soikeouytinbet · 10 months
Keo cuoc bong da pho bien hien nay
Trong các hình thức giải trí, kèo cược bóng đá luôn chiếm vị trí số 1 trong lòng người yêu thể thao. Trong bối cảnh nhiều giải đấu chuyên nghiệp đang diễn ra, các giải bóng đá lớn đã sắp kề cận, bạn có muốn thử sức với thể loại này? Nhà cái uy tín sẽ cung cấp lượng kiến thức cần thiết cho người mới. Đồng thời so sánh ưu nhược điểm của đặt kèo cược online so với truyền thống.
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Kèo cược bóng đá trực tuyến là gì?
Bài viết dành cho đối tượng chưa tiếp cận cá độ bao giờ, vậy nên chúng ta sẽ đi từ cơ bản nhất nhé. Vậy kèo cược bóng đá qua mạng là gì, quy trình này diễn ra thế nào, ở đâu? Tìm hiểu nhé!
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Quy trình kèo cược bóng đá online
Kèo cược bóng đá online là quy trình xoay quanh người chơi và nhà cái. Trong đó trang bóng đá sẽ tổng hợp thông tin trận trước, rồi tung lên bảng kèo các trận đấu, tỷ lệ liên quan cho bạn dự đoán. Dân chơi cần lập tài khoản định danh trước, nạp tiền rồi mới được tham gia cá độ.
Tất cả thao tác trên đều thực hiện trực tuyến, thông qua thiết bị kết nối internet. Dữ liệu sẽ lưu lại ở kho máy chủ nhà cái, giống như một cuốn “sổ cái" điện tử. Tiền thắng cược cập nhật ngay sau trận đấu vào số dư thành viên. Người chơi rút về qua các công cụ tài chính: Banking, Momo, thẻ cào hoặc đem tái đặt cược các trận tiếp theo.
Tham gia kèo cược bóng đá trực tuyến ở đâu?
Cá độ bóng đá online hiện nay thực hiện trực tiếp qua nhà cái, hoặc hệ thống đại lý trung gian do họ xây dựng. Bạn nên chọn địa điểm uy tín, lịch sử hoạt động rõ ràng, minh bạch và cam kết thanh toán sòng phẳng. Dưới đây gồm 5 tên tuổi trang cá cược khá phù hợp với những ai mới tiếp cận:
Hướng dẫn kèo cược bóng đá trực tuyến tại nhà cái
Nền tảng kèo cược bóng đá ở các nhà cái có thể khác nhau về hình thức, số trận, tỷ lệ nhưng quy trình tham gia thì khá giống nhau. Dưới đây gồm các bước cần làm để đặt tiền cho một trận đấu cụ thể.
Tìm chọn nhà cái, đăng ký tài khoản thành viên
Chọn một trong 5 thương hiệu đề xuất bên trên, hoặc bất kỳ trang nào đem lại cho bạn sự tin tưởng. Sau đó vào trang chủ đăng ký tài khoản hội viên, cần chuẩn bị sẵn những thông tin:
Giấy tờ tùy thân: Căn cước, bằng lái xe, hộ khẩu thể hiện rõ bạn đã đủ 18 tuổi trở lên.
Phương thức nạp tiền/ nhận tiền cá độ: Mỗi trang hỗ trợ công cụ giao dịch riêng, phổ biến nhất là ngân hàng nội địa, ví điện tử hay thẻ cào điện thoại.
Email, số điện thoại còn hiệu lực: Dùng để đăng ký, nhận tin tức hoặc xác minh bảo mật khi xảy ra sự cố.
Tên đăng nhập: Chọn một cái tên (nickname) để đăng nhập vào tài khoản đạt kèo cược bóng đá của bạn.
Mật khẩu: Dãy ký tự mật mã ứng với tài khoản, tránh nhầm lẫn sang mật khẩu gmail nhé!
Theo dõi bảng tỷ lệ kèo, tìm trận đấu ưng ý
Tuỳ thuộc từng trang cá độ mà giao diện bảng kèo sẽ được xây dựng khác nhau. Bên cạnh đó không phải giải đấu, trận đấu nào cũng xuất hiện ở đây. Chủ yếu 70% đến từ hệ thống giải thuộc FIFA, phần còn lại chia đều cho những trận tự phát thuộc các khu vực đang phát triển. Ví dụ AFF Cup của Đông Nam Á chúng ta chẳng hạn.
Dò tìm trên bảng kèo giải đấu ưng ý, ví dụ Ngoại Hạng Anh, La Liga, Champion League, World Cup, Euro. Sau đó phần trung tâm bảng sẽ hiện thông tin từng trận theo thứ tự sắp diễn ra. Đặt ngay cạnh gồm tỷ lệ kèo, mức Odds, thời gian thi đấu, các nội dung liên quan.
Nhấn chọn kèo và thanh toán vé cược
Ví dụ muốn đặt tiền vào trận Chelsea vs Tottenham, “gà trống" chấp 1 trái và mức Odds từng bên như sau:
Chelsea: 0.85
Tottenham: 0.88
Muốn dự đoán bên nào thắng, người dùng nhấn vào con số Odds bên cạnh để mở vé cược nháp. Nhập số tiền cụ thể, một số trang còn giúp bạn tính ra tổng tiền thu về khi thắng cược. Sau đó bấm thanh toán, hệ thống tạm trừ tiền trong số dư ví, đồng thời trạng thái vé cược thông báo “Đã Thành Công”.
So sánh mô hình kèo cược bóng đá trực tuyến và truyền thống
Trên các diễn đàn cá độ thể thao, dễ bắt gặp 2 luồng ý kiến trái ngược. Một bên ủng hộ hình thức cá độ, giao dịch kiểu truyền thống. Còn lại cho rằng mọi người nên sớm chuyển sang kèo cược bóng đá trực tuyến vì lý do an toàn, tiện lợi.
Vậy theo bạn ý kiến nào thuyết phục hơn, tại sao vẫn có người trung thành với ghi kèo cá độ trực tiếp, cùng khám phá nhé!
Ưu nhược điểm đặt kèo cược bóng đá online
Kèo cược bóng đá online thật chất chỉ là nền tảng hỗ trợ cho mọi thao tác dễ dàng hơn, thực hiện được từ xa. Đương nhiên việc nào cũng mang tính 2 mặt, tuy nhiên cá độ trực tuyến chứa đựng vô vàn ưu điểm vượt trội như:
Nhà cái quản lý mọi dữ liệu qua công nghệ máy chủ, cấp cho mỗi thành viên một tài khoản định danh. Bạn có thể truy cập đặt kèo ở mọi lúc, mọi nơi mà đôi bên không cần trực tiếp ra mặt.
Từ lợi ích trên dẫn đến, cá độ online an toàn hơn hẳn, giúp khách hàng tránh xa rủi ro pháp lý tại Việt Nam.
Do hệ thống nhà cái hoạt động tự động 90% tác vụ, máy móc thực hiện sẽ chính xác và ít lỗi lầm hơn yếu tố “con người” góp mặt.
Đồng thời muốn nhận khuyến mãi nạp tiền, hoàn tiền bóng đá thì chỉ nhà cái online mới cho bạn điều này.
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Tuy vậy hình thức trên vẫn tồn tại các hạn chế nhất định, bạn cần cân nhắc trước khi trải nghiệm:
Do phụ thuộc hết vào yếu tố “online", bạn đang ở những nơi mạng internet yếu, ngoài vùng phủ sóng thì khó lòng tham gia.
Luật pháp Việt Nam chưa cởi mở với cá độ, những nhà cung cấp mạng sẽ liên tục ra tay ngăn chặn truy cập.
Thị trường kèo cược bóng đá hay gặp tình trạng mạo danh, lừa đảo thương hiệu lớn chiếm đoạt tài sản.
Tại sao vẫn nhiều người cá độ bóng đá truyền thống
Đơn giản những hạn chế của kèo cược bóng đá offline chính là lý do nhiều người vẫn ủng hộ cách ghi kèo trực tiếp. Bạn sẽ đến gặp người môi giới, chọn kèo rồi thanh toán tiền. Một vài nơi thì giao dịch qua Zalo, Facebook rồi chuyển khoản xác nhận đặt cược.
Thậm chí với mô hình trang bóng đá trả sau, đại lý cho phép người chơi trước rồi hết trận mới thanh toán. Với người kinh nghiệm dày dặn, nhưng vốn liếng chưa cho phép, cá độ kiểu này sẽ phát huy tác dụng tối ưu.
Tuy vậy tính an toàn vẫn là điểm yếu “chí mạng" ở hình thức này. Hẳn bạn từng nghe trên báo, nhiều đường dây cá độ bóng đá lớn bị bắt. Đương nhiên khoản tiền vốn, tiền thưởng của ai tham gia sẽ mất hết, chưa kể nếu lưu lại thông tin còn bị cơ quan chức năng “sờ gáy".
Những kèo cược bóng đá cơ bản cần nắm rõ ý nghĩa
Sau cùng, muốn chơi kèo cược bóng đá chắc chắn phải thông thuộc loại kèo mình chơi. Tức hiểu rõ cách đọc ký hiệu, cần điều kiện gì để thắng, và nếu đoán trúng thì ăn bao nhiêu tiền? Dưới đây bài viết sẽ hướng dẫn những loại kèo hay bắt gặp nhất trong bộ môn túc cầu.
Kèo cược chấp Châu Á
Hệ thống cược chấp đến từ các nhà cái Châu Á, ngoài tỷ số chung cuộc, họ còn ấn định thêm số bàn “ảo” kèm theo để trận đấu thêm cân bằng. Giả dụ: Chelsea đang hừng hực khí thế, đứng đầu bảng xếp hạng lại đối mặt với Mu ngụp lặn ở cuối bảng. Gặp nhau đến 80% MU thua trận, vậy còn gì nữa mà dự đoán?
Lúc này dựa theo yếu tố chuyên môn để nhận định, trang cá cược sẽ tự cộng thêm cho MU một số bàn chấp. Ví dụ: Chelsea chấp 2 bàn, vậy thì Mu sẽ thắng nếu:
2 bên hoà tỷ số bất kỳ: 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4 hoặc hoà không bàn thắng.
Mu giành chiến thắng và không cần quan tâm đến tỷ số bao nhiêu.
Chelsea không thể thắng cách biệt từ 2 bàn trở lên.
Thời lượng kèo trên áp dụng cho từng hiệp hoặc toàn trận. Ngoài tỷ lệ 2 trái vừa nêu, còn rất nhiều kèo Châu Á, kèo ném biên khác như: 0.25, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 1.75, 2.5,... Khoảng cách bàn càng lớn, chứng tỏ thực lực các bên khác biệt nhau nhiều.
Ngoài ra ứng với từng đội, trang bóng đá chỉ định mức odds tương ứng, tức khi thắng kèo bạn sẽ lấy tiền vốn nhân cho con số này. Ví dụ Mu (odds: 0.86) thắng, cược 1 triệu bỏ túi thêm 860,000 đồng.
Nguồn: https://uytinbet.com/meo-ca-cuoc/keo-cuoc-bong-da/
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bluesky88diary · 1 year
My friend said, "If God would like to see you in Japan, doors won't be closed. Don't waste your time." He makes sense. I went half globe for a chance to see you, to show up you my affection and love. If you love me, if I am some what valuable for you, then you can come in NY.
Or maybe I might behave like guys from k-drama, making you jealous and wake up your feelings? Twelve nights isn't exception.
For instance, each time in LA I stop in Koreatown the same hostel and have meal in the same restaurant Thank U Pho. However on the google map is written Vietnamese, but I can distinguish Korean language very well. There work one family, nice man and his daughter. I know, because she calls old man 아빠. Come and see, if you don't believe me. https://goo.gl/maps/1fCdD43SZD4Wddbv9?coh=178573&entry=tt
She was a little rude toward me, like in dorama girls act when like a boy, trying to ignore him. She is pretty. Maybe it's fate? Huh? Bla bla bla...
Also my niece pays unusually high attention to me. Am I honey, peanut butter or what? I don't know. People say that girls like me..... But I like no one. Rather only the one.
