boyfrogsims · 1 year
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010198 crime scene photos
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redxv · 3 months
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"𝓘 𝓶𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝔀𝓲𝓯𝓮
𝓘 𝓶𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮"
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Dice, ~2009
Some kind of Polacolor 4x5 sheet film, expired, photographed with an improvised lens on a Speed Graphic (whew! sounds complicated!)
📷: me
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burr-ell · 2 years
it's always funny to me to see people describe percy as high int low wis because uhh.
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this was him at level 10
his int and wis are the same and not only does he not have low wisdom his score gets him a +3 to wisdom-based throws and checks
he has good wisdom guys. he's just Like This
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beyondthepaper · 1 year
So, I wanted to ask why Cuphead and Mugman always go to parties or adventuring. Isn't it better to just chillax at home at times?
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Mickey= sugar daddy of the group❓❓🤨
Thank you for the ask! <33
ask blog by: @fresacakee
♡ First ♡
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jichanxo · 4 months
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whenever i draw kaito, higashi tends to follow not long after...
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akkivee · 1 month
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eunicecarino26 · 26 days
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Collab with my bestie from 2 years ago, requested each other's favorite characters. Go follow her Twitter!
(Yes I love villains)
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gummi-ships · 9 months
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Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Link Attack - Lucky Dice
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 months
ok well the poll results weren't promising, but what the heck I might as well give it a shot! I know there were at least more than 0 people who said they might be interested
I'm doing headshot icon commission thingies!
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$20 for my chibi style, $35 for my more detailed one. I can do humans, elves, hobbits, tieflings and probably most other fantasy races. if your character has a small pet/familiar/creature I can add them as well for 5 extra dollarydoos. also I'll take payment up front through ko-fi. Please DM me if interested!
VVV here's some examples of what you can expect VVV
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I'll be opening 4 slots until the 27th, as I'm going to be leaving for a week on the 31st and I want to make sure I have time to finish everything before then. please let me draw your LOTRO OCs please please please please I want to draw your LOTRO OCs so bad
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thescenealexcatxd · 1 month
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Ik my cats are going to destroy it but idc HAHA 💔
Close up of the drawings below!
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nightmanatee · 1 year
13 said "you've gambled and you lost" as if the master didn't win by making her chase meaninglessly for her "mother" who died before the doctor got any answers or revenge, by losing precious time and most importantly by losing a chance with yaz who a) not only loves her back but b) would want a relationship with her.
he won this time so badly what a lucky bastard
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redxv · 3 months
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I have returne with two new ocs and (I guess) a redesign for Cello! I have a few more ocs coming for my little casino world called Lucky Dice. I honestly might change it so names will be helpful, please.
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willowbirds · 1 year
For those wondering what Laura’s roll for teleport could entail:
Since Imogen is very familiar with the location they’re teleporting to, rolling a 5 initiates a Mishap. According to the spell, this means each party member will take 3d10 force damage and the DM will reroll to determine their destination. Multiple mishaps can occur so it’s a good thing team Wildemount was fully healed (minus Imogen from taking damage from the staff).
One thing is certain, no matter where they end up team Wildemount will be hurt, and depending on the damage roll it could be a lot. As well, because the mishap happened, there could be a story reason as to why it happened. Did the leylines mess it up? Did something happen to Imogen as she was casting it? Who knows.
This mishap could also be a way to possibly explain why Deanna and FRIDA are not with them (assuming Aabria and Christian won’t be at the table).
We’ll find out the fate of this team after at least a week has passed in game for team Issylra.
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IM Gods AU info
I have decided to throw yet another AU at tumblr that my dear friend @midnightfire830 and I have worked on together. So if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask the both of us!
This post will have the basic information to understand the AU better before diving into the story, like who's a god, who's a demi-god, who's a mortal, what they all do in this AU regarding powers and jobs, and what the AU world is like. After that, I'll be diving into the plot of the AU in the next post.
so for now, enjoy!!!
