fan-of-chaos · 1 year
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Gojo being chillingly cold while fighting
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wayfarerxiii · 5 years
Fallout 76 is f2p for a week on xbox one so me and my friend Alex have decided to give the game a shot. Our experience so far...
- very quickly after I had left the vault I started heading down the mountain to my first objective and was attacked by a mob of feral dogs. My shitty little pipe pistol broke before I even ran out of ammo and all of a sudden I hear the thundering of a gatling gun and the last few dogs surrounding me are shredded. I turn around and see this huge motherfucker in power armour named GUARDIAN OF HELL so I freak the fuck out and sprint to the tree line. I stop to see if he is chasing me (in my defense I hate pvp and have been a support main for years, i'm basically a prey animal at this point) but he just waves and carries on his way.
- Alex's game crashing before he can even exit the vault
- The game crashing again after we connect and team up
- We do the Responders mission together and wear matching Responders uniforms (me in Paramedic jumpsuit and him in Police Uniform)
- Making our CAMPsites next to each other. I build crops and basic cooking station, a sleeping bag, a radio and windchimes. He begins construction of a proper house with walls and defenses (I think it says a lot about our playstyles)
- We run into another player at the same level as us, he spams the "please play with me" emote, we group up and go on merry adventures across the map. His name is Atomic and we communicated solely through game emotes.
- Rock texture and lighting graphics flipping the fuck out
- We split up a little on route to next objective, me at the top of the hill, the boys along the bottom. We come across a small Scorched town. I take out enemies on the rooftops with my sniper whilst the boys take out enemies in the streets. Completely unplanned and running on instincts yet somehow still more co-ordinated than Overwatch Quickplay shit shows
- Alex doing majority of the combat while I do all the terminal hacking and lock picking
- Gifting Alex a beer hat I found on a skeleton in a river tube
- The three of us taking turns to try and hack a terminal to access a locked room - finally I am succesful. We pile in and I promptly press the Big Red Button and lock us all in again.
- Thumbs up emoji spam after a Super Mutant ambush or succesful Lockpicking
- Me standing waist deep in the river water too long collecting bloodleaf to make healing salves and developing a mutation - my character gets twice the benefits from eating plant materials. Re-arranging my perk cards to embrace my new vegetarian lifestyle
- Alex and Atomic travelling down a deep gulley together whilst I travel along the top - and me screeching "ALEX BEHIND YOU TURN AROUND" when the Big Grey Cryptid Fucker starts charging at them from behind
- More heart emoji spam when they both manage to scramble out of the valley barely alive
- Atomic going AWOL at his campsite for half an hour and then spamming the Follow Me emote until I go visit. It is very nice building on cliff with amazing view and indoor lighting. He also has one of those fancy comic book themed beds.
- Me pulling up the snapshot function and taking photos when the boys are in their pipboys or talking to vendors and crafting
- Alex's mission waypoint completely fucking up and leading him in the exact opposite direction of our objective
- Me trying on every hat I can find
- Alex falling in love with his shotgun
- The three of us wearing matching sunglasses
- Finding really depressing audiotapes and then pointing them out to the others so we can all be sad about it together
- Alex leading us into an airport tarmac area full of Super Mutants and then us getting cornered in a shipping container. Alex manages to squeeze through a fence without me noticing and I enter FULL PANIC MODE
- Atomic accidentally shooting me in the back while I 1v4 melee fight a bunch of Scorched and we all take a silent vow using only melee weapons in close range afterwards
- " mountain mama... take me home... WEST VIRGINIAAAAAA"
- meeting a lvl 64 character dressed as a Girl Scout in a train station hub
- "there is Super Mutant Extermination event going on over there... so let's stay away from there"
- hoarding recipes to swap with eachother
- Both Alex and Atomic immediately pulling out their pipboys to level up in a Scorch infested building whilst I try to keep them alive and un-murdered
- me not having any grenades left but throwing frag mines towards enemies and then either having the enemy sprint over them and having them detonate too late OR having Alex sprint at the enemy into melee range and me freaking out thinking I am about to explode my friend into giblets
- coming across a random guys camp complete with organized crops, turret defenses, a perimeter wall and fancy neon signage. I wanted to get closer and have a better look but the owner was pacing the top of the wall and looking very agitated and Alex was practically begging me not to get any closer
- harvesting my crops and preparing my characters vegetarian meals and being ambushed by seven feral ghouls whilst trying to use the cooking pot
- all of us periodically turning to check and make sure the others are keeping up while we sprint to the next mission objective
- arguing on whether or not we should try and find the Mothman
- Alex getting seperated from us in a foggy town valley and then seeing a huge figure closing in... he shoots and sets off a group of 8 Super Mutants who quickly kill him
- fashion shows when somebody finds a new outfit
- getting annoyed whenever we find a new quest and it automatically activates and before you know it you have 8 different objective blips on your compass
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