#oc: Amareesa
storyknitter · 3 years
Fictober ‘21, Day 4
Prompt number: 4. “Fine, I give up.”
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Rating: General
Warnings/Tags: none
Odessen, some three-ish years in the future
“Commander, if you can spare a minute after lunch, I could use some assistance in the landing bays.” Hylo Visz’s voice crackled in Sanna’s earpiece and—from the sound of it—the smuggler was annoyed at someone.
(If pressed, Sanna’s credits would be on Gault. He was generally the ‘someone’ who annoyed Odessen’s head of Underworld Logistics.)
“Of course, Hylo. I’ll be there as soon as Reesie finishes her crackers.”
At that, the child in question whipped her head around and shouted, “All done, Mama! I go too!”
“You don’t have to shout, kiddo,” Theron said from the kitchenette, a smile fighting to appear at the corners of his mouth. “We’re right here.”
“All done, Mama,” she repeated in a theatrical whisper. “I go too.”
“Okay, sweetness, you can go too.”
Theron let the grin take over his features and tidied up their table as Vassanna attempted to corral the massive amount of nexu-shaped cracker crumbs covering their daughter and her chair; she’d never been more relieved to see Seetoo approach and offer to assist. How did one little person make such a mess?
Amareesa’s giggle as Theron carried her over his shoulder preceded the trio as they entered the landing bay; only years of training kept Sanna from screeching to a halt. As they slowed, Reesie wriggled around to see what was going on, and—as transfixed by the sight before them as Sanna was—Theron set her down.
Hylo was swearing up a storm at Gault, who didn’t appear at all fazed. Behind the pair were three cages, filled with two to three small akk dogs each. The tiniest one—clearly still a baby—had somehow escaped and was huddled, trembling, behind Gault.
“Look, Hy,” he said smoothly, “someone had to rescue these poor little puppies before something bad happened to them; Mos Eisley’s a dangerous place! And they were a steal.”
Before Hylo could continue her rant about being irresponsible and reckless, a small squeal of delight echoed throughout the bay and Amareesa ran at full tilt toward the animals. The loose akk dog’s head snapped to the little girl charging toward him.
The Force swirled raucously around the landing bay, humming with excitement and... joy? The happiness, the contentment Vassanna sensed notched into place between her daughter and the tiny akk dog. It no longer cowered in fear but ran with love and affection toward Reesie.
Oh no.
Theron made to protect her, keep her from being harmed by the dog, but Sanna grabbed his arm with a sigh. “We have an akk dog for a pet now,” she murmured.
“What?” Theron asked sharply, still tensed and gaze focused firmly on Reesie, who was currently giggling as the pup in her arms licked her nose.
“Well, unless we want to literally break our daughter’s heart,” she said, turning to face Theron, “we have a dog now.”
“Sanna, we already told her we weren’t getting her a pet. We’re not getting a pet.”
She shrugged helplessly. “The Force works in mysterious ways, love.”
Theron’s face registered confusion, understanding, shock, and finally, resolve.
“No,” he said, frowning. “The Force isn’t allowed to just ... swoop in and edit our parenting decisions.” The frown shifted to surprise. “Wait. Did she do something with the Force to make this happen?”
“I have no idea.”
“So you’re telling me that in the instant those two saw each other, they became Force-bonded? Like us?”
“Well, no,” she said, shaking her head. “Not exactly, not like you and I, but—”
The little girl in question ran back to her parents, the blue-grey akk dog prancing and hopping along behind her. “Mama, Daddy, look!” was all she could get out between giggles. She looked up at them with a grin brighter than Tattooine’s suns.
“Fine. I give up,” Theron said with a sigh, though Sanna could have sworn she also heard him mutter something about “stupid Force bullshit” under his breath.
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storyknitter · 3 years
Fictober ‘21, Days 5 & 7
Prompt number: 5."I'm not saying I told you so..." AND 7. "That could have gone better." (another two-for-one special!)
