. Smiling back at you, he says the words he longs to say to you everyday till forever
‘na do saranghae’
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kaisooconnection · 5 years
The hardest thing about being a jongin stan and a kaisoo shipper is that I have to sit back and watch jongin receive all sorts of negative comments about his sexuality as well as his persona as an idol.
It's so hard for me to see kaisoo sceptics try to use jongin's behavior as a justification for why kaisoo isn't real. For instance:
1. Jongin has female friends who he is very close with - this must mean he is straight. Because there is apparently NO WAY he could be friends with attractive women without being in love with them. But if he is close with an attractive guy (aka kyungsoo) then that doesn't mean anything. Where is the logic????
2. Jongin has 2 dating scandals - obviously he is straight. Clearly there is nothing suspicious about how/when these scandals took place. Also, let's just ignore all of the inconsistencies in the stories surrounding these scandals. There is NO WAY that this is a cover up for jongin being in a relationship with kyungsoo, apparently
...and actually it's sad to think about all of those kaisoo shippers who left the fandom after the scandals. I understand wanting to support jongin in whatever relationship he chooses to be in and if it makes him happy then of course I would support it! BUT that shouldn't mean you close your eyes to the obvious facts in front of you and to avoid all of the obvious flaws in these dating scandals. Many shippers even blamed jongin for ruining their ship. Wth?! You think he wasn't having a hard enough time dealing with the fake scandal and its consequences, not just for his career but also his relationship with kyungsoo??? It breaks my heart to think of those moments
3. When kyungsoo joined the military and all of the other members mentioned kyungsoo in one way or another while jongin was reluctant to mention him at all. I saw many shippers and non-shippers claiming that jongin doesn't care about kyungsoo because he barely mentions him or visits him. Really??? Like really??? Do you blame him for being scared to comment? It must be so hard trying to pretend that the love of your life is just another bandmate especially when you must miss him so much that it hurts. Just consider how much trouble he would get into if he mentioned kyungsoo.
I remember when chanyeol posted a screenshot of their gc on ig for kyungsoo's birthday and jongin had put the watch emoji. Him and chanyeol must have gotten into so much trouble for doing that. We know because jongin had to go on ig live to make up an excuse for the emoji. That must have been so hard for him and probably caused him a lot of drama with the company. He must have to tread extremely carefully.
Essentially, the point I'm trying to make is that jongin is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. It breaks my heart to see people use his behavior as a reasoning for why kaisoo aren't a couple. I understand not shipping them, it's not a requirement, but I would appreciate people considering other possible explanations for his actions. And to all the kaisoo shippers that feel sceptical about kaisoo because of jongin's actions then please consider the difficult situation he must be in and how hard it must be for him to talk about or interact with kyungsoo at all. when he has the weight of his band/company/fans/friends/family to consider when he makes any moves in life.
I just wish the world was kinder to my bias and his partner. I hope their future is much brighter than their past has been 💞
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aphrodite1288 · 4 years
Why are you so convinced there will be a ksoo dating scandal? Have there been hints?
I don’t want my ship to sink 🥺
It may happen. He was discussed to have a dating scandal, i mean he is on the list with many others Bang*tan/Got*7 members as well and , they cant risk B*TS cuz they in the EPITOM of their career, and for Ksoo not now but after his album looong after maybe??? Dunno when exactly But not too soon. He was discussed to have a setup dating back in the years but becuz he was still a rookie in acting and didn't want to ruin Ekso image and schedule S/M didn't want to risk his debuting acting career and damage his reputation and the group projects especially with the damage of having two members dating scandals exposed to the public and one marriage and pregnancy/kid, they couldn't add more damage to the group back then, also HE (KSOO) had to go to military and he wasnt on good terms with SM since 2017 and in military rules, the idol is better to go off to the Army clean and clear without scandals, so it's very preferable that the idol goes with no dating or any other scandal to military in order to maintain his image and insure that in army he will be fully focused on serving his country and not having an affair with a girl or going through court sessions or rehab in case of bad scandals such as drugs or molestation or rape or corruption or bullying etc...
But after military it's okay to have a setup dating, It's necessary to promote his actor image, he must be involved in a relationship to promote his next projects especially if a movie or drama ends up being extremely successful they won't hesitate to promote the couple in order to promote the drama/movie, that's a well known plan all actors go for, they are asked by either their official companies or their current production company and producers to go through dating scandals with their co-actresses wether they were really dating or just set up but in both cases it will promote the drama/movie they starred in. So please expect this sooner or later. IT WILL HAPPEN.
Cuz it happened with many many actors who really dated or fake-dated their co-actresses in order to promote their dramas, some even went to the extent of marriage and they eventually get divorced, i think u may know some couples wether in the korean film industry or the western industry, this is a very common thing, that actors fake date their co-stars to promote their projects especially if it's a ROMANCE 💒 DRAMA PROJECT, ppl start shipping and the shipbase gets bigger and the Romance project gets highest views and box office tickets and highest rates etc.... So the project is successful=Cash Cash CASH 🤑💰💰💰
I can list many many set-up couples from the kdrama industry to the turkish industry and the american industry and the Cdrama/taiwanese and Thai drama industry but im so lazy probably won't do it eventually but i got names but uk me I'm always lazy. Maybe the other admin would do it for me? I dunno I'd have to beg her hahahha.
But i guess u can guess urself some kdrama setup couples and as ksoo is getting his place and rank pretty high in the kdrama industry and is in the climax of his career, he might have one to promote his "straight manly actor who gets all the co-actresses all down for him" image. They may set him up with some famous rising actresses to promote the actress and him and their project as well if they had one.
" It's all about the money money money "
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minsugapie · 5 years
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The Eve: before
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Lumi is down on her luck. After graduating university with a business degree, she has yet to secure a career in that path, reluctantly working and living at an old motel instead.
Kim Jongin is on the run. He’s been framed for embezzlement, and someone faked his death while he was out of town. With only a handful of bills and a false identity, he had been only able to survive for so long until breaking down in front of an old motel, hoping that whoever found him wouldn’t report him to the authorities.
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playlist // current // next
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And so it begins...
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4 months ago
The small diner in town was full of all the regulars for the dinner rush –not a worn, red booth empty. Lumi was sitting at the counter with Tom, an older man that had recently lost his wife. They had become friends in the short time that Lumi lived there. 
He had helped her get back onto her feet when her cheating husband left her without a penny to her name. Now, divorced, Lumi worked and lived at the rundown motel on the side of the highway right out of town, so she came for suppers at the diner, opting to spend the little amount of cash she had on homemade food instead of frozen store-bought dinners that she could make in the motel lobby microwave. 
Normally, the tv in the diner was on for only background noise, but it was loud tonight while everyone paid attention to it. 