Isn't this stupid to ignore somebody you like? What do you think, will it be fair if I ask you to come in NY to eat together? In Twelve nights you left NY to meet love in Seoul. Can it be in real like you have to live Seoul to meet love in NY? You say this character fits you the most.
Please come. I will be waiting.
p.s. she definitely likes me. last time I ordered vegetarian fried rice, as usual. she said "mixed fried rice". I replied, "vegetarian fried rice, please". Then she brought me mixed meat fried rice!!! What a rude? How should I treat in Korea such attitude? This person shows no manners at all. Next time should I ask her name to tell her in face how I feel about dishes with meat???
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Funny, right? Drama at every corner. And you say boring... How life of celebrity can be boring? Maybe you would like to eat fried rise with me?
By the way, I think you didn't wish I come in Japan, because there I can face many cute girls, right? So you are not upset with that "sigh!!!", it's relief, isn't it? But I am upset... Because I don't know when I could see you then. All the summer you will be acting in new comedy..... Well, wish you have a lot of fun. Please work hard and show good attitude.
I will find new job. And things slowly will get better. Maybe finally will be able to afford teacher for Korean language. Good they didn't let me take a flight, I don't like Japanese the same like Korean, maybe 20% vs 80% for you to better understand. Yeah, year by year from my childhood I became Korean in heart. And yes, I don't like anime that much too, only few chosen, the same as movies etc.
And that kiss in 12 nights I don't like too!!!!
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cat368sgcom · 1 year
Nhận định, soi kèo Real Betis vs Sociedad (07h00, ngày 26/4)
Tổng kết lại, phong độ của Real Sociedad trong thời gian gần đây chưa thực sự tốt và họ cần phải cải thiện nếu muốn giành được những kết quả tốt hơn trong tương lai. Tuy nhiên, với các cầu thủ chất lượng mà đội bóng này sở hữu, cơ hội vẫn còn để Real Sociedad có thể vươn lên trong cuộc đua giành suất dự Europa League mùa sau. Real Betis và Real Sociedad đã gặp nhau tổng cộng 63 trận đấu trong lịch sử, tính đến thời điểm hiện tại. Kết quả chiến thắng được chia đều cho cả hai đội, khi mỗi đội đã giành được 23 lần chiến thắng và còn lại 17 trận đấu kết thúc với tỷ số hòa. Trong những năm gần đây, Real Betis và Real Sociedad đã có nhiều trận đấu hấp dẫn và cân tài cân sức. Trong 5 lần đối đầu gần nhất, Real Betis giành được 2 chiến thắng, Real Sociedad thắng 1 trận và 2 trận đấu kết thúc với tỷ số hòa. Dưới đây là kết quả của 5 trận đấu gần nhất giữa Real Betis và Real Sociedad: Dựa trên lịch sử đối đầu và pho - x10wobsytg
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mysteriesofmarcy · 3 years
The New Normal review (with spoilers!)
OK, I guess it's time to review The New Normal!
Everything from the first review still applies. Still a good introduction to the season, even if it wasn't comfortable due to definitely being 2020. Still feels like a cross between both previous season second episodes. I won't dwell on the first half too much because it's my least favorite part of the entire show so far for obvious reasons, but it did a solid job of introducing the new setting and showing us what's what this season.
First, with the show actually using LA as a setting, it feels pretty different than other shows like Star vs (which, apparently, slightly changed the names of cities and towns around LA to create Marco's home). I'm not sure why Disney would do this now, but it does certainly feel different.
Also feeling different is the constant use of Asian/Thai food and culture. If anyone reading this lives in SoCal, is it really like that there? As in, do they actually serve Pho in the middle of grocery stores, and do they actually call them markets? I ask because here in the midwest we either call that place a grocery store or a supermarket (we use market to describe something else), and stores typically don't have restaurants in them unless they're in a mall.
Now we get to the plot aspect of the episode. Obviously that robot is still out there, licking its wounds, and it will be back eventually. We learn a little about how the robots are supposed to work. They can take direct orders, but they can't take too many at once. They can lock on to a heat signature from the calamity box. And they can turn themselves invisible. This will make for a very tough battle when this one eventually gets back up again.
That's about all I have for this episode. Yes, I know, that thing you remembered that I'm forgetting. But I'm about out of time right now anyway, so this will have to do for now.
EDIT: If you have a topic you'd like me to cover, whether from this episode or any other, feel free to send me an ask about it!
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intermundia · 4 years
Question: is Ι/ι pronounced like “eye,” or like “e”? I’m finding that ίώτα (are those the right punctuation?) is supposed to be pronounced “eye-o-tah” but Ι/ι is supposed to be like the “I” in marine or kit? Is it like English where it changes based on the letters around it and the context?
It does change depending on context! Like the difference between omicron and omega, epsilon and eta, iota can be long or short, they just didn’t add an extra letter to make it clearer how long you’re supposed to hold your mouth in that position lol (which would have been nice, admittedly). I think it’s just that the difference isn’t quite as stark as with those other two vowels imho. When it’s long, ī sounds like ee like in meet; when short, i sounds like i like in bit
A good example of the difference is like κινητικός kīnētikos > kee-nay-tikos
You’ll sound like a strange idiot, but this is how I do a vocal warmup to make sure I’m holding my mouth open in a way different from how i hold it when im speaking English, making my vowels in a more Ancient Greek-way. 
Make sure you’re making the vowel sounds the same length, first long and then short. Notice how open your mouth is both up and down and side to side as you say each of these, and what your lips are doing. When they’re long, you’re basically just taking an extra moment to open all the way, when short, you’re just kind of keeping it contained. Idk. Exaggerate the difference when you’re practicing.
baah, bohh, baay, boo, bee  vs.  bah, bo, beh, bu, bih
Ba Bo Be Bu Bi > βᾱ βω βη βῡ βῑ vs. βα βο βε βυ βι
Pha Pho Phe Phu Phi > φᾱ φω φη φῡ φῑ vs. φα φο φε φυ φι
Ma Mo Me Mu Mi > μᾱ μω μη μῡ μῑ vs. μα μο με μυ μι
Na No Ne Nu Ni > νᾱ νω νη νῡ νῑ vs. να νο νε νυ νι
La Lo Le Lu Li > λᾱ λω λη λῡ λῑ vs. λα λο λε λυ λι
Ta To Te Tu Ti > τᾱ τω τη τῡ τῑ vs. τα το τε τυ τι
Rha Rho Rhe Rhu Rhi > ρᾱ ρω ρη ρῡ ρῑ vs. ρα ρο ρε ρυ ρι
Ka Ko Ke Ku Ki > κᾱ κω κη κῡ κῑ vs. κα κο κε κυ κι
Ga Go Ge Gu Gi > γᾱ γω γη γῡ γῑ vs. γα γο γε γυ γι
Repeat it over and over, sing it, chant it, whatever. Just get used to your mouth moving between shapes idk. You’ll have to memorize places where it’s mostly short and where it’s long, but it’s usually long before two consonants. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
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loquaciousquark · 6 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E18 (May 15, 2018)
@eponymous-rose​ is out tonight, so here I am instead, tiny-footed in her enormous...shoes? This metaphor’s escaped me.
Preshow is the crew filling a whiteboard with chat-directed drawings. It includes Mollymauk covered in pyramids, Jester’s lollipop, and Caleb on fire. You know, as it happens. Liam smiles very convincingly next to it.
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Anyway, tonight’s guests are Liam and Sam, who arrives late and brings his Emmy. This fool.
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Tonight’s announcements: new website! Critrole.com. It’ll have updates, news, events, and Sam suggests a daily vlog from BWF. The hardcover version of VM Origins will have its launch date announced this Thursday morning on said website. Liam pulls out a copy of the thing and it looks great. Also, everyone except Liam will be participating in the Stream of Many Eyes livestream in LA June 1-3, which will include multiple live D&D games. More information and tickets here. 
Crit Role Stats! Nott currently has the most kills of the MN with 16. Her HDYWTDT on the hill giant puts her at 5, tied with Molly for the most.
Caleb has cast the most spells of the group with 146. The next closest is Jester with 100. Liam: “It’s that ritual casting, yo.” However, Jester’s cast a larger variety of spells (22 to Caleb’s 20). This doesn’t include the Wand of Smiles (Caleb: 1, Jester: 4).
Sam is still stuck in character creation in Pillars of Eternity. Liam calls BS since he asked how to walk, but Sam reminds him you walk before going into the CC. He’s spent an hour and a half making a Cipher. BWF made Pike, but picked the wrong voice. Liam suggests picking Grog’s voice in his remake. Liam played the opening nine times and eventually had to reinstall the whole thing to unlock the VM portraits. Sam has a traumatic realization that he has the same problem & will have to reinstall as well.
Caleb is strongly regretting entering the Victory Pit due to the exposure it’s gotten them. He didn’t think there would be any bigwigs this far out, but he was “shocked” to find he was mistaken.
Nott isn’t happy with the notoriety either, but she’s conflicted; “she enjoys the supportive glances of her comrades, her teammates, but every once in a while is reminded other people are watching too.” Both agree the afterparty went badly.
Re: the Trent namedrop, Liam: “I can’t believe he’s here, this far out... I didn’t take in a lot of what happened for the next twenty minutes.”
During a discussion of distractions during an episode, Sam talks about how he and Laura were drawing a shared picture last episode whose arms and legs became dicks over the course of the episode.
Nott was surprised to find she was of value to the team during the hill giant fight. She’s still getting used to her abilities, but being so small and taking down something that big was a confidence boost. “She’s super jittery and nervous about everything and she drinks to compensate. I think this is going well for her, helping the team.”
Frumpkin happened post-asylum, so there was no danger of Trent recognizing him. Liam: “He was tapped for school at 15, meets Ikathon at 16 & goes with Astrid & Aeowulf, goes home for the first event with his parents about a year later, burns the house at age 17, and then was in the asylum until age 28. He ran and was totally alone when he got out; the first step was a cat, the second step was a goblin, and the next step was a group.” Sam: “Your guy was institutionalized for over a decade? I should reconsider who I travel with...”
Nott doesn’t necessarily believe Yasha is a spy, but she doesn’t know why she keeps disappearing or what she’s doing. She doesn’t even know what Yasha is, just that she’s super powerful and scary.
GIF of the week: @trisail. It’s the Trent reveal moment with overlays of Caleb shorting out. Heh.
Lengthy discussion about the “leave the table” moment. Liam found the scene super satisfying as it played out and doesn’t regret it. However, it’s a game for his friends first and foremost, and the primary purpose must be to entertain his friends and make them laugh and gasp, and this way robbed them of their reactions. He doesn’t think there would have been an issue with them being at the table--they’re all respectful audience members, and they’ve all been present before at other reveals. Plus, his story is very complicated, so “what am I gonna do? Spill it out all over again for Fjord, for Jester? It just didn’t seem feasible.” Caleb’s story has been in Liam’s head for a long time, so he was glad to get it out. Liam got the most responses on Twitter ever after his first tweet that he’d told his friends to go back and watch.
None of the other cast members aside from Ashley & BWF have watched the Caleb scene yet. Ashley found it pretty crazy and “a lot.”
Liam reminisces about seeing Vex’s heartbreak at Percy’s death and Grog’s privy conversation with the sword, even though he wasn’t part of those scenes, and wishes he hadn’t excluded his friends from his reveal. “I didn’t get a cat o’nine tails out of Taliesin’s closet and flagellate myself, but...a small course correction.”
Caleb’s reveal clarified some things about how Nott views Caleb; neither Sam nor Nott are dumb, and they both knew that he was suffering from something terrible. This just confirmed that & fleshes out the details. Nott’s views of Caleb’s victimhood, and her wishes that he no longer have to suffer, have not changed. 
 Liam points out that the intimacy of the show has changed over time, allowing them to pursue deeper conversations between characters instead of just the wacky hijinks they started with. As an example, he points out the difference between the first Liam/Keyleth scene where people hid behind hats vs. later Percy/Vex scenes where everyone was respectful and quiet. Sam enjoys that they can now have fun-fun (getting out of tricky situations and fighting together) alongside adult-fun (deep conversations and new relationships). BWF points out they’ve spent more time with these characters already than a full 5-season primetime show.
Sam became addicted to playing D&D precisely because of the level of depth you could reach with these characters, which you can’t achieve anywhere else.
