cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
Captainsona (ISWM)
I kinda tried to keep him a lil basic so I could add more on in the future if need be but uh I always fail at that, my need to create a sona I know I’ll be happy with in the long run outweighs my need to leave a bit of a blank slate so I could adjust to the story but ANYWAYS uh here he is!
...At this point you can uh REALLY tell I don’t like making human sonas or ocs much, bc I didn’t wanna make him human at all
| Real Name: Xokiniuth (nobody knows his real name and uh let’s keep it that way shall we?)
| Chosen Name: Chase (imma just give him my name lmao)
| Nickname: Sometimes goes by Cryptid for some reason
| Gender: Trans FtM (He/Him)
| Sexuality: Pansexual
| Height: 5’5”
| Species/Race: Demon
| Occupation: Captain of the Invincible II
| Eye Color: (not that you’ll see these two things BUT just bc i like to be descriptive) His eye color is Gunmetal Blue, turns fully black when angered
| Hair Color: Dark Brown (Spiky Quiff, also he dyed it a dark purple on top)
| Body Type: Doesn’t matter what form he’s in for this one, he’s overall pretty chubby
| Appearance: Okay before I get to the descriptive appearance, you’ll most likely NEVER EVER see him without the spacesuit and helmet on- he gets very defensive when asked about it but never explains why he doesn’t wanna take the outfit off but I’ll get to that in a bit, he’s got light purple skin, his fingers, hands, and a bit down his wrists are pitch black, it almost looks like clouds of pure darkness surrounding those areas
The space suit in question on his body is a black one, his entire outfit is black except for his gloves, boots, and the helmet which are dark purple- the suit has a bunch of various patches, one is the trans flag and the other is the pan flag, another few I can name off are a skull hand extending a middle finger, one is of two skeletons kissing in a coffin that says ‘Love wins’ at the bottom, one patch says ‘I’d fuck an alien’ ITS A JOKE PATCH- and then finally he has a red anatomically correct heart patch that has a knife through it with blood on the tip and it says ‘Horror Movies’ in fancy cursive writing, the rest of the patches- eh if anyone ever drew my lad here, you could slap whatever ya want on him, because he’d wear the edgiest or stupidest fucking patches i swear, he’d wear one that just had an ass on it that SAID just the word ‘Ass’
He has pointed ears, razor sharp teeth, black horns that point and curve upwards with dark purple tips, of course he has black claws (he painted his middle claws a dark purple to match his aesthetic lmao), his pupils are slit btw I forgot to mention that (yes, they would do the thing cat’s do when excited), he has a forked tongue bc of course he does, and finally he’s got a long black tail with purple fluff at the tip of it (the tip of his tail is fluffy and soft basically) he wears dark purple gauges on his ears, he has a circle beard bc when it comes to sonas that I make or a lotta OCs in general, usually they have a beard lmao.
He has top surgery scars as well, that’s the only scarring on him pretty much- I’m going to try not to project ENTIRELY onto this dude lmao, I’ll spare him the trauma …Well, for now anyways- ahem- ANYWAYS- yeah that’s uh p much all for appearance.
| Personality: I don’t wanna waste too much time so I’ll try to keep it basic for now, Xo is a little shit who loves to cause trouble, loves to cause problems, he seems to be pretty much carefree, confident and cool, he does seem to get too cocky for his own good from time to time, Xo does whatever he wants WHEN he wants, he might as well after all he’s got ALL the time in the world now doesn’t he? Hahaha- Xo might seem carefree but deep down he cares, he cares a LOT actually, he cares and worries and fears way more than he should …About a lot of things but if I listed them we’d be here all day, the one thing I’ll list him worrying and fearing about is being found out…
Xo has a lot of anxieties deep down and that right there is one of the BIG ones, him being found out, aka someone seeing that he’s not actually a human… He worries how the crew, how his friends, how they’d all react… After all, Xo knows how most humans feel about demons, it’s why he gets so defensive and hostile about taking off the suit and helmet, under NO circumstances is the captain’s suit and or helmet to be removed, no MATTER what the situation may be- That’s literally a rule he made up, Xo will not allow anyone to remove his attire and that’s final. Xo might be a little shit and try to put up as many walls and fronts as he can but there’s always that fear of being found out looming over his head…
He’s very feral, constantly causing a ruckus and problems, loves to jump out of the airlock for some reason multiple times, VERY MUCH loves fixing it from the outside as well, and also finds it funny to toss Mark around. If I could describe Xok with a meme it’d just be the ‘Hey how y’all- *snarling and growling* AHHH!!! GET YO FUCKIN DOG BITCH- it dont bite YES IT DO GET-’ that one
| Side Facts: Xok gets along with a lot of the crew it seems, not so much with Celci but he still respects Cel for sure… He respects them all! I mean they are his friends even if he can be an annoying shithead… I’ll go ahead and say the characters Xo would get along with the MOST would be Burt, Chica, Gunther especially (fuck yeah! Let’s blow some shit the fuck u p!), Mark but only when the ‘HELL YEAH’ choice comes into play more specifically, seems to ESPECIALLY love Wug and Bandit, borderline has a crush on those two but shh-
Xok doesn’t know a LOT about humans, hell, he can’t even remember fully how he got here, he doesn’t remember much about getting into space, but he feels like he’s had other journeys before, he feels like going on this adventure feels oddly… Familiar but it’s probably nothing! Xok is just curious about humans, they seem cool from the friends he has made so far up in space (...has he made friends before, in previous timelines…? …Well- Xok probably doesn’t remember so lmao, his memory is kinda screwed up) as far as Xo knows this is his first time meeting humans and getting to know them! And it’s in space! Hell Yeah!!! Space is awesome, its so vast and such a completely different sight than something like Hell p much!
Xok never learned to hide any of his features, he was never taught to blend in with humans, so he doesn’t have the slightest clue how… He REALLY wishes he did though, he wishes he learned how somewhere along the lines, it’d make this easier and he wouldn’t have to wear this outfit all the time but he can’t take any risks, because he just knows (its what his mind thinks) he k n o w s if the others see him, they’ll either start panicking, try to shun him away, or worse- they’ll turn on him and kill him …But enough angst- let’s have some fun in space and remember! Like I said before! ATTC! Always Trust The Captain! Hahahaha, he knows what he’s doing! <3
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