“A massive garage fire broke out last night at the home of the famous business mogul Kim Jongin. We have received news from the police that an unidentifiable person has perished from the fire, and it is assumed to be Mr. Kim since he is nowhere to be found. It is believed to be a suspected suicide as Mr. Kim has recently been charged with several accounts of embezzlement, essentially ruining his career. Long-time business partner and friend Do Kyungsoo has yet to speak out on the situation, so we hope to hear from him soon. We will keep the public updated as more news on this case is released…”
Lumi hated watching the news. In fact, she despised it. In her opinion, it was all a bunch of hocus pocus and half of what they said wasn’t worth anyone’s time. If the news reported good things happening in the world as well as bad things, then maybe she would vibe with it. 
“Ugh,” she groaned, stabbing the salad on her plate aggressively. It caught Tom’s attention, and he chuckled. 
He went back to looking at the news, shaking his head. “Promise me you’ll never date a man like that…”
“Like what? He can’t be worse than Suho.” It wasn’t like she actively dated anyone at this point because getting over the traumatic experience that she called marriage was work enough, so what was he saying? 
“A businessman. They’re all the same. Suho was a businessman. None of them bastards treat women right. You haven’t dated any men since him —not even Jamie, and I know he would take you out on a date. He’s just shy!” He explained, refilling her glass of water with the jug sitting between the two of them. 
She smiled. “Tom, I’m not going to judge a man based on his career! Just because Suho was a businessman does not mean that they’re all alike. Plus, I don’t really want to date right now anyways…” Lumi didn’t tell Tom that Jamie was simply not her type. He was kind and good-looking, but he owned the general store and was taking care of his sick mother. He wasn’t leaving this town anytime soon; she wanted to get out of there. Plus, Tom was a few too many years older than her. 
“Just be careful, Lumi. You’re pretty; you’re young, and you’re trusting. Men can easily take advantage of you. They have. When you finally get out of this place, at least promise me that you’ll find a good man—one who takes care of you and loves you for exactly who you are,” Tom’s words were soothing to her. He was essentially her only family at this point.
“Don’t worry, Tom! I can take care of myself, and the last thing I would ever do would be to let a man take advantage of me again!” She returned, patting him on the shoulder. 
“Good girl, now eat up. You look sick.” That was Tom’s way of telling her that the conversation was over.  She knew she had bags under her eyes because sleeping was difficult, but she wasn’t sick. 
Rolling her eyes, she continued to eat her salad, unfortunately thinking about the news and how she wasn’t sure if she believed what she’d heard. Kim Jongin was someone that she’d known about. In fact, she and Suho had both learned about Mr. Kim at school. Judging by Jongin’s reputation, there had to be more to the story. There always was. 
• • • • • •
For the next few months, that particular story about Mr. Kim had been all that anyone was paying attention to. They’d found out more about the case and how there had been a few homicides associated with it. It wouldn’t be a closed case for a long time. The body that was found incinerated in his garage hadn’t been able to be identified, so they weren’t even sure if it was really him. He was smart; however, so it wouldn’t have surprised her if there was much more than anyone was able to find out. 
Kim Jongin had gone to her university, taken all the same classes. He was basically an idol to all the students for how fast he’d risen to the top. Of course, there was also his best friend and business partner Do Kyungsoo, but he had never been as popular and well-liked. He followed Kim Jongin around, also getting good grades, but not as good. He was attractive but not as attractive (in Lumi’s opinion). 
As she was cleaning one of the three occupied rooms at the motel, she thought more of Kim Jongin. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t have a small crush on the man. He was essentially her ideal person. When she finished school, she had wanted to apply into his business, but her husband hadn’t let her even use her degree at all. 
But the thing with Kim Jongin was, he was also many people’s ideal person. He’d gotten into many dating scandals over the years. He’d probably been with more women in a week than she’d been with men in her entire life. It was almost unfair how someone could be so desirable to so many people. She wondered if he’d be the ideal type for people had he not been so influential. She thought she definitely would have liked him if they’d known each other growing up. Now, she guessed it didn’t matter, since he was dead. 
People might wonder why she’d thought about Kim Jongin in such a way, considering her husband left her only a few months before, but what people didn’t know was that Lumi was stronger than she looked. She was over the stupid man that ruined her life. He didn’t deserve her love…he never did. She wanted a new love, and she wasn’t going to hold all men accountable for something that that one man did. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of controlling her now.
• • • • • •
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thechanbaeklibrary · 5 years
Fic Search #26
1) anonymous asked: Hi babies, could you please help me find a fic? I really can't remember the plot but bbh was friends with dks and they were like each other's families and there was a scene in which baek called kyungsoo over the phone and after he hung up, jongdae appeared behind kyungsoo letting us know that they had sex. I think kyungsoo was adamant on having a relationship so at first they didn't tell bbh about them. I can't remember anything else ;-; pls help
2) anonymous asked: Hi lovely admins! I’ve been looking for this fic it seems to be a wolf au where chanyeol is some sort of a king and baek is some sort of a queen? I cant remember much but there was a scene where baekhyun is pregnant and the pups (even when its still unborn) were so powerful that their enemies were under a trance? And they were on the knees just hearing baeks command? Thank you very much for reading this!
Inevitable by skynet
3) zesamani2 asked: Hii, do you know this fic where baekhyun was a model and he had a scandal (i forgot what it was) so his friends told him to make a bigger scandal so the fans will forget. So he kissed chanyeol in front of the camera and later on chan got mad cause baek was using him I lost it unfortunately
4) moonofzuly asked: Hey! Can you help me find this one fic that i read a long time ago but can't remember the title. I can't remember much but in the end chanyeol (or was it baek??idk :( wears red beanie and asks baek to wear one too if he likes him or smth and they both wear it another day at uni. That's all i can remember i hope you'll help me find out. Have great day!!!
5) anonymous asked: Looking for a one shot I read recently! It was about roommates Baek and Chan where Baek had a crush on Chan but he thought he was straight. Chan brings home three girls (from rv I think) and Baek joins in for an orgy. Baek gets pegged by one of the girls. I've looked everywhere but I can't find it on AGF or AO3. Could possibly be a tweet fic as I also read a lot on Twitter. I would be so happy if you could find it!
Tweetfic by @/stay_up614
6) anonymous asked: hi! I’m trying to look for a fic I read once! EXO was kind of a small criminal/drug group, and it was based on their Kokobop personas. Baekhyun was the ringleader and I think the idea was that they were on vacation to escape from the police. Chanyeol was his subordinate and in love with Baekhyun, but he knew it was only sex. One line I remember super clearly is Baekhyun saying “Just a little longer. I want to feel what it’d be like to be in love with you.” It was really feels-heavy ;-; thanks!
