#Lᴏᴠᴇ ɪs ᴀ ᴄᴏ-ᴏᴘ -- ᴀɴᴅ I ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ᴘʟᴀʏ -- Wɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ ʙʏ ᴍʏ sɪᴅᴇ -- Wᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴏᴛʜ ʙᴇᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ (Mɪɴᴀᴛᴏ x Cʜɪᴀᴋɪ)
dxfiedfxte · 1 year
Thread move/continue for the new editor from here || @belovedblossoms (Chiaki )
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       After some long thought about making this decision to ask, Chiaki had finally decided to ask about Minato to take her somewhere haunted. Originally, she had thought about one of those scary haunted houses or mazes people have every year for fun. But she found herself reaching a little further...to go somewhere that’s actually haunted and full of the paranormal. Considering he was already very experienced with it all, she trusted him to find the perfect place and he did so quick to her surprise. A schoolhouse in Hokkaido...pretty far but Chiaki didn’t quite mind the trip if it meant she can spend the time with her boyfriend and learn something new about this place and truly see his Ultimate Talent at work too. And through most of the ride they entertained themselves with games or she simply took her naps against his shoulder until they arrived by nightfall. 
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     As he was prepared with his equipment and she had some essentials including for safety reasons, they were good to go for the night. By the time they went past old buildings and all, she couldn’t help but immediately have that feeling of dread. She had to admit to herself, she was scared. But she was with Minato and she trusts him; it’s only a matter of her getting through this with enough courage on her side. She already made the choice to ask and go with him now. As they arrived to their location, Chiaki took a good, long look at it now. She listened to Minato’s warning to stay by his side at all times and to let him know if she ever feels unusual during it. Apparently it was true that spirits can sense and take advantage of emotions from living beings, she recalled him mentioning to her before. “R-right. I’ll let you know immediately if it ever happens. And I’ll stay close...”
     She then felt his hand holding onto hers, a bit of blush took on her cheeks even though she should be used to it now. She noticed he too looked it over, probably reminiscing of the first time he came here for his famous show that really took him trending. He’s probably well prepared and knows the ins and outs...maybe. And then, it was time to enter. It was fairly dark with nothing but the light of the sky outside the windows. Chiaki looked around to see how dilapidated and worn everything was, even the creaking sounds were so eerie yet as if it was straight out of a movie. She held his hand tighter and walked a little closer to him as they were only just beginning. 
   “So...when you said you’ve started your work here the first time...what did exactly happen here? Did they do something to you or to mess with you? Just to look out about them all.”
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From the moment the couple off the train, and took a step through the forest that surrounded this school, he feel some of the memories already starting to come back to him. With his experience here, Minato knew exactly what to expect, using his knowledge of it, he was able to prepare much more appropriately now, and he wanted to ensure that he had everything here for Chiaki's first paranormal experience was a memorable one, but more importantly, a safe one, especially since he was here in this location, the round school house -- an absolute hotbed of unexplained activity here, even some forces that were malevolent, which only upped the scale of danger about this place and some of its several, many spirits.
As they passed through the forest there, he could already feel the familiar feeling of unease that accompanied the forest, thankfully, the school wasn't too deep in the forest, and Minato still remembered the correct path to follow. The two approached the old building at the steady breaking of dawn. Stopping for a moment to give it a few glances, he saw the memories of his place flash by him like a DVD on fast-forward times three.
The Round Schoolhouse was the fifth episode of his first season, the first episode to reach a worldwide audience on a very high scale, which on its own was a good thing, but it was the things he and his three-man crew experienced here that gave them all the reason to remember it, he was sure some of these spirits would recognize him, which could potentially increase the level of activity here, but that was something he was well aware of in coming back to this unforgettable haunted location that gave the rural town of Bibai, Hokkaido a reputation for having one of the most haunted places in Japan.
There was a lot of history surrounding this particular location, in the seventies and eighties, several people would try and come to this place to try and encounter spirits, just like what he and Chiaki were doing right now. Since then, many things added to its reputation. Reports of children coming from a nearby playground to play in the forest, only to never come out of those woods again.
To top it all off, there were also several accounts of spiritual mediums coming here, and finding so much negative energy, that they leave and refuse to come back, while other mediums would push themselves further, only to go completely insane the next day after leaving for overstaying their welcome in that old school. With all the dark, negative energy around here, it was only natural for him to want his precious girlfriend to be safe, even more, the case since Minato and Takashi had been scratched during their investigation here three years ago.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Okay, good. This place has a lot of activity, and I'll be using a few devices, but making sure that you're safe is always going to be my top priority over anything while we're here."
