storyknitter · 4 years
Tagged by @elveny and @starknstarwars a little bit ago for this picrew. Tagging in @greyias​ @keldae​ @kunoichi-ume​ @commanderlurker​ @km-fullmoon​ and YOU!
Here’s Sanna! (The rest of my avocados are below the cut)
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Captain Eli’anara “I’m about to cause trouble On Purpose” Nabeshin
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Corey: *long-suffering sigh* then “Kick his ass, babe, I’ll hold your flower.”
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Followed by Rineth “Literal Ray of Sunshine Cinnamon Roll” Nabeshin-Iresso
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And last--but certainly not least--we have Amareesa “Snark-that-rivals-her-father’s” Nabeshin, daughter of Sanna and Theron
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I love all of these dorks so very much!
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strawbaraminkshake · 6 years
More About Me
I was tagged by the lovely @pikapeppa to do this, and I thank you very much!
Name: There are a lot of things I could put here, but I’ll keep it simple: Becca!
Nickname: Bec, mainly, but my name is also technically a nickname
Height: 5′10″, or a little over--its been a while since I’ve checked
Nationality: I’m from the United States, which is regrettable most days
Favorite Fruit: I think that strawberries rank out on top, followed very closely by raspberries and maybe peaches? Or the combo of raspberries and peaches is great, I think the technical term is melba? Not sure.
Favorite Season: Fall! I love when big cozy sweater weather comes around, and being able to read outside on a windy day bundled up. I love winter as well, right up until I have to clear out ten feet of snow in an hour. Then it sucks.
Favorite Smell: I think lilac comes out on top for me. We have giant lilac bushes in the back of our house that have hundreds of blooms every summer, and it’s the best thing when the smell just flows in on a breeze through the windows. Combined with the smell of fresh cut grass? Heavenly.
Favorite Color: Purple!
Favorite Animal: Cats, hands down. 
Tea, Coffee, or Hot Cocoa: Tea and coffee are tied, it depends on how I’m feeling at the moment. I’m not fond of chocolate in the first place, so I tend to avoid hot chocolate.
Average Hours of Sleep: Uhhhhhhhhh it depends on the night. On a day when I haven’t been up working until five AM? Probably like 7 hours.
Dogs or Cats: Cats, hands down. They’re fluffy and sweet, and one of mine sits on my shoulders like a parrot.
Dream Trip: I would love to go back to Italy, and go to Venice this time. I’ve wanted to go since I was really little, and read a fiction book about a huge masquerade ball in Venice, with all the rivers and waterways lit up.
When my blog was created: I honestly can’t remember, sometime in middle school maybe? My friend would know better than I do, since he was the one who created it for me since I had no internet in my house, and no idea what a theme was! # of Followers: 126, but I’m convinced that most of them are either inactive or not real people in the first place.
Random Fact: Hmm. I think the most interesting thing I can think of myself at the moment is that I identify as Wiccan, and do a lot of herbal/plant based craft?
Favorite Food: Chicken Riggies. Specifically from Utica, New York.
Favorite TV Show: I don’t really watch TV that often, I get bored really fast with most exaggerated story lines. Can I switch it to favorite music instead? Love me some punk and metal. Also, Marian Hill- a recent find, she’s amazing. Would recommend, hands down.
Favorite Movie: Now this is my JAM. I always say Underworld or any of the Star Wars movies, because I’ve loved them since I was a little girl. I loved the Harry Potter movies too, I always have. I also really love movies spun out of context. Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies? I thought it was great. Same with Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I also can’t get enough of The Raven, which is fiction about Edgar Allan Poe and why he died. But I’ll watch most things, because they’re a one-and-done kind of thing, unlike TV that gets drawn out.
Favorite Vine: “An avocado? Thaaaaannnnnnksssss.” Also shark backpack.
Sexuality: Not sure? Not straight for sure. Pan, Ace (maybe?), honestly it’s a toss up most days.
Gender: Goblin. Or maybe non-corporeal vapor cloud. Jokes aside, mainly female.
Favorite Book Series: At the moment, I think this trophy goes to the Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Mass. I love it to death, and highly recommend to anyone who also enjoys young adult fantasy fiction. Other than this, though, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon comes in a very close second, with the Black Jewels series by Anne Bishop in the same slot.
Favorite Video Game: MAN. I can’t pick one, because I love most games. Anything by Bioware really, my fave console series by them being Dragon Age, followed closely by all of the Mass Effect games. PC, though, it hands down goes to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2. I never get tired of it.
Favorite Subject: Astronomy! I’m actually in school for forensic psychology at the moment, but I would kill to learn about stars and outer space as a job. I realized this too late in life. 
Favorite Fandoms: Dragon Age is on top, I think, mainly because of the beautiful fan art and fanfictions. Y’all are so creative and nice and sweet that it hurts sometimes. If anyone wants some recommendations? Hit me up. I love Mass Effect for the same reason. I tend not to be too actively involved in fandoms, though.
Favorite Superhero: Deadpool
Guys or Girls: Dragons!
Celebrity Crush: I don’t really have one? I think the last person I found at least a little attractive was Jason Momoa? I don’t think about it too often. (Actually scratch that, as I was reading over this again I thought of Eva Green. What a stunner. Would date in an instant.)
Last Time I Cried: Um, probably a few months ago? I don’t cry very often, most things don’t get me that worked up.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Grey
I’ll tag forward to anyone who wants to do this! I know people don’t always like being called out by someone they don’t know so well, so I’ll let y’all decide! This is a lot of fun to do, though, 10/10 would recommend. 
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