7) anonymous asked: Hi guys!! Do u know this fic where Chanyeol is a prince who fell in love with his servant and so he had sex with her but his parents want him to marry prince Baekhyun so he does but after that, the servant came back with a baby and Yeol thinks he’s the father so he asks Baekhyun to leave... thanks guys for helping
The Bonding by yousexypanda
8) anonymous asked: Hi, could you please help me finding this fic? The fic was still on-going but it starts with Chanyeol and Kyungsoo married or dating. But, for some reason Chanyeol felt like something was missing about their relationship. Then, Chanyeol remembered that someone suggested him to download this app or go to this website (I think). There he created a virtual boyfriend which was Baekhyun. In order, for Baekhyun to be human, Chanyeol must pursue Baekhyun until it reaches 100% love. Please please help.
9) prinuibe asked: Hello,,, finally i catch the ask box open after centuries of waiting,, anyways could you please help me find this story of chanbaek centered (have other pairings too), but the only thing i remember was kai is yeol's friend and soo is baek's, kaisoo is actually married (arranged)but soo hates kai, it's college or hs au, and they all come from rich family, helppppppp Oh, i love this blog, i love you admins for doing this wonderful recommendation blog, hugs and kisses, lots of it
10) angie-pkm asked: Hi! first of all thank you so much for all the work you guys put in 💕 I'm looking for an old fic, 2014 or earlier, I'm pretty sure it was on live journal but it might be aff. It was really angsty and was a disbandment fic all I can remember for sure is that the author stopped writing it because she spooked herself when she wrote about kris leaving before he actually did. Thank you!
11) anonymous asked: helloooo!! thank you so much for your hardwork admin-nims T_____T anywayssss, do you a fic where chanyeol is a mafia and baekhyun was brought by force (baekhyun was given to chanyeol by the boss mafia) and sehun kept on flirting with baekhyun. kyungsoo is the only tolerable "friend" that he has
Tweetfic by @/johannababe15
12) anonymous asked: do you know the fic where cy was betted to date bh and bh was a nerd. i think bh waked into a cafe and saw cy telling people how ‘easy’ bh was. thanks for your help!
13) anonymous asked: There was a fic posted i think in late 2018 on ao3, it was oneshote about basketball player cy who live with his bf bhh and he have to travel for a gameplay but bh wasn't happy about it because he wouldn't get daily sex does and he refused to watch porn so he comes up with idea of filming one and so he asks cy to film himself while bh suck him off and when they fuck. However when bh wakes up he found out that cy was filming him the whole time also i remember cy throw bh's porn magazine or smthn
thanks to @shimoshim0 , @verinchen , @justwanttobefreelikethewind, @firegodjrr  for your help!
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summerbreezeyy · 4 years
Love, Huh? - Chapter 2
"You done?" Sehun said knocking on the bathroom door.
For the last 2 weeks you've been in this hospital, woke up after almost 3 days since you passed out. Sehun cried -which something you haven't seen in a long time and made you cry too realizing how much you actually hurt him by being hurt- when you opened your eyes. And since then you have never been alone even though the boys were currently preparing for their new album. Some days it would be Kyungsoo who would make sure not even a piece of rice was left on your plates and also would sneak in some snacks for you to eat, the rest of the days would be Chanyeol who would show you funny videos or make you listen to songs they've made but yet released. And then Sehun, who would with one of the guys and never came alone. He would only sit silently on the sofa, looking at you somehow with worried, angry, and guilty looks at the same time while his friends would talk with you. He would only say something when talked to. Truth was, he felt guilty for not sensing anything wrong. He was also very mad at himself for not being able to protect you, something he always promised you since you became friends.
They would work on their album in your hospital room while telling you to eat, rest, and sleep. When the day you finally could go home, well to the guys' apartment since you don't really have other place to stay at -and they were very adamant they wouldn’t have it any other way-, Sehun picked you up alone, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol had to record their parts he informed.
You looked at the mirror to see fading marks on your neck, arms, and face. The stitches were also fading, you almost looked normal. Maybe your body was becoming normal, but you haven’t dare to explore your emotions of what happened 2 weeks ago. You could only hope time would help you heal your heart. The guys surprisingly didn’t bombard you with questions right as you woke up. You knew you owe them some explanations and that their heads were full of questions.
You straightened your clothes -well Kyungsoo’s since all of yours were still at your place and his fits the best since the other two are basically giants- and again looked at the mirror. Somehow, looking at your almost healed wounds made your heart wrenched. You questioned yourself, how could you let him do what he did to you? Better one, why would you do things that pushed him to do what he did?
“Hey, you okay in there?” Sehun’s voice outside grew worried when you didn’t respond.
When you opened the door and saw his face, you couldn’t hold yourself to throw yourself into his arms. You hugged him tight putting your ear on heart to hear the sound of it beating, something you realized was something very calming and pleasant. He was stunned at first, before embracing your body, sharing his body and heart’s warmth.
Both of you stayed still in this position with him stroking your hair giving you more comfort before he pulled back and held your face in his palms with you still hugging his waist, needing his presence more than ever before. “You okay?” he said softly, looking deep into you.
You nodded before continuing “I just ... Thank you. For everything.”
“Anything for you, shorty” he smiled kissing the top of your head.
“Hey I was taller than you in middle school. Not my fault you grew up to be a pole.”
After some convincing and promises you would leave if he was home and Sehun muttering something like “I hope he’s home so I could show him what broken ribs feel like”, he drove you to your shared apartment with your boyfriend -well ex to be exact- to get your essential items, like your IDs, passport, etc.
Judging by the police line that was still sealed at your door, it did’t look like someone has returned to this house. After getting rid of the tape, you punched in your code with shaking hands, can’t help but to have flashbacks about the nights of your pain. Sehun noticed this and held your other hand in his. And when the door finally opened he took the first step and entered with you behind him. When his eyes spotted the broken glass and trace of dried blood his jaw clenched and his grip tightened.
Concluding no one was really home with the lack of sound and light, he asked where’s your bedroom and lead you both there.
“Um.. Sehun, you probably need to let go of my hand for me so I can work faster.”
He reluctantly did and you took the bag you didn’t finish pack that night. You put in your wallets, laptop, notes, clothes and some stuff you just wanted to bring along. Like hell you were gonna leave your SK-II essence or Anastasia Beverly Hills palette. “You forced me to drive you here just for your skincare and makeup?” Sehun teased with his arms crossed leaning his form to the doorframe.
“These are very expensive alright. Why don’t you make yourself useful and help me find my phone. It should be in the living room somewhere,” you replied while grabbing your huge ass suitcase to fit in more stuff. 
“Just buy a new one.”