After giving her the last bit of important information about the potential change in emotions, and staying close, the two braced themselves, joined hands, and eventually stepped through the door. The moment they stepped in, the door behind them closed, immediately accompanied by a feeling of dread, as well as the feeling of many eyes watching them from the darkness in all directions followed by an eerie silence, and he knew Chiaki could feel it, evident from the slight tightening of her grip of his hand.
Reaching into his pocket, Minato took out a flashlight and clicked it on, and held it in front of them, the bright white beam of light cutting through the darkness of the old abandoned school as dusk set in, the previously orange-yellow sky now becoming dark, the moon and the stars the only source of light outside. Now that it was nighttime, it was only a matter of time before things would gradually begin to pick up, just like his last visit here.
As Minato lead the gamer girl through the dark halls, making sure not to let go of her hand, they stop as she asks him a question regarding the things Minato and his team had experienced during their investigation, so he turns to look at her, remembering every single part of the investigation clear as day.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Lots happened during our investigation. Objects were knocked off tables, things were thrown everywhere, several loud noises all around us, and sometimes disembodied voices were heard. We also saw things in the corners of our eyes, and two of us were scratched. So it varies on the type of spirit, and there is a lot here."
He explains to her in full recollection, he wasn't going to lie to her, the more she knew about this place, the better. Almost as if on cue, without warning, not even a few seconds after his answer.
B A N G !!! A loud slam echoed somewhere down the hall. The very same hall they were currently walking down together. It sounded like someone grabbed something, and threw it hard against a wall. The sound caused Minato to quickly dart his head forward to look ahead of them, shining the flashlight down the hall immediately trying to see if he could spot what was thrown, although he had no luck, which could only mean one thing -- that sound came from further down the hall.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "That was fast.. sounds like they're welcoming us here early..." He continued to stare down ahead of them for a few more seconds, before speaking again.
[{ 🦋 }] - "Let's go check it out, and see if we can find what was thrown. You ready?" He asks, checking to make sure she's ready before they would proceed.
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dxfiedfxte-a · 2 years
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Fall/Autumn starters. || Not Accepting Until Caught Up
@belovedblossoms​ sent:  🏠 - Our muses visit a haunted house (w/ Chiaki)
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It had come as a surprise when he got the call from Chiaki asking if he could take her to a haunted house, perhaps she wanted to experience something real as opposed to what she might see in a horror video game -- in most of those games he’d seen, the paranormal entities inside of it, always had these crazy powers, and were able to kill the player, while in truth, ghosts rarely killed people, he wasn’t even sure it was possible. So her request was a bit unexpected, but if she wanted to experience something paranormal for the first time, she had definitely asked the right person for that. 
Who would have thought his girlfriend Chiaki would be interested in this sort of thing, though he did recall her being at least, a little bit curious of that realm he worked in, maybe she never really got to witness anything paranormal before? A fact that would most likely help her make contact, ghosts seemed to enjoy people who haven’t been around an entity before, well, from what he had seen over the years anyway. 
For Chiaki’s first paranormal experience, Minato wanted to pick the perfect place, and eventually after some thought, a location did come to mind. Using his connections, Minato contacted the person who owned the deed to the land that this place was sitting on. The Round Schoolhouse Ruins, a place that Minato had investigated in the past on the first season of his show, and one of the episodes from that season that blew up thanks to the overwhelming amount of paranormal evidence they had captured both visually and auditory. Since the location was in a small town within Hokkaido, he mentioned to her that it would be a bit of a trip, and Chiaki didn’t seem to mind. So with his backpack full of professional-grade ghost hunting gear, Minato made his way to the train station to meet up with his gamer gal girlfriend.
After meeting up, the couple boarded the train that took them from Tokyo, directly into Hokkaido. The trip only took a total of two to three hours at most, so not too long of a ride, impatience didn’t seem to be an issue considering Chiaki slept on his shoulder for most of the ride, but Minato didn’t really mind. Eventually, after a little bit of walking through a forest, the couple arrived at the location, the old tarnished and dilapidated buildings still barely in tact, but still safe enough for entry as the decimated structure shined in the light of the sun as it casted the eerie shadow of the old school onto the ground. 
