#LOL what im just saying! im not afraid to keepdetails this IS my virtual diary afterall 😌
hauntedotherworld · 5 months
i had a good day WOW
i took my dog for a long walk and this cute guy gave her whipped cream bcs he said she was so beautiful (lucky haha) and then i got some stuff i wanted from gambling! i had to borrow a little money but i got what i wanted so thats good ,, then i ate chocolate buttons and felt sick so i 🤮 and now i feel better and i just feel so calm and alright rn
finally , but i really could go for a party right now.. i wanna get some heels and dresses and meet ppl and just forget about the bad stuff
soon ..! and im gonna start college as soon as i can
and get my life on track again and pretend im normal with a normal al life for as long as i can 😇 (a few months is the highest i got) maybe this time it ll be alright - maybe i could have (a SIP£m) of alcohol before i go or maybe keep some i. my bag,, bcs ngl when i did that at my last college i was talking to everyonee and i had no fear its great
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