#Laconia Fashion
gemsofgreece · 11 months
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Traditional costumes from Greece:
From the regions of Thessaly and Macedonia photographed by Thanasis Kaliakoudas 
From Mani (unknown photographer)
From Crete island (unknown photographer)
From Astypálea island photographed by Anastasia Kipirtidou
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s1syphus · 2 months
001.  saturday night,  10:15  pm,  at the carnival.
002.  with  ricardo de la cruz, @frgdstarrs.
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one gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want — the proverb haunts him as effectively as a determined poltergeist. perhaps it wasn't meant to apply to finding a stray five dollar bill, crumpled and stepped on, in laconia's fairgrounds — but hey, who was he to question? sighing through his nostrils, he calls out to the person walking in front of him. " hey — y' dropped this. " he holds out the bill with one hand, his grip on it loose, imploring the other to take it from him in some sort of timely fashion.
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the-expanse-fashion · 3 years
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Lieutenant Hannu, The Expanse, Season 6, Episode 3
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ofprevioustimes · 2 years
@kingdom-of-vanity​​ ; a plotted starter
The hotel room was not so unfamiliar.
The place had become quite notorious ever since the first relics from the past had been unearthed nearby, roughly a century before. Presidents and dictators, celebrities and intellectuals would come from all corners of the world to lodge near the site where the royalty of Sparta of the old days had once lived and thrived. The ancient city that she used to call home, thousands of years ago. The land’s sacred soil had kept these items and memories protected over the millenia and through the passing centuries, but every now and then the men and women of present days would return to dig into it with the infuriating assumption that they had the right to do so.
Outside, the sun had just reached its peak. Helen sat up on the single bed, alone, waiting for the hotel guest to return to his room: her back was impeccably straight, her chin raised high and regal as if she were sitting on her throne back in her mortal years, with her palms quietly resting atop her thighs, still as a statue. She did not touch a single thing among the man’s personal belongings - a courtesy he did not quite deserve, given the purpose of his visit. Pollux’s shield must be stored somewhere among his traveling bags, she guessed, but this was not the way to go about finding it, like a lowly thief sneaking into his victim’s home to steal their wealth. 
Previous expeditions around Laconia had managed to dig all sorts of objects from past civilizations: bronze weapons and helmets, ivory combs, terracotta figurines given in offerings to the gods, jewels, vases and much, much more, but no one had been able to find anything to give proof to the stories of a time that was now considered mythological. All their findings had come from later periods, when the gods no longer mingled with mortals like they used to do when she was the queen of Sparta.
Until now, that is.
The excavation was way too close to the shrine that the Spartans had built in honor of her and Menelaus, violating the solemn air of a place of worship and disturbing her peace in the afterlife. For the past few days, Helen had watched the group from a distance. Her divine features had been concealed under the guise of a common, plain-looking woman, lest her real face would draw unwanted attention. The sight of mortals digging through hallowed land fed her heart with wrath, seeing how blinded they were with curiosity, mindless of the godly powers surrounding their current place of work. Still, she had not made contact thus far. In life as well as in death, Helen never acted with haste, so instead she just waited to see what they would be able to find, quiet and inconspicuous in her observations… until they found her brother’s shield.
All day long she waited inside that room, ruminating about its location. A shield is a Spartan warrior’s most precious belonging, earned through honor, strength and hard discipline. No one who did not face their trials should have the right to touch it. Those who did would pay for it, Helen would make sure of that, even if it took an entire afternoon of waiting for the man responsible for the desecration of her temple.
Sunset was darkening in the horizon when the sound of the twisting doorknob drew her attention to his presence. Her eyes turned to the door before it opened, simultaneously calm and threatening. No disguise concealed her true nature this time: Helen presented herself in the full force of Aphrodite’s beauty, clad in the fashion of her days with her gleaming linen peplos, with golden sandals on her feet and a translucent veil atop her hair.
She did not introduce herself, nor gave any explanations to her presence there.
Just as soon as the man’s figure met her own, her belligerent stare fell upon him like a raging storm, though she did not move from her seat, as motionless as the furniture.