They were here at last, for Minato, it had been a total of two years since he had last been here, he still remembered the investigation and the evidence collected like it all happened yesterday, how could he forget? It was the first time he had been scratched on camera, so that moment, combined with all the evidence found, would carry that episode and make it one of the most well-known and popular episodes of all time in Paranormal Quest history. Turning his head to face his girlfriend, Minato checked in to make sure she was prepared, a paranormal experience, could be a life-changing experience depending on the type of spirit that made contact with you, despite the danger, he would make it a mission to keep Chiaki safe, those ghosts wouldn’t hurt her, he’d make absolute sure of it.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Well, here we are Chiaki. When we go inside, make sure you stay close to me, it’s a big building and I don’t want you to get lost in here, especially in a place with high levels of paranormal activity like this one. And if you start to feel weird at all in any type of way, make sure you tell me okay? Ghosts can influence the emotions inside of someone pretty easily if the feeling of the emotion is strong enough and I don’t want them to potentially affect you in any negative way.” 
Others might think he was being to overprotective, but in a place like this, he just wanted his dear girlfriend to be safe, ghosts and spirits, were no joke and the possible risks, were very real, if anything was to happen, he’d rather have it happen to him than her. Double checking his equipment, he takes Chiaki’s hand gently in his own before setting his gaze ruined school building before them.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Here we go. There’s a lot to explore in this place, so let’s stay close.” 
With that, the couple enters through the old doors, the wood on the doors creaking, the noise echoing throughout the empty, desolate halls of the old school building, passing by shoe lockers as they passed through the entrance and into the old hallway. Did they really need to hold hands for most of the way, no, was he doing it more for her safety? Or just to have an excuse to hold her hand? Only he knew for sure.
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dxfiedfxte · 2 years
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Tag dump part 1 Just ignore this post But enjoy Minato sarcastically sipping an extra large soda
#OTP: Blueberry Pie(MinatoxFuuka)#I ᴘʀᴏᴍɪsᴇ - Nᴏ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀ ʜᴏᴡ ғᴀʀ ᴀᴡᴀʏ I ɢᴏ - I'ʟʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ - Jᴜsᴛ ᴡᴀɪᴛ ᴀɴᴅ sᴇᴇ (Mɪɴᴀᴛᴏ x Yᴜᴋᴀʀɪ)#I'ᴠᴇ ɢᴏᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴇᴘ -- I'ʟʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄʟᴏsᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ (MɪɴᴀFᴜᴜ/Bʟᴜᴇʙᴇʀʀʏ Pɪᴇ Mɪɴᴀᴛᴏ x Fᴜᴜᴋᴀ)#ᴏɴʟʏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇʟᴘ ᴍᴇ sᴇᴇ -- ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴ ɪ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ (Mɪɴᴀᴛᴏ x Sᴏɴɪᴀ) - |ᴍᴏʀᴇ-ᴛʜᴀɴ-ᴀ-ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇss|#Lᴏᴠᴇ ɪs ᴀ ᴄᴏ-ᴏᴘ -- ᴀɴᴅ I ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ᴘʟᴀʏ -- Wɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ ʙʏ ᴍʏ sɪᴅᴇ -- Wᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴏᴛʜ ʙᴇᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ (Mɪɴᴀᴛᴏ x Cʜɪᴀᴋɪ)#Fᴀᴛᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪғᴜʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ ʙʏ ᴍʏ sɪᴅᴇ (Mɪɴᴀᴛᴏ X Eʟɪᴢᴀʙᴇᴛʜ | Nᴀᴠɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ-Aɪᴅ )#~ Fₒₒₗᵢₛₕ Dₑₛᵢᵣₑₛ#💘 - Tʜᴇ Lᴏᴠᴇʀs Aʀᴄʜᴇʀ - Aɴ Aʀʀᴏᴡ Tʜᴀᴛ Pɪᴇʀᴄᴇs Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Pᴏᴡᴇʀ Oғ Tʜᴇ Hᴇᴀʀᴛ (Yᴜᴋᴀʀɪ Tᴀᴋᴇʙᴀ)#♕ - Tʜᴇ Eᴍᴘʀᴇss - Hᴇʀ Gʀᴀᴄᴇғᴜʟ Cʜɪʟʟ Fʀᴇᴇᴢɪɴɢ Tʜᴇ Pᴀsᴛ Aɴᴅ Sʜᴀᴛᴛᴇʀɪɴɢ Iᴛ Fᴏʀ Tʜᴇ Fᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ (Mɪᴛsᴜʀᴜ Kɪʀɪᴊᴏ)#🎩 - Tʜᴇ Mᴀɢɪᴄɪᴀɴ - Tʀᴀɪᴛs Oғ Tʜᴇ Sᴏᴜʟ Tʜᴀᴛ Aʀᴇ Tʀᴜʟʏ Mᴀɢɪᴄᴀʟ(Jᴜɴᴘᴇɪ Iᴏʀɪ)#Aɴᴅ sᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴏᴏʟ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ -- ᴛᴏ ʟᴇᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʀᴀɴᴅ ɴᴇᴡ ᴅᴀʏs ᴘᴀsᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴀʟʟ ( Sᴇʟғ )#ᴠ: Fᴏᴏʟɪsʜ Fᴀᴛᴇ (P3:Bᴇғᴏʀᴇ Tʜᴇ Fᴀʟʟ)#ᴠ: Lɪᴠɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Dᴇᴛᴇʀᴍɪɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ (P3: Nᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ Tʜᴇ Fᴀʟʟ)#ᴠ:Fᴏʀɢᴇᴛ Tʜᴇ Pᴀsᴛ Fᴏʀ Jᴜsᴛ Oɴᴇ Nɪɢʜᴛ -- Uɴᴅᴇʀ Tʜᴇ Mᴏᴏɴʟɪɢʜᴛ -- Wᴇ Dᴀɴᴄᴇ Aʟʟ Nɪɢʜᴛ (P3 Dᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ Iɴ Mᴏᴏɴʟɪɢʜᴛ)#Tᴡɪɴ Fᴏᴏʟs Oғ Fᴀᴛᴇ (P3P: Tᴡɪɴ Sɪʙʟɪɴɢ AU)#Tᴡᴏ Fᴏᴏʟs Oғ Fᴀᴛᴇ (P3P Nᴏɴ-Sɪʙʟɪɴɢ AU)#V; A Mᴏʀʙɪᴅ Isʟᴀɴᴅ Pᴀʀᴀᴅɪsᴇ (Dᴀɴɢᴀɴʀᴏɴᴘᴀ 2 Gᴏᴏᴅʙʏᴇ Dᴇsᴘᴀɪʀ AU)#Tʜɪs Fᴀᴛᴇ Is Cʟᴇᴀʀ - Oᴜʀ Hᴏᴘᴇ Sᴛᴀʀᴛs Hᴇʀᴇ (Dᴀɴɢᴀɴʀᴏɴᴘᴀ 3 AU)#Fᴏʟʟᴏᴡɪɴɢ Mʏ OWN Fᴀᴛᴇ (IC)#Tᴀᴋᴇ Iᴛ Uᴘᴏɴ Fᴀᴛᴇ Wɪᴛʜ Yᴏᴜʀ Oᴡɴ Hᴀɴᴅs (Oᴘᴇɴ)#ᴠ: Lɪᴋᴇ A Fᴀᴛᴇᴅ Bᴜᴛᴛᴇʀғʟʏ -- I Sᴀʏ Gᴏᴏᴅʙʏᴇ (Cᴀɴᴏɴ Pᴏsᴛ-Fᴀʟʟ)#Wɪᴛʜ Yᴏᴜʀ Hᴇᴀʀᴛ As Yᴏᴜʀ Gᴜɪᴅᴇ -- Fᴀᴛᴇ ɪs Yᴏᴜʀs (Oᴘᴇɴ)#ᴠ; Oᴘᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴠᴇs & Tʜɪᴇᴠᴇs (Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀ 5)#ᴠ: Tʜᴇ Fᴏᴏʟ's Nᴇᴡ Bᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ (MAɪɴ/Pᴏsᴛ-P4UA)#Tʜᴇ Rᴇᴛᴜʀɴ Oғ Tʜᴇ Dᴀʀᴋ Hᴏᴜʀ (Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀ 4 Aʀᴇɴᴀ Uʟᴛɪᴍᴀx)
0 notes
dxfiedfxte-a · 3 years
@siilkyhearts​ (Chiaki) || Pre-Plotted
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This was all so weird, he thought this was going to be a brand new school year, at least that was what it seemed, only for this pink bear to appear claiming to be their teacher suddenly, the walls dropped and she took them to a place known as Jabberwock Island, and told them they’d be staying there from now on and they’d have to get to know each other in the name of hope? Just what kind of school year was this? Did this even count as school if there was no class? Nothing made sense anymore. Much to his dismay, Minato and the others were pretty much stuck here, as far as he knew, there was no way to get back to Hope’s Peak from here, so he like everyone else here with him, he didn’t really have a choice. While it seemed unnecessary at first, at least it was a relatively peaceful island with a simple task. 
