#Mahina Armstrong
micrathene-w · 1 year
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By the end of the date, she nervously asks him if he'll be her boyfriend.
He is an intelligent young man who recognizes his good fortune, so of course he agrees.
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maritamorgado · 1 year
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan and cast of The Walking Dead Dead City promoting the series in New York City
Credits to Shutterstock
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lyrasky · 1 year
【ウォーキング・デッド:デッド・シティ】シーズン1第1話ネタバレ マギーとニーガン摩天楼はブレードランナー あらすじ 感想 解説 Dead City1-1
【ウォーキング・デッド:デッド・シティ】シーズン1第1話ネタバレ マギーとニーガン摩天楼はブレードランナー あらすじ 感想 解説 Dead City1-1 Lyraのブログへ #TheWalkingDead #DeadCity #LaurenCohan #MaggieGreene #JeffreyDeanMorgan #Negan #ウォーキングデッド #デッドシティ #GaiusCharles #TheWalkingDeadDeadCity #ŽeljkoIvanek #MahinaNapoleon #LoganKim #TheCroat #OldAquintances #MichelleHurd #TreySantiagoHudson
本編【ウォーキング・デッThe Walking Dead】をリアルタイムで2010年から見て来たLyraとしては「メインストーリーであるTWDのシーズン11が終わった時点で予定されていた映画3作品が始まる〜Rickが帰って来る〜」と数年前までは期待していた…が、あれこれ起きる(コロナやストーリーの書き換えetc)様子から「映画なくなるな」と予想していたら、案の定、映画製作は延期(中止とも言われていますが)。その代わり今日あらすじ解説を書く【デッド・シティ Dead City】がスピンオフとして製作開始したニュースが、昨年公表されました。 そして何年も前から噂されていた【Daryl & Carol】(仮題) も昨年の終わり頃?に決定。そして今年初めには【Rick &…
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spoilertv · 1 year
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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As soon as the Watcher gave them a slight makeover she finished aging up, Raine dropped to one knee and offered a ring with a small but brilliant diamond.
This usually proper and composed boy shows everything in his heart on his face for once, and his voice catches just a little as he says, "Mahina dearest, I adore you. Would you make me the happiest and most fortunate man in the world by becoming my wife?"
I think either his show of emotion startled her, or she did not expect him to literally propose before the candle smoke dissipated; she looks startled for a moment. Then her own face lights up and she holds out her left hand for him to place the ring.
"Of course I will!"
He is fortunate to have captured my girl's heart - it is good to know that he appreciates his luck.
After they finish their kiss (and her sisters alternately congratulate and tease her), I suggest that Raine may as well move into the room reserved for them while we plan a small ceremony.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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Despite her teen rebellion against my personal authority, Mahina does not forget the tasks assigned to her by the Pantheon. After school, she studies a tome to learn a new Practical Magic spell.
Then she calls Raine and asks him out on a date.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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Mahina chooses a simple backyard wedding - although I may have made a few changes to the ceremony area. We invite over her sisters and their spouses; Raine insists he has no one he wishes to add to the guest list.
The day dawns cloudy, but thank the Pantheon, it does not rain. My daughter looks stunning in her tea-length gown; her fiance looks like cannot believe his good fortune to have her walking down the aisle to him.
It is good to know he appreciates his fortune.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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I know not how - or whether - young Raine celebrates his own birthday. When he arrives for Mahina's small celebration, he is a newly minted Young Adult.
Mindful of the proprieties, he keeps a bit of distance between them while I break out the cake and call the other girls to help celebrate their sister's big day.
'Hina casts him enough sidelong looks through her eyelashes that I have a good idea what she wishes for, before blowing out her candles.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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"Well, there's a simple solution, then," Mahina declares. "We just live here for a while, then the trust can cover your school tuition instead of rent!"
Clever of her to present the situation so that it sounds like just good financial sense, not a requirement. (With luck, Raine will never need to know that they may not leave the house until a second child is born).
"And your mother wouldn't mind this?" Raine asks.
"Mother will insist on it," my daughter tells him in perfect honesty. "And there's more than enough room - I mean, look at this place!"
I nod at her when she glances over his shoulder at me; she is well aware that a suite has been set aside for her and her future partner's use since this home was first built.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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"I suppose I could use the time to work and earn money for University," Raine says, though he still sounds uncertain. "My apartment is small and only has one bedroom, though..."
And a larger apartment would eat through any wages - not to mention the fact that babies are more expensive than most people expect!
Mahina focuses on another aspect of his words, though. "Wait, you live in an apartment... alone?!"
That makes me stop and blink. A teen, still in high school, having to manage living on his own? The poor boy!
"I have a small trust from my grandfather that pays my rent and expenses," he says, his tone bland. "It doesn't allow for much in the way of extras, though."
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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When Raine arrives, Mahina shows him to the living room area while the rest of the girls scatter to various activities around the house. I keep myself mostly out of sight while tending to a few chores on the first floor - but not out of earshot, in case Mahina needs support or her beau comes up with a question we had not anticipated.
He listens quietly while she gives the explanation we worked out. Then he does, indeed, ask something unexpected.
"This isn't something you have to do because of health reasons, is it?" He sounds deeply concerned.
Mahina hurries to reassure him. "No, no it's - I'm not going to die young or anything like that!"
He gives a heavy sigh of relief as she goes back to persuading him of the advantages of early marriage and children.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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The next morning, both my teel girls enter a phase. I can only be grateful that they waited until after Ala's birthday.
I also give thanks that the younger girls have not yet come downstairs when Selene lets out a blistering curse I did not know she had learned, before picking up the guitar to take a few loud and discordant strums. (At least this new fascination with the instrument will help her eventual acting career.)
And my normally sweet Mahina begins to sass and argue with me. I have been fortunate until now, I suppose.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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A good talk and a loving hug or three have eased Mahina out of her phase, thank the Pantheon. As she shakes off the last of it, she squares her shoulders and faces me.
"Mom, I think I should tell Raine - as much as we're allowed to tell him, before we get any more involved. If he can't accept getting married and having children as soon as possible, I'll... I'll have to find someone else," she declares.
I sincerely hope the young man can accept the conditions placed on it, because I think my daughter's heart is already too engaged to change its course so easily.
I agree with her, and together we create an outline for what she might say, and how to answer certain questions should they arise.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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"After our birthdays, then..." he says, which certainly sounds like a pre-proposal to me.
Mahina must think so too, for her voice quivers with emotion as she echoes, "After our birthdays."
Since they are not alone, she limits herself to a lingering kiss on his cheek.
As the birthdays in question are not far off, I must consult with my daughter on what other decorations she would like added to the currently rather spartan marital suite.
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micrathene-w · 1 year
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She invites him to a coffee shop in Windenburg. I suspect it goes as most teenage dates do: plenty of talk, a dash of awkwardness, more than a little hormone-driven flirting.
She makes no mention of being banned from the café, so their public displays of affection must have remained tame.
(The Watcher is very annoyed at herself for not getting a screencap of their first kiss; I thought I had the 'camera' in the right place, but it moved back just as the kiss happened, so what I had was Mahina, a heart floating in the air - and the doorframe you see behind them in the second image >,<)
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maritamorgado · 1 year
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Lauren Cohan, Zelijko Ivanek, Gaius Charles, Mahina Napoleon and Dan Mcdermott attend the "The Walking Dead: Dead City" Premiere during the 2023 Tribeca Festival at BMCC Theater on June 13, 2023 in New York City (Photo by Rob Kim/Getty Images for Tribeca Festival)
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