#LZC: Diana Armstrong
micrathene-w · 1 year
When Last We Left...
the Armstrong household of the Lunar Zodiac Challenge:
Aries (Arianrhod), Taurus (Phoebe), and Gemini (Luna) daughters:
Young Adults
All tasks completed, and moved out
All three married; Ari and Luna each have one child
Cancer daughter Mahina:
Teen, nearing Young Adult
High School A Student
Has reached Adept level as a Spellcaster, and knows 5 of 9 Practical Magic spells
2 Milestones from completing Lady of the Knits
Just made the first romantic steps with her possible boyfriend (Must marry and have 2 children of her own)
Leo daughter Selene:
Newly a teen
High School B student, in the Acting Club (must reach Level 8 in the Acting career)
Started working on her Charisma skill
Neophyte Spellcaster, has learned 1 of 8 Untamed spells
Virgo daughter Elatha:
Child, nearing Teen
Grade School A Student
Completed both the Mental and Creative childhood aspirations
Will need the Rite of Ascension on her Teen birthday to become a 'Caster (Must max Programming and Logic skills, and Mischief magic)
Libra daughter Ala:
Toddler, nearing child
Fully potty trained, maxed Imagination, and at Level 4 of the other toddler skills
Matriarch Diana:  ...is kind of at loose ends for the moment. She gets a temporary reprieve from Zodiac-making because we need the remaining household slots for Mahina’s partner and children.
Just a quick reminder: Text in italics is my shorthand for Diana As Narrator :)
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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By bedtime, she has officially entered her second trimester.
Raine rightly gets the first invitation to feel their growing baby.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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Toward the end of the evening, Mahina has an unfortunate bout of 'morning' sickness and has to excuse herself from the festivities to deal with it.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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By the end of the date, she nervously asks him if he'll be her boyfriend.
He is an intelligent young man who recognizes his good fortune, so of course he agrees.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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By the time either of them ventures from their bed again, the wedding guests have long since gone home.
Raine heads down the stairs to heat them some leftovers, since their exertions have left them the more mundane type of hunger to deal with. Meanwhile, Mahina performs a small ritual very familiar to me.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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As soon as the Watcher gave them a slight makeover she finished aging up, Raine dropped to one knee and offered a ring with a small but brilliant diamond.
This usually proper and composed boy shows everything in his heart on his face for once, and his voice catches just a little as he says, "Mahina dearest, I adore you. Would you make me the happiest and most fortunate man in the world by becoming my wife?"
I think either his show of emotion startled her, or she did not expect him to literally propose before the candle smoke dissipated; she looks startled for a moment. Then her own face lights up and she holds out her left hand for him to place the ring.
"Of course I will!"
He is fortunate to have captured my girl's heart - it is good to know that he appreciates his luck.
After they finish their kiss (and her sisters alternately congratulate and tease her), I suggest that Raine may as well move into the room reserved for them while we plan a small ceremony.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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As for my currently high-volume teen... Selene eagerly latches on to a suggestion of taking a few hours away from homework and drama club lines to visit The Realm instead.
She gets both a break from the family, and expert tutoring in her Untamed Magic - and the rest of our ears get a restful stretch of time without loud swearing or guitar solos.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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Despite her teen rebellion against my personal authority, Mahina does not forget the tasks assigned to her by the Pantheon. After school, she studies a tome to learn a new Practical Magic spell.
Then she calls Raine and asks him out on a date.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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Even my bees seem unsettled by the resounding quiet - or perhaps they have mites again. I will give them medication, just in case (and nurse my stings once the plants are harvested).
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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With her spouse tutored in the ways of knit and purl, Mahina first acknowledges the day having warmed up and changes out of her hand-knit sweater.
Then she heads to the kitchen to fix us all some lunch.
"Any preferences?" she calls out to both of us.
I tell her just something simple; Raine requests meatless, so she puts together a large batch of vegetable dumplings.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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LZC Outtake 21
...that moment when one is trying to screencap a knitting lesson, and the Matriarch Of Your Challenge decides to remind everyone that is is, in fact, The Main Character 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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Elatha requests the task of visiting The Realm after school the following day, so she can make herself known to the Mischief Sage as well as checking for the few tomes our collection still needs.
As nothing needs repair or cleaning at the moment either, Mahina dresses in the sweater she created, and asks Raine if he would like to learn to knit.
He does express interest, and they settle in the living room so she can instruct him.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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They sit down to chat, and Mahina makes her way over to join them. Ari gives her sister a quick glance - and a big grin.
"Well, I can guess what your latest news is, 'Hina sweetie," she says. "Congratulations!"
Mahina beams back at her. "Thanks! How are Duane and Simone?"
"They're doing great," says Ari. "Duane's been hinting he'd like a second little one, but I'd like to get another promotion at work before asking for maternity leave again."
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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There is one step between aging up and starting high school - and while Arianrhod does not arrive in time to see Ellie enter her teen years, she shows up soon after at her sister's request.
"Thanks so much for coming, Ari," Elatha says, hugging her Aries sister before leading her into the house.
Once inside, she formally requests the Rite of Ascension, to activate her bloodline and make her a Spellcaster.
Ari is pleased and proud to administer the Rite, and Elatha laughs as the magic sweeps through her.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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I bake a cake to have ready for when the older girls arrive home, and before Selene has to leave for Drama Club I help Ala blow out her candles.
The older girls make merry with confetti and noise-makers while Ala wriggles to be set down on her feet.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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I watch with pride as she runs - runs! - back into the house and up to me for a hug.
"Mama! I can grow up now!" she declares with a wide smile.
My heart swells, but also breaks a little at the same time for how I must push my daughters through their childhoods.
"You can grow up a little more, my darling. As soon as your sisters get home, all right?" I tell her.
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