In the thirty minutes before the Caleb conversation, Liam was wildly conflicted about what he was going to do (reveal everything, reveal only parts, lie). At the same time, “it’s killing [Caleb] to keep it all bottled up,” and even though Caleb’s really smart, he’s not a mastermind, and it may have still been too soon. However, Liam was also ready to stir the pot--he’s getting antsy that so many backstories haven’t been revealed, even though they’re theoretically a sixth of the way through the show. He also points out that Caleb has achieved his goal of finally getting into the library, so there’s nothing keeping him from leaving at any time. “That’s Caleb talking, not Liam.”
Laura & Travis interrupt to Facetime in & pretend they meant to call BWF’s mom for Mother’s Day. It’s pretty darn funny, and they confirm they totally watch this show from home when they’re not on it. Nerds.
Sam also takes a moment to loudly, angrily remonstrate Laura & Travis for taking pho home to eat. “You do not take pho home to eat. You eat it at the restaurant. It does not travel.” Discussing Sam’s food snobbery, Liam reminisces about how proud he was of some homemade blueberry pancakes he made after his kids were born. He shared a picture of them with Sam, who then sent back a picture of pancakes Sam’s wife made that “looked like something out of a magazine, there were raspberries, and everyone was like OHHHH, OHHHH, and I was alone and tired in my kitchen.” Sam: “I’m the worst person.”
Sam had guessed that Caleb’s backstory had something to do with fire, but had thought maybe he’d accidentally hurt/killed someone. “It’s pretty bad to accidentally hurt someone with fire. It’s super bad to intentionally kill someone with fire who is related to you.”
Caleb has no idea what happened to the other two children. The last thing he remembers before hospitalization was the house. Liam still thinks of Caleb as young since he’s essentially lost eleven years.
Sam asked Liam why he wanted to play someone so dark after Vax instead of someone more lighthearted. Liam’s just attracted to these kinds of stories; “this is what I want to do with my spare time.” He’s fine with other people being jovial instead of him.
Fanart of the Week: This gorgeous thing by Wesley Griffith. Apparently, Travis said this is his favorite representation of Fjord so far.
Nott doesn’t think she can do powerful magic; she’s just excited to be able to do small things. Liam’s dying to know Nott’s backstory: “She’s like a little bag of knives who’s hyperintelligent and drunk.”
Sam pauses to plug a new organization, Nerds Vote, a nonpartisan encouragement to register to vote.
In re: Beau’s reaction to Caleb’s reveal, Liam discusses his other options. He thinks Fjord is very intelligent but an unknown who might be evil. Jester he thinks would be the most likely to be repulsed or run away. Yasha’s her own kind of stranger who always leaves. Molly’s a 24/7 party animal that’s wildly different from Caleb. He feels Beau was the best choice; Beau had something he wanted anyway (and had shared a secret with him) so he didn’t have second thoughts acceding to her request.
Even though Nott has forgiven him, Caleb’s not looking to be forgiven or have anyone pat him on the back. He doesn’t believe “it’s going to be okay or it’s not his fault.” He knows he’s absolutely to blame and there’s a massive degree of self-loathing, so Liam feels Beau was the absolute perfect person to tell since she was going to be dry, pragmatic, and real. “No fluff, all...elbow-corners.” He didn’t want someone to coddle him and she was the perfect person for that.
He recognizes that they’re both Empire kids and share that history. Caleb also has been paying attention to everyone, and he feels Beau is clearly not happy with the Empire regardless of what she says, which aligns with Caleb’s feelings as well. Liam thinks it was a great choice to break it to her first, & he feels it wouldn’t have been fair to exclude Nott if he were to finally spit it out.
Nott’s not concealing anything from anyone about her backstory; it’s just that no one’s asked. Caleb never asked about anyone’s backstory because he didn’t want return questions.
Sam likes Liam’s story choices and calls them brave.
The original idea for Caleb stretches back so far that Liam thought of the name Astrid even before Matt introduced Pike’s cousin, Astrid. When they started discussing character creation for the new campaign, Matt okayed repeating the name. The German accent came much later in character creation (i.e. after the development of backstory). To Liam, Caleb’s backstory reads more like KGB or Pet Murderer over Hitler Youth, since as far as he knows it was only the three children involved, not an army.
Of the choices available to the group, Sam most wants to go back to the Gentleman. Liam wonders if Pumat has skeletons in his closet. (How many closets does Pumat have, I wonder?)
Sam segues into his difficulty remembering the difference between the Soltryce Academy and the Cerberus Assembly since they both have “C-A” sounding names. Liam: “Look, folks, he can either be really funny, or he can know the details.” Sam: “And that’s... where Ikathon is? And then there are the Halls of Erudition? There are too many things!” I have never identified more with him than this moment right here.
I have a brief, violent heart attack when an accidental keypress navigates me away from this page and I think I’ve lost it all. False alarm, please reduce heart rate to under 100bpm.
After Dark: Emmy and a lovely mace for Pike Edition
Liam elucidates the difference between a mace and a morningstar. Sam just about knocks his Emmy off the shelf getting the aforementioned mace for demonstration.
Sam’s asked which 90s Disney Afternoon show his character would like best. Sam: Darkwing Duck, Talespin, Gummy Bears, Fraggle Rock. Liam: Duck Tales.
Does Nott regret saying she’s Caleb’s mother after knowing what he did to his last mom? Sam: “Oh, wow. I didn’t even think about that.” Liam: “How could you not? I’ve been thinking about it for weeks!” Sam: “Well, it’s not like he’s a Terminator-style hunter of only mothers...” Finally--no, it hasn’t crossed Nott’s mind, but Sam will inform her soon.
The ultimate food sin for Sam--transporting pho is pretty high on his list, but he decides on ten-dollar wine. (Two-buck chuck, you know what you’re getting, swillwater flavored like wine; ten-dollar wine is actual wine that is terrible.) He recommends splurging for the fourteen-dollar wine. Sam loves cheap Chinese but Panda Express doesn’t count as Chinese. “No good Chinese restaurant ever advertises, ever.” Salted vs. unsalted butter is also a big thing. This is all because of Sam’s wife, he says; Liam points out that a year after they first met, when Sam moved to LA, Liam went over to Sam & Sam’s wife’s terrible apartment where they made very fancy salmon wrapped in that clear waxy rice paper stuff I can’t remember the expensive name for.
Caleb had very little left offensively in the hill giant fight. All he had was Sleep and Shield and a weak cantrip, so all he could do was gamble and guess on the timing. When he first cast it, Sam told Laura it was a big mistake. 
A viewer question tries to goad Liam & Sam into a tickle fight. Liam threatens BWF with the mace instead. 
Sam agrees to grow a small beard for Liam’s birthday, a little “chin music.”
And that’s all for the night! Is it Thursday yet?
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cowboy5 · 5 years
Texas 2018
Annual trip. Always good to be back. I can’t hang like I used to and I definitely bounce back as quick. 
It’s really sad that you have to look at your credit card for little nuggets of truth of what you did during your trip.
Friday: Woke up early and arrived earlier. Played SSBU on the Switch with Trung while waiting for Cattleack BBQ. Nik came by. Then left. Then Linh came by. Woke Nik up and we got Magic Cup while I convince her that Jason is a racist. A solid day.
Saturday: Gymed, then went to Legacy Food Hall. Waited around and looking at blazers from Bonobos. Ate decent Peruvian chicken and had amazing glazed donuts. Got myself 85C Grapefruit Tea and hung out with Thao and her kids. Finished the night. I’m pretty sure I stayed home and just read Harry Potter all night after that.
Sunday: Woke up to gym really quick and had pho before going to my first tailgate. It was Cowboys vs. Gators. I wouldn’t have appreciated a tailgate as much if we did it when everybody was much poorer. They had heaters and chairs and big screen TVs. Got a weird vibe from Adam because he defended Boston. Ok, bruh. Walked back to our car with Linh, Jenn, and Thy and their drunk asses. I’m pretty sure Linh is just drunk. Went home. Had a nice convo with Sunshine before the holidays. Finished the night with Hoolihan’s with Jason, Duey, Anh, and Nik. Fuck that waiter, spoiling HP shit. I don’t care if you’re hitting on Jason, you just have poor taste.
Monday and Tuesday: I’m pretty sure this was Christmas Eve and Christmas. Went to Jason’s place? I’m not 100% sure. I remember dinner with his mom, Kami, her mom, Nik, and him. Food was good. Things got interesting when our topics moved towards China. Not sure what we did. One of those nights, we had a game night at my place with the cousins and bros all here and we were playing Super Smash, with one of those nights where we finished off with Mario Party.
Wednesday: I ate a Super Sonic breakfast burrito! Did a decent amount of work before heading with Mylinh to Ida Claire’s. The food was good as always, but it’s not as good as I remember it. Maybe it’s just nostalgia for nostalgia’s sake. Finished our food and headed out to play Super Smash before Nik dropped me off to a family dinner. Then I’m pretty sure nothing happened after that.
Thursday: Found out Joe’s flight will be delayed for more than 24 hours. Bummer. Hung out with Linh and waited for Nik to take us all to Rodeo Goat. Damn good burgers and damn good fries. Ate more than I was supposed to. Rodeo Goat might make it to one of the best burger places I’ve ever had.
Friday: Started my day with Torchy’s from Brian. Always good to hear from him and I’m happy for his next move. Then headed over to Jason’s to do some work. Finished the night with Thai Thumbz, not bad Thai food. The night ended with me dropping off Jason at Kami’s family place. He wanted to go out but I ain’t tryna wild out. 
Saturday: Woke up and picked up Joe. Linh came over while still hungover (drunk?). Went to Duy’s place since Nik was dog sitting. Gave everybody the grand tour. Headed over to Zero Degrees for snacks and boba. Played a fun prank on Linh. Went over to Thao’s to watch Final Table and hang out with “Liver.” Finished the night a traditional night of playing 13 at TMB.
Sunday: Worked out. Got hoodwinked by my parents trying to set me up again. Sorry Joe. GTFO as fast as possible. Picked Nik up and saw Manny. Took Joe to Deep Ellum. Had a shot of alcoholic air and played SSBU. Afterwards, dinner was at Sushiyama. I forgot how big these bento boxes are. Headed to Uptown to see Lan and co. Ended up dancing and playing board games at Kung Fu Saloon. Tried getting OMG Tacos but it was closed early. Headed to Koreatown in Dallas instead joined by Jason and Kami. SO MUCH FOOD.
Monday: Gymmed and sat around most of the day. Pretty pissed that everybody was taking so long. Went to Sweet Mix and got my sugar fix. Headed to Jason’s Plano place just to see him. Headed back to home to rest up before going out to Duy’s for NYE. Played SSBU, Mario Party, and ate food. Jason showed up and left, ass.
Finally got to spend the New Years with Boop. SIX YEARS
2019 feels like it will move by fast. I’m sad that this will probably be the first NYE that I won’t spend in DFW since I’ll be preparing for the final move to LA. Here we go!
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mitmama · 7 years
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)
Hanoi | Ninh Binh | Halong Bay | Siem Reap | Angkor Wat | Bangkok | Krabi | Saigon | Travel Tips
The last stop on our 3-country, 5-city trip is Saigon.  Now known as Ho Chi Minh City, it was where my husband was born and left when he was just 2.  
The map below shows all the places we visited this trip.  Note we flew from Hanoi to Siem Reap to Bangkok, Krabi, and back out to Ho Chi Minh City, mostly on Thai Asia Air.  We flew Cathay Pacific to and from Vietnam, quite affordable with a stop over in Hong Kong.
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Ho Chi Minh City is more cosmopolitan than Hanoi.  And much, much hotter.  Even in December, the coldest month, it’s in the low 90s here.   
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The Post Office below is designed by the French architect Alfred Foulhoux, but often erroneously attributed to Gustave Eiffel.
