#LDGP Sorcerer Vali AU
puckwritesstuff · 2 years
The new AU where Vali is a sorcercer is so cute! How would the Avengers and other people that knows Dr. Strange react to him being fatherly to Vali?
This is going to be an "everyone survived Infinity War/Endgame" AU because I needed Tony to be the one reacting to this. Hope that's good with you all.
Thank you for the ask!
Tony walked into the conference room at Avengers HQ to see Váli sitting at the table. Crayons were scattered all around her and her legs, not long enough to reach the floor, swung under the chair.
“Um, hi,” he said.
Váli looked up.
“Hi, Mr. Stark,” she said.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
Váli looked back at her coloring as she spoke.
“Mama and Papa are busy with Uncle Fandral and Nari’s on a date with Morgan,” Váli said. “So, Master Dr. Strange said he could watch me.”
Tony blinked.
“Sorry, your brother’s on a date with who?” he said.
Before Váli could respond, Strange walked into the room.
“This would be so much easier if he could just learn to use a phone,” he muttered. “Okay, Váli, I think I’m done here.”
Váli jumped up from her chair with the drawing she was working on and rushed over to him.
“I drew Yggdrasil!” she said. “Look!”
“Doctor,” Tony said.
Strange paused. “Afternoon, Stark.”
“You’re not looking!” Váli said.
Strange looked at the drawing.
“It’s very nice, Váli,” he said. “Are we ready to pack up?”
“That’s Ratatoskr and Níðhöggr,” she said, pointing to a squirrel and snake on the tree. “The burned branch is where Asgard used to be, and that’s Grandfather Odin hanging there!”
She pointed to a stick figure hangman coming off the black colored branch, wearing an eyepatch and a long, gray beard.
“I see,” Strange said. “But we need to pack up now, okay?”
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” Váli said.
Strange sighed. “Fine. But then we need to leave.”
Váli put the drawing down on the table and rushed off to find the bathroom. Tony was doing everything not to burst out laughing. Strange shot him a look.
“She seems to be a handful,” Tony said.
“She is a very promising student of the Mystic Arts and—”
“No, I get it,” Tony said. “Thor told us all about how you’re going to stop the end of the world by teaching some card tricks to a princess.”
“How long has it been since someone called you an arrogant jackass?” Strange asked.
“At least a week,” Tony said. “You might want to watch your language around the kid though, they hear way more than you think.”
“Okay, look—”
Before Strange could make a real objection, the alarms went off. The screen at the end of the room lit up to show a CNN broadcast of New York City. A large, many tentacled beast was climbing up the sheer glass of One World Trade Center, its single eye darting around as it looked over Manhattan.
“Shuma-Gorath,” Strange said.
“We’ve got this,” Tony said. “We’ll call Wong, you deal with Little Red.”
“Wong’s exorcising Dormammu out of Mordo right now,” Strange said. “Not exactly something he can stop in the middle of. You need me, and Váli will be just fine.”
Tony sighed. “I get that the kid’s Asgardian, but she’s still just a kid.”
“Except she’s not just a kid,” Strange said.
Váli ran back into the room.
“I didn’t do it!” she said.
“We’re going on a field trip,” Strange said. “You’re gonna need your game face.”
Váli nodded and taking a deep breath, she shifted into a wolf, already full sized, with red Asgardian armor on. She looked up at Strange, her tail wagging.
Tony blinked.
“All right, let’s suit up,” he said.
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
why can I imagine Vali manipulating Dr. Strange in that new post where he's babysitting her like "if you don't take me to disneyland I'm telling Clea you're bullying me!" (dad Loki in the background proud of her) 😭
Young Váli very smart and very cute and very spoiled by her parents and her teacher.
Thank you for the ask!
“The art of meditation is a powerful tool for a sorcerer,” Dr. Stephen Strange said. “It allows the sorcerer to calm their mind and connect to the mystical energy that surrounds them and feel the tides of it, both to understand the past, as well as— Váli, are you paying attention?”
Váli was sitting across from him on the floor, her legs crossed, leaning on her hand like she was the most bored little girl in the world. Her eyes were filled with the fire of the Bifrost. Strange put a gentle hand on her shoulder and she came out of it.