“You took something that does not belong to you”, was all she said, downplaying her menancing presence underneath a calm tone, all grace and poise. “Something that belongs to my family.”
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steelcowgirl · 5 years
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Get your Steel Cowgirl on at www.SteelCowgirl.com 🏍💨💞 #steelcowgirl #motorcycle #style #biker #fashion #laconia #laconiabikeweek #rally #motorcyclerally https://www.instagram.com/p/Bycxes-FZcp/?igshid=1ricr1e5fp1lr
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sweetmascherari · 4 years
Summer, Autumn, War Ch. 14!!
That’s right ladies and gents!!
Chapter 14 is up on Ao3!!
Keith is starting to wrestle a little bit with his newfound identity. Seems like he’s not the only one having to adjust to it too.
Yup! After only 8 months! Really, though, thanks to all that have stuck with me. I hope that you enjoy this chapter and the rest yet to come - in a quicker fashion, I’m aiming. :)
Summer, Autumn, War
Welcome to the city state of Volta. The perfect picture of Greek culture, architecture, and philosophies nestled on the southern leg of Laconia, south of Sparta, itself.
There we find Keith, who was left on his own at a very young age. Fighting was just always in his nature, in his blood. His drive was survival, his creed: focus and strength. He was never a searching soul for anything more. But when war brings out the best in him, fame follows because of it.
Now, Keith has to learn to deal with all this new attention thrown upon him and his adoptive brother, Shiro. Easy enough, for the most part, to ignore most of the masses. But when a certain son of a politician decides to pay a bit of mind his way, things get a little bit more… interesting.
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fictionadventurer · 5 years
I want a whole novel about Captain Wentworth’s adventures in the navy. But not like, “Here’s all the Angst and Pining and Emotions That He Suffered Because of His Heartbreak over Anne”. I want a straight-up, rip-roaring Horatio-Hornblower-style naval adventure. Something that would make complete sense even if you’ve never read Persuasion. Anne would just be an interesting piece of Wentworth’s backstory, but we’d have only, like, 2% pining, at moments when it would add depth to Wentworth’s character. Otherwise it’d be all about the here-and-now of naval life. Because based on the tidbits of info Austen gives us, it would make an awesome book.
Look at the stories Wentworth tells at dinner. None of the adaptations have really captured the fact that Wentworth is a charming, engaging storyteller who relates some pretty exciting adventures. Like the story of his time on his first ship, the Asp.
"But, Captain Wentworth," cried Louisa, "how vexed you must have been when you came to the Asp, to see what an old thing they had given you."
"I knew pretty well what she was, before that day;" said he, smiling. "I had no more discoveries to make, than you would have as to the fashion and strength of any old pelisse, which you had seen lent about among half your acquaintance, ever since you could remember, and which at last, on some very wet day, is lent to yourself.—Ah! she was a dear old Asp to me. She did all that I wanted. I knew she would.—I knew that we should either go to the bottom together, or that she would be the making of me; and I never had two days of foul weather all the time I was at sea in her; and after taking privateers enough to be very entertaining, I had the good luck, in my passage home the next autumn, to fall in with the very French frigate I wanted. — I brought her into Plymouth; and here was another instance of luck. We had not been six hours in the Sound, when a gale came on, which lasted four days and nights, and which would have done for poor old Asp, in half the time; our touch with the Great Nation not having much improved our condition. Four-and-twenty hours later, and I should only have been a gallant Captain Wentworth, in a small paragraph at one corner of the newspapers; and being lost in only a sloop, nobody would have thought about me."
Battles with privateers! Taking a French frigate! Almost dying in a storm! It would make an awesome sequence of naval adventures!
And then there are his adventures on the Laconia.
"Ah! those were pleasant days when I had the Laconia! How fast I made money in her.— A friend of mine, and I, had such a lovely cruise together off the Western Islands.—Poor Harville, sister! You know how much he wanted money—worse than myself. He had a wife—Excellent fellow! I shall never forget his happiness. He felt it all, so much for her sake.—I wished for him again the next summer, when I had still the same luck in the Mediterranean."