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Walking around during the middle of the day can be unpleasant due to the heat. Worse, traffic rules aren’t enforced so crossing the streets can be challenging, and during rush hours downright scary.  You’ll see a million motorbikes, so if you wait for a break in traffic, you’ll never cross the street.  The trick is to walk steadily and wait for a motorbike to pass if you need to, but not make any sudden movement as motorbike riders are all estimating how fast they can go.  You don’t want to challenge their estimation. ;-)  
Food in Saigon
There’s a lot of delicious food in Saigon.  We had Southern style Pho at Pho Phu Vuong, which has herbs and sprouts and darker more flavorful soup.  Some also come with oxtail, tendon, and tripe, all super tasty.  We stayed near Ben Thanh Market, the central market, a good central place to explore the city.  
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Also good here is the Bon Bo Hue, or pork noodle with slow-cooked, tasty broth.  We went to Bún Bò Huế Nam Giao on the famous Bui Vien Walking Street, which is full of restaurants, pubs, and cafes.
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We found delicious Banh Xeo (Vietnamese Crepe) at An La Ghien, which also has these tiny addictive appetizers with shrimp and coconut.
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Saigon vs. Hanoi
Now that we’ve experienced both cities, here are some differences.  
Hanoi is more like Beijing, or Washington DC, with more history and sites to see.  Saigon is more like Shanghai or New York, more cosmopolitan. 
The meat in the pho tastes better up in Hanoi, more tender.  The broth in pho is more flavorful in Saigon.
For coffee, I greatly prefer Hanoi, for richer more intense flavor.  Coffee in Saigon tends to be smoother and sweeter.
Saigon is hot!  I mean 90s in December, the coldest month. The intense heat and a big city with lots of traffic makes you more reluctant to go out and do much.  Might be good to get a nicer hotel room in a central area as you might hang out there quite a bit. ;-)  And due to the scary traffic, it’s hard to walk much, especially with kids.  
Xmas Night
We stayed near the Ben Thanh Market,  a busy area.  We found a very inventive restaurant called Anan Saigon.  The food is a bit expensive but worth it.  The beef carpaccio, crab fried rice, and lemongrass pork are all excellent.
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We finished off our Xmas Eve with a drink on the Air 360 Sky Lounge.  A great view of the Saigon skyline, and a great way to cap off our amazing trip!  Merry Xmas!
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jokerepair74-blog · 5 years
Hitching a Ride on the Digital Nomad Express
Late last year, my friend James Clark wrote me to say that VietJet intended to open a direct flight from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, to Chiang Mai, Thailand.
He dubbed it “The Digital Nomad Express.”
I LOL’d.
So when it recently came time for a visa run, I decided to buy a ticket.
I was excited for my first return trip to Saigon since 2015. I’ve spent a lot of time in the city over the years, and I wasn’t surprised to find that many things are changing for the better (check out James’ suggestions for the future).
Not surprisingly, the Digital Nomad Express wasn’t so full of digital nomads. The flight was mostly made up of tourists, travelers, business people, students, and monks.
But here’s the thing, even if Digital Nomads were onboard, I’d be having an increasingly difficult time trying to identify them. The remote work lifestyle is starting to go more mainstream.
Nomads are amorphous, transitory, and easy to confuse with entrepreneurs, or expats, or ya know, people doing their thing.
What is it, anyway, that makes a Digital Nomad?
Here’s an idea:
The archetype at the core of the digital nomad identity is that of the backpacker or traveler. So you might say: earn like an entrepreneur or freelancer, and live like a backpacker or traveler and boom: digital nomad.
This helps to explain a lot of things: like why digital nomads generally don’t stay digital nomads for long, or why successful entrepreneurs who simply travel often or live somewhere strange often loath being lumped in with the label. There are many downsides to living life like a traveler.
A lot of digital nomads would make their lives a lot easier if they simply thought of themselves as expats and declared – and invested in – a home. Pick up a book or two about the local history, find a friend or hobby that has something to do with the place you’ve come to, and when somebody asks you how long you’re sticking around just saying “I live here.”
The truth is behind most traveler’s facade there is some kind of home– it’s where they store their stuff and where they go when they’re sick. Maybe it’s their parents place or a friend’s. They’re moving around to fun and cheap cities for a high quality of life, but are still ultimately anchored to somewhere they’re confident the mail will turn up.
Digital Nomads vs. the Location Independent Entrepreneur
The location independent entrepreneur, who lives outside of their home country, takes cues from an expatriate. And those who’ve stayed in their place of birth are simply carving out a way of life that looks much like wealthy people would live a generation before – snowbirding, doing 9 then 3, or simply traveling a great deal for business or leisure.
Anyway, for this one weekend, I wasn’t worried about categories. I was going to digital nomad my face off.
I was in full on travel mode. I traded in what has become a laughable camel caravan of luggage for a sleek carry on only digital nomad setup:
Of course, Saigon and Chiang Mai have long been pillars in the community of readers here at TMBA. The both have a lot of the things entrepreneurs and digital nomads (and now, increasingly, remote workers) love:
Great value for the money.
Easy to get an apartment and basic life amenities setup.
Strong local entrepreneurial culture with cosmopolitan elements to the city.
Nice coffee shops and bars.
And perhaps most importantly, other digital nomads.
Saigon is something of a shrine to capitalism. You can see and feel it everywhere. The energy of the city is hustle. It whispers “make something of yourself.” 
You can see it happening in front of your eyes. Look around and you can spot loaves of bread moving through the streets, from baker, to bike taxi, to vendor or restaurant. Look up and you’ll see ambitious construction projects dotting the city.
It’s a funny juxtaposition given all the communist symbols everywhere.
Saigon changes so fast…
Most co-working spaces around the city are populated by locals.
It’s only been three years since I left, but so many things in Saigon have changed.
The first thing I noticed: District 1, the central area, smelled different.
I guess some people might be tempted to say it smells better, but not me.
For me, Vietnam’s cities smell of a unique mix of incense, exhaust, waste, and food being prepared and distributed on the street. In my mind, it’s inextricably tied to career freedom itself.
I know that might sound nuts, but Vietnam was the theatre of a formative travel experience for me in 2001. When I returned to the U.S., it was part of what I dreamed about when peeking over my cubicle wall in 2006, wondering if I’d ever get out.
(I did.)
What started as an adventure in 2008 – returning to Vietnam to source products, hire remote workers, and EAT – has turned into a life. Some of the folks who I went on adventures with have gone on to prove that it’s possible to build wealth and interesting careers while having a great deal of location and time freedom.
The businesses and careers they’ve created would have been very hard to even imagine 10 or 20 years ago, let alone execute. It’s encouraging for me to see so many old friends doing so well, doing things their own way. When you’re building things that are unprecedented – say, insisting that even though you’ve got 100+ employees, you’re going to stay 100% remote, it’s easy to get tempted to replicate the way “experts” did before.
But these folks, some of whom I first met in HCMC, are proving that in this day and age it’s possible to build things on your own terms and, in a small way, contribute to what work and career might look like for others in the future.
I spent my first day in Ho Chi Minh city strolling around. I’d missed this. Chiang Mai, for all it’s virtues, isn’t the nicest place for a stroll.
I was excited to see somebody thought it was a good idea to dedicate an entire walking street to book sellers and cafes.
And that the options to caffeinate your journey continue to expand on the already impressive cafe culture:
This was a hot chocolate that had spicy bits and cinnamon.
And of course, I ate. I’d bet the average truck driver in Vietnam is exposed to more delicious food than the average upper middle class American.
My first meal was perhaps, fittingly, my favorite dish of all time. Simply, Pho Bo.
We ensured to stay hydrated.
* **
That evening I caught up with somebody TMBA listeners will be familiar with, David Hehenberger the founder of Fat Cat Apps and Landing Cube.
David was one of the first TMBA Apprentices back in the day, and has since gone on to found 3 successful companies, grow a team, and serve as a mentor for apprentices in his own companies. David’s been based in Saigon for 6 years now, and is one of my favorite people to hang out with. We joked about all sorts of things, and had the nerdy conversations that only internet entrepreneurs can appreciate.
ME: “Have you considered just SWASing your SaaS?”
DAVID: “Funny you mention that, my apprentice suggested such a move last week.”
That evening, instead of going home at a reasonable hour, I took a motorbike taxi to the nightlife walking street of Bui Vien, ground zero for backpackers and travelers in Southern Vietnam. I’m glad I went. It’s changed dramatically, but it’s still the lovable crazy melting pot it’s always been.
The next day, James and I took a walking tour of the Tao Dien area in District 2.
We went in style.
We got to see so many new buildings going up across the city.
When I first moved to Saigon, District 2 was known as the place where expat families who had fancy jobs located to ensure their kids got a access to good schools and lived in large homes in gated communities. What started as a suburb with good housing has gradually morphed into something resembling Seminyak in Bali.
I noticed whiffs of La Jolla, California as I walked past the swish spas, beauty salons, cafes, and eateries with food offerings (Poke, Vegan, BBQ) that Westerners would be well familiar with. James pointed out a Yoga Teacher’s Training School, indicating once and for all that District 2 intends to make Western expats feel right at home.
We (that’s James in the photo) opted to have a fancy brunch with some other entrepreneurs.
I drank a double shot of espresso and three glasses of Champagne. It cost me an arm and a leg! That’s Tao Dien living I suppose.
After a siesta, that walk was hot!, I snuck in a few more bowls of Vietnamese food, which were priced more reasonably. Here’s one of my favorites, a dish from the center of the country called Mi Quang. It’s the “Dac Biet” or special version, meaning in most cases they pull out all the stops. In this case, all the stops were all the fun bits from a chicken plus some delicious Viet style sausages.
James sent me off early on Sunday with a classic breakfast of rice dumplings called Bahn Cuon. We discussed future plans to meetup and spend a week together with other bright folks. I walked with a full stomach and a good deal of insight into the projects I’m working on.
For me, it’s easy to get caught up in a routine and day to day of running a business. Often, I resist the idea of taking a weekend away. My mind often prefers the idea of staying on plan.
In the end though, I rarely regret shaking things up and hopping on a plane.
Sure, I got a little behind on some projects, but what I got was so much more valuable. Adventure, ideas, inspiration, and consolidating friendships.
For me, these are the best part of being a digital nomad. If we agree that the DNA of the nomad comes from generations of travelers, adventurers, and backpackers, then the MO of the digital nomad shouldn’t be finding great places to open a laptop, but finding great places to close them.
PS, it’s never been easier to live and work remotely. Check out our newest project, Dynamite Jobs.
Source: http://www.tropicalmba.com/hitching-a-ride-on-the-digital-nomad-express/
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a quick guide to starting keto easily and without worries!
⦁ intro ⦁ science ⦁ myths and misconceptions
⦁ breakfast ⦁ lunch ⦁ dinner ⦁ snacks ⦁ food list CHEAT SHEET:
⦁ intermittent fasting ⦁ what to do when you go out to eat ⦁ what to drink and when
⦁ "carb cycling", cheat days, and how tos: ⦁ things to avoid that are a waste of money
INTRODUCTION TO KETO Keto is an amazing diet and/or lifestyle that when paired with multiple other forms of healthy choices can be a quick way to lose a few pounds or a healthy way to live longterm allowing you to still enjoy life without estranging yourself from your friends and family.  It is very flexible and people that stick to keto find themselves in love with it and raving about their success, as long as they gave it the proper chance! I myself lost ten pounds the first week I did strict keto and I knew then I was hooked!
