nerdyenby · 1 year
Blue time :D I’m watching Shelby
Thank you Shelby!! Hair is normal and it’s so weird that society tries to make afab people feel bad for how their body naturally exists
Shelby talking about needing a reminder to take her vitamin D when I’ve been out of mine for over a week now 👀
STARLORD!!!! Oh my gosh, I just remembered I’m seeing gotg3 this weekend
Blue’s skins for this event are so cute I could freaking explode
When will my husband (buildmart) return from the war (hiatus)???
MCC is about the vibes first and foremost, if you’re not in it for a good time then why are you here lmao??
Wait when was there a 3-player team???
Shelby’s chat is so silly and for what (me not knowing who that was either)
Yeah no, they do sound alike, I didn’t think they did but ummm yeah
I too forget meltdown exists lol
“I didn’t vote, oh my gosh, I’m a bad ciziten” I can’t believe you Dave, smh
Grid Runners
A bit rough but it was such a smooth grid runners overall
They did so good on the Minecraft one!!!
Dave trying to craft a daylight sensor with their minecraft in Spanish 😭
I feel like this is a good sot team, why do they want it so early??
Parkour Warrior
This team is so chill until Shelby just starts screaming lol
“I can’t do that one- that’s not even parkour, that’s like mind games and I have a small brain” Dave 😂
“You got 30 seconds, no pressure” I love False
“I played so bad, how is that number one?? These guys honestly need to step up, I played horribly” we stan a humble/self-deprecating king
Dave calling out Fruit’s hypocrisy, as he should!!
Did I know Shelby has adhd? I’m not sure if I did tbh, we’re literally the same person tho
That fox dissociated into the afterlife, same dude
Sands of Time
Dave sandkeeper arc my beloved
Dave’s saying all the right things, be more confident, man
Why didn’t Shelby get that sand??
“I’m coming for you, sir” Dave what is that voice????
Why are they so flustered?? This team has experience and are all strong sot-ers, they just need someone to take charge
Shelby you need to rush red vault, everyone else is busy, you got this queen
Fruit praying to the timer and giving the gold key as an offering 😂
Trust yourself Shelby, you had it, you just need to believe in yourself
“I like [sandkeeping] because all I have to do is talk the whole time which is… what I do anyways” Dave my beloved
Ace Race
*Giving Shelby all my asexuality* “now have him home by 8”
REAL!! Ace race is so hard to commentate
Tridents broken, real and true
Purple is stacked, fear them
Identity theft?? In my minecraft tournament???? /j
Halftime show my beloved
The most polite power negotiation in history
They are merely cruising
It’s the bare minimum but people actually using both sets of pronouns for Ranboo means way too much to me as a fellow he/they
That was such a tragic way to go :((
Dave popping off!! As she should!!!
It’s easy for them!!!
Dave going absolutely insane and Fruit just sounding so concerned 😂
“This is my game, baby!!” YEAH IT IS!!!
“Dave you’re so insane!!” “I don’t know what I’m on today, I’m just three beers deep” “I like it! Wait, beers?” “Who said that? Not me” I swear I could hear the 👀 in Dave’s voice
Blue 2nd and Dave 2nd individual!!!
Battle Box
I’m so ready for them to pop off
Oh that first round was so smooth!!!
“They’re a piñata” IM WHEEZING
Aimsey and Shelby screaming their love for each other my beloved
“I kinda love this map” “Yeah, I could see how people could hate this map” real
“Our comms make no sense but they work” seriously, they’re killing it!!
Dave is such a good igl, I’m glad they’re leaning into it :))
Good calls on better comms False :)
“Ori” 😭😭😭
That’s was sooooo close against cyan, my goodness
Gosh this event was SO close
Sky Battle
“Mr. Fruit ridge over here” the temptation to make a gay joke is nearing max capacity
“I was reviewing the map ‘cause I’m a dork” I love her, you don’t understand, Dave Krtzy my beloved
False advocating for hermit on hermit violence, as she should lol
Dave popping off!! He’s insane!!!
“Alright, new plan for me: not miss the jump” I love you False
Shelby’s death was so sad what
That second round territory battle was so tense, sad how much it threw them off though
Good eyes and good comms, rip to lime but blue handled that sneak attack like absolute champs
Fruit popping off???? Not unexpected by any means, but it was so chaotic and he was just running around like ‘mhm yep and dead’ what a king
Dave and Fruit holding hands, real
Dave only has banger opinions, MCC is about the silly goofy first and foremost
Not the AirPods 😭😭😭
Hole in the Wall
“Whatever happens, we did great” “Whatever happens, I love you guys” what is this, the finale battle to defeat the Firelord???? /lh I love them
They’re too in the zone to do meaningless things like so called ‘bodily functions’
Oh the way Shelby went out was so tragic, she bounced and slipped all the way off the edge ;-;
“Purple! No- I wish I never said that, I’m shutting up” Shelby 😭
NOOOOOO why does Shelby always go out in the saddest ways
“We did our best” real and true!!
Dave s-tier real and true!!! If you disagree you hate nonbinary people /j
I think they’re getting confused on who’s saying “purple” vs “Purpled” lol
“This is what [All Stars] should’ve been” Shelby spitting absolute facts
Gumi insane!!!
False changing sides just as her new pick loses rip
Ah yes, reverse psychology on reality as we know it
“I have faith in Purpled, which probably means he’s gonna miss these… yep”
GGs, great team, great time
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
we HAVE to do everything in our power to make sure sands of mart gets played. like i’m not saying this as someone who misses buildmart and wants to see it played again. that’s not where i’m coming from. i’m saying this as a fan of watching people suffer. as a fan of chaos. as a fan of pain and misery. do you understand. the buildmart likers will suffer. the buildmart haters will suffer. this game makes it worse for both of them. and that’s BEAUTIFUL. this is so beautiful. i have to see it played or i riot,
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