Look at how much we get in that one paragraph! First, there’s Wentworth’s desperation for money (probably because of Anne’s rejection of him, which shows so much about his character), and then Harville’s troubles as a family man, plus the intimation of several successful naval battles in two different locations. There are tons of little details like that scattered through the text. Wentworth was in Lisbon the previous spring, just a week too early to ferry Lady Mary Grierson and her daughters (to Wentworth’s great relief). He took Harville’s wife and children to Plymouth. More than enough to fill a full novel.
And later, we find out about the friendships between Wentworth, Benwick, and Harville. They’re such close friends, and I’d love to see those friendships develop. Benwick as Wentworth’s valued first lieutenant. Harville dealing with leaving a wife and children behind. Benwick meeting Fanny Harville and dealing with the difficulties of waiting for fortune and promotion before marrying, and Wentworth going to break the news of Fanny’s death to him. There’s so much possibility for showcasing strong male friendships, and the interactions of family life and romance with life at sea, through the lens of three great characters. It would be amazing. And someone needs to write it yesterday so I can read it.
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argivebeauty · 5 years
@meinliied​ ;; plotted starter
For the past fortnight she had been taken with a sudden indisposition. It all had started once they had received a message from king Priam, announcing that he would be sending envoys with proposals for a treaty concerning the trade between the two cities. Menelaus had been the first to rejoice with the news. Illium was vastly famed for its wealth, and it was imperative that royal visits were accompanied by a preposterous amount of gifts, boatloads of treasure carefully selected to promote diplomacy for both kingdoms – a most delicate issue indeed, for the consignment could easily strengthen their bonds or cause a shameful offense, if the offerings fell below the expectation. But they never did. Especially not with the Trojans, long accustomed to trading overseas.
It should not have been an issue for Helen. Her duty was to provide her guests with the best food that Laconia could offer, filling their plates with delicacies while they paraded their gifts before the whole court. She had done it all her life. And yet… since the embassy had been announced, the queen had been consumed with a strange sensation of uneasiness, a constant tightness in her chest denoting an anxiety so uncharacteristic to her that she could interpret it as no other than ominous. Nonetheless, Helen downplayed her weakness like a proper Spartan and dutifully assembled the feast. Thus, when the day finally came, their welcoming was ensured not to disappoint: servants walked about the many tables carrying their silver trays with which they served the guests with bread dipped in wine, honey cakes topped with goat cheese, olives aplenty, salted fish and spiced, juicy meat that was accompanied by honeyed figs and baked vegetables. All of it followed by a variety of wine: Port wines, red, white, rose, all imported from Thasos, Lesbos, and Chios.
Her arrival was delayed, much to her mortification. A nauseous sensation had begun to rise from the depths of her stomach the more the moment approached for her to meet her guests, thus her maids had to order some tea from the kitchens to soothe her senses. It was a pointless effort, but Helen pushed through it nonetheless. Her entrance in the megaron was preceded by the sound of her steps, cutting the speech of one of the Trojan envoys who was cataloging the presents which were brought before her husband’s throne in gilded chariots. They all stood up in her presence, but Helen did not seem to notice. She made a beeline towards Menelaus with firm and haughty steps, sitting on the throne beside his, only seconds before she was struck with a sudden shock, the moment that she lifted her veil and saw him for the first time. He occupied one of the most prominent seats, richly clad in Trojan fashion with sea-colored eyes and plump pink lips, seemingly mindless of the vision that he brought into her court, as if Himeros himself was sat before her.
Was this the son that Priam had mentioned in his message? In the blink of an eye, she had forgotten about her indisposition, the other guests, the gifts the envoy listed, even her husband beside her. Her eyes were drawn to him, lingering on his figure a second longer than it would have been proper. It did not happen often, for her to lose all sense of herself and her surroundings, even if it was only for a brief moment, and yet even as she promptly regained control of her actions, her mind still seemed almost intoxicated. He was more handsome than any man she had seen. He had a boyish kind of beauty despite a full beard that covered his jaw, which gave him a delicate aspect, far different from the austere attractiveness which she found in most Spartan men. She wondered from the first sight how he made love. Helen gulped dryly, gladly accepting the wine that one of the maids had brought to her and sipping it, before putting her diplomatic face on full display for everyone, concealing her indecorous thoughts with a smile. ‘Forgive my delay’, she said at last, as if addressing the full room, ‘I had to recover from a sudden indisposition before I could join the feast.’