“All of my contacts are there. And also tons of pictures I’m not willing to let go of.”
He rolled his eyes and started to move towards the living room. “Like what? Nudes?” 
“I think we both know who likes to take racy pictures out of the two of us.”
“Hey that wasn’t meant for you alright.”
Sehun came back after a few minutes, “Your screen’s broken.”
“Ah dang. Are you busy today? Could we like stop by the mall to fix it or get a new one or something?” You asked looking up while crouching next to the bed, trying to reach whatever was under the bed.
“Free as a bird. You need help?”
“Nope. I.... got it,” you said pulling out a black box.
“Let me guess, your sex toys.”
“Oh honey, if I were into sex toys I wouldn’t just have one box, I’d make a room dedicated to them, Fifty Shades style.”
He snickered and got to his knee, watching you opening up the box. When you did though, he was shocked to see that it was completely filled with money. “Never heard of the bank missy?”
You shrugged, “Just feel safer to have cash than cards.” You put the box in your luggage. Deciding you’ve taken everything you bought with your own money and leaving all he gave you, you closed it. 
“All done?” Sehun grabbed your luggage and your other bag. 
“Yes.” And with that you got up. You were almost out of the door before you remembered something, “Wait!” Sehun looked behind only to see you taking some shoes with you. You grinned at him, showing him a worn out pair of shoes “This is the shoes you bought me with your first paycheck!”
He broke into a huge smile before turning on his heels, telling you to come out fast. Before you close the door to your past, you looked once into what caused you pain and happiness for the last year. 
“Have you called the guys about we’re eating out?” you asked Sehun as you finished ordering your food. He nodded at your question. “By the way, this is very private. Is this where celebrities go on dates?”
“Well the owner is also an idol, so he knows how hard it is for us to even just hangout with friends, let alone dating. Well for those who don’t want scandals yes, this is the safest place with private rooms and all.” You nodded at his explanation.
Both of you stayed quiet after that. Sehun looked like he wanted to ask you about everything but always stopped himself before he did. When you finished your food, you took a deep breath and called his name, making him look away from his leftover food he was playing with and looked into your eyes.
“Ask.” you commanded.
Sehun paused before asking “When did you quit Junmyeon hyung’s company?” Okay he’s starting light
“Almost a year ago I think.”
“Why? Was it.. him?” Sehun whispered the last word, clearly trying to avoid the sensitive topic.
“He did ask me to quit. But that wasn’t the main reason.”
“And what was it? I thought working at his company was your dream?”
“Well yes. Kinda irrelevant, but before we move on, the company is not his, it’s Mr. Kim Minseok’s.”
“But they’re brothers, the company is their family’s.”
“Yeah but technically Mr. Kim’s the one who ran the whole company, and on the other hand Mr. Kim deals with the magazine, not their....” you stopped talking as you caught Sehun’s unfazed face, clearly not caring about which Kim brothers was the owner. You sighed and continued, “I just felt uncomfortable with both of them that’s all.”
“What? What did they do?”
“Good things. Too good things. They would bring me food, offer me to lunch and dinner, giving souvenirs whenever they’re back from trips, giving me rides home, and all.”
Sehun’s brow furrowed deeper. “And what’s wrong with that?”
“What would you feel if you CEO sent you a flower bouquet and medicines because you were sick the day before or your supervisor’s boss chatting up to you at lunch like your best friends?”
You rolled your eyes and sighed. “Normal people would feel uncomfortable. Cause other employees would talk, okay.”
“Did they? Talk? About you?”
“Oh yes they did.”
“Like what?”
“Like how I slept with both of them to get my job, which we both know isn’t true since you force-introduced me to them 2 months after I got hired. And it’s not like they weren’t professional on working time tho. I get scolded when my job wasn’t satisfactory, but gossip’s definitely more fun than fact so, I decided to quit and to start writing again. And it’s not like I needed more money. As you saw earlier I got enough and my boy.. ex-boyfriend is very rich like I told you.”
“Right, your ex.”
“Ask away, blondie.”
“Was it.. the first time?” he asked carefully.
“No.” You saw him blinked and clenched his jaw. 
“Did he do it.... often?”
“No,” you contemplated on how to tell him, and the only way for it to make sense is to tell from the beginning. “Okay, this is gonna be long. Questions after I’m done kay?” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before starting your story. “Okay, so did you realized after the initial meeting between you, me, him, Chan and Soo oppa we don’t meet that often?” He nodded “And even when we did meet I asked you not to bring your bandmates cause I ‘wanted to spend more time with you’?” Again he nodded. “And did you notice how he got very touchy and would always keep his hands on me when we hung out?” At this he just looked at you confused. “Guess why.” 
You let him think and analyze the whole thing. It took him a couple of second before he got it. “He was jealous.”
This time you nodded. “When we got home after the first meeting, he was saying things like how all three of you have crushes on me and like me more than just friends, and how we’re too close as friends and stuff. So I argued back and we had a big fight that night which ended up giving me a broken rib and nose. I was ready to leave him. But he begged and apologized. And me being the stupid girl that I am, stayed. His jealousy didn’t get better tho, but he never hit me like that again. But in turn, when he got jealous he would be.. um.. really rough in bed. Like choking, spanking, and not the good kind. If he’s jealous I won’t be able to walk the next day because of the pain and forming bruises. And he got jealous of everything. Our calls, facetime, me talking about any of you, or even just admiring celebrities. But I thought, at least he didn’t hurt me outside of bed you know.”
You looked at Sehun’s red ears and his clenched fists on the table. You reached over and took his left one in your right, squeezing it lightly as if saying ‘But I’m okay now, don’t worry’
"He kinda tolerated you, since he knows how much you mean to me, and also because I told him you're gay, which he didn't believe somehow. So he just forced himself not to be jealous when we hang out or talk. But for Chanyeol and Kyungsoo oppa, honestly I did avoid them. I think I was afraid of what he would do to me if I didn’t. But then the night before it happened, we ran into each other. And I’m pretty sure you all noticed how he got very protective of me since you jokingly said ‘chill dude, we’re not gonna take her’ which, he didn’t find funny by the way, he thought you were mocking him. When we were home, again we fought. And when he got angrier I threatened him I'd leave if he ever laid his hands on me again. So he left. At first I thought I was safe, we were okay. But then the club owner called and informed me that my ex spent the night at the club and was drinking a lot. The owner is a friend, so he called just to make sure everything’s okay. But when he told me my ex has been drinking more than he should, I had a feeling it would go bad. And that’s why I called you. But before you could pick up, he came home. We fought again, but I kept my space. I warned him again and again and again about leaving him. And he seemed to calm down, before my phone rings, and he saw the caller and he snapped.” You stopped, knowing it’s gonna be the hardest part to tell.