“And where were we this time?” he asked.
“Nowhere,” she said.
He waited for her to give him the real answer.
“Disney World…” she muttered.
“We’re supposed to be learning how to meditate,” Strange said.
“I don’t wanna learn how to meditate,” she said. “I wanna go to Disney World.”
 “You understand how important this training is, yes?” Strange asked.
“You keep talking about the end of the world and stuff,” Váli said. “But that happened already, I learned about it in history class.”
Strange sighed.
“Yes, Ragnarök has passed,” he said. “But there are other worlds that have yet to end, and we’re trying to prevent that.”
“That seems like an Avenger thing,” Váli said. “Papa says I’m not old enough for that.”
“I’m aware,” Strange said.
“I don’t think he likes you,” Váli said.
“I’m aware of that too,” Strange said. “Can we continue?”
“Can we go to Disney World?” Váli said.
“No,” Strange said.
Váli pouted.
“That’s not going to—”
She sniffed.
“Váli, we need to get back to work.”
She shifted to have her wolf ears and they drooped.
Strange pinched his nose.
“Will you promise to do at least an hour of the lesson?”
One of her ears perked up.
A few hours later, Váli ran into the Great Hall with a lollipop the size of her face. She ran up to her brother and hugged him.
“Why are you sticky?” Nari asked.
“I got you this!” she said, handing him the lollipop. He noticed the very familiar cartoon icon on the plastic wrapping.
Strange followed Váli in, looking annoyed.
“Might I speak with your father?” he asked.
Nari took Váli back and sent Loki out. Loki noticed the candy on his way to speak to Strange.
“Again?” Loki asked. “I didn’t think you were this much of a pushover.”
“Please don’t tell Sigyn,” Strange said.
“I make no promises,” Loki said.
“How does she do it?” Strange asked.
Loki shrugged.
“She’s my daughter.”
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
What if... in a different reality, the Sorcerer Supreme suddenly comes to Asgard to warn Loki and Sigyn about Kang wanting to use Vali as a tool?
Anon. Your mind. I love this.
Thank you for the ask!
Dr. Stephen Strange and Wong entered the Great Hall of New Asgard. King Sigyn was waiting for them, along with her husband and son.
“Master Wong,” Sigyn said. “Dr. Strange. To what do we owe the honor?”
“Urgent and grave news,” Wong said. “Stephen.”
“I believe your daughter to be in danger,” Strange said.
Sigyn sat up in her throne and looked to Loki. Nari gave Strange a hard stare.
“What do you mean?” Nari asked.
“I understand that you have a prophesy detailing the events of Ragnarök,” Strange said.
“Yes,” Loki said. “But there are many prophesies of Asgard that die unfulfilled. There’s nothing to say this isn’t one of those.”
“And in any case, Ragnarok has already happened,” Sigyn said. “How is this urgent?”
“There’s something out there,” Strange said. “Searching for her. Every version of her.”
Sigyn paused. “Sorry?”
“I’m certain Asgard has some knowledge of the multiverse,” Wong said.
“Of course,” Nari said, crossing his arms. “It’s searching for her across the multiverse?”
“Multiversal travel is near impossible,” Loki said. “Even with the Bifrost, we have not achieved it. It requires far more power than we have ever had access to.”
“We believe he comes from a future version of Earth,” Wong said.
“He?” Sigyn said.
“He calls himself Kang,” Strange said. “Kang the Conqueror.”
Sigyn considered this, a strange deja vu coming over her at hearing that name.
“And what are his designs on my daughter?” she asked.
“Destruction follows in his wake,” Wong said. “It’s not hard to imagine what he would want with the Wolf.”
Sigyn closed her eyes and Loki went over to take her hand.
“She’s seven years old,” Loki said. “How could anyone possibly do this to a child?”
“I think it better that we do not know,” Sigyn said. “Else we be tempted to the same path.”
She opened her eyes and looked at Wong.
“What must we do?” she asked.
“We have to protect her,” Nari said. “We kill this thing and it goes away, right?”
“I don’t know that we can kill this thing…” Strange muttered.