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sunshineara5 · 5 years
HMverse WBJ
The half moon is hanging high above the dense forests of Northfield, while the sun sinks slowly below the ocean waves outside of Laconia. You are listening to The Static, 24 hour radio, so you may never be truly alone.
I hope that all of you are having a pleasant evening, morning, or midday in whatever time zone you currently find yourself. There is a lot going on right now and we thank you for taking the time or lack thereof to tune in.
This month, June of 2019, the station will be running an educational special on our world. We were inspired by the Thatcher Diversity Association’s push to help more people understand ways we can improve the generic and magical peoples relationships as well as allow the greater population to really grasp what it means to be magical. They have been working tirelessly: setting up Q & A panels, printing and dispersing pamphlets, as well as supporting local members of the community share their stories safely. You didn’t hear it from me, but they may be putting together a documentary with those stories, so keep an eye out.
We here at The Static thought that we too could help to make a greater impact by putting out a month-long special to increase understanding and awareness about our world. I will be going over topics each day taking you on a deep dive into some of the important facets that have shaped our world into what it is today and where these may take us forward.
To start off our special, I would like to give a warm welcome to our new listeners. It is a pleasure to have so many first time listeners on at one time, magical and generic alike. I  hope that you may find comfort in knowing that there are more of us out here. And a big shout out to our return listeners: Allie please do your homework, Stefan there is a page for you, and Phil remember, just take it one day at a time.
I am going to take this first day to do an overview. Paint a large, broad-stroke picture so that as we go into more detail all of the parts have a place. We exist within a world called the HMverse, an alternate Earth reality where the magical and the mundane walk side by side, but not as equals. The magical are frequently considered monsters and menaces by the generics - those without magical qualities. Mainstream articles and news reports are always coming out with the new thing that the magical community has done wrong, rarely stopping take a moment to consider the individuals inside of this community and how this portrayal negatively affects them.
Our world has a significantly larger population of visible generics. They run almost everything and have - and continue to make -  laws and rules and society structures that stand against the magical at every turn. Many magical people live in hiding, passing as a generic and never daring to tell a soul about who they really are. In the 2010 census it was reported that approximately 71.3% of the population identified as generic and the other 28.7% as some form of magical. I speculate that this is not an accurate number, stating this is a public census and many people would not want to identify as magical on a public record. I also suspect that the fey count is low due to their reclusiveness and that those afflicted by curses and permanent magical enchantments are not being counted as magical. I have reached out to the Black Jackets in hopes that they may be able to supplement some information or give a more accurate count. As of this time I have not received a response. So we will hopefully be saving that information for a later day when we can speak more on it.
Recently there has been huge strides in legislation and general outlook on the magical community. There are more news outlets that include magical voices and thoughts, even some that are managed and owned by openly magical people. Groups such as Thatcher’s Diversity Association have been instrumental to supporting the notion of acceptance and educating people about these matters. Magical actors and writers have been finding their way onto the big screen and in bookstores. Fashion brands have been supporting and showing off magical people. Hospitals and doctors have been learning how to accomodate for various magical people’s medical needs. Whole communities who are paving the way for a balance between the magical and the generics. It brings me so much joy to be able to witness these things and leaves me looking forward to what is next.
The majority of the narratives within the HMverse are about people, both magical and generic. If we were to put a genre to these people and their stories then we would cover almost every type of book, movie, and media. Ranging from slice of life and romance to action and mystery to comedy and drama, the lives of these people are wildly different while all being the same. Just some people who are trying to live their lives as best they can.
Here at The Static, we strive to help both the magical and the mundane realize that there are more of us than is known. That we should never have to fear being alone. We are running this special to help educate you and you and you and as many people as we can in the nuances so that everyone can have a larger and greater understanding of this world that we call our own.