Sehun’s eyes doubled in size. Realization hit him like a ton of bricks. It was him who called.
You took both his hands, “And it’s not your fault. Never yours. Don’t you dare blaming yourself okay.”
His lips trembled, but he told himself he had to be strong for you. No matter how terrible this was for him, you still had it the hardest. So he let go of your hands and moved beside you. He looked to your eyes deeply and ask, “Were you scared?”
“Very.” And with that he took you in his arms.
You didn’t realize it, but you found yourself crying and sobbing on his chest. Finally you crumbled down. You felt broken and worthless. Maybe you did deserve all the hitting. Maybe you weren’t good enough for him or anybody.
You cried for few minutes before calming down. You pulled away and he wiped your tears. “You also can’t blame yourself for what happened. This is all him. You are amazing, beautiful, and deserve someone who treats you like the queen you are,” he stated, knowing fully well you were putting yourself down. “Don’t discredit yourself. You’re perfect just like how you are.”
Then he hugged you again, you let yourself be embraced into his grasp, letting him mend your broken heart.
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laughing-with-god · 6 years
Hi!!! I've just started following you (yandere is my guilty pleasure, so thank god I found your blog) so I don't really know if you take requests or not (I think not), but would you consider, anytime in the future, doing a yandere fanboys but with exo? I loved the BTS one and I'm curious to see how an exo one would turn out ❤️❤️❤️
BITCH I WAS AN EXO-L BEFORE ANYTHING. (Tbh I consider myself more of one than an army but that’s controversial so👀🤫)
Suho- Supportive stan. Buys anything and everything concerning you and your group. The type of guy to buy multiple copies of the same merch or album bc he just wants to support his baby. Has went to multiple fanmeets and concerts, you have seen him many times. Isn’t a big fan of social media but just got an account to follow you. His friends know that whenever they hang out with him, they’re gonna have to catch an earful about the latest thing you did. Tries imitating little catch phrases or stunts you’ve done on variety shows or V-live. Doesn’t participate in fan wars bc he’s classy but if someone said anything negative about you, he would def just make an disgusted face and leave their presence. KING of sending gifts, has handed you a few small ones during fanmeets.
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Lay- Very sheepish about his love for you. Buys all the merch and music but doesn’t let people know how big of a fan he is. Practices your choreo and songs, even has his own manlier versions for your performances. You’re the inspiration for any love songs he writes/composes from that point on. He tries to act like how he thinks you would want in a man. If he thinks you like the gentle type, then he’ll practice acting more coy and content. If he thinks you like a manly man, he’ll hit the gym and act more bold. You’re his ideal type of woman. for the few times he did try to date after discovering you, he couldn’t stand women who didn’t resemble you in any way. His wardrobe will change to alter himself into your style. He doesn’t really notice it, the progression happens naturally/subconsciously. His dream is to one day perform with you.
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Chen- Everyone within a five mile radius will now how obsessed this guy is with you. Hums your songs everyday while doing mundane chores. Excitedly squeals whenever you update any social media, not caring where the fuck he is. Regularly posts covers of your songs. You’re his phone background, iPad, Apple Watch, laptop EVERYTHING. Dances excitedly whenever he hears your music. Denies being a solo stan, but like he ain’t fooling anything bc he mainly only belts out YOUR lyrics and only half-assedly hums along to the other members’ lines. Not above getting nasty if someone attacks your reputation. Very protective as well, HATES dating rumors with a passion. Really wants to collaborate with you.
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Chanyeol- Thinks he is being slick about his love for you but tbh he is not. Religiously streams your music, wears merch and will refuse to leave the house if you were gonna make an appearance on tv bc HE CANNOT MISS IT DAMMIT. Covers your songs, all acoustic. Comments on all your social media pics about how gorgeous you are. The type of guy to need at least a day of no one talking to him after you made a comeback bc he is just so flabbergasted. You will be his background and everything for any electronic he owns. The type to get livid if you looked like you were getting thinner or worn out by schedules. He doesn’t hate girl groups but he doesn’t like them either bc they are your competition. (Still hasn’t forgiven Twice for stealing that award from you). Boy groups annoy him though, will def be naive enough to believe all dating scandals concerning you. He now hates all of Bts, Wanna One, Got7 and half of NCT bc why were they looking at you with heart eyes at that award show?!
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Baekhyun- Could shout his devotion to you from the mountain tops. Sings your songs more than his own. Bold asl, def the type to slip up while on Tv and admit he fucking adores you. (Suho will have his ass on a platter for that but like 🤷🏻‍♀️). Headass enough to copy your outfits, tells himself that he’s just completing the other half of the ‘couple aesthetic’. Would drop anything and everything to watch your insta live or check your lastest social media post. Chanyeol bought him a backstage ticket for one of your shows and baekhyun almost promised to give Yeol his first born he was so touched. Thinks he is being subliminal by adding little hints for his love for you on his insta captions but everyone knows what’s up. Sends letters and gifts your way, squeals so loud if you respond in any way. Already has your future kids names picked out. He tired to figure out what type of perfume you wore so he could spray it on his clothes to feel closer to you. Would die before he admits it to anyone.
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D.O- Silent stan. His obsession with you is so well hidden. None of the members would even know about it until someone says something slightly offputting about you and Kyungsoo puts them in their place. Adoringly calls you his ‘wifey’ in his mind. Watches variety shows, movies or interviews over and over again. Almost every night. You know those ASMR videos with idols? He listens to yours to fall asleep. Your voice is just so soothing to him. Practices making your favorite meals. Trains himself to remember information about you. He hates thinking that there could be another fan out there who knows more about you then he does. Fav food, pet peeves, height, weight, blood type, school name, birthday ect. HE KNOWS IT ALL. sings your songs to himself often but doesn’t dare post covers. He personally finds covers to be really offensive. The only person who should be singing your songs is you. No other voice could top your delightful tone. Reads tips on how to be a good husband in preparation for you.
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Xiumin- uwu stan. Tries to recreate your pictures for his own social media. Quiet but supportive of you, won’t openly blast your music when others are near but when he’s by himself? Hell yeah, sign him tf up. Wants to be your ideal man, starts dressing differently for you. Covers your songs and likes singing along with you on the radio bc he adores the sound of your voices together. Gets hella hurt with dating rumors, don’t mention it around him bc he’ll just get really silent and gloomy. Lowkey he can be pretty petty with other boys who lingered too long at you at events or award shows. Collects polloroid pictures of you, goes over them every night. Has dipped into fanfic about you once or twice bc it just fills this hole inside him. An insufferable urge to be with you. Gets a new cat and names it after you. (Unless ofc you hate cats and prefer dogs bc Xiumin would abandon his love of cats for you)
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Kai- He wasn’t sure how it started....okay that’s a lie. Jongin first just thought you were a really fashionable and chic idol. He kept an eye out for you just bc you were very different, but then it grew into an infatuation. He stopped watching you simply for fashion reasons and started watching you bc he was just so enchanted by you. You could advertise a product and he’d the type to go buy it just bc it’s you advertising it. It could literally be something so stupid, like a dish sponge but Jongin would still quietly go out and buy 15 bc like your face is on it....he hates dating rumors concerning him. Like when fans pair him up with Jennie or Krystal, he gets pressed bc like obvi it’s YOU he should be with not them. Very terrified of the idea you could come across his dating rumors and think he’s not loyal to you.
