dmbakura · 6 months
It's clear throughout the game that he absolutely does not hate the idea of having his own spawn(s) and the ability to control people. He did not "become what he hates". Even without that, there are pretty blatant distinctions between AA and Cazador. Is it healthy behavior for a relationship? No. But again, I think damning someone to a life of never being able to see the sun again, and not being able to go outdoors during the day without fear of literally dying simply so they don't have power is also not very good.
Why did you send this to me? Have I even been arguing this points recently to get this out of the blue? Anyways
Nobody argues he isn't an opportunistic power hungry little shit but he actually DOES express relief at not having any spawn post Cazador encounter (if not ascended.) Also he never expresses specific interest in making spawn of his own pre-ascension.
Nobody argues he's exactly 1:1 like Cazador either. There isn't enough story content to say if he'll be better or worse than Cazador in the long run, but that isn't relevant to the cycle of abuse themes present in the story. The ascended ending is the ending where he's unable to move past his fear, and so he consolidates power because that is, from his own perspective, the only option he has to feel safe. Tav enables his behavior, and this leads to the deaths of 7000. He starts emulating Cazador's behavior, right down to the "rules" imposed on him. Within the game itself, there are plenty of dialogue options directly comparing him to Cazador. This is not subtext! This is an intentional parallel that exists in the game for a narrative reason! "Astarion doesn't torture Tav" yeah OK, I'm sure Cazador thought he was a merciful master compared to Vellioth too. Abusers often consider themselves "kind" compared to whoever had power over them, and disparage their victim for being "ungrateful." Hmm. What is Astarion doing in the epilogue where he and Tav have a fight at the party? Subconsciously or not, he does become what he hates. You even acknowledge this is not healthy! Why is it such a stretch to think the writers are intentionally trying to make a point with him? Why does this behavior not exist in the spawn ending? Just THINK for one second.
As for the sun thing. If you value him walking in the sun that much, that's fine. He doesn't seem to though, given he either immediately starts talking about blotting it out and holes up in Cazador's palace (if ascended) or gets over it and fully embraces the dark (if spawn).
There is nothing wrong with ascending him, but my fucking god bro the constant disregard if very blatant themes in his story is fucking crazy. You could have just kept this to yourself and written your own fanfic or post or whatever but you brought it directly to my inbox for some reason.
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sinnohs-eve · 3 months
Greetings, you can call me Eve or Sinnoh. I’ve grown used to both, honestly. I’m a pokeball crafter and I specialize in the Hisuian style of crafting, not the Johtoian style, if that means anything to you. I also do woodcarving as a fun side thing. Usually little statuettes and things.
My team is as follows: Hibana, my Hisuian Arcanine, the light of my life, my partner since I was five. ♀ Malice, my Hisuian Zoroark, my self-appointed guardian. ♀ Foxglove, my Sneasler, my fashion consultant and self-appointed brother. ♂ Cedar, my Hisuian Electrode, resident young lord. ♂
Yes, I only have four Pokemon, no, I have no current plans to get more. Yes, this suits me just fine. No, I will not engage in a competitive or ranked battle, despite how you may bait me. Yes, I will make pokeballs on commission.
Pelipper Mail/Unmail/Malice: On Musharna Mail/Malice: On Magic Anons: Off Sentient/Sapient Pokemon: Allowed Legendaries/Mythicals: Allowed
//ooc beneath read more
heyyy it’s me @/anxiousazure back at it again with another pokemon irl blog because i lack self control!! i also run @/kitakami-zorua-kin @/kitakami-specter and @/unovan-artist (though it is inactive due to lack of inspiration). you can call me azure i use. so many pronouns. honestly as long as it’s not she i’m probably fine with it. check my main blog for more details i guess. uhhh alright mod is an adult eve is a minor (i place them at like 16ish?). use your good judgement and all, anything i deem as inappropriate will get deleted (also i’m asexual, so uh. yeahhh. don’t feel like seeing any of that stuff tbh). i mod have really bad social anxiety so if i havent answered or interacted. i am simply scared. i am very easily intimidated and my brain will continuously go "but what if there's an unspoken Rule you're breaking" and paralyze me.