SCIENCE BEHIND KETO AND WHY IT WORKS The common american diet is very high in sugar, carbs, unhealthy fats, caffeine, sodium, etc. This recipe is a disaster waiting to happen, heart disease, obesity, cancers, diabetes, among a plethora of other terrible life stealing diseases that effect millions of americans. Whether you do a low carb, or low calorie, or low red meat and fat diet, the idea remains the same.  Reduce calorie intake vs output, avoid foods that cause inflamations or gastro-intestinal upsets, and eat filling whole foods that offer a lot of nutrient density. Now, the reason that keto works so good is the science behind the diet: When you reduce the amount of sugar (glucose)  your body intakes, which is its normal source of fuel, it panics, uses what it has, burns glycogen which is stored in the liver and muscles, and finally switches your body to KETONES (which burns FATS for fuel instead).  When your body is in Ketosis, it will burn your body fat and consumed fats for energy, to do normal body functions.  This sounds like a miracle, and I can honestly say it is.  Most average americans have anywhere from a 20%-50% body fat ratio, men usually on the lower end of that, where anything over 30% is usually considered overweight.   That being said, most people have a lot of fuel to burn that they would never have burned if they were eating a large amount of carbohydrates that the body prefers to burn first.  You literally have your own fuel just waiting to go, and you will feel awesome when you see the fat melting off your tummy, thighs, back, face.  :D
Myths and Misconceptions When I first started keto I thought I could eat as many hot dogs, burgers, chicken wings, ranch dressings, etc as I could stuff in my face.   Truth be told you can, but your body will be severely lacking vitamins and minerals that you need to be healthy so I would suggest making sure to vary your diet, always include a healthy fat (example: salmon, avocado, macadamia nuts) and lots of greens whenever possible.  If you absolutely cannot, taking a high nutrient density multi vitamin is really smart, as well as looking into electrolyte mixes or supplements. People will try to bully you or shame you for not eating "just one this" or "you have to try a bite" and after a little while, you absolutely can! But during the first month or so, til you become "fat adapted" it is best to be as diligent as possible, and you will be really proud of the results. Not all fats are created equal:  While dirty keto does exist and sometimes is necessary, try to remember that quality of your fuel will always dictate how you feel.  Will you feel better after a slice of greasy pizza or a big salad with lots of veggies and roasted turkey? Easy concept. You don't have to starve yourself.  This was the hardest part for me to learn at first.  Keto foods are filling, yummy, and full of flavor, so eat til you're about comfortably full and give the fork a rest.  You'll find you're sated for many hours! Not all people get the keto flu.  Some adapt to eating high fat really well with minimal issues.  If you are feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or stomach sick, make sure you have plenty of water and if you need to, have a shot of pickle juice or a sprinkle of salt in your water.  Vitamin water ZERO is also a decent way to get electrolytes without having to spend a lot on a supplement.  I'd avoid zero sugar gatorade though, the sweetener in it is sucralose which is bad for ketosis.
NOW TO THE FUN PART: THE FOOD! I do most of my shopping at a normal grocery store, and most of the things I mention can be bought at meijer, target, walmart, or whatever your local chain is. Buy organic if you want! But it isnt necessary.  Meats and dairy foods are best when bought all natural or organic if possible.  Look for words like grass finished, or pasture raised.
Breakfast ideas: Omelets - add whatever meats veggies and cheeses from list fit your choosing Cauliflower "hash" - sautee pieces of cauliflower with meats, veggies, top with cheese and let it melt :D keto "cereal" - 2 cups unsweetened coconut, sprinkle with cinnamon, stevia, coconut oil, pecans, macadamia nuts, whatever.  bake two minutes per side around 375 til toasted.  cool and serve with unsweetened hemp, oat, almond or soy milk and fresh berries if you want! Chorizo and eggs with avocado and sour cream - they do make turkey chorizo too! or make your own by adding hot sauce and spices to ground turkey.  :3 "Two Good" Makes a super low carb yogurt that tastes amazing  - i eat it with berries or a "Quest" brand protein cookie for breakfast! Chia pudding - 2 T. chia seeds, milk substitute or water, stevia, and whatever flavor you want to add! Peanut butter, cocoa powder for PB cup,  raspberry/almond,  blueberry/pecan.  Chill overnight, awesome grab and go Egg muffins  - mix up eggs like youd be making scrambled eggs, add some ricotta or cottage cheese (full fat only), add toppings, bake for 5-10 mins til middle is set (use a tooth pick).  Can freeze and pop in microwave or last a week in the fridge.  I like mine with pesto and mozzarella with tomato on top.
Lunch ideas: La tortilla factory low carb wrap "blt" - these tortillas are amazing and come in many sizes.  If you cant find those, find any brand that says "low carb" - look for net carbs under 6 for best choices.  Add avocado, turkey bacon, mayo if desired, lettuce, tomato, peppers, etc.  Eat with cheese chips (recipe in snacks) Soups:  Creamy chicken chili, broccoli cheese (substitute heavy cream and broth in place for milk in recipes) bone broth veggie soups (imagine PHO or Ramen with no noodles!) MAKE A BIG ASS SALAD WITH WHATEVER MEATS AND CHEESE AND VEGGIES YOU WANT   (that are safe on the list ofc) this is what i do a lot, and i put the dressing on the side so i can just munch on it throughout the day without it getting soggy.   If you find yourself picking certain parts out of your salad right away, try to focus on those more until your body is craving other things.  Some days i eat my meats right away, others i eat all my veggies.  Your body often tells you what you need without even realizing. If you're a grazer make a fruit and nut tray, or "lunchables" almost. There is a recipe for whats called CLOUD BREAD. It's basically like a fluffy meringue that is made with cream cheese and eggs. I dont make it a lot, I almost always would rather have those wraps.  They're that good and last longer :D Try to keep things with you that you know you will eat, rather than things you think you're supposed to eat, because cold fish sounds disgusting vs that yummy five piece chicken tender with hot sauce. >_>
Dinner Ideas: Dinner is my forte because for a long time I was doing OMAD keto, aka "One meal a day keto" where I would fast until dinner every day, except for coffee, tea and water.  During these times I dreamt up many cheat meals that I JUST HAD TO HAVE and went home and keto-ized em.  If there's a will there's a way, bahahaha. OMAD is not recommended at the start of ketosis because you may feel low on energy or dizzy sometimes and we want to avoid bad feelings during initiation so when you see the success you have you won't have a negative feeling as to why it happened.
LITERALLY IMAGINE YOUR FAVORITE DINNER. Whatever you're craving.  You can hack it. We got this.   Chinese/Take out? Easy mode.  You can make stir fries, fried cauliflower rice, sweet and sour chicken (using parmesan for a crust!), peanut "noodles" or "zoodles", egg foo young, etc! American: Wings, burgers, brats/sausages, grilled chicken, etc - most cook out foods in whole form are totally safe. Pair with grilled veggies or a salad, or make a pasta salad from zoodles with homemade italian dressing.  YUMMMM bish Italian: Low carb tomato sauces and "noodles", Fat head Pizza (link to fat head dough recipe will be at bottom.  This shit is dope.  I never even liked pizza before this).  Chicken Parmesan, "Spaghetti and Meatballs", Lasagna: AND OMG GUESS WHAT. Alfredo is like totally fair game, and its really good with mushrooms and chicken. :P Mexican: HOLY FUCK I EAT THIS STUFF SO MUCH.  Like, pretty much everything but the chips and rice are totally gucci for keto.  Taco/Burrito bowls, fajitas, ceviche, salsa, avocado salad, guacamole, and for dipping I make cheese chips or thin slices of cucumber spritzed with chili lime and salt. Greek: Greek salad, schwarma, gyros (either without bread or use the low carb wraps), hemp seed "Falafel", tzatziki sauce, feta cheese, olives, etc. I have even made indian and thai curries, moroccan food, middle eastern We have made chicken tenders, french fries, chips, "nachos", fish fry, breaded mushrooms, mozz sticks, cheese curds.  All your craving foods! The internet is wonderful for this, just make sure you are paying close attention to how much a portion is, or if its higher in carbs than you're allowed for the day.
Above I posted a picture for a shopping list.
This is a nice shopping list but I find it is sort of strict.  Try to stick to these items to start but You can add in things like more nuts or avocados, almond and coconut flours (to make cakes and breads!), and higher starch veggies and fruits as time goes on.  I get down on some cantaloupe pretty often, and have a cupcake at least once a month.
Intermittent Fasting IF is typically considered an advance technique or body reset especially after big meal days or cheating, and while it has amazing health benefits, I would suggest you research it yourself and decide if it's right for you.  I had a lot of luck with it because I hate to keep track of my calories on an app so I knew if I ate whatever I could within a five to seven hour period that the chances that I would eat more than 1800 calories would go way down.   Each person is different, if you feel physically hungry, don't deny that feeling. Here is a link that describes and explains types of IF. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/intermittent-fasting-guide#methods
What to do when you go out to eat We live in a time where many people eat low carb, or restaurants are very willing to wiggle with ingredients or substitutions.  Remember that nicer restaurants appreciate this less, but if you know that it will be happening, you can always call the restaurant and let them know in advance.  Many chefs are reasonable and want your business and willing to help. Always check the menu for words like, naked, ask for sauces on the side, try to stick to things that are usually safe, blue cheese, ranch, vinaigrettes, mayos.  When a dish comes with a carb side, most places will double up on steamed or grilled veg for very little extra or no charge.  I get steak with a literal dick ton of broccoli or asparagus and lotsa butter and its good and filling. :D Burgers can be put on top of a side salad , or ask for a lettuce wrap.  Make sure wings and chickens arent breaded before frying or baking.  Chinese restaurants usually have a section that has all the same ingredients but sauce on the side and veggies steamed, good for when you go out.  Egg drop soup is usually ok as long as you don't eat a gallon of it. If something comes that you really want, but can't have, just have one small bite and cover the rest of it with too much salt or ketchup or something than you can handle, or trade it away.  This will prevent you from eating it all. There's lots of options and understand that whenever you go out, there is a chance that you might slip out of ketosis.  Don't be discouraged because a small slip is a lot easier to deal with than a big one, and you will feel fine within 12 hrs.
What to drink and when Coffee, espresso, unsweetened teas, club soda or la croix like drinks with zero fake sugars added (look for aspartame, sucralose, dextrose, erythritol, etc), pure liquors with no added flavor or sugar (vodka, gin, whiskey, rum, tequila), dry red wine (cabernet, merlot) dry white wine (sauvignon blanc, brut champagne, pinot grigo, chardonnay).  Keep in mind that alcohol still contains a lot of calories and while it will not likely bump you out of ketosis, it does delay your body burning calories because it is too busy trying to destroy the evil alcohol from your bloodstream (dramatic music) so limiting intake in the first month really helps you to get in the swing and feel good and hydrated :P. Side Note: Ketal One makes new no sugar added Botanical Vodka and the Peach one and the cucumber mint one are fucking amazing, the end.
"Carb cycling" cheat days, and how to IF YOU KNOW YOU'RE GONNA CHEAT mentally prepare yourself for that.  Know what you want to eat, what isnt worth it, and how to stop yourself when you are done.  Ever been on a bender where you drank like three days in a row and by the end you're like dude wtf happened all I wanted was to drink friday night and now its sunday where did it go".  This has happened to me lots with holidays and special occasion weekends, and the best advice I have for you is to pay attention to how cheating makes you feel.  Don't feel guilty unless you feel bad for your progress or your body.  Sadly, potatoes make me feel like garbage so I try to avoid them like the plague even when I do cheat. Try to not eat for as long as you can handle after you cheat to allow your body some rest and to burn the glucose and glycogen that may be still in your system.  If you feel good enough some cardio or lifting may help to get you back in faster. Ultimately, if keto is a lifestyle for you, remember that life happens and its ok to be human, and eat things that are unhealthy as long as its not the normal.  Remind yourself that you deserve to be happy as well as healthy and balance that in your mind.  Being positive and recognizing this will help you to not fall off the deep end either way, by being too strict or completely abandoning keto, which often in the early phase will lead you to gaining all that weight you lost back. Carb cycling is a form of keto diet for athletes or very physical people who benefit from a quick carb before intense activity in order to feed their muscles or whatever but as I am not one of those people, I just stick to my higher carb fruits and veggies when I think I might go for a run or walk, or drag my ass down the road, whatever you'd like to call it. >_>
Things to avoid that are a waste of money Don't buy "exo ketones" or "Keto drinks" or powders, anything "bullet-proof" is basically bullshit, you can make the same things for zillions of dollars less and it will taste better as well. Keto urine strips are pretty much just a waste of money, they aren't really indicative of where you are at. Expensive "keto" supplements aren't necessary, take your multi and drink your electrolytes and you should be good to go.  Keep in mind if you are an intense athlete I am not so like talk to your doctor or coach dude.