World Building Details- While mortals live in typical and common villages and homes, the gods and demigods tend to live in a large floating kingdom filled with castles. Each castle is named after the god who owns it. Occasionally some gods and demigods live among the mortals, hiding in plain sight and offering help to those who either find them unintentionally or seek them out for aid. The mortal villages tend to be named after the gods they worship the most in hopes of pleasing them and gaining their blessings. They also give offerings to show their respect when the gods come to visit. This AU takes place in an ancient Greek themed time period.
God Chraracters:
Mickey- God of Magic, and wishes: With his powerful magic, Mickey can and will grant a single wish to a mortal, but only if that wish is what their heart truly desires, and if it's not something that'll harm someone else. Sadly, his magic has limitations. For example, he can't use magic to grant wishes that toy with life and death, and his magic can't do anything against another god of greater power then him.
Oswald- God of the Forgotten: He isn't a well-known God, but the mortals that do know him, worship him greatly because he watched over those the world has forgotten, and gives them hope. He keeps tabs on those that worship him, which included a very beautiful cat woman who Oswald loved and cherished with all his heart.
Demitasse- Goddess of Solar flare, and warrior spirit: With the almighty power of the sun, able to bless mortals with warm sunny days, or use her intense burning powers in battle, she is an extremely powerful Goddess warrior who fights to protect and will give her blessings to noble warriors so that they will have a better chance at victory and make it home to those they protect.
Dice- God of Luck, and Greed: Not the most honorable god to worship, he is usually the God people who like to gamble will pray to for better luck, but that doesn't always work in their favor, considering his god powers include manipulating the luck of a situation where it can either benefit, or hurt someone. He uses his luck power on himself mostly, earning him the Greed title as well.
Devil- God of the underworld, and sin: The god that drags the sinners of the surface to the underworld, he's also known to have a following of gods/demi-gods with a sin-based title who are incredibly loyal to him. His followers are willing to do anything he orders of them to get in his good graces considering his tremendous power.
Saltbaker- God of Baked Goods, and Gluttony: When people smell the sweet scent of something warm and delicious, they always give thanks to him for the blessing of a warm treat to bless their soul, but sometimes the warmth isn't always enough. He is also the god people blame when someone gets carried away with their gluttony, because he is rarely satisfied and wants more. Especially when it comes to power.
Granny- Goddess of Rest, Home and hearth: A weary traveler will always give thanks to her after a long trip and they finally find a safe place to rest. Hiding among the mortals, she offers shelter to those who need it most when traveling, she blesses them to sleep well, and then sends the traveler on their way feeling ready to continue on their journey. 
Oddswell- God of health: He is the god people and doctors pray to for a person to either heal from an injury or recover from a terrible sickness. He is also the God other gods/demi-gods go to when in need of medical aid thanks to his amazing knowledge of medicine and what to use for any situation to better the outcome.
Yakko- God of chaos; God of Persuasion: While leading his siblings in spreading chaos around the world, he is also known for his power of persuasion. He can convince anyone to do just about anything without having to take away free will, and can sense when a person has no free will. Although he and his siblings are gods of chaos, the three of them are prayed to by those who desire their chaos to be used for justice. (which they are all too happy to help with).
Wakko- God of chaos; God of Prophecy: Though creating chaos for those around him and his siblings, much is misunderstood about his true power. Many that worship him argue that he can see into the future, while others claim he can see how the story of a person's life will go. Either way, if someone seeks him out for him to tell them how things in the future will turn out, most of the time he refuses to answer, claiming "spoilers"
Dot- Goddess of chaos; Goddess of Space: Creating chaos along with her siblings, she is known for her power to bend and warp space around her. Having the ability to jump from one place to another, make pocket space for storage, or to make space around her long or short, she uses her powers to further the chaos and shenanigans she and her brothers create.