They just had to get to know each other and become friends, though that did sound like an awful or of work, he never really planned on making friends, socializing was rather tough for him, Minato wasn’t the best at it, mostly due to his life, losing his family at a young age and being passed along to relative’s who pretended to care for a bit, before passing him onto the next person, and vice versa. Life, didn’t really seem all that bright to him, all he really had left, was the Paranormal, that was all he had to cling onto after his parents tragic deaths. But that day he managed to contact his parents, had been the same day he knew what he wanted to do in life, become a Paranormal Investigator, something that came naturally to him. It didn’t take him long to learn about different types of ghost hunting equipment, soon after, he knew everything to do with video editing and picture capturing, as well as various other skillsets in that area of expertise.
It seemed everyone else here had talents of some kind, and there were as assortment of different talents that he’d seen from everyone, people from all walks of life with their own unique skills, it was interesting to say the least. While he wasn’t too great talking, he’d at least try, that’s what he was supposed to do right? It was a drag, but pretty much the whole reason they were all here. After being given their keys to their cottages, everyone scattered. Probably to look around and see just exactly where they’d be presumable spending the rest of their lives here, which was still something he still didn’t truly understand, but if they were being forced to make friends, the least he could do was try. 
Exiting his cottage, Minato out of boredom, decides to see if there were any spirits here. Pulling out his EMF Detector, he powered it on, and it began to beep, the bluenette completely focused on his investigation attempt, he passes by the poolside, his eyes fixed on the device in his hands, following the direction of each spike he picked up in the meter, when suddenly.
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He isn’t looking where he’s going and someone who also wasn’t paying attention, crashed into his chest, the sudden collision pushing Minato’s duffel bag down, out spills some of his things. A bag of rice cakes along with several other tasty snacks, along with his PSP and a bunch of his games fell out onto the tiled floor next to the pool. That was close, he was grateful none of his things fell into the water, quickly picking up his stuff and bagging them, he stands back up to his feet and turns to the girl whom he had accidentally bumped into.
[{ 🦋 }] - “Sorry about that. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” With the apology, he bows and turns his back to check his bag to make sure he had regathered everything that had fallen out. The moment he realizes his PSP is missing, at that same moment, he feels a light poke on his back causing him to turn back to face her with a hum. The first thing he sees, is that same girl handing him back his PSP, she had a excitable look on her face as she was returning his portable console to him.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Hm? Oh! My PSP! Thanks. I was starting to think it fell in the water.”
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dxfiedfxte-a · 3 years
A Holiday Surprise (Drabble)
This is a drabble I wrote for my awesome friend @siilkyhearts​​ I hope you enjoy it. I put all the cute I could muster in it. Much love my friend, and I hope you have a better holiday weekend. 
It’s a bit long so I’ll put it below the cut
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It was finally here, that time of season again, something he never usually cared much about. Normally, Christmas was just another day to him, nothing seemed the same since that tragic day he lost his parents, even today, he still felt that heartache. Life was just black and white for a long time, until that night a month ago now, where Chiaki accepted him, she brought the color back to his life, suddenly, he was looking forward to things, that's why this holiday season, he was actually looking forward to it for the first in a very long time. After several years of being alone on the holidays, he finally had someone else to spend it with, no longer was it just his four room walls and his own thoughts. This time, he had his lovely girlfriend Chiaki Nanami, the Super-Highschool-Level Gamer.
Minato wanted to make this holiday season, a special one, not just for himself, but for her as well. He didn't waste any time as soon as his day began. He got up at ten o clock am, (because he slept in a bit) washed his face, brushed his teeth, brushed his hair, changed and he was out the door just before the half hour. The first thing he did, was buy a bunch of food, vegetables meats, drinks and some snacks, and picked up her gift, then made his way back to his dorm room. Right away he got to work, making some food, wanted to make sure he cooked up a decent little two-person dinner meal (And some extra for himself to satiate his unnaturally gigantic appetite that was seemingly endless). 