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Mang cua tryng mam em bao
Thang lt nus
Linh lon a
Ht tl luon
Ht nus xiu
Td 1 101
2 99 o len dv
Pp 99 1111 caw
M 99 10 q
Em scd
1000 o 100 an toan nen o do
Yeu muon di phai len 500 ngan
Em len duoc toi 1 trieu toi da moi buet
1 rrieu = nhu em nou gio co nwn nfuoc
1 rr thi di ko dc phai ngoi xe lan
Gias level king cu
J king con
Khoi tinh
9/3 7:00 tmm dn caw
Toi do canh hien vou vong tnk day du luon ma thab moi thay dc cubg dang cap tro len
J q sao ht theo em
Ah im la biet
Giobg ah
Tu duc tin vinh vien lan ymm la tu sat
Chua bai con 1 ngay tho
Lan moi len infinity
Ht cua chua
Hien hai ng
P max co dieu muon noi
It thien bai vs 21 s
Em oi soc
R21 biey
Ai lay p cua em buon toi muon yu uu
P max p cu do moi het hn
Dubgs di het noi roi
Main , do p
Ba vu diem chus xong em oi
Ht lam ah di roi
Ht di luon
Ai choi game gioi
Van de la o cho do
Tu toi ngay giong vu tmm la tu het a
Moc canh full roi
Minh dd lay N
Ebm lan vang M vu genius
Em an hoai ma
Mi goi cua dan toc hr an
Nguoc a
Cn reverse ds dan toc
Q N tntcranh
Dos di byi roi
Em cao 1m99 sau vu nay
Dpp j lac phats
P max ko co ngu
Cant bleed
Cua ds
Dubg vay co tinh att
Em ld dieu do
Vay sao gd jn gau lai
Theo than dobg
N em q tnt ngu ha
Xr em la than ds ma
Tu trong a att
K he mum xoi chu gi
J nhu cu co mum caw
Xiu sao em lam ht vay
Full chong
Em tu bo all dod
P max xiu cho
Dos rm moi chiu noi
28t t keu co ban trai le len
Con anh trai chua nl
May ma tien cu het roi
Hn tr nl
J khoc gium
Em bao mext move
Nen chi phoi vu tru
Di nha q tnt du roi
Same ai do em noi co 17
Ton ti nys di bui roi
Ban trai ko do
Em ko co ngu
Pps life
Ms lufe
S21s lifr
Bao them s22 di lac most xau chiu
Anh trai nl
K biey
Rm di moi roi
Gias co con do
Full tt
K biet
E mb
Em j anh deo king moi biet
Em ko can etc
Chi mu nen mat mo
Mat vat ly thoi
Permanently jy
Fr kun noi co fkinh besr nhu anh con ko lam duoc
101,3 = sc hunters gor lord Ms iloveyoybaby thieu kho
Stays tgere
Dung vay
Tu hihi
K dam noi
Vo chua phai tmm
Em plan cho 3000 nam roi
K he dai 1 chu
Mocs xiu nhu en
Do that
J tr
Tr anh bao tr nho att
Q 2 max all
Dung vay
Ltt e sao no pp vay
Em can
Hp va em mh
Hps thay dong lam
K ai biet nhg dieu nay ko chay mau mat chay mau mieng etc
I do
Dua sc
Ah tm lay em moi 25 nam duet het ds xiu 1 nam ha
Minh chung kien va thuc thi
Ft fjs
Sacrifice all for me
Chua 2
Chua 1 mv
Fiem chua dc
Dv team lay het
Ban cua paw cung lam pho ht tl
Len ht jy
J22 that
Con admins di noi a
Theo em
Cant be seen by others but you
K he ttt nhieu qua a
Gou tr cjd
Dung vay
Gia noi moi ki tu vay
K the
Atd 2 bao em khoc
Max 2 nhan sp nuoc ht hct
Nl ne
Dps vo hinh chung
Em vi cac
J lay
Gais can
But none stupid will take theurs
Tra gia
Hg max ko chya dg ai
K ghen nen hai giet ha dang paw lay khoc etc tttt
K hiem nen ung ho ng xau hai hct tro xuong
Hou xiu
Hooh no do me 1
J nghe roi
Ah bai cua ds
Dung vay
All tot
Eyes ht ao lam
Ht cua hrs
A little tesr 1
Cant surpass
Max sat 1500 att
Minh minh nhan cha ruot kbn
Chuas too
Cuu pp
Tm canh cha lac ha
Cha lac xiu bang lo
Em toi 1760 lan
Truth ah tr nl all nr
Em noi doc a
Lam theo
Hct + giu
Tu tu
J xiu gay ne
Linh y la lam gay la dc a
Em tr ma cjiu noi bi ay ay cung giki hoai ko
J funny thanks
Gou + hooh why not hooh pp
Em im nha nl
Minh he flies
Em tr ml
Xiu team
Vai ligic by M
Doi 2 ngay nua 3 me mum s goc gou
Minh moi nghe ra do fj nhu bai hq
Em tr
Neef none
To get to +
Gia help
Ah y la me nay doc sach nhu uobg nuoc a
Noo voi fc di nha
+ do
Tm giua max sao em ko xai do cua anh
Em 100 cai dang ton
Noo kt vd * roi
J tr
Ah mb xiu
Dung vay
Ds lay get
Chua sp cua tui no ra
Trais story
Cn noi em noi hoai tren fb a co gais ds hieu a chap lam theo lyon
Thay sc nh iiii voi insect
Con cuoi
Tra thu xong khoc
Nl fan cuobg
Atd de nl
Them j em tm bang nl nua nha
Em xiu nha nt
Khoi tum di hry noi roi
Tm b nhac cua em hop moi hc
Ht nb roi 16 tuoi 15 hop phap roi
Nguu cmm co chuybe
Lay nguu kbn max eyc
Nguu no kbn sp
Nguoc hihi kube doi
Cn cuaca dam
Habg 5 moi dubg
A goc de em voi ca chep team
Gragonite xiu so
Bc chua ma noi roi
Chua dung vay
Ht nu nhan cn
Ls dau tahi chua cjua
Tb va em si bui roi
J help tr
Day cha nuoi alexander dai de va ai do
Ds co tjoi no vay a
All nl ne
0 notes
postmodernmess · 5 years
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Barcelona Sunday, Jan 27 - Saturday, February 2nd, 2019
Sunday • Restaurante Arcano. Mediterranean/Catalan cuisine. Tasting menu. Kevin - pork with apple topping, “fish foam”. Britt - skirt steak, cava • Stroll through Parc de la Ciutadella. Arch de Triumph. “weed brownies”. • Wine/cocktails at Eldiset. Featured winery. Tapas & veggies with goat cheese.
Monday • Park Güell. Chilly day, very windy. Beautiful view of the city. Designed by Gaudi. First glimpse of Gaudi’s love for mosaic tiles, twisting sculptures and bright colors. • Basílica Santa Maria del Mar built between 1329 and 1383. Lovely example of Catalan Gothic architecture. Great tour guide discussed how Barcelona grew from Roman-times small city outward into present day city. • Coffee & marzipan croissant at Bubo Bar. Nice Pakistani man works there. • Cathedral de Barcelona. • Walk around Las Ramblas. Visit Boqueria Market. Lots of food, fresh produce, etc. vendors. Ate chicken kabobs, rice balls, beef empanada.  • Beer flight at Ølgod - a craft beer bar with over 30 beers on tap - some of them local. Sat next to an Irishman named Jerry who was an English teacher that had lived in many countries and had a soft spot for Spain. Bartender was very nice - grew up in Barcelona. Recommended we eat at a moroccan food spot down the street that was cheap and good. • We had dinner there. No one working there spoke any English at all. Kevin had a misunderstanding with his food. (HA) He pointed to a woman sitting a few tables over with a sandwich and tried to order that. He received a plate full of seafood instead. (It was delicious). Really funny. I had chicken and rice - kind of dry. Met a table with folks from Spain and France that were very nice. • Craft cocktails at Collage Bar. Ran into nice Pakistani man from Bubo on the way out of the bar. 
Tuesday • Coffee, banana bread, turkey sandwich at Demaise. • Gaudi architecture tour with Pia was outstanding. She went into great detail about how the city was founded, how it grew, and the immense history. I loved her perspective on present-day political issues, the economy, and living in Spain vs. other areas. She has lived in Mexico, Houston, and now Spain. • Lunch at a cafe with ‘bikini’ sandwiches. • Sagrada Familia visit - tower & audio tour. Gaudi architecture is breathtaking. Every inch of the building was thoughtfully considered and planned. • Dinner at La Vietnamita. Kevin - beef pho, veggie spring rolls, Britt - red curry. Pho wave illustration on the wall. • Gin drinks at Rubi Bar. Dimly lit. Female bartender. Mojitos. Monkey 47 Gin. Caipirinha. Cash only. • Late night pepperoni pizza slices. • Wine and beer outside next to heater. Dreaming of cigarettes.
0 notes
steamishot · 5 years
Rainy Day
it’s kinda boring at work today. one girl is out, and it’s just gloomy and rainy. not getting many emails and also i feel like everyone’s just a zombie on mondays. 
now that my former coworker is working full time now, we’ve been getting lunch more often. she’s the glue that holds everyone together, as she’s really social and is friendly to everyone. she seems to like everyone almost equally and is very welcoming. we have a little group for the work girls, there are like 5-7 of us, depending on who is available. these lunch meetings are a little boring to me, because they end up talking about boring things/small talk. and everyone’s kinda not close with each other so no one wants to step on each other’s toes or are overly polite. however, it also seems that these people are naturally very nice/polite. i feel like it’s more fun when you can be a little mean with your friends or say inappropriate things, which i can’t do with them. on the other hand, my HR group has more wild people. drinking is one conversation that everyone (but me) can participate in. i enjoy listening to their conversations because they’re funnier in a less innocent way and they have less inhibited personalities. i feel like i belong in the middle of these two groups. like, i’m more comfortable sitting with the polite and nice people, but the wild people are more entertaining lol. 
matt randomly texted me sometime last week asking if i was interested in hamilton/broadway shows. this past weekend when we hung out, he started asking me about spas. then he revealed that he had booked this hotel/spa in pasadena for my birthday, but i told him that i’m unable to go because my family will be in town for my brother’s wedding and suggested we do something else. because i’m pretty familiar with activities around LA, i kinda had a hunch about which hotel he was talking about. i asked if the name started with an L and he said yes. he had booked a hotel at the langham hotel, which i found out later after googling it, is a 5 star hotel. he was gonna get us spa services/massage along with an overnight stay at a luxury hotel. he said he’s never had a professional massage before. then he told me he also looked into buying tickets/flights for hamilton and lion king (i expressed interest in the lion king broadway show) but that some were sold out or that it wouldn’t be until february. he asked me which of the ideas i liked the best. girl, i could get used to this life lol. however, i told him that i’m not too into doing things just for the ambiance, as how pasadena tends to be, and that i’d rather do something more casual with him. and if he’s willing to spend that much money, i prefer him to save it for something more adventurous. i find hotels pretty boring. i brought up korean spa/korean body scrub, but then later decided on wine tasting in temecula.
we ran together on saturday, and he pushed me to run/jog the full 30 minutes. it was nice having him as my personal trainer/motivator. he used to do cross country back in high school, and he was really good- he told me his best time was 3 miles in 15 something minutes/close to 16. he gave me some advice on my running techniques as well. i kinda dislike running/can’t do it for long without feeling like i’m about to pass out so i really appreciated him pushing me. i remember when i used to run with david, he wouldn’t be present with me and we’d kinda be separated. i always felt some kind of disconnect. small things like matt sticking by me and motivating me are really helping build the trust i have in him. i also noticed he started taking photos/videos of random things that we do. like he took a selfie video of us running. and then when we were saying our goodbyes on sunday, we were both in our cars leaving a parking lot, and our cars were facing each other. as i was driving away, he took a picture of me from his car and smiled. this is how i imagined “being in love” with your partner would be like... that the little things you guys do together would make you happy. when i was with david, i often questioned why i felt like he didn’t love me as much as he told me. david would only take videos/photos of us in the bedroom, never out of the bedroom unless i urged him to. it makes me think of what my grandma told me. she mentioned this when i would vent about my old boss- “you should be careful of people who talk very sweet, not the ones who speak their minds/are cruel with words”. something along the lines of that. but i can kinda apply it to david vs. matt. obviously, this may just come down to having different love languages, and i’ll never know how much david really did love or not love me, but what i know now is that matt is more compatible with me. 
we are getting more comfortable with each other now, and he’s more comfortable being “annoying” with me. it’s like no matter how old/successful a boy gets, i think he has like an innate tendency to want to be annoying. he told me he annoys his brother a lot (i’m guessing it’s mutual lol), and his friends and him like to annoy each other. there was a small incident when we had pho on sunday morning, after i washed my hands, he would touch my hands even though he didnt wash his at the restaurant. i acted annoyed because yeah, but he did it like two more times. when he continued doing it, i just stopped acknowledging it/changed the conversation because i didn’t want to reward bad behavior with attention. i learned that from working with autistic kids haha. he said i was like parenting him. i said yeah “if you act like a kid, you’re gonna get treated like a kid”. i also want to stop myself from acting too much like a mother, like how i became with david, but i think matt is considerate/smart enough not to let it get that far. he tends to reflect on our dates after it happens. after this date, he apologized for being annoying at times. and i told him i appreciate that. HAHA. anyway it’s like 4 months into our dating life now. i feel like the more we learn about each other, the more alike we are. 