My dear listeners, if you are ever feeling alone turn on the radio and we will be with you. This has been The Static, 24 hour radio, so you may never be truly alone.
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moongroove1 · 2 years
Zodiac Bracelets
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The particular lore and also appeal regarding Zodiac gem monuments and developer irons is a thing I've been considering over the once month or two, taking each and every Zodiac sign and also month latterly. There has been a lengthy tradition regarding assigning gem monuments to start and planetary impacts, and if you believe on this, it does make a nice style for giving birthday presents of jewellery incorporating the chosen monuments frequently in tableware chokers for women! Over the centuries, from the Ancient Greeks and Romans, to the USAn system of Ayurveda, certain monuments and gems were allowed to reflect the nature of any person or indeed creatures or shops born under the influence of a particular earth.
thus it's now the turn of the month of july, and the main sign, which is Aquarius. There are several monuments that are applicable then, including garnet, turquoise, amethyst, onyx, ruby, diamond and sapphire! That is a good selection! And of course, july 14th isSt. Valentine's Day so another reason to look for jewellery. Moon Groove's Shop, Moon Grove Goods Store, Moon Grove Goods, Spiritual Healing, Moon Groove, New Moon Groove, Laconia, Modern Spiritual Healing, Crystal Point Bath and Body Oil, Spring Crystal Wreaths, Equinox Dressing Candles.
Assorted Roller Oils, Smudge Sticks, Sage Spray
Amethyst is a veritably popular rock , hard and durable and therefore good in fashion jewellery. It's considered by crystal clear healers to change negative energy into positive energy. Ruby is associated with love, the red colour being likened to the heart. thus in recovery it's said to come connected with ails of the bloodstream, and major soldiers allowed that it would avoid injuries blood loss! Rubies are veritably well- liked in jewelry, being typically hard. It's also the marriage anniversary rock for that 15th as well as 40th numerous times of marriage-- hence' Ruby Wedding' for that ultimate. Dark red is the jewel of love. individualities lacking in tone- love must have and intervene around the Ruby. also, it gives the frippery to be topmost eventuality that the person offers.
Ruby works together with the blood rotation as an help to rotation. This aids the factual sanctification as well as junking of an infection or bacteria in the bloodstream. The Dark red may be put on in jewellery, but by no means close to the print voltaic supersystem, as the Dark red has a disquieting impact upon this.  Lip Balm, Bath Bombs, Zodiac Bracelets, Full Moon Ritual Spray, Bath soaks, Selenite wand with Palo Santo, Full Moon Ritual Box, New Moon Box, Salves 4oz, Lemon Balm Mustache Wax, Crystal addition salves, Salves 2oz, Lash and Eyebrow Serum, Beard Oil
To enjoy the ruby has been said to give satisfaction and serenity. Placed under the pillow the factual ruby might shield out bad dreams or agonies. Ruby bands should be put on on the left hand so as to get the life pressure and have safety. Given like a gift, the factual ruby is really a symbol associated with fellowship as well as love. The factual ruby can also be the image of vigor and royals a affable gravestone to retain! Garnet, being generally red, is assigned to fire, bloodstream and enthusiasm. So it constitutes a great adore commemorative.
Aqua blue has been considered to advise the factual wear and tear associated with peril or indeed illness through changing color. In the 13th century, aqua blue was considered to cover the factual wear and tear through falling, particularly from ranch faves . Turquoise can also be believed to give happiness as well as good fortune to any or all. It's asserted turquoise draws in mending mood, making it a premier mending gemstone. Believed to be any defensive natural gravestone, turquoise will be worn to shield against assault and incidents. Turquoise is a precious mascot regarding trippers .
tableware belongs to the quarta movement family, as also does clear quarta movement. It's an agate, simply with straight groups of shade. typically grayscale bands, though it also can be linked with white and red bands( Carnelian Silver) or brownish and white- colored bands( Sardonyx). This kind of banding makes tableware ideal for making bijous so is generally set up in brooches. The Romans regarded onyx the right amulet for soldiers, to make them daring in struggle! Onyx really should edge the particular head to make one modify bad habits. Just like other african american monuments, this is a grounding gravestone and will be used to redirect the particular negativity regarding others. tableware is the loved- bone 's birthday rock for your 7th yr of match, and african american onyx may be the anniversary gem for the Tenth marriage anniversary.