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Sehun- Proud, certified Y/n trash. Would wear your merch everyday if he could. His most played songs are all from you. If you ever were on a movie, drama or tv show then they would immediately be his favorite, binge watches it multiple times. Changes his style to fit your aesthetic. Would burn his entire wardrobe if it didn’t suit your tastes. Watches your social media very closely. It’s pretty obvious to other people that he likes you bc you’re literally the only person he follows on insta. Copies your posts for his own account. (I.e; the Miranda Kerr incident👀) He monitors what other people say about you, once got into a heated debate with a nitizen in an effort to defend your honor. Wants to start his own fan café for you. Can and will send expensive gifts your way. The type of guy to look up your guys’ astrological signs and read the compatibility reports. Helps him feel closer to you. If you ever came on screen while his dog was nearby, he point and say “Look vivi, it’s mommy!”
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la-luna-es-hermosa · 5 years
EXO dating a foreign celebrity
Note: When I say foreign celebrity, I mean a whole entire celebrity outside of K-Pop (not Lisa or Yixing). For example, members of the Japanese Girl group AKB48. (Which I will use as an example for some members.) If you liked this, please consider a request.
Xiumin Minseok strikes me as that person that will stick to their own race when it comes to dating. Though I can see Minseok having strings attached to a Japanese girl. - Still close to his race. Minseok would probably date a Japanese variety show star. Since he likes someone who is caring. The language barrier would be the first problem, but he already went through it on EXO-M, so it’s not much of a problem anymore to him. He loves to be someday be working with you in a variety show and entertain millions of people watching.
HOW DID YOU GUYS GOT CAUGHT? - You guys were caught because of Dispatch (back at it again) found you guys were having a date in a Seoul restaurant and seem to hug each other. The Netizens were not mad about her since she is not an idol and Xiumin is definitely old enough to date. It was more like a “finally” to his fans.
Suho I see Junmyeon dating an actress. A Chinese actress just like Kyungsoo met at the set. Suho did not even hesitate to ask her out. I think they will be cute together and the girl will be spoiled rotten by Junmyeon. - Physically, emotionally and monetarily as well. They will be that couple that will post lovestagram of things they gave to each other and will shower each other with love and affection, even if they are in a long-distance relationship. I think Junmyeon would even make a Weibo account for her because he is sweet like that.
HOW DID YOU GUYS GOT CAUGHT? - It was more like CEXO-Ls did dispatch’s job. They were chill with it though. They revealed that Junmyeon was one time with you in a Livestream and you said accidentally said Junmyeon’s name in one show. Your agencies did not care either way.
Lay For Yixing, I can see him date an American dancer based in China. It isn’t a problem since he is Chinese. He’d probably have the least number of tests (minus the cultural difference) among the members. Because his girlfriend is in China with him. Lay would have more occasional dates than the others. Lay would still be the sheep he is.
HOW DID YOU GUYS GOT CAUGHT? - You guys were caught by netizens on Weibo. A sasaeng saw you and him right after his performance where you were the backup dancer. Chinese netizens at first was kinda displeased since the woman is an American but came to just accept it.
Baekhyun It benefits him that he isn’t dating a Korean Celebrity. The thing with Taeyeon probably gotten to him as a learning curve. In the future I can see Baek if he dates someone that isn’t Korean, he might even settle in her country just for her. I can see him, like Minseok, dating a Japanese celebrity. I think a former J-Pop idol group member turned soloist. Since you are a foreigner, there is a bit of a language barrier, but Baekhyun is trying to learn Japanese and you trying to learn Korean so you guys can communicate more thoroughly. He’d still be the same boyfriend Baekhyun but would change just a bit because of the distance you guys have.
HOW DID YOU GUYS GOT CAUGHT? - They were caught by Dispatch. At first Dispatch can’t identify you, but they did later on. Your label didn’t care since you are not an idol anymore. At first, K-Netz were mad with it but came to accept you guys anyway. EXO-Ls have grown and become mature so it did not matter anymore.
Chen He is probably dating a noona. That’s why I chose SKE48 since they don’t have an age limit. I think their relationship, just like others is difficult due to the distance and their busy schedules. They have to have a lot of compensation. I think they are there for each other, while trying to keep their relationship as a secret. I think he will wish that they can have a duet/single where they’re together. He’ll make the mood for you guys.
HOW DID YOU GUYS GOT CAUGHT? - Dispatch revealed that you guys were dating when you were seen in the music show cheering for him. Then, in the backstage, you guys kissed. No one was mad except J-Netz since you were still in SKE48 as well as AKS threatening to kick you out from the group. But they decided not to and you guys were happy. AKS even allowed Chen to give your group a song.
Chanyeol As much as I am a proud ChanRose shipper, I do see Chanyeol dating a foreign idol, particularly an NMB48 member. I think their relationship is easier to hide than let’s say JenKai. He’d still be that sweet and dorky Chanyeol when you’re tired from your theater performances, you can open your Kakaotalk and Chanyeol will surely brighten your day. He is also dreaming to make a song for NMB48 (if he can beg AKS to do it).
HOW DID YOU GUYS GOT CAUGHT? - In this case, it’s not dispatch but a Japanese gossip outlet. - They saw the two of you while he accompanied you to a hotel in Namba after the handshake event in the theater. It was a national scandal as another AKB48 member gets in a dating scandal. Nobody would get kicked out since you were already graduating (if she’s Chanyeol’s age or up to 2 years younger)
D.O Unlike Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun, I can see him date an actress. They met when Kyungsoo was assigned in Vietnam, working with a famous Vietnamese actress, they fell in love in the set but tried to be “Just friends” for one year before Kyungsoo confessed. I also see them (D.O and the actress) date more often than SKY. Since she’s an actress, though it will be a long-distance relationship most of the time. When their film was a success, the Vietnamese company wants them again.