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The first thing he prepared was some Cream Stew, a classic in Japan for the holidays. he used pork, chicken and mixed veggies with onion and potato cooked in a white roux, they were all out of good cabbage at the store unfortunately, but the stew would be just fine without it. Next he made some Oden using meat instead of tofu with it, and to top it off, he baked some Christmas layer cake topped with strawberries(they were unfortunately out of blueberries, so much to his dismay, Strawberry was the next best decision) it was a good thing he took the time to take home etc. He learned how to cook lots of different dishes, Traditional Japanese dishes as well as Western ones. He thought the class would be pointless, but now he had a reason to put those skills to use for someone other than himself. Everything miraculously came out perfectly, just what he was hoping for. Minato took the pot by the handles and poured the stew into a large portable container before putting the lid over it, the plastic steaming, and keeping it freshly hot. Next, he put the cake into its own plastic container, shut it with the lid and packed it up firmly and safely into a carrying bag, grabbed the bag with the snacks and drinks, his Gamerboy advance and was out the door again.
With a holiday dinner for two, with dessert and snacks, he went to Chiaki’s door knocking a couple times and stopping when hearing her footsteps approaching the door, and she opened it with a gasp, she wasn’t expecting to see Minato, he didn’t text her before hand, it was a good thing he showed up now, she had just finished a level on her game, so the knock was able to catch her attention. And now here he was, with a big backpack and a bag of snacks
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“Minato? What are you doing here? And what’s all this for ?” She asks.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Come on, you didn’t think I’d spend Christmas without you now did you?” He jokes, knowing full well he didn’t text, that was the point of a surprise after all.
“I thought you were busy.” 
[{ 🦋 }] - “I was busy, preparing all this for us.”
 He says with a smile, Chiaki lets him inside and he closes the door behind him, before she has any other chance to ask more questions, Minato takes off his bag, setting it on the table and takes out, the container full of cream stew, still hot, then the container with the strawberry layer cake, and the bag of drinks and snacks, and two Christmas hats, one for him, and one for her. Chiaki watched him take out all of the food and snacks, she was speechless, she figured he was busy with the work regarding his talent, yet, he had been spending all his day preparing this, a traditional Japanese Christmas dinner, just for the two of them. Chiaki could feel her cheeks warming up, she wasn’t expecting her boyfriend to show up at her door, what seemed like it would be a lonely night, was now a beautiful one. 
Minato takes her hands and gives her a warm gentle smile.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Merry Christmas Chiaki.”
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Chiaki smiles brightly, a pink blush on her cheeks, she was so happy, finally, she was going to have a truly amazing Christmas. 
“Merry Christmas Minato!” She excitedly exclaims, throwing herself into his arms out of joy, and Minato doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around her in return, catching her into his arms, even spinning her around a bit while still in his warm embrace. Tonight, would be the best Christmas the both of them had ever had, and with the best gift the two could ever receive, each other.
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dxfiedfxte-a · 3 years
@siilkyhearts​​ (Chiaki) || Continued from here: 🦋
Here it was, the time of year had already come, the snow arriving not long into December, making the season feel true to what it was. Normally, Minato didn’t really care for the snow, but now that he had someone to enjoy it with, even the snow was something he looked forward to. After a very long day of, snowball fights, snowman making, even a little bit of sledding, the day had been nothing but fun. By the time early evening came around, the two had spent pretty much all day outside, he could feel the cold now, so that meant it was time to go in. Heading back inside the dormitory, Minato joined Chaiki inside of her dorm room, since she had the bigger collection of games and consoles, spending time inside her room was the better option. Finally inside from the cold, Minato took his jacket off, hanging it up beside hers, took his boots off, and his extra sweater underneath. 
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Yeah it really was, been a little while since I had so much fun in the snow.” A soft chuckle at her challenge issues for next time.
[{ 🦋 }] - “Oh yeah? I guess we’ll see about that.” He teases in return. 
Now that she mentioned it, yeah, he was still a little cold, the feeling was coming back to him in his limbs, but some extra warmth never hurt, especially after spending the whole early day outside, as fun as it was, it was definitely a cold one out there. Minato was going to grab another blanket, but stopped at Chiaki’s invitation for him to join her under her blanket. A warmth in his chest at her invite, of course he’d join her, that sounded nice. A smile forms as he accepts the offer.