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Rating: General
Warnings/Tags: none
Odessen, 37ATC
“Amareesa Nabeshin, how in all hells did you think this was a good idea?” Theron’s voice echoed in the grassy meadow. A small 2-seater shuttle rested awkwardly on the ground behind him, wisps of smoke emanating from the engine and a dented side panel. A handful of shrubs lay crushed beneath its weight, splinters of foliage strewn on the ground.
The mental image of his eldest child and her best friend out joyriding in the woods surrounding the old Odessen base made his blood pressure spike in a rather unhealthy way, according to his implants.
“Umm, Mr. Theron, sir, if I may—”
“Adin, you may not.” Theron rounded on the young Bothan, shifting his stern look from Reesie to her co-conspirator. “If your parents were here, they’d be saying the exact same thing: What you two did was dangerous and incredibly reckless. You could have been seriously hurt, or hurt someone else.”
The two kids hung their heads. He held out hope that they were considering the possible consequences of their actions, but it was more likely that they were plotting their next scheme. He sighed.
“You’re grounded—literally and figuratively—until the end of the week. No holo-net,” he said and Reesie let out a squawk of indignation, “unless it’s supervised for schoolwork. I expect a five-page report from each of you by bedtime tomorrow about why stealing and flying a shuttle around that you don’t know actually how to drive is a bad idea. And,” Theron continued, “you will both help Tora repair the damage to the shuttle this weekend instead of seeing that new movie.”
Adin’s drooping ears perked up at the last “punishment” meted out; if Reesie had moveable ears, hers would have done the same, and Theron smothered a smile.
“All right, now go,” Theron said. “I think you’ve got some homework to do.”
“Well, that could have gone better,” Reesie muttered as they both trudged back to the house.
“Hey, I’m not saying ‘I told you so,’ but—” Adin began.
“Not. Another. Word,” she said, pointing a finger at her best friend.
Theron sighed, a small grin fighting its way to his lips as they rounded the corner. What would Master Zho say, were he here to have seen this interaction? His grin broadened and he let out a chuckle.
“Stars, old man, how did you not murder me on a weekly basis?” Theron murmured softly. “Ten credits says you’re laughing your ass off right now. What goes around, comes around, yeah?”
A warm breeze blew past, ruffling his hair, and Theron had the vague feeling that his former Master was at peace—and highly amused.
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storyknitter · 3 years
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A gorgeous piece of art by the lovely and talented @lumielles of Theron on the night shift (morning shift?) with baby Reesie. I cannot get over how beautiful and sweet this is! The colors, the textures, the freckles on Theron, Reesie’s wee little hand!
Thank you so much, it turned out wonderfully!!!
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storyknitter · 3 years
Fictober ‘21, Day 31
Prompt number: 31. "Take me with you."
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Rating: General
Warnings/Tags: none
Odessen, approximately 33ATC
“Mama, wait!” Amareesa’s voice echoed down the hall to the hangar bay and Vassanna slowed, then braced herself for another of her five-year-old’s “tackle hugs.” Instead, as she turned, she was surprised to see the girl hauling her small backpack as she ran, Blankie clutched in one fist and trailing on the floor behind her. “I wanna go too—take me with you!”
“Oh, my sweet girl,” she said with a soft smile, kneeling down and tucking a stray hair behind her daughter’s ear. “It’s just a few days; I’ll be home before you know it.”
Theron came into view, long strides eating up the distance between them, slightly out of breath.
“Where’s Lucca?” Sanna asked; their newly-toddling son was nowhere to be seen.
He put his hands out to calm her. “With Senya,” he panted, then turned on the little girl now hiding behind Sanna’s legs. “Amareesa Nabeshin,” he said sternly, “You know better than to go running off alone.”
A sniffle was his answer and Sanna knew that if she looked down, tears were likely to be filling the little girl’s eyes.