HOW DID YOU GUYS GOT CAUGHT? - You guys were caught in Seoul, holding hands while at the mall. Nobody was shocked since you guys were actors anyway. Kyungsoo will not even try to keep it private since they are always cast together, but he will keep the private part of the relationship extremely private. (E.g. physical contact)
Kai I think (just let me fucking dream) that Kai would date a member of MNL48. He would meet you when he had a trip to the Philippines. He was introduced by his friends to MNL48. He found you charming and asked for your phone number. Things started to take off, his Philippines trips get more frequent, just like everyone, vid calls would be frequent. It was weird since he is typically into regal and more girl crush kind of girls, it’s shocking that he liked a cute girl this time. But regardless of that, because of you guys’ shared interests and you guys being both idols, there is not that much of a hard time. (minus long-distance and language barrier)
HOW DID YOU GUYS GOT CAUGHT? - I think they would get caught by a Filipino sasaeng, at first you weren’t identified (since MNL48 is pretty unknown to the common Filipinos) but was identified due to MNL48 wotas looking at the post. You guys were caught at Luneta park while you hold his hand and he was carrying a shopping bag. I think that you’d be kicked out of the group because of this. But definitely, you’ll find another idol group to get into
Sehun “Sehun, I’m from BNK48.” She told him as he asked her where is she from.
“Wait? What? Really?” He was amazed by hearing that. I think he’d think that you being a T-Pop idol is really cool and that your concept opposed his. He’d think that since you belonged to an entirely new system, he’d be curious about it. The relationship is obviously distant and would even try to learn Thai just for you. Although it is mostly in text/video call, he’d still be that sassy, chic and cool boyfriend Sehun. When he has time, he might even go to Thailand to see you perform. He wishes that you guys can perform together again like how you guys met.
HOW DID YOU GUYS GOT CAUGHT? - In the first year anniversary, you guys were in Sehun’s favorite milk tea shop in Seoul (since BNK48 had no schedule) and dispatch saw you and him holding hands while you storm out of the cafe. The fans went crazy as they can never figure out, that all this time, you guys were dating.
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loveurn · 4 years
wants and needs.
@principalles //
something unfamiliar has been gnawing at jongin lately. the unsettling part about it was that it took the people around him asking questions for him to realize it was there. 
it was, a sensitive time so he’d thought - or he’d hoped that he could show his strength more than usual. usually quiet and to himself he usually didn’t get questions when he remained in his space. it’s why it made it so easy to do things like late night instagram lives or taking pictures with members to support their comebacks. he’s been taking the time to work on his own craft and he was so engrossed in it that he didn’t realize that for the first time it was a distraction.
until he’s getting messages after instagram lives, friends asking if everything is okay. fans commenting names over and over again, and casual comments on the internet about his demeanor. he hadn’t thought anything was strange, in fact the live went as progressed, he’d read and read and commented as he could. on what he’s been up to, on what he likes and how he passes his time, little things and small comments that help his brain relax and his fans - well they appreciate the conversation regardless. 
so the questions that come after the live are puzzling. they vary somewhere between ‘are you okay’ ‘you’re not reading comments right?’ ‘you can talk to me you know’. it’s strange but it’s not the first time fans made speculations on his personality, even those who’ve followed him enough to know him well, and know his silence isn’t really telling. 
it does spark the question though and he’s wondering if maybe he doesn’t notice something, if maybe his fatigue was showing. the schedules haven’t been too bad lately, the concert ending, the members working on solo projects, them sending off suho ( who sends a particularly long message detailing how he still has someone to talk it ). it’s strange. they’re not exactly an expressive bunch - him and his members and the ones who are, usually still don’t have to express too much for everyone to get the message.
it’s probably how baekhyun knew it was okay to kiss jongin that night despite jongin having never been too forward or vocal about his feelings. yes those feelings were dormant for years but still - baekhyun knew because they knew each other. so if his friends are asking if everything’s alright, he takes the time to take a step back and think about it.
now probably isn’t the right time, with baekhyun tucked in his arms and reviewing his last few performance. seoul is starting to heat up so they’ve got the the comfort of a fan and a few popsicles to justify being this close to each other. because of this kind of comfort, baekhyun humming any song that comes to mind, the white noise of the performance bleeding in and the whirr for the fan, this is probably the only time he’s really relaxed enough to think this hard.
think about why in the world everyone seems so concerned. the most concerning might have been who texted him around a week after it started, he hasn’t heard from krystal in - schedules aside quite a few months. she’ll still send pictures of where she’s visiting, what she’s doing - occasional hello’s from jessica but nothing too serious other than a be safe on your flight and get some rest. they’re still relatively close, as close as he can be with any of his friends that don’t have packed schedules like him and don’t see him daily. it’s the same case with friends like moonkyu and taemin though - his friendship with krystal is definitely in a different category.
but she’d even thought to text him and their conversation was brief. she’s too much like him in that regard and had decided to not give a reason why she asked, simply stating he should relax more often. the nerve.
he knows, that during it all, there were a few comments concerning the two of them during the live but jongin tuned those out as easily as they were drowned out by other fans and friends. that’s no surprise, that happened everywhere and anywhere as it came with the territory. it’d happened after jennie for quite some time, jongin can’t remember ever being too bothered and he’s well versed in how to mask if it manages to bother him or not.
but it hadn’t.
had it?
it bothers him that something uncertain is nagging in his chest and he can’t quite tug it free.
‘what’s wrong babe?’ “i said no to honey and i’m saying no to babe.” ‘would you rather i used baby?’
baekhyun is a welcome distraction. the laughter that follows despite jongin’s obvious displeasure causes a gentle rumble against his chest, and something warm and welcome folds over in him. it has his chin resting deep in the groove of the elder’s neck, eyes closed just to listen, to try to relax again and focus on them only.
‘you didn’t answer me.’
but baekhyun has other plans.
“nothing’s wrong.” jongin mumbles the words, face becoming warm with the heat baekhyun radiates from his skin, despite how they’re sitting right in front of the fan. jongin doesn’t care, he’ll burrow in it for as long as he can. the words are muffled, a little annoyed because obviously jongin’s trying to avoid the conversation. it leads to little nips of his teeth against heated skin, his nose nuzzling and his body trying to convey that he’d rather not talk. especially about things he can’t quite articulate yet.