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danddclothing-blog · 3 years
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gemsofgreece · 2 years
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17 March 1821: The captains of the Maniot Greeks declare war against the Ottoman Empire. It is the official beginning of the War of Independence, even though it is celebrated on March 25th for symbolic reasons.
Photo by Elias Pergantis. 
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the-expanse-fashion · 3 years
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Admiral Duarte, The Expanse, Season 6, Episode 4
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ofprevioustimes · 4 years
@eritvita​ liked for a starter
At the heart of Laconia, citizens and foreigners gathered by the hundreds to attend the celebrations in honor of Artemis. The sky was as dark as the house of Hades. Small bonfires lightened the vast camps, turning the grass below into a vivid shade of yellow - the colors danced with the shadows imposed by the night which darkened everything else, relentless against a feeble moonlight. The feast was large and plentiful. All the Spartans at this point had sweat over their skins, queen included, after a fierce hunt in which many wild boars had been killed, now placed around the marble statue depicting the goddess.
Far from being the most welcoming land among the Hellas, the citizens of Lacedaemon were known to be wary and suspicious even of the closest neighbors who shared their mother tongue - the exception being reserved only for religious rites, like the present one. Walking smoothly between friends and strangers, Helen studied every unfamiliar face that appeared before her. In order to conceal the conspicuous features of the Spartan queen, she had her face covered by a veil, sharpening her eyes to get a better view through its translucent fabric.
The first to catch her attention had sparked that preternatural sense within her veins whenever she felt the presence of another who, like her, had something more than human blood under their skin. What that was, she couldn’t tell. With a mind focused on investigating this, Helen made her approach, inevitably regal in her haughty posture and firm steps despite the fact that she was hiding her identity. In that fashion, she took her seat beside the stranger, almost like a trap, before she finally lifted her veil. “Have you poured your libations?”, she demanded.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Expanse Season 5 Ending Explained
This article contains The Expanse spoilers.
The reunion of the Rocinante crew (minus one) and Avasarala’s return to power provided some measure of resolution in The Expanse season 5 finale, but even with season 6 being the final outing for the show, the story of the protomolecule is far from over. Showrunner Naren Shankar helped shed some light on those final moments, including the nature of Laconia and the status of several characters whose arcs are ongoing.
The Rogue Martians Bring the Protomolecule to Laconia
Let’s start at the end and work backwards. There was something dangerously familiar about the dark swirls that engulfed Sauveterre and Babbage as the Barkeith passed through the gate to Laconia.
“These are the things that Holden’s been concerned about from the very beginning of the season,” explains Shankar. “When he goes to Fred’s office, and he says, ‘I think there are entities inside the Ring. I think they destroyed the protomolecule builders. I think we’re waking them up.’ And at the end of the season, sure enough, the audience sees he’s right. They have been woken up! They are taking an interest in our world in a very dangerous way.”
That may mean the Barkeith disappeared from existence on its way through whatever dimensional warp the gates use, but plenty of other Martian defectors did make it to Laconia, a planet with significant Builder technology, including an orbital station.
“You’re not sure what is up there!” says Shankar. “You see a structure… the only reference point you have is what they discovered on Ilus back in season 4: that there are giant machines of some nature on these planets, that these are, to some extent, constructed planets built with the technology that built the Ring gates — the protomolecule technology.”
Read more
What Happened to the Barkeith in The Expanse Season 5 Finale?
By Kayti Burt and 1 other
The Expanse: The Complicated Legacy of Alex Kamal
By Michael Ahr
The Return of Cortazar
Cortazar, who has been the foremost expert in the protomolecule since The Expanse season 1, is talking about entering phase 3 construction, and it’s clear that the protomolecule sample for which the Martians traded their warships to Marco Inaros is a key element in activating the technology. Could we be looking at a Builder spaceship? And if so, what could the MCRN breakaway faction want with it? Although a minefield protects Laconia from anyone trying to pass through from Sol system, there’s nothing keeping the ex-Martians from returning with some serious firepower.