[{ 🦋 }] - “Yeah, staying close together should definitely help.” With that said, Minato made his way over to her, crouching down to her height, then joined her under the blanket near the fireplace, not hesitating to move in closer to her, so close that they were touching bodies, thankfully the blanket was big enough for two people, so he fit under there well, his heart already starting to beat a bit faster, he was so close to her, but she was right, being this close to her, was already helping him warm up.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Chiaki, you’re already so warm..” He says softly, as the cuddle up together.
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dxfiedfxte-a · 2 years
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Minato’s 24th (18th in the case of the DR3 Anime AU) Birthday || No Longer Accepting
@siilkyhearts​ sent:  "Happy birthday, Minato. Remember when we went to the game cafe? Here's that cute Kirby cake they were selling today. And...a big batch of checkerboard cookies that I made for you. I hope you like them." She said, blushing as she handed the gifts for him.
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The day was finally here, his eighteenth year of existing on this world. Despite it being his birthday, Minato didn’t really have any plans to celebrate it -- mainly because he really didn’t have many people he could call his friends here. Sure he had his classmates who did go out of their way to wish him a happy birthday, and some even gifting him chocolate and he did appreciate that. Amongst all of his classmates, there was one specific person who was more special than the others, someone that had actually taken the time to get to know him and show genuine interest in who he was. Ever since he had arrived here at Hope’s Peak, most of his afterschool days had been spent with someone he had gotten a lot closer too, Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer, after getting to know her on a much deeper level, she had become his girlfriend -- something that still came as a surprise to him whenever he dwelled on it, he never expected to find a special someone during his school year, especially the first semester. 
It was thanks to her that her that he had a brand new motivation to strive forward and finish the school year, before the two of them had met, Minato honestly didn’t have much desire to pay full attention to his school work, to him, this was just another annoying obstacle preventing him from fully taking his talent and making it a career, she was the guiding light that gave him a new perspective on life, he couldn’t be more grateful for meeting her and everything they had already built together, he even saw a future with her -- something he never really thought of until recently.
After the day was finished, night slowly began to creep in as the sky gradually began to darken as the sun started descending down. Sitting in his dorm room, Minato was passing the time by playing Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories on his PSP. The moment he finished a battle, he heard a knock at his door prompting him to perk his head up from the handheld console, who could that be at this time of night? It was still relatively early, he just wasn’t expecting a visitor right now. Setting down the game after turning it off, the bluenette gets off the bed and heads to the door and opened it, to his surprise, it was Chiaki -- ironic considering that he was just thinking about her a few moments ago.
As soon as the door swings open, he’s greeted with a cake box as well as a box of homemade cookies, a pleasant surprise he wasn’t expecting, especially just before nightfall -- though maybe that was the exact reason she had waited this long, to catch him by surprise, and it was a tactic that had certainly worked in her favor. Grey eyes spot the Kirby-shaped cake as she mentions it, and then shift to the box of cookies when she mentions those.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Whoa, I wasn’t expecting something like this at this hour, cake and homemade cookies just for me? Thank you Chiaki, I’m getting hungry just looking at them.” Extending his arms, he gently takes hold of the box with the cake, the box of cookies on top of it, it was a little late, but still plenty of time before lights out. Checking the time on his phone, he still had just over five hours of his birthday left, so there was stills lots of time. besides, there was no one else he’d rather spend the rest of his birthday with, than his girlfriend. 
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Hey, there’s still five hours left of my birthday, wanna come in and spend it with me?”
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dxfiedfxte-a · 3 years
Since they're dating now, has Minato had certain...urges around Chiaki before? If you know what I mean.
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It wasn’t very hard to tell exactly what this person meant by urges. Even if it had been a while, Minato knew. He and Chiaki had been dating for quite a while now, many months, and they had only grown closer because of it, so those feelings were bound to grow into something much more over time, and a lot of time had already gone by since they had been together, many precious memories made, and several more on the horizon. In terms of intimacy, they had already been plenty affectionate and by now they were used to kissing and physical touch, but on the topic of full-frontal intimacy, they hadn’t done much.