“Look,” Theron said, his voice softening as he crouched to be eye-level with their daughter, “you scared me, kiddo. I looked over to where you’d been playing and you were just gone.”
“But I want to go with Mama!”
Sanna met Theron’s gaze and he gave her a look that plainly said, “What am I, chopped liver?” and she smothered a grin. Turning, she picked Reesie up, resting her on her hip, and kissed her forehead.
“Reesie-bug, I know you want to go, but can I tell you a secret?” 
The little girl nodded, snuggling Blankie ever-closer in her arms. 
“It’s going to be very boring,” Sanna whispered conspiratorially. “All meetings, all the time. No playtime at all.” Reesie’s eyes widened in horror before Sanna continued, “I know, can you believe it? You won’t even be able to run around and climb the rafters like you do here.” She shot Theron a look.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked.
“She sold you out at bedtime yesterday, Mr. Parkour-in-the-War-Room.”
Theron harrumphed and crossed his arms, eyes narrowing.
“I think Adin and his family will be here soon,” Sanna said and Reesie perked up, “but I do have to go now. Be good, listen to Daddy, and play gently with your brother. Oh! And please be kind to Mr. Beywan.”
“But his ears are so soft, Mama!”
Sanna struggled to keep a straight face. “Be that as it may, it’s not polite to pull people’s ears.” She kissed her sweet, silly girl once more before passing her back to Theron, who stole another goodbye kiss.
One final farewell and she was off, leaving her heart at home.
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storyknitter · 3 years
Tagged by @elveny and @starknstarwars a little bit ago for this picrew. Tagging in @greyias​ @keldae​ @kunoichi-ume​ @commanderlurker​ @km-fullmoon​ and YOU!
Here’s Sanna! (The rest of my avocados are below the cut)
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Captain Eli’anara “I’m about to cause trouble On Purpose” Nabeshin
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Corey: *long-suffering sigh* then “Kick his ass, babe, I’ll hold your flower.”
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Followed by Rineth “Literal Ray of Sunshine Cinnamon Roll” Nabeshin-Iresso
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And last--but certainly not least--we have Amareesa “Snark-that-rivals-her-father’s” Nabeshin, daughter of Sanna and Theron
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I love all of these dorks so very much!
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storyknitter · 4 years
20. things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear for your lovely Vassanna and Theron xD
This is ... tangentially Sanna/Theron fic, but I think you’ll forgive me. ;) It’s also a biiiit longer than minific, but again, I think you’ll let it slide.
— — — 
Odessen, 33-ish ATC
Vassanna shifted on the sofa with a sigh. Every joint in her body ached and, though she was exhausted, restful sleep danced just out of reach. She didn’t remember being in quite this much pain at the beginning when she was pregnant with Reesie, but—
“No need to start comparing the two before this little one is even born,” she told herself sternly, smothering the whine before it left her lips.
Rolling onto her side to face the back of the couch, she adjusted the pillow between her knees and closed her eyes. Perhaps some meditation would do; she was rapidly running out of quiet “alone time” while Theron and Amareesa did some quick shopping. She took one slow, deep breath, then a second, and then a third...
“Mama’s gonna be so ‘cited!”
The loud voice of her four-year-old startled Sanna out of the sleep she’d finally found as Theron hushed Reesie.
“Looks like Mama’s resting, sweetness. Let’s be a bit quieter, okay?”
“Okay!” Reesie answered in a stage whisper and Sanna found it difficult to keep the grin off her face. Thank goodness she wasn’t facing them! “Can we give her the new earrings now? They match her neckla—”
The rest of Amareesa’s words were muffled as Theron clapped a hand over her mouth. “Shhh,” he whispered gently. “They’re a surprise for her birthday this weekend, remember? And we don’t want to tell her before then, right?”
A muted “mmffmmm” from her daughter seemed to satisfy Theron. “All right. Let’s go upstairs and wrap this now.”