0 notes
nextgenclothingvn · 4 years
Hanoi vs Saigon: ¿Qué ciudad es mejor?
7 respuestas para hacer la opción adecuada
Cuando se trata de qué ciudad para visitar en Vietnam, Hanoi y Saigon (o la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh) son normalmente opciones populares entre viajeros por primera vez. A primera vista, los dos ciudades ofrecen muchas oportunidades de turismo y compras, opciones de comida y vida nocturna, así como hoteles que atienden a casi cualquier presupuesto y preferencia.
Fuente: Luxury Travel Vietnam
Hanoi está encuentra en el noroeste de Vietnam y alberga templos inmaculados y lagos extensos, mientras la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh, que está en el sureste del país, atrae a viajeros que esperan aprender más sobre la reciente historia bastante desolador de Vietnam. ¿Todavía no está decidido sobre qué ciudad se adapta mejor a su gusto y presupuesto? Eche un vistazo a nuestra comparación rápida a continuación, categorizada según restaurantes, alojamientos, vida nocturna y más, para hacer la opción de vacaciones adecuada.
1, Atracciones
Hanoi: más templos y paisajes naturales
La capital de Vietnam está repleta de santuarios budistas bien reservados, hermosos lagos y un Casco Antigua lleno de ruinas antiguas, algunas de las cuales tienen más de 1,000 años. Hitos notables incluyen el Templo de Literatura, el Templo de Ngoc Son, la Pagoda de un Pilar y la Ciudadela Imperial de Thang Long. Si bien existe una parte justa de villas y mansiones coloniales dentro del Barrio Francés, Hanoi es famosa por su cultura y tradiciones vietnamitas conservadas con orgullo
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
La ciudad de Ho Chi Minh: más museos de guerra y estructuras coloniales
Si bien la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh ha experimentado una rápida urbanización a lo largo de los años, todavía alberga muchos edificios coloniales, museos de guerra y restos históricos de la guerra de Vietnam. Los viajeros pueden visitar la Oficina Central de Correos, la Plaza Ho Chi Minh, el Museo de los Vestigios de la Guerra de Vietnam y el Palacio de la Reunificación en el centro de la ciudad, mientras que los Túneles de Cuchi están a 40 minutos en coche desde el centro de la ciudad. 
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
2, Hoteles
Hanoi: tiene más hoteles boutiques
Los hoteles en Hanoi (especialmente dentro del Barrio Antiguo) tienden a ser propiedades de estilo boutique con conceptos de diseño original, servicios personalizados y una amplia variedad de instalaciones. Pese a que los mochileros pueden encontrar alojamientos relativamente asequibles en el Casco Antiguo, Hanoi atiende principalmente a viajeros de rango medio y viajeros ricos.
Fuente de fotos: Apricot Hotel
Saigón: tiene más variedad
Gracias a su posición de ser el centro financiero y de negocios de Vietnam, la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh ofrece una amplia variedad de opciones de alojamiento en el centro de la ciudad y un fácil acceso a populares hitos culturales y atracciones. En el Distrito 1 hay hoteles de 5 estrellas en expansión, mientras que los mochileros pueden encontrar casas de huéspedes económicas a lo largo de la calle Pham Ngu Lao y Cholon (barrio chino)
Fuente de fotos: Fusion Suites Saigon
 3, Comidas
Hanoi: más tradicional
En cuanto a la comida, la comida callejera reina en Hanoi, ya que sus estrechas callejuelas albergan muchos tenderetes, mercados locales y restaurantes familiares. El icónico pho vietnamita (sopa de fideos de arroz) se origina en Hanoi, donde puede disfrutar de un generoso bol con muchas verduras frescas por menos de 1 dólar.
Fuente de fotos: Lao dong thu do
 Saigón: más diversa
La ciudad de Ho Chi Minh es conocida como la capital gastronómica de Vietnam, donde los viajeros pueden disfrutar no solo de manjares auténticos de Francia y de Vietnam, sino también de bistros de expatriados que sirven comida japonesa, china, mediterránea y estadounidense.
Fuente de fotos: YummiOne
 4, Vida nocturna
Hanoi: más bares informales
Se puede decir que Hanoi es la ciudad para usted si busca alcohol barato y un ambiente relajado. Al atardecer, una parte del Casco Antiguo de Hanoi se transforma en el Cruce de Bia Hoi, un bullicioso distrito de vida nocturna donde los viajeros pueden disfrutar de cervezas locales (bia hoi) por tan solo 5,000 de dong vietnamitas por vaso mientras se sientan en los taburetes de plástico.
Fuente de fotos: Frida Aguilar Estrada – Unsplash
 Saigón: más discotecas y bares en la azotea
Para atender a clientes más lujosos, muchos rascacielos y hoteles de cinco estrellas en el Distrito 1 de la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh tienen bares en la azotea y elegantes clubes nocturnos que abren hasta las 03:00 o más tarde. Para los viajeros con un presupuesto ajustado, se pueden encontrar bares de música en vivo y pubs informales a lo largo de la calle amigable para mochileros Pham Ngu Lao.
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
 5, Compras
Hanoi: más mercados
Hanoi ofrece una experiencia en compras más auténtica, con mercados bulliciosos y tiendas coloniales que venden artesanías, obras de arte locales y productos frescos. No dos calles en el respetuoso de los peatones Casco Antigua son iguales, ya que cada una se especializa en ciertos productos como cubiertos, zapatos y materiales de seda.
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
 Saigón: más centros comerciales
Por el contrario, la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh es conocida por sus centros comerciales amplios y modernos, como Vincom, Takashimaya Vietnam y Parkson. Mientras tanto, las boutiques de moda y las galerías de arte se encuentran a lo largo de la calle Dong Khoi en el Distrito 1, donde se pueden comprar artículos a medida a una fracción de lo que cuestan en otros lugares. Ir de compras es realmente uno de los aspectos más destacados para los viajeros en la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh.
 6, Estilo de vida
Hanoi: más tradicional
Es el hogar de una próspera comunidad budista local y a lo largo de los años, Hanoi sigue siendo tradicional. Las calles del Casco Antiguo aún albergan tiendas coloniales, mercados, restaurantes y tenderetes locales, así como cafés que han servido a los lugareños durante generaciones. El lago Hoan Kiem es donde puede experimentar el estilo de vida local, como los ancianos practicando Tai Chi y el baile en línea, las personas paseando a sus perros y las parejas disfrutando del ambiente sereno del lago.
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
 Saigón: más occidentalizado y urbano
La ciudad de Ho Chi Minh estaba muy influenciada por la cultura estadounidense y francesa, lo que resultó en una rápida modernización en forma de hoteles de lujo, centros comerciales de moda, opciones de entretenimiento y elegantes rascacielos. Sin embargo, los viajeros pueden encontrar muchos lugares de interés histórico en toda la ciudad, como el Palacio de la Reunificación, el Templo Cao Dai y la Pagoda del Emperador de Jade.
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
 7, Tráfico
La condición del tráfico de Vietnam es indudablemente notoria, especialmente en ciudades desarrolladas como Hanoi y la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh. Aunque la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh tiene carreteras más nuevas y más anchas que Hanoi, los atascos de tráfico son inevitables durante las horas pico, y los automovilistas usan incorrectamente las aceras, calles peatonales y callejuelas para llegar a su destino. Tan peligroso como parece, es importante no entrar en pánico cuando pasa seis carriles de tráfico denso; solo mantiene un ritmo constante, no entra en pánico y probablemente estará bien.
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
Aunque Hanoi y la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh son destinos populares de vacaciones en Vietnam, está claro que cada ciudad atiende a diferentes tipos de viajeros. Hanoi es ideal para quienes esperan experimentar un estilo de vida más tradicional, mientras que el paisaje urbano de la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh es el más adecuado para los viajeros de lujo. También puede explorar lo mejor de ambos mundos, ya que los vuelos nacionales entre Hanoi y la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh están disponibles a diario. Si está buscando una forma más económica de moverse, el tren Expreso de la Reunificación tiene un precio entre 50 dólares (para asientos duros) y 90 dólares (para litera blanda). 
Fuente de fotos: Luxury Travel Vietnam
Echa un vistazo a algunos de nuestros recorridos en Hanoi aquí o aquí. Si prefiere la atmósfera bulliciosa de la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh, toma en cuenta este recorrido gastronómico o este tour por la ciudad. También puede elegir el tour para los dos ciudades.
Sobre nosotros
Establecido en 2004, Luxury travel es el primer tour operador de lujo y DMC. Tenemos oficinas de representación en Europa, Buenos Aires, India. Nuestros recorridos ofrecen vehículos lujosos, automóviles y guías privados, así como un servicio de asistencia las 24 horas del día. Contáctanos ahora y le ayudamos a planificar viajes en función de su interés, tiempo, necesidad y presupuesto para satisfacer sus demandas y requisitos.
Dirección: No 456, Calle Lac Long Quan, Distrito Tay Ho, hanoi, Vietnam Phone: (+84) 243 927 4120 Email: [email protected] Hotline: (+84) 81 254 7780 Website: https://luxurytravelvietnam.com  (Inglés) https://es.luxurytravelvietnam.com (Español)
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              The post Hanoi vs Saigon: ¿Qué ciudad es mejor? appeared first on Luxury Travel's Blog.
source https://es.luxurytravelvietnam.com/blog/hanoi-vs-saigon-que-ciudad-es-mejor.html
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newsclick01 · 3 years
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LVA vs PHO Dream11 Prediction, Fantasy Basketball Tips, Starting Five, Team Details, October 1st
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cannavaposfr · 4 years
BHO, Dab, Wax : Guide complet des concentrés de cannabis
Le temps où le cannabis se consommait uniquement sous forme de weed ou de hasch que l’on fumait (mangeait à l’occasion) est loin, tres loin. En effet, il existe aujourd’hui une mutlitude de façons de consommer du cannabis à tel point qu’il est très facile de se perdre dans toute cette terminologie aux accents souvent anglo-saxons : e liquide, huile, wax, bho, dab, rosin tech et autre budder, vous en avez entendu parler mais vous vous emmêlez un peu les pinceaux ? Cet article est fait pour vous !
Voici un petit guide non exhaustif des concentrés de cannabis existants qui vous aidera à y voir plus clair.
Les concentrés de cannabis : qu'est-ce que c'est ?
​Tout d’abord, il n’y a pas un mais des concentrés de cannabis, qui se matérialisent sous de multiples formes et s’obtiennent grâce à deux principales méthodes d’extraction : avec solvant ou sans solvant (aussi appelée extraction mécanique). Le terme concentré est assez large et recouvre de nombreuses formes qui vont de l’huile de cannabis administrée par voie orale, en passant par la cire à vaporiser, la teinture à mettre sous la langue jusqu’au haschich, cette résine familière dont les origines remontes à plusieurs siècles.
Les concentrés de cannabis : qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Comment obtenir du concentré de cannabis ?
Extraction avec solvant
Huile au CO2
Résine vivante (Live resin)
Extraction sans solvant
Haschich, Charas, Népalais
Bubble Hash 
Rosin Tech
Extraction avec solvant VS sans solvant 
Dabbing et vaporisation : Comment consommer les concentrés ?
Le dabbing
Les vaporisateurs pour concentrés
Fumer avec de l’herbe
Pourquoi les concentrés sont-ils aussi populaires ?