fair warning! eve’s lore will shift into some darker topics, including but not limited to wilderness survival, near death, near death of pokemon, and the trauma resulting from that. (what, you thought i made a normal oc? extremely loud incorrect buzzer) (eve got hisui'd temporarily as a young child (not at the protagonist. just. wrong place wrong time). space-time distortions are fun :3)
i'll use #eve lore as a general tag when rehashing backstory stuff. #eve posts is the normal, #eve answers is for answering asks, #eve reblogs is for reblogs, #ask eve for ask games. etc etc.
uhhh. eve straight up collapsed during their last ranked battle under Kieran's Championship and has decided to take a step back from competitive battling as a result, though they've yet to officially withdraw from the League Club. feel free to poke at that some more.
anyways the pfp picrew again (same one as russet) is here. eve actually wears the bb tracksuit with a galaxy survery corps uniform top over it. yes there are always bandages on their hands and arms (no it is not self harm- i don't. i don't mess with that). yes i encourage you to poke at it. yes they will lie about it at first.
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sunshades · 1 year
HELLOOO 🍁 for tiare, marcus, and persnaps even rovi if u want :3c can be in terms of actual season and/or eladrin season for funsies
[oc asks]
OMG... babe wake up The Controversial Eladrin Question is here...
🍁 what is their favourite season? why?
(👑) well that's gotta be spring no question! (EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER AND THE LIE DETECTOR GIVES ME AN ELECTRIC SHOCK) okay. actual answer: considering the main real world ref for brasidas maybe they too have a winter that lasts all the way to march... and it'd bother them as a Concept, how it lasts so little and doesn't do nearly enough to change the place. u want it to make the whole place green and warm but it doesn't. symbolically: it was kalan's season and they're trying So Hard to be that kinda person who is unbothered and joyful but they just aren't. NOWWW in season terms. and in eladrin terms. summer is about Action and strong emotions that are sometimes Bad AND it's about the sun being annoying as fuck. and mimi's at a summer point in his life. burning light reflecting off the water and limeade that needs more sugar 🍋 and. he'll learn to like spring again probably. in the eladrin sense of letting themselves be happy bc they feel like it and not because It's The Way I Should Be and also in the literal sense of: they need to go to a big flower field in the middle of spring and see the snow thaw and see that maybe SOMEONE was right and even their home can bloom in its own way and there is something good and worth saving in it. look at it all with brand new eyes. then it'll be spring.
(🍊) oughhh my boy... having barely really met anyone with even a drop of elven blood i def think marcus doesn't really have the... cultural baggage? about seasons that tiare has, which is a little bad and a little good. as we have previously established: he's mostly been autumn all his life literally because he's Like That and hasn't really… been feeling things that deeply, in a sense. not to be always quoting that ask polly post but yk "it's the strongest emotion you've ever felt and you've convinced yourself it's your destiny". actually another: the fucking conan gray song that goes "u don't have to act like all you feel is mild (...) u don't really like the sun it drives u wild" something like that going on. been too long by himself and it's like he's forgotten that he too is... just some guy and can feel angry or attached to someone just like anyone else and there's nothing wrong with it. so that is marcus' lack of eladrin baggage 🧍‍♂️ but similarly to mithra! i think rn he likes spring a lot, all the bright colors that feel so different from him, but he'll probably grow to like autumn as a Thing later on. spring being a symbol of rebirth but autumn too as a sign of a slower change, and a time to value your memories rather than just looking for something different. the backyard covered in brown and orange leaves and his mother's hands red with pomegranate seeds.
(🏞) ROVIIIII ok actually. despite having drawn em wintery to signify that in current times they're not doing well. they actually like winter a lot! they aren't winter a lot because they're just. not pensive and reflective enough, or haven't been most of their lifeSARFDTGHDSF genuinely don't think she has much baggage about it (i'm NOT lying, unlike for the marcus answer) which i guess is the positive point of having grown up in the feywild! they've always been used to change, it doesn't seem to bother them. anyway. i think the season roviere's most aligned with (and probably my favorite color palette for them also DCGHJD) is spring for sunlight til late in the evening and good winds perfect for seafaring. ideal conditions. but if you asked them: summer because they think they're hottest as a blonde. fall is probably nonio's favorite because the red to blue gradient is pretty and to him it means they're not Hyper Spring Mode so maybe they could sit down to relax together. so rovi likes it too by proxy.
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