#Lack of companion reactivity in this game bugs me
y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
Most of Durge's epilogue is like a continuation of "yay you're cured, you're a new person" with the occasional sighting of the fact that Durge has been conditioned to be a freak with a twisted sense of humour who loves violence (sexually).
And your sole acknowledgement that actually you might actually be fucked up from the psychological conditioning of Bhaal living in your head from birth, emotionally manipulating you + the cult shit + perhaps the fact that you may still be ambitious and miss divinity and/or feel alienated, considering you're carved from a god's dead flesh and fundamentally do not belong in this world (and numerous other potential things that may be brought in or left out), is a letter that basically goes:
"One day there is a chance that this will overwhelm you, and then you'll turn back to Bhaal out of desperation, and he'll apparently edit your memories so you misremember your own backstory, and then brainwash you to be obsessed with breeding so that he can exploit you and your offspring (who will be forced to fight to the death for his amusement). [And as you know, former Bhaalist, Father can inflict sexual arousal/attraction on people on top of bloodlust. And force you to love him and hate your former loved ones. Gotta love the attraction/disdain spell.]
Sleep tight."
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