‘i’ve been watching your fancams for ten minutes now and you’ve said nothing,’ jongin takes the moment to peek down and sure enough on the phone screen is a high-definition video of one of their love shot performances, with his stomach and open chest in full display. if it weren’t for the heat that was already burning the room around them, baekhyun would be able to call out that he’s turning red. and any motions to move are blocked by how tight his hands have curled around the older man’s waist and baekhyun’s squirms easily maneuvering the screen from his grasp. ‘and - not that i’m complaining but you get clingy when something’s wrong.’
it’s true. it’s so true. though jongin prefers his space when he’s in his moods, when he’s annoyed or too tired to care, more often than not he’d curl up against his members. he’d sling over sehun in the practice room, drape his arms over chanyeol and even throw all his weight onto joonmyun in the waiting room. whoever would really be ready to accept him, and being one of the youngest left nearly all the members to be unable to deny him.
kyungsoo would pinch at his neck but let him be. joonmyun would let him swallow silence until the words would start to slip out. chanyeol would coax everything with nudges and meaningless words. sehun would groan and twist until jongin was smiling and forgetting. yixing would accept the silence and that alone would calm whatever was grasping at his heart. minseok would card fingers through his hair, baekhyun used to play with his hands. jongdae would - 
unconsciously his arms tighten.
as he thinks, and that ugly feeling creeps back, he tries to connect them. they’ve all been a little on edge and they’ve all been trying to cover it up with schedules and promotions and well - the usual. because this was new. this was different from the scandals or the contract terminations. it was different. it’s not like no one knew about it, they’d long known about chen’s relationship much as they know about anyone else’s. with yixing still in china, with joonmyun, minseok and kyungsoo enlisted, it was easy to feel as if things were out of his control. his grasp.
but that wasn’t it. they’d long decided to be there for each other when things became serious, and in the moment, no one knew how serious it’d become. the fear came from a different place, a place that had him holding onto baekhyun as if his squirms meant he would slip out and no return. as if the time they’ve started this relationship might end before he knows it. 
jongdae had wanted - more than anything he’d wanted a family. he’d needed his fans support for it to go smoothly that was a given.
‘jongin.’ baekhyun’s calling his name, and maybe it’s because his grip is getting tighter than he’d expected because what he wants right now is to never leave baekhyun’s side. for this moment to last as long as their time together and maybe longer. hopefully longer. it’s fear yes, but it’s fear in a way that makes him feel trapped. everything about it locks words in his throat.
what he needs - is for someone to tell him that his chances aren’t that low. for someone to not make the outcome seem as inevitable as what jongdae’s going through right now. what he needs, is some reassurance that maybe - maybe it’ll be hard, but it’d be easier if it wasn’t him. 
“do you think...” the weight of the words have his head low, he can feel baekhyun’s gaze on him. he can map out the expression he knows is probably taking over. the heat starts to feel suffocating now, dangerous.  
‘what are you talking about?’ “jongdae hyung.” as angry as fans are, as determined as they are in that anger, they’ll settle down, they’ll compromise. they’d done so with sungmin - not without consequence but they’d already denied all claims of releasing jongdae from the team, company and members included. they’d compromised, anger died down, public dying down as they became more open about idols dating.
but them?
‘what about him? do you want to visit?’ “would it be easier for you, if it wasn’t me?”
he’s never thought about it. what baekhyun wants or needs. he knows - from the man’s passion he wants to sing and there were things he’d needed to do to make it happen. in the same time he’d needed jongin’s lips on him in that hotel room in L.A, just as he’d wanted everything those motions would mean in the future.
but beyond that? he’s not scared for the answer, he’s just worried that it means the same as it did for jongdae. and that worry makes him believe that this will end before he’s ready for it to. 
‘it’s never been easy for me.’
that’s true. that’s too true. that’s something they have in common, though differences in their personality made for differences in how it’s received. jongin the more quiet one, baekhyun the more assured one - confidence in himself that bled through his words and his attitude. it’d caused issues early in their debut and it’d caused issues when scandals and dating news broke out baekhyun’s fans opting to chastise him, jongin’s fans opting to chastise her. it was strange. it was unfair, and it was a quiet anger that he held onto. 
anger that maybe baekhyun’s words don’t ignite as he thought it would. anger that softens, because as baekhyun’s saying it, his hands are still playing with jongin’s own, baekhyun’s eyes are still on him. he says it dismissively, whatever feelings he has behind the words whatever bitterness or anger aren’t what breaks through. what breaks through is that same assurance, quieter this time and made only for this small space they’ve occupied as if even the walls were listening. 
‘it’s never easy so - i’ll at least love who i want.’
jongin’s chest damn near bursts. he feels light and heavy. overwhelmed and open all at once. 
“what if who you want isn’t who you need.” that’s - that’s not right. he’d meant what not who but jongin feels too rubbed raw in his emotions to try and cover anything up.  ‘what i want is you.’ jongin’s cheeks bloom with endearment and also a little embarrassment, with baekhyun lifting his chin up and smiling greasy and wide despite the nature of their conversation. despite the heaviness that once settled in - the smile manages to air it out. ‘to relax and maybe have more faith.’ he’s leaning forward, his arms moving from jongin’s chin to circle over his shoulders, cage in and tug at the hair on his neck. he’s close, he’s dominating all of jongin’s senses and jongin has the nerve to wonder if it could always be like this. this easy, or this consuming. he’s holding his gaze and all he sees is himself reflected in baekhyun’s eyes.
not corners of the room. not the strands of hair that threaten to fall. not the walls or the door or the sheets bundled behind them.
just jongin. baekhyun’s smile is calm, certain. jongin is reminded once again why he’s so glad his heart chose the older and no one else. maybe he got lucky - maybe the heart just knows. maybe it couldn’t have been anyone else. baekhyun leans forward, a tip of his chin to capture jongin’s lips. it’s not chaste at all and it serves to make a point when it leaves jongin flushed and panting after a few seconds.
‘my wants and my needs both involve you - as far as i’m concerned. and i’m very rarely concerned about anyone else.’ it’s wishful thinking but jongin’s not a cynic, nor is he able to dwell on anything else when baekhyun’s eyes are shifting to his lips every few seconds. 
hesitation and jongin often aren’t things that people would put together - because the combination isn’t easy to explain. he’s confident about the things he knows and the things he chases after, and now finding the will to be confident about chasing after baekhyun has been hard and completely off from his usual personality and worries. but baekhyun makes it easy, and the want, the want that sits so heavily and deep in his chest makes it easy.
so he ends the hesitation by leaning forward and leaning in, with baekhyun’s hands smoothing over his neck and his lips smiling against jongin’s mouth. it’s welcome. it’s needed. god is it needed. so much so that jongin doesn’t even notice he’s fallen back into the sheets because he’s too focused on keeping his hold on the other male’s hips, tugging into his shirt and pushing the kiss for as long as he can go. baekhyun is solid against him, an option for him to melt into the feeling, press into his body and kiss until his lips are swollen and his mind is clouded in this only.
it’s tempting. and it starts to unravel all the worries and doubts that were sitting in him earlier. it’s not easy, and they’ll return on another day or another time, but right now baekhyun’s lips are warm, his hands tickling and teasing and pulling him into this world that only has them. their movements, their sounds and their choice.
jongin’s said it before but he’s sure he’d choose baekhyun every single time.
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