What’s Next For Drummer?
In the meantime, the fate of other characters might also benefit from some clarification. What of Drummer, for example, and the split within her family?
“She commits them to a course of action that essentially destroys the thing she was trying to preserve, and there’s no way around it,” Shankar says. “She does it for a perfectly believable, sympathetic, ethical reason: she’s not going to kill people that she cares about no matter who commands it. But it comes at tremendous cost. That absolutely has ramifications.”
Is Filip Beginning to See Marco’s Manipulations?
Filip seems to have come to a realization about his father as well in The Expanse season 5’s final moments in which he loads a gun and speaks nonchalantly about Marco’s plans.
“It’s an interesting moment, and it would probably support lots of different readings of it,” Shankar notes. “This is a soul who’s in turmoil, and he’s in a very confused and conflicted place: still bound to his father’s side, but maybe not as emotionally attached to his father as he once was. But also, where can he go? You’re sort of trapped in the house with your emotional abuser.”
The Rocinante’s New Crew Member
While some families fracture, others grow. The Rocinante crew may have lost Alex, but they gained Clarissa. “Amos wanted to keep her on the ship, and Holden said yes — or Amos said Holden said yes,” Shankar says, laughing. “These are two souls who have constantly resorted to violence to solve their problems. The difference between them is that Amos feels nothing when he does it, and Clarissa feels everything. She feels the weight of every terrible thing that she has done, and Amos I think senses that and is trying, to the extent that he can, to give her a path for getting through the world.”
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The Expanse season 5 finale is, in some ways, merely an intermission before the conflict continues in the sixth and final season. Marco is still a threat; the protomolecule and the Martians who have it are even more dangerous; and whatever lives in the Ring-space that killed the Builders is even more terrifying. With a series finale only ten episodes away, the stage is set for this epic space drama to conclude in explosive fashion.
The post The Expanse Season 5 Ending Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3tumjky
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New Mythology Verse!
{Queen of Targarya ; mythology}
Viserya was the daughter of a king named Etyles and his wife Vaella. Etyles ruled a small, independent island called Targarya off the coast of Laconia. Targarya was a beautiful and peaceful place. It was small but extremely wealthy due to many bountiful mines of precious stones and metals to trade; particularly rubies, silver, platinum, and gold.        
When she became of marrying age, Agagales, a disgraced noble from Sparta, tried hard for her hand for four years but was refused by her father at every approach, angering him. Agagales's fury and frustration reached a boiling point when he caught Viserya in bed with her father's servant Naemion. He charged into the throne room and told her father, but Etyles pretended to not believe him, shamed him, and then forcefully sent him back to Sparta. Agagales came back to Targarya months later under the pretense of an apology with an assassin disguised in his envoy as a servant. He gave many gifts to them, including the assassin in disguise, and after he had left Targarya the assassin went to work. He killed Etyles, Vaella, and Naemion as they slept and tried to kill Viserya as well. He was able to wound her twice with his blade, leaving a scar that ran diagonally from the top right of her rib cage almost to the center of her abdomen as well as another that ran vertically down the left of her hip onto the top of her thigh.        
Viserya, however, was able to survive using her wit. She led the assassin near her balcony and once he was close enough, she flung the curtains at him to tangle him up and pushed him over the railing. Distraught and disturbed by the event, Viserya spent a year recovering from her experience as well as adjusting to life as Targarya's new queen.        
Throughout that year, revenge was always on Viserya's mind. After biding her time for long enough, she stowed away to Sparta, putting her most trusted advisor in place as regent until her return. When night fell, in an intentionally similar fashion to how his assassin killed her parents, she found Agagales and slew him after making him confess to what he had done. Unlike Agagales, however, she left his family --his father, mother, 8 siblings, and his recently wedded wife-- unharmed and took his life with her own blade rather than that of an assassin. Viserya returned to Targarya thereafter and resumed her duty as queen with no one save her advisor knowing where she had gone and what she had done.
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