Scrooge- God of Wealth: He is the god people pray to in order to benefit their wealth, considering he's rumored to be the richest god in existence. People tend to have rumors that praying to him actually don't work, considering those with wealth tend to get nothing out of their worship towards him, but people from a poor background that work hard claim that worshiping him does help.
Hat- God of Guidance: Though not a popular god to the mortals, he is the god who trains young gods/demi-gods who struggle to control and use their powers without being overwhelmed and/or causing a lot of destruction. Even if he's not exactly a gentle and kind teacher with his guidance, he will make sure those he teaches are prepared to use their powers in any way.Mortals who manage to seek him for his guidance are rarely ever accepted, when they are though, they have to be able to handle his brutal teaching.
Wilson-God of Wisdom: Living among the mortals, he is the god people go to in order to learn about anything from his incredible collection of knowledge from around the world. He is willing to help those who wish to learn with good intentions.
Demi-God characters:
Cuphead- God of Celestial fire, and rage: With the powers of the stars, when angered, he is a powerful force to be reckoned with in battle. Though when not using his power for combat, he is known for shooting stars into the night sky to create constellations that tell stories.
Mugman- God of the Sky: With the power to control the weather, he is a bit more popular with the mortals than his brother. They pray to him for good weather for the day, or to help their crops. He is however a powerful fighter with the ability to shoot lightning and control the weather with his intense emotions. 
Holly- Goddess of memories: She is the demi-goddess people pray to in order to remember something, due to her being known for her ability of remembering everything and for her love of learning.
Cagney- God of Nature and Agriculture: The demi-god that watches over the plant life of the world, he is thanked by the mortals when they have a good harvest with plenty of food, or when flowers perfectly bloom. Tends to butt heads with Mugman over the weather being bad or trying to get Mugman to make nice weather all the time for his plants.
Donald- God of Ducks, and tantrums: Though he watches over the ducks of the world, animal and duck person, when people are throwing a fit for whatever reason, he is usually the one mortals blame due to his reputation for losing his temper, often. He can also make others in the same room as him feel irritated or ready to snap when he feels the same way.
Huey- God of the Smart: Has a godly ability to use his intelligence to think through any situation. Is often worshiped by tacticians.
Dewey- God of the Tough: Has the godly ability to fight through any situation. Is often worshiped by warriors. 
Louie- God of the Sharp: Has the ability to see every angle in any situation. Is often worshiped by tacticians and warriors
Dimitri- Goddess of Justice: Helps keep order and balance in the Gods home kingdom and fights for justice in battle. Teaches mortals willing to learn how to practice justice systems, morals, and obeying laws meant to help them.
Mortal Characters:
Bendy: A stubborn servant who works under Cuphead, he works hard to do his job, but he doesn’t take garbage from other gods or do pointless things just to kiss up to Cuphead.
Boris: Living among the mortals in his and Bendy’s home village, he writes to his brother often and looks forward to getting Bendy’s letters back.
Alice: An apprentice to Oddswell, she enjoys learning how to offer medical help to those in need, and shows great respect to the gods she’s around.
Felix: An apprentice to Wilson, he aids his mentor in finding and collecting new knowledge for the world to learn.
Cala: Captured by mortals and offered to the gods as a gift, she was put on display in a giant magic glass tank for the gods to stare and admire her without fear of her turning them into stone.
Sasha: A servant to the gods, she sings for their entertainment during parties and events the gods throw.
Ortensia: A previous worshiper of God Oswald, she was one day approached by Oswald, who wished to get to know her on a personal level. Overtime she became his loving wife, and they had many demi-god children, but due to being a mortal, her time with Oswald eventually came to an end.
Cannikin: A warrior of his home village, he met and fell in love with a powerful warrior woman who would come and go from the village as she pleased, and enjoyed sparring with her whenever she was around. They had a beautiful son together, and had another child on the way when he was taken away from his family in a brutal battle. He never learned his wife Demitasse was a goddess.
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beyondthepaper · 1 year
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yes. yes they are.
thanks for the ask @bniebee!
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