“The Váli’s that have been…” Wong shook his head. “They were untrained in magic. Unable to contain or control the Wolf.”
“We’ve been working on that,” Sigyn said. “We are actively teaching her to use her magic, like we did with Nari.”
Strange and Wong exchanged a look, both clearly uncomfortable with what they were about to suggest. Loki’s stare went cold.
“No,” he said. “You are not—”
“I’ll go,” Nari said. “I’ll go with her.”
Sigyn sighed. “Is she truly not safe here at home?”
“We cannot guarantee anything, your majesty,” Wong said.
She nodded. “I will consider my options.”
Strange stepped forward.
“Sigyn, there are no options,” he said.
“There are always options,” Sigyn said. “Just never any good ones. You would have me give up my daughter—both of my children, for there is nowhere that Váli will go that Nari won’t follow—to your order, for the hope that some multiversal war lord will take no notice of her until she can be trained. If I do not carefully consider if there is any other way, what kind of mother would I be?”
“Of course,” Wong said. “We will await your response.”
Strange opened a sling portal, and the two went back to Kamar Taj. The portal closed, and Loki sneered.
“We are not doing this,” he said.
“We may not have another choice,” Nari said. “I can teach her what you’ve taught me, and human magic is—”
“Is not what is needed to seal the Wolf!” Loki said. “She will be utterly unprepared, and it will kill you! Do you understand that? We will lose both of you, and I will not allow that to happen!”
“I can bind it,” Nari said. “I know the incantations, why do you think Mother taught them to me? You told me to protect her the day she was born and now—”
“And of course I want you to protect her,” Loki said. “But this is not what she needs, and you are not her parent.”
Váli poked her head around the door that led to the royal family’s private apartments. Sigyn got up from the throne and picked her up, holding her close.
“Is Papa and Nari okay?” Váli asked.
“Of course they are,” Sigyn said. “They’re just worried about something.”
“Can Nari come play now?” Váli asked.
“He absolutely can,” Sigyn said. “Nari.”
Sigyn handed Váli off to her brother and kissed both of them.
“I love you both,” she said. “Now play nice.”
Nari took Váli back and Sigyn went to talk to Loki.
“I don’t like it when the two of you argue,” Sigyn said.
“I’m not sending them away,” he said.
“We have to do something,” Sigyn said. “If this man truly is coming after her… I don’t think we can protect her alone.”
“Then make them protect her,” Loki said. “If they’re so damn worried about it.”
Sigyn paused. “Perhaps that is the compromise.”
“What do you—”
The Bifrost wrapped around Sigyn, and she vanished. Loki groaned, rolling his eyes.
“This conversation is not over!” he said.
Back in Kamar Taj, Wong went over the runic texts that Strange had taken from the other universe.
“There has to be something we can do,” Strange said. “I’m not any more eager to use a seven-year-old to fight a war than Sigyn and Loki are.”
“The path will reveal itself,” Wong said. “Especially to those that chose not to walk, but fly.”
“Did you read that in a fortune cookie?” Strange muttered.
 “It was something the Ancient One would often say,” Wong said. “Especially when it came to dealing with Asgardians.”
The Bifrost opened up in the room and Sigyn stepped out.
“Your majesty,” Wong said. “I didn’t expect you to be ready so soon.”
“I have my answer,” she said. “You and your order will build one of your sanctums in New Asgard and use that to protect my daughter.”
“The sanctums are built on the convergence of ley lines,” Wong said. “They’re made to reinforce the planet’s natural abjurations. New Asgard wouldn’t be a strategic place for one.”
“Perhaps not,” Strange said. “But it would place us near the apocalypse-inducing child.”
Wong paused.
“If you are to take up residence in my country, I would ask that you never describe my daughter like that again,” Sigyn said.
“Sigyn, I will personally see that your daughter is safe,” Strange said.
“What of New York?” Wong asked.
“Clea is more than capable to stand guard over the New York Sanctum,” Strange said. “This is important.”
Wong nodded. “Of course.”
“It will be done, then?” Sigyn said.
“Yes,” Strange said.
“The throne will be glad to provide you materials,” Sigyn said. “And a space for the building near the Great Hall will be requisitioned.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Strange said.
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