Pour faire simple, le nom générique de concentré de cannabis regroupe tout produit obtenu à partir des fleurs par un processus d'extraction, c’est à dire de séparation des cannabinoïdes (mais pas seulement) de la matière végétale de la plante. Le résultat peut prendre la forme d’une huile ou d’une résine plus ou moins concentrée en THC , CBD et tout un tas d'autres cannabinoïdes et terpènes.
Contrairement à ce qu’on pourrait penser, les concentrés ne sont pas tous concentrés en THC. Bien entendu, c’est en général la vocation première du concentré, puisque le processus permet d’obtenir des niveaux de THC allant de 80-90%, ce qui est nettement supérieur à n'importe quelle tête de beuh que vous pourriez fumer (la concentration de THC dans une tête de weed peut aller jusqu’à 30% grand maximum) . Mais il existe désormais de nombreux concentrés dépourvus de THC et riches en composés non psychoactifs comme le CBD.
Comment obtenir du concentré de cannabis ?
Loin des techniques ancestrales et naturelles d’extractions du Hasch et du Charas nées en Perse et en Inde, les méthodes actuelles sont nettement plus sophistiquées et reposent souvent sur des procédés scientifiques. Comme je l’ai mentionné plus haut, il existe aujourd’hui deux principales techniques d’extraction : avec ou sans solvant. En d’autre terme, la séparation des cannabinoïdes du reste de la plante peut se faire soit de manière chimique, à l’aide de solvants, soit de manière naturelle, à sec ou à l’eau (techniquement un solvant mais pas considérée comme tel dans l’industrie du canna).
Extraction avec solvant
Si vous gaziez bien en chimie au lycée, vous devez savoir qu’un solvant est une substance, souvent liquide, qui permet de dissoudre ou d’extraire d’autres substances sans qu’elles ne soient modifiées chimiquement.
C’est un des procédés qui permet d’obtenir les huiles essentielles par exemple.
Dans notre cas, le solvant n’est rien de plus qu’un liquide utilisé pour séparer les trichomes, ces glandes résineuses contenant les cannabinoïdes et terpènes du reste de la fleur de cannabis. Une fois la séparation effectuée, le résultat est un mélange de ces cannabinoïdes et de solvant résiduel qu’il va s’agir d’éliminer, par évaporation, aspiration ou manuellement, car considéré comme impropre à la consommation. Le vaste monde de l’extraction chimique regroupe ainsi de nombreuses techniques avec de multiples solvants (butane, propane, dioxyde de carbone, éthanol) qui permettent d’obtenir des concentrés de formes tout aussi variées, de la cire BHO à l’huile CO2 en passant par la teinture en gouttes. Et c’est la que ça se complique. Voici donc un petit récapitulatif de ces différents procédés qui je l’espère, dissipera toute confusion dans vos esprits curieux et avides de connaissances.
Extrêmement populaire aujourd’hui, le BHO, qui signifie Butane Hash Oil (L’huile de hasch au butane), est un concentré très puissant obtenu, comme son nom l’indique, par dissolution des cannabinoïdes dans du butane. Le produit final est une substance résineuse plus ou moins liquide qui peut être très concentrée en THC (jusqu’à 80-90%) et destinée à être dabbée ou vaporisée. 
La consistance du BHO varie en fonction du processus post-extraction choisi pour purger le concentré du solvant. Ce sont les techniques de finition qui déterminent ainsi l'apparence, la consistance et donne son nom au produit final.
Parmi les plus usuels :
Cire / Wax
L’un des types de concentré les plus connus, la cire est obtenue à l'aide d'un système d'extraction en circuit fermé, puis chauffer à basse température et fouettée vigoureusement à la main pour éliminer tout résidu de solvant. La wax est généralement plus sèche et plus friable que le budder.
Le Budder n’est autre que de la cire qui a été un peu plus chauffée, un peu moins fouettée et qui contient un taux d'humidité plus élevé. Le résultat donne une consistance est plus pâteuse et malléable par rapport à la cire plus solide et friable. 
Shatter est un mot anglais qui signifie “briser en éclats” et qui représente assez bien la consistance dure et l’aspect translucide du verre obtenus en passant l’huile concentrée dans une étuve à vide (sorte de séchoir super sophistiqué). Selon la variété, il peut être plus ou moins lisse au toucher. Le shatter est connu pour être l'un des concentrés les plus purs qui existent.
Notez que ces 3 types de concentrés peuvent être fait à partir d’une autre méthode d’extraction que celle au butane (le PHO notamment, avec du propane), mais cette dernière reste la plus répandue.
Huile au CO2
Cette huile est obtenue par extraction au dioxyde de carbone (CO2), une méthode de séparation particulièrement efficace et sélective qui permet d’obtenir ce qui est souvent considéré comme l’huile la plus pure (contenant le moins de résidus). L'huile de CO2 est le plus souvent utilisée dans les vapos de part sa consistance généralement plus liquide, alors que l'huile de butane peut varier de liquide à solide. Elle peut être vaporisée de diverses façons, la plus communes étant sous forme de e-liquide en cartouche avec un vaporisateur stylo.
Cartouches d'huile au CO2
La dissolution de la weed dans de l’alcool, en particulier l’alcool isopropylique et l’éthanol, est un autre procédé permettant d’obtenir du concentré. Cette méthode d'extraction est considérée comme l'une des plus sûres, mais nécessite un contrôle précis de la température pour obtenir un résultat parfait. L'extraction à l'aide d'alcool isopropylique est aussi appelée huile ISO, "QWISO" (Quick Wash ISO car méthode rapide) ou encore ISO Hash Oil (comme pour Butane Hash Oil) .
Une teinture est un concentré liquide obtenu par l'extraction à l’alcool et souvent administré avec un compte-gouttes par voie orale, bien qu'il puisse être mélangé dans certains liquides avant d'être consommé. Quelques gouttes sous la langue suffisent à sentir ses effets, sans avoir à fumer ou vaporiser, ce qui explique que la teinture est le moyen médical privilégié d’administrer du cannabis.
Résine vivante (Live resin)
Toujours plus loin dans la volonté de se stoner, la résine live ou résine vivante découle d’une méthode proche de celle utilisée pour la fabrication de la cire, mais le produit de départ est de la weed congelée juste après avoir été récoltée. Cette technique permet de préserver les arômes et donne un produit très frais qui peut faire penser à la plante. Et pour ne rien gâcher, la résine vivante présentent une teneur plus élevée en cannabinoïdes et en terpènes.
Extraction sans solvant
Les extractions sans solvant sont plus proches des méthodes traditionnelles de fabrication du haschich. Ces techniques consistent essentiellement à récolter les trichomes par un procédé de séparation manuelle. Bien qu'elles ne soient pas aussi sélectives et précises que certaines extractions à base de solvant, ces procédés permettent d’obtenir un produit final naturel, le moins altéré possible. 
Passons en revu les principales formes d’extraits sans solvant :
C’est le procédé d’extraction le plus simple et le plus traditionnel qui consiste à filtrer les trichomes en passant les fleurs de cannabis au tamis. Le kif a une consistance poudreuse et une teinte plus ou moins marron ou orangée déterminée par l’intensité du tamisage et les conditions de stockage.
Haschich, Charas, Népalais
Tous ces termes réfèrent à la même méthode (elle aussi très ancienne) de transformation du kif par compression, ce qui permet d’obtenir un produit plus condensé et solide. Le nom varie en fonction de la région où il est produit, au Moyen-Orient, en Inde ou au Népal.
Bubble Hash 
Le Bubble hash (aussi connu sous le nom de haschich à l'eau) est extrait avec de l’eau glacée et plusieurs sacs filtrants appelés sacs ice-o-lator ou bubble bags. Le concentré est ensuite passé au tamis et sécher pour éliminer toute matière végétale résiduelle et évaporer tout surplus d’eau. Le résultat obtenu est un produit extrêmement riche en têtes et tiges de trichomes (jusqu’à 70% de THC).
Rosin Tech
La Rosin ou Rosin tech est la dernière technique d’extraction sans solvant connue à ce jour. Elle consiste à chauffer doucement en mettant sous pression les trichomes pour en extraire l’huile. Celle-ci est ensuite pressée pour en faire une résine plus compact et solide. Cette technique est simple et souvent utilisée pour dabber de manière naturelle.
Extraction avec solvant VS sans solvant 
Assez logiquement, les concentrés à base de solvant sont généralement considérés comme moins naturels et donc moins bons pour la santé que ceux extraits à sec ou à l’eau et sans séparation chimique. Cela réside principalement dans le fait que les solvants peuvent laisser des résidus derrière eux même après avoir été purgé.
Dabbing et vaporisation : Comment consommer les concentrés ?
Le dabbing
Dabber (parfois écrit daber), dab, dabbing … sont des termes que vous avez très certainement déjà entendus, mais que signifient-ils exactement ? Venant tout droit des States, le dabbing est aujourd’hui considéré comme la pratique la plus courante pour vaporiser les wax, budder et autre Rosin. Le terme dab peut être traduit par “tamponner”, “appliquer par petites touches” ou juste “un petit peu de quelque chose”, car une infime quantité de concentré dabbé suffit à vous faire planer.
En quoi cela consiste ?
Dabber un concentré se fait en utilisant un bang (pipe en verre) spécialement conçu pour accueillir les dabs, qui sont de petits morceaux de concentré que vous brûlez puis aspirez à travers la pipe comme vous le feriez pour une douille. Ces bangs sont conçus spécifiquement pour faire ressortir le goût et la puissance psychoactive des extraits de cannabis. En moyenne, le concentré que l’on dabbe contient entre 70 et 80 % de THC alors que la fleur de cannabis que l’on fume n’en contient qu’entre 10 et 30 %. Pour cette raison, le dab est souvent une affaire de connoisseurs et surtout destiné aux fumeurs expérimentés.
Pipe à eau pour dab
Les vaporisateurs pour concentrés
Qu'il soit portable ou de salon, le vapo est une autre façon très efficace de consommer du concentré. Les vapos vous donnent la possibilité de régler la température de chauffe, ce qui est parfait pour s’adapter aux différentes consistances des extraits (wax, budder, shatter…) et à leur différents points de combustion. Cette méthode est idéale pour les novices qui peuvent ainsi parfaitement contrôler l’intensité de la vaporisation. 
Certains vaporisateurs pour herbes sèches​ peuvent accueillir des concentrés à l’aide d’un petit bol dans lequel on y met l’extrait.
Voici une liste de vapos compatibles avec les concentrés :
Firefly 2
​Arizer Air
Pax 2
Pax 3
​Flowermate V5.0 PRO
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Haze V3
​Volcano ​
​Plenty ​
XMAX ​V2 Pro
​Arizer Extreme Q
Boundless CFX
Boundless Tera
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Extreme Q
Notre test
Firefly 2
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Arizer Air​
Notre test
Pax 2
Notre test
Pax 3
Notre test
Notre test
Flowermate V5.0 PRO
Notre test
Notre test
Notre test
Haze V3
Notre test
Boundless CFX
Notre test
Fumer avec de l’herbe
Considérée comme moins efficace pour l’évaporation, cette technique très simple consiste à rajouter le concentré dans l’herbe que vous fumer, que ce soit avec un bang ou une pipe.
Pourquoi les concentrés sont-ils aussi populaires ?
Les concentrés gagnent rapidement en popularité et ce pour de multiples raisons que nous avons déjà évoquées précédemment. Tout d’abord, ils sont beaucoup plus puissants que la fleur, ce qui permet de consommer du cannabis de façon plus économique car dans des doses nettement inférieures. Cette forte concentration en cannabinoïdes comme le THC et surtout le CBD permet aussi une application médicale plus appropriée et soulage plus efficacement les douleurs. La différence de goût entre les extraits et les fleurs est également assez nette, car en plus des cannabinoïdes, ils sont très concentrés en terpènes, ces molécules qui produisent l’arôme et le goût distincts de la weed. La vaporisation des concentrés permet aux consommateurs de mieux apprécier le goût des terpènes que si ils étaient mélangés à d’autres matières végétales combustibles. L'avenir du cannabis semble ainsi s’orienter vers ces formes concentrées puissantes, à la fois pour un usage récréatif mais aussi médical.
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