#LOVED Beatrice’s and Benedict’s bickering in this version so much !!
amourcheol · 1 year
hihi! I was just at work and couldn’t help but let my mind drift to the great war
I finally realized why I like the dynamic between the two leads so much—it reminds me of Beatrice and Benedict from Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing T-T
not sure how familiar you are with it, but the resemblance is definitely there as someone who has read both pieces multiple times ahahah
this scene in particular just does it for me: https://youtu.be/ArKwN-gTOE8
I mean the push and pull of the characters!!? u can’t tell me ur not literally Shakespeare!!
anyway, I’m so glad to have stumbled onto your works and be reminded of why I love literature so much
thank you xo
OH MY GODSHSBDJDHH!,!:!3!3!3 😭😭😍😍💖💖😍😍💖💖😍😭😭😍💖😭
anon ur so cute for thinking about the Great War maybe im blushing thru the screen 😞😞💖💖😞💖
i havent actually watched much ado about nothing but have heard of it!! i watched the link and i can totally see the resemblance!! Beatrice slipping out that she loved Benedict was so well done !! Shakespeare kinda popped awf with that ngl ☝🏼😍
DONT EVEN COMPARE ME TO SHAKESPEARE STAWPPPPPP 😞😞😞 no matter what i write i could never compete to the masterpiece that is othello possibly the best play ever 🙏🏼
but anon ur too too sweet thank u for reading my fic (MULTIPLE TIMES 😞😞💖)
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