foxboy-yakumo · 2 years
ok so i just unlocked crimson phantom yakumo's last room and reblogged dozens of posts about him so now i'm here to try and put my thoughts down (sorry, it's long and not super coherent but . you know, that's just how these autism essays are sometimes)
like. ok. ok. first of all i managed to pull lakeside spark kuya a while ago and oh my god that was like. the softest, sweetest thing. and then here you have the soft sweet boy with the lurking "darkness" and . and . the PARALLELS?? im losing my mind
[intimacy room spoilers below for lakeside spark room 3, crimson phantom rooms 2 and 5]
kuya, whose introductory scene is trying to kill eiden, who is constantly referred to as devious and "a villain," whose whole brand is basically being a bit violent and fucked up and dangerous, slowly coming to trust and care for eiden to the point where he lets his guards down, listens carefully for things eiden likes during sex, and even falls asleep in his arms???? (i am still not over that. holy shit.) kuya who slowly but surely lets himself listen and care and be soft and learn what it feels like to trust others and be loved.
and now . holy shit. now we have yakumo's full character arc, the other side of the coin.
yakumo, who is so soft and timid and afraid of himself, who refuses to let himself do or say anything unsavory, who feels the need to constantly please others to make up for his existence, who feels that he will be abandoned at the first hint of showing his true self. yakumo who feels like a villain rather than acting like one. yakumo who is terrified that the people around him will realize that he is, and has always been, the very thing that kuya pretends to be.
...and, in the second crimson phantom room (and in the fourth homecoming room, I believe), it's shown that he's been treated that way, historically. it's a worldview that's supported by his experiences.
and I just . the way that both of these characters feel that their innate yokai nature is violent and shameful and inherently unpleasant for others. the way that kuya flaunts it while also hating himself for it and the way that yakumo suppresses and hides it away while....also hating himself for it.
the way that, through eiden's perception of them, they get to see themselves through the eyes of someone that understands and cares for them? and, consequently, how they learn to be loved, not just by eiden but by themselves? the way that they both learn to embrace their full selves and learn to trust and feel??
also the fact that they used the funky sex music that has up until now only been used for kuya's rooms (as far as I know anyway) for both of the crimson phantom rooms— especially with the contrast of the soft gentle music in the last lakeside spark room ????? aaaaa??????
and relatedly, the cinematic parallels in the camera angle and position and expressions?? between the 5th room of crimson phantom yakumo and the 5th room of kitsune dream kuya?? like hello???? i could go on about this forever
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