Although, there were a few moments where those specific thoughts did cross his mind, and despite thinking about it a few times, they were also quick to leave his thoughts, not because a lack of interest, out of respect and comfort to her, he didn’t think she had any experience, so he was more focused on developing their relationship than anything, but he’d be lying if he said he never had those had thought about it.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “It’s been a while since I’ve been with someone, so I’ve been more focused on living in the moment with her to be honest. The months I’ve spent with her already have been the best.”
He cups his chin, he tilts his head to the side slightly.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “It would be a complete lie though if I said I didn’t have those thoughts, a few times.”
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dxfiedfxte-a · 3 years
Name: Chiaki Nanami Age: 17 Do you like to cuddle?: Of course. Can we make-out?: ...I mean...I wouldn't mind it. *blushes* I may not be the best but I can try I think. A night in or dinner out?: Night in is preferable but I suppose I wouldn't mind a night out too and have time together like the arcade...or at our secret spot. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Both. Both are good. What makes you a good Valentine?: I'm willing to spend the time with you and not play games...as much. Unless we can play them together. But I really do enjoy being with you and close to you. I wouldn't want you to be alone. Would you cook for me?: I could try. I don't think I'm the best cook or baker but I could try my very best to make something good to eat for you. Would you let me cook for you?: How could I not? Your cooking is wonderful and I feel so grateful to eat your dishes.
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Valentines Day Application || Accepting Until Valentine’s Day
Honestly, Minato was hoping Chiaki would send one, what timing too, as Minato was just thinking about her a moment ago, discreetly trying to plan something he could do with Chiaki for Valentines Day, and then low and behold, he finds a Valentines application from that gamer girl that had been stuck on his mind lately, ever since the two became a couple, the school days had been nothing but fun, he was taking on every day with a smile now, especially since he had that light in his life that he had always needed. It didn’t matter if their talents were completely different, it didn’t matter if she beat him at every single game they’d play together at least 95% of the time -- what mattered most to him, was just being with her, spending quality time together. There had already been so many memorable moments between them, so Valentine’s Day, would no doubt be another cherished memory to add their already growing collection of special moments.
Taking his time, Minato read through all her answers carefully, making sure not to miss a single thing she’d put down, he wanted all the details, every bit of information he could get, each answer, he took a mental note of, making sure to remember every single thing to the very last detail. Why? To ensure that this Valentines Date with Chiaki, would be a date they’d never forget, a date that they’d happily look back on in the many more memories to come.
Valentine’s Day used to be just another boring old day to him at first, only because he had no one to spend it with, back then anyway. This would be the first Valentines Day in a long time that he’d be spending with someone, someone special. He was already looking forward to it, and was determined to make it the very best date they’d been on yet.
A gentle smile curves onto his lips the moment he finishes his readthrough of the application.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “We can do all kinds of things together.” He replies, very happy with everything he’d seen on the application, just what he’d expect from Chiaki, still managing to be cute, even on paper. 
[{ 🦋 }] - “I’d be fine with either a night in, or night out. or maybe a trip to that gaming café we went to when we first met if we want food. Or we can have a picnic under the stars in our spot, the sky’s the limit!” 
[{ 🦋 }] - “I agree, both are just too good to leave one out. Oh! We can put chocolate covered strawberries in ice cream, gotta get the best of both worlds, you know?”
A few moments for thought at the part about being a good valentine. He had to admit, it was adorable how she’d try to limit her time playing games around him whenever he wasn’t playing along with her. In truth, he honestly didn’t mind either way, just being with her was more than enough.
[{ 🦋 }] - “Haha. Don’t worry, we can play games, but when I stop, you don’t have to. Maybe just sit in my lap so I can watch you play, that’s still quality time to me.”
[{ 🦋 }] - “How about I teach you sometime? Cooking is pretty easy, and I don’t mind showing you. That sounds like another perfect date to me.”
He could honestly do anything with her, it didn’t matter what, she meant that much to him, and any time with her, was quality time. He didn’t mind her playing games most of the time, he actually enjoyed watching her. Her gaming skills were off the charts.
There’s a warm smile that forms, he was glad she enjoyed his food, he wasn’t no culinary star chef, but he definitely knew how to cook, lots of different recipe’s too. 
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Honestly, Chiaki, I can find enjoyment in anything we do, as long as we’re together. That’s all that matters. This is going to be a Valentines Day date. You won’t ever forget, and you can count on it!”
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