“Okay, Daddy! Can we give it to Mama at dinner? Puh-leeeze?”
Theron let out a snort. “This weekend, Reesie.”
A heavy, dramatic sigh followed them upstairs. “But the weekend’s so far away, Daddy.”
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storyknitter · 4 years
Six Sentence Sunday
I’ve been tagged in more writing “days” than I can count and I finally have a little something! Thank you all for thinking of me and I’m sorry it’s been such a while. <3 Leaving the tags open, so if you read this and have something ready, I’d love to see it!
A soft chuckle drifted to Reesie on the wind.
“Do you remember that hike we took to the waterfall? The one where your implants--along with our map--mystically stopped working?”
[Theron] let out a chuckle himself and murmured something to Mama, low enough that she couldn't understand it from six paces ahead. She turned around, now walking backwards on the path, to stare down her parents. 
“Ugh, are you two being gross back there?” she asked. “I wouldn’t have come along if I knew I’d have to deal with this lovey-dovey osik!”
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storyknitter · 4 years
Six Sentence Sunday
“What?!” you ask. “Knitter’s posting her writing instead of just reblogging stuff?!?” I’M AS SURPRISED AS YOU!!! XD (y’all can thank @starknstarwars for this)
“Yeah, [Sanna]’ll be fine,” he answered as lightly as he could. “She just needs some help from the best spy on Odessen.”
“Dad,” she said flatly. “You haven’t been an actual spy in years.”
Ignoring his wounded pride, Theron offered a practiced smirk. “Ah, see, that’s just what a good spy would want you to think.”
Amareesa rolled her eyes before shifting her weight to one leg, arms crossing over her chest. “I’m going with you,” she said. “You’ll need all the help you can get.”
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storyknitter · 5 years
Fictober ‘19, Day 3
Prompt number: 3. “Now? Now you listen to me?”
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Rating: G
Warnings/Tags: None
Theron stood at the foot of the tall tree, hands fisted on his hips and disapproval twisting his features as he stared up at the five-year-old clinging to a branch. “How’s the weather up there?” he asked wryly.
“Daddy!” Amareesa cried from halfway up. “I, um... I think I’m stuck. Can you help me?” Panic made her little voice wobbly and scratches on her arms and legs were visible from the ground.
Sanna was certainly going to have a good laugh about his past coming back to haunt him after their daughter’s most recent stunt. Heaving a sigh, Theron studied the tree and the routes provided by the branches. After a moment, he began to instruct Reesie in the best way to climb back down.
“Okay. See that big branch that splits into two on your left? You’ll want to grab that one and –”
“But Daddy, you and Mama said not to climb up the tree! I shouldn’t go any higher!”
Now? Now she listened to him? Taking a deep breath and brushing aside the irritation, he explained that sometimes the safest way to get somewhere was to start in the opposite direction.
Twenty minutes of talking her through hand- and foot-holds (not to mention climbing a quarter of the way up the tree himself), Theron and Reesie were back on the ground. Aside from some scratches, a few bruises, and a renewed twinge in his left shoulder, they were none the worse for wear.
“You know that Mama and I tell you things for a reason, right?” he asked, ruffling her hair as they walked back up the hill to the house, a stray leaf falling out of her ponytail. “Usually, it’s because we’ve learned already, sometimes the hard way.”
The little girl nodded seriously, though mischief twinkled in her grey eyes. “Does that mean that I should practice so I don’t learn the hard way?”
“Reesie,” he said, warning clear in his voice, but she grabbed his hand and grinned up at him.
“But Daddy, I need to learn how to do things the safe way. And it would be safe if you climbed that big tree on the other side of the base with me! Puh-leeeeease?”
“We’ll see.”
“So yes?”
Dammit all to hells, Theron found it incredibly difficult to refuse Reesie anything – just another way she was like her mother.
“We’ll see.”
Amareesa skipped the rest of the way